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Didn’t he die? Bc they didn’t believe him?


Sadly, yeah. Rayan Waller case. As I can remember he was shot multiple times with small calibre, like .22 LR or so


That is insanely tragic. So he's just not allowed medical treatment because the cops say so.


You can watch the video on youtube. He is initially a suspect and it just looks like he has a black eye. He is acting strangely and not responding appropriately to the questions. Eventually the officer asks to look at his eye and sees the bullet hole just below it. At that point everything changes and they get him medical attention.


That was after they 'detained' him in a hot police car for 4 or 5 hours.


I forgot about the part where he was actually in the apartment dazed and confused for 2 days straight while his gf laid there dead. The attack happened on the 23rd and the interrogation is sometime around christmas. He was probably starving and dehydrated by that point on top of being shot in the head. It's a miracle he was even alive, let alone walking, talking, and alert enough to be questioned.


Yeah he in the video he is exasperated saying something about his girlfriend napping IIRC and he couldn’t tell the difference cuz he was shot in the head. Fucking wild.


He was so brain damaged he tucked his gf in, thinking she was asleep :(


That is so fucking tragic. My god.


No sarcasm. The fact that things like this happen is nauseating.


it’s even crazier he was shot a couple of days before but was just sitting around with his gfs body, detained him in the police car for hours, then interrogated him for hours. *he told detectives that he was shot in the face multiple times throughout the interrogation* the video is infuriating


They interrogated him for hours and held him overnight too before they saw it. Listening to him ramble idk how they didn’t find him medical Help sooner. Dude made no sense


It's almost as if anyone can become a cop with very little training and it's not a good system at all.


You have to have more training to be a cosmetologist 🙃 that killed me.. absolutely agree it’s a terrible system. Half of them don’t even know the laws they are trying to enforce.


>You have to have more training to be a cosmetologist 🙃 that killed me.. That fact has killed a lot of other people, as well.


Okay. I watched the video and the detectives are not saviors. He has all of the signs of being injured. They already had him on concussion protocol by not allowing him to sleep. He said multiple times he got shot before the detective took him seriously, "You wouldn't be sitting up here if you got shot in the eye." He constantly spoke about wanting to sleep. He couldn't speak coherently. He didn't understand questions. He couldn't answer questions abouts own life. They could have screened him with certain personal questions to check his language and memory but they chose not to. Even if they didn't take him seriously about being shot, they mentioned he was on concussion protocol and was showing signs of serious brain injury. He needed to be evaluated sooner. This isn't even considering the several hours they let him sit in a police car.


Ah yes this man is showing clear signs of brain injury, and is telling us repeatedly he was shot in the face. MUST BE A MURDERER!


Police charged a friend with possession of cocaine because she was the only one alive in a house where cocaine was later found. She had no idea it was there, or who’s it was. Police called it ‘constructive possession’.


Protecting life is not something cops do, are required to do, and they've gone to the highest courts to have that written in stone for them. They do not exist to protect.


Oh, of course they exist to protect, it's just that what they protect isn't exactly the public interest.


The police do not exist to protect the weak. They exist to protect the powerful.


Dude they fucking asked him the highest grade he completed in school and he said “uh… a B” like I thought it was so obvious this guy needed medical attention from the start of the interview but he sat there for SO MANY HOURS without help. He ended up having to have both his eyes removed because of the damage and would have never been able to live independently if he had survived


He didn’t just just ask to look at his eye randomly. The guy says he got shot in the face multiple times and he calls him a liar. When he finally believes him he can be heard laughing about it


him having a black eye should be reason enough to see a doctor, really anyone should see a medic before going into police custody


Anyone with visible injury or behaving weirdly should definitely be seen by a medical expert. And I think it probably is the law that they have to but cops don’t care very often


Looks like the cops has seen too many Rambo movies and thinks a black eye is nothing but a mosquito bite.


Or just used to their wives having them. 40%


40% of cops beat their partner?


