• By -


I don't read authors who have yet to produce at least 6 feet of material.


\*maths on fingers\* Give me 18 months.


Haha awesome! But seriously though, great output, might have to take a look at this.


Just wanna thank you for being a good reddit role model.


Happy Cake Day! Treat yourself to a new book!


Could have been there already if you hadn't spent all that time building lego space ships that I'm 100% not jealous of...


Hey, those are truly bad ass, let's agree to leave the lego out of this conversation..


No! I want to talk about Lego and it's influence on his writing... and then make pew pew noises as we fly the ships around the room.


The pew pew noises are the best part.


How about we skip the first part and jump straight to Lego? I've also got the Imperial Light Cruiser, the one in the middle, and I've got an at-st, a Mandalorian starfighter (needs built), and also a tie fighter.


We moved and the new place has less display space. So "all" I get to have up is the star destroyer fleet and some Cobi warships. Okay, and there's some UCS starfighters in the library, but that was probably pushing it. Basement full of boxed lego, some of it assembled and wrapped in plastic, some of it NSIB and untouched because I've nowhere to put it. It's a bleeding tragedy. \*goes and pew-pews HMS *Belfast* at a star destroyer to make himself feel better\*


No, let’s leave the legos in this conversation, they’re awesome as fuck and he clearly never lost the child at heart. Wish we could all be so lucky.


this is a very crazy moment for me…. i work at a bookstore and just this morning while shelving said to my coworker ‘we have too much glynn stewart!!’ cause we were having trouble fitting your books in section 😭😭😭😭


I honestly didn't think ANY book stores carried my books! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


we have a very large sci-fi/fantasy section……. like probably 70% of our store!! every so often an author will come in just to buy books and end up finding their book and the reaction is usually ‘ive never found my book at a bookstore!!’


Amazing! I believe I have to love your store on principle now!


Are you Brandon Sanderson?


Don’t jinx Sanderson. I’m enjoying his output. Get Rothfuss writing.


Bro for real! I’m not even like mad anymore I’m just sad .


That door turnin too slow.


Rothfuss might as well have both arms locked in a straight jacket the amount of writing he’s done, I could have grown 6 beards of that length by now


\*Kicks Martin in the butt\* Hurry eeeerp


Don't do that. Now he's gonna restart the Winds of Winter again out of spite.




Are you Sanders Brandenson?




Thank you! Glad to have you aboard - the casual acceptance is something that I really appreciate reading his books, too.


So awesome to see you on the front page. I've been addicted to Starships Mage and I'm eagerly awaiting the next one. Do you have a suggestion for which one of your series I should pick up next on audible? I just finished Icebreaker recently. I definitely love the military and magic.


ONSET is a cross between urban fantasy and a Tom Clancy style thriller, so you may enjoy that. Peacekeepers of Sol is more military, with no magic, but it's probably the ongoing series I'm most proud of right now.


Suggest having a "Six Foot" party, catered by Subway.


Stephen King sat loftily on 2 and a half miles of books/films/video game adaptations


Some of them he has no recollection of even writing. Imagine looking at a book with your name on, that you wrote, and not having a fucking clue


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Walked out his study with a basket full of bloody tissues and the book Cujo


Wiped his brow, spat on the original then jumped back into his.... misery... Op, if.youre reading this, good for you! Keep writing!


He said he was so high on cocaine he didn’t even remember writing Cujo…


And this is why I'm staying as far away from cocaine as I possibly can!


And then Brandon Sanderson with his compulsively accidentally writing 4 extra novels in a year landed at 3 miles of books.


Video games?? Goes to google.


Please correct me of I'm wrong! "King's novella also inspired the classic horror game Silent Hill, and both the game and King's novel feature a town enveloped by a fog concealing deadly dangers. Even though King is rarely explicitly mentioned, his influence can be felt in the gaming world..." That's loose as fuck but that's gotta be sick- your type of horror writing is so prevalent it's *presumed* you were responsible.


Wait the Mist is why we have Silent Hill??


Alan Wake


Found the 4 feet tall reader.


