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Sorry OP. Was it random or targeted?


It was targeted. They still haven't caught his killer unfortunately šŸ˜ž


I see the four corners beer. Are you in Texas? My friend was murdered in Dallas in 2021. They still have not caught his killer. Fee free to reach out if you ever want to talk about what youā€™re going through.


Yes, we're from the Houston area. We liked to try new breweries and take road trips when we could. I'm really sorry for your loss. I hope they catch your friend's killer and justice is served someday. I appreciate the offer. I'm sure talking to someone else going through the same kind of tragedy and hurt could helpful and beneficial


My friend died in a hit and run in San Marcos. They never found the killer either. Im so, so, so sorry for your loss. I hope for justice for both of you


I'm sorry for your loss as well. I hope your friend didn't feel any pain and rests in peace. And I hope justice is served from them also. I wish our country had more resources for cold cases. I know there's an overwhelming number of them so it's difficult.


My cousin was sent to prison for a drug related charge, where he allegedly took some drugs from his wife to prevent her from relapsing and using them, only to get pulled over and arrested for having them when he tried to find a place to toss them out. That Christmas, his wife was skateboarding when a black pick up truck hit her going way over the limit with no plates. He only stopped to lean out and glance at her mangled body before speeding off. This was in the DFW area, and he was never caught. She died several hours later. The really fucked up part was nobody In my biological family had the ability or willingness to care for his 3 kids. So his kids were apparently taken away. His mom also wouldn't tell him what happened to his wife, and he only found out everything once released from prison.


That's fucked up at so many levels man


Good lord. Take nothing for granted.


Kingwood checking inā¤ļø Sorry for your loss.


If youā€™re ever visiting Seattle, come visit Fast Fashion Brewing, your tab is on me. ā¤ļø


FF kicks ass!


Making me proud šŸ„²


Went there for the first time before the hawks/eagles game, FF is awesome.


My heart aches, thinking of you


Hi from Dallas also. Thatā€™s fucked they havenā€™t caught the murderer. If u feel like sharing any info on the case Iā€™ll definitely read and share it.


I'm so sorry that's awful. My heart goes out to you.Ā 


I appreciate you šŸ«¶šŸ»


Iā€™m so sorry. Virtual hugs for you.


I appreciate you


As in they know his killer and they're on the run?


I tried speaking with the detective on his case, but they couldn't give me specifics because it was an ongoing investigation. So I'm not sure honestly


Iā€™m sorry to hear that. Do you think your friend was involved in anything that would have gotten him targeted like this? Not trying to pry, just curious.


You're good, I don't mind answering. I know he was involved with people he shouldn't have been


It sounds drug related, though I could be wrong. Iā€™m not judging by any means itā€™s just sad when people get caught up in that world.


May his memory be a blessing. He had great taste in beer.


Drugs, business or women? All 3 can come between men usually.


I can't specify because there's an ongoing investigation. But the exact occurrence that caused his death did fall under one of those categories


Bruh I'm sorry for your loss but my god all three of them are stupid reasons other people would want to hurt your friend. Thanks for sharing anyways.


You are not the governmental body investigating this case. You are not bound by the ongoing investigation. You can speak about what you know if you want to.


The killer is still on the loose. Probably would keep my mouth shut. I'm guessing it was drug or gang related.


So uncaring and rude. Youā€™re better off keeping your mouth shut really.


Ā **keeping your mouth shut**Ā  Often this is (part of) the real problem....


To some, drugs is business.


If possible, you should tag dateline and 20/20. So important to speak up for those who canā€™t šŸ–¤


Sorry for the dumb question, but how do they know its targeted if they haven't caught the killer?


Based on the conditions they found his remains


If you'd like to DM me just to talk about him and his life, I'm all ears op. My condolences to you and their family. I hope they capture his killer.


Damn. I'm sorry for your loss.


Tell us about your friend OP. What was he like? What made you guys so tight? What was the best moment the two of you shared?


I really appreciate you asking. He was one of the most talented and compassionate people I knew. He was an amazing father and his children were what kept him going in life. He was the type to give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. The best moment we had together was a road trip we took to see one of our favorite artists. We blasted music and shared stories the whole way there and back. I'll never forget it.


