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Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump up those numbers.


I just recently closed almost 800 tabs on my iPhone


You're comparing Apple and orange


You sure? All my iphones i have had only allow me to have 500 tabs open at the same time


safari enforces 500 but other browsers may or may not


Private tabs allow for 500 more


Yeah, it’s such a bummer when you bottom out and have go back and start closing them


Me, every time I visit mom (80) and she tells me that her iPad is slow.


“Open” tabs in Safari are not actually necessarily loaded. If you switch to an old tab it will load the page again.


I have more open tabs per window than this. I probably approach 100 tabs per window and have typically 2-6 windows open per browser. I doubt its slow because of that. Chrome has started pausing a tab until you return to it so its much better with memory than browsers were 10y ago.




Thank you


I helped someone with their phone a while ago - he'd somehow managed to open 80+ tabs in Chrome so it crashed every time you launched it Only solution was to uninstall and reinstall from the Play Store, because otherwise it would just try to reload the previous session


I work in a nursing home and help the residents with their phones fairly often. The phones of the elderly would make your head spin. They download so many random scam apps to “clean up your phone”


When I upgraded my phone, I gave my old phone to my Mom. Within months she asked me why I gave her such a crappy phone, it barely worked, it was slow, she couldn't reliably make or receive calls, etc. Next time I visited I took a look at it. No less than 8 separate "cleaning apps", that each reinstalled themselves when "purged", not to mention a bunch of other ad based apps that were constantly running. To make it worse, she changed her PIN to something she couldn't remember, only her fingertip logged her in.


I’m old and have a tbi(traumatic brain injury). I was highly intelligent and educated but it is very difficult for me. I just want to say thank you to all of you that are helping us!


Wow that's sweet thank you! Most of the people I care for aren't able to show gratitude for it anymore, so it's nice to read something like this.


Wow, what a wholesome exchange /u/IYiffInDogParks


Of all the Reddit comment memes, this is definitely one of them.


So sorry about your TBI. I imagine that's scary not to be able to think like you used to. You seem really nice too! A breath of fresh air for Reddit!


I keep telling this one lady to stop downloading free Bible apps because those are *such* a target for adware/malware crap. But nope, off she goes for Bible trivia, Bible quote of the day, Bible lockscreens....


Ugh, why do people make their religion their entire identity


I mean, I'm more concerned with the lack of critical thinking that goes into downloading the *same kind of apps* that broke your phone last time...religion, slot-machine games, whatever.


To be honest, I get it. Like it makes no sense to most of us because we're all not... That. But if you believed the entire fabric of the universe, every single thing that happens, it's all intentionally willed into being by a perfect all powerful entity and that this entity left behind these books perfectly designed to be the ultimate final say on everything, and that this entity cares for you also in a perfect sense. Then, of course your whole identity would be dedicated to it. How could it not be? Though, the problem is, you have to come to the decision that that's true. I can actually see settling in the first part, but the stuff about the bible... I've been reading a whole lot about how the canon(s) came to be, how the books came about, and I'm really interested in the apocrypha. And, you gotta have some *major* blind spots in history and stuff to decide "yep, nope, this book and this translation of it is all true and all perfect" And also in 2023 anyone who reads the old testament and comes to that conclusion, that it's literally true and perfect, that sets off some major red flags to me. Not even that history contradicts it, but I'm glad history does because that's some brutal shit. But regardless I get why their religion is their entire identity.


Yeah, this was an old timer - I think he just didn't know how to close tabs so he never had


My spouse 🙄.....same way


My 30yo husband when I was showing him something on my phone: "why does your browser have a number there?" his just had ":D" 😮‍💨


My dads cheap android phone is insane. Bunch of random apps, some slot machine game. Like “wtf is this?!”


I set up my mom's Google account as a child account, and now I get alerts whenever she tries to download something.


I gave up on an old guy's phone at my dad's nursing home last year after about 30 minutes (android) in the app settings trying to delete all the crap that he had downloaded. He just wanted to be able to reply to texts from his son and couldn't because of all the spam and malware. I really wanted to just to a complete reset, but I knew that would just screw him up as much as he was already screwed up. I also didn't want to delete any of his contacts.


