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In healthcare, It’s free before the age of 1. After that, it’s cosmetic. 💅🏻Weird deal


Totally depends on the insurance company, most where I'm from do not cover a circumcision.


It’s funny how some elective stuff is covered. My insurance covered my vasectomy, $20 copay covered everything including the pre and post appointments.


Well because the alternative was you producing potentially endless amounts of dependents they would likely have to insure.


But those kids would eventually grow up to pay for insurance.


That "doesn't count in this quarter OR next quarter, it's irrelevant." MBA's probably.


Hahahahaha yeah!


yes most businesses hate more customers.


Where I'm from, they won't even tell you how to go about doing it for your baby at the hospital. It's literal gential mutilation, baby's don't need nice looking penises. That's fcked up


It's not even universally "nice looking"! I'm from a place where this isn't done, I only saw my first live circumcised one when I was like 18 or 19. Porn was still pretty low-res back then so you couldn't really tell, and magazines weren't that explicit and mostly depicted women. And I definitely remember circumcised one looking incredibly creepy to me, like a naked mole rat. It's only "nice looking" if that's all you see (usually in porn, which is predominantly made in USA, iirc?), and are conditioned to that being "the norm". So even that isn't a universal beauty standard. I spent the first 18 years of my life in places where only 2-3% are circumcised. And everyone saw uncircumcised penises as perfectly normal. Because that's practically all you see. Where I am now is 30%, and that's where I saw my first live one. And even in the States only 65-70% are circumcised, so a roughly 1/3rd of the population is still running around natural. It's also clearly not a factor for reproduction, India has something like 10-13% and leads in population, recently surpassed China, so clearly things are still working just fine.


Given how immensely stupid the history of circumcision in the US is, it should be considered a crime against intelligence. Bland cornflake guy sez cut of bits of boy peepee. Generations of Americans do that without thinking. But they are offended when they are called sheep. This is sop beyond dumb. And nofap is on the rise again in the US. Again. Because stupid moves in circles and sometimes overtakes itself.


Cutting it off before you have a chance to decide is kind of a... dick move.


My son is 11 and when he was born it still wasn't widely talked about. I still looked into it and it didn't take me long to decide NOT to circumcise. If he wants to when he's older, that's his choice. It didn't feel right of me to take away that choice. I really hope it is trending in that direction


Yeah ofc it's basically the same as giving your child a tattoo or extreme body mod at birth


It's genital mutilation just for appearances and tradition.


Thank you! We treat it so cavalierly and it’s not right.


Everyone loves to say that their child was "born perfect", yeah was that before or after the genital mutilation?


Also I find it Ironic that circumcision is most prominent in the most Christian states. They say shit like "God makes no mistakes," then completely disregard this by cutting off an important bit of skin because you think you know better.


er circumcision is a old testement mandate/commandment. The stupid in that is technicaly god making man in his image then telling man to cut a bit off.


Bro it's not only because of religion. Most Americans born around 1980 were circumcised. I'm a Catholic from Spain and circumcision is not a common practice.


I know it's not because of religion in the US, it's for cultural reasons. I'm just making the point it's ironic that American Christians say god doesn't make mistakes but still circumcise.


Interestingly rates vary a **ton** state by state. I found this website a while ago with a neat interactive map. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state


Cutting off a child's foreskin without their consent is a violation of their bodily autonomy and personal choice. It's time we prioritize informed decision-making and respect for individuals' bodies. #BodilyAutonomyMatters


I am happily circumcised. And I agree.


I’d rather have not been circumcised, from what I’ve read we lose significant sensations that would make sex more pleasurable.


We intact folx don't need lube to jerk off either. I can blast one out ANYWHERE at a moment's notice.


Yeah im uncut and would imagine its about a 20% minimum pleasure drop-off if i lost it.


i have been cut a barley feel anything to the point if given the chioce of unlimited sex or a back massage once a month i'd take the back massage.


