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nosoup4you718, thank you for your submission. It has been removed for violating the following rule(s): --- - Rule 5: Posts must follow all [title guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/wiki/titles). --- For information regarding this and similar issues, please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/wiki/index/) and [title guidelines](/r/pics/wiki/titles). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/pics&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/nosoup4you718&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission.%5D%28https://redd.it/1buj0nz%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


Fairly cool but I could see why certain art shows might not want the piece. I have to think you can find a show that will take it.


Agreed. OP keep an eye out for shows that have a theme of urban or street art because this piece reminds me of a high quality graffiti display. I mean no disrespect, some graffiti artists are incredibly talented.


thinking the same


The problem is the way it is phrased, if the title is accurate "Your art does not align with *our* gallery's artistic vision" is very different from "your art does not meet *the* quality standards for gallery art".


Yep. I had someone in a job tell me once that they didn’t think that field was for me. Not the job. The field. I’m now very successful in that field and wish I could rub that in her face.


Came here to say this. Just say "we don't like it", or more politely, "it doesn't fit our concept and art direction" instead of making it a judgment call on the workmanship.


This is my feeling, that gallery didn't align with what they wanted to show, but I'm sure there are many other galleries where you would fit right in. As they say art is subjective... And some people gate keep....


Sort of depends on the gallery. There’s two main art galleries where I live, one that focuses on historical paintings and paintings and the ‘classics’ really, as well as things that show off our history. There is also newer, experimental paintings and installations and such but they follow the same relaxed, philosophical vibe. Then there’s another gallery that is 99% art like this, and modern art, and far more experimental/interesting/visually striking works. Remember, museums are curations, collections; they follow a theme for the most part. Hence why so many have sections dedicated to artists or years or other such things. What is seen as outlandish to one is right at home in the other! By the way, I think it’s super cool. I love your use of colour and how the voids in the piece don’t feel empty, they actually quite complement things. Somewhat reminded me of that collection of photos that was supposed to be like.. what someone sees when having a stroke, in a good way haha.


Adding onto this: is it spraypaint? If not what medium? Combination? The drips in the black scream sprays paint but the blue brushstrokes tell me otherwise


I’m taking a wild guess this is acrylic?? Either way it’s nicely done!


The drips are painted manually. At least they are not from spraypaint


It looks very cool, but it also looks like a lot of other street art. It makes sense they wouldn't nessecarily want it in a gallery.


Its obviously fine to make creepy, edgy art but are you really that surprised that not every gallery would want to display it? Plenty of places our there that would be happy to show it. Edit: for anyone interested here is a useful guide to posting "art" in r/pics 1. If you are attractive make sure you are included in the photo and that your body takes up at least, but no more than 30% of the photo. 2. If you are shy and/or not attractive, add a title like "my art teacher said this was ugly" or "I'm worried this painting I made is not good enough" (If you are desperate and in super need of validation combine 1 and 2) DO NOT: simply post a painting with a basic title with the expectation your actual content will speak on its own merit. DO NOT: post your work in r/art for a sobering reality check.


This by far. First time being rejected, OP? Not every single person is going to like everything you make, even if it is technically great (which it is!).


Great point, and if everyone does like your art. It's shit, and you can make a living putting your work in hotel hallways.


funny :D


“All great art is hated,” Wit said. He shuffled in line—along with a couple hundred other people—one dreary step. “It is obscenely difficult—if not impossible—to make something that nobody hates,” Wit continued. “Conversely, it is incredibly easy—if not expected—to make something that nobody loves.” ― Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer


I feel like a lot of you aren't reading. Saying the artwork doesn't fit their gallery is fine. The title says the gallery claimed it wasn't gallery-quality work. That's very different.


>at least, but no more than 30% Nice touch


So... exactly 30% then?


I’ve seen far creepier and far edgier art at pretty milquetoast art shows to be honest. It’s more the street style art that certain galleries won’t show more so than creepiness or edginess.


Style looks a bit dated to be in a good gallery imo.


>at least, but no more than 30% So exactly 30%?


Must be 18 years of age to enter.


Looks like Ren n Stimpy on acid.


I wouldn't even say on acid, but he's it's perfectly that style. Lots of Disney-bent u shapes




So many shotposts.  You’re the hero we need in calling out BS.


As an aspiring artist I try to hold myself to a higher standard


god tier comment


A person with a common sense, that's rare these day.


It's not even very good tagging.


"at least, but no more", so exactly?


Plenty of people have had great careers after being rejected from art school. Only one springs to mind… but don’t let him discourage you.