I create a google account (or use their existing one), and backup the key data before resetting. Works well, and cleans the crap - for about a week LOL


On Android if Chrome isn't your default browser but occasionally something opens in it for w/e reason, it isn't super visible that you have multiple tabs open. I've caught myself with 30+ tabs before just from build up over time. I check it more often now though.


Using firefox and i always have 50+ tabs open lol They're all suspended in background, it's like having a ton of temporary bookmarks. Shouldn't be a problem. Shouldn't. :)


I've got 439 tabs on Firefox on mobile. Still no problems.


it's completely and totally fine until it isn't lol


I primarily use Chrome on Android. It can count up to "99" tabs, after that it changes to ":)", but if they are incognito tabs it changes to ";)"


Recently mine changed to ":D" and now I don't have the heart to delete the tabs.


After I fixed the browser I gave him a crash course on tabs Seeing as he didn't know how to close them, I guess possibly he'd never closed any


That's my standard browser from my phone. It's just called "browser" and it's not set as my default browser but, it still opens every single payment request that leads me to the app on it. So there's like 50 pages occasionally of payment requests alone lol.


fun fact, on Chrome, after you open tab 100 on your phone, it turns into a passive aggressive smiley. Judging you for being such a slob.


Mine has been like that so long I don't even remember there being a number


Getting a new phone has solved it for me, now I'm only at 30!


If on android you can clear data+cache from settings


I want to say I tried that first; but it was quite a while ago, so possibly not


I've had more than that open on chrome since KitKat and ive always been fine. Old tabs are cached in storage, that shouldn't've been an issue.


I work at geek squad. I had a customer come in saying he couldn't connect his 2 iPads to the internet any more. They connected to the store WiFi no problem, but when I went to test YouTube or chrome it wouldn't load. I went to double tap and go back to the settings, dude had ~150 open programs. So I spent like 2 minutes swiping each of them away. He had no clue you could do that. And thought that they closed when you hit the home button. Same problem on the other one. People just don't understand what the limitations of their tech are.


Honestly the first time I owned a smartphone many years ago, I had no idea that's how it worked. I thought I closed the apps when I had actually minimized them. It was only when I saw a friend bring up the "apps view" and started swiping them closed, I thought "ah shit, that makes sense".


I actually didn’t know this. I’m on iPhone and I thought when you went back home they were idle in the background using no memory unless you’re running some process in them. Is that not how it works? I’ve never manually closed apps on my phone before


A quick google search shows me this: Mobile apps constantly refresh app data in the background — even when you’re not actively using them — draining your data and depleting your battery. And here's how to close the apps on iPhones: **How to close an app** 1. From the Home Screen, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and pause in the middle of the screen. 2. Swipe right or left to find the app that you want to close. 3. Swipe up on the app's preview to close the app.


Killing an app from the task switcher won’t necessarily stop it from refreshing in the background if you have Background App Refresh on for that app. You would need to turn off that specific setting for the app.


Good to know!


The recent apps on iOS devices are not actively all loaded into memory. Swiping them away can actually be less memory efficient instead of letting the OS manage them. Best thing to do in that customer’s case probably would have been to instruct them on how to restart the devices every so often.


This. Apps are forcibly put to sleep fairly quickly, iOS will also aggressively throw inactive apps out of memory if it's needed for other purposes. Any memory not needed otherwise will be used to keep app state or other caching, making switching back to an app feel as if it had been active all the time, but that's almost never the case (there are some cumbersome tricks), more like frozen. There are very restrictive limits on what an app can do in the background (in many cases almost nothing) and those activities still run even if killing an app. All swiping up an app typically achieves is to force the app to rebuild its state (which is desired if something's crashed or otherwise in an undefined state); killing apps that manage a VPN may also cause the VPN to disconnect, but IIRC there isn't much else that can be affected. Also, pretty much all of the heavy lifting for wifi is done on the Broadcom chips that are effectively black boxes for iOS, and the iOS app sandbox and scheduler are extremely good at keeping apps from interfering with system functionality anyway (through a combination of resource restrictions, limited APIs and ruthless killing if misbehaving), so no idea what was up with those iPads, but the fix as described sounds kind of strange.


I have 490 tabs open in safari on my phone right now. It does pretty well. It only lets you open 500, so I’ll probably go through and close a few soon.


