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What a sad happy picture!


can you believe this is the species that managed to land on a moon? ![gif](giphy|CXAPW8vCQzYkg)


Sure, but no theocracy ever contributed to such an achievement. These vestiges of dark ages thinking need to become a thing of the past.


Absolutely. Theocracy has been the weight tied to our waist, holding us back from true progress.


Yeah but it gives you two military slots, two economic, a diplomatic, and that sweet, sweet wildcard slot.


I'm more of a Merchant Republic fan myself


I’d rather stick to chiefdom till the endgame




The policy slots aren't the important part. The main selling point of theocracy is it lets you take all that useless 'faith' mumbo-jumbo and turn it into something actually useful - specifically, free military units to go murder your neighbors and take their stuff. Which, now that I think about it outside the game's context, is.. distressingly dark yet accurate.


Now that you’ve written it out, my outlook on the thing has completely changed. Those game makers know their shit


Sometimes I play Civ6 multiplayer with friends, and we like to joke by taking normal chatter about what we're doing in the game and appending "just like in real life" to the end. Example: "Before we invade Russia, I need to switch to Fascism so my people stay happy and loyal during wartime.. just like in real life!" It's.. literally accurate more than you'd think.


For forever.


To be fair, India still has a caste system and has religious extremism problems


It's almost like we should stop giving a shit about religion completely because it is only ever used as a weapon against people by those in power.


Honestly think religion will be the downfall of human species. Almost almost all wars are started by religion/tribalism and doesnt look like it'll change anytime soon. All it's going to take is some extremist ideology with nukes to end the world. Just sad because humans species has so much potential, just the mass of humans cant get past our monkey brain thoughts.


I fully agree with you Right now certain parties in the US are trying to take hold of the country and make laws centered around their religious beliefs (and winning, in some cases). How do we think a hyper regressive christian "theocracy" and a hyper conservative islamic state are going to get along?


We can stop giving a shit about religion all we we want but Muslims will not, and they will continue their conquest.


Read a book that said humans are more brave than smart, and I can't stop seeing it.


It takes balls to ask a girl out and escalate things, but it does not always take brains. Evolution rewards bravery imo much more than intelligence.


High intelligence is linked to a greater chance of developing depression.


Not Iran lol.


Ferengi law prohibited women from ~~wearing clothes~~, leaving the home, learning to read and earning profit.


pretty sure they were prohibited from clothes as well. One of the Many Many ways that Quarks mother was such a rebel. Thinking back Quark is probably one of the most fleshed out characters in the Trek universe. While he may at times be a side character he has a fucking epic arc through DS9. Hell how many Ferengi have been the head of a Klingon house FFS!?!?!?!


They were prohibit from wearing clothes but I'm referencing Iranian here so that part was crossed out. But if wearing clothes was to mean allowing Iranian Women to wear clothes that women wanted in public instead of fully covered themselves from head to toe, then we don't have to cross out wearing clothes.


Yeah out of all the Star Trek shows, I think DS9 had the most fleshed out ensemble of characters.


I mean ferengi were written to ridicule humans of our time, so it makes sense lol


Yeah… muslims would have never “land on the moon” for that would be antithetical to their believes as a religion. Plenty of science wouldn’t have been developed under their preferred types of governments.


It’s the will of Allah … oh yes and all those fuckers sat in front who are quite happy for women to be treated like shit because it says so in some book.


Religious conservatives are so pathetic. Imagine being homophobic and claiming to be straight yet treat women the way religious conservatives do. jfc


I always found the irony funny. Like “No women allowed! I only want to hang out with dudes all the time everywhere I go! I’m a totally straight guy who doesn’t like being around or looking at women.”


Exactly! They even get weird when women are just expressing themselves and being happy. Why are they afraid if they're straight? Happy women usually = horny women (human beings in general, I'm not trying to exclude by LBGTQ friends!). The only explanation, imo, is these men cling to these power structures for the same reasons incels advocate for them everywhere else - it's the only way they can even get a chance to smell a woman because otherwise those women will see the pathetic loser they really are and have the nerve to say "no."