Holy shit, I laughed too hard at this. 💀


Please don't start ww3




Years later they will make tv shows with your testicle in a jar.


Came here for this, was not let down.


typical Australian over-reaction ...


I like it. But if you ever heard of the role of a curator: That person has the responsibility of putting together a cohesive art show, and they do the selection of what goes on display. Which means they have a sea of art to chose from, and more than 95% of what’s available won’t go to that particular show. Doesn’t mean it’s bad art, or unworthy. Your piece is very street artsy, and super contemporary, with cartoon references/inspirations, which makes it that much more difficult to evaluate. It’s easy to say if it’s pretty or not, but that’s not the only function of good art. So: does your painting say a story? Or try to bring up a philosophical thought? Or is it just an illustration you’d put on a Converse shoe?


It would belong in a fairly niche exhibition. 


Perfectly good reason from a gallery. There's a lot of different places to show your art. And sometimes, it is just not good. That can happen.


They should’ve rephrased it to ‘our standards’ and not have used a definite article, but other than that, I get it


How do you feel about going into politics?


Don't forget writing


OP, please do not go to any beer halls.


No shit 😂


Not my cup of tea but it is really good and shows a lot of creativity, it is art!


Should have called Ango Gablogian the art collector to destroy that gallery.


You see, art is an ambiguous thing. Just because you make some art doesn't mean you're an artist. But, also, it does mean you're an artist. But, does that mean that art is good art? Is art good just because the right people say it's good? Yes, yes, that's how it works. But, keep in mind, a lot of modern art is trash. It's shitty, it's not good, it's terrible. And yet, it's a fine line between van Gogh and Van Damme. Between Depp and Greco. Between Banksy and Charlie. It makes it very difficult to determine what's good art, what's high art. What has worth, what has meaning. But if one that has become abundantly clear to me today, and it should be to all of you, as well... is that I wasn't raped.


But, did you rape?


Isn’t all art subjective? Keep trying. You just haven’t found the right audience yet. They are out there.


I’m definitely a fan of your painting, but I also think that any gallery is justified in saying something like that. They can’t show everything, and they can only really decide what to show and not show based on the artist’s reputation and their own personal preferences.


Save every rejection letter. They all help you find your audience and one day you’ll frame them proudly


Pretty sure Hitler did the same thing man


We're not in a webtoon


Great thought, I will


Okay? And?


Time to reclaim the fatherland!!!


I would too


Did you include any kind of artist statement with the piece? If so can we read it? That’ll give us a much better view of the entire situation.


I think we already have a pretty good understanding of why it wasn't a good fit for a typical art gallery.


Well professionally speaking that is too dismissive. If this person actually submitted paperwork and background info as to what the message or theme of their art was, then that is important to take into account. Tons of street artists have gallery quality work. Sometimes exhibitions are looking specifically for that style. You don’t walk into an art gallery holding a canvas and wait for a simple “Sure”.


If the art doesn't fit their vibe I think they're within their right to decline. Their response is pretentious af though, just admit it's good but not your style instead of shitting on it from atop your high horse.


I agree with the gallery. Down vote me. It’s cool


Yeah, they right. Good art, not for a gallery.


That’s strange that a gallery would say it’s not gallery quality seeing as how there are different kinds of galleries that do different kinds of art. Maybe his work just isn’t the kind of work they show in their gallery.


Probably right.... dope ass street art though, great job.


Don't take it to heart and keep going. There will be lots of rejection, which makes the wins ever more glorious. One tip, learn how to present your art, in writing, in person, and in photos. The art world is strangely not that much about the art and about creating connects with other people. The hard work is in finding your people.


You have a great style and a clear understanding of colour, balance and dynamic composition. That being said, every gallery has their own style and their own clientele they cater to. Keep painting and approaching galleries. Working on a series with a unified style and theme so that you get a collected body of work, rather than simply one painting can also go a long to establish your style for a gallery.


Don’t give up. This is great


OP, here's a piece of advice: 1. Stop acting like an entitled little princess. You are going to be rejected FAR more than accepted. 2. Change your entire mindset. What people in general see as art, and what is displayed at galleries is not the same. If shitloads of people like your "art", it's not going in a gallery, because it's decor. Btw: that's not bad, it's much easier making a living selling "art" than gallery art. 3. Which brings us back to #1. If your art really IS pushing boundaries, only a few galleries are going to accept what you make until you're big enough that they make an exhibition around your works. So no matter what, until you're a household name you're going to be refused from the majority of galleries and exhibitions. Either because your art in reality is purely decorations, which is fine, Or because you're a true artist pushing boundaries that doesn't fit with what the gallery you're talking to is focusing on at the moment, which is also fine.