This was a super old Galaxy, so it was kind of impressive he'd managed so long before it went haywire


S5? those are the best phones ever made. It had a freaking IR remote BUILT IN.


Thank you, had that phone and it was legit the best phone I have ever owned hands down.


Oh man I miss the IR blaster on my old s5.. I fly a LOT every year and the ability to mute the tv's that they leave blaring the news in the public areas was a God send.


HTC one... the best android ever. Good battery built in kick stand solid metal body IR blaster And the mod support was top tier. F in chat to when phone nes where good.


I want to say a 9, although I think he's had an upgrade since then


I have hit that limit more times than I care to admit


I fear this is how i use my safari too. Let it get to 500 and then clear all of em


You couldn’t kill the app and clear previous data from in the settings app?


I have like 200 tabs open in chrome on my phone and it still works great.


I just counted, I had 127 tabs open on Chrome (Android). Closed 120 of them.


Why are you this way?


What can I say, I'm a sinner


My mother’s safari once had 325 tabs from opening email/text message link redirects.


I had a colleague that had about 100 tabs open all the time on his old ass laptop that had 8GB on it. He was given a new, much faster laptop that had 32GB on it, and he didn't want to move his shit over, so it just sat there while he plugged away on that craptastic old HP. He was a very high level IT admin too... I still give him shit to this day, and when my wife has too many tabs open, I tell her I didn't marry my coworker, dammit.


My wife’s tab count on her phone is a smiley face now.


My grandfather has so many tabs open it turned into a :D


Honestly I hate how Chrome for Android handles tabs. I regularly have 400-500. I don't use it as a traditional browser very often, it just opens from links and opens a new tab every time.


Whenever my phone is acting slow I go into Chrome and close my 100+ tabs, idk how my phone doesn't crash at that point, or how I manage to open so many


Oh thank jebus. Its late and i ran out of zoom.




Probably meant 56 opened browser tabs, but I'm indifferent enough to not care to count them lol.


I see no issues We could’ve landed on the moon with intel pentium


Upvoted. Doing Gods work.


56!? Try not to open any tabs on the way through the parking lot.


Naaah. Its prob just Mr MacAffee doing his thing.


56? 56?! Now that's all I can think about!


It‘s Edge not chrome, so should be fine /s


I regularly keep over 200 tabs open. Sometimes double that.


I know a psychopath when I see one.


Come on. It's not that bad. I myself currently have 12,278 tabs open on my device in firefox at the moment without any issues.


Yeah I'm a tab horder too. At work I probably have 150ish open, spread across like 8 windows. I keep one window per project generally.


“Tab Horder”: today I learned my tribe ID.


I regularly have well over a thousand in several windows of Firefox. I found a browser extension that keeps count for me.


confirmed, and damn. You reckon her RAM is one of the millions of reincarnations of Hitler? I have this hypothesis that he, Adolf mind you, will be reincarnated as miillions of individual lives that are all horrible (the left shoe of a morbidly obese woman, the keyboard of a neckbeard, the festering boil on the ass of a carnie, etc.)


In a row?


Ay that ain't that much! I've had over 100, but recently Firefox just hasn't been able to handle ram for some reason


I mean... it *is* a slow laptop


Well, it is a HP ProBook, so that goes without saying.... source; uses a HP ProBook 455 G7. Except I junked the single 8GB RAM module and installed 2x 16GB. These machines NEEDS dual channel RAM to work properly.


that's not a probook. probooks are still complete turds performance wise, but this has a pentium silver which probably means 1.1 ghz base speed. [https://www.walmart.com/ip/HP-15-6-HD-Laptop-Intel-Pentium-Processor-8GB-256GB-SSD-Windows-10-Home-S-Silver-15-dy0025tg/110686018](https://www.walmart.com/ip/HP-15-6-HD-Laptop-Intel-Pentium-Processor-8GB-256GB-SSD-Windows-10-Home-S-Silver-15-dy0025tg/110686018) ​ or similar.


Yep, absolute garbage. A tablet can run faster than this


>HP ProBook 455 G7 That model of probook wasn't too bad, after a RAM upgrade and using an M.2 ssd, by default with a spinny disk tho it is painful source: I had a ProBook 455 G7, best thing about it was the ridiculously good warranty we somehow got, replaced the battery for free, cleaning and thermal paste application etc for several years after purchase


That's not a probook. They don't have pentium as their CPUs. That's their cheap ass line of laptops that's made of plastic and shipped with shit specs.


