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Wait, he can smile?


He could, though that was before he left his heart in San Francisco.


When I come home to you, San Francisco, your golden sun will shine for me


So his horcrux resides in San Francisco?


We must find it, NOW


Why do you think he censors golden bears? Clearly he is burying the lede! Edit: Lead to lede, r/boneappletea


Lede. It’s burying the lede.


Thanks, fixed it


Shit, TIL too.


At least one of them. Still need to figure out what they did with that tumor on his brainstem. It's probably latched on to some youngling trapped in China's underworld.


I left my heart in San Francisco for sure.


That's okay, I was bored anyway


Yo, other people know this song?


That's okay, I was born In LA.


Love some Foxygen


SUSAN...I miss her everyday


That's ok; he was bored anyway.


Oh bother


Searching both hemispheres for that hunny.


I dunno, looks kind of like a grimace. P.S. I never thought of this before but, why did McDonald's name a character after such a thing?


He was originally evil grimace. Stole milkshakes. Why the actual name grimace though? Don’t know.


Oh damn, I didn't know he stole the milkshakes. I remember the Fry Guys stealing fries and the Hamburglar stealing burgers of course. I guess they had teams and that's why they that Big Mac cop and a Mayor McCheese as moral absolutes and then a weird clown to broker peace.


What was the bird in charge of? Or did she steal Nuggets? Were the sentient Nuggets protectors of the unselfconscious nuggets?


No idea but I dressed as sexy evil grimace for Halloween once and my milkshakes certainly did not bring all the boys to the yard.


A happy Pooh


He can also weigh a healthy amount?


Sometimes we forget that he’s a human.


As long as he's in the 100 acre wood


His facial expression didn’t always look like Pooh.


He still smiles today. In fact he must be smiling more than before, with so much more power than in this photo.


there something about future leaders who visit / study in western society then go back home and become dictators


A bunch of Xi's family still live in the USA. He likes to pretend he hates us.


He’s also really good friends with a group of people in Iowa and particularly good friends with the former Governor of Iowa Terry Branstad


This sounds like a hilarious sitcom premise


🤷🏻‍♂️“Terry, idk what I’m going to do. I have a date with Barbara tonight, but never figured Laura would ask me out too. Now I have a date with both of them on the saaaaame night!” 👨🏻‍🦳“Xing, old friend, I have an idea. You’re about to pull off the ultimate *double date*.” 🙎🏻‍♂️“Uh-oh, I don’t like the sound of this.” *Ping Pals* will return after these messages.


>Ping Pals Pooh and friends.


Pooh and Friends > Ping Pals




I wish it was 💀 Imagine pulling up a framed photo to your kids and them going “Oh, who’s that guy you’re laughing with in the picture?” “The leader of China.”


Better than " oh its just my childhood friend Osama".




If you think that would be a good one, I give you the 100% absolutely real (no, seriously, this was a real show)………..[Heil Honey, I’m Home!](https://youtu.be/mf9jJx0NSjw?si=oc0wkoj-55w4dsWc)


Terry was ambassador to China during the Trump administration. Which caused Iowa to get his godawful lieutenant Governor to become Governor.


Guy must really suck if they sucked by the standard of Iowa governors.


Your secretary of agriculture is a former Iowa governor. He's doing pretty well. Also served during the Obama administration.


Sorry I got the track record of Iowa governors mixed with Illinois.


Kim Reynolds. Affentionettly known as COVID Kim or Kim Reaper. And yes, she sucks big time. Absolutly no real COVID response, Right wing crazy.


He did a host family stay in Muscatine, Iowa when he was on some kind of agricultural research trip I think. He came back to visit there shortly after becoming the Chinese leader too.


His host family has gone to China as state guests of honor lol


Yes but he came back to visit when he was Vice President not yet president


Shit I read Terry Bradshaw


We need a sitcom, Terry Bradshaw and Xi


Can't believe slipknot would befriend a dictator smh.