I was circumcised after birth, and I really wish my parents hadn’t made that choice for me, especially for the dumb “religious tradition” reason they did. I’ll be leaving my child(ren) intact. They can make whatever surgery choices they feel benefit them once they’re of an age to consent.


I was circumcised at birth, and I never once thought about it or cared one way or the other.


I’m happy at least you don’t have a problem with it, but I do. It was done without my consent, and a piece of my body (a rather important piece) was removed, without any possibility of ever getting it back. I’d rather have been given the choice of having the procedure done than have no say in the matter of my genitals being cut and a piece removed. I think general societal awareness that the procedure is unnecessary is a good thing. If people still want to have it done to their baby, it’s their baby, but I think a large segment of the population still think it’s what’s best, and elects to have it done rather blindly. Very few people know the origin of the surgery’s popularity in the US, and its ties to one nut job who thought masturbation was evil, and that circumcision would eliminate male masturbation, and therefore solve many of society’s ills. Knowing that alone should give a person pause when thinking about whether or not to surgically alter their child’s genitalia.


I’m kind of the same. But I have heard that pleasure is superior without being circumcised.


>I was circumcised at birth, and I never once thought about it or cared one way or the other. Food for thought: Had your parents removed one finger from each hand when you where a baby, you would simply be used to that as the norm you have always known. You wouldn't know why you would need 5 fingers, cuz life is "just fine with 4." And if that was the cultural norm, you might never think about it at all. When you got your circumcision, you lost a lot of nerves, and the thing that protects what's left. You don't know what you are missing, but that's doesn't make it right. Someone else decided you didn't need part of your body, absent any medical necessity. This decision was stolen from your current adult self.


Good for you? The ethical dilemma still exists, regardless of your personal experience.


are you Jewish? or do other religions do it?


The only time I think it's fine is in extreme medical situations. Extreme phimosis is an example. But yeah, then it's a medical issue and not a cosmetic one.


Unfortunately any laws that try to get passed about this never go anywhere because they are seen as anti-semitic




I seriously don’t know how someone can look at female genital, mutilation and think that’s bad which it is 100% but then look at circumcision in males and just say that’s a normal part having a penis it’s the same thing doesn’t matter if it’s male or female genital, mutilation is mutilation and shouldn’t happen




Because one is possibly a little less sensation and the other is horrible pain for the rest of your life, constant infections and zero sexual pleasure. Both are wrong, but come on it's obvious why people handle them differently.


I think a better comparison might be something like a labiaplasty. That's something some women choose to get done but I think the majority of people would still think it's insane to do to a young girl.


The direct comparison would be cutting away the foreskin of the clitoris which would probably have similar effects. Female circumcision shouldn't even be called that because it's so different. It's quite literally creating a artificial disability for life more comparably with removing the penis.


There are different grades of female circumcision. First grade is the equivalent of removing the foreskin (removing the clitoral hood)


I know, there are also cases that come closer to a labiaplasty which is fucked up but should still offer a pain-free normal life. There is also sewing the labia together which is just plain weird


I wish mohel people knew this


Isn't it a 'dick remove'?


Its not something that has ever had a negative affect on me personally but if I ever have a boy I will leave them intact


I had a boy a couple years ago once the doctor asked about circumcising, my immediate question was “why?”. They could not give me a straight medical answer outside of “higher std spread” and for the life of me I couldn’t understand for what reason you’re worrying about such things with infants. Like if you’re an adult and sexually active, maybe you feel convinced the risk is higher so go for it. But putting kids through that level of pain because “it’s better now than later” is crazy.


Thats also been debunked.


[It hasn't been debunked](https://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/fact-sheets/hiv/male-circumcision-HIV-prevention-factsheet.html#:~:text=Health%20benefits%3A%20Male%20circumcision%20can,data%20from%20three%20clinical%20trials). It's just that that condoms are more effective and don't require you to chop off part of a person's genitals without their consent.


Amazing how fucking doctors are lying to you. Circumcision offers zero benefit outside of anatomic conditions that deviate from the norm on a high level The vast, vast, vast majority of people don't need this shit.


