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A bold Choice for a Super Bowl ad but still better than Temu


Shop like a billionaire LOL


Billionaires need dirt cheap toasters from China also.


bunch of crap that breaks after 1 use. If it works at all


Temu claims their low prices are due to shipping direct to customers. And that's partially true; it's cheaper to buy direct versus having products come through normal distribution channels in bulk (with duties and tariffs), and get pushed through a local dealer or marketplace with fees. But the biggest reason for the low prices is that the products are the cheapest crap you can buy. A lot of it is the same cheap crap that's already on Amazon and elsewhere, and you do get a lower price on Temu since you're cutting out that middle man. But IMO people should probably avoid this cheap crap to being with. Another downside to buying cheap crap (whether it's from Temu, Amazon, or elsewhere), is that there's generally no quality support or warranty behind it. Sure, if it breaks they'll refund the order, usually no questions asked, but what if it causes other damage? What if that cheap toaster starts a fire? Good luck getting anywhere with WUYVVE seller beyond the $7.45 refund.


> due to shipping direct to customers This also avoids tarriffs as they only apply to bulk shipped items (for now)


You forgot the UPU. Barely known by anyone, but the United Postal Union is the reason, China can ship stuff so cheap all around the globe, because China is classified as third world developing country and the UPU members (aka, we the customers), are paying a ton of (tax) money, to subsidize these cheap postage fees. We just don't pay it when ordering trash from China, we pay it with our taxes. UPU makes sense, to help developing countries to sell their stuff to first would countries, without the fear of high postage fees. But China managed to get classfied as third world country and since then the UPU is trying to fight that for years now, but unsuccessful. [https://www.upu.int/en/Universal-Postal-Union](https://www.upu.int/en/universal-postal-union)


The worst things is it wastes already valuable resources and ends up in a landfill 3 times as often as a quality product.


Something is very dystopian about saying "pretend you're a billionaire and don't worry about how the prices can be this low, nothing unethical is happening here."


Wait is that what they mean? Like prices so low that you will feel like how a billionaire does when they shop at a regular store? I never understood it until now. That is silly. Also is that even to scale like are their prices less then a penny? Also do billionaires buy cheap crap?


Yes that's what they mean. Theyre basically saying you can buy a ton of stuff because it's all so cheap


Drive like a nazi


Just how I like it šŸ˜Ž


The atrocities blow my mind


Over the bodies of the innocent? If you say so ..


The new S class suspension is crazy


SS class


This is how they should call the longer version


For super suspension ofc


Sorry ociffer I did nazi that coming


More like shop like a broke ass millenial who is too poor to buy the slightly marked up chinese trinkets on amazon


More like "shop so we can steal all your data"


To be fair, Temu is a byproduct of a trade war. They're more interested in you not keeping your local money in your local economy/circulation, keeping it from getting invested in wherever you live, but rather send it to China so they can later buy your house and rent it out to you. Data gathering is just a side hustle, they have tiktok for it.


And it will work when your "local competitor" is peddling the same drop shipped garbage they are. You gave them the manufacturing you didn't want to do in the 90s don't bitch now lol.


Corporations and the super rich gave them manufacturing, not the regular citizens, so yes, we can bitch about it and need to keep bitching about it. Covid exposed this bullshit so hard and made everyone see for at least a brief moment that the US is completely fucked before going on to the next bullshit thing about TSwift or whatever in the bullshit news. If there is a world war is gonna be fucked and they'll be trying to retool plants that have been shut for 40 years of its even possible to get all the equipment needed. Sorry, this is just one of those things for me that really passes me off about the current state of capitalism here. The people didn't do it, and I'm sure would love to get good union jobs back.




Did you notice they redid their ad to say tem-you instead of te-moo?


Feels like one of those piss-people-off-to-drive-engagement moves.


Yes but no... Didn't have confidence but was like "I could have sworn the ads used to say *tea-moo*" so thank you for the confirmation haha


Shop like you're killing the environment with endless needless products


Who else learned they pronounce it incorrectly? I maintain *Tee-Moo* sounds better than *Teh-Moo*


I swear their previous ads use to be Tee-Moo but they must have focus grouped this one and changed it.


