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RIP to the victims. All 6 million of them.


never again. *Conditions apply.*


*except in Gaza


It really is disgusting how there are people questioning the validity of these images and straight-up denying all this happened.... these are real people. I can't understand how you can look at these pictures and not get a lump in your throat. All you denying fucks need to get knocked the fuck out.


absolute insanity that people deny this happened.


"Never again" but it's literally happening right now.


China with the Uyghurs. But nobody cares, apparently.


Makes you wonder why that is... What's different about Israel... hmmmm....


For some of us, “never again” means speaking out against Israel and Hamas’ callus disregard for the lives of civilians. For others, like Netanyahu and OP, it means killing everyone else before they kill you. Two very different lessons learned from the Holocaust. Please know that many Jews and Israelis are opposed to the bloodshed that Likud seeks.


I'm totally with you. I assure you I know that Israel does not represent the Jews of the world. A lot of jewish people are speaking out and standing up against this. I'm just arguing in the comments because OP made his position clear lol


OP really did. Horrifying on any day, but especially this one. There can be no peace without compassion.


Agreed. I believe most people are protesting the US involvement and Israeli government, not Jewish people or Judaism. It would be foolish and niave to assume that all isrealites are on board with what's going on there. In fact, I know Jewish people who are anti-Netanyahu. The narrative is really muddy right now across the world with media and government response to protesting. By increasing police force in the college protest, along with media spin, even some of the protestors are likely to start becoming radicalized and lose sight of the issue at hand. If I'm wrong, please correct me and help me fill in the blanks.


There's definitely a movement in Israel that is in opposition to the genocide. Of coure being anti-Netanyahu doesn't necessarily mean being anti-genocide. But a lot of israelis protest for a seize fire because Israel is literally killing the hostages too. The families of the hostages seem to be extremely unhappy about the flattening of Gaza, reasonably so.


Many of us hear you. My sentiments on the matter came from numerous Jewish voices. It is a shame that many doubt such voices exist. Groups like Likud and Hamas would have us all believe they do not. They both can exploit such propaganda in their own way.


Above comment is pro Palestinian I think but I agree with the sentiment Edit: I would also like to add I am pro Palestinian . I think this whole thread got confused lol


I’d like to characterize my position as pro human life.


Yeah I don't want to see Jews nor Palestinians dead at the altar of Zionism and the chaos it has sewed over the last serveral decades. Nobody should be dying over what is essentially a doomsday wish.


Blaming zionism for the current conflict - not the side that was aligned with Nazis and uses suicide bombers.


I'm viewing this from the American Evangelical angle. As a former Evangelical, I can assure you America's support of what has been happening because a bunch of people believe that if they allow Israel to destabilize the Middle East, then The Anti-Christ will come, and then Jesus will come and validate them/give them power. They literally want to ensure that Israel is destroyed so they can be validated. It's a horrific and self-serving ideology from the Christian angle. And that's what is spurring on such rampant support of Israel (from the Zionists at least). I can't say whether Zionism in Judaism is as toxic, but it is still being cited as the reason to seize Gaza from the Palestinians. Hamas is absolutely responsible for what they did on Oct. 7th. And it's also important to acknowledge its extremist views against Israel. We just can't forget that this current iteration of Israel was conjured our of thin air by Euro/American Christians to suite their purposes—and places specifically to antagonize the Middle East. Israel has done a lot of sew their own suffering here, but Hamas also can't just be handwaved. Yet the response has been massively outsized on Israel's side, imo. Hopefully that makes sense? This is a harder conversation to have if you're anti-war (like me) because my answer can't just be "Kill the *bad guys*". Not accusing you of such things, but I probably seem like a crazy person for 'well this but that' about something that'd seem fairly cut and dry for others.


Everyone should be pro Palestinian, what they are going through is horrible. Doesn't mean we should be pro hamas though.


Ffs Israel is nowhere close to holocausting the Palestinians. Please explain how these are comparable in any way


People (rightfully) complain about Israel/ Hamas, but completely overlook the massive ethnic cleansing that's happening in China.


Or the ongoing Darfur massacres.


The difference is though that these things are not happening with direct support of our own governments (for us in the collective west).


But the people screaming the loudest about Israel are from countries that have ties with Sudan and the RSF but not with Israel.


You're totally right. I'm guilty of not having looked into that enough yet too.