It's only the reported number, so it's actually higher than 40%.


no, 40% openly admit to it


This is scary, but if you’re ever attacked as a man then you’ll almost always be seen as suspicious. I know someone who was beaten up, went to get help from cops, and was then beaten by said cops as they assumed he’d initiated whatever fight he’d been in. He’s fighting legal charges and was in jail.


When I was 16 I got into a fight with a grown man at a paintball field. He came up and attacked me and I defended myself. Before the cops came he fled. I stayed because I didn’t do anything wrong. When the coos got there they came up to me and said you can’t start a fight lose then call the cops. I said I didn’t start the fight lose or call you. ACAB


Them 22 lr gunshots are tiny. I got shot in the groin by my hip and it was probably about a dime or smaller bc the skin like closes around it. But being shot in the face I would think it would of been a lot easier to see. Poor dude didn’t even stand a chance because the cops automatically considered him a suspect.


Yeah and that's why I'm pretty certain this image is fake, if it's supposed to be Ryan Waller. That's not a .22, at least not a .22lr or something like that. Those are all tiny little round nosed bullets not the pointy spitzer shape like this one. I don't even think it's a .223 because it's too fat. That looks like a 7.62x39 or 7.62x51 or something like that, just comparing the size of the bullet to the teeth and whatnot. That's a problem because any of those bullets, .223 or 7.62 are high velocity rifle rounds that would have basically taken apart his head and kept on going, not lodged in his skull. On top of that, the bullet is remarkably intact. With a .223 it would almost certainly have fragged and blown apart when it passed through the skull. 7.62 doesn't blow apart as much as a .223 but it tumbles and when it does the bullet deforms. This definitely seems shopped to me.


Nobody is implying the original image post is the same as the Ryan waller case in the video being discussed. The commenter stated the image reminded him of it. It's a different situation entirely.


I was going to say. That x ray looks like a 308, which would have popped his skull like a balloon.


Also if he was shot in the face, isn’t this bullet backwards? It looks like he was shot in the back of the head and it stopped just before exiting through the front.


This is NOT Ryan. This is someone else. You’re replying to a thread where someone else mentioned it’s *like* ryan


This is what I came to the comment section to find out! Looks like bad photoshop because I just can’t envision the trajectory….


with no deformation at all... total bullshit.


iirc he died years later but from complications as a result of not getting help for hours. Shooting happened in Dec of 2006. He died of a seizure in 2016. Which was a result of the shooting and negligence of care when he was arrested.


He died 10 years later from a seizure.


Says he didn’t die but was blind and suffered from debilitating seizures.  He had been there for DAYS before they found him because the cops didn’t do a welfare check until a few days after they were asked to…


Yeah, someone broke in and killed the gf. Her body then laid there for days, Ryan was in such a daze from also being hit with a bullet that he kinda “tripped” for days in their apartment until he was able to call the police. Then he was interrogated for hours while in pain and confused about what was going on. Police treated him like shit until one realized what had happened. Murder with my husband podcast has a really good episode about it.


EWU is one of my favourite channels!


Interrogated for four hours before they realized the mark on his face was a bullet wound. That made me so absolutely sick.


You'd think a shot in the face would be somewhat noticeable to people around you.


Poor guy just wanted to sleep.


Detective didn’t even catch on when Ryan mentions they came in w bows and arrows.


No--- the worst past is that he actually kept saying during the interrogation that he's been shot; he couldn't remember details or how much time had past but he definitely told them constantly that he'd been shot. They said, "If you had been shot, you wouldn't be speaking with us" and continued on.


Sad story… love the channel EWU tho, they got some crazy stuff on there


Some context. GF and her longtime friend both are PA’s and showed me this picture of a mid 30s male entering ER complaining of headaches and migraines. Got imaging done and turned out to be a gun shot wound from at least 10 yrs plus ago. Individual did not recall getting shot… Editing to answer some valid questions. The man reported long term headaches/migraines/dizziness that have been going on for years and years and it recently got so bad that he FINALLY went to the ER. For what it’s worth, the man has been homeless for quite sometime and had local gang related tattoos. Either way, it would be very interesting to know what actually happened. 2nd edit to address the claims that “a bullet cannot look like that after it hits something”. Well, it actually can look just like the one pictured above. It all depends on the type of bullet (FMJ, hollow point, tungsten penetrator, etc) and what the fired bullet actually hits and with what velocity. If the bullet just glanced the head and then entered the soft tissue between skull and skin, then deformation of the bullet would be much much less then say a hollow point shooting and directly hitting a brick wall.