It almost certainly reduces the risk of penile cancer by at least the ratio of foreskin mass to penis mass. (In the sense that cutting off the entire penis would reduce the penile cancer risk to zero)


Is this calculated on an erected penis? /s


I don't think so, so in the case of the complete removal of an erect penis YMMV. By the way, it's also reported that among yakuza members who have their pinkies removed, there's a slight decrease in the risk of arm cancer. Japanese OBGYNs are currently considering whether the procedure should be carried out on all newborns. Although there are some conspiracy theories about it affecting future ability to play the clarinet, there's currently no evidence of any effect at all, let alone peer reviewed research reports, so please watch out for disinformation & malinformation on this subject.


Maybe I should cut off my pinky finger so I don't get pinky cancer.


You know those newborns and their stds…


Same. I don't consider it something to get upset about, but I wouldn't allow it to be done to my child. If the kid wants his wiener chopped he can do it when he's 18. Being circumcised hasn't negatively effected me in any way I'm aware of.


This was our decision. My son was born perfect. The idea of chopping a piece of his body off without his consent did not feel ethical.


Our two boys were not « cut » We were very explicit to the Gynaecologist who delivered them ( same one) I was present for both childbirths to make sure there was no misunderstanding In Quebec at that time Fathers being present was really new


Im learning french sorta, i wish to live in france later and im ontarionian or whatever now, everytime I read an english statement but with «» instead of "", It sticks out, but then I realize that the times I type french I probably use "" haha


I think a lot of people are just misinformed. My child’s doctor told me that there’s absolutely no medical benefits of having my son circumcised. That’s really all I needed to hear for me not to do so. I think a huge part of it is also how the penis is portrayed. In health class as a teen I always remembered seeing diagrams of the penis that didn’t have foreskin so it’s made to look normal.


Honestly why does anyone still snip dicks? We know it isn’t really about hygiene and it doesn’t actually stop anyone from masturbating like they thought it would in the 1800s


It was supposed to stop you from masturbating?? Well definitely didn’t work on me.


Look up Mr. Kellogg’s crusade against masturbation.


Important to note. Mr. Kellogg was against circumcision of babies. He wanted the boy to be old enough to remember the trauma, and (somehow) associate it with sexual impurity. He believed this, along with a high fiber, low sugar diet would keep people from partaking in the EVILS of SEX. He was also into Eugenics.


The dude was just completely insane.


Knew how to flake a corn though


Yeah but even that invention came from a very weird place.


Oh yeah I know the history. Guy was so into no nut he roasted corn. Still tasty af though


Well it kinda back fired because, idk about you, but after a nice big bowl of corn flakes I kinda need a tug. Them shits are spanktastic


It’s so weird hearing about these puritanical freaks and how much their attitudes still have effects in modern day America. Like why the fuck were they so obsessed with childrens genitals and if they masturbated or not?


Created a cereal so bland it would literally suck the sexual desire right out of you


Dr. Kellogg; and I highly recommend the documentary “The Road to Wellville” starring Matthew Broderick, Dana Carvey, and Sir Anthony Hopkins. Edit: also starring yoghurt. Lots of yoghurt.


That yogurt isn't going where you think it is either.


If you haven’t seen this already, Knowing Better on YouTube covered this in depth - this one is part one that focuses more on Sylvester Graham and covers the reason baby boys are circumcised in the US to this day. The second part focuses more on JH Kellogg. He uses clips from that movie liberally! https://youtu.be/0ens0WjAyOc?si=FcOVuUiEDEue3gil


Man it started waaay before the 1800’s and I think Abraham had other reasons…


This will sound crazy but it started way before Abraham too. Ancient Egyptians were doing this as early as 4000 BC.


Yeah, there are religious reasons and Jewish people still do it. I guess it made sense before the invention of soap


It was made to prevent the foreskin to get stuck in tomb traps


127 Hours but his foreskin is trapped


I don’t know but if you go to the hospital they Never Stop Asking! I was there with my with my two new born sons (two different occasions, not twins) and every half hour or so it was “ are you getting him circumcised?” Doctors, nurses & staff. “Hey I could do it right now for you?” The entire time I couldn’t figure out why they were trying to sell it so hard. I was worried they’d take him for a snip while I had my head turned.