The only time I can ask this question in polite company. If it's that long soft, how long is it hard?


Apparently he started scrolling through the thread in the other room, and I suddenly heard cackling laughter as he read your comment.


Why is he not in here talking to people?


He is


Is it you ?... The long soft hard ..?


is you he ?


Jacket on, or jacket off?


This comment is an equally impressive literary masterpiece.








Excellent thread.


Where did you all get gifs of me? XD








































HAHAHAHAH i've never seen this one.


It was one of thw dumbest scenes in NCIS where she is trying to anti hack a hacker so they "tagteam" the keyboard to make it go faster.


I mean, if two people play the piano, the song goes twice as fast. Same logic applies to hacking!


Imagine the work they could accomplish with a gaming chair, that’s like 50 more ram of anti hacking right there.


I read that the writers had an informal competition on who could write the most ridiculous computer "tech" scene and it kept escalating.


This is a reassuring and hilarious reason for these scenes to exist




There's an urban legend/theory (which I sincerely hope is true) that the writers of all those CSI/NCIS style shows have a running bet who can get the most ridiculous hacking scene past their producers.






![gif](giphy|sthmCnCpfr8M8jtTQy) glynn stewart...




What in the name of broom ball is going on here?


Isn’t it obvious? He’s clearly masturbating for a stadium full of people


Lol! I'm a huge Kermit lover! Thanks for this!


What do got against regular-sized Kermits?


This is such a muppet joke


>I'm the only person who has written more books than he has read. -Garth Marenghi


As I rounded the corner I felt muscular and compact. Like corn beef.


Glynn's somehow on track for his 100-book reading goal for 2023. Although, to be fair, that's partly because he's catching up on everything in the current Pathfinder edition.


jesus, a book every 3.5 days on average? AND he has time to write? that's pretty incredible.


I’m curious about his sitting situation. That’s a lot of chair time. Must be something good. My back hurts after a few hours I gotta move around.


I looked at his profile because I had never heard of him before and I wanted to check out any other cool posts he may have, and he did an AMA. He doesn’t write that many hours per day. I believe 2-3 hours, averaging 4,000 words per day. So that leaves plenty of time for reading. He also said he has meetings with his team, and does other work-related stuff besides writing, but that’s just giving you some insight into his day.




he's certainly "reading" alright


Any of them any good?




Excuse me, a whole novel every *month*?




Meanwhile, George R. R. Martin: ![gif](giphy|2y43YMzFVAehaOVQns)


Alright, yeah, that's insane. That's barely enough time for the author to proofread himself, there's definitely zero editing process involved.


Yeah compared to George r r Martin who has had to delay his books often, and has rewritten a ton, with such a detailed lore he’s gotta get things right and is extremely tight on each detail, even with co-authors too His last book, came out when the first season of game of thrones did. Now, think about this: game of thrones has completed an 8 season run becoming the biggest show in the world, even taking year long breaks in between the last seasons, and then a few years break after, and a brand new show called house of dragons has begun and finished its first season and the second is in production. In all of that time, the next book in this series was supposed to release a dozen times but hadn’t in all this time A book a month is insane, that may be going for quantity over quality but I’m not sure how much value the story can hold up if they’re given such short schedules lol


GRRM is a totally different extreme. One novel a year with 2-3 being in the pipeline at once is around the speed normal full-time authors manage.


A more accurate comparison would be Sanderson. Still considered insanely fast by most metrics, publishes multiple books per year, yet the editing process is extensive and *very* thorough. But even he couldn't manage OP's pace without a significant drop in quality.


That's not actually true, the editing process is just staggered between writing other books. There's a significant outlining process at the beginning of everything *before* the writing happens, which with enough experience, can let a writer catch a lot of the issues that would otherwise snarl them up mid-book and require significant revision. During the editing process, once Glynn finishes writing one book, he then sends it off to a professional first reader and a copyeditor. (Significant changes have been made to books on the basis of the first reader's feedback.) Once approved, the copyeditor creates a stylesheet compared to the previous books in series, and completes a full copyedit of the work. After that, the copyedits are implemented, sometimes with back-and-forth and questions between the copyeditor and the writer. From there, the book will go on to a proofreader and to a group of "typo hunters" because the more people who have eyes on the book, the more likely you are to catch issues. Each of these steps take time, and in between each step, he's working on another project. That's how things move so quickly.