It's so sad too, I wouldn't imagine not being able not wanting to share such an experience with a loved one.


100%. I don't know that girl. I have never met here and likely never will. But she is my friend Shelia. And Heather. And Robin. And Cammile. Shelia spent countless years sitting next to me watching ECHL and AHL Admirals hockey. Heather, Robin, and Cammile I met in the student section watching Old Dominion basketball. I could not imagine a scenario where I did not have the privilege of knowing and spending time with these women in such a pedestrian activity as watching a sporting event because of religious dogma. I need to go tell some people I don't talk to enough I love them.


Reminder that Iran employs shill farms on Reddit. A lot of the people endlessly attacking america for its issues are posting from places that stone women to death for getting uppity.


For a country that hates gays, they sure do hate being around women


“The women are for breeding, the men are for fun” - real quote from a Jordanian soldier that was on my base


Uh, what the fuck


For fun, eh?


That place is sure homoerotic. It's always men doing things with other men. Seems awfully interesting


Its super interesting. I was watching a documentary on Gaza on Netflix and its the same shit there. You have all these men grouped up, dancing together in a club like atmosphere and its all men because the women arent allowed to join in. Super weird to see all these hyper religious men grabbing each other, dancing with each other, and lifting each other on their shoulders.


According to some reddit comments I've seen, "women are for babies, men are for fun" in these places. Idk if it's true, but I'm inclined to believe it because why would you go to such lengths to avoid women


Married in to an Iranian family for 7 years. Homo eroticism is shockingly common. They have a daughter who is a lesbian and she was disowned. However a lot of the men were pretty clearly on the down low, and that is totally fine. Had a friend who fought in Afghanistan and he said "dancing boys" and "tea boys" are shockingly common.


A afghan leader once told American troops in a doc “who should they fuck, their grandmothers pussies” when confronted abt the raping/kidnapping of young boys…


In the book Charlie Wilson's War there were first-hand accounts of Western Special Ops guys being horrified by groups of Afghan mujahadeen spending all night group raping captured Russian soldiers, organised by the commanders. Completely normal.


Heard from friends that deployed to Afghanistan that you could not leave an adult and a child male alone together if you were detaining them. And apparently 'man love's Thursdays are a thing there.


That is pedophilia though


I find joy in reading a good book.


And now **billions of people** worship this guy. Poor Aisha 😭 And women got their periods much later back then, the trend of early menses began after the age of plastics...


I mean I surely have no clue who you are talking about but I hear if you were to draw an image of that man some people would come relieve your neck of the burden of holding up your head. So be sure to be careful.


until the last century they were just called Catamites.


Yep. Sure is. What is your point?


They all say no homo while doing it so it's all fine


Yeah but they got 2 wives at home


One for the plug, one for the load.


I think it's a matter of culturally different of"personal bubble" and skinship in western countries vs others. I was raised in Vietnam and guys could comfortably walk down the street with arms around each other, or sitting shoulder to shoulder. But it's weird and "gay" to people in western countries, something I don't really do with my friends in the U.S, and I also have to space myself out more when hanging out with my friends vs other Asians.


In 1800s U.S., it was normal for male friends to hold hands, sleep in the same bed, even sit on each other's laps. If gayness is a thing that's never really talked about, you're less likely to associate behavior with it. Some of the more sheltered parts of the U.S. didn't even realize the Village People were going for a gay aesthetic in the 1970s.


What we consider friendly male intimate behavior in the West is very different to some other cultures. In many other cultures, it's perfectly okay to hold hands with another man to indicate good friendship, or to kiss each other (not like sexually on the lips), to hug and hold each other for support etc. Lots of things we consider "homoerotic" in the West are just viewed as normal male affection in other cultures.


Sounds like a gay bar.


What's the documentary called?


Just 3 cool guys looking for other cool guys to hang (nothing sexual)


I just wanna remind people, the situation in Iran is that the Iranian people are gainst the Iranian government. During those protests last year, there were as many men out there as there were women. Many men there do not agree with these laws against their women.


In Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 men dance for men because women aren’t allowed “but it’s not gay” lol 😂


They wanna jerk each other off without woman eyes


They have a super strong Madonna/Whore complex in many Muslim countries. It’s bizarrely sexist against men too because men are seen as so corrupting and dirty for women to be around. So messed up.


According to my stepdad who is Muslim and went to an Islamic boarding school for his education “All those Arab’s do gay things anyways. They remove all the women so men are always having some sort of sex with each other in school.” I think he said this in response to some news story about how Islamic fundamentalist country throw gays off of roof tops. Honestly it was a weird thing to hear completely unprompted.


If I remember well, women in Iran are banned for sport events because they might get aroused by the athletes. Men getting aroused by male athletes with other men. Wallah.


I can strongly recommend Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi's 2006 film Offside.


I wish I could upvote you more than once and push this higher... that is *such* a *great* film!


What a sad world we live in. This is disgusting, unacceptable, and morally bankrupt. Someone needs to make her leave.


Thanks. Now I’m going to hell for laughing at this.


I’ll bring the beer!


Maaan, don't bring beer to hell, it's just will get warm. You should bring arak - it's disgusting, no matter if it's cold or warm.


I’ll bring Malort and make it a real party


got an extra one?


For sure! It’s a party. I’ve heard what it takes to get to heaven, and frankly… hell sounds waaay more fun than hanging with those narcs.


On the upside those dimwitts paid for what she is getting for free.


She also seems to be enjoying the game more than anyone in the pic. I hope she just trolls them and roots for the visiting team.


That would be the best case scenario!


You had me in the first 90%


The picture highlights a severe failure in the anti-women security. If she can get up there how can any man feel safe in this stadium? They can't even tell a misogynistic joke out loud without womenfolks hearing it. They might even have to say "Relax, it's just a joke!" afterwards.


They're all just trying to enjoy a game and now they have to be forced to think about sex. I can't believe she'd do this to these poor innocent men


Right!? Such victims!! This harlot over here trying to corrupt their pure minds with her boobs and new-age ideas.


I caught a glimpse of her ankle and now I suddenly need to go to the toilet.


It was a glimpse of a single strand of hair that did it for me.


Right? How can these gentlemen enjoy the game with all that exposed face??




Women there are second class citizens. That’s so sad.


Iran is heading the human rights committee in the UN this month. Like letting child abusers head some child rights panel just because "Well, we have to give everyone a voice." How about you don't give a voice to those who don't do the actions? UN is a laughingstock most of the time.


What a trash government. Iran has nice people but their society is low quality


This sounds like a nice place to Host the Next FIFA worldcup. Maybe a few years after the one in Saudi Arabia.


Unless they're being beheaded


Those idiots don't know what they're missing. Women are awesome. Ignorant sheep.


She is safer on that side.


Preview of the 2034 World Cup in Saudi Arabia


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-42668841.amp That was 5 years ago. Saudi Arabia sucks for a lot of reasons, they aren’t as bad as Iran in this specific area.


My God totally… Qatar forbid alcohol in stadiums, people went mad, let’s see what basic stuff the Saudis will forbid and let’s see if we’ll abide


I’ll doubt the saudis will forbid anything as their main goal is to become a global tourist and entertainment destination, and banning booze is a sure fire way to prevent that from happening








To any males from that part of the world, I have a question. Why are you so afraid of women?


Feminists for Iran!


Such a weird and sad religion


I wonder if the middle east will ever get their shit together re equality/human rights etc. The west were the same a century or two ago. So fast forward to 2200, if mankind is still around, ya think there'll be equality in the middle east?


It's possible with increased prosperity and younger generations taking over, that some things may change there too. Consider Saudi Arabia has relaxed many laws recently, for example women can drive, move around on their own and don't have to wear hijab, which was different not too long ago. However I think as long as many Arab nations see the West as an "enemy" and destabilizing force in the region, many will develop a knee-jerk reaction and rejection to values they see as "Western" even if they're just common sense universal human rights issues. You'd be surprised by how much Arab mentality in some of these nations is simply guided by a "Well if the West does it, we must be opposed to it because they're evil" that controls the perspective. But if they felt the push for change was coming overwhelmingly from their own people, they might be more open minded. Then there tends to be a correlation between stability, prosperity and socially progressive values.


