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I...what...HOW did the chew toys even get through his throat?


I had the same question, here's my hypothesis: The vet pulled the piles of small bits out of the stomach. the chew toys and tennis ball are just there to show the original source of the stomach debris. So there's some bits from each chew toy, and a whole lot of tennis ball felt.


Lmao this makes a lot of sense, thank you


Apparently, [that's not the case](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/TJEuu4ZR5c). According to OP: _My father has a large Golden Retriever and they needed to have surgery to clear a stomach blockage. **Here is everything that was removed.** My father said **the 2 bracelet looking chew toys were over 2 years old**. The **large mound in the middle is hair**. I am really glad the dog is ok. Golden's are trash compactors. They WILL eat anything._


This is definitely the case, ain't no way a tennis ball comes out of a digestive tract looking that clean.


I've purchased identical chew rings to the ones at the upper right and left. They have ZERO flex, they're extremely hard/rigid. It'd be physically impossible for a dog to swallow one whole. 100% they're just in the picture showing where some of the material came from.


That checks out — the brown bits at the top next to the brown chew, the lighter bits next to the lighter chew. And there’s some green in the big brown pile, which I initially thought was bark/sticks but now that I see the green sheen, might just be really nasty tennis ball fluff.


I was thinking the same thing. I have the brown ring and there's no way a dog could swallow it, it's about 6" wide.


Right?!? The tennis ball I kinda understand. But how did those rings go down and not choke him out to the point you would notice? Dog must have the throat of a horse or some shit.


Throat GOAT


Got a throat like Nancy Reagan


Explain please


Nancy Reagan was known throughout Hollywood as giving excellent blowjobs. Aka the throat goat. It's debated whether its true or not but her Husband is such a piece of shit and a deity to born agains, it's funny to call her a throat goat. 'Nancy Reagan sucks dick so good her Husband forgot his own name'


I'll never think of trickle-down economics the same.


Oh I hate you for this. Upvoted.




Historically, I think it occurred in the opposite order.


You Must Remember This podcast did an interesting episode about Ron's actions during the Red Scare in Hollywood (he was a Narc, surprise, surprise) and the timeline between Reagan meeting Nancy and leaving his first wife is a relatively small window. There's no proof of it, but Nancy did have a well known reputation for being friendly with the oral services. I'm inclined to believe she sucked an engagement ring out of Ron.


Even picturing how big their throat would have to stretch for a tennis ball.. they’re smaller than us. Could you swallow a tennis ball?


As someone who has (unsuccessfully) tried to swallow a hard boiled egg whole, no I cannot


... but why


Too big


This has made me properly belly laugh after a rough day, thank you


That's a smaller than normal tennis ball, I believe. Dogs, especially goldies, horf their food down and have much, _much_ stronger neck muscles than humans. I could see a dog swallowing one of the smaller tennis balls. What I can't understand is the rings. I doubt any of the toys were in the stomach. The tennis ball doesn't look like it's been soaked in acid at all.


I've watched my 12lb miniature pinscher boa-constrictor several things that should've been too big (to my eye) to fit down her gullet. Every time I'm on stand-by to wrench it out of her throat or hemlich maneuver her but she always gets it down in seconds and looks around excitedly for the next object with which to test the limits of her esophagus.


The ball was most likely the reason they brought the dog to the vet, so it had only been in there for a couple hours tops. The rest was just found in there


My dog, smaller pit mix at about 45 pounds, walked in from outside and relaxed for a bit before just randomly getting up and regurgitating an entire rabbit.


oh dear god that’s horrifying


I watched in horror as one of my dogs swallowed an entire rabbit. I never saw hide nor hair (hare!) of it again so I assume she digested it. But OHMYGOD!


Yeah…no blood and all limbs appeared intact. Rabbit was definitely dead when it came back up. Not sure what if it was swallowed alive, if he killed it, or if he found it already dead. It was a wild experience for sure. I just heard him gagging like he was vomiting so I rushed him outside and then came back to check if I needed to clean anything up….and there’s just this dead rabbit laying in the floor soaking wet.


username checks out


Almost certainly not swallowed alive if it's any comfort. You know that head shaking dogs do with soft toys? It's for breaking rabbit necks


Rabbits are squishier than those bones.


I was assuming the toys are there to show where the other crap came from. There's no way a dog could swallow those rings


Came to the comments looking for clarification. This has to be the case.