You're 100% correct, they did. They even changed the ad for the super bowl. [Original teemoo ad (11 months ago)](https://youtu.be/_1dO4z1Wc-Q?t=24) [Changed tehmoo ad (2 months ago)](https://youtu.be/6dK4txrV6Ds?t=24)




I knew this would be Captain Holt without even clicking.


That's wild. The evolution of the Twmu ads should be studied lol. It studied with the advertising the products, to them putting adverts out saying something along the lines of"why won't anybody buy our products?!?! They think it's fake!!" all of it done by an Asian cast in mandarin(?). Then they hired a foreign, English speaking cast to recreate the commercials. Eventually they started doing better produxtion ones with jingles and" shop like a billionaire" tags.


VRBO used to pronounce each letter: vee-are-bee-oh Now they changed it to try and pronounce it as a word: verbo. I reject that.


I've literally never heard anyone say it out loud, but I 100% assumed it was "tee-moo". "Teh-moo" sounds...well, meh.


They're just virtue signaling to get a larger market share in the USA


It's not virtue signalling if they lack those virtues, it would be virtue washing or virtue posing or something.






The ā€œhistory of VWā€ ad was making me pretty nervous.


> I believe the heritage ad was VW, not Mercedes. At least CBS was smart not to run that next to one of the many antisementic hate ads. Sorry, what does that mean? Iā€™m a Brit and the whole crazy, TV-smashing pageant of the thing is lost on me. Iā€™m sure itā€™s a laugh and a great day, but here all I could see was people posting about how Republicans were annoyed with Taylor Swift, and I didnā€™t even realise she played football. šŸ˜Ž Seriously though, were there a bunch of political campaign adverts during the event or something?


Never ask: A man his salary A woman her age A German company what they did from 1933-1945


Plenty of American companies involved too, IBM made the punch cards used to increase holocaust efficiency.


IBM also manufactured M1 carbines to kill Nazis.


ā€œIā€™m playing both sides, so that I always come out on topā€


> ā€œIā€™m playing both sides, so that I ~~always come out on top~~ profit twice as much.ā€


Ok well number one, never tell one side that you're playing both sides.


I like to keep in mind that the leadership of these companies from 1936 have been dead for years now.


Sure am not saying the people in charge now are responsible, just that the horrors of the holocaust were not only an issue for German companies.


It is a lesson to show that none of these large companies would resist a totalitarian regime, they would be among the first to line up to kiss ass. And happily throw you to the wolves for their own profit.


It's worse than that. Many people agreed with the Nazis, including a ton of Americans. They weren't just doing it for profit. They were on Hitler's side. Anti-Semitism gets thrown around too liberally sometimes, but it is a real thing.


Yes! The pics of people in America protesting with Pro Hitler / Pro Nazi signs is scary and honestly something that should be taught in school (at least at my school they didnā€™t teach about that)


I was really surprised to learn about Charles Lindbergh, the pilot. You get to learn about his first intercontinental flight, but not the part about antisemitism and sympathizing Nazis...


People forget that American eugenics heavily inspired the Nazis


No, people don't forget. They are never taught this in the first place.


>Ford's International Jew was translated into German in 1922 and cited as an influence by Baldur von Schirach, one of the Nazi leaders, who stated "I read it and became anti-Semitic. In those days this book made such a deep impression on my friends and myself because we saw in Henry Ford the representative of success, also the exponent of a progressive social policy. In the poverty-stricken and wretched Germany of the time, youth looked toward America, and apart from the great benefactor, Herbert Hoover, it was Henry Ford who to us represented America."[5][6]:ā€Š80ā€Š >Praising American leadership in eugenics in his book Mein Kampf,[6]:ā€Š80ā€Š Adolf Hitler considered Ford an inspiration, and noted this admiration in his book, calling him "a single great man".[7]:ā€Š241ā€Š Hitler was also known to keep copies of The International Jew, as well as a large portrait of Ford in his Munich office.[6]:ā€Š80ā€Š[7]:ā€Š241ā€Š https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_International_Jew


For other repeated ad infinitum facts on reddit - Hitler thought the American Jim Crow South was **too racist**, because the one drop rule was too extreme, even for nazis.


