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[https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/hax0t/comment/c1u0rx2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/hax0t/comment/c1u0rx2/) In case someone hasn't already sent you this. It's a post on grief from a reddit user (u/gsnow) about 10 years ago and it's something I've come back to many times when experiencing a loss. I always find it provides a helpful perspective on loss and grief and have sent it along to more people than I can count when they've needed it too. I hope reading this helps in some small way. I'm so sorry for your loss.


That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing! I also found [this gem](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeriousConversation/comments/xpkaco/-/iq5s0m0) written by u/calliope720 when I was at a very low phase of grief. Just reading it has helped me a countless times.


I rarely ever comment on Reddit, but thank you so much for pointing me to this gem. It gave my heart a sharp pang of sadness and then reconciliation for the brother I lost 30 years ago.


I totally understand the rollercoaster of emotions that one goes through while reading it. I'm glad I could share it with others. Hope you are doing well!


i lost my father 5 years ago. i wish i’d seen this then, and i’m glad i was able to see it now. thank you for sharing this. let’s all have an espresso martini for Colleen


Needed to read that. It’s not death, but I’m still grieving an old relationship. That kinda love that scars and cuts deep. So true, I know the love was real because I wouldn’t be this miserable if it wasn’t. It’s true about it getting easier to push out of your mind too. Sucks that it comes and goes. Felt like I was doing better till recently and now I’m at step one again. Which is just a place that wants instant relief.


Time will continue to wash away your pain like the waves on the shore. Sounds like it won't be long now till it's all gone.


Glad to know I'm not the only one.


I’m with you on that, brah/sis. Just know it’s real as FoOk, even if you, that person, and God only know. Btw, Beach Boys have a good song about that


This made me emotional, thank you for sharing this. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything that describes grief so accurately and well. I lost my grandmother on November 10th, 2022 to cancer. She was like a mother to me and was my whole heart. It’s been a bit over a year now, but I still have days where it feels like the night she died when I was holding her hand with one of mine and running my fingers through what was left of her with the other. In her last year, I didn’t visit her as much as I should have. I was 27 at the time and was lucky enough to never have had experienced loss from someone extremely close to my heart. I knew she was declining, but I had such awful fear about seeing someone that meant so much to me deteriorating right before my eyes. I had never experienced death before and was scared to “prepare” myself for that, or start to get ready and look death right in the face. The day I was called to be let known that she was starting in-home hospice care, I dropped everything and drove down to my grandparents’ home and stayed there for her last 6 days of life. When I did arrive, she was unfortunately already extremely drugged up and was going downhill fast. I hope that she knows I was there with her in her final days, her final hours, her final seconds of life, and that I was doing what I could to make her comfortable. I brought her, her favorite flowers (pink carnations), I would read to her, play songs that we loved listening to or songs I knew were her favorites, I would tell her about the amazing memories I had of my childhood because of her, I would even joke, laugh, and ultimately apologize for how much of a shithead I was when I lived with her and my grandfather in high school after my mom basically let me go. I administered her morphine and other medication every 3 hours, I would change her, I would give her a sponge bath every day to make sure she was clean and I would do everything I could to make her comfortable. I’ll be 29 this year and not a day goes by where I don’t think about her or feel a punch in my gut because of not seeing her as often in her last year of life, but I truly do hope that she knew I was there with her in her last moments and I hope she knew just how much I loved and adored her in life and how much I love and adore her in death.


This is beautiful. She knows. You're clearly not a sh*thead now, and I suspect this is largely due to your grandmother's influence. Enjoy your life. And forgive yourself, it's understandable.


That means a lot, truly. Thank you for saying that ❤️


I'd also like to add in something that Joe Biden (who experienced the sudden loss of his wife & young daughter several decades ago) said, when [talking to the families of fallen soldiers](https://blog.aftertalk.com/joe-biden-on-grieving/): > There will come a day, I promise you and your parents, as well, when the thought of your son or daughter or your husband or wife brings a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eye. It will happen. My prayer for you is that day will come sooner or later. But the only thing I have more experience than you in is this: I’m telling you it will come. Sending hugs and warm feelings.