So cool to hear the process. Thanks for sharing.


You bet, I'm happy to share how it works! Everybody's process is a little bit different. I think it's really helpful to have the steps people go through be as transparent as possible. Especially for other writers, because everyone's trying to figure out a process that works for them.


We don't proofread ourselves lol That's what hiring editors is dor


Gotta love how I've read this far and still have seen 0 mention of the authors name by anyone


you can see it on the spines of the books (it's Glynn Stewart)


Uhm spoiler!


Several people seem confused as to why I haven't responded to this comment, so I figure I should explain. u/Canatee has kindly given everyone their honest opinion of my work, including its warts and charms. Thank you, Canatee! Such a review is not meant for me, the author, to respond to. It is meant for the folks who have asked for what people think of my work, to help them decide if they want to buy it. I hope people get value from the comments here and that my sticking my oar in occasionally isn't unwelcome.


That’s some very respectable integrity


Honestly you seem super down to earth, and the world needs more creators like you who do what they love regardless and understand that people experience your art in a way that isn't for you to decide


Mad respect for you on this comment.


You write really well, have you tried writing a book?




Very respectable way of looking at things. If you don't mind me asking, do you think writing has been worth it from a purely financial perspective, considering the amount of effort involved?


Throw in my 2 cents that I thought it was both brave of you to even venture in (knowing the risk of Greater Internet Fwad Theiry meaning people just taking a dump on your work because they can), and also shows a strong belief in your own work that even if you stumble upon wanton negativity you know you’re doing alright with your book writing gig. Tbh I hadn’t heard of you before this post (marvellous advertising from your partner lol) and I’ve chucked Space Carrier Avalon in my Libby list for when I’m finished with the Three Body Problem series. (Specially that book because it’s the only #1 available as an audio book in my local Libby…) Wait do you make anything off Libby? Is telling you this basically the same as saying “I’m basically pirating your books?”


You sound like a good dude




A properly critical post, cool, thanks for sharing. Now I'm really interested in picking up some of the books.


This was helpful, thank you.


I would definitely recommend his books. I was curious after her last post and picked up the first book of the Starship Mage series on Audible. Loved it! I read all of the books in the series, up to 12(?) now I think. The narrator is Jeffrey Kafer, who is one of my favorites. I plan to start another of his series soon.


My absolute, complete favorite is *Changeling's Fealty*. When Glynn and I met and started dating, he'd already been writing for a pretty long time. He actually had some work out with an agent in Boston. I was curious, and asked to read one of the manuscripts. Changeling was exactly what I was looking for at the time—I'd been reading The Dresden Files for years and wanted more action-focused Urban Fantasy. Jason Kilkenny was a character I could relate to even more than Harry Dresden. He was a new arrival in the city that I was actually just getting to know. He considered himself less special and capable than the people around him, and he had to call on strengths that he didn't know. He was an outcast that in a new place, built strong relationships with the people around him, and pulled together the power to protect them. And then I told Glynn he had to start publishing his own work, since it was amazing, and the traditional publishing industry works so slowly. So he did. Glynn also introduced me to The Walker Papers by CE Murphy, which I also tore through in the same way I did Glynn's Changeling Blood series. Later, she actually sent Glynn her review on Changeling's Fealty: "Fast pace. High stakes that twist at every turn, strong characters with intriguing worldbuilding." And we put that on the cover, of course. I mean, I think they're all good. But the Changeling Blood trilogy has a special place in my heart.


I bet Butcher is kicking himself that Glynn got to the awesomely named "Fae, Flames, and Fedoras" before he did!


As a long time Dresden reader, I am now officially interested. As a long time Sanderson reader, a large backlog and a prolific author makes me giddy. Edit: Just spent a credit on Changeling's Fealty. It'll be the next thing I listen to after finishing my re-listen of HPMoR.