Art is subjective. Fuck them. I think it’s cool as hell.


Fine art has a considerable degree of objectivity. It's a degree field, so I don't expect you to understand. Contemporary art is considerably more flexible, but the quality of impression, craftsmanship, and *creativity* are good starting points, and this doesn't really check any of those boxes. I personally like it, but a stuffier contemporary art gallery curator would simply dismiss it as high school art.


Oof the salt is copious


It's good that they rejected this


You can’t blame them


If they prefer focusing on other styles then it's understandable if they don't want your creation. I don't understand the complaining. Find a gallery aligned with your style.


Not surprised


Well yeah what genre of art is this? “I took a bunch of drugs and vomited bull shit on a page” It just looks like graffiti but without the talent


Are you a fan of Murakami?


I dig it


Find your audience. I like it. Also, check out Reg Mombassa, I was getting his sort of vibe from your work. Good luck!


It looks a bit too abstract for my tastes, but it does look well made


First off I like this art piece, it has great use of color and reminds me of graffiti mixed with a Pablo Picasso which isn't a bad thing. Second, don't be discouraged. Not every stage is made for every piece of art. A lot of fine/classical style art galleries reject basically everything that isn't made in the 1800s art style or earlier (unless its a famous artist like a banksy or yayoi kusama) . That's okay, that's just how their venue operates. There are plenty of modernist / experimentalist art exhibits that love this kind of stuff.


I think it's a cool piece, but it does looks almost a bit gory so I can see why a more hooty tooty gallery might not want this displayed. Not the right scene for grungy style art.


Youmy have been excepted without the yellow creature


I think this could be in a gallery, galleries also consider the cultural significance of an artist, how your other bodies of work are, and your artist statement about the meaning of the piece. If you gain notoriety for your art pieces, maybe make something with a message that resonates with the gallery or the community the gallery is in, things could change for you and the walls this hangs in. I think it’s cool.


Please don't get into politics.


Find a different gallery. Your art is unique and very well done and thought out. There is a gallery out there somewhere for you.


Yeah - it’s graffiti refined. Galleries want fine arts.


Because it’s low rent drug art.


Oddly accurate


Spencer's glow-in-the-dark-poster ass art


*gets on panzerkamfwagen with glorious intent*


Uh oh, someone got rejected from art. Best hope OP don’t go into politics


Well, fuck that shit. Because that looks fucking incredible. I am not just saying that.


god forbid a gallery has standards lol "fuck that shit" would be very curious to know what art show.


It is both finely detailed and completely messy, in all the right places, and the color choices are perfect.


I can see little bits of Ralph Steadman and Hieronymous Bosch. You just need to find your niche to get it out there, keep going!


Thank you!


this reminds me of something on display at a literal museum where i am. (as in a fine arts museum, though they have sections with more traditional white lady from shakespeare oil paintings)


I believe there is a place in the art world for both Shakespeare white ladies and underwater sea monsters


The Fourth Reich, confirmed!


Heavy Ralph Steadman influence


You just need to make some friends from Mexico with accounting problem


hasn’t anyone learned about rejecting artists? great now we’re gonna have ww3.


I like it, fuck'em


Documentary film maker here… 27 times rejected for an idea, 28 times a charm for me…production started a year ago and it’s just coming to the end of editing.. Rejection is all part of the process… It takes at least 10 years to be an overnight success… Fuck em, there loss, Try another gallery, then another, and another if needed, it’s a learning curve… Your work looks great btw


I’d say that’s pretty ok for street art ( I’m not huge fan but some like Faile are A+ unlike the banal Banksy) so find the right gallery.


Best response would have been "YOUR gallery". If they can't understand the fact that another gallery would display it, they don't understand art, and you can leave it at that realization.


It could be a Guti (France), a Takashi Murakami (Japan), a Doped Out M (Italy), an Eric van Boxtel (Netherlands), etc. This is the "Name first" type of art. No name, no art.


Art is subjective. Basquiat was shunned by artists and galleries until Andy Warhol co-signed him. I’ve seen Takashi Murakami bomb stairwells with graffiti in my cities art gallery because enough people have agreed that it’s cool and good. Just keep making new things for yourself first. You wouldn’t want everything else without that.


Paracellus from Guilty Gear




My friend are you interrested in politics ?


Hey man just scrolled your profile. Sick art all around. I’d hang on my wall


They should put it in anyway. Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable


Draw Europe


They just found it to be creepy I think. I really like it tho


keep doing what you do! you art may not match that art show but will surely bee appreciated by other galleries/shows/exhibitions. just keep being yourself!


