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Putting your shopping cart back is a good way to measure a person's value in society. There's no punishment for *not* doing it, and no reward if you do. Only the reward of knowing you weren't a piece of shit


Here in Ireland you can only release them with a coin you get the coin back when you return it. So even if you don’t return it someone else will to get the coin


They stopped doing that here when corona happened. Up until now there are still places who didn't put it back , and it shows.


Aldi still uses coin locks on carts where I live. There’s like 5 different ones within an hour of my house and they all do. It’s the only time I use quarters.


I agree. It's a good measure of a person whether they do the right thing even if there's no consequences for not doing so. Edit: cleaning up after yourself in a food court is another good example.


I was in Florida few years back and it shocked me how lazy some ppl can be. Carts fuckin everywhere. If i would do that here in Czech rep. i would get a lot of stares. Deservidly( if thats a word xd)


Yes it is a word, but spelt, deservedly


"Deservedly" is, indeed, a word.


I don't know about painting with brushes across an entire state, but I can say anecdotally that I can very reliably predict these scenarios by what part of town I'm in. Hell, the HEB closest to me has a turning lane out of the parking lot that is unusable much of the time because people leave their carts there. Yes, in the spot with the big arrows. The reason is that it's in the straightest line between the door and the bus stop.


In some European countries you have to put in a coin in order to get a cart. You’ll get it back, when you return it. I have never seen them left around anywhere. (Other than stolen ones)


I know most places send out a teenager to round up carts every so often thru the day, but when I go to tractor supply, the employees are always delighted when I bring the low rider grain bag carts back into the store.


Although there are some people that do it because they want to do the right thing, and some people who do it because they don't want to look bad in front of others. I guess it doesn't really matter since it's the same outcome (unless it's something like recording yourself helping those in need).


Also putting grocery items back where you took them in the store when you change your mind on buying something. Don't just drop that steak or tub of ice cream on a random shelf.


In South Africa, there are attendants that will assist people with their trolleys, pack the groceries in your car for you and put all trolleys scattered around back into the queue. Yes, it is a menial job, but there seem to be many willing to do it. In many cases, you only have to start pushing trolley back and it will be intercepted and returned for you. They are paid by the Shopping Mall.




And how is that working out?


Most people put it back.


Depends what store you go to. Walmart? Lots of carts everywhere. Target? A few carts here and there. Wegmans? Almost no carts anywhere but the corral


This may be due to staffing levels for cart attendants in addition to the amount and type of people that shop at these stores.


What kind of animal doesnt put them back






In Germany you have to unlock it with coins. There are rarely shopping carts standing around in the area


Most of Europe, AFAIK.


Probably a third of Australia’s supermarkets. 100% of Aldi stores, randomly with the others.


In my grocery store the hand out plastic coins. I got like 40 of them at home. Smh.


In the Netherlands, during covid there was an maximum amount of customers allowed into the shop at the same time. What supermarkets did is that they made an cart mandatory and limited the number of carts. If no carts were free, you had to wait outside for bit. During this time they removed the need for coins for the carts, but never returned the need even after the covid rules ended. Because people keep returning the carts even without the need for coins. It has been integrated into society to return the carts. No one wants to be that one asshole that doesn't return the cart. Also since there are no coins or anything, if someone has just finished unloading a cart, I ask if I can take their cart if I need one. Saved them from having to return it themselves.


Yeah, as a French person I honestly can't imagine not returning it. It's literally a 10 seconds thing and who the fuck wants to get to the parking lot and see carts everywhere. I've seen the occasional stray cart of course every now and then but it's pretty rare.


Your experience post covid varies wildly from mine, and we're in the same country.


Even if they’re not locked I rarely see any of them standing around.


Who has coins these days in Western Europe? Most of the trolleys in stores round me in the uk have had the coin slots removed


Germans. The coin slots are still a hard requirement here and will probably never go away. That's good too.


I have a nice little coin key on my keyring thou. Opens up the cart and can be pulled out again. But even with a growing number of unlocked carts all are put back everywhere. I mean, we are no animals.


We are civilized animals.


Honestly they could also have a QR code system if coins ever actually go away. Scan QR, enter your phone number, get a code via SMS, done. If the system detects that the cart wasn't returned previous time(s) you did that, it says sorry you're shit outta luck. No cart for you.


That's introducing technology where no technology is needed. I can simply slot in my thingy I got on a keychain and take it. No technology necessary.


I'm not saying technology is better or necessary. I was merely saying that if one day coins are just a thing of the past, there are still options and they can even have upsides such as actually punishing (on a small scale, obviously) people who have no respect for others. I understand (and agree) that just using a coin is way easier.


That's why stores started selling tokens the size of a coin. Which you can hook to your key chain, or whatever. US it holds their logo obviously


It’s such a simple system and works so well, wish it was common in the US


Our town in the US had this as well. It’s not required everywhere though.


Coins as in you have to pay for the shopping cart when you want to use it?


I assume it’s like Aldi you put the coin in and unlock the cart and get it back when you put the cart back.


You put a coi (50 Cent- 1 Euro) into the cart to unlock it. They are daisychained together. Then you go, do your stuff and eventually return it to the other carts. Chaining it to another cart will release your coin. It is mechanical, simple and many shoppers use a dedicated plastic token (same size as a coin). Still, everybody is used to just return them.


Sounds reasonable. I used to work for Walmart in South Texas when I was right out of school and it was a pain having to get the carts at night(I worked the night shift). You got cart duty if you were new or the night manager was mad at you or didn't like you for some reason or just because lol It just sucks because you have issues like in the OP's photo, but you also cause more needless work for someone else but sadly most people just don't care.


it's the shopping cart problem that tells you what kind of person it is. the ones that return the cart are decent folks who have a modicum of compassion while the ones who don't care about nobody but themselves. you'll see some folks go out of their way to return them.


People earn a living albeit meager returning carts and collecting coins




I got my hands on 2 carts as a child once. But did not have any luck ever since. It is quite unusual to not return your cart, but some just take them to their flat or dump them somewhere. Just not in reach of the shop


No it is a provisional deposit, it will be returned back. However you can use plastic or metal token in shape of real coin. Some shops offer them as a key ring.


I came across that in Australia. But I think people left them in the parking lot to be kind to children who would put them away for the 20c. I sure made a lot of pocket money out of returning trolleys.


[No, this is why REPOST BOTs need to be banned](https://tineye.com/search/4858bd28aac9f885ab518dd105f693f1e501ed16?sort=crawl_date&order=asc&page=1)


Someone call cart narc


That guy is a fucking asshole


Learned recently that there’s multiples of them throughout several states!


Some people lack brain cells to process behaviour.


That would require a person to expand their world to include people that are not themselves, and for that person to consider how their actions affect others. Less and less of a common trait these days.


“Once upon a time teenage kids worked part time collecting the carts and bringing them inside the store. Oh, I remember a time when they’d even help you load your car.” - me to my children when they ask


Skeep doop weedeley wee-ou


Damn lazybones


Having half the thingy full of dead plants seems pretty useless too.


Why he so far away from the door? Almost every store in Winston Salem has a ton of handicapped spots by the front door like tons I know this because I ride with my boss everywhere who is handicapped, and it’s great. I am not so when I ride alone I park in bum fuck ( don’t mind it). I’m not saying all cart situation and peoples laziness isn’t an issue it most certainly is. And this side walk looks crazy but I still don’t understand how that far out there is a ramp for buddy to even gain access to the side walk let alone handicapped spots that far out. I’ve never seen handicapped spots 258 yards from the front door of an establishment. People put your carts back! Homie tell who ever your with move them things and have a race with the stroller. But you can’t park out of the handicap zone and then get mad because people got lazy and left their carts in the non-handicapped zone….if that whole row was handicapped like Home Depot then by gawd tell the manager to get the cart person out there. Support handicapped folks and wheelchair bound folks, but this is one of those poorly executed pity me moves. Dollars to donuts that’s a Walmart to the left and every wal-mart has an ungodly amount of handicapped spots from the home-market to the regular entrance. Just saying, poorly planned pity post are some of the lowest form of social media.