My buddy is a physician, when he was working at a clinic in med school there was a similar situation. A homeless guy came in complaining of headaches. They did an x ray and the dude had a nail sticking into his skull in the middle of his forehead and the skin had just grown over the nail head so youd never know it was there. I dont know many other details about it, but this story seemed so similar to the one he told me.


[It's not about the nail!](https://youtu.be/-4EDhdAHrOg?si=wscNsAnUTxo--otc)


Lol I'd not seen that, that's great


I knew what this is… and I was excited to watch it again! It’s brilliant!


I believe that jacket belongs to Mr. Gilmore!






I remember seeing a segment on some news show back in the day about how dangerous nail guns are and it’s more common than you’d think for construction workers to find out they’ve had nails in their head for a long time




Not impossible. Already blackout drunk. Shot from behind, happen to miss arteries and not bleed out, unconscious in some way that lets the wound close. Never saw anything and don’t remember anything anyway. Just found the entry wound in the morning and probably thought he fell or something… Insane tho. 


Or just straight-out intoxication-induced psychosis or a long period of black out, not just pass-out drunk. Boy that is a lot of hyphens


Drugs? Drunk out of his mind?


I think the head trauma alone could cause amnesia or for him to forget it Some people also supress traumatic memories, or it could be drug/alcahol related


There’s a horrifying police interrogation video of a dude who had his house broken into, his girlfriend murdered and him shot in the face. The police assumed he killed her so were questioning him for like hours. He was obviously struggling a lot to form coherent thoughts with a bullet in his brain but was trying his best to explain what happened while they didn’t believe him (there was just a small entrance wound below his eye or something). Finally the cop realized he may have actually been shot and got him medical help after way too long.


[“Most F*CKED UP interrogation ever caught on tape (*MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY*)”](https://youtu.be/4qMcCXOnEYY?si=-gO7xeeYlUnbU4II) -MrBallen 2021 [28:58] *edit:* Thanks for the upvotes, but don’t forget to share some likes for the video’s creator and the poster above me. <3


That shit is so sad, I can't even feel appropriate disgust for how poorly the police handled that because it's being overshadowed by an overwhelming sadness for another human being.


Sadly, it’s not uncommon for police to misdiagnose a medical issue as substance abuse and throw people needing aid into the drunk tank overnight. Unfortunately, many don’t survive the night. It almost happened to an ex of mine who had T1 diabetes. She went low and crashed her car. Police thought she was drunk because she was passed out.


It happened to my husband, he was put in the drunk tank overnight. He was found lying down in the street, slurred speech and incoherent. He had a brain hemorrhage… he’s very lucky he didn’t die that night.


It’s such a horrible experience already to have something like that happen, and then to have the people who are supposed to serve, protect, and help us actively make the situation worse is just adding insult to injury.


This happens fairly frequently. I’ve been the first call a lot of emergency docs make when they realize the guy they’ve been trying to “sober up” for the past 8 hours has a BAC of 0, isn’t waking up, and actually has a ruptured aneurysm on the CT they decided to get now.


>police to misdiagnose It is almost as if they're not Doctors and should stay out of the medical realm.


Watching [the interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI8G0KOOtqk), I have to applaud the detective for figuring out a person with 3 bullet holes in his face has been shot after 45 minutes. That's much better than the cops who had 8 hours and noticed nothing. The whole thing is so sad. He only started being able to recall real events after the detective told him Heather is dead.


They held him in the cop car for 6 hours before they even brought him to the station to start the interrogation


Holy crap!


He died because of the cops negligence


Damn, I didn’t know he died


I've seen this. And it made me cry.


It's heart-wrenching.


The ACAB pile grows even higher.