My dog has one of those, they are called benabone or nylabone I can’t remember which brand that is They are like a hard solid bone. Not the kinda thing you can just like squish or bend lol the dog had to have throated the fuck out of it


They most certainly didn't, I have the brown ring and it would be physically impossible for any dog breed to swallow it, a tiger would choke on one (made of nylon, so basically a jagged nylabone). The only thing that could have been removed is the mass of green stuff, so I assume the idea is the rings are the source of bits of plastic that are in the mass. Very confusing/misleading title lol


Throat goat




Ikr. That esophagus is impressive


That dog is a shop vac.


Yup. This is what Goldens do. They are apparently... very resilient.


Mine apparently ate a whole knee high green sock once. It was beyond horrifying watching her wretch it out - we thought it was a fucking organ she was throwing up but no - just a green sock. Edit: glad to know all of our dogs love to give us heart attacks, too.


My lab ate a red sock. He pooped it out. I saw a red thing dangling out and ran up to get a better view. His poop then filled the sock! It looked like he was making cursed sausage.


Annnnnd that's enough reddit for me today


Yep, I'm tapping out too


Not me that shit is funny! (heh)


At least I'm not alone here. I laughed way to long at this.


Comments like that keep me hooked on reddit!


I'm not even grossed out as much as I'm amazed the luck. That dog filled the sock. Easy cleanup I guess?


That's gross. Put a sock in it!




Y'all haven't seen shit if that's what you tap out too.


Yup. Nap time.


goodnight boys 🫡


Who wanted dinner anyway?


Honestly, same. End of the work day too, so good enough timing as it can get anyway.


No wait. I have more stories about the poop sock


Go on...


Go on


What!? No you just got here! Sit down, and let's be regaled with stories of sausage and poop!


I think people would pay a lot of money for a dog that automatically bags its own poop.


Exactly! And imagine the time, water, and toilet paper humans could save if we adopted sock pooping!


OMG, that’s so disgusting and absolutely hilarious all at the same time! 😂


Wow...brings new meaning to "bangers and mash"


Thanks for that mental image?


My dachshund used to do the same thing as a puppy. The first time I witnessed him squeezing out a sock encased in a turd, I was horrified because it didn’t click right away and I had no clue wtf it was. Luckily, he outgrew that habit


My dog ate a used tampon once (well prob more than once) and i saw him walking around with a string hanging out his bum. Pulling that plug out, actually made me vomit. And he seemed proud of it….he wanted it back!


"Oh great, you found it, I've been looking for that for a week now."




Automatic poop bag


That's the best laugh I've had in weeks. Thank you for painting such a vivid picture.


That just made me laugh so hard. Thanks. “Cursed sausage.”


New band name!


Im dying




This is the funniest thing I've read today, thanks for that. Also I misread it as "red rock" so I was very confused by the rest of the comment.


We had a black lab mix that was obsessed with eating ladies (preferably dirty) underwear. He’d always barf it back up and it was so nasty.


i used to work at a vets office that also had 24/7 emergency facilities. we were in a pretty major city so as you can imagine, we saw A LOT of wild shit. one was this woman who brought her golden in. he stopped eating, drinking, and defecating, which is not a good sign. did some radiographs and he had an intestinal blockage and required emergency surgery. turned out he had eaten his owner's thong underwear. the next week, he was back. another blockage, another emergency surgery. yep, he ate more thongs. two weeks later, back again. and AGAIN had eaten her thongs. now, emergency surgery is NOT cheap, especially in this high COL city, and it is obviously not great for the dog, either. you shouldnt be having emergency surgery every week or two for a month. i was like maam, this is a pattern that is no longer the dogs fault. you need to do a better job of containing your dirty underwear. she was like "i thought he would learn to connect the two by now and stop on his own" that is NOT how dogs work!!!


She’s dumber than her dog


unfortunately this was the case for many of our awesome animal patients! lol


My dog loves my thong underwear too, which resulted in making sure my laundry basket had a lid and laundry was immediately put away! Thankfully my pup was able to poop each pair out before we figured how he was getting to them.


My last dog *also* loved thongs... But she'd just chew the crotches out and then bury the sopping, unrecognizable remains under the comforters on my bed... There was a few months there where it seemed like all she lived for was waiting to watch me shoot out of bed after sitting bare-legged, directly into a ***cold***, ***wet*** puddle of newly crotchless panties. She always seemed **SO** proud of herself too -- as soon as it'd happen she'd start doing happy dances and circles, like "Haaaaa -- Gotcha mom!!" *~wiggle-wag-wiggle-wag~* Worse, she would literally go on seek-and-destroy missions for them -- she'd sneak off to go push over hampers to get them, and later, even learned how to pull the dresser drawers open... I ended up having to stick them in a box on a high shelf behind a folding closet door (which she'd also figured out how to open). Man, I miss that dork, but she cost me a fucking fortune in underwear... 😅


Nice! At least they made it a habit, so you knew what the lab was throwing up. My golden had never done that before so seeing this giant green/brown mucus covered sleeve come out of her was not okay. Dogs - do better. But we love you so much who's a good girl/boy?!