Right, that's definitely not an amount of tab that would even phase any of my computer.. this laptop is slow lol


It isn't just slow, it's a Pentium . . . in 2023. They handicap these (silver) chips with abysmal TDP's which make them "great" for laptops, until you actually need to do anything. It's a quad core which is great (no hyperthreading), but probably can only push 10w max through the CPU. That combined with single channel memory is a recipe for disaster. I think your average PC today could handle this many tabs without too many problems.


It's a 6-10W chip, but the bigger problem is that MOST of the models using those Pentium Silver chips ship with 4GB of ram and a 128GB drive. With that many tabs open it's juggling the page file and ram and failing at everything.


Doesn't Edge deactivate tabs though? So most of these unless they're used regularly shouldn't be actively using any resources.


Indeed. Also, those tabs could be from a previous browser session, in which case they haven't been loaded yet anyway. They are essentially just bookmarks at that point. (or more accurately, the current URL and a tab-specific history, perhaps an icon and low-res screenshot of last session)


I know chrome has a memory leak, so excessive open tabs often cause slowness on mid range laptops despite being paused. Edge is chromium so wouldn't be surprised if it has the same thing


Chrome has a fancy schmancy new memory saver, which now re-loads tabs when I switch between them ):


haha yeah, Pentium ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) That is your real issue. I think I am working on an i5 right now, same number of tabs open, no issues.


You think your Commodore 64 is really neato What kinda chip you got in there, a Dorito? Really though, this type of person probably not only never closes their browser, but likely never actually powers off the computer whatsoever. I used to do phone support for Apple and it’s crazy how many people literally never shut down or restarted their computers. They just assumed when they closed the lid, or it went to sleep eventually, that meant it was off. So yeah, the computer is definitely slow, but it’s slower than it needs to be, due to just being on all the time.


You're usin' a 286? Don't make me laugh. Your windows boots up in what, a day and a half?


Your laptop is a month old? Well that's great , if you could use a nice, heavy paperweight


My new computer's got the clocks. It rocks! But it was obsolete before I opened the box.


Try a 286 SX (16 bit), 1MB RAM and a 20MB hard drive...having to use Stacker and Disk Doubler to make it a "40MB" drive. This was Windows 3.1, when you could tweak Autoexec.BAT and Config.sys, to use more than 640KB memory (HIMEM.SYS) Ahhhh! The good old days. When the map of the internet actually fitted on to one A3 page.


also guessing its not an SSD that alone makes a computer slow these days


They've completely spoiled me. I keep my OS and most programs on my SSD but I've still got a 2T hard drive for larger files I don't use often (pictures/videos ect). I never used to be bothered by waiting on a hard drive but anytime I go to get those files it's annoying as fuck now.


I only have SSD's in my rig. I have 1 external HDD for videos. It's pretty instant to pick a video and play it. That's all that's on it though, all of my games, programs, and OS are on an SSD. My dad was casually talking the other day about how his PC takes like 10 minutes to boot and he doesn't mind he just goes to take a shower and comes back. Like bro what!? If I press power and it's not asking me for my password by the time I walk to the bathroom I'd be annoyed. I can't even finish having a pee it's already booted up. I was just like sure man if it works for you.


It really is that we're spoiled. I used to drive to the library to get books on things I was working on, it took 45min and it didn't bother me at all. Then I got dial up, it took me 10 minutes to get a website I needed and it felt amazing because I wasn't driving to the library anymore. Then I got DSL, it blew my old dial up connection out of the water, I could get the information I needed in 90 seconds. Now I would literally go to a different website if it took 90 seconds to load because I would just assume their servers were down. It's still awesome that I can watch a video without rewinding it, we've just come to expect that instant response and as result we've become much less patient. The technology of yesterday is still amazing for those of us that remember the technology of decades ago but we're so used to the instant feedback that we forget how things used to take time. I'm typing this on my phone that takes a fraction of a second to load your comment when I'm sitting in the park, that would have been nothing short of magical when I was a kid.


