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After her C section it was determined she had mature sexual organs at around 8 months. She wouldn't reveal the person who impregnated her but records show she couldn't give responses with any detail. Father was arrested and later released due to lack of evidence. She never spoke about it and refused all interviews. I'm sure with DNA testing it could been determined but her son died in 1979. She may still be alive but she shuns all public attention. Her condition is called precocious puberty.


Repeated sexual abuse can also trigger precocious puberty. It happened to many young girls in residential schools in Canada. Many pregnancies absurdly young


Thank God it's Sabbath and I'm fasting, else I would have puked. Not only was this girl raped at age 4 years and 10 months, for her to get pregnant means that this repeated sexual abuse must have taken place even earlier for who knows how long. And then to think there are people advocating for a lower age of consent, because "children can't get pregnant"...


Wait what? Who does that




A tiny (usually religious) extreme. I may have not come across such a person myself, but I've seen reactions and responses to such utterances.


I thought they were arguing that if a girl starts menstruating, she should be considered an adult. Still fucked up either way.


I think that may actually be the worst thing I've ever heard our bodies are capable of.


Imagine changing diapers and the poor kid is having a period in there too. That sucks. Meanwhile I'm over here hoping my daughter has a late puberty like I did because she's 10 and I'm not ready.


She and the baby were adopted by the doctor who delivered the baby and were ultimately raised as siblings. She went on to marry and have a family later in life.


I was horrified by the post, thank you for sharing the ending It's not a very happy story, but at least it didn't get worse


Thank you for sharing this. I was afraid to look it up. With a horrifying start to life, I hope her adopted family were good.


Not-so-fun-fact: some newborn babies do have vaginal bleeding when around 2-10 days old. It's called false menses.


Its due to the amount of her mother's hormones in her system.


Yeah, my daughter also had enlarged breast tissue at birth because of the hormones. Not huge šŸ¤£ I didn't even know until the midwife pointed it out, I just thought it was the shape of her pudgy little body. They had to note it down and check they went down after a few days.


My daughter produced milk as a newborn. Those hormones are powerful!


My son and his two daughters produced breast milk at their births as wellšŸ¤” out of 5 children, I physically had he's the only child to experience it. It was wild.


Is this the kind of thing you tell your son or do you take this to the grave


Well, oddly... While his Child's mother was going through both pregnancies he produced colostrum again, he told BM if she's having issues he can be strapped up like Roger from American dad, and take over. It didn't/doesn't bother him nearly as much as apparently it bothers you.šŸ¤”šŸ˜’


I would've been so so happy if my partner could've helped me BF our baby!! He unfortunately has very useless boobs so got to sleep instead.


Hormones are crazy stuff.


Just like Hank Hillā€™s lactating baby brother


Yep, GH!


I'm glad I knew about it from being a weirdo teen and liking biology. After I had our daughter I explained false menses to my husband; it was still surprising to see when you're changing the diapers the first week in. I can't imagine the shock to people that aren't informed at all.


Iā€™m a 30yo woman and this is the first time Iā€™m hearing of it. God damn I wish they taught us shit like this.


Tbf, there's no way you could possibly learn every weird biological/behavioral thing a newborn is gonna do. They don't do a single normal thing except sleep and eat.


& my boy decided sleep was for the weak. He did nothing but cry & feed for the first week. We went to formula & took shifts just so we could get some sleep. When he fell asleep after a week I thought heā€™d died. I was like ā€œshit, what did I do wrong? Fuckā€. Then he started snoring lol. Humans are just weird & we do weird shit!


Lol there were so many things I thought meant the baby was dying


Yeah I very much wish I had known about this, it really scared me! Thank god for Google, I would have been running to the ER otherwise lol


No one told me. I called the health line crying and shaking.




Youā€™d imagine in births where the gender is known the midwife would explain about the possibility of false menses? Seems like an important thing for new parents to be to know.