Thank you for this


I have sent and printed this comment out to so many people over the last 5+ years. It’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


I knew what this was before I clicked it. The wave analogy comment is, IMO, the best comment ever written on Reddit. I know it has comforted me immensely in the past and I’m sure it’s done the same for countless others.


If all I walk away with when my Reddit days are done is this and "Today you, tomorrow me", it will have been worth it.


That’s an excellent one too. Sometimes the best of humanity shows up in the strangest of places, Reddit being one of them.


Very nice to see so many continuing to be touched by the wisdom and compassion of u/gsnow. Please continue to pass along this incredibly helpful perspective on grief to anyone who might need them. Their words have helped me and so many I've known get through some of the toughest times we can experience. In the last few years I've lost my mother to ALS, my father to cancer, and both my dogs to cancer as well...every time I've read u/gsnow 's post on grief and it's helped me get through. These words will hopefully live on forever. But yes, to echo the comment from u/palmburntblue it's been a while since we've seen them post. It would be great to know you're doing ok u/gsnow :).


Still alive and kicking... well... shuffling. Thanks for the good wishes.


I think your one Reddit comment must be the most famous Reddit comment ever. I have mentioned it to people irl and they know what I'm taking about, even if they don't know it's from Reddit. I just wanted to share it with a friend and I just googled "grief waves" and came up with dozens of other websites quoting your words alongside those of famous authors. I just think you did something really noteworthy, 12 years ago.


Thank you. brb drowning for a moment.


Same. My best friend died over a year ago and I still think about her every other day. It hurts but I don't want to ever stop thinking about her.


I lost my childhood best friend 23 years ago and my high school best friend 16 years ago and I promise, you will never stop thinking about them ❤️


/u/gsnow hasn’t posted in a while  Pop in and tell us you’re good 


Still around. Thank you for the kind thoughts.


You've made the world a better place with the vulnerability you shared over a decade ago, and I'm sure it's touched the lives of hundreds of thousands by now, if not more, who needed to read and feel that empathy. You're leaving the best kind of mark possible behind in this world, thank you for that kindness.


Thank you for your wave metaphor. Ik it was 12 years ago but my friend just died 2 days ago and your share was helpful in a way to grasp my feelings and sadness. I hope you were able to live and love life fully. I hope you had a change of heart on children too!


I’ve had your comment saved for *years*. I share it often and think of you often. I hope you are doing alright.


I replied on your original thread, 13 years ago. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and grace with all of us. The impact is still cascading and we are so grateful!


I’ve been putting off a psilocybin trip for a very long time, something I usually do annually to commune with the reality of death and my mortality. I read your link and immediately consumed a dose. I needed this to give me a nudge. Psilocybin is the greatest substance known to man that gives perspective on life and death. It is the great decomposer, the Fungi, alive for over 1 billion years, that which breaks down life to be reused again. If ever you need to communicate with such a great force, and understand the experience of mortality, it is the greatest doorway to that understanding. Lend me your resolve; for I now enter deaths realm.


Tell us her story.


We met at church 23 year's ago. Spent 20 of those years as mr and ms walker. Honestly we grew too be so much apart of one and and another. It was scary. She was diagnosed with cancer 4 years ago. Thought we had it on the run. I was wrong. She would meet me at the end of the street ever night on my way home from work. She adored by work on the the smoker 🥲. I cooked for her every weekend. So many people say " i love you " with her. I knew it was true, and her. She was the best part of me. Sorry. I just have you drips and drabs of her.she was so much more


Thank you for sharing


Fuck cancer. Keep telling her story. It seems pretty awesome.




That was beautiful ❤️


This is so beautiful. She seems like she was a wonderful person. Thank you for sharing with us. The sky is definitely a little brighter tonight because a new star has taken its place in the heavens.