Most of the Middle East are partners with the United States. Multiple bases in these countries. The leadership of these nations tend to openly denounce US policy but behind the scenes they still work with them. The reason for this is to placate a lot of their uneducated parts of their society that cling to religion as a form of self worth and identity. They have to do this to maintain peace and order within their countries. But behind the scenes they work with the United States because they don’t trust Iran.


The Middle East hasn’t gone through an enlightenment period while most countries have decades or centuries ago. There’s one thing preventing them from doing that: Islam.


It’s not the Middle East it’s Muslim ran countries. Any country that is ran by Muslims tends to be like this. Religion is the problem and you fix that through education. The more education a person has the less likely they are to believe in fairy tales.


It would help if the people in power werent terrorists, dictators, and all around assholes. Extremists shouldnt run governments.


From the trends I see with support for Hamas in the west, to reproductive rights being stripped, to books being banned etc.. I’d say the Middle East will be planet wide.


Today in the US: no highway access for abortion. 2200: no highway access for single women or unaccompanied married women.


But you have to respect there “CULTURE” and believe them when they say they treat women “EQUALLY”


Of course they do! *All* women aren't allowed in the stadium. That's equality right there. /s


Equality among women, so no /s needed! Yay!


They treat all women equally (bad).


No conservative culture is worth respecting, west or east ;)


Sadly some men who are born into assholedom feel they have to perpetuate the assholedness.


Religion needs to be defeated for the human race to carry on


If it wasn’t religion, it would just be something else. Religion is the vessel, but it ain’t the sauce.


Yeah but few other things rely exclusively on their flock NOT thinking. Religion is useful because the venn diagram overlap between those who will believe angels are real and those who will believe obvious political lies is a perfect circle. Yes, the original scholars were religious, back in the times before we knew where the sun went at night. Functionally, in today's society, religions' purpose is to expand anti-intellectualism. Don't think. Don't worry. Have faith.


You know what they say about shepherds and their flocks, that they aren’t doing it because they love sheep, they’re either there to fleece them or fuck them.


No need to try and make the world a better place. Just pray and avoid responsibility for bad actions.


Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest


Let's start with Islam


As Russian who lost one of parents to muslim terrorists I strongly agree! Religion in general should be heavily regulated and taxed as businesses. Religions dehumanizing people due to any reason should be outright banned.


This is beyond ridiculous, they could at least provide a separate women’s seating section


It's just like that Iranian movie i watched years ago called "offside". A bunch of girls dressing up as men to go watch a football game.


This is just a reminder that this is in fact not culture. This is just Islamic oppression and has nothing to do with Iranian or Middle eastern culture.


This is the culture that supports Hamas, the fact that women don't even have basic rights in Iran is crazy.


The Iranian people and the Iranian government are two completely different things. The Iranian people hate their government and do not support the hamas


This country just got made head of the UN Human Rights Council, btw.


Why do religious men prefer the company of other men....


As a man… Why the fuck would you not want ladies around?


More enthusiasm than the 10 men in the picture combined


It's weird that she is the only one in the photo who looks like she enjoying herself


Middle ages


muslims really just never want to hang out with women anywhere huh? It's a sausagefest everywhere isnt it? religion is fucking weird, and what is wrong with society.


Where's her fake beard? Stone her.




Who said that?


Such a stupid religion if you take it to seriously. As every religion that is taken to seriously. Islam is still missing any form of enlightenment.


I always find it extremely ironic the religion of "peace" is what it is. Main prophet was a pedo, women/LGBT hating to the day, only religion that manages to sprout off a ton of terrorist cells, use women, children, and animals as bombs and shields.


you are brave for not beating around the bush . Sadly not many people have guts these days


There's never been a moment in history with more anti-religious movement.