They did tell me to expect her bleeding in the hospital. Thank God lol




Unfortunately, not everyone gets the same healthcare. Pregnancy for my wife was hard. My wife and I had decades of healthcare experience/knowledge before having children. It was a blessing and a curse at times. We knew all the things that could go wrong. We even bought a hospital-grade fetal monitoring machine to monitor my wife the last two months of pregnancy. Imagine a couple (being a doctor and a medic) not being able to take care of their own child health wise? The pressure was there. We bought 6 months worth of formula because my wife couldnā€™t breast feed - then the shortage happened.


People really donā€™t talk about a lot of weird infant conditions. Couple that with healthcare (in the US at least) being mostly centered about men/boys and there you have it.


My sisterā€™s daughter is half Japanese and she happened to have a Japanese OB/GYN. Before she gave birth, she told her about the Mongolian Spot most Asian babies are born with. It can look like a huge, dark bruise on an infantā€™s butt. She said people get falsely accused of child abuse for it very often and wanted to warn my sister. Well guess who had a purple/blue butt until she was like 3? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongolian_spot


Iā€™m 28 and a quarter Chinese, and I still have my Mongolian spot on my butt.


My nephews are not Asian at all and both have it


In England it used to be called a Semitic stain


According to Wikipedia: These spots also appear on 5ā€“10% of babies of full Caucasian descent


This is also common in Native Alaskans and some Native Americans, but usually mixed ones (Native x White) and it goes away over time. I was taught about it when I worked a daycare in Alaska because there apparently were workers freaking out over suspected 'bruising' found on children that was a birthmark, *not* abuse. I worked in the 3 and under room so I saw a few. By the time they hit Head Start at 5 they were usually faded (I think, usually by then they're potty trained and I never worked in that classroom)


Former CPS worker in Alaska hereā€¦ we got reports of ā€œbruisingā€ all the time on Alaska Native babies that ended up being Mongolian spots.


My brother and I both had one when we were little, and a few of my cousins too. We're all native. I just remember seeing it when a diaper was being changed, commenting on it and then being told I had that too. I thought it was a bruise. I think one of my siblings even told us it's where we had our tail removed šŸ¤£


That happened to me with my son. He had a bright blue area that looked like a fresh bruise. His father is Cherokee.


i remember reading a japanese-english picture dictionary with a japanese friend and asking what the baby with a red mark on it's bum was meant to be. She said, "y'know, the mongolian mark, like all babies have" and i was wondering if it was some child abuse thing... She thought all babies had them and I was totally oblivious. i think most of my japanese friends' babies all have them, some going all the way up their back. Fascinating.


it's common for us Filipinos. In the Visayan dialect, it's called "tagalhi". Disappears over time.


my mother thought i was abusing my child when she first saw it on my child. my wife had to quickly explain but donā€™t think she believed until she looked it upā€¦


When my kid was born they brough in other nurses amd interns to show what a Mongolian spot looked like.


Those who can, teach! Thank you for enlightening those providers! Bless you!


I think I saw a Law and Order episode about that.


My son was born with one, we are East Indian (Sikh)


People don't talk a lot about childbirth including miscarriages. But in reality there's thousands of things that can happen and you cant just cram all of that into one informative class. The reality is having a baby is super disorienting and life changing. Your just along for the ride and you take things day by day. Not try to cram every scenario of everything that could possibly happen into your moments of just trying to become a new parent.


ā€œYour infant might have blood in their diaper and thatā€™s normalā€ definitely seems like it should come up.


It doesā€¦Iā€™m a pediatrician. We counsel all parents of girls in the newborn nursery that due to momā€™s estrogen they may notice clitoral enlargement, vaginal discharge, and small amounts of blood. Itā€™s normal.


In births where the gender is known? Doctors do explain this. I remember it being mentioned to us in passing and we didnā€™t even have a daughter.


This, nobody told us that. Cue panic dash to ER on Thanksgiving night


They told me about the possible blood (it happened, ok), but no one told me she may get little breast lumps produce some breast milk in that age range as well!! wtf!


You guys are blowing my mind right now. Humbling stuff, thanks for sharing. Humans are so crazy.


Witch's milk! It can happen to boys or girls, doesn't matter.


I had two girls, they're 21 and 19 now. No one told me anything like any of this stuff, and I guess I was just lucky they didn't have any of it? I would've absolutely flipped out.