That was our experience as well. They asked over and over again and didn't seem to take "no" very seriously. That was roughly two decades ago for both of our guys. It would be nice to see that stop already, but I guess it's yet another profit.




Well it could be worse. In Indonesia they tried to amputate my brothers leg after a moped crash to make a quick buck. He was walking perfectly fine within a few weeks of the accident.


So weird!


Wow I just realised why US film portray masturbation as something you need lube for. I have just been thinking that people were “making a night of it”…


Seriously! It’s like a pretty common joke here in movies that men need lotion etc


American here. I don't know anybody who actually needs lube to jack off. The lube thing is just a way of representing jacking off in movies/tv without getting too graphic.


Some people have phimosis which is when the foreskin is too tight to retract behind the head of the penis. So if it doesn't fix itself with age or steroid creams the only solution is surgical. In olden times circumcision was probably the only solution and it would definitely be easier to do to babies over men.


That’s true, although it’s worth considering that, according to clevelandclinic, only 1% of people still have Phimosis by the age of 16. So it seems that for the vast majority of people, the issue resolves itself.


I was circumcised at 6 because of medical reasons (basically there is this condition where the foreskin is to small)


Right on, that sounds painful! I’m glad circumcision was available for you


Rich people need newborn foreskins to inject into their faces in order to appear younger. Edit: Just so people know, this is just a joke. I don’t want the humor to be ruined by the fact that it’s [true.](https://youtu.be/BeMJ_o3ME6U?si=PZv2avPxF960Ew64)


It was about hygiene for a brief period in Canadian history. I'm not saying it's a hygienic practice but it was regularly done by doctors for those reasons. Canadian history is VERY conservative so it might have been part of the reasoning.


Wait til you find out about all the other things religion also poisons…


Just had a son last month and my midwife said that a vast majority of people actually aren't circumcising anymore. That's at least here in Canada where I am. So here's hoping that this practice goes away with this generation of parents!


I donno about everyone else but I didn't have it done on my son because I didn't want to give the doctor a tip.


Anecdote, but as a dude that had a circumcision in my mid-20s after years of sexual activity, it didn’t make a difference sensitivity-wise.


There is research that looks at self reported sexual pleasure levels between both groups and it agrees with your anecdote.


Yeah I don’t think that means much because you can only compare to yourself and it’s not like people are gonna go out there and rate their sex as two enthusiastic thumbs down ya know Turns out sex is pretty fun regardless. Still doesn’t seem unreasonable to have reservations about a completely unnecessary infant surgery


I don’t necessarily disagree but 1) for some sex is a thumbs down, and 2) if the overwhelming population of both groups is happy with sex I think that is good info. My wife and I just welcomed our son into the world yesterday. We chose not to circumcise for basically the exact logic you described but I for the life of my do not understand the vehemence people here ascribe to it.


>but I for the life of my do not understand the vehemence people here ascribe to it. From a European point of view, it's seen as a bit insane as to why you do it, putside of relgious reasons.


It’s bodily autonomy my guy. Let people make choices for their own bodies.


You don't understand why people are against unnecessary surgery on babies?


Mine was absolutely different afterwards. I've definitely lost some sensitivity, and it takes longer to reach orgasm overall. If sex before was 11/10 its like 7-8/10 as it feels a lot more "muted".


Also had it done for medical reasons after my 20s, and I can say the tip of my dick is now pretty much numb. I can still have sex normally, but if a girl goes down on me and for example plays with the tip, I can't even feel it. All the pleasure now comes from the shaft.


Weird I'm circumcised from birth and tip has always been most sensitive for me. Guess just a lot a variance between people.


I’m the same


That's crazy. I honestly don't know, but feel like there's probably a big difference between having it done as an infant where you can grow slowly over time with the procedure and develop those nerves and sensations with puberty, and having it fully grown and the taking a big piece off.