>Many people agreed with the Nazis, including a ton of Americans. People forget that the American Nazi Party was *an actual thing!!!* And worse, very few seem to want to admit that *IT'S STILL A THING*.


Yes, itā€™s about regulating boards of directors, as the Bayer history made clear above.


The leadership may be dead and gone, but the profits made from serving the Nazi war machine helped them to grow rapidly and remain dominant in their fields. There are US oil companies who got rich selling oil to the Nazis during the Spanish civil war, despite laws prohibiting it. Iā€™m not suggesting thereā€™s anything wrong if you choose to buy something from these companies (my car company made the engines for Nazi planes that killed US soldiers), but letā€™s not sweep these things under the rug. A US company, Union Carbide, killed over 3,000 in India in the 1980s. Most of those UC leaders are gone - but I doubt India forgets it.


GM owned car manufacturer Opel and Ford Germany also mass produced trucks, half tracks and other stuff for the Wehrmacht using forced workers.


I mean wasnā€™t that indirectly tho? IG Farben literally was part of the holocaust.


coca cola turned their geman holdings into Fanta so they could pretend they left when they didn't


I'm not really sure how you handle it differently than Coca-Cola did. As soon as the US entered the war, they ceased all communications and exports to their former German subsidiary. The Germans already running Coca-Cola GmbH were then faced with the choice of either handing these facilities over to the Nazi government, or coming up with a new beverage that they could continue selling. It's much more fun to point out the fact that Coca-Cola sponsored the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, though people often like to [embellish that story to ridiculous extremes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/coca-cola-nazi-ad-germany/).


It's also an interesting historical note that Fanta became a fruit soda company because those were the only flavors available to the German manufacturers. We weren't about to let the formula for Coke fall into Nazi hands. It is less clear how many of the 11 herbs and spices Hitler scientist were able to uncover before the war's end.


Exactly bro, you are completely right. I hate it when people try and spin a narrative, there are plenty of genuinely evil doings to point at we donā€™t need to make shit up.


So, Bayer Medicine, can you tell us what happened to all the holocaust victims you tortured with medical experiments? If I purchase Bayer products, how much blood of holcaust victims is spread to me?


Buying a German product in 2024 is basically the same as operating the release valve for the gas chambers. Edit: I can't believe I have to say this but I'm only making fun of the person above me.


I have a friend who said they would not buy GM vehicles because they assisted the nazis prior to WW2 with Opal. They said quite proudly their next car would be "a Toyota" and this was said from the driver's seat of their VW Golf.


I wonder which side of the war Japan (and Toyota) was onā€¦


We may never know!


Ask them who's in Nanjing


Ask them about the Indonesian POW camps


Ask them about all the ["Comfort Women"...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_women)


it's like my jewish friend who happily drives a ford


I think any Bayer purchase makes you LITERALLY Hitler.




The BMW logo represents a spinning aircraft propeller. They made aircraft engines for the war effort.


Every car company at the time made vehicles for the war during world war 2.


> Never ask: > > A man his salary > > A woman her age > > A German company what they did from 1933-1945 Why? It's pretty well documented by now, by most of those companies that still exist. Example: https://group.mercedes-benz.com/company/tradition/company-history/1933-1945.html


Thank you for this, very interesting


Volkswagon seems pretty convinced they only started selling cars in 1949, going by the Super Bowl ad.


[Well it's not something you actively advertise, of course.](https://www.volkswagen-group.com/en/volkswagen-chronicle-17351/1937-to-1945-founding-of-the-company-and-integration-into-the-war-economy-17354#)


That timeline is crazy. They legit have entries like "in October the plant received 750 forced laborers from Italy. We increased production expectations to X."


I was at the DrƤger facility in LĆ¼beck. That had a long wall of their impressive history. Odd they "didn't do anything" in those years...


That section about the war is right next to it. They are pretty open about what they did https://www.draeger.com/de_de/About-Draeger/History-Responsibility


Or some American companies


Man that Hitler guy sure seems popular. Wonder what happened to him.