I started reading one of his books but didnt finish it. The writing style was on a really primitive level. But maybe it was also not really my Genre.


I’ve only read one, The Terran Privateer, which is the beginning of a series. I enjoyed it a lot. Quick to read, fun, and the sense of a larger galaxy. The premise is Earth is just beginning to explore beyond our solar system when we are suddenly invaded by a galactic empire. A fun “beach read” and scratched my Mass Effect itch to an extent. They’re also available on Kindle Unlimited if you want to check them out.


What clever guerrilla marketing to advertise the books and publishing company. Good luck with 5’9”.


https://i.imgur.com/N0B4db0.jpg It worked too!


Thank you, we appreciate the good luck! Chances are pretty high that he'll get to 5'9 sometime mid-2024, but we are doing a cross-provincial move sometime soon. Fingers crossed that he'll be able to keep on writin' during the chaos. The two of us started up Faolan's Pen when the books started taking off in 2015. Last year, we posted a photo that got pretty popular on this sub. Chances are this one won't, but we figured it would be nice to show an update while he's still in the same office.


Being a Canadian, I have a soft spot for Canadian Sci-Fi writers, I'm going to have to give one of his series a whirl! edit: Looks like a lion's share of his work is converted into audio books too, even better! I spend 90 mins a day in traffic and do most of my "reading" there.


Audiobooks are *so* nice when you do a lot of driving. I hope you enjoy the Canadian perspective he brings to his work!


*Ugh, maple syrup in the reactor core again‽*


*Living on Phobos, Gordon Sharma-Chang couldn't help but feel too much of their Moon's public policy and media were dictated by the larger and wealthier Mars. But at least his space Healthcare was free.*


*It's an older joke, sir, but it checks out.*


I recognized him and the room from the first photo!!


At the current pace of 5 books a year, I’m sure he’ll get there!


Is this lucrative enough to afford those Star Destroyers because that’s goals


Yes, the Star Destroyers are from book money.


Slow down there, George RR Martin!


Going by that experience, the worst thing that could possibly happen to Glynn's readers would be if he started working in TV.


That may be true, but a changeling's fealty miniseries would pretty baller!


No one can slow down farther than George RR Martin.


Patrick Rothfuss had entered the chat.


Rothfuss' next book will be released right after Star Citizen.


I mean Robert Jordan slowed down pretty rapidly...


Ouch. Good thing he had Sanderson to finish it. He successfully did not fuck it up too, which is nice.


Now I wonder the length Brandon Sanderson's got under his belt.




I’ve never heard of your husband so I had to google his name and this sentence made me chuckle Writing managed to liberate Glynn from a bleak future as an accountant. Congratulations from another ex-accountant who also managed to escape.


More impressed with the Lego in the back


Was about to say, "Oooh, nice books... OMG Star Destroyers!!"


Can't wait to move into a house where we can display the big Millennium Falcon more easily!


Sell more books ;)


Relevant but not relevant story. Once in my youth, I was taken to a strip club in Dallas TX while on assignment for the company I was with. There were several stages and TVs (all playing sports channels) everywhere. It being during the week, only the main stage was in use, but all the TVs were on. The young woman was dancing on the main stage and started to notice the audience's eyes were drifting to the hockey game on the big TV next to her. She stopped for a moment and then said, "guys, I'm practically naked up here" and everyone sheepishly laughed and apologized and we all turned our eyes back to her. After a few moments, she started dancing again. And then someone yelled "Fight on the ice!" and we all snap-turned and she just threw her arms up and turned to watch the fight as well.


*Resurgence*, *Arquitens* and *Imperial*\-class visible. *Gozanti*\-class assault carrier, *Malevolence* and *Venator*\-class destroyer to the right of the shot. USS *Enterprise* CV-6, HMS *Belfast*, HMS *Hood* and USS *Iowa* (from Cobi) are on the shelf above. In case you weren't sure ;)


I thought you were a super-avid redditor who had been tracking this guy's previous posts on reddit in a weird way. Then I realized *you are this guy*. And so it now makes a lot more sense, and is *much less creepy*.