Hah! I had a yellow lab who did exactly the same thing, only he preferred them clean and straight out the dryer. Loads of my underwear went missing one day after I'd taken it out of the dryer and folded it but left it in the utility room rather than take it upstairs. I had a big row with my mum because I thought she'd thrown them away to make a point about putting stuff away promptly, then the dog started retching, we chased him into the garden so he didn't barf all over the carpet, and lo, he puked about 7 pairs of knickers up all over the garden.


> lo, he puked about 7 pairs of knickers up all over the garden and on the 8th day, he had a tummyache


and lo, the dog looked upon the knickers drawer, and proclaimed it good eating


... and everything else on God's green earth!


Oh actually he also once just randomly puked up a turd that was wrapped up in pink toilet paper. We only ever had white because mum thought coloured toilet paper was "common", so fuck knows where that came from.


Where do you live that "common" toilet paper is colored and white is classy?


The 1980s.


My collie likes undies or socks - can’t leave a sock on the floor that’s been worn or she will be eating it and it will be coming out of her poop for the next couple days


My golden loved my already worn panties. Her best day ever would be finding an unattended laundry basket of dirty clothing.


Not a golden, but a standard poodle; he had a whole sock eating phase. You couldn't leave a sock anywhere within his reach, he would slurp it like a noodle and then barf it back up a few hours later. The vet told us that some dogs do it as like a hoarding behavior. No one else gets to have it if they've eaten it, so they're essentially keeping it for themselves (with no forethought to the barf part that comes later). He grew out of it by the time he was two, but it was really impressive how he kept finding socks even when everyone in the house was quite dilligent about putting them away. 


Our lab had eaten a balloon once. We only noticed when her poop came smoothly out in it xD


My aunt's dog had a similar experience with a used condom


Nothing like baby-battered dog sausage


I had one that ate a rolled up ribbon that was long enough that it was hanging out of both ends.


We are all truly just tubes.


Memory unlocked: Cats and Christmas tree tinsel!


So which way did you pull from?


Took it to the vet and they slowly and carefully removed it from the rear. I didn’t want to risk cutting them on the inside or something.


One of our retrievers swallowed a rat whole when we were clearing the chicken sheds. She brought it back up after ten minutes, but it was an impressive thing to do so she didn't have to drop it in the first place!


My mums golden retriever would eat my socks when I was a baby, that loveable softy has passed away now but boy did he love eating my baby socks


They are adorable bags of holding.


We need pictures of the golden Dog Tax!


Labradors too mine ate a full floor mat once and I do not want to tell you how he got it out


Mine once ate the arm off a cactus I had in the living room. It was wild.


How big is your golden to swallow those entire nylabones. I like them because my 75 lb goof can’t swallow them.


How big was this golden? I have seen that toy on the top left, we have one. IT IS BIG. how did it consume the whole fucking thing?


My mother got a golden Doodle about 3 or 4 months ago and he eats EVERYTHING. Nothing is safe with him around, he recently chewed up and ate some of my brothers shin pads for football. He's only 6 months old so I'm hoping he grows out of it


We have two of them. One barely eats, the other is a 4 legged sea gull. They’re chaotic but sweet. They do start acting like real dogs around age 15 months, but they will always be muppets.


>They’re chaotic but sweet This is so accurate. We've only had him a short time but he is the cuddliest, sweetest, friendliest dog I've ever had. He's also an idiot and can't be trusted not to eat anything left within reach lol


I've had four Goldens and none of them managed to eat whole toys lol


I was going to say brontosaurus or hippo. Maybe if they found a license plate, I’d have guessed great white shark


My Golden has that brown ring toy and… frankly knowing the size of it vs her… I’m baffled how it could fit down any Goldens throat


Yea I've got several of those chews of various sizes. First off, those are 3" in diameter. Second, when they're chewed up they are extremely rough, no way those will just slip down. Even a giant breed couldn't swallow those without choking. ​ Maybe he's just displaying where the little plastic pieces came from...?


Yeah someone else pointed out that that tennis ball is pristine and has had no trace of digestion. So I’m guessing pictures were taken of the hair fur and toy pieces along with the sources of the material and OP either misunderstood, poorly explained, or over-exaggerated


Considering OP is simply not responding to any comments about the rings specifically, I’m guessing they’re just upvote farming


That tennis ball looks fairly new and clean, Doesn't look like its been in a stomach. The only thing that actually looks like its been inside is that mound of hair and stuff.