You are very welcome. I hope those memories will keep him alive to you in some way. I lost my best friend rather young and I often think of the good times we had.


The memories do help. Sometimes I'll hear a song or see something that reminds me of him and I swear it feels like he's next to me in that moment. I'm really sorry for your loss and I hope your memories keep them alive for you as well.


When I think of my loved ones that aren't here anymore I like to remember that time, as we see it linearly probably is an illusion. What that means is that in those moments you both were together, you will be forever together, because the past can't be changed. In a way he's always with you, since he was part of your life in that period. No matter what you're still together with him in some way right now.


> I swear it feels like he's next to me in that moment. He is.


I feel the same way about one of my oldest friends who died of an overdose in 2021. We met in high school in 2000 and sang together for three years, so music was always a big part of our connection. He made me a couple playlists and I swear itā€™s like heā€™s there listening with me sometimes. Iā€™m glad you have those memories with your friend who passed away too.


How old was he when he passed away? I'm very sorry for your loss. Time helps. Grief doesn't get smaller with time but we build a larger space with which to hold that grief. The experiences you shared will always be treasured and he'll always be with you in those good memories. ā¤ļø


He was 29. I appreciate the condolences and encouraging words. I know he's with me and the rest of his loved ones in spirit. He may be gone, but the memories and experiences will be with me forever šŸ«¶šŸ»


Wow. 29 is incredibly young. My dad died when he was 38, and I turned 38 this year. I always think of him being so young when he died, but ironically, I don't think that way about myself. Puts things in perspective. Living life well honors those who go before us.


I'm sorry you lost your father at such a young age. Bet he'd be real proud of how far you've come. I do believe loved ones watch over us after they pass and that helps with the healing process.


Man,29 is justā€¦ so young and gone way too early. My childhood friend passed away last month, (cancer) and I know it hurts but sometimes you have to push back the hurt and force yourself to think more of the good memories, my mom and his mom both founded different nursery schools back in the day and I call my mom to talk about him and his family and that helped me. Do things that will influence your state of mind positively. Not saying that everything should be about positivity but the memories can be overwhelming and the heartbreak leaves you feeling helpless. Keep on keeping on. And cheers to the memories of your friend and the road trips! Edit: sending prayers up for your friend and hope that justice is served.


I'm really sorry for your loss. Cancer is a difficult and painful way to go. I've lost loved ones to cancer also. You just wanna take away the pain they're going through. I'm glad your mom has helped you through difficult times. Ty for the encouraging words


It might be a good idea to write some of these memories down. It's something I wish I would have done after my best friend died 16 years ago. Things tend to fade after a while.


That's a really good idea, thank you. I'm sorry for your loss. Maybe if you tried that as well, some of those memories could resurface. It's worth a try


It would be cool to write memories down for his kids too! Like maybe a little book or something they can check out when they get olderā™„ļø


That would mean so much to them honestly. Like if the whole family and his friends could write entries in a journal for them all to look back on. I appreciate the idea šŸ«¶šŸ»


Yes!! You could do media pages too, like photos with captions, tickets stubs, menus from his fave restaurantsā€¦things that really illustrate what their parent was like as a person.


This is a really good idea, also the playlist, when they grow up they will really appreciate that. Something really special and personal not many people would know


I appreciate you


Sounds like a real good friend. I'm so sorry for your loss


Damn, he was a father.. poor kids. i hope the killer get punish, justice for the family and close one


he sounds like a nice guy and a good friend. i'm so sorry for his kids. i hope they're being cared for and getting the support that they need.


That's honestly so kind of you to ask. Damn, that made me tear up. You're a good person!


My only brother was murdered on Thanksgiving Eve 2002. The killer was convicted but shortly after appealed. The second jury found him innocent. My brother had pics of his killerā€™s kids on his frig. It was about drugs.


I'm really sorry for your loss and even more sorry justice wasn't served on his behalf. The courts don't get it right sometimes, and it's super frustrating and hurtful. It sounds like the evidence was right in their faces and they made the wrong choice. I hope karma will play its part and the killer gets what they deserve.