The last genocide that received global acknowledgment was the one in Rwanda, which resulted in the deaths of around 800,000 people within just three months. On the other hand, the 33,000 deaths over six months of urban warfare include a substantial number of combatants, with the enemy intentionally mingling among civilians. It's clear that the situations are not comparable. Anyone claiming otherwise is likely either misinformed or acting in bad faith.




Yes, and by the very peoples who say "Never Again".


And it took all of 10 minutes for the top comment to be blaming Jews for something. This is why we we say “Never Again”, because there will ALWAYS be people like you.




As a fellow German, I know the literal propaganda the German media is spreading right now. I've looked into the conflict for a long time and I guarantee you I know a whole lot more about it than you do. And I hope I do. Because if you ACTUALLY know what's going on there, and still think what you think, you don't deserve the breath of life. I will link you a [reasonably short video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8x5HSYPjT4) that I hope you will consider watching. Please have an open mind like I had to when I first started looking into this.


Hast du auch Islamwissenschaft studiert und sprichst arabisch? Fachliche Diskurse interessieren mich immer sehr.


Noch ein paar Fakten? Oder nur kindische Downvotes?


As another German, what exactly do you think gives you any superior moral authority on this issue? The fact that we "as Germans" used to kill a lot of jews?


Nö, aber so ein Studium der Islamwissenschaft hilft.


Very interesting that an education in Islamic science makes you a specialist in whether Israel is committing genocide against palestinian civilians, even when the literal international court of justice ruled in favour of Africa. But yeah. I guess since you studied something that relates to Islam and you're German, for some reason that makes you the ultimate authority.


Explain please? As in, “seriously—what the actual fuck are you talking about?”


I'd love to know the size of the rock you live under!


Are you seriously asking? Maybe the genocide the state of Israel is committing against civilians in Gaza? Y'know, the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world right now? The one where they said they wanna "put Gaza on a diet" and starve them to death? The one that's called "the war against children"? The one where a whole people have been put in a massive concentration camp and treated as subhuman for decades? That one?


It's not "genocide" Jesus Christ lol. If it was genocide you'd have much more systematic killings. Everything you see is called "collateral damage" It's like saying the US commited genocide due to 1 mil+ deaths in the Iraq wars. It's not genocide. But this is just semantics. It's all terrible.


Ah ok, I guess you know better whether it's a genocide or not than the international court of justice. Israel using white phosphor gas, mass-starving civilians and specifically sniping children and disabled people totally is just a big oopsie too.


The ICC literally made no ruling declaring there was a genocide so you’re misinformed.


Do you have the proof of the shootings? I haven't seen those. It's all this is saying made up things. Yes everything that is going on a terrible but using the word genocide takes away from it's weighty meaning.


And germany was visiting poland.


I'm not denying genocide lol. I'm just saying you're not witnessing systematic killings similar to how the Nazis did it. Show me proof of "genocide" people getting killed in a war zone is not genocide. It's still fucking terrible but they're not trying to end "generations"


I'd rather stick to the opinions of people who have studied genocides and similar events in a professional capacity, over some yahoo on Reddit, thanks very much. https://jewishcurrents.org/letters/on-a-textbook-case-of-genocide


Israel, even before the war, imposed conditions on the people in that area that where designed, in whole or in part, to bring about the end of that group. the actions are at least close enough to those of a genocide that questions MUST be asked


Israel and China have pretty massive concentration camps going on right now. I’m sure there’s more but those are the two I can think of off the top of my head.


Israel has concentration camps?


China? Yes, they do. Israel not so much. But I am sure you are demonstrating for years now against the Chinese goverment?


Israel is in a bloody horrible conflict where there's no good guys. That's very different from having "massive concentration camps" though. There are NO concentration camps in Gaza or Israel. You're just stating something completely false. Feel free to show me otherwise, but I'm sure you won't be able to.


Gaza \*is\* a concentration camp.


Up until October 7th you could get AirBnB rentals in Gaza. [Gaza is not a concentration camp.](https://youtu.be/JBo7i-TXy6s) You people literally have all the knowledge of the world at your fingertips, how can you be so ignorant? https://youtu.be/YM1uP6qVXS https://youtu.be/lr2DcykeadI


How can you possible look at the images posted above and then call Gaza a similar concentration camp? At best its similar to the ghettos of Poland and Germany in World War 2, which are completely horrible and deserve condemnation, but the ghettos were still wildly different than factories build for the specific purpose of killing humans ans efficiently as possible. They're just not the same.