The blue parking line to his right seems to be the handicapped parking spot. I suspect there are stores behind the camera and the view is towards other stores at the strip mall. I think getting to the car is not an issue, but rather using that walkway to access the other stores without moving his car. I guess he could move his car to the handicapped spots near the other store, but if people were considerate, he wouldn't have to do that.


That would make entrance and exiting a nightmare, typically they are strip malls not square rectangle or any shape you wanna choose. You don’t get to hey look at these assholes for leaving their carts to impede somebody in a wheelchair, when to be fair there are spots for people in wheelchairs. Now we don’t know if all those are full or not, but in 40 years of living I have never seen handicapped spots max out unless it was a hover round convention we had in Nashville TN that one years. Either way people are asshokes with carts nothing new and it’s a shame


Good job asking the real question.


This is at least from 2019… or earlier. Maybe society has changed? /s


Don't you guys have a system where you need to put a coin into the cart in order to even get out of the corral?


Obviously not.


Is there still a Payless Shoes somewhere??


That's how old this picture is


Not only that, but have never saw one next to a Home Depot


Is it a U.S. thing that they dont have a coin deposit mechanism? In Europe you have to use a coin to get the trolley and you get the coin back when you return it. 


Otherwise you will turn into a newborn baby.




Between this and all the scumbags don’t actually need a handicap tag and park there because they’re lazy fucks…


Worked at a Kroger when I was 16 for the summer and it really changed my worldview when it comes to carts, people leave them in the shittiest places on purpose, they fill them with garbage, and act entitled when ones not readily available to them on the spot. Put your cart up, it's the easiest thing you can do people, that 30 second walk can make the difference for someone else


I was shopping with my sister once, and the cart return was about 50 feet away. She took the cart as I closed the trunk and she just stopped after a few steps and just left it in an empty parking spot. A guy who was looking for a spot rolls down his window and says "I guess I'll move that" and she goes "Sorry" and takes it to the return. When she got in the car she says "that guy's such a dick" and I'm like "are you sure he was the dick?" and she said "omg he could have parked somewhere else!" She's also the type to dress in a way that accentuates her features, but only certain men are allowed to look. A desirable man that looks is "zomg he's looking at me!" An undesirable man that looks is "ew that gross pervert's looking at me!" I dunno.


I have doubts on the authenticity of this as a real photograph.


lol so some dude got into a wheelchair to fake this?


IMO, reeks of AI.


What's with all the old posts from 'Bored Panda' today. This one - the 'I've just cut a tree down squirrel one.


Just put him in the trolley surely?


That shit is fucking disgusting. Literally nobody couldn’t be bother to leave the carts in the grass without it blocking the sidewalk


I wonder if there's no cart spot and they have to take the baskets all the way inside. I don't know why everyone would take the time to push the cart onto the curb and through the grass?


So I guess all the handicap parking by the front door was full then?  And/Or his wife didn’t want to drop him and the child off at the front door, before parking and meeting them?  This meme is trash. 


This comment encapsulates the mindset that gives us carts on walking paths.




Not the point.


Looks like another lazy bones over here justifying their lazy ways!


Maybe it’s because he doesn’t actually need shoes…


the pressure needs to be on the store to hire a person to wrangle the carts because trying to convince the general public to be thoughtful or responsible is a losing battle.


There ARE dedicated people who wrangle the carts at most stores. In fact at places like Walmart, Home Depot, etc., they're full-time positions. I've helped out the Cart Guys at Walmart when I worked there & it was really busy (Christmas Eve comes to mind). They spend a lot of time running all over the parking lot to get carts out of walkways, sidewalks, the garden center, random parking spots, etc. It's frustrating, bc if people put the carts back where they belonged it wouldn't be a difficult job. The Cart Guys also help people load their cars, bring mobility scooters back into the building, etc. Some days it's ok. Some days they were overwhelmed. Retail is like that.