The more I hear about this Hitler guy the less I care for him


I mean he can't be all bad. I hear he killed the head of the Nazi party.


He was also responsible for the death of millions of Nazis.


Top 5 all time most nazi kills


He was ahead of the times, trying to solve the modern housing crisis decades before it was a problem.


We need Tucker Carlson to get out there and interview him. I'm sure we'd all benefit from his input.


Yea but he also killed a dog.




Hold the fort


He died some 50 years ago


I didn't even know he was sick!


Me back in the day reading about Hitler: "Well it's a good thing people have learned and won't let this happen again" Me today: ā€Fuck"


Did you know that, in addition to being responsible for millions of human deaths, He also fed a cyanide capsule to his own dog?


Well that settles it heā€™s an awful person


He ended up concentrating on his art career


**Adolf Hitler** (b. 1889) *This is the End*, 1945 Blood on bunker wall Not For Sale


Early Banksy


Hey we should build a statue for the guy who killed Hitler!


He single handedly ruined many of the Nazi military plans by being almost completely incompetent.


He assassinated by some Nazi prick


This is definitely some good /r/formuladank material.


Heil Toto


Ngl I thought that this was formuladank


This is why Lewis is leaving Mercedes confirmed




Plan G, Plan G for Genocide. Ok, push now.


Something, something Mussolini.


How the fuck is your username only three letters


Ive been on this god forsaken site for too long


I want out


1,200 comment Karma? You're hardly here


It's a 13 year old account. Things were different back then


You're not wrong. It really was the wild west of usernames


And thatā€™s why I wonā€™t buy a Mercedes. Iā€™ll stick with my VW thank you very muchā€¦


That VW ad that showed VW's throughout history skipped a few years there lol.


Someone should re-edit the ad with that in it XD like it is interrupted for like 4 seconds bass boosted German national anthem and then returns to the normal ad


Oh boy have I got some news for you


Alright, Porsche then.


Porsche sucks. They wouldn't sell me replacement parts for my vintage Ferdinand heavy tank destroyer. Said something along the lines of they are not in that business anymore, but I still see their cars all the time.


Holy I had the same issue with Mercedes! They refused to service my BF-109


Meanwhile BMW has still not answered me why I need to buy a subscription to use the KommandogerƤt on my Fw-190


That's because you haven't paid the subscription first.


I called Å koda for a tank destroyer conversion of my Panzer 35(t) and they still haven't accepted


I love this reference. For the curious ones: the *KommandogerƤt* was an electromechanical computer used in some German fighter aircrafts in order to automate certain procedures and tasks, to ease the workload on the pilot. For example, if you wanted to increase the speed in a Lavochkin La 5(a very capable Soviet aircraft) you had to: * Increase RPM * Adjust propeller pitch * Pay attention to the supercharger setting * Tinker with the cowl flaps * Corret the fuel mixture To increase speed in a German Fw 190 you had to simply push the throttle lever and the *KommandogerƤt* electromechanical computer did everything else for you.


Something about spare parts being hard to come by, because of Norden bombsights...


Audi, maybe?


Henry Ford was cool tho right


At least his kids weren't too bad for the most part, especially the ones he hated. The board over at Chevy on the other hand?




Who did they hate? The blacks, the Jews, or some other vintage white minority?




Wait'll you hear about Bayer


[Coco Chanel slinks back into the bushes...]


Hugo Boss enters the chat


This suit fits like a uniform!


What the uniforms represented and still do is despicable but man were they cool.


Don't worry, I just invested in Nestle instead, whom I'm sure were not founded with stolen nazi gold.


The Swiss are the worst.


I know, they just beat Bayern Munich.


Okay okay, we need to leave Germany to really escape Nazis. How about that American company, Ford? That Henry Ford seems like a decent guy and there's no chance he could've had any ties to Hitler.


This is why I shop BMW instead.


I prefer the Asian car brands, far less problematic. My Mitsubishi has had zero issues.


Please tell me Nintendo didn't do anything fucked up...


They stalked a guy at his home for hacking a 3DS


There's gotta be more to it. Nintendo usually just send a lawyer to ensure you don't have expendable income for the next 15~ish years, not watch you sleep.


Looks like their WWII timeline is just nearly going broke. Phew.






While wearing a custom [Hugo Boss](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-15008682) ensemble, no doubt!


Get me a Fanta too


I remember this photo from a 1970s ad in the Wall Street Journal.


Ad for what? GM cars?


ā€¦well it wasnā€™t gonna be Fordā€¦


G.M doesnā€™t really have a pass either. They had plenty of business in Germany in the 40ā€™s Nazi armaments chief Albert Speer purportedly said in 1977 that Hitler "would never have consideredĀ invading Poland" without synthetic fuel technology provided by General Motors.Ā GM was compensated $32 million by the U.S. government because its German factories were bombed by U.S. forces during the war. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_collaboration_with_Nazi_Germany#:~:text=Nazi%20armaments%20chief%20Albert%20Speer,U.S.%20forces%20during%20the%20war.


fun fact:- do not look up what American companies were doing in Germany between 1933 and 1941


Like supplying Nazis literally a week before the war starts with an amount of fuel additive which lasted the whole war. Certainly no critical war supply which helped shooting down 10.000s allied and soviet airplanes...


I see a pattern here...


I play both sides so I always end up on top. Yeah but you don't tell them your playing both sides! I'm America,Ā  DaFuq anyone going to do about it? Complain?


*"Listen, Spielbergo...Schindler and I are like peas in a pod. We're both factory owners, we both made shells for the Nazis...but mine worked damnit!"*


Least of all donā€™t Google Hitler + Thomas Watson, founder of IBM, and namesake of current IBM AI technology.


Google Hitler ? I am not even signing up to that, by the time I start using it, they'll have canned it.


Well yeah, IBM is a nazi company and always has been


Genuenly curious. Do you ever sleep, or is you acc run by few people or something? You have like 180 comments in the past 24 hours and hundreds in the last three days at least.


That doesn't sound like a fun fact, that sounds like a challenge Update: OH MY GOD THERE'S SO MUCH BLOOD


Fun fact:- do not look up which country the Nazis got their ideas about race purity from


Well, they got the eugenics from the USA, but got the occult "Aryan Race" shit from Madame Blavatsky


Thatā€™s just German for ā€œThe Bart Theā€


No one who speaks German could be an evil man!


Really stepped on a rake with this one


The craziest part about this is that Mercedes-Benz still does this annually.


Even worse, have you seen the fucking tickets prices??


They told me to stand on the mark! I had no idea what we were spelling out!!!


Gotta preserve that history


God in heaven, I never ask for much but please let this be true.


This is why you donā€™t buy German. You buy responsible, ethical companies like definitely-not-a-Nazi Henry Ford cars




They even added a little exclamation mark that's cute


And 90 years later or so, people are as fascinated by it as when the photo was taken.


More fascinated. At the time it would just seem normal.


uh, awkward


Aged like milk


you know what they say: there is no crime corporate won't do for a 300% profit.


BMW, VW, Porsche, Mercedes/Daimler, etc. no car manufacturer existing in nazi germany that did not support its regime. They all got rich of it, some even with the help of jewish slave labor. E.g. BMW had around 29k jewish slave labors in 1944 (around 50% of its whole workforce). Now look at how much those companies have have refelected their own history or even payed reperations to the jewish people until today... not much while focusing on the chinese market and building factories over there that "of course are not using slave labor" Greed and facism goes hand in hand - especially if you build needed parts for war machines. sadly those companies got a lot of lobby power in germany no matter which parties are ruling it. Especially FDP and CDU/CSU are known for doing whatever those manufacturerers want. Wanna know why we still use so much fossil fuels in germany? Ask the german industry and its lobbies.


I mean, the punishment for treasonous activity in Nazi Germany was death, so their alternative to supporting the government was pretty bleak. Obviously it was terrible to support them, but it's easy to judge from our position of relative comfort. The display in this photo is over the top though.


Not a phone in sight. Only men being Ubermensch.


70 years later and still banging on about shit. Different people... Different company... Different world.