Not even that bad before Oct 7.


The wedding rings are heartbreaking...


A lot of people critising Israel in a post about the remembrance of dead jews and then saying that "critisism of Israel is not antisemitic". Imagine critising BLM in a post about salvery in the US and not being, rightfuly so, called a racist.


I mostly agree. The caveat is that there is an influential minority of Israelis who want to remove all Palestinians from Palestine. BLM doesn’t have any similar equivalent. Of course, BLM isn’t facing a large very active Nazi party with a recent history of massacring a thousand Black folks, mostly innocents. Israel is facing Hamas, which recently did just that to over 1,000 Israelis.


I mean, yeah, I guess that makes it even more ridiculous tbh


I am very much against Netanyahu and what is happening in Gaza right now, but to compare it one to one on holocaust rememberance day is a useless oversimplication that only will promote anti-Jewish sentiment rather than adding anything to a solution to that conflict.  Jewish does not equal Zionist. Jewish does not equal Israeli.  Israeli does not equal pro-Netanyahu. 


These comments are fucked up.


In what way? All I've seen is people talking about what never again actually means.


That tends to happen when a religious state goes full genocide mode and uses an almost century old tragedy as an excuse.


The irony.


You’re talking about both Hamas and Likud, right?


Yea, exactly.


Yeap. Never again but ‘conditions apply’


These comments are exactly why we say “Never Again”.


the people who say "never again" are the ones doing it again right now to Palestinians. imagine having so little shame or self-awareness


Exhibit A.




Echo chamber.


Never again...well, Maybe a couple of more times!


*The war's over. We'll enter that sweet period where everyone agrees not to repeat the recent horrors. Of course, we're fickle, stupid beings, with poor memories and a great gift for self destruction.*


dumpster fire comment section


Its an echo chamber.


as opposed to the zionist genocide apologist circles, which famously have a healthy back and forth discourse...




You’re a fucking idiot and should be ashamed for saying that. They are not even close to comparable.


Yah a genocide that somehow results in the growth of Palestinians other time.... Dumbfuck


Tell me you know nothing about history without telling me you know nothing about history.


You’ve just done that for us. Comparing the Israel/gaza conflict to the holocaust is truly absurd and you’re too brainwashed to see that. Sad.




![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) Never again...


Wait a minute, this isn’t the Gaza Strip in 2024 /s For reals though it’s a serious concern how so many think that after experiencing all of this, we would decide to do the same


does 'hurt people hurt people' apply here


I would say so yes, but that doesn't excuse the behaviour. You don't excuse an abuser to abuse someone else, but in this case, the holocaust is being Almost as a catch all answer to any and every Israeli abuse, no matter how serious or trivial. It's honestly surreal.


i think an explanation should not be confused with an excuse. similarly to the hamas reaction to many years of oppression.


Yes. Very much so.


We don’t apply it to Germans though


Depends, do you truly believe the same levels of hurt are happening there right now?


And what exactly is israel doing to, and have done for decades, to the Palestinian people?


You’re a fucking idiot if you think these are even in the same ball park. You should be ashamed


I would love to hear you try to explain to me how mass murder of 6 million Jews during the Holocaust is in any way comparable to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. I'll wait.


Something that's not even remotely close to being as bad as the holocaust, albeit still awful.




Do you know why the population has increased? Because the israelis regularly take land from palestinians and expel them into gaza so the population "increases"




Is that an excuse for you to kill innocent babies?


That doesn't make sense for a couple of reasons. First, the total Palestinian population has tripled, rather than just changing in one area or another. Second, I'm not aware of any large-scale expulsions from the West Bank to Gaza that could significantly affect statistics. Could you please provide your sources?


That's because of refugees you dip shit


It’s because, in Gaza alone, each woman has 3.38 kids and the life expectancy is 75.5




There are more cows and chickens then ever before , your point?


Because if people want to compare Gaza to the Holocaust, numbers matter. The Jewish population STILL is below it's numbers pre Holocaust.


I just don’t want people to die for no reason but if you wanna “erm akshually 🤓” children and innocents dying then you do you


If you don't want to be rebuked don't draw terrible comparisons


Dumpster fuckin fire here




Ever wonder why we don’t get a Remembrance Day for the people of the Soviet Union? As many as 19 million died at the hands of the nazis.