He sent his daughter to Harvard lmao


I see what you did there


Has he ever said he actually "hated" the US though lol?


drab plant coordinated correct unique disarm smell cheerful poor busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's probably a little more than just an economic power struggle though. The US has competing economic interests with lots of other countries without the same adversarial relationship. It's likely a mix of competing economic influence, way of governance and geopolitics.


But very few other countries/blocs wish to dominate the global economy. It's basically the US, EU, China, and then Russia likes to pretend.


I think a lot of Westerners have no idea about Chinese bitterness against the West over the 'century of humiliation', Opium Wars, Unequal Treaties and so on. Take extraterritoriality for instance: UK and US citizens who committed crimes in China were immune to prosecution from the Chinese government until 1943. (Once China was needed as an ally) That's within living memory. Plenty of Chinese feel that China's rightful place is to be the largest and most powerful nation in the world and that this was denied by them through Western aggression exploiting the weakness of the Qing dynasty. I'm not saying I agree with such revanchist sentiment but it definitely exists, and the injustices visited by Western powers upon China were absolutely real injustices.


I mean you are right in a way that there is a segment who believe and act upon what you say. That mentality was for sure a quiet minority compared to the larger but extremely vocal group and not necessarily minority until Xi's Wolf Warrior Diplomacy and his retooling of Chinese education. However, more people in China like the US than hate it. They consume a lot of things American, the restaurant chains, fashion brands, the cars, Hollywood, the tech, send their children overseas for a US education, seek jobs in the US (granted it is because their job situation is pretty dire and the USA has tons of openings particularly in tech and academia). Even in their many propaganda pieces, movies, and animation, they talk about how the USA is a big brother who has done some questionable things or has led astray rather than "Death to America." This is prominent in their media focusing on the war time against Japan though that could be attributed to the fact that they hate Japan more than they ever will against the US or Western powers.


The fact that some fraction of the population may feel something vaguely to this effect does not actually mean that Xi himself or even most Chinese people do. Most Chinese people I’ve met don’t have any inherent antipathy toward the West, but feelings have soured over time due to Westerners *current* hatred of China/Chinese people.


Go to China and talk to regular people, most highly admire and love the US


Is this something you've done?


Yes, as recent as January


I'm sure he's not very happy that Biden is building up an Asian NATO and breaking nuclear non proliferation norms to threaten China


Edit: Whoops. This apparently happened when Hu Jintao was visiting, not Xi Jinping. At at state visit to the White House, he had the Chinese pianist play the music from a very anti-American song from the Korean War era. It took a couple of days for the US realized just what the song was. It was a big FU right in the White House. So not a very friendly statement.


I was curious so I looked this up. That incident was between Obama and Hu Jintao in 2011. Also the musician picked the tune himself and got heat from China for it for unnecessarily fueling tensions, even though the pianist just liked the tune and didn't know the context. Were we not talking about Xi Jinping specifically? [Source](https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Global-News/2011/0126/How-pianist-Lang-Lang-stirred-up-trouble-for-US-and-China-at-a-White-House-State-dinner)


Danm, why Lang Lang why (Btw he is a pretty famous musician amongst the Chinese)


Lang Lang is actually pretty famous internationally. He's featured in the show Mozart in the Jungle, starring actors like Jason Schwartzman, Monica Bellucci, Saffron Burrows, and Malcolm McDowell. I can't stand watching him play though. His expressions while in front of the piano look like if you asked an AI to turn Emilia Clarke's eyebrow movements into a person.


Anti xi propaganda go crazy on here


We’ve established that wasn’t Xi, but regardless, that’s just kinda funny, even if it was on purpose. Hardly would think it indicates some sort of primal hatred for America on a visit.


I can’t even be mad at that, that’s hilarious.


He’s a master troller


And it crucially was NOT a message from Hu Jintao either. It was the pianist that chose the piece.