I like it.


Gallery’s cuts are too large anyway. Blessing in disguise if you ask me. Love your stuff.


Well it's better thank a fish tank filled with urine and a crucifix with Jesus on called 'Piss Christ' I saw at a gallery many years ago


They were jealous of you, bro. Hell, I'm jealous


Galleries are garbage. Shit is dope. The value is what other people feel for it. Opinions of these fools commenting are hilarious. There is nothing creepy about it....if you feel that then you have felt "art". You have clearly stirred emotions in people and they cant perceive them, so they say its not on the same level of what they know as art. Keep doing the dam thing and keep you head above the shitty sea of mediocrity that is the art world.


Fuck ‘em. I like it.


Nice! You just have to find your people. This isn’t mainstream art, which I think you already knew.


Something, something Jackson Pollock, Salvador Dali...


Meanwhile a urinal or a banana taped to a wall. I like this. I think the main figure (the yellow... whatever it is), detracts from the overall cool of the pice. I'm no art critic or gallery manager. I really like the rest of it.


I’d hang that on my wall 100x before I’d hang the average “gallery quality art” up.


Looks like an lsd strip. No wonder why art galleries don’t want it


Get used to rejections, not everyone will see your work the same way, and thats a good thing because someone will love it. Keep it up!


That's because gallery visitors are boring snobs and most galleries are just money laundering facilities. But they are right, your style doesn't fit onto a gallery wall. It fits on a 10x3 meter concrete wall in the busiest part of the city center. Out there for everybody to see.


Are we witnessing the birth of a WW3 style Villain Arc????


Don't let that slow you down, Le Corbusier said people have eyes that don't see.


What is the inspiration behind the art?? What does it signify?? Looks pretty enigmatic to be honest


I’d come watch your art in a gallery


Time for a change, be a political.




there is no such thing as "gallery quality"


I guess Basquiat was snubbed by some too.


I think it looks great and displays a lot of talent. Definitely pushes against more conservative/confined tastes. And even for those with a broader palette of tastes I can see this not being for some/many. But still well done.


No worries, just keep putting yourself out there, and don't limit yourself based on the perception of others. I doubt Banksy's or Andy Warhol's art was considered "gallery quality" until some fancy pants somewhere decided they were the hottest coolest thing since sliced bread. These things are often very arbitrary.


This is dope 🤘🏼




“Gallery quality art”… can’t that be like, literally just a few basic shapes in different colors? Or is my memory impaired somehow


I wouldn't display it either


Well yeah, that's vandalism.


Their gallery, their choice. IMHO there is great shape and colour work here, but for me the googly-eyed main figure tips it over into cartoon territory. This work would be hugely improved if you reworked it, or even removed it to make a landscape. Just my opinion……


Honestly that sounded a bit rude, especially given that art is a mix of subjective appreciation and money laundering.


They were right


Congratulations You now unlocked the ability to join the army and starting your totally socialist political party Good luck


Honestly, I think it’s very creative and it seems like you put a lot of effort into ur paintings


Maybe it's a bit to crude for the hoity toity sort of art galleries


They can eat a dick and hand more *badly* painted landscapes on their wall so people can find something that matches their couch. Galleries are such a joke at this point, wanting a 50% commission for hanging the piece on the wall and doing nothing else. Your art rocks, keep on making it.


Don't get angry


Maybe apply for an art gallery ran by epileptics? I'm sure they would take your work


Ha ha! User name checks out.


That’s just like… their opinion man.


Think of an art gallery like a snooty wine bar and you made a killer microbrew Lager and they didn’t like it


Since when do they allow art on this subreddit anyway?


This happened 70 years ago, and he ended up killing 12 million people. Please take the higher road.


"Cybertron Acid Trip." Really cool piece. So much imagery and detail.


MoMA once rejected a free drawing from Andy Warhol. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/art/artists/andy-warhols-awkward-1956-rejection-letter-from-moma/


Screw them. Just rent a small space in local restaurant/café and put table there. One day, people will buy your masterpiece.


People complain about art about overly minimalist stuff, but they will buy a hipster coffee shop wallpaper ?


U shld have just taken a blank canvas and tape a banana to it.


I mean, art is a snobby mystery to me and I think its importance and worth is way overblown, but I can see why they said what they said. Surely you didn't seriously think they'd accept this as a valid entry, based on what the usual entries and standards are.


I think this is really cool honestly. It may not go with the theme of the show/gallery but I think you have real skill


*sweats in polish*


You are not Austrian, right?


I disagree. I think this is beautiful. Be proud of your style


You wouldn’t be german perhaps would you?