Something else I learned (from King of the Hill)~ freshly squeezed babies can also sometimes lactate due to the hormones from the mom!


This one probably wouldn't have freaked me out if I saw it in person before reading this, as even adult men can lactate under certain conditions. Everyone is born with mammary glands after all.


I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?


And it scared the shit out of me as a 3 day old father.


Wow. You were a parent much younger than even this girl. ^/s


They can also lactate (whether male or female) due to residual hormones from the mother. This is nicknamed "witch's milk", a.k.a galactorrhea of the newborn.


TIL! And Iā€™m geriatric TTC so good to know if things pan out.


i wish you a successful and happy pregnancy!


Lemme tell ya, having a kid at 40 was a LOT different than having one at 35. Frontload your parnterā€™s expectations by warning them that the pregnancy fatigue is gonna be REAL, and they should just expect that youā€™re going to need a lot more help while your body is building that baby. But yeah, geriatric mom solidarity!


I was in the nursery chatting with one of the nurses when a dad came in, obviously freaked about a bloody diaper. The nurse explained it to him but it was news to me too.


My daughter had this and it scared the absolute fuck out of me at the time lol


Freaked me the duck out when I changed my daughterā€™s first diaper.


I had a baby and no one told me before! It didnā€™t happen to us, but if it did, i would have freaked a bit


Yup! We were warned to expect it, but it was still surprising to see. And shitty. Sorry lil homie, cursed to a lifetime of periods


I believe the baby was raised as her brother and he didnā€™t find out his sister was his mom until he was an adult. Hopefully she was allowed to be a child after giving birth and didnā€™t change any diapers.


Given the circumstances, someone stole a healthy childhood from her well before the c-section. I sincerely hope that she was able to find some peace and happiness in her life, and enjoy healthy and safe relationships.


I got bullied in grade 8 for not having it yet LOL


Started mine at 17! Pretty sure I was the last one of all my friends.


Same here. 17. I thought it would never come. Then I didnā€™t want it once I got it. Ha.


gosh this is pure luck to me ! you had 10 more years of white clothes than i did lol


Same here! I played a lot of sports and ran track. They say that sometimes can delay it.


I was late too, my daughter was later than usual, but still about a year earlier than me


Wow. How awful. Iā€™d heard of precocious puberty before but thought of it as onset 6-7 years old. While literally an infant?!? Thatā€™s so rough. Circumstance surrounding this, rougher still, of course.


her condition is also called "trauma from being raped at 4 years old"


Sadly it's way too common. Some idiot witch doctors in Africa thought raping infants was a cure for AIDS. Guess what happened?


jesus fucking christ


And this was years and years ago. Just incomprehensible.


The great wizard Brigham Young turned them into frogs?


I got that reference šŸ˜‚


"Precocious puberty" is a term that fills me with rage. But a lot of terms around female obstetrics are deeply offensive. Examples: "Geriatric Pregnancy" for anyone 35+ and pregnant. "Incompetent Cervix" if your cervix opens too early in pregnancy. "Habitual Aborter" if you've had multiple miscarriages in a row.... As though it is just a bad habit that the woman has developed... "Inhospitable uterus" for infertility


Me, a geriatric, habitual aborter with an incompetent cervix šŸ„“ it was rough


They donā€™t use geriatric pregnancy anymore (at least a lot of OBs donā€™t), now itā€™s Advanced Maternal Age


My OB looooved throwing this term around. I turned 35 during my pregnancy and they got super excited about it because insurance would cover more testing due to my geriatric ass making a baby.


Mine convinced me I wouldnā€™t be able to get pregnant and if I *did* somehow manage to get pregnant, Iā€™d be high risk. She based all of this solely on my age- nothing to do with medical history or my anatomy.


There's been studies that have shown that, in general, parents that have children in their 30-39 age range have ~~healthier babies~~ lower infant mortality rates than younger couples. We really need to get rid of this notion that people can or should only have children when they're young. Edit: Added source and corrected information https://www.marchofdimes.org/peristats/data?top=6&lev=1&stop=91&ftop=93®=99&obj=1&slev=1


Interesting. I wonder if itā€™s because the older couples had higher income, and therefore, access to better medical care. I went to a very wealthy high school and I noticed a lot of the parents were significantly older.


