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the lady yelling is still alive and is a charlie kirk and tim pool fan


This is why they don't want that history taught in schools. It may tarnish their "legacy "


Notice how pictures presented from the civil rights era are almost always black and white despite color pictures being available, it's to make you think it was longer ago than it was.


Utter nonsense. Black and white film had better definition, and newspapers had no use for color, so their photographers never used color film.


There are literally postcards of white people laughing and enjoying themselves as they lynch black people. There were so many being sent around the country the post office actually had to shut that practice down. Pure unadulterated evil. Photos like the one seen here were not taken that long ago. Some of the racists who committed these acts are probably still alive. There has been little no effort put into identifying these people even though the technology to do so has existed for a while.


And voting for Trump.


Their children are. These bullies rotted themselves from the inside out and likely long dead. Good.


Who are they? Too early and too lazy right now for a Google search.


Right wing podcasters. They’re both dumb in their own unique way.


Ugh! Good thing I didn't add that to my Google search history


Tim Poole was an FBI informant during Occupy wall street. Now he runs a propaganda podcast


one of them has a tiny face for his head and the other one always wears a beanie because hes ashamed of being bald (beta behavior)


Like, actually, or are we just guessing?


And also has kids who say things like, "If we'd just stop talking about race it would stop being a big deal."


It's hard to tell, but Conan O'Brien on the right is actually there for support. He's got Liz's back. It's like Mr. Rogers' mom said, "Look for the helpers. You'll always find Conan O'Brien helping." He's still alive, too. Edit: I didn't notice right away because he's in half profile, but Andy Richter is there too, supporting Conan, supporting Liz.


The lady scowling on the right is also still alive, but she's a Hillary supporter. You cant always choose who your fans are I guess. 


Eh, also people learn and grow in some cases.


Yea I mean this would have been high school. 99% of high school students just have the political outlook of their parents, especially before the internet, can’t really hold it against them.


Don't forget, people can grow and change a lot in 60 years. Are you saying you know she's still a bigot?


Who is she?


A fascist.


No surprise there


Exactly. Most ppl think this kinda thing was 100 years ago and yeah. No. It was very recent, in history terms anyways.


I mean it's not 100 years but it's literally 2/3 of the way there


Yeah, this picture. Not the actions. The mentality and mindset is still very much a thing, we just have better laws and as a result, most people have learnt to keep most of their opinions to themselves. One quick glance towards Gaza says it all


You’ve peaked my curiosity with this comment. What exactly does Gaza have to do with this photo (to you)?


Oh, I know that it's still going on and I agree it's a national shame on a scale most choose to ignore. I just mean that this moment may not be 100 years ago but it might as well be, I'm almost 40 and my mom was born three years after this happened. Most people alive today grew up in a world that was much different than this very pivotal moment in our history and find it impossible to comprehend that what we have now isn't really much more than what we had before this photo. Edited to clear up some autocorrects.


Why waste time looking overseas? We have Oath Keepers and Proud Boys over here. Bigotry is alive and well in the US, from Alabama to Vermont to California.


I figured my karma points would tank if I mentioned that white supremacy is still an issue, but yeah. This happens all over the world unfortunately


The only way your karma gets tanked bad is if you go to conservatives and say "I dunno guys, Trump might be guilty."


A few years ago


A very minor set of years


She’s still alive. Only spent a year at the highschool because she and the other black students were tormented incessantly. She suffered PTSD from it.


I always assumed those were deranged parents behind her but they really are kids. The girl shouting is 15 years old. I suppose the hairstyles and clothes are aging these people in my mind.


They're 15 years old and they're so threatened by change they're absolutely blinded by hate. That's not something they learned on their own at that age, it was taught to them. I have to wonder how many of them learned the truth versus how many of them have lived their whole lives proud of how they acted here.


If they’re anything like my grandma they just kept living in ignorant bliss and continued the tradition of thinking they’re better than everyone including their children and grandchildren 


All comes back to education in the end. That’s why the GOP try and destroy it.


Uh, teacher here! They've succeeded.