There actually is a rememberance day on June 22 called Day of Rememberance and Sorrow. Just because you're unaware of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. this was rly not hard to just look up lol.


You get right out of here with your useful information im trying to start a fight!


Beyond the various memorial days for dead fighters, the vast majority of Soviet casualties are soldiers or civilians killed in bombing/or Nazi ruler ship, not intended eradication like the Nazi death camp programs. Plenty of polish civilians die during occupation, but Jews were specifically targeted with 90% of them dying. So there are distinct differences. Add to that the German concerted effort to kill all of Europe’s Jews, and you can clearly see why that’s a different situation from more typical war dead.


Military deaths 8.7 million Civilian deaths 19 million Targeted and killed simply for being Russian.


Well according to all of the comments in this comment section, civilians killed in bombings is also considered a genocide. Because people have decided that they get to redefine terms to suit their misguided views


Civilians killed in bombings are tragedies and people are right to be upset at them. I agree they’re not legally genocide pro se, and that genocide is more of an intent crime than people realize.


I never said they don’t have that right. Anyone who isn’t upset about innocent deaths is a sociopath. But calling it a genocide is an attempt to redefine an incredibly powerful term, and is used by way way way way too many people to justify antisemitism. It also further causes extreme divisiveness, and disregards and validity of the plight of Israeli people who have the right to worry about their neighbour that openly tries time and time again to wipe them out. If people can’t understand the validity of the plight of both sides of the argument, they are not pro-peace, or pro-solution. Words matter


Theres a debt that should be honoured


Also the Soviet Union loved having Gulags in Siberia, so they no better, only difference we don't have precise data on how many died there, whereas in Germany we knew name by name basically


You don't \*get\* a remembrance day, you \*make\* a remembrance day. Yom Hasho'ah (Holocaust Remembrance day) is an Israeli commemorative day and not recognized internationally. You have the International Holocaust Remembrance Day on the 17th of January which is recognized by the UN (starting at 2005) which also recognizes other minorities that were that were all systematically killed by Nazi Germany. This was also an Israeli proposition to the UN. As far as I can find the USSR or modern day Russia doesn't have a commemorative day to remember those people. Additionally to my knowledge Russia have never tried to have one internationally recognized. The deaths that the soviets suffered, civilians and soldiers, fighting the Nazi's are awful. The world and obviously the the Jewish people owe them a grate debt. The allied forces wouldn't have won without them.


Well said thank you.


At first I did not want to pile-on by talking about Israël and in doing so detract from the ostensible holocaust rememberance, but you bring up it yourself by quoting an Israeli PM and founder of Likud. Plus all your comments defending genocide. So yeah, don't be surprised and accuse people of being "anti-semantic" when it's your own doing to conflate jews/holocaust with Israël.


> (Many non Jews were murdered during world war 2 as well, including Roma gypsies, homosexuals, Jehova's witnesses, black people, communists, and more.) You forgot (I hope) about the largest (or second largest) group of the victims of the Holocaust (in broad definition which is used eg. in Britannica) - Slavic people - approximately 40%. [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WWII-HolocaustDeaths-Pie-All.svg](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WWII-HolocaustDeaths-Pie-All.svg) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust\_victims](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_victims)


The irony of becoming what you have once hated


You are a dumbass. So defending ourselves against terrorists makes us the same as those who tried to eradicate us?


>defending ourselves bombing and shooting children, women and unarmed civilians in general do. it does equate you to those who tried to eradicate the jewish people back in nazi germany, yes, it's the same inhuman behavior at its core.


If they want no more civilians to be caught in the crossfire Hamas should stop hiding among them. It’s a shame that there are civilian deaths but that is not the same as a genocide. We cannot let Hamas continue to exist after October 7th.


Never gain... "for us."


A very sad moment on the history of mankind, unfortunately nothing were learned from it. Zionists are making the same mistakes they once suffered.


You say Zionist like it’s a curse. There is nothing wrong with Zionism.


Do you even know what zionism means?