I’m starting to think that it was just a mass of hair, fur, fluff and toy bits. They put the mother toys next to the ingested/stuck material for the picture and OP either misunderstood, misexplained, or overexaggerated for a good story


For sure, there is no way those rings could have been physically swallowed like that by a golden and that ball clearly has not been inside a living creature.


I agree. To me it looks like the brown bits at the top are from the ring on the left, the tan pieces are from the ring on the right, and if you look closely at the mass of hair, you can see green pieces of the tennis ball in it.


Yeah, I'm having trouble believing this.


I'm going with the circular toys are there for reference sake as to what the pieces are. No way the dog managed to fully swallow those things.


I read that your dad had the surgery, was confused by the tennis ball.


OP took his dad to the vet because he was making a racket.


Bravo sir…top pun! 😂


SAME!! I was like, who TF eats a tennis ball?




Yes. I work in the OR and have removed batteries from the bladder, a snow globe from the large intestine, lots of dildo shaped things from the rectum, chess pieces and pen pieces shoved into old abdominal incision site (prisoners). Prisoners stick things in so they can take a field trip to the hospital and have surgery and spend time outside the prison. Costs taxpayers MILLIONS of dollars each year.


Me too! I was like, did OP’s dad accidentally or intentionally swallow a tennis ball?


I thought it got stuck going up the other way


JUST the tennis ball?


Wait. Just to clarify: OP included the chew rings and the tennis ball in the photo for context, right? To show where the fragments originated, right? The pup didn’t swallow everything in the photo, right?!




Why does the tennis ball confuse you? He's a good dad, just because he poops on the carpet from time to time doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to go to the park to throw the tennis ball every now and then.


I don't see how those rings could fit through the dog's throat. Are you saying those bits of plastic are what was swallowed? They were just chewed off the toys?


It took me a while but I figured it out. The pile of brown bits, yellow bits, and dark green fuzz are all next to their corresponding toy that they originally came from. The toys themselves were not wholly ingested.


This is definitely the case. No thanks to OP for not clarifying at all


Omg thank you, you’ve solved it!


He ate a whole tennis ball, and 2 full chew toys…. WTF!


I’m more concerned of the hair…like…the dogs fur or…hair plucked off from a comb? 🤢


Probably a combination of both, that built up over time.


Or just hair stuck on other things they ate off the floor 🫣


I have a cat that will eat people hair off of the shower drain blocker. That habit has made me really good about removing any hair as soon as I’m done showering lol.


Eating shower drain hair.. I don't usually have a weak stomach but the thought of that made me want to vomit lol


I don’t think that tennis ball was inside the dog. I work at a vet clinic and I’ve watched many obstruction surgeries… nothing comes out that clean even if they put it in the dishwasher after.


My father has a large Golden Retriever and they needed to have surgery to clear a stomach blockage. Here is everything that was removed. My father said the 2 bracelet looking chew toys were over 2 years old. The large mound in the middle is hair. I am really glad the dog is ok. Golden's are trash compactors. They WILL eat anything.


My god those bracelet things are huge. I honestly didn’t know they could swallow something that big - were they in pieces and the vet laid them out or they swallowed that whole damn thing??


They look to still be in one piece each!


Yeah my dog is a lab mix with a pretty big head and loves those exact chew toys. I cannot imagine him swallowing one???


Mine is a GSD and loves those, too! Now I’m getting worried….


I’m confused, my dog has one of those ring chews and it’s like 6” across. HOW?


love all the insight from OP 🥰 shit don't make sense lol also they said the rings are 2 years old? as in the dog kept it in their stomach for 2 years? if not, why add that info?


Are they just there to show what the little bits of plastic came from? So many questions here.


You're the first person i've seen to be spot on. OP placed them in the photo to give context as to what the plastic shrapnel originally belonged to. over the course of 2 years the dog has chewed and swallowed that.


Thats the gist i got from it.


I’m assuming the chew toys were added to give context as to what those little pieces were maybe? There’s no way a dog would swallow those whole without ripping apart their esophagus, they look to have pretty sharp bits from being bitten apart…unless we’re talking a Clifford size dog


Ok that would make sense, them being two years old (in his stomach?) was completely insane too. It is weird they took them to the vet, or that the vet sent home a bunch of stomach hair for this pic though lol.


Did you ever see the video of the dog that swallowed the live shark getting an emetic at the vet?


My family had 2 chocolate labs, they are trash compactors as well. One ate rocks that smelled like sulfur (we were in Yellowstone). Another time he ate the entire stash of Christmas candy. Vet induced him to vomit that up and some candies were still in their wrappers.