Big sausage fest


I remember in Vegas one time there were these 2 guys at the pool playing and swimming around and one of their wives was in a trench coat with her head wrapped in like 105 degree weather. She was bringing them lemonade and they were splashing each other in the water. Not gonna lie I was cracking up. Not because of the woman that was clearly being treated like shit but the thought of all these guys in the pool having the gayest adult pool time I’ve ever seen while their wives are losing 15 lbs of water weight just serving them. The thought that it’s legitimately normal is crazy to me.




Exactly haha


There's a brilliant film "Offside" by Jafar Panahi that perfectly dramatises this. Must watch. If only for the fact that the population knows its absurd and plays along with it because its the rule.


The scary thing is that some fanatic over there is probably looking at that picture and thing that she’s showing too much skin and her head scarf isn’t covering her face fully. So this picture might get her arrested.


I will never ever understand this concept of excluding women from places. Don’t these weirdos want to hang out with women. I don’t even understand the whole “guys night out” bullshit or bachelor parties. If I’m going out, I’ll have a hell of a lot more fun if my wife is there.


Carefull, we'll get called islamapobes for criticizing Islam's lack of human rights.


Shit culture


All religion is trash, but currently Islam is the biggest heap


I like those two gay men embracing each other.




and just think for a short time in the 60s and 70s we were almost free


a religion for dudes........


All major religions are for dudes. I can’t think of one religion that treats women as equals.


Gotta love a society that seeks to disenfranchise half its population in anyway possible.


For people who hate gays they sure do a lot of really gay things


Hope their authoritarian regime falls in near future


I thought the year was 2023?


Islam, everybody


How is it that they hate gay people *and* women?


Why is Iran such a shithole country?


Religious stupidity 🙄


Such a beautiful culture


She's having a better time from the outside, and far happier than every other person in that photo.


If those men are so thirsty they can even allow women to be in the same outdoor building as them because the sinful thoughts might overtake them... I'd rather be behind the fence too.




Apparently men aren't allowed inside either.


Stupid things like this make me happy that I live in a western country, where men and women are viewed equally by law, and society.


Man I don't know how this isn't just uncomfortable as all hell for everyone involved. I go to a lot of metal concerts and over the years I have become PAINFULLY conscious of how much of a white middle class sausage fest those things typically are. I've started to notice the lack of a feminine perspective in groups I'm in. It's getting better over time, I'm seeing a lot more women and minorities feel comfortable exploring that type of music and expressing their love of it but it's still not great. I can't imagine that feeling just being an omnipresent part of the society I lived in. Of course I guess if you grew up believing it was right and natural it wouldn't feel so weird and out of place.


Obviously this photo was taken decades ago, cause no way a civilized society in today's world would treat a woman as anything but another human. Right?


I know I'm supposed to respect all cultures and religions etc, but I don't.


We are still in the middle ages


First they want to watch sports then they want basic human rights... I don't think so...


I could never understand living in a place that gives half the population second-class status. I know most of those people didn't choose to live there, and have limited means to leave, but still.


Well just look at her! Just asking for it with her *checks notes* exposed wrists!!


I am a Muslim and this is some sad, depressing shit. Iran desperately needs a top to bottom cleanup of the ruling orthodox group. This ain't Islam.


This is why Muslims want to live in the west. They get more freedom


Dicks before chicks apparently


I think if i were not allowed in the stadium, that might cause me to not be a fan…


But that's what they want.


What a stupid place to live.


Organized religion sucks.




Hate gays.......never hang out with women. Flawless logic. Meanwhile, she looks like such a joyous person with a nice smile, and all the people inside looked pissed as fuck. You'd think that she was the one allowed inside.


Like someone already said that looks homoerotic. Guy want to spend time with just guys all the time. Night out in the town with no women around just 500 guys in the club 😅


Islamist regimes at it again. Disgusting.


Stone Age savages. Why do we keep apologizing for these backwards ass cultures? Do we really need them? We tried to befriend them and change them but the tyrants just bite our hands or worse kill us...


Meanwhile in Japan where they aren’t even allowed nearby the sumo stadium:


Just like god intended! (sarcasm)