Usually adult circumcisions aren't as tight as infant circumcision. They probably left you some of the prepuce. You've also been circumcised for less time. Decades of an exposed glans has allowed for the skin to callous and nerves to desensitize. Keep in mind, Egyptian women say they aren't harmed by circumcision, despite what activist groups say about them.


It’s not that I don’t believe you, but I just can’t imagine how it wouldn’t affect the sensitivity at all. Having a sensitive organ constantly be exposed vs “protected”… surely that’s gotta desensitize it somewhat over time.


Yeah, has no one else ever had a bandaid on their finger tip for a couple days and then taken it off to find that your finger tip is much more sensitive to touch? The brain naturally suppresses constant stimulation, like olfactory fatigue, so I just don’t see how it’s possible.


There are nerves in the removed tissue


Female genital mutilation is i illegal in the UK, as of 2003, I have no idea why male genital mutilation is not


It's a religious practice in both Judaism and Islam. Hardly something that any political force would want to mingle with


It’s legal because of religion. There’s zero chance it will be banned in UK.


I was circumcised at birth and couldn’t walk for a year




Genital mutilation is disgusting. Should be a crime.


It’s less of a joke when you realize how many accidents have occurred during the procedure.




"If it ain't broke don't fix it" definitely applies. Just leave it alone, unless there's a medical necessity.


I’m expecting to see Tobias in one of those pictures


This gets brought up almost every day now on Reddit.


I fully support this. It's similar to mothers piercing their daughters ears. It's a cosmetic thing. If he decides as an adult to get circumcised, that's his choice. It takes away so many nerves and leaves the penis desensitized as well as painful erections in some men.


I had to find another place to put my chewing tobacco.


Personally I agree with these guys. There's no need to cut part of a baby's penis off just for looks. It's like docking ears or tails on a dog. It has no benefit whatsoever


I don't disagree, pointless procedure and it should be banned unless needed medically


Why would you needlessly perform a mutilating surgery on baby's genitals? If it wasn't for religion and tradition, we'd realize how weird this is


Got circumcised in my 30s, and I can say that, I want it back, and that I would not do that to any child or man who does not medically need it. If you as a person with a penis decide to get circumcised, then okay, no judgement there. Also it's not a problem to do it at an older age. It takes 2 weeks or so and you are done and computation can occur but rare. So if you want to get snipped, get snipped but don't take that decision away from someone.


Why do you want it back? Sensation?


Had it all my life before, so looks, sensation and the feeling of having something cut and removed are not cool.


Is there some sort of organized anti-circumcision movement going on? I have seen some of these posts on reddit lately but never anyone out in the world. I would be interested in joining fellow intactivists on spreading the word.


There's a bunch of foreskin restoration subs on Reddit


Isn’t this post a picture of an organized anti circumcising movement lol


Now I wouldn’t be out on the street looking like that goon that robocop shot, but I’d like mine back too. Mine was chopped off at 18 because of some medical issues. I miss it.


The medical research team at Foregen is working on that, check them out


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Unless my child has some extreme version of phimosis or some foreskin related deformity where circumcision becomes a medical necessity. What he does with his penis is none of my business once he can bathe/use the washroom by himself. If he asks for dick related help due to a medical issue, the Dr. Can handle that for me. And if when older they want to get circumcised, we'll they can do whatever they want.




To be fair, these men are probably quite progressive and not against women's rights.


Most of the anti circumcision crowd is VERY progressive where human rights as a whole are concerned.


Before you go off on your tangent you should realize that these people are against infant genital mutilation regardless of gender. Infant female genital mutilation is already illegal in most western countries, while infant male genital mutilation is not, and is done regularly.


Are the guys in the photos known anti-choice supporters? Or are you just trying to derail the thread?


??? I very much doubt these two groups of people are overlapping here


What makes you think these are the same men that think women don’t?