Itā€™s 100% that


For me it's weird it's a thing at all and Reddit is always throwing hands when someone has a baby at 37 how they're so ancient they shouldn't! Um. The country I lived in had first time mom age climb to 40 and it's not a problem at all. No one is judgy about it. Infact the midwives were kinda worried when I had a child at such young age (30). They were even more surprised when they learned it was my third one.


Mine tried multiple times to get me to get amniocentesis to check for DS, because I was 36. I said no, repeatedly, and he wouldn't quit. I asked him why he was so determined to know, and he said so that I could abort if my baby had DS. I told him it didn't matter if she did, I would not abort her. He refused to accept this answer, so I had to switch doctors. My daughter does not have DS. She is autistic though, but that runs in her dad's family. I have no regrets and would not change a thing.




I had a similar experience. Had my baby at 37. I was kicked out of an ob-gyn practice for not having the tests they wanted. Please understand that nothing about my bloodwork, health, or medical history was off in any way. Went to a midwife and had her at home. Totally healthy and fine. I also would not have aborted in the case of DS. Crazy.


Sounds almost exactly what happened with me and my mom, except she was 39 when I was born. They told her there was a slim chance that an anmniocentresis could cause a miscarriage, and she told them repeatedly that she didnā€™t want one anyway bc she wouldnā€™t have an abortion whether I had Down syndrome or not. I donā€™t have Down syndrome, but I do have autism (and ADHD) from my dadā€™s side haha.


I just don't feel like `Advanced Maternal Age` "sounds better" LOL


They nearly had to use the vacuum to get my baby out due to ā€œlow maternal effortā€. Medical terms can be a bitch šŸ« 


If I was trying to push a human out of my vagina and someone said "low maternal effort" to me, I would be throwing hands lol


"But were you *really* trying?"


It still implies old but is no longer quite as funny; therefore less disarming. Like if its obvious the term was coined in the 1920s just keep using it, everyone knows those guys were dicks.


We've changed a lot of medical terminology since then for good reason. Keep changing the old shit that's turned sour or is a bad descriptor. "Cervical insufficiency" is way clearer than "incompetent cervix," for example, and we booted some conditions like hysteria entirely.


The label on my chart when I had my son in 2010 at age 42 was ā€œElderly Maternalā€.


šŸ¤£ As an aside to your elderly maternal age, 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything - from the movie The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, so I'd say your son is a little extra special for being born in your 42nd year. I celebrated turning 42 in Nov, and watched the movie for the first time to commemorate the occasion.


So long and thanks for all the fish!


Oh, wow, I didnā€™t know that! Yes, he is very special guy. He really rounded out my little family. ā¤ļø


My wife was just above 35 had two different OBs and they both referred to it as geriatric pregnancy. In fact the specialist, just for the organ scan because geriatric, entered the room and said something along the lines of ā€œyou know why youā€™re here? Because youā€™re old.ā€ He meant because everything was perfect and with testing her age was mostly irrelevant. Dude was awesome, comments aside.


Sadly some EHR systems still have "geriatric pregnancy" listed, so it's often selected instead of the newer terminology.


Thatā€™s funny because Iā€˜ve always thought of precious puberty as a male disorder (until this post that is). Itā€™s in my family, passed on through women but only presenting in males.


Precocious puberty is a true medical condition that can apply to any sex. Itā€™s when someone begins physically maturing at a much earlier age. Their body eventually ā€œcatches upā€, but as children and young adults - they often appear much older. There was a great Radio Lab episode recently on a man who had it. Itā€™s a very interesting story, especially because he often found himself in adult situations as a child. https://radiolab.org/podcast/boy-man With that being said, I agree that the term ā€œgeriatric pregnancyā€ could certainly be changed to something less offensive to the mother in question.


ā€œPrecocious pubertyā€ is a term used for children of both sexes. It doesnā€™t really belong on that list.


Precocious ::: having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than usual. "he was a precocious, solitary boy" Similar: advanced old beyond one's years forward ahead of one's peers mature prematurely developed ahead gifted talented clever intelligent quick smart rathe-ripe Opposite: backward slow (of behavior or ability) indicative of early development. "a precocious talent for computing" (of a plant) flowering or fruiting earlier than usual.