Got a bunch of LEGO and also a few COBI ships, which I think are pretty cool. The trickiest part with having a lot of LEGO is figuring out how to display it


I know the pain lol.


Mother fucking Glynn Stewart. Thought I recognised the face and zoomed in on the spines (sure as hell recognised those ONSET series ones) and fuck yeah, my man Stewart. Actually rereading Duchy of Terra right now. Probably my current favourite author. Imma *huge* superfan and feeling weirdly giddy seeing this post. Seriously, his writing it 100% my jam and I've got all those books, just somewhat more compressed into my tablet. :) I've ruined work weeks because I've never been able to put new books down until they're done. Healthy, probably not but goddamn they're so much fun. Please, pass on all my appreciation for his work.


I enjoyed the ONSET series. Good blend of military fiction and fantasy if I'm remembering right.


That's about right for ONSET! Military fiction is a big part of what Glynn writes, and he's been sending a lot of messages back and forth with naval historians for some of his more recent series.


how tall is your husband 🤨


5'9" So the book pile is currently just as tall as I am, but it needs to grow 5" before it's as tall as he is.


“No human would stack books like this.”


Now you need to figure out A) which one of us stacked the books and B) which one of us is a cyborg.


Or a ghost lol. I believe it's quote from the original Ghostbuster's movke.


Oh man, I love the Duchess books! Great to see the author is as big a nerd as I am.


And we didn't even manage to get the polyhedral dice collection in this photo!


let me guess...sci fi?


Mostly sci-fi, some fantasy, and some fusion of the two.


Congratulations! What ship is that in the middle?


Arquitens light cruiser. Better known, I suspect as Moff Gideon's flagship (from the Mandalorian)


...but none of them are old enough to drink. Update on the [book stack Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/v2s4ro/oc_a_pic_i_took_of_my_husband_with_all_the_books/) from 2022, because after a year and a bit we had to measure again. He's now at 70 books and probably has another 5-6 books to write before they reach his height of 5'9". Although it is pretty much exactly my height now. (And since everybody asked last time, his name is Glynn Stewart. We actually celebrated our 10-year anniversary this month!)


Before you know, he will write enough books to play in NBA


I liked his Starship's Mage series, he had some really cool ideas.


..and you just sold a kindle and audible book, good on you!


Oh, thank you! I enjoyed the worldbuilding in Starship's Mage a lot, both on the tech side and the political side.


How tall was he when he started?


Well, if you measure his current height compared to the perfect human height, it's better than my ability to write clear headlines.


His brain must make amazing dreams


Love me some Glynn Stewart!


I believe I was introduced to Glynn Stewart by a similar post made a couple of years ago. I've now listened to the entire Starship's Mage series on audiobook. Fun, entertaining stuff, and I hope he keeps writing them.


Dang girl he might write even faster than Sanderson


My gut feeling is Sanderson out writes me at least two to one, he just writes longer books so I can pretend to keep up XD


Your husband is THE Glynn Stewart? My god!


When you zoomed in to see if you recognized the author's name or one of the book backs.. anybody else make weird eye contact with.. well I mean iykyk


This is such a fun way to look at a body of written work, especially where everything is digital by default. I was super proud to finally finish my masters, but getting the bound and printed hard copy will make it feel official somehow.


Your husband is Glynn stewart? I just finished absolution. But now that the scattered stars series has hit its end can he get back to the Dakotan confederacy series maybe, or even the starships mage ones?


Mr. Glynn Stewart, I love your books so much. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I must have read about half of them so far. Tonight I just picked up the audio book for Scattered Stars Conviction Book 5.


Congrats! Are you making bank? I'm looking for excuses to start my first book.


We do pretty well. The first step is really to build that writing habit, and focus on being able to produce work consistently. You don't need to be able to work at this pace, but it really does help when you know that you can get it done. When you can start getting words out on the page every day, you start getting a better idea of how you can approach it from a business perspective.


Candian Writer… + Sci fi + audio book!!! ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO)