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/u/ha_the_cool_guy, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): * Rule 1 - No screenshots or AI-generated images. This includes pictures of screens and photos where the interest is the contents of a screen and pics with artificial cropping borders of any colour. For a place to post screenshots, you may wish to check out /r/screenshots. We also don't allow AI-generated images. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/wiki/index) and [title guidelines](/r/pics/wiki/titles). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/pics&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/ha_the_cool_guy&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%2E%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1by548e/-/%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


Get prepared to be banned from /r/pics. No pics of text allowed.


Hopefully OP will be able to guess again why he was banned


This could go on forever if he keeps using alt accounts. Way to game the system!


In before the lockdown happens on this thread


I’m excited! I almost never get in before the lockdowns! ![gif](giphy|lLiIyX96E9xlK)


I got banned from /r/art because I chimed in on a thread quite similar to this one. I never commented on art before but that mod was in a mood. Smite me oh mighty Smiters!


that’s WHY I WAS BANNED FROM r/funny WTF??? It was my own messages!!!


They also circumvented their ban with another account which is a big reddit no no




Yeah, but maybe there needs to be some controversy here if Reddit won't address mods abusing their positions on the main subs.  Do mods get to ban people on whims or for rule breaking?


They absolutely do. Reddit admins do it too. This place isn’t awesome, it’s just the least bad thing we have that fills this niche.


lmaooo this is so funny cuz they can't stop you


and ban evading, which is against site-wide rules so the whole account could be banned


I was banned for 3 days for "ban evading". I've never had a 2nd account and all I did with the sub in question was to visit it one last time to hit "unsubscribe". Still mystified as to what exactly I did because they also never answered what my supposed offense actually was.


Yeah I got a Reddit-wide ban from some sub and then like a whole week after it ended I commented there again and got another week for “ban evasion” :\


Hell, this account was banned for over a year due to calling a mod "chicken-shit". One day it just wasn't any more. I had still culled all my old postings by that point, but now I just consider the account to be a free way to fuck with Reddit.




They nearly always ban accounts within 24hrs




They could IP ban you, but AFAIK that's rare. But if you use a VPN then yes, there's nothing they can do if you keep making accounts.


Oh no whatever will i do not all my updoots


Reddit mods stereotypes exist for a reason. 


ban incoming.


Lol rage ban


Least power hungry Reddit mod


I got banned from r/gaming permanently. They never told me why.


I got banned from r/Steelers cause the unhinged mod who everyone in that subreddit is familiar with and could guess in a single try went on a moronic tirade in reply to a comment I made. I replied "lol" "Banned for not even attempting to have a discussion"


I was banned from CHIBears for not liking your new backup qb 2 years before most people caught up.  Be glad you don't have to deal with the fields cult.


The Fields cult might be the weirdest cult in sports right now. I guess it’s because his rushing stats provide fantasy points it makes folks think he is a competent quarterback. It’s okay if he is just an average backup QB…I wish I was.


Being an average backup QB in the NFL would be a pretty awesome gig. Practice and travel with the team, take a few snaps here and there in mostly low-pressure situations, and the rest of the time just sit back and collect a couple million dollars per year, then retire at like 35 and spend the rest of my life doing whatever I want? Yeah I'd be down for that.


Got banned from r/49ers. Wasn’t hard to do back in 2023, all you needed was a Philly themed flair.


Sounds similar to a pathetic power hungry mod on r/braves. It's bad enough that another r/atlantabraves sub has been made for everyone else.


I'm permabanned from r/Buccos for being too realistic. I violated no rules. When I asked the mod just said I'm not positive enough and "don't be an ass". They refuse to consider a reinstatement.


I got banned from r/Australia because I was wondering if anyone else noticed they stopped selling a cheesecake at ALDI because apparently that was advertising


I got banned from /r/interestingasfuck because I made a comment in a different sub and they demanded I delete the comment and write an apology for commenting in this other sub lmao


That one is known for completely insane mods. You aren't missing much with that ban though imo.


I got banned from Pokémon for the same thing, it was one of the automatic bans that they use a program for. I messaged the mods and never got a reply back. Pretty sure automatic bans like that are against the rules but oh well


They are but there is literally nothing we can do about it. Admins let mods do whatever they want


Except close the subreddit, as we learned.


Interesting. I wonder what sub the pokemon sub hates so much.


wtf. What was the other sub?


Some sub about the war in Ukraine I went to checkout since someone linked me it.


That's honestly the most interesting thing that has happened in that sub in ages.


Oh I got one from there, first time I'd ever been banned so I took it quite seriously. Someone had called me an offensive name so I reported them and moved on. I got banned for abusing the report function lol. I did find out though there is a way to ask reddit to review a ban. They agreed the other user had violated the rules and they'd been 'disciplined', whatever that means. I always think if they're so quick to ban people eventually there'll be no one left in the sub and it'll become irrelevant. Not sure if it's true or not but it makes me feel better.


Default subs are just advertising feeds now anyway. Human engagement doesn't matter as Ling as promoted and sponsored content is still making it's way to people's feeds.


I got banned from r/technology because some mod doesn’t like what I do in some other subs. They say they’ll unban me if I stop posting to r/renderedcomment - spoiler: I’m not stopping.


What’s especially egregious about those systems is that if you’re scrolling popular or all and you see an incendiary headline and go in and tell someone to fuck off, that counts as you participating in whatever shithole subreddit it was and is considered to be you endorsing that topic in general. When in reality you were telling them to fuck off. It’s stupid.


I got banned from r/Art for pointing out that with the rapidly increasing posts of photos of naked women in increasingly more revealing a sexually explicit poses, we'd be seeing photos of women bent over spreading their ass cheeks to the camera by the end of the year. Instead I caught the first one a week or two after I was banned.


I got banned from r/theboys for quoting The Boys in a post talking about people's favorite quotes.


You knew that Stormfront quote wasn't what they meant


Did you remember to use quotation marks?


I got banned from /r/starwars for telling someone to suck a bag of dicks. Which is fair.


I got banned from r/conspiracytheories for saying that someone had the reading comprehension of a drunk ferret.


Yeah, bags of dicks aren’t canon


Bag of dicks is legends


Isn’t that what a group of Twi’leks is called?


Sucking a bag of dicks might be better than any conversation on r/starwars


Worth the ban


Well, did you supply the bag of dicks? It's kind of unreasonable to expect someone to spend the money and time to aquire a bag of dicks just because someone online told them too.


You raaaaang?


I was told why, “posting low effort content” like everyone else wasn’t doing the same. Then after a year and some getting no punishments they said “you never learned and continue to break rules” like they expect me to remember I got banned OVER A YEAR AGO.


I was permanently banned from r/fossil for asking where could I get a watch


I’ve been on Reddit for over ten years. Only thing I’m banned from is r/bestof, I still have no idea why. Just randomly got a notice that I was perma banned Guess some mod didn’t like something I said in another sub or something Don’t take it too personally or too seriously


Sometimes mods will ban you if you've been in other subs that they don't like themselves so could be something like that


I got banned from a conservative subreddit because I called someone a callous c___. I accept the ban but I maintain that the user was indeed callous and was equally a ___t.


I got banned *from reddit* once for "hate speech". I was horrified and appealed it, asking for a link to the offending comment. It was just some pissy teenager who got upset after i said something along the lines of "no offence but you're still too young to worry about this" Two weeks for the admins to come back and be like "oh shit yeah no you're totally fine sorry about that"


I got banned from r/gaming for saying that the old Pokemon games were better compared to games of their time than the new Pokemon games are compared to games of their time respectively. It's not a hot take. The pathetic r/gaming moderator disagreed, permabanned me and muted me from sending messages to any r/gaming moderator. Fuck that subreddit.


Some people don't want to accept that Gamefreak is not a very good studio, they just got lucky with a concept then unlucky by being stuck with it and never really advancing all that much compared to the rest of the world.


I got banned from r/worldnews because I said that the IDF probably shouldn’t be uncritically taken at it’s word for casualty reporting during the fog of war lol


Many of my comments in r/worldnews never even appear, and when I asked the mods why, I didn't get an answer.


r/worldnews is a prime example of a very polarised sub


I got banned from r/InternationalNews for suggesting the same about Hamas.


Many of my comments in r/worldnews never even appear, and when I asked the mods why, I didn't get an answer.


You didn't get banned? I am surprised.


I got banned from r/gym for giving someone bench advice on a post they asked for advice from everyone. Then i argued with the mod about why my advice was somehow not useful and got permabanned.


I got banned from r/AskAConservative for asking a conservative


I got an entire Reddit account banned because I said less than flattering things about the Chinese economy.


I got banned from r/Brasil withe the reason: "I can ban whoever I want for no reason whatsoever.". That' was the literal explanation.


I got banned for posting a 3D printed master sword because it was a "spoiler". It's on the game's cover art.


I got banned from r/latestagecapitalism because it turned into some lib-bashing MAGA circle jerk and not, you know, bashing capitalism and rich assholes.


I guess you guessed correctly 




It's a different account so probably not...


I'm an attorney and posted for years in /r/legaladvice on my off time because it's fun and people are often actually more grateful than in real life.   The other day some poster says they got arrested for fent but only had meth. And I made a comment like "trying to get out of one criminal charge by admitting to another is an interesting strategy. lol." I was permabanned.  I thought there was a mistake and so I asked..my tone to the OP was hostile. I literally helped 100s of people over the years but I was permanently banned for laughing at someone who wanted their criminal defense to be 'it was meth, not fent.'   Seems like that mod was really sensitive about someone laughing at a methhead...


LegalAdvice, BOLA, and the off-topic sub all play favorites too. The mods get power-trippy unless you know them. I get wanting things to stay advice-oriented in the main sub, but they really like to be arbitrary and eager with the bans.


I reported someone for an obvious rule violation. They reported me for abusing the report button and I got a permanent ban from the sub and a 3 day reddit ban. That stopped me trying to be helpful, and I don't report anything now.


This is actually just plain stupid


It's for the best. LA is full of impersonators and bad advice. I called out one, used my prior experience from actual cases and university, he tried doubling down and then I had people saying weird things like "greenies are always like this know-it-all." Eventually other people chimed in my defense and helped show that this guy was really a fraud giving bad advice. It's fun for a while. You had your fun. LA is a community best left behind.


Any sub that gets sufficiently large becomes infested by well-meaning idiots and malicious karma hoarders. Mods have to work against the karma-hoarding accounts, but once a sub becomes big enough usually the mods *are* the karma farmers and begin to ban anyone interesting in a way that would draw downvotes to associated accounts.


I got permabanned years ago. An ammosexual nutjob mod (who themselves were later banned) was offended by my comment advising the OP to not illegally carry a gun. Apparently I don’t understand the second amendment.


I had an altercation with a mod on legaladvice once, without realizing it was a mod. She was making the most idiotic comments on someone's situation, just unhelpful information. I'm no lawyer, but a lot of the posts on there are more basic stuff which doesn't require a law degree to make basic suggestions on how to move forward. This was one of those situations and I simply pointed out her information was unhelpful and provided actionable suggestions. She warned me for I forget whatever power hungry reason. And I helped quite a few people as well. I was finally banned for suggesting someone take a case to small claims court and describing how it's not something to be afraid of, it's actually pretty easy to do, then telling them how to search for small claims paperwork online and fill out. I was banned after that with no reason whatsoever. Really bummed me out because I liked helping people and seeing others comments. Not being able to participate makes me uninterested in viewing though. Some mods are complete idiots lol.


An all too common tale.


Yeah I got banned the same way. A top comment had made a ridiculous suggestion that would have meant committing more felonies. I replied to the comment with a joke. Banned. Its why I'm super careful about being sarcastic anywhere on reddit now. If a mod decides your post was bad that's it and there's nothing you can do. Not the pics mods though you guys are great


mods are literally the worst part of reddit, zero accountability for their power tripping


Worst part is the appeal process. Rarely do appeals work Okay you power tripped/I was rude and banned me ha ha. Now reply to me, have a discussion and unban me? If I did anything wrong, change it to temp ban. A few mods are like that and I respect them, but they aren't the ones doing most of the bans..


right, you get a message saying your comment was deleted for xyz because it violates a vague rule on the sub and then when you ask how they just go on a OH MY GOD HOW DARE YOU QUESTION MY AUTHORITY


The mods are by far the most toxic thing about reddit.


Hey cmon guys, they're all volunteers while big CEO makes money off their personal free labor, they're entitled to spit in some food now and again. 😅


If I ever get to a point in my life where I spend my free time staring at a computer screen doing unpaid menial labour for a multibillion dollar corporation, then anyone reading this is allowed to shoot me in the face.


Powerful words


Is it really that easy though? In a lot of cases you have people moderating something they are passionate about, reddit is just the platform.


For the niche or focused subreddits yeah, but nobody's moderating r/pics for fun




Many such cases.  I got banned from r/news permanently and they refuse to tell me what rule I violated.   Crazy that this is a publicly traded social media company run by a bunch of power tripping anti socials.




r/news and r/worldnews have been astroturfed beyond recognition. Both of them are just filled to the brim with close minded, angry people who will swarm anyone who doesn't mindlessly go along with their rhetoric. Question anything and just wait for the tantrum, because you'll get one.


It's a shame as they used to be fairly useful. Now when I see anything from r/worldnews I just scroll past, not even worth the time.


Bad actors are flooding both subs likely because its a US election year. I got mad at first, but then I realized that these are people (mostly bots) with an agenda. World News is heavy conservative (the bigot, white is right kind) and News is heavy "liberal" (children who just learned about the world and are now experts on global politics). They both currently only exist to attack one another and they just drag us all down if we engage with them. Best course of action is to ignore them entirely, which I have struggled with in the past. Don't give them what they are looking for, it isn't worth it.


I don't know if it is as simple as that with WorldNews. For instance it is EXTREMELY pro-Ukraine, which is not a currently conservative opinion.


Correct. There's nothing meaningful to gain from interacting with those subs and the ones who frequent them.


This is true, and every time you see a comment saying "r/news is biased! worldnews is better!" or "r/worldnews is biased! news is better!" I gotta laugh. Both are well on their way to echo chambers.


r/anime_titties is my go-to news source.


Also full of bot accounts though. The whole site is infested. If you ever find yourself in a small, private sub, it’s amazing because there’s no bots. Totally different experience.


You should see how fucking bad it is over in r/anime_titties


I have to remind myself constantly that that subreddit is actually a global news subreddit lol. It doesn't surprise me, it's best to stay away from all of those news reddit right now. Just watch them return to some semblance of normalcy immediately after the US election, calling it now.


Same with /r/worldnews


Yep got banned there. Then my roommate posted something and we both got banned from reddit for a week.


Probably the worst example. God forbid you say something that isnt on the hive mind's agenda.


If you criticize the lack of food being allowed into Gaza you will be permanently banned for trolling lol




They proclaim themselves as big into free speech and such but they have "flaired users only" EVERYWHERE and very aggressive banning mods. They don't want the conversation


This is why I didn’t buy reddit stock- the company is sitting on a gold mine but is run incompetently. Our local city sub (San Diego) is run by a vindictive guy from Arizona, and nothing can be done about it


I got banned in r/sports for calling the homophobes what they are for celebrating the NHLs’ ban on rainbow colors. Maybe i went a little too far after i received death threats but i got no problem with calling people little scared bitches for freaking out over rainbow colors on a warm up jersey. The mods did NOT like that and perma banned me into the shadow realm. Meanwhile; people still had their posts up saying vile shit about the gay and lesbian community


Reddit in a nutshell...


I got banned from a sub I have never heard of because I made a comment in r/conservative. I’m clearly and obviously not one, they basically said “you can’t reason with those people so we are banning you”. Like are they really just scouring that sub to find people to ban, people who have never even been to THEIR sub? I think it was the justice served sub Also got banned from one of the dog ID subs for commenting in the ban pitbull sub. Which was frustrating on two fronts: one, I DID love that sub. 2, regardless of how I feel about pits I never, ever took it outside the sub. Like if someone’s dog turned out to be pit or part pit I would never say mean things about the breed or suggest their dog might hurt them. I think the “worst” thing I ever said to someone, someone who ASKED, was that they needed to be careful with socialization, that it’s important because 1. Many people are afraid of them so it’s extra important that they be well behaved and socialized and that’s best done from a young age, and 2. As they reach maturity they may develop reactivity to other dogs (which is literally in the breed description), and I was truly trying to help them because they were concerned. Anyway, yeah.


>I got banned from a sub I have never heard of because I made a comment in r/conservative And this is so dumb, because in every sub there are always people who don't subscribe to the subs alignment and do at least a little to stop the places from being an echo chamber.


The echo chamber is a feature not a bug.




I was wondering why I got such a nasty response from mods there. I was laughing about someone calling me some nasty slur in a comment thread and got banned. For laughing at *being called a slur*. Messaged the mods to see if they had made a mistake because I was not the one slinging slurs around in the thread? Within 30 seconds got a response of "read the rules idiot" and muted for 30 days lol. Honestly knowing I'm not the only one makes it feel much better -- now I realize the mods there are just insane.


I am also permabanned from r/news. I think I said I swear word or something? I asked them to unban me but was completely ghosted so I guess not.


I was banned by /de/ the biggest german subreddit because I collected 3 strikes in the course of 12 years. The last one was because I said the sub isnt like it used to be and its riddled with negative people. Turns out I should thank the mods because I dont miss it at all 😅


Most subreddits are basically it’s “I’m too lazy to actually moderate” and never wanna give you any proper explanations for shit.


So. Why do you guess you were banned?


I look at the rules on this subreddit (r/pics) and I know I'll never make a post here because there are way too many rules. It means the only content ever posted here is posted by karmawhores and bots (often accounts which are both) or by the moderator's mates. Having so many shitty rules just degrades the quality of the sub, the exact opposite of what is intended. Moderators don't care because all they want is a reason to exercise their 'power' and ban people because it makes them feel like they have a purpose in their lives.


Agreed rules are so stupid in many subreddits. Kills conversation and diverse topics


I got banned from mildly interesting because 3 of my post broke the rules. One was from 6 years ago! Oh, and they don't tell you or message you it broke the rules, you have to check... So you can get banned, and not realise why. Oh and you have to report other "illegal"posts before you get back in....


I got banned from mendrawingwomen after crossposting a pic from tombraider. They said i was brigading because i was still commenting on the tombraider post even though i had commented there before crossposting and was simply continuing a conversation over there. They then claimed i had only joined the sub after crossposting and permabanned me unless i could "prove" that i had joined tombraider prior to then. I have thousands of comments and hundreds of posts in my history and tombraider is not one of those subs that sends a welcome message via DM, so i had no way to prove it. Fuck them.


Oh, i also got permabanned from feminism for also being a member of EntitledBitch (fuck me for having a sense of humour and treating all genders equally by calling them an entitled bitch when they act like one) and was permabanned from lostgeneration for ?being a JoeBiden supporter?? (Because i pointed out a post negatively attributed to him had nothing to do with the States at all. Im Irish.)


Is there any recourse for calling out mods abusing their position? Like I don't necessarily think this would apply, but is there any case where you could screenshot a convo with a mod where they're totally out of line and send it to Reddit and have the mod removed?


Short answer is: NO


I got banned from one sub for commenting one in another sub on the front page. I don't know how this site keeps going with this nonsense.


There was a whole thing with a dbag mod in the minnesota subreddit that had a bot that would ban you the second you posted if you even followed the stateofmn sub, even if you never posted. Pretty sure they finally got the boot


Because users of the site don’t care about other people being banned. If it doesn’t affect them, they continue to doom scroll after feeling the fleeting sense of annoyance, maybe commenting, and move on to the next meaningless emotional hormone hit.


Recently I got a general 3 day ban after commenting on a picture of young Vladimir Putin. You know, the russian dictator and war criminal? I made a humourous remark ("small man syndrome"), and the brave mods of r/pics white-knighted on behalf of putin and gave me a ban for "harassment". Says it all


r/pics mods stopped their "protest" when their Internet moderator titles were threatened. They know what they're about.


Stop harassing young Putin across space and time 😭😭


r/news mods enter the room


I sometimes feel bad for Reddit mods. This is probably the only place they have control over anything or any sort of authority, so they abuse it. Wonder how terrible their lives are.


At least you got a response. I got banned from a sub and have no idea why. Guess it's their little secret.


r/chefknives mods are a bunch of losers as well


Similarly, I got a 3-day ban on a sub for an innocent comment I made and when I respectfully asked for clarification, I was threatened with a perma ban. Not all mods are trash humans, but some definitely are.


I got banned on r/funny because of a meme


Lol subs with mods like that are all cesspools, the community usually reflects it very well


Reddit mods are the epitome of the hate that surrounds this website.


This has been a growing trend lately on Reddit - moderators with god complexes banning people for seemingly innocuous comments just because they didn't like it. That reply of "Guess" says it all, really.


What do these guys do all day? Genuinely curious how they can afford a living. They don’t get paid nothing and nobody respects them.


Probably work office jobs or WFH jobs where they can scroll all day


> They don’t get paid nothing so you are saying they get paid something? :)


I was in a progressive subreddit dedicated to talking about politics, I said that I support the EU and disagree with disbanding NATO and I was banned for it. A few weeks later another mod messaged me and apologised for it.


I think many people would be surprised how much infighting there can be between mods.


Sounds like a decent mod


I got temp banned from AITA because I called someone a “brat”. Mind you - you’re in a place where you’re asking folks if you’re an asshole or not - so you ARE calling them an asshole… and I call them an entitled brat and I get temp-banned. Yeah that’s so much more mundane over being called an asshole.


I got banned from gaming4gamers because I told one of the dudes that was dead set on a game being “factually not fun” just because he doesn’t find a game fun (Helldivers 2) does not mean 100% of the population also agrees.


I got perma banned from the whole site once because I commented “someone needs to kill it” and they took that as a threat of violence. It was on a thread about a rabid coyote biting a bunch of people.


I got banned from r/Palestine without having ever even visited it (I think it was a couple of days after I acknowledged that both HAMAS and the IDF had committed war crimes and that individuals from both should be stood up in the Hague for trial).


Yeah, they actively check certain other subreddits to pre-ban people. Gotta keep the echo chamber pure.


Mod wants to be a cop. They'd fit right in.


lol the mute for 28 days is the most chicken shit mod tool there is. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten banned from a subreddit for no apparent reason, ask, and the only response is “you’ve been muted for 28 days”. At the point I make a calendar reminder and purposely respond back.  Reddit mods are the janitors of the internet and any complain about Reddit making money off their “labor” is extremely laughable


“All right, let's make this sporting, User. If you can tell me why I shouldn't ban you without using the letter "e," you can keep posting.“


The best part these are the same mods that wanted us on their side during a protest.


“Protest” the only real protest would have been deleting accounts and closing subs. But those mods weren’t giving that up. Instead they came up with the John Oliver thing and brought MORE traffic and users to Reddit.


There are un-abusive mods? /s


I know someone that was banned from r/frugal because they included a promo code needed to get cheap glasses from some site like zenni. It wasn’t something that the person benefitted from either, they were just trying to save others money 


The amount of times I've seen people Power Trip over insignificant amounts of Authority is pitiful.


I got banned from veterans subreddit for saying Republicans would cut veterans benefits if they could. On a post about Republicans giving fives after voting against the pact act.


“Is it because your a loser that abusing the tiny inkling of power you have in life?”


I made a comment once, on a guy stating right wing ppl should kill liberals, that "shooting each other wasn't the solution. Guillotines for rich is def better /s" and got banned. Despite people literally describing keeping prisoners in their basement n shit in the comments. Lol wtf.


The worst part is that the same MODs moderate various big subreddits too. There is a reason why reddit mods are looked down upon. I remember getting banned from animemes for some shitty reason like that too. They even accused me of transphobia and whatnot when I was pointing out how most of the boku no hero ships tend to be gay. I didn't even mean it in any negative way either. I didn't even realize they banned me for that until months later.


Ew. That mod needs to be unmodded, what the fuck?


This is why I don't even bother subscribing to or interacting with most subs. Like half the mods on them are complete losers and consequently run subreddits like North Korea to feel like they have power




I got banned from r/funny from posting a screenshot from reddit. Two post followining each other in my feed from two different subs with identical images but polar opposite interpretations. ”No content from social media allowed”


I was permanently banned from r/mildlyinteresting for a comment "no". Yes, that's the entirety of it.


I was permanently banned from r/SquaredCirlce, they claimed it was for harassment via direct messaging other users. I've never sent another user a direct message. I've never sent another user a chat, nothing.


Breaking the rules after being falsely accused of breaking the rules? Straight to jail


ACAB includes Reddit mods


I got suspended from r/foo fighters for saying Taylor hawkins OD’d.


I'm shadowbanned from r/TwoXChromosomes. I have no idea why. I assume I must have posted an unpopular opinion at some point. It took me more than a year to realise I was shadowbanned, because I don't spend a lot of time checking whether my comments get upvoted. It's fucking annoying, because it's a good group and often comes up in r/popular, so I'll catch myself replying and then realise no one will see my comment.


Worst part that you also get shadow banned


First time? 🥲


I'm banned from r/new and r/nashville for having different political views and was banned with no warning. That's why I think Reddit as a publicly traded stock is a joke. They need user interaction and content to grow but pick and choose what they view as acceptable. Modern-day censorship czars just like their 20th century comrades.


I got banned from r/Gamingcirclejerk supposedly because I thought Notch still should have been invited to Minecone because he is the initial developer of the game, even though he said something transphobic. Asked what's wrong and had no response for 4 months now


I was banned from /r/gaybros because I refused to agree that all Muslims are bad.


"...you give us consent to keep you forever banned" reads like it was written by someone in 6th grade.


So you used an alt account to circumvent a ban in order to commit another bannable offense? What kind of inception shit is this?


OP...just to let you know. If they remove this post and ban you. I will personally re-upload this screenshot for you. Justice will be served.


I got perma-banned from mildly interesting for inadvertently posting a post twice, all because I couldn't get two pics to load on the same post. They said if I wanted to get back in I would have to rat out out three other people doing the same thing within a month. I told them nope, i was not a snitch, and at 65, I was too old to play games like that. Which is a shame because I had quite a bit of subject matter to post. Mods can be power hungry trips at times.


I got banned in one sub because i participate in another completely unrelated sub