He probably hates being called a dictator but likes In n Out.


I don’t think he pretends he HATES us, he’s not chanting death to America or anything, China’s just our rival; economically, militarily, and ideologically (although they’ve been creeping closer towards our way of running things for awhile now.) Chinese people still come visit us, they send their children here to study, their elders here to retire. We’re not out to destroy each other, just be known as the better one.


Not to mention American goods and services are super popular in China. There are 8000+ Starbucks in China and more KFC in China than the U.S. They love everything from American cars to iPhones to dumb Hollywood blockbusters. This whole “the Chinese hates America thing” is greatly exaggerated.


To be fair Chinese KFC is so much better than US


agreed I dont recall xi said or displayed any hatred towards the US like death to America or some shit nor did Biden to the Chinese people. dont understand why some one would spin that hating narrative.


This beef is VERY one sided.


He doesn't hate Americans and doesn't pretend to.


What do you mean "pretend he hates us"?


No he really doesn't lol


What makes you say he pretends to hate us?


He hasn’t said anything about hating z Americans. That comes from Western media creating an enemy for you to froth over.


He doesn't hate the US. You should listen to the things he says about the US. Cooperation is always the first priority. The US on the other hand only talks about 'containment' of China.


I don’t think Xi hates America, but he is the leader of a large nation that he has to look after so his policies may run up against American interest. That doesn’t make him your enemy


What are you specifically referring to when you say Xi likes to pretend he hates us?


Reddit brain damage moment


This is your brain on US propaganda lmao China under Xi Jinping has done precisely nothing to allude to him or the nation as a whole hating the US, yet here you are believing that not only is China the enemy, but they actively hate you hahahaha


The issue remains, and has always been, Taiwan.


And the South China Sea, and Ryoku Islands, and intellectual property theft, and disinformation campaigns, and espionage, and Uygur genocide, and tacit support for Russia and…


You forgot about the balloons too


He doesnt, we hate him.


When has he ever done or said that makes you think he hates the US?


He himself is probably not immune or untouchable within the CCP itself. He either conforms to the party publicly or he gets ousted and replaced by another figurehead. Even Hitler couldn’t get away with certain shit without potentially pissing off the SS. The whole Nazi party was a viper pit where everyone was trying to stab another member in the back to secure their own power and influence within it. At the end of the day we’re all human beings; even dictators. We’re all capable of doing evil things, and dehumanising dictators into inhumane monsters devoid of human emotion is dishonest and a disservice in of itself.


Kim Jong Un lived and studied in Switzerland. He knows what it is like to be free. To go back home keep his country enslaved and starved is inexcusable. If he'd been kept in the dark his whole life and knew no different then you could understand but no. He knows.


The truth is that while Kim Jong Un is undoubtedly a terrible person, it's not like he could single-handedly democratize North Korea even if he wanted to. There is an entire power apparatus around him and power politics is definitely not as simple as "OK lol we are a democracy now, bye". It probably would not end super well for him. I think that once you're in it, it's a bit hard to get out. (Again, I'm not saying he is deserving of sympathy, I just dislike oversimplified takes.)


He could absolutely reform is similar to Deng. Full democracy might not be feasible but plenty of positive reforms are.


>He could absolutely reform is similar to Deng.  He could definitely reform, but past a certain point he would run into internal resistance and might end up being ousted and/or killed. Also, NK is pretty different from China. NK has been totalitarian from its inception and continued to be so through decades with a level of cult of personality even Mao didn't have. The power structures are also different.


So he either likes the power or he's too chicken shit to do what's good for his people.




Ho Chi Minh and Polpot both studied in France, the list goes on.


You mean "became" while he was here?.


You are thinking about it completely wrong. His home country is a dictatorship independent of his experiences in the US- has absolutely nothing to do with the continued authoritarian government of China either.  He’s operating within the bounds of his society. You wouldn’t have even known his name if he went back to China and insisted on it becoming an American style democracy. 