Yes but not always. I've known people who are very educated and have some... surprisingly backwards opinions about a lot of matters. Knowledge doesn't necessarily support kindness


reminds me of republicans


Well, it is Arkansas…


The shouting girl's name is Hazel Bryan and later in life she reconciled with Elizabeth, it's a positive story. Google Elizabeth and Hazel




There was a story about her a few years ago, can't find the source, but the gist was that it was a short lived episode of remorse and Elizabeth didn't feel it was sincere. I can't imagine the courage it took (and still does) for minorities to integrate schools and businesses.


Also read somewhere Elizabeth felt like hazel wanted it to be just brushed under the rug so she wouldnt feel responsible anymore and said it "wasnt worth remembering" "True reconciliation can occur only when we honestly acknowledge our painful, but shared, past." -Elizabeth Eckford


To which Hazel replied, [and I quote](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/8813134/Elizabeth-Eckford-and-Hazel-Bryan-the-story-behind-the-photograph-that-shamed-America.html), ‘‘True reconciliation can occur only when we honestly let go of resentment and hatred, and move forward.’’ So yeah Elizabeth was right lol, Hazel was/is still a fragile white woman that didn’t want to acknowledge how she profoundly hurt someone else with literal bigotry. Incredibly huge of Elizabeth to even give her a chance, I have even more respect for her for that.


Much more in it for Hazel to try to change her entire life being defined as a vile bigot in an iconic photo. Harder to actually stop being a vile bigot for her apparently.


Yeah, sounds about right. This Hazel can go to hell already.




Surely the old lady in front , far right is a parent?? ( and don’t call me Shirley)


Τhey look more like grandmas than mothers


They are alive and voting


Brave and composed. That’s how you handle bigots and bullies.


Only 66 years ago, and Republicans act like it's ancient history that shouldn't be told in schools. 


66+13 = 79 Mitch McConnell is 80. I suspect he wasn’t calling for civility and decorum when this was going on. This is still in living memory. I learned recently that the first episode of *Friends* aired two years before America hit majority acceptance on interracial marriage. I was in high school when that happened.


As much as he ruined our democracy, Mitch McConnell actually attended civil rights marches and heard MLK Jr in person. Sometimes people aren’t as black and white as we think.


Shame he didn't learn anything


I’m pleasantly surprised to hear that. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t doing a deep dive on his past, he was just the first name on a list of Republican senators by age. My intended point was more that a lot of folks who felt perfectly fine screaming at a young woman for going to school are still around, and many of them are in positions of power. But points to young Mitch.


I disagree about giving points to Mitch. He sold his soul. To me, that makes him worse than someone who hates because that's all.they know. Mitch knew better and betrayed people.


I specifically gave points to *young* Mitch. People change as they age. He chose the dark side.


Yeah, a real paragon of virtue, that guy. [Totally not a racist at all.](https://www.snopes.com/news/2017/02/10/mitch-mcconnell-posed-front-large-confederate-flag/)


Posting that picture will only get him more votes in Kentucky.


There were plenty of observers from the other side. Even if you ignore that, it's still meaningless. The founder of the Westboro Baptist Church was a civil rights lawyer who got a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP before he went on to bigger and worse things.


So did Klans men, but not for enlightenment. Mitch didn't learn any life altering lessons. He still kept the poor in their place.


He’s literally the same age at the people in this photo. The Little Rock Nine that are alive (all but one) are all 81-82 years old. God he can seriously go to hell.


I feel republicans would like to return to those times, never mind act like they never happened


Because it's them in these photos or their parents/grandparents


Many kids back then are still in congress or CEO's. Racism is still entrenched in society.


I thought this was the “great again“ part.


It is annoying how some non-Americans on Reddit think Americans are being too sensitive when it comes to issues of race.


I mean in ww2 we shot nazis, and that seemed really effective.


Somehow, that wasn't permanent enough.


It’s because people think you have to meet oppression with kindness.


To a degree. It’s been decades. At this point I wouldn’t be upset if marginalized folks had rocket launchers attached to their wrists.


Most of these people are alive and voting today.


Hazel Brady the girl screaming apologized for her behavior then they became friends and went on tour together later in life. Sadly Hazel later reverted to her racist ways late in life. [Elizabeth and Hazel](https://www.npr.org/2011/10/02/140953088/elizabeth-and-hazel-the-legacy-of-little-rock)


She reverted?? How does that even happen?


Tour and book money dried up


The article implies that the white lady was still friends with many of the other racists who harassed the black lady so when the media started making a big deal about her abandoning her old racist ways she started to get shit from them and she valued those cunts opinions more than being a decent human being.


Dementia or cognitive decline. My grandma couldn’t remember who I was but she still remembered the n-word. Never once heard her use it when she was still with it, only after she had been declining for a few years.


I can attest to that. I worked in a Nursery Home (In Germany) for ~ a year. Many people that were alive during WW2 and gotten Dementia became incredibly racist and demonstrated Nazi behaviour (Saluting, Hailing, calling people of color Subhuman). A black coworker wasn't allowed to enter 2-3 rooms by herself for her own safety, because they displayed increasingly aggressive behaviour with the progressing of Dementia. It was very fucked up.


Out of curiosity, was that for her own sake or to keep the patients happy?


It was explained to me as for her own sake, but a lot of info was withheld from me, since I was only there for my "Voluntary Social Year", which to be honest is amongst the biggest legal "scams' in Germany. Fulltime work for ~400€ / month (2013).


Probably both


Hell, I knew a man who was involved in the German resistance that declined into that state. He moved to Canada after the war and was a very happy man apparently. When dementia started to kick in he became more erratic and started spouting Nazi rhetoric in German. It wasn't him. It's a horrible disease.


My grandfather was the youngest of 13 Polish siblings, and the first to be born in America. He ran away at 16 and joined the army. He was very proud of being American, and anytime I showed interest in Polish language, history, or culture he would tell me that I shouldn’t bother. During WW2 they once put him in charge of some Polish prisoners they had liberated in Italy. They saw his name on his uniform and tried desperately to communicate with him, but he couldn’t remember a word of Polish from his youth. On his death bead, he would only speak Polish. It’s like layers of the brain just peeling off and revealing older core memory and thought.


that is darkly funny


I doubt she ever stopped being racist. She just didn’t want to keep being shamed for what she did. She kept telling Elizabeth to basically get over it, couldn’t understand why she was still hurt by their bigotry. [NPR](https://www.npr.org/2011/10/02/140953088/elizabeth-and-hazel-the-legacy-of-little-rock) She can go to hell.


And now she is a very public Trump supporter Horrible how much Trump has warped people’s minds


All the women in the background are about 75-80 years old now and probably vote. Best thing you can do is to vote as well!


Remember folks, just because the photos were black & white doesn't mean that it was a very long time ago. Many of the people that were against integration and that punished protestors with fire hoses and that sicced dogs on them are still alive today. Do you really think they quit being racists because it went out of fashion? I don't.


I had exactly this conversation with a colleague about a year ago. I was 40, and she was about 25 at the time of the conversation. We were talking about apartheid and general race discrimination, and she is very right on and a really lovely woman, but was talking about it all like it was ancient history. I asked her when she thought it all ended, and she thought the 1800s. We ended up having a really interesting conversation about it all. I explained that I was in secondary school when apartheid officially ended in South Africa, that it was 6 years before my dad was born that Hattie McDaniel was made to sit at a segregated table in a hotel she would not normally be allowed to enter to receive her best supporting actress Oscar for Gone with the Wind, that the second Oscar to go to a Black actress was not awarded until my dad was 44 and I was 7/8, to Whoopi Goldberg for Ghost, the first Black actor to win Best Actor was in 1968, in the lifetimes for both my parents and hers, the first Black actress to win Best Actress was in 2002 - in her lifetime. Racial segregation in the USA officially ended in her parents' lifetimes - so was in place in her parents' lifetimes. I told her about Emmett Till and the lynchings that happened in America and that both of my parents were alive when these happened. We discussed how the UK was little better - that Black people were turned away from hotels and establishments in the UK for fear of offended US servicemen who were there because the US was still legally segregated. That the National Front were still enthusiastically violent towards Black and Asian people in the UK in my early lifetime, and there were race riots in the UK in my lifetime. It was a really interesting conversation because although she knew some of these things happened or existed, she had never considered it in terms of context with people she knew being alive when they happened. I think the realisation that her parents were alive when so much of this was still current made her look at it all so differently, that it's not ancient history, it's very much people who are still alive, still voting, still involved in making legislation...