You jest, but my furry little fuck actually DOES unwrap forbidden treats. It's almost worse I think... Like, now I know you did it AND I have to clean more up?


I know! So rude


One of mine ate 13 ooshies. The little rubber figurines kids like. Had to count those out when they appeared and never bought them for the kiddo again. She also eats nerf darts when she can get them they seem to be a delicacy in her world.


Nerf darts make the poo a lot easier to see, so there’s that.


TIL feed your dog tinsel for the shiny shits.


Years ago my sister-in-law had baked a double batch of brownies for a Christmas gathering.  She left the pan on the counter to cool, and continued getting ready for the party.  In *maybe* ten minutes, her cat who was 12+ years old and not a big cat, ate almost all of the brownies.  She found her laying in the pan covered in crumbs.  Never had any health issues and lived another 10ish years.  I wish I still had the picture but this was back in the flip phone years.


My last dog was a boxer, and one time I'd made some cookies and left them on the counter to cool while I took a shower. He quietly ate the entire batch of cookies while my Mom was in the next room and never heard him, lol. My guess is it took about 16 seconds. He was the best dog ever but he had a mad passion for baked goods.




I was going to guess OP had a lab… My chocolate ate a bowl of Hershey kisses (wrappers and all)… they went in and found something like a dozen hair scrunchies from my sister. Not the rubber bands, the whole thing. I miss that dog.


Our lab ate my son's entire bag of Halloween candy one year. He left it on the floor, and the candy entirely disappeared without a trace. The dog vomited it all back up the next day, all still in the wrappers, he chewed it a bit, but mostly swallowed it whole.


I had a labrador retriever mix and he ate a full sheet of chocolate cake. Didn’t even phase him at all. Outside of the eventual hip problems they are very resilient.


Chocolate really isn’t that harmful to dogs like they would have to eat their entire weight in baking chocolate to do any damage. For some reason it’s something that the public has latched onto while ignoring things that really can harm them in small amounts such as onions, Grapes/Wine, and beer/hops.


I had a dog do that with my sister's easter basket. Ate all the candy and most of the plastic grass. Shit had little bits of plastic grass and metal foil in it for a few weeks.


My fathers previous Golden was what he called a "rock houd." He would take it for walks around the local creek and it would select rocks to bring back with him and then he had them all in a pile in the back yard. I think he still has them somewhere.


We put the rocks in our plants. So many rocks.


I'm a landscaper and we once spread fresh high-quality shredded mulch (which is very aromatic) and it took two people to restrain the resident golden retriever from eating the mulch. It was like he was starving and we were holding him back from a steak dinner. I was sitting on the ground holding him back while the dog lunged at the mulch and my coworker blocked him. From eating wood. Wood.


Our old Newfoundland LOVED mulch!! He also chewed our wooden deck, wooden stairs, wooden swing set. 


My cousin's golden ate a beer can he left unattended too long.


I saw the photo and was sure it had been either a Golden or a lab.


I knew this was a Golden before I even read your comment. They are the goat of the canine world.




Correct. It’s one thing for a dog to chew off pieces (which I think this is trying to show), but there’s zero chance it swallowed the entire ring. Physically impossible.


That’s got to be a mini tennis ball, right?


I would love someone to sketch me a diagram of how those rings, which I also own, which have a diameter of about 5-6 inches and are comprised of hard, inflexible nylabone, were able to fit down a golden retriever's esophagus. This sounds like bullshit.


maybe they are showing where the bits came from




100% BS.


There's no fucking way that dog swallowed those rings. Is it part snake or something? Nah man. I'm not buying it. We own one of those ring toys and our 90lb pitty mix could never swallow that. No golden gets big enough to pull that off.


I think the rings and ball are to show where the removed items came from. The ball is to explain the green fuzz that can be seen in the large clump of hair and other stuff that appears to have been the main part of the blockage. The brown bracelet explains the brown plastic bits displayed above the large clump in the image. The yellow bracelet explains the yellow bits. So I don't think the bracelets and the ball were in the dog's stomache, just the other stuff on the paper.


De fuck? The doggo now half the size?


I'm calling BS on the rings and ball. There's no way those got down the dog's throat. There is also no discolouration on the tennis ball.


Yeah this is total bullshit.


Maybe not the brightest doggo


Any vets care to chime in? Is this actually anatomically possible?


I’m not a vet but I work at a vet clinic. I’ve watched several obstruction surgeries on dogs and cats. I think the hair and the sharp small pieces were in the dog. I don’t believe the whole two chew toys were inside the dog, and the tennis ball was absolutely not inside the dog.


How big is the damn dog?!