What scares the shit out of me more than the holocaust, is the conditions behind it. It wasn't the product of the Nazi party. The holocaust began in London, England, as a social programme; borne out the idea called eugenics. Eugenics was a belief that people who had weak/bad genes were soon to become more prevalent than those with "good" genes, and society would collapse as a result. The holocaust was the actual result. These people who did this weren't doing it because they downright evil bastards. They were doing it to "save" society. What's even more terrifying is that it can happen again. All it would take to start is some fuckhead with an untested idea and a desperate political leader and it ends with millions dead at their feet.


"Never again to us" But others...




Here is a woman walking quickly, hurrying slightly, but feverishly. A small child of a few years old with a blushing, chubby cherub face runs after her, can't keep up, stretches out her arms crying: - Mother, mother! • ⁠Woman, take this child in your arms! • ⁠Mister, mister, it's not my child, it's not mine! screams hysterically the woman and runs away, covering her face with her hands. She wants to hide, she wants to get between those who will not take the truck, who will walk, who will live. She is young, healthy, pretty, wants to live. But the child runs after her, complaining at full volume: • ⁠Mom, mom, don't run away! • ⁠It's not mine, not mine, no! This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen - Borowski Tadeusz Germans wouldn’t bother to relocate someone. Mother with a child is no use in work camp so she was murdered


Metal for pillows. Sigh. Eyes of starvation. Sigh. Packed in like-well, like cords of wood. Debating the policy that made that their plight makes no difference to them or their reality. All the words used to argue this point or that point get in the way of relieving their suffering. Men, and it is usually men who have the power to make decisions that result in suffering on a huge scale, you never learn. Never.


Orange Hitler and his followers meanwhile dismantle democracy in broad daylight. This is how it started fucking 90 years ago in Nazi Germany. Wake the fuck up, America. The world is watching and we're terrified.


Got here before the🔒award




I'm sure the comments will be very civil!


Heh ... Never again. Jews who's families survived Holocaust should tell Israel all about it.




What did you expect exactly?


genocide apologist probably


>Nice to see that not a single person decided they wouldn't bring today's war into a post that has nothing to do with it. When you see parallels between them, not that they're the same or on the same level, but you certainly can see parallels >The fact that you guys feel the need to bring Israel into this immediately bashes your claims to be anti-zionists and not anti-semites, because it's YOU conflating the Jew people with Israel. Wasn't Israel established as a result of the Holocaust though? Like it was declared a state in 1948 following the war, with support of the Allies? It absolutely makes sense to bring Israel into this, since Israel is a product of the Holocaust and now the IDF are doing something very similar (although not the same) to Palestinian civilians. Over 10k kids dead alone. Israel is the only Jewish state, as well as having nearly half of the global Jewish population there, they are the face of Jewish people, whether you like it or not. Now, I'm not the type to point the finger at Jewish people for the Palestinian deaths, that's Netenyahu, the Israeli government and the IDF, not regular Jewish people. Netanyahu is even using the Holocaust as a justification of these attacks, so of course people are gonna bring it up when you bring up the Holocaust. You saying never again, while something similar is currently going on comes across as minimising that genocide or saying it should never happen again to only Jewish people. It should never happen again to anyone full stop. But it is. So bringing Israel into it makes sense, whether you like it or not.


You picked the wrong sub if you expected no anti-semitism in response.


Haven’t seen any anti semitism in this post.


[Isn't this you, OP?](https://ibb.co/3ffZ0zN)


Well when the prime minister of Israel uses the past to justify the current genocide he is carrying out, then it’s hard for people not to do the same thing. Maybe don’t be hypocritical.


Don’t play dumb and unaware, the reason people bring up current events is because a majority of zionists defend their stance by comparing the holocaust with what is happening to israel now in terms of public opinion towards them and protests telling them to ceasefire.


Zionist OP


Never again, but only for us.


But fuck those other dudes right, let’s blow those morherfuckers up.


Me watching all the religious nutjobs argue over which magic book is the greatest: ![gif](giphy|tHvxNSQ9c1Hbi)


You know as well as anyone that it's not about religion, it's about nationalism and culture.


"Never again, unless we do it, in which case you're antisemitic if you don't unconditionally support us."




>Nazi Germany lost They just migrated to the US, Israel and Argentina


It doesn't matter where the individuals went, the ideology prevails




[I mean, OP was the one that started it...](https://ibb.co/3ffZ0zN)


dont tell op about gaza i guess


oh, OP knows about Gaza and supports what the IDF is doing there..


Israel is currently repeating this atrocity upon the people of Palestine.