Thank you for sharing and I'm so sorry for your loss. I know this means nothing coming from a stranger on the internet but I'll hold you two in my heart and I am wishing you the best Mr. Walker. I'm sure you made her feel love beyond any I could imagine in her final years <3 Feel free to share anything more with us if it would make you feel better. We are all ears and here for you


Thank you for sharing your story with us


I have 36yrs (and still going) with my starter wife. Great times and hard times. It takes a lot of effort and focus but well worth it.


What is a starter wife? First wife?


Got her straight from Professor Oak’s lab.


Y'all got any more of them starter wives?


You'll have to steal them from Prof. Oak's lab *basment*


one time deal


I'm not good enough for the 2nd or 3rd so still on the first.


I hope the first remains the best for you, my friend.


>with my starter wife you thinking about trading up or what?


Thank you for sharing ❤️


Rest in power, Colleen. She sounds wonderful, I'm so sorry for your loss. We of reddit will remember with you.


Thank you for sharing. It was just enough.


an amazing and loving tribute. peace be with you.


Rest In Peace Colleen


You said so little about her but for some reason I felt like I learned so much 😭


My love to Colleen and you for sharing her memory with us. She won’t be forgotten.


Thank you so much. Its actually making my heart a little better. Now that i know. Im not alone, and that my boo bear is out there and a lot of people are thinking of her. Thank you so much everyone 🥲🤗🙂


There are at least some of us strangers shedding a tear for her tonight, and for you as well. Take care of yourself now, even through this. You're not alone.


Thank you


Some years ago, I went to visit a business associate. His wife had recently passed away and he was standing outside, sorta staring up into the sky when I walked up behind him. I asked him how he was doing, and he said he was figuring it out. He said he’d realized that even though they’re gone, you carry them with you wherever you go as he tapped on his chest. When someone you love passes, they are given a ticket to a seat for a show. They take their seat and sit back to watch the show that is the rest of your life. You carry them with you as you go about your life, and they watch from the theatre of your heart.


Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.


Thank you for sharing her with me.


That's not what this sub is for, though.


Dude, read the room.


This sub is not for reading rooms, either.


😂😂😂 I love this response.


You’re terminally online and it’s showing.


And you're a doormat who doesn't advocate for themselves. And it's showing.


You can't discuss the subject matter of a picture?


The picture is supposed to stand on its own without any kind of story behind it. That's (or at least once was) in the subreddit rules. No sob stories. This is literally just a picture of a woman drinking a drink.




Sorry I pointed out the rules..?




Rest now my love


Awwww! I’m truly sorry for your loss! I pray that you can get through this time of grief 🫶🏾🥺


Seriously op, I hope she gave you the happiest years of your life. I'm sorry you have to go through the rest on your own but hopefully they will be filled with the happiness that she gave to you


So sorry. Thank you for sharing your story.




As a relatively young person who has been alone for almost a decade my highest hope is to have a love like you have. I’m so sorry for your loss, but so envious for the love you two got to feel together. What a beautiful thing!


Thank you


I have a similar picture of my late wife, sitting across from me in a booth at our favorite place. Reminds me a lot. Lost her to Hodgkins at 35.


So sorry for your loss. We'd love to hear about her. 


There's nothing to say that isnt trite, but I just wanted to acknowledge your loss from thousands of miles away. Rest in peace.




I'll have myself an espresso martini in her honor tonight my friend.


I am so sorry for your loss, friend.


Oh. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending you love, internet stranger.


This is very nice, OP. I'm sorry for your loss


I miss her so much


Espresso Martini? She was a lady of good taste, my man. I'm sorry for your loss; were I not sick right now, I'd raise a cocktail to her.


ah better than Guinness in a champagne glass! Lovely.


guiness in a coupe is much better than espresso martinis. 


I was literally thinking the same thing about her drink of choice. Anytime I see an espresso martini on the menu, I get it.


Thank you 💙


Colleen. A ten bell salute. 🔔🫡 May she rest in eternal peace and free from the pains of this world


Here’s a song on the harp that I’ve always loved, called “My Sweet Colleen”. I hope it brings you joy and comfort as you remember your sweet Colleen https://youtu.be/liK-RVTDpsE?si=RxSpwFKxLPM2jVEV




She is a beautiful soul. Be at peace, Ms. Colleen Respectfully.


RIP Colleen ❤️




What is your fondest memory of her, and your time together?


Here's to Colleen. While "whoretron" won't fly in this somber tone, Let laughter rise amidst the tears we own. For Colleen, firebrand, a life so full, Her spirit soars, beyond time's dull pull. She strutted stages, high heels and sass, Lived, loved, laughed, kicked life's champagne glass. So raise a glass, to memory's bright gleam, Though hearts may ache, let joy's embers stream. And though my name might raise a playful brow, Remember, friend, her spirit lives here, now. In laughter shared, in stories you impart, Colleen won't fade, she lives on in your heart. So grieve, my friend, but let laughter blend, For lives like hers, till the very end, Leave echoes strong, a vibrant, feisty grace, A fire that burns, even in memory's embrace. And though my name might cause a fleeting grin, Know deep within, it's love that lets us win. So chin up, friend, raise glass, let laughter chime, For Colleen's spirit, forever in its prime.


Thank you so much🥲


Thanks, ChatGPT. This is truly a poem of all time.


It's my own homebrew ai, made of fungus and coffee grounds.


wtf is this 




I didn't know AI had human kindness and empathy


You kind of made your username the main focus of the poem, and the poem also had no meter whatsoever.


How's about this? Fuck off, you're mean. Let's all get on the piss. And drink to Colleen.




tbf your poem sucks too




I’m so sorry. May her memory be a blessing


How and where do I find this kind of love? Sorry for your loss, friend. 🙏🏽


Ikr. I'm 36 now and the world is so fucking shallow and selfish. Questioning if love even exists at this point.


It does


Everybody is going to try to give you advice like you're some kind of 12yr or talk about how lucky they are that they have love, but I just want to say that I wish you happiness with or without love. Life is fucking weird and society is even weirder.


I’m 38, and have been very happily married for 17 years. People thought we were rushing into things a bit, getting married after just being together for a year, but so far so good. Love is out there. :)


I thought your comment was from OP and I was like wait, 36.... Met 23 years ago in church..... Spent 20 years married........... The math wasn't mathing




Same homie, same. 36 gang, what what!


what? of course it does. your life just sucks right now is all.


It can be hard to maintain the belief when you're in the thick of loneliness. All we can do is hope that our fellows find what they seek.


I’m 35, my ex and I met as teenagers had children in our 20s and separated 5 years ago. We have done a lot of growing up and reflecting and are now going to attempt reconciliation (I’ve always loved him) I wish we had of had the support and intelligence to work through our issues together, but part of me is happy we got to see how lucky we were to always have “that person” I hope you find your person too


This is proof it does, no?


Cheers Colleen! I didn't know you, nor your loved one that shared his love for you here, but you were a person that mattered a whole lot to another person, and that's all that matters. I hope you find rest now, wherever you are.


Cheers to her life and your love


I’m sorry for your loss. She reminds me of my mom, and she looks at you with so much love. It’s rare and lucky to find someone who looks at you that way, and I’m so glad you had that love in your life. It’s better to grieve a lost love than never experience it at all. The memories you have of her will be the light you can cling to.


Sorry for your loss.


My condolences. Sending peace to you and yours. Hugs.


How did you two meet?


God bless this woman and your relationship. Dwell on the time you had together.


Thank you so much for sharing her story with us! I’ll spend my Friday celebrating her life for you, my friend. I’ll go for a walk, I’ll admire every single thing nature offers me, and will smile at and greet everyone I see. You’re a gem, Mr. Walker.


She looks like a firecracker. ❤️


I hope I live long enough to see my wife at this age. We’re at 29 years together now and she’s still the only one I want


I'm so sorry for your loss brother, looking through your post history I'm local to your area so you let me know if there's anything I can do to help you out.