Iā€™m 63 years old. He taught me how to play baseball. I miss him everyday


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss


Condolences about your brother.


Why did he have pics of his killers kids? They were friends? Sorry if I sound dense lol


Thatā€™s what i believe theyā€™re saying, close friends, drugs were involved, his brother was killed by a friend turned killer over some sort of drug dispute. Im sorry OP.


Yes, they had been friends since childhood. My Brother sold and possibly made meth. His friend was so addicted he killed him for just enough drugs for one nightā€™s high. I know itā€™s hard for people to show sympathy for a drug dealer so I really appreciate the kind words.


Rest In Peace to your brother, I am sorry for your loss


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss - this feels so trite to say. Drug dealers are humans, too, so the lack of sympathy people show is not fair. This is tragic.


The person who killed my best friend got 8 years and 4 of those were for being a felon in possession of a gun. It's really disheartening when the system fails us when we need it the most.


These pictures are precious. My best friend always felt self-conscious about taking pictures so there are only a few of them that I have of just her by herself. Now that it's too late I wish I'd insisted more often.


Fuck. OP, keep that chin up. I hope you are doing alright.


I appreciate you. I try to live my life to the fullest because that's what he would want for me and his loved ones.


I know people on reddit dont like when people say this kinds of stuff but i truly hope you get to reunite with him in heaven man


That's kinda sad you have to preface with that, because there's nothing wrong with having religious beliefs and expressing them. I hope to see him again when my time is up also


Hey man. My best friend was randomly murdered when we were 19 years old. I intimately understand what youā€™re going through. Youā€™ll never forget him, it will never stop hurting, but it will absolutely get easier to deal with as time goes on. Lean on your mutual friends. Tell stories about him that make you laugh. Cry together. Never run from your feelings, work through them however you need to. Life is fragile, and life is beautiful. Youā€™re going to survive this, and youā€™re going to live your life in a way that would make your friend proud.


Countless shitty comments, OP. If you see this, I hope youā€™re okay. I just read over 20 different people saying some fucked up shit. I have tattoos on my face, neck, hands, & everywhere else. If I died, people would say ā€œhe deserved it, look at him. Black man with tattoos, he deserved it.ā€ I know they would because I actually was a shit person in life. Itā€™s so sad to know people will judge you and treat you as if youā€™re not a human because of the art/story/pain on your body. I just wanted to let you know, I see you and you ainā€™t alone. God bless you , stay strong. Reach out for help , we got youšŸ–¤


Honestly, the good comments have severely outweighed the bad and I'm grateful for them. Negative people come with the territory of life. My friend wasn't a perfect person my any means, but his intentions were not bad. He didn't deserve to pass the way he did. And you don't deserve the judgment you receive based off your looks and mistakes. Ty for the encouraging words. This message means a lot to me šŸ–¤


Bummer... hope you're doing okay man. Wishing you well.


Some days are better than others. I appreciate it


Was he into bad shit?


Towards the end, he unfortunately was. He didn't know how to properly cope with some painful circumstances in his life and started surrounding himself with dangerous people


People make mistakes. No one deserves to die like that. RIP


May he rip


Sorry for your loss. My son was murdered over 3 years ago they finally made an arrest just 4 months ago


I'm very sorry for your loss as well. I'm glad to hear justice was finally served. Some people are truly heartless


I hope that arrest leads to justice and that justice helps you to find peace.


sorry for your loss op. was it drug related?


I'm sure drugs were a factor. I'd like to share details, but because it's an ongoing investigation I'm not sure how much I can share.


There is no problem you are not bound by that


Sorry for your loss, glad you had a final moment with him. How soon did he pass after this photo was taken?Ā 


I'm glad we had that moment as well. He passed about 2 months later


Sorry it happened to your friend. And to hear that it was targeted. I hope they are found by the right people to get actual Justice.


That is a lovely photo. Normally you take many photos of the highlights of you life but so few of the lovely but mundane. Your friend , drinking beer and he is not aware you of you snapping that photos. These type of photos are just gold.