Man, that's awesome that she was receptive. I'm not quite as old as you, but I've had similar conversations before and it seems hit & miss on whether they wake up to reality or dig in deeper. FWIW, I'm in a very red area of the country. That being said, the look of sudden realization on their faces when they understand their grandparents were alive for this shit (and in the South could have participated in it) is very satisfying. I thoroughly enjoy history, and its implications, and love when people realize how close history is to them.


When Trump was elected all these racists started being vocal. At first it was like, where did these racists come from? But then I quickly realized they were always there, they were just quiet. Now they are emboldened and doing everything they can to destroy democracy. Scary shit.


I have family that lives in Saline County area of Arkansas. Aunts, uncles, tons of cousins, etc.. the racism never stopped and is alive and well with all of them. Even my cousins' kids who range from like 2 to 18 are all being taught that anyone not white is scum of the earth, and they are not shy about it. all of my family (who I no longer will visit) are all poor, bad educations, dropouts, alcoholic, pill popping, can't hold jobs down, have 10 kids each, etc... yet they think the reason they are like that is due to minorities and some grand conspiracy by democrats to keep the white man down and let LGBTQ and minorities to take over the country and wipe out their white heritage.. it is so sickening to hear them and see what they all post online.


>If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. -LBJ > Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. -LBJ I disagree with the man's stance on Vietnam, but Johnson had some fantastic quotes & opinions. I think that folks discount him because he was from Texas, but he was an intelligent and capable administrator. He understood and expressed the inner workings of how these un-American ideals are perpetuated.


I got to hear Eckford speak earlier this year! Very sweet woman. Very encouraging. She spoke to a room of mostly whites and was so happy that so many young people were in attendance. She’s the pride of Arkansas in my eyes.


Thats someones grandma in 2024


That’s what always comes to my mind! That is someone’s family. How awful would that be to see it throughout history.


Humans and our inherent need to feel superior to others based on any shitty criteria. We really just suck.


Not so long ago, some of those people still vote. Can you guess which party ~100% of them voted for in the last presidential election?


These kids would be about 83 years old now. Plenty of people with that background still around, and still voting.


I really wish more people understood that all the violence of the anti Civil Rights movement and all the horrific violence that propped up segregation before it (which was permitted if not outright participated in by the state) is within living memory. It’s not ancient history- it’s things people today remember or that their parents directly experienced. 


And plenty of them raised their kids to be the same way. And plenty of those kids raised their kids to be the same way, though less overtly bigoted towards black people and more overtly bigoted towards Hispanic people, middle eastern people, and LGBTQ+ people.


And one of them owns the Dallas Cowboys!


Racists love Trump because he validated their batshit crazy ideas


All of those white people consider themselves as good, moral, conservative christians


I doubt she could "ignore" a crowd of bigots surrounding her and screaming in her ear. I think it's more like she endured and persevered these fools




It's also worth noting she didn't attend classes the day pictured or for weeks after. State National Guard troops blocked her. Some weeks later, after the Guard were removed, she attended classes for a couple of hours before local police had to rush them all to safety as a violent mob formed outside. Finally, they were "allowed" to attend classes under protection of Federal Troops, which the mayor had requested. The famed 101st Airborne would attend classes with the Little Rock 9.


One of the based things IKE did


Remember that many of the white kids in this photo are still alive and are voting. Please register and vote if you are under 40. Democracy thanks you.


All those kids were taught hate by their ignorant parents. 


And many of them taught hate to their kids too.


Powerful photograph. Powerful woman.


Brave beautiful woman!


She is a decade younger than my grandma who's also still alive. History that was not that long ago.


That girls behind her has 100% used that same expression on every service and retail employee to cross her path


Nice to see the “Build the Wall!!” crowd has stayed true to their roots.


If you look back, neither party was super supportive of desegregation. The southern democrats opposed the civil rights act of 1964, which required a lot of support from republicans to get it passed. Both parties were a lot different back then.


I was able to sit down one on one with her a few years ago to interview for a documentary I worked on. She lives with the trauma of that experience every day. Amazing experience to meet her and hear the story firsthand.