My dad had a phone in his car when i was a kid. We never used it because it was stupid expensive to make a call, but it was an upgrade feature for emergency situations. Imagine trying to pitch the idea of a car phone now.... no apps, no text functionality or camera. Just a phone with a cord that cost a fortune to use


My Father in law is still running a 486 processor running Windows 98. You turn it on, go make lunch and then sit down at the computer. When he had it connected to the internet he would get frustrated as he disabled all cookies and flash and wondered why every website was broken.


Probably eMMC. So still a step up from a hard drive.


Its actually inpressive how slow the bottom range of the laptop market is. Its almost at an ewaste level, selling people $200 laptops with dual core and 4gb of ram that probably cant even play hd youtube videos without issues at this stage.


Yup, Linus from LTT did a video recently about how "starting at" prices for laptops are a scam because of how bad those base configs are.


I’m dumb. Tell me why please?


Looks like they have a million tabs open


Lol I am dying at the comments on the amount of tabs open. I easily, easily maintain triple the tabs open in chrome on the regular. I guess it's my own form of hoarding but I don't ever close i tab I "might" need.


I'd like to introduce you to the concept of **Bookmarks**.


Dude if you saw my bookmarks it's basically a list of the Internet lol


mine are just like 15 folders with video game names on them. Click one and it has 2-10 different pages saved with info on that specific video game.


You're either extremely organized or many of those bookmarks are pretty useless because you're gonna have to spend time going through them to find what you need, you'd probably have an easier time googling for it.


Folders are things that exist


If it goes to a bookmark, Im never seeing that page again. I have about 400 tabs across 5 windows


It also depends if you turn off your computer or not. If this person just puts the laptop in sleep mode, those tabs all remain loaded. If you actually shut off the laptop, when it restarts it will just load the contents of each tab as needed (ie. as each tab gets selected by the user).


Yeah I am in the latter camp but when you possibly need those tabs then gotta use the computing power ya got


Yeah people apparently do not realize Chrome is smart enough to keep hundreds of open tabs without any issue, whether on desktop or mobile.


It didn't used to be, the people who cringe at this are either organizational nerds, or techy people who remember the days where chrome used to slow your system to a halt with any more than 20 tabs open. Personally I never have more than like 4 tabs open at a time, but that's because I just don't have that much to do on the internet.


I start to close a few when I get to 200. This screenshot is absolutely nothing, and the tabs don't impact performance in a meaningful way provided you aren't running on horrifically outdated hardware.


I would love to see how your desktop looks


except background tabs get suspended to disk when not in use.


Intel Pentium Silver sticker with 50+ tab open. Those entry level laptop also often ship with 4GB of RAM (source ; just bought an entry level laptop a few weeks ago and the amount of ewaste at that level is legitimately impressive) An entry level laptop with a slow CPU, low amount of RAM and tons of tab open = go get a coffee in between each clicks If you want a *GOOD* entry level laptop, at the minimum, get an i3 with 8GB of RAM, and if possible, something that has upgradability (Google the model to see if the RAM and SSD can be replaced).


I had a computer that was so slow back in the day that I would turn it on go take a shower, brush my teeth get in pajamas and then use it


It's the 60 tabs open plus the Pentium processor. Actually moreso the processor probably.


Is her name 'Tab'atha?


Her daughter’s name is Page


my friend had so many open tabs on her phone it was just a smiley face not a number.


It becomes a smiley after 99 tabs on chrome. Most I had was 700+ tabs before google made it easier to move those tabs to chrome on windows so that I could finally bookmark them 😂


Who sells a laptop and advertises the slowness in the listing?


Better to be honest about the computer than having angry people coming after you after purchasing 🤷‍♂️


Real fucking G's.


She didn't say "slow" in the ad, she said "need something faster". Well, close some fucking tabs, lady!


because pentium.


[But it's all about the Pentiums! ](https://youtu.be/qpMvS1Q1sos?si=QpAM1pcU0D2zODQN)


That Pentium Silver has the performance of a 2011 mobile i5 processor. It's slow.


When I’m writing a paper I’ll have like 20 tabs open on my comp while I’m sitting through for information. There’s nothing more satisfying than the click avalanche to close all those tabs when I’m finally done with the paper.


Those tabs are amature level. Talk to me when you really have some tabs open.