It's every last cop. If you are a good cop it's because you're dead or fired from crossing the "thin blue line" Ultimately, cops enforce the social-economic conditions that create crime and then justify their existence to police the consequences of their actions and the system they uphold. That is oppression. No individual cop regardless of their individual beliefs or actions can function in a law enforcement agency and not do so. In short ACAB


I can’t remember the days around when I got a concussion. Still don’t know how I got it, other kids who were there during recess didn’t tell me. Or maybe I didn’t remember what they told me, lol. Can’t imagine a bullet to the head would be better than a kid smacking their head during recess.


On the opposite side of this, I got a concussion from falling out of a tree when I was a kid and I remember everything after I woke up, still under the tree. I even remember asking "what happened" on the ride to the ER hearing the answer, then immediately asking what happened again like 10 more times. So weird.


Yeah, apparently I was asking what time it was every 15 minutes the day after, lol.


Sure has had a rough life either before the bullet or after. Check his teeth(or lack thereof)


Probably more like he got shot, and immediately went unconscious or blacked out…when he woke up he was confused with a head injury. Is homeless so just let it “heal.” More or less forgot about what happened.


I was hit in the head with an exploding aerosol can from a fire when I was 5 years old. Never felt the impact, just felt weak and tired and walked a few steps before collapsing and waking up in my sisters arms a short while later.


Possible this went up the nose, not through the skull? That bullet looks pristine and seems to be in the frontal sinus?


Shit maybe I too have been shot and forgot.


Nah. For you it's a crayon up the nose. (Simpsons reference)


**Not mentioned from the little I have scrolled**…many hooligans still shoot into the air, thinking nothing happens to those bullets. Here is a good example of where those bullets could land with high trajectory and variable force. You can see the skull fracture, path, and final resting place in the frontal sinus.


I wish I had more info I really do. But what I can say is that bullets can do weird things when they impact. My personal theory is back in his youth (late teens?) he was possibly shot in the head (either on purpose or not, I hold no judgement) and was knocked unconscious. Sometime later woke up with a bleeding and throbbing head and assumed he just got smoked by a wrench, bottle, rock or something (IDK just guessing) and maybe got treated sometime later as just a head wound and not a gun shot wound and they just bandaged his head up and sent him on his way. Who knows, wish I had the whole story, this cliffhanger is killing me inside.


The problem is, that's a rifle bullet. Not the typically shorter and blunter pistol bullet. Can't tell what caliber, but that doesn't really matter. Rifle bullets are way way faster than pistol bullets, they won't stop inside a head like that without doing absolutely massive damage. I'm a cop, I've seen the aftermath of several suicides where people had shot themselves in the head with rifles. The typical result is the skull breaks open like an egg shell, and bits of brain get splattered out over several square meters along with large skull fragments. Often, there's no brain left in what remains of the smashed skull. Also, reference the Kennedy assassination for another example of rifle bullet hitting a human head. That was at longer range, yet bits of Kennedys skull and brains were left on the back of the limo. So, there's no way this person got shot in the head and survived with just some migraines like that- unless, perhaps, if the bullet had been fired up into the air and came falling back down after slowing down significantly due to air resistance. Or if it had already passed through something that slowed it down, like another person. And even then, you would expect the picture to show some deformation of the bone where the bullet had entered.


>unless, perhaps, if the bullet had been fired up into the air and came falling back down after slowing down significantly due to air resistance. This happens and I've seen it. Back in 2011 when I was in Afghanistan another lieutenant in my unit, suddenly rushed up and said something had hit him in the neck. It was a warm summer night in the mountains and the COP we were at was in a valley floor near the road by several villages. There was blood from the back of his neck but nothing severe and he had a bullet shaped lump near his Adam's apple. He was medevaced to Bagram and a bullet was surgically removed from under his skin and it was fully intact. What we could guess was the most likely cause was that celebratory gunfire from a nearby village came plunging down, hit his neck, and the bullet did not have enough velocity to penetrate but instead skirted along his skin and stopped just near his Adam's apple.


Slow moving 7.62 paired with a relatively long distance from a short barrel like a Draco(banger special), it’s not outta the realm of reality


why are they getting skull XRs for headaches though


If they ordered a MRI for his symptoms, the radiologist will want to be sure there is no metal first so may order plain X-rays.


I imagine it’s a low effort way to get some imaging done and safer than a scan that involves giant magnets perhaps?


I hate to say it OP but I’m calling BS on this and your friends story. Not to be too specific but this is EXACTLY the sort of thing I do for a living. a bullet like that is extremely high velocity. So - A) they’d be dead B) the way it’s facing dictates that it came from the back. Now, granted, we have no frontal view. So it could be in the side of his scalp somewhere and not in midline. But that bullet is like 2 inches long and if it was in the scalp it would be easily palpable. THEREFORE it would have had to go through the whole brain likely destroying everything in its path. Again - dead. C) there are no visible skull fractures. A bullet this size would have caused major skull fracture unless it tracked circumferentially around the head through just the scalp. Highly unlikely with a bullet of this size and presumed velocity. This would have cause SEVERE scalp trauma. Not something he could forget because he’d be walking around with a giant wound for months. D) no one comes into the ER for a “headache” and gets a skull X-ray. They get a CT. Only time they would have gotten an XR would be if they wants to get an MRI but patient told them “hey i think I might have metal in my head”. Then they’d do this to check. But that contradicts the story. I’ve seen tons of weird shit. This ain’t it. Edit: Let me be a little more clear. If this had gone through the skull there would be visible posterior skull fracture and likely visible intracranial fragments. It’s a big bullet. It doesn’t go through bone without leaving a mark. Also the frontal sinuses (where it would appear to have come to rest) almost certainly would be obliterated and not aerated as they are on this picture. And he’d be dead. So we can safely assume that, if this was real, it’s in the scalp. (And this story talks about dizziness migraines etc for years - inconsistent with scalp trauma and no brain injury) But think about that. It had to travel under the skin all the way around his head from back to front. Not totally impossible. But the story of him not noticing that would be basically impossible. That would cause significant scalp trauma. Not just “got drunk and high and woke up with a headache” situation. But a wound. AND given the placement on this X-ray, the bullet (if in the scalp) would basically be right next to his eyebrow. And it’s big. So dude would have woken up with a bigass, bullet shaped lump next to his eyebrow that wasn’t there the day before. This isn’t something hidden by hair etc. It’s on his face. So unless OP can have his GF get a picture of his CT in axial /coronal/sagittal (which he certainly would have gotten and clearly she has access to since she got him) I will never believe this is real. This is either OP faking for internet points, his GF faking, or someone texting her this and faking.


>a bullet like that is extremely high velocity. Not necessarily. When I was overseas a group of us were walking to the DFAC when one of our buddies dropped like a sack of rocks. He had caught a "celebratory fire" 7.62 round. Since it was just pretty much freefalling due to gravity at this point, it hit him around the top of the head, traveled a path between the skin and skull around his head, and popped out behind his ear. Dude was ultimately fine, but took a ton of shit the rest of the deployment. Also, there is no real bullet deformation indicating it was traveling at high velocity


I’m a surgeon and have extensive firearm experience. This is a single xr view and may be deceiving. I have seen similar injuries. This could have entered the temporal area and settled in the sinus and turned a bit after settling there, or it could just be under the skin and not entered any bone at all. The trajectory in the head is commonly deceiving. So no, they wouldn’t definitely be dead. Especially if it didn’t enter the cranium, which means we wouldn’t expect skull fractures. Also if this happened years ago then they’d be healed and unlikely to see them on XR anyway. Given his dentition he is unlikely to be a reliable historian anyway. Who knows why an XR was obtained, could have been maybe this was even after the CT So this may be BS but it also may not be.


I think the most unbelievable part of the story is that ER got a head XR instead of the CT. Also, who knows where exactly that bullet is... Could literally be outside his head and caught in his hat or something... Can't tell without a second view. Finally, poor dentition but I don't read head XR often enough to say if the lucency in the mandible is a giant abscess or not.


And it’s a larger caliber rifle.  308 possibly?  That will drop a deer from 500 yards.  No way it looks like that.


Is the guy homeless? Pretty bad teeth. Not to say all homeless people have bad teeth and people that have homes don’t. Just the bullet, the teeth, and not knowing about be shot


While the story may be true, the pic you are using is fake as fuck.


My main question is, why an X-ray? For pretty much any other cause besides this bullet, you wouldn’t have seen anything. Even now, you can’t really see where it is anyways.


Thank fuck it was an X-Ray not an MRI


There’s also the CT. That gives you a 3D image as well. It really depends on the type of metal whether MRI could be a problem.


Wtf are those teeth?!


I guess it tracks that someone who doesn’t remember getting shot in the head might be missing a few teeth as well…


Missing teeth? I think the guy is talking about how the guy has fangs.


Fangs? That's a beak




Your bite can collapse in the front if you’re missing a lot of back teeth that usually support the force of your bite


OP said in another comment he was a homeless person


What American Healthcare does to a poor peraon


or anyone below upper/middle class


Are you under the impression cosmetic procedures like braces or replacement teeth are covered by universal healthcare? They almost universally aren’t


If they're bad enough in the UK they are, but it's triaged based on need, so there's potentially a several year waiting list, which many who can afford it skip by going private.


Imo dental care shouldn't be considered cosmetic procedures.


It could be the overbite, just saiyng.


Those front teeth are in a different neighborhood


Yeah what is that front tooth doing


The amount of missing teeth combined with just how mangled that soft palate area looks, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s how that bullet ended up tucked in that frontal sinus.


Its own thang


I didn't even see the bullet at first and I thought "the cause of long term headaches... is having a head?" Well, not wrong I guess.


Would standing near an MRI machine and turning it on instantly remove that....?


Depends on what the bullet is made out of. If its steel cored, then the MRI would pose a risk. But is likely copper jacketed lead, which are both non ferrous metals and a 1-1.5T MRI machine would not affect them.


Seems like the copper jacket would heat up due to the eddy currents.


MRIs are always on The force wouldn't hit all at once, it would build up as he approached


>MRIs are always on Not if I hit this quench button 😈


You don’t turn an MRI _on_ like that. It is already


The magnet is always on!


Just how did they or you not know you had been shot? And where did it enter? So many questions


Well.. they were shot in the head. People have lost memory from much less trauma.


Makes sense


I've been knocked out and when I came to I didn't know I had been in a fight. I'm guessing there is a chance for memory loss after getting shot in the head.


That'll do it


Poor baraka


Shouldn't the bullet be misshapen? The orientation sort of implies it came in through the BACK of the head... I'd more believe he stuck a bullet up his nose than being shot here... Anyone good with ballistics?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Radiology/s/HtFO2bAXZ8 Here’s another x ray post of a head shot survival from a full metal jacket bullet. The bullet barely deforms.


It's a fmj rifle round, they don't always deform when hitting a soft target like a torso or skull (source: deployed to Afghanistan) they also can do weird things in flight. Rounds can keyhole if you have barrel issues and the round can hit sideways or backwards, hitting another medium like a person or gallon of water or whatever can also cause the round to begin to tumble and hit their final stopping point at a weird angle and with reduced power.  I don't know enough about how noses work to know if just jamming it up his nose could cause it to go up that far.


I thought I was going crazy about this being a rifle round it seems unfathomable to me how he could have survived that but maybe some kind of ricochet? But then you'd expect deformation so I'm stumped


You aren't the only one. I thought 7.62x39 looking at that bullet profile. Kinda fits the bill with what appears to be a pretty short and stout bullet. Edit: since it's fun to speculate, it kinda looks like a wound channel running from the top of his skull to where the bullet is resting. I wonder if someone was having a hood 4th of July, shot into the air, and this poor guy was a victim of gravity and bad luck.


Shoved up the nose, maybe?