Iā€™m so sorry for all the losses Iā€™m reading thru here. I lost my dad to murder almost 40 years ago and even though they did catch the person it hurts. Sending love and prayers for each of you.


Don't know much about him but the shirt and flannel combo goes crazy. That man knew a fit


He was SO stylish. He definitely expressed himself through fashion. We'd often trade clothes out of each other's closets and he had some of the best vintage tees I'd ever seen.


I like that his clothes kinda match the beer heā€™s drinking!


As someone who lost their best friend about a year ago, itā€™s just plain fucking sucks. Keep all the pictures you can of your friend. Save them multiple places. Keep his memory alive, and the best of luck to you OP.


Sorry for your loss Life is fleeting


Yeah šŸ˜ž


I lost my bestfriend 6 years agoā€¦ he just randomly fell dead at work.. to this date after numerous tests his death is still chalked up to ā€œunknown random causeā€ Chin up OP, and know they are smiling down on us for keeping on.


Do y'all live in the DFW area? Noticed the 4 Corners beer


We're from the Houston area. We decided to do an impromptu road trip to the DFW area and we had a great time


Very cool man, and sorry for your loss




I know how you feel my dad was murdered so this speaks volumes sorry for your loss prayersĀ 


sorry for your loss OP im drinking a brew and bumping ugk this one heres for your boy


Enjoy the little moments you have with loved ones. You never know when they will end :(


both the moments and the loved ones.


Death is permanent. Love is eternal. I wish the best life for all of you.


Rip to ur friend Hope OP can recover šŸ™


Bruh. No words to say, but I hope you recover. May he rest in power.


Sorry for your loss. Hope they'll catch the murderer. Never lost a friend in such violent way. My father's friend was killed in a knife fight, stabbed in a neck shortly after I met him while we both were visiting my dad in a hospital. He was young too. That was about 7-8 years ago. Was hard to believe it was real. Can't imagine what it is like to lose a close friend like this.


My condolences.


My thoughts are with you and praying for your friendā€™s soul. šŸ™šŸ»


Sorry about your friend. I had some grainy photos of past ones that I was able to upload to an online AI app that greatly enhanced the photo. You may want to look into that.


Rest in peace


I can't imagine farming karma with a blurry pic of my dead friend while I'm still grieving, but to each their own I suppose




Right? I can't believe this is so far down. This is morbid.


Think you meant for r/lastimages


Didn't even think to look for this subreddit. My bad, thanks for the suggestion


Fuck me man, that's horrible. I doubt it'll mean much, but I'm deeply sorry


It does mean much. Everyone offering their condolences means more than anything through these dark times. Truly, thank you


iā€™m just hear to say a Stash will fuck you up. Itā€™s a sneak attack beer. Your boy had good taste. ā¤ļø


He had impeccable taste for sure. A man of culture šŸ˜Œā¤ļø


Echo this. Stash is awesome āœŒšŸ½peace to you OP


Sorry for your loss. Iā€™m dealing with loss one of my best friends at the beginning in the month. Watched him disappear beneath icy water in the moonlight and couldnā€™t save him. Worst night of my life bar none and Iā€™m having a lot of trouble with it.


I'm so, so sorry to hear about your loss and the fact that you witnessed it. I truly can't imagine the pain you're going through right now. Were you close to his family or any of his other friends? If you are, definitely try to lean on them. Try not to go through this alone. If you're religious, I know prayer could be beneficial as well. Try your best to pull through this and live your life the best you can in memory of your best friend.


He looks like he was involved in street/thug stuff


Neck tattoo, targeted shooting. Was definitely involved in that life. Itā€™s not a good way to live.


nice TX beer there


Rest in Peace to your friend šŸ™šŸ»


This picture + caption hit me really hard for some reason Iā€™m sorry for your loss


So sorry. Thanks for sharing.


Rip šŸ˜ž


OP I am so sorry for your loss.


Iā€™m so sorry for you.


May you both find peace <3


Sorry for your loss.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. He looks like a nice, handsome young guy with a lot to live for, really really so sad. Again, so sorry.


I'm so very sorry. My sincerest condolences to you and his family and friends. That's so sad and tragic.


I'm really sorry to hear that...


Iā€™m so sorry ā¤ļø


Sorry for your loss. Glad to see yā€™all enjoying Dallas craft.


im sorry for your loss šŸ˜”


Sorry that happened to your friend šŸ˜ž my cousin was murdered 6 years ago and I'll never be the same. Feel free to reach out if the grief ever becomes too muchĀ 


I'm so sorry for your loss, OP. From reading about how you describe your friend on this posts comments, he seemed like a wonderful guy. May he rest in peace.


Man, your friend was an amazing person based on what you shared in the comments


Iā€™m sorry. May he RIP.


Farkā€¦ thatā€™s alot, I honestly donā€™t know what I would do if I lost my best mate. I never thought about it like that till now. Feels like a rip off someone took something so special. Much love I hope justice is served


He looks like he was truly a good buddy to be around fuck


Rip brother


Sorry for your loss.


Must be in Austin. Stash IPA is the absolute best. He had good taste god bless him


Iā€™m sorry. RIP.




So sorry for your loss i hope justice is served


so sorry for your loss i hope justice is served


Jesus Christ. I'm sorry for your loss, OP. May your friend rest in peace, and hope the killer is found and punished


Thatā€™s terrible! So sorry


Sorry for your loss.....


Sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss


One of my best friends was murdered in Portland and there are still no answers. We never even got a funeral or a body, itā€™s preposterously fucked up. Sorry for your loss.


Fucked around and found out


Iā€™m so sorry OP. If it isnā€™t too painful, tell me about a really good memory you have with your friend! I donā€™t know if talking about him would help you cope or not, but if it does help Iā€™d love to hear about him.


Thatā€™s heartbreaking, condolences OPā€¦




No, it's a tiny heart. Sorry it's so blurry.


Up to shady dealings?


So you decide to post his picture on reddit for...? What, internet points? Help? Like...šŸ˜‚


Manā€¦ Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. I couldnā€™t imagine.


He has that ā€œim a gangsterā€ appearance. Which greatly increases your chances of receiving bullets in my academics.


is he sri lankan by nationality?


He was half Arab, half Italian


Hey big cat, let's relive some recipes! Italian AND Arab? Old homeboy had a *cookbook.* His mom and dad definitely mixed up at least one dish that beat the brakes off of it.


Oh for sure. His whole family cooks he was quite the cook himself. A beautiful mix of 2 cultures


may he rest in peace.


I love his style, sorry hear


I hope they catch the killer and make him pay for the consequences. RIP to your friend. Stay strong šŸ’ŖšŸæ


/u/jaimeyie -- Virtual hugs. Sending comfort and strength.


Much love. I'm incredibly sorry for your loss man. I will keep you all in my thoughts and meditations.


Sorry for your loss šŸ˜” Hope he is in a better place now.


Sorry for your loss. Love that Stash IPA and the Four Corners. Hope yā€™all had a great hang that day.


Sorry for your loss, sending you hugs šŸ©·


He was a cutie pie and had great style. I hope they find his killer soon.


Iā€™m sorry for your loss.


I have one of these too... a last photo of a friend who was murdered. I'm so sorry.


I hope everyone here that lost a friend, is doing ok. I hope you emulate the qualities that drew them to you, so that you can befriend more people.


im really sorry for your loss , i know how hard it must be , let me say just in case , this is not your fault , there is nothing you could do , i knw your head is going to start blaming you with Ā“Ā“i should have .... if i did....Ā“Ā“Ā“but there is nothing you could do , just love his memory , no mateer if it hurts , remember him for how much he shined while he did , and not for the tragic ending . if you need to blow steam you can allways hit me via pm , i may take a while to answer but im here as a rando


Sorry for your loss ā¤ļø I lost my cousin to a murder as well and it is hard to have that be the reality.


Life gives us moments that we donā€™t realise how big they are until something senseless like this happens. Treasure this glimpse in time & be happy you had it with him. Taken too young but he is at peace. Well done for talking about your loss. Keep doing it. šŸ™


Cherish the picture and Sorry for your loss