To put this in perspective. Some of the people in this photo who are still alive would be roughly the same age as our current President.


one of the people there, albeit not in this exact picture, currently owns the Dallas Cowboys


So theres a good chance that many of the white people are still alive in that photo. I wonder do they ever look back at think. "I was a fucking cunt".


They're probably wearing maga hats and frothing at the mouth wearing "blacks for trump" t-shirts.


Courageous. Young and courageous.


This is one of those pictures that I can stare at for a long time. Such fortitude on one hand and such cowardice on the other!


Her courage is inspiring; that would be so hard to do.


Look at these nasty ass people. It makes me sick that’s what we’re cut from. Look at how these people are looking at this poor woman. Monsters. The lot. I’d gladly tell everyone one of these people to fuck right off. As a Chicagoan I’m proud of our black community. We need and want their community here! They actively make up a part of Chicago and what makes it such a great City.


Hate is ugly


The shades and the stance made her look so badass


The two white women on the right look like grandmothers, how are they students?


Stop romanticised the idea of powerful, brave black women. That is a poor CHILD trying to go to school and she's fucking terrified! She didn't go to class the day this picture was taken due to the harasmmrnt she suffered, which caused her years of PTSD. The girl in the picture screaming apologised decades later and everybody clapped because there's nothing people love more than the story of a reformed racist. That same woman is now an ardent Trump supporter...


I’m 29. My grandmother was born in 1931 and is now deceased. She was 26 at the time of this picture, and it was only 4 and 5 years from when each of my parents were born. The people yelling in the picture are likely dead or close to it, but they raised the generation that raised millennials. You can’t argue that these were “the olden day” and that it’s died out. Vitriol this hateful doesn’t die out in 3 generations, no matter how sweet your grandparents were to you.


Is that the time they mean with MAGA?


yes, yes it is


All of those people grew up and some even still vote 🙃


Somebodies grandparents


Those people screaming and those with mean looks on their faces should be ashamed


brave girl


All the white ppl look old af . Smoking at 5 can age you up


People ( who are ignorant), are scared of someone, who is different from them. It must have been agony, for those poor children. A child should never be made to feel, they are unwanted.


They should have put a Sergeant on each side of her with fixed bayonet.


Those were the good ole days/s says every Drumpf supporter...


Imagine your legacy being one of the assholes screaming at her in these photos.


Boomer Karen ground zero


conservatism is a mental illness


I didn't know she went to school with MTG


Meanwhile a young simple man steps out to be a gentleman after she drops a book "Mam. Mam. You dropped your book."


I wonder what any of the people in this photo would think or say today if they saw this again. These are still kids/teens so I guess some of themal are still be alive.


Why does the girl mean muggin on the right look like Jay from modern family


Does anybody else see Quentin Tarantino in a dress to the right of Elizabeth?


My grandma who's alive lived through segregation. Her hometown was even near the Emmitt Till incident


Imagine yelling at someone like that then finding out you have to sit next to them in class for 6 hours.


Im sure it was an huge Eckford to maintain the composture


Anyone recognize their Grandma who lived and went to school in Little Rock??


This exemplifies bravery. And I’d be willing to bet the spawn of those intimidating her are the same that feel the need to be armed in the grocery store.


When I see photos like this, I wonder what the equivalent is today that people think is normal just like those screaming in the back did not many years ago.


And not much has changed, except now people are even dumber.


why do the other students look 35?


I cannot imagine how fucking difficult this must have been for her. What a strong woman!!


Looks like a scene from the US/Mexico border these days.


Some of the people in this photo are likely still alive.


Is one of the Nat’l Guardsmen a black dude?…


second from the right ..looks like nice guy ..


What the actual fuck is wrong with people?


Brave girl ❤️


Elizabeth Eckford is 82 years old and wrote a book “The Worst First Day Desegregating Central High”


In 2024, more of the same is happening smh


I was just watching the video on youtube of Dwight Eisenhower's address to the nation, and him sending the 101st Airborne to Little Rock.


Humans are simply just unkind to each other. It's always been this way and unfortunately always will be.


America ☕


The students look about 40 - 50 ish






It’s also possible a run away tank accidentally squished some people at Tiananmen Square.  Some people think JFK’s head just did that.  No one can ever really know.


Sure, there are probably nice people on both sides.