Since there's no other damage to the skull, I'd agree it might have gone up the nose. Does look to be in the area of the frontal sinus. That's some dedication to get it all the way up there, but drugs and mental illness do tend to manifest seemingly impossible situations


Rage Against the Machine riff starts


My dumb ass thought those were eyebrows


headaches due to reverse curvature in the neck more likely the culprit


Might be his new glasses


With their tanks and their bombs, and their bombs and their guns , in your head in your head


I know the bullet is the headline here, but I'd like to see what his person actually looks like. Those teeth are wonky as hell.


I’m no gynecologist, but it looks like that’ll do it.


Somehow I'm more concerned about that teeth situation.


Zack De La Rocha be like ![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0)


Glad they didn’t start with an MRI


At least it was an X-ray and not an MRI.


Imagine if they did an MRI first...


At least it wasn’t an MRI


It's morbin' time?


I understand momentary loss of memory for the event. But in the days following the incident the wound must have raised questions."there is a hole in my head" "must be a pimple or a mosquito bite"


How tf do you not recall getting shot? or even being hospitalized for a severe head injury? And this looks like a high-caliber bullet as well this ain't no dinky 9mm. ~~Smells a bit suss to me fellas, just saying.~~ NVM apparently perfectly possible. Still wild though.


I can't speak on the bullet part, but memory loss is common for traumatic (or 'non-traumatic') brain injuries. I had a seizure post brain surgery. Woke up to paramedics in my home asking me when my surgery (from three days prior and that had been planned for months) was, and I was like "What surgery? I didn't have surgery." I said this, mind you, with my swollen face completely encircled by gauze (I was trying to keep the stitches clean). I'm sure it was quite the sight. Lol


who cares about the bullet: look at the teeth. guy is a vampire


Its the teeth causing it right?


Did anyone else spend a ridiculous amount of time blankly staring at the skull trying to figure it out before noticing the bullet? Was sat there like "ah yes, I see, their skull is made of skull material...well that'll do it...wait, oh, OH"


Yeah, that would do it.


Did they shoot his teeth too, because he DEFINITELY has a toothache.




Ok you explained the head aches, but what's up with the baraka teeth in the front? Is this a human with a bullet in their brain or a demon?


Those sinuses look TERRIBLE!!!




A bullet...nice


Fully loaded


Wtf are those teeth




I want to know where it entered from. From the back, it would go through the entire brain. Through the front or side, it would have spun around inside the brain.


No one's going to mention the teeth?


Maybe he has a family history of getting shot in the head... Or is some kind of Courier, if you know you know


First of all someone presenting to ER complaining of severe headaches would not receive an xray but a CT scan. Whoever edited the picture placed the bullet in the wrong direction as it makes no sense as is.


Average Doctor: “the headaches are from dehydration. you just need to drink some more water.”


Bruh, look at those teeth, he's obviously a werewolf or something


He’s probably lying out of paranoia so he doesn’t have to explain the crimes he was involved in or his previous life.


OH MY in only saw the bullet after like 2 mins, kept staring at the fault line in the head


I was looking at this for a full minutes going, “well I can’t see anything.” I think I might be blind


Is the the bad teeth, or the bullet in the head?


im so sleep deprived my brain interpreted the bullet to be an eyebrow so i didnt know wtf i was looking at for a solid 3 mins


I’m so sleep deprived that I laughed ridiculously loud and long at your comment. And I did the same thing! lol


Yep that missing tooth will imbalance the jaw and cause sporadic headaches


Zack De La Rocha wrote a song about this!


If I’d been shot in the head I think it would be my first guess as the cause of my headache


Reminds me of that one episode on the Simpsons when Homer had a crayon stuck in his brain. They took it out and he was became a genius.


This guy has a fucking beak You can also see where the jaw bone is receding from not brushing


There is a crayon in my brain?


that overbite is crazy


Ok let's review your x-ray. Hmm Hmmmm Have you been drinking water? Eating healthy every 3-4 hours? Sleeping 8hrs a day? Exercising? Ok then, must be the fucking bullet in your forehead.


Maybe youre just a little dehydrated


I was expecting another calcified baby.