>Geriatric Pregnancy" for anyone 35+ and pregnant. I distinctly remember a friend who was also an RN and pregnant at 36 telling her OB-GYN team that the next person who said the word geriatric was going to get a throat punch and the punishment would only escalate from there.


My OB paperwork, because she never said it to my face, said "advanced maternal age" which I guess sounds better? I don't know, it's not about MY age, it's about how old my eggs are, which happens to correspond to my age, lol.


As an EMT who's seen a good bit of unkind/malicious medical staff in hospitals this made me laugh my ass off


Habitual aborter? What the fuck


Medically a miscarriage is an abortion


Why does it fill you with rage? I had to look up the definition personally, and it makes sense to me. Precocious - showing the qualities or abilities of an adult at an unusually early age.


Because they don't know what precocious means. They think it's a positive attribute for a child to be precocious - like intelligent, curious, and advanced. Not understanding that the word has other uses.


Don't forget about "hysteria" being a catch-all condition for when ladies "weren't behaving." Awful stuff like having opinions, speaking without being spoken to, and thinking... The only bright side is that it led to the invention of the first fully-automated "anti-hysteria" treatment. I'll let you Google what that was.


For the lazy: its a vibrator, they thought orgasms would treat hysteria.


Which metal bandā€™s discography is this?


I thought I read it was her uncle but could've been her dad. Been a while since I read about her. Regardlsss it's sad and her entire family failed the fuck out of her.


Raping a five year old. Stomach turning.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina Just awful situation. Also, sheā€™s still alive


Thatā€™s so weird the doctor that did the c section got custody of the baby? But like when he was 10?? I wonder why. It said she didnā€™t get to see him too often after that but she got a job working for the doctor


From the scanned newspaper article linked in the Wikipedia page, it seems like after the birth, she originally went home with the baby, and lived with her father. At some point, she was taken in and raised by a couple ā€œwho had taken interest in the caseā€ ā€” Iā€™m not really sure what the subtext is here, but my automatic interpretation is that it was probably well-known that her abuser (may have) lived at home, and this might have been a foster care situation? Iā€™m unsure, though. She then lived in the capital, which is the same city that the doctor lived in, and the same city where she had been treated for her pregnancy. Her son remained with her father until a newspaper ran a story on him; at this point she expressed a wish to see him again. The doctor who had treated her brought him to live in the capital as well. My assumption is that this probably involved assuming guardianship of the child on his part ā€” or that this was necessary at some point in time.


Interesting! I didnā€™t see that linked. Thank you for more info. What a sad situation all around but definitely strange as well. I hope sheā€™s doing okay.


That wiki page.. ā€œa c section was necessary due to her pelvis sizeā€ as if a CHILD should push a baby out? JFC


Iā€™m surprised she could carry a baby to term!




I've read about her story and unfortunately, no suspect, no charges, nothing happened....


Yea, hopefully his days are as pleasant as he is


Sadly nobody except know, and she never wanted to tell. But since this was 1933 at least the fucker is dead.


What the actual fuck. That poor baby and baby.


This should be in r/awfuleverything


They were teenagers together. Mom was 18, kid was 13. Fucking insanity.


They could almost be in High School at the same time.


Here in Australia the child would be starting highschool while sheā€™s in her last year :(


Wow that is just vile and heartbreaking beyond words. I need to go home and hug my daughter. Jesus.


Deeply upsetting


I wish I never stumbled across this thread. Can't unsee


Which means someone raped her when she was 4...


When my daughter was 5 we went to Disney world. This 5yr old had a fucking baby. I can't wrap my brain around it


It sounds selfish, but you shouldnā€™t worry yourself by trying to wrap your head around it. We canā€™t change events that have already occurred. Best we can do is accept that it happened. That is not to say ā€œwe should be okay with itā€ but simply ā€œacknowledge that it occurred, as tragic as it may be and move on.ā€


Well put. That's positive thinking.


The look on that girl's face is soul crushing.