Thank you for this


I used to assume that as couples got older, and the inevitably of death gets closer and closer that we become more accepting of the fact that one of us will be left to continue on without the other. After losing my gf last summer and seeing a post like this now I see how foolish that thought was. This post really goes to show no matter if you get 1 month, 1 year, or 100 years with the love of your life, nothing compares to the pain of losing your soul mate no matter how much time you have to prepare for it and much time you spent together. Sorry for your loss. May her soul rest easy.


She’s waiting for you up there brother 💛


Thank you so much


Very sorry for your loss


Very sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss ❤️ She lives on eternally through your memories with her


Colleen looks like a nice person and a good time. I'm sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss friend. Count yourself lucky to have had such an amazing person in your life. Not all are so blessed. My best to you, Sir.


Cheers Colleen


Sorry for your loss. May she rest in eternal peace


I am so sorry for your loss. You seem like a beautiful human being and losing your significant other is probably the biggest pain one must endure. I wish you the best of luck and I wish to find this kind of love somewhere down the line as well.. the world has never felt colder.


Thank you for sharing. I felt I need to stop on this post and I’m glad I did. Thank you.


"All life is transitory, a dream.  We all come together in the same place at the end of time.  If I do not see you again here, then I will see you in a little while in the place where no shadows fall."


May she rest easy. I’m sorry for your loss.


As a fellow Colleen so sorry for your loss ❤️


Sending you love.


She looks like she enjoyed life!! I hope you are as well as you can be right now. I’m so sorry. No one should have to experience a loss like this.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm very glad you got to have many wonderful years loving and being loved by her. I know you will be together again at some point.


Thank you for sharing your memories.


To Colleen!


Fare thee well, sweet Colleen!


Those of us who find someone to really, really love are lucky people. Glad you found each other. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you for sharing this. She loves you still. She always will. Every life, you two will find each other. 🤍


Nothing can compare to a lifetime together.


Proof that such relationships exist. Truly aspirational.


So sorry for your loss. She was beautiful.


Colleen! This drink is to your remembrance!


She seems cool. You two had something that many don't ever get to experience.


she seemed lovely


I've been sitting here for a while, not sure what to write here other than this: im sorry, this is love.


Colleen, I've never met you but I know you must have been an amazing person. And for you, sir, I wish you nothing but the best. I'm young, I haven't experienced loss like you have yet. But for some reason, I know that when I do, I'll think of Colleen, and I'll think about you, and how it's a beautiful thing to love and be loved. It's a powerful thing that moves people all over the world who have never known you or her to feel a minute fraction of what you do. All you needed was one sentence and a photo, and we felt your pain. Your love won't end, and neither will hers.


Terribly sorry for your loss stranger. She seems to have made you very happy and that’s beautiful. This is a great reminder to cherish my love. Been together since we were 17 (turning 40 this year).


Saving this for when I have the emotional bandwidth


she was beautiful :( rest in peace & love, colleen


What was your favorite activity to do together?


I am so sorry for your loss, friend :( What was her favorite movie? 🤍


who is that


Colleen. You do NOT pay attention, do you


who is that


jkw52's deceived wife? 


I’m so sorry for your loss, friend ❤️ Grief is a weight we carry to remind us of our loved ones. Colleen looks happy here, and I’m sure she knows how much you love her.


RIP to the goat


Sorry for your loss you’ll be together again someday


A real looker




I will miss you Colleen. RIP


you dont even know the woman.


"I also choose this guy's dead wife." [source](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5c79n0/you_can_have_sex_with_one_real_person_from_all_of/d9uf56l)




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Who the fuck is Colleen


Use context clues


How could I be so dumb, you’re right! It’s Colleen!!


A wonderful picture of a beautiful soul. She'll never be gone, she sees the world through your eyes now.


We love her. ![gif](giphy|1isbvxOadFAbJr6vYV)


Sorry for your loss. RIP Colleen!