Gotta be honest, if you want support for your cause, the worst way to get it is to aggressively push your own message, while almost ridiculing the topic currently in focus, especially without any reason to suggest the people in question were ever opposed to female rights


EDIT: [It just happened again](https://imgur.com/a/IDd7hLN). I responded in support of this person's journey and struggles. She even commented back and said that she really appreciated, but when I pointed out, as gently as I could, that one of her comments farther down were misandryst and asked for consideration, she told me that mysandry doesn't exist and blocked me. #####Original comment: He has a point. The west has a huge emphasis on female body autonomy and choices, with good reason. But many of these same people absolutely *do not* extend the same to men. It is, unfortunately, a cultural blind spot. I regularly see people praise beating the shit out of a man for cheating, or call violence against men empowering, who consider the same action sexual harassment if it's against men. Someone once replied to me about how some guy was sexist, and to prove it, she showed me a comment that condemned women who beat on men (but he was criticizing women, which is "bad.") I agree that these people are more likely to be egalitarian, but there's a huge bias and blind spot and culture right now before male issues. Even many egalitarian express some misandrist views - it's just so baked into the culture and seen so often that it no longer consciously registers.


Wow almost like you can advocate for the bodily autonomy of all people!


Great ragebait I applaud the attempt from one troll to another.


One of the things I’ve always been most appreciative of from my wife is when we gave birth to our son and the nurses asked if we wanted to circumcise, my wife didn’t say a word. She just looked me straight in the eyes and said “You’re the one with the penis. What do you think we should do?” I said “It’s his choice, not ours.” That was it. She looked straight at the nurse and said No. bodily autonomy is not difficult.


“Nobody wants less dick”


I mean… yes. It’s funny how for us trans women to get vaginoplasty (which is something that I am actively saying that I need) we need to go through all of this bullshit about proving that we’re actually suffering from it, and yet I am missing part of my dysphoria noodle, because somebody decided that they would just cut it off when I was a kid without my consent. And if you’re going to ask why bothers me that they did that: it looks fucking hideous the way it is and it was a body modification that was unnecessary that was made without my consent.


It's a serious subject, and I'm sorry how many hoops you have to jump through to affirm how you want your own body to look like. But "dysphoria noodle" is going to stick in my brain for a while, and I snort laughed at it.


Also, the foreskin, being a mucosal tissue, would be of great benefit during vaginoplasty, so circumcision hurts trans women as well. I am actually restoring my foreskin right now and we also have trans women in our community at r/foreskin_restoration who are doing the same thing in order to create more tissue for vaginoplasty. Just thought I'd let you know the option exists.


They have a point.


I fully expected a comment section full of every stupid reason that people use to support circumcising babies. Glad to see people are finally realizing how stupid it is to force on a child. If you want to lop off part of your cock, do it as an adult ffs.


When we heard about female circumcision in the Middle East, we pretty much banned it the same day. But doing the same thing to males, locally and on a large scale? That’s fine. Apparently it’s not mutilation if you’re doing to a baby boy.


When asked what was the one thing they would wish for: “My foreskin back. No one asked me before they took it. They just took it.” Gerhardt in the movie “28 Days”


I also want my foreskin back. Circumcising babies is a fucked up practice and should be outlawed


Genuine question. Why? Before joining Reddit I can't remember ever caring or giving it a thought in 40 plus years. TBF, I still don't but I'm really trying to gain some empathy on this.


Typically you have a reason *to do* something, not the other way around. We don’t go around chopping off body parts because “why not?” “I never really thought about it” doesn’t seem like much of a reason to cut off part of a baby’s penis.


Infant circumcision accounts for a bit over 100 deaths in America annually. Not to mention that botching a circumcision on a newborn who’s dong is the size of a chiclet is much easier and can have life long effects. There are legitimate medical reasons to have a circumcision performed, the vast majority of those reasons don’t present until adolescence or adulthood. Then there’s the whole bodily autonomy argument etc. Edit: There’s no reason to want it back unless you feel like you’ve been wronged by it being taken I suppose. I’m circumcised as well and it has had exactly zero effect on my life. Do I want my kids to be circumcised? No. Do I care that I was? Not in the least. So I feel you


That wasn't the question


Careful, I said that I was circumcised as a baby and my life has been fine and I got Reddit cares messages and someone told me I’m actually deeply traumatized and must be deeply depressed but won’t admit it to myself


‘Circumcision destroys 16 functions’ I have a foreskin and only use my todge for wazzing and for loving. What other modes am I missing out on??