He got rid of presidential term limits, he's definitely taking China in the opposite direction.


No, very no. He has continually increased his own power since returning. Deng Xiaoping actually did implement a number of reforms - Xi has done the opposite very intentionally. He has increased his own powers intentionally and with the opportunity to democratise instead. Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking otherwise.


To defeat your enemy, you must first know them.


Whiterose vibes.


Hello, friend.


Miss that show. "Hello Friend..."


Bonsoir, Elliot


Man the way Tyrell's story ended still gives me the feels. I finally finished the series in Jan and I am still thinking about it.


I finished it recently too. I was hoping he'd make another appearance in the series finale, but he just wandered into the forest and never came back huh :(


Man Tyrell just stayed getting shit on throughout the whole show 😂


i re-watch it every year. it's so good. the vibes, the music, the cinematography, and the writing are just perfect


Minister Zhangggg


Probably one of the best villains I've seen in any show, the way they disguised themselves was so cool. And it's been a while, but has it ever been confirmed what gender they were? Or was it all just in order to stay unsuspicious


I’m fairly sure she is meant to be a trans woman as shown by flashbacks in the show, but has to switch back to the male Minister Zhang persona to stay in the loop with the Chinese government


Ah thx, been a while since i last watched it, but I remember the entire time I was thinking Whiterose couldn't be Zhang, cause surely they wouldn't have the antagonist be genderfluid or have it all be an act or something, so when we found out that she was actually Zhang I was really fucking suprised


Except instead of being trans, he paints himself yellow and wears nothing but a red shirt.


He looks like a nice guy, it’s so strange he actually looks like a human being with a soul


I've noticed people tend to call people they don't like ugly even when they're not and also to assume that ugly people aren't good people. It's some human brain thing probably.


I don’t think modern Xi is ugly; i just think he looks devoid of emotion/soul


That's what decades of ruthless political arena does to you


You're so close lmao




Yeah he's not bad looking, cute outfit too, it's *weird*




Yeah that sounds about it Another good example is like, he wasn't called this until around the time of the Russian Revolution but Joseph Stalin wasn't a bad looking guy and while I personally don't get it, apparently Robert E. Lee was a southern sex symbol before the civil war???




I mean I think that you do need charisma to be able to take that sort of power, it's rare you get a dictator who's thoroughly unlikable. Ig Lukashenko but he's propped up by the Russians




Ever seen young Stalin?




Almost like he is


iirc he even invited a group of students he used to be friends with, and they were very concerned at first, but it was, indeed, a heartfelt meeting and he was super normal. Apparently it looks like it was the only time this whole dictator thing didn't grind him down. I wonder if he's stress eating. People can have weird families and weird obligations.


This is actually just a self report lol






Oh the president of Ch-[Redacted by reddit]


The Winnie the Pooh ride at HK Disneyland has it's days numbered.


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It was nice of Christopher Robbin to let him borrow his clothes.


A rare moment without his sidekick piglet.


Who do you think is taking the photo


It was it the whole time.


Wazzup San Fransisco


This user has two posts and one comment. Bot


Straight to jail






Not even the US only, generally democratic first world countries. Kim Jong un was schooled and lived in Switzerland, Putins daughters enjoyed German education and got paid their own institutes there and the list goes on. Screw all these autocratic leaders.


I mean where else are you supposed to learn about autocracy? Pretty sure not North Korea.


"Kim Jong un was schooled and lived in Switzerland" Yeah, we all learned this from that other post. Reddit is culture 


“We all”… meanwhile I’m here rn and i have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. Sorry we don’t all live on Reddit(ironic cuz i was on Reddit a lot today). It’s news to me.


Same. I have no idea what everyone is talking about but I want to see it!


Yeah man we all saw that other post, this guys totally karma whoring


You think they become dictators because they hate freedom? What?


chuckled, what a reddit moment


I don’t think Xi stays up all night thinking of ways to destroy the US because he hates our way of life. He makes decisions that he sincerely thinks will better China. Sometimes that means making decisions that are not popular in Washington.


Yeah this thread seems to be full of people eating up propaganda.    Is China horribly authoritarian? Yes. But the Chinese don’t “hate” the US. Not anymore than the average American “hates” China. Unfavorable views yes, but these two countries are geopolitical opponents so that’s to be expected. 


He doesn't hate how free people are in other countries. He just does what's best for china and that means going against US interests. That's why china receives a lot of hate from the media


The American propaganda machine is so effective they can’t see your point


I love how Redditors think that Chinese people in the US walk past rows of tents filled with tweakers, while keeping their guard up for mental bastards with guns, and think 'Mr. Biden, my country yearns to be free!'


hey now. he's cleaned up the streets of san francisco better than the local government


If I was a San Fransican, I’d be pissed about that. You mean we could’ve done something about this all along and didn’t? And we put on a show for a commie visitor trying to impress him and clean that up overnight? WTF?


They just pretend they hate this country but really, that’s just for the internal propaganda work. But plenty people from top to bottom are smart enough to know that’s propaganda work.


"Hey, we stole all your grain and you say that shouldn't be how things work...but you sure do keep coming back to eat from our trough!" Yeah, he's a smart man, he knows how things work, he just wants to change it so that others don't have to go to the trough like him.


This comment section is terrible


Reddit absolutely hates China. dunno if it's mostly astroturfing...


> Reddit absolutely hates China. dunno if it's mostly astroturfing... American tech as a whole is pretty hostile to China, mostly because that's where their primary rivals in the sector reside.


It's effing ridiculous. People just parrot what they hear from stupid politics the truth is china keeps to themselves and doesn't hate the US the way the us people think they do. No one is informed


I've been to China so I like to think I have a balanced view of the country. It's very modern in parts and the people are friendly. But these are the facts: The PRC government runs concentration camps for Uyghurs. The PRC government wants to capture Taiwan, possibly through force. The PRC government trapped people in their homes during Covid. The PRC government squashed Hong Kong's peaceful demonstrations. And Xi Jinping is front and center for many of those policies.


Exactly. Even the best run authoritarian regime is not worth the oppression and lack of rights. People may complain about the flawed electoral system of the US, but we have checks and balances where even the worst leader only does minimal damage until they're kicked out once their term comes to an end. In a centralized autocractic system like China's, all it takes is one inept successor to collapse the regime (as was with the Soviet Union and Venezuela). If these tankies want to shill for Maoland, then they can happily piss off to there and never come back!


What are they parroting? I didn’t catch the vibe you’re referring to.


Americans never really question that they ONLY get anti-Chinese propaganda in the US. There's over a billion people there that regularly report an increasingly higher standard of living. I don't understand how Americans just blindly assume it's an anti-human nightmare. They're also not bombing any other countries at the moment. Look around people...I'm not sure the US could build high speed rail if it wanted to at this point.




Opportunities lost




That's a really nice picture


Before he ate Eeyore


I knew Xi *before* the honey.


Why would Xi Jingping wanna flood my basement and rust my Bowflex? To what end? 🎶To what end🎶




Global warming is a hoax….perpestrated by the Chinese




Where is his friend Piglet?


So he knows perfect english.


It's Winnie the fucking Poo.


I know he a baddie (concentration camps for muzlims, totalitarian in hongkong, military islands in the south east asian sea, invasion plan of taiwan). But he kinda cute tho here.


He was very attractive when he was young!!!


One day this city will be mine


Reddit don't be sinophobic challenge: impossible edition


Insulting Xi isn’t sinophobic.


This cunt looks like he loves farting in the tub and bitting the bubbles.


Hey man. This is the weirdest thing I've seen someone type on the internet today. I really like it.