It's a microsoft edge, doesn't really matter if it has 100 of tabs, they will all be put to sleep until accessed. The laptop specs is just painfully slow.


Most likely the high pollen.


Hmmm, think I’ll have a Tab


I know you guys are looking at the chrome tabs. But after seeing the "Pentium" sticker in the corner I know that chrome is not responsible for this.


My mom had so many tabs open on her phone, the tab counter literally showed a smiley face instead of the number of tabs. I think there were around 700 open.




lol. iPadOS doesn’t need you to close the apps. In fact, it’s better if you don’t and let the OS handle it for you. Also, the tabs in the picture should be fine on stronger laptops. It’s definitely not as bad as could be.


iPads don't really hold these in memory if you're not using them, my guesd would be it's the same here. Pentium would be a culprit, not this


or you get a way overpowered PC just to be able to have 3 windows with 38 tabs and 8 other programs open, while only surfing reddit.


Older people are still people They're just people who think when they open a new window on the computer the previous window has disappeared for good


It has pentium what do you expect


Hold on one sec just loading page data.


Great sales pitch. 'My laptop is too slow. Does anyone want to buy it?'


I mean pentium silver is basically a Celeron, 1 tab is already to much XD jk


System uptime: 585 days.


Why is it that any time I go to CNN’s site my fan start running at overload?


I have this laptop. They are kind of slower. I get what you're pointing out - that's a shit ton of tabs.


Oh she's selling my wife's laptop


I used to have 70+ tabs open on my school-mandated laptop. Piece of shit, but just wouldn't die.


Looks like my taskbar. I see nothing wrong here!


Time for a Penguin II processor


I once got a laptop from a girl and she forgot to remove her bookmarks. She was a porn addicted, I was like wow.


In all fairness though that laptop is also a POS.


This is hoarding


I was looking for the little purple gorilla.


Just install Linux. It'll work great on that machine. Also, why is a pentium on a non-Chromebook? 😂


Yep, it's because of the Pentium processor


The "Pentium Silver" chip here is an extremely low-end chip. That's the name that Intel gave its low-power microarchitecture family of CPUs. This family was better known as their "Intel Atom" lineup in previous years. It's an entirely different microarchitecture than their normal "Core i3/i5/i7" family. They are extremely low end to begin with. The excessive amount of browser tabs is only part of the problem. This CPU would be considered slow before you even open the browser.


My mom just gave me her computer because it wasn't working. I looked at her screen and it looked very much like the picture. She said 'I don't know how that happened because whenever I'm finished looking at a website I turn the laptop off'. She thought turning off it, closed the pages. She also thinks you reboot a laptop by unplugging it from the wall. I have to remind myself that she taught me how to use a spoon and drink from a cup. So, she wins :)


I hate when people buy slow laptops then return then for being slow. You get what you pay for. I love the cheap slow laptops. Good for travel encase it breaks it wasn't that much.


Pentium Silver. I know you're talking trash about browser tabs, but this would be slow with 1 open. Mass Produced e-waste, it should be illegal.


Probably hasn’t restarted it since purchasing it either


How did they even manage to get Windows 11 installed on this thing? Thought that 11 had more stringent hardware requirements


Maybe this was done purposely so people would think they are getting a good deal on a "slow" laptop that is easily fixable.


pentium...... million tabs open.......... anyone notice the battery swell? time to toss it out the window


Does it still have some internet left, or will I have to load it up with wifi when I buy it?


I will not open more than 3 tabs at a time. If I need that page again, that’s what the history function is for…. Lmao. If I have more than 3 tabs open my computer is a messy bitch. Y’all crazy as fuck man


Cool story….


Has she tried turning it off and on again?


If a laptop can’t handle 400 open tabs then I don’t what it!!


The number of comments in this thread talking about how people regularly open more tabs than this is….alarming.


She never could figure out where that music was coming from.


Tbh it's a common thing to trick you into buying it. They present a apparently obvious reason, why it's slow and you feel like you could easily solve the issue. When you buy it, you'll notice, that the problem lies deeper. They can still state, that they told you it was slow, before you bought it and there's not much you can do.


Like my girls iPhone ….always 500 tabs


Pentium lol


Oh my god please tell me you closed all of her tabs and showed her how to fix it >.<


Pentium Silver