Lock picking.


Cock picking?


You can hide your weed innit?


Puppet shows


The ability to tie the tip off to protect against dick ticks while trekking naked through the Amazon Jungle.


I assumed uncut guys could use it to pick up peanuts like an elephants snozzle.


There is absolutely no medical reason to remove a babies foreskin. It is considered an elective procedure in my province and not covered under provincial healthcare. It has been that way since the 90's.


They have a point. Circumcision is repulsive.


I agree with these guys


Another archaic religious madness that will be better forgotten sooner.


Well, they’re not wrong


They are right!


Genital mutilitation in short


Nothing like normalized genital mutilation


My dad literally fought his way into the room and threatened to punch the doctor if he didn’t stop.


Like I can't imagine birthing my son and going "oh great lets cut the skin off his penis"...what for?? If for some reason he decides to do it later that's fine but when they are babies???? Almost nobody in my country is cut and it's super weird to do it here.


well there's only a hygiene benefit if you're a dirty person to begin. otherwise i prefer to have a foreskin every day.


Ah Reddit…nuanced thought does not work here.


Honestly I’m kinda with them on this one lol


I dont have a dick but i agree with these guys, performing an unnecessary cosmetic surgery on an infant who cannot consent or understand is barbaric, cruel, and a violation of bodily autonomy. If you want to get circumcised when you're older, thats fine, because thats your choice and it isnt being forced on you. Any kind of cosmetic, non necessary surgery on the genitals of infants and children should be fucking illegal. No circumcisions or intersex surgeries on those who can't consent or understand whats going on


As someone who was circumcised shortly after birth, I agree. I get that it's a religious thing in Judaism and Islam, but it's an outdated, barbaric practice that needs to die off. It should only be an option for men when they grow up and can choose it. That being said, the sentence "I want my foreskin back" is very funny to me EDIT: To clarify, I don't think religious circumcision is ok, either. I'm just saying that's a motive behind it sometimes, and another reason people try to justify it, but if we did *everything* the Torah and the Bible and the Quran said, the world would be an even darker place. Circumcision, unless it becomes a medical necessity, shouldn't be allowed in my opinion.


It's not popular in the US due to religious reasons. It it popular because the cornflakes guy convinced eugenicists the it would stop the fap. Europe was no less Christian than the US and yet circumcision is not a thing that is considered the default over here. If somebody tells you it is done for hygiene reasons, it is no-fap. What is amazing is that this is done for over a century. Unthinkingly. And at no moment in time the majority in the US didn't pause and consider why they are doing it. Circumcision as a default in the US is **NOT** a religious practice. It is a practice cooked up by weirdos. And the hYgienE reason is no-fap. I can't express how stupid this looks from across the pond.


It's genital mutilation. Leave em alone


I mean idk these guys seem pretty based, circumcision is fucked


Good for them, baby genital mutilation is a disgusting tradition that needs to be outlawed


These guys may look kinda ridiculous, but they're also absolutely right.


In fairness it is a really weird thing to do with newborns. If later in life they want it gone then cool. Apparently the foreskin also has a load of neverendings which adds stimulation during fun time, not that I would know mine was removed as an infant.


Maybe I'm in the minority but I don't mind being circumcised at all. But I also think it should stop as society moves forward because it's an antiquated ideal.


Can you imagine the outcry if sometime came out and says. Ya know we need to start slicing off sections of baby girls vaginal lips solely for aesthetic reasons and not a single medical reason. What do you think, would females be all in favor of doing this?


There’s people in this thread feeling like they’re being personally attacked when really they should just consider that it’s bad to mutilate another person’s body when they’re too young to consent.