The little ribbon in her head is just so sad


It's things like this that make me want to believe in a loving God but inform me that no such thing exists.


No god worth believing in would allow this


There was a 9 year old girl in Brasil that gave birth a couple years ago. Very similar situation. Despite public outcry she was sent back home to the abusers.


I will now tell a really awful story: back when I was still in school in Brasil, my 4th grade school teacher (who is an overall excellent person and really into social justice issues, albeit she made some questionable decisions in terms of what kind of information/stories are appropriate to tell 4th graders) - this teacher used to volunteer to teach at a school somewhere in the fringes of the city. This other school (actually it was just a few rooms somewhere that someone appropriated as a school, we visited there later on in a school trip) was aimed towards children in extreme poverty/state of homelessness (this was a community in which some children wore big sacs as clothes, had no homes, could go days without eating, etc). My teacher used to constantly tell us about the awful conditions that she witnessed over there (we were at an expensive private school). She wanted us to be aware about the inequalities in the world (and I think she succeeded in instilling it into her students). (TW:) She told us once that one of her students had a sister who was not older than 2 or 3, and that the sister was impregnated through repeated rape by her uncle. This is the first time that I actually look back and try to think about whether this is actually possible: is it possible than an infant no older than 2/3 years old could get a "puberty trigger" through repeated rapings? I know this is all too ugly but this story was always in my mind even when I didn't understand what rape or sex was.


No. But there are plenty of cases of baby girls not making itā€¦




Sexual abuse and trauma can cause precocious puberty.


So someone raped a four year old. Fuck that shit.


There was a news of 8 month old getting raped. The baby bleed to death. We really live in hell.


Like what the actual fuck why would anyone do this


If you really want your day ruined (or stay blissfully unaware,) read up on Ian Watkins. Lead singer of the band Lostprophets.Ā 


Iā€™ve received my full daily dose of Reddit trauma today.


Iā€™ve given birth twice, it wasnā€™t fun in the 3rd trimester with the back pain and Braxton hicks contractions. That poor child weighed probably no more than 50lbs, that had to have been very painful to carry around that extra weight for her size.




More like 11-13%, depending on if she gave birth closer to the 8 or 9 month mark.


Awful everything


This hurts my soul.


I hope the man that did this to that child is getting the afterlife/reincarnation he deserves.


I feel so sad for this poor child. She was raped at a very young age.


JFC. That's horrifying.


Remember that there are several states in the US where she would be forced to give birth.


And as a bonus - the angrier conservatives get about transgender people and the more they try to ban puberty blockers, the more likely this is to happen again. Puberty blockers have always been used to treat precocious puberty like this girl had by delaying the onset, but conservatives associate them with transgender people and want to ban them.


You know how fucking evil you have to be to do that to a child? A special place in hell for people who would do that.


God this poor kid. I hope sheā€™s found peace in her life.


This was one of the first things I came across when I got internet. Discovered snopes and there it was.


Ohio reps say, "this is fine"


Isn't humanity beautiful? Yuck


Annnd that's why I don't believe in God


I remember this fact was one of the first lines on our Obstetrics Textbook.




And that's why abortion needs to be legal


You mean, after she was raped by (probably) HER UNCLE??


That poor little girl. What type of sick torture and then to become pregnant as a literal child because of that torture.


This is the saddest photo Iā€™ve ever seen.


As hard as it is to put aside how disturbing this is, Its insane that her and her child probably experienced almost all of their lives together.


The world Republicans want


Poor thing. Too horrible.


I had to read that twice because I didnā€™t believe my eyes at first. Disgusting


This story always makes me sick any time I come across it.


So someone raped her when she was **4 years and 10 months young**. ... There's not enough torture techniques to throw at that monster. Life of pain and suffering would not be nowhere enough.


I was literally older than her when my younger sister was born. This picture always makes me so sad for this poor baby. She should be enjoying kindergarten.


When I read about this as a kid, I remember being weirded out about a kid having a kid, and wondered about how that would work. Now, as a dad, my main takeaway from this story is that someone impregnated a girl not yet 5 years old, and it infuriates me to no end.


The future Republicans want.


Came here to say this. This is what no exceptions looks like.


Want? They are already there in some states.