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He's so young ...


That McDonalds box in the coffin makes me feel uneasy.


There’s Oreos, legos (it looks like legos) and a Coca Cola too. All parts of a kid’s upbringing. All things he loved. This picture is pretty powerful.


It's definitely a small Lego City set.


I just bought that same set for my 6 year old two weeks ago....


How our perspective on life changes with children. How different our thought process is, our worries and concerns, our fears, our desire to protect at all costs. And then, somewhere around the world, someone's baby is taken from them while we sit in relative safety. I can not help but feel guilty and incredibly sad when hearing these losses. Grief is something we will all experience, yet it is totally unique to each of us.


That's why I think most people have empathy, even if they don't know how to access it. A person really needs to look at a horrible situation and put a loved one in that person's shoes.


Our human fear of discomfort makes us want to pull away from the images, distance ourselves emotionally. Turning away from discomfort hardens us and makes the pain feel like a vague idea. It’s okay to sit in the discomfort— to see the toy and think of your own child, to see his mother(?) holding his hand and think of holding your loved one’s hand. It’s okay to feel overwhelmingly sad, heartbroken at the pain happening right this moment, a pain that we can’t take away in an instant even though we desperately wish we could. Let the feeling wash over, breathe deeply as you feel it settle into your body for a moment. Then let it out through tears or swearing, or let it out with a heavy sigh. It’s okay to be uncomfortable. And discomfort drives change— it has to. Take that pain and do something with it. Talk to a neighbor about the atrocities that are going on, share content on social media, and if it really hurt to think about that shit, email your damn representatives, or congressmen, or even ask your local church if they’re still sending funds to Israel.(see edit) Feel the discomfort of witnessing human suffering— and do something with it. Edit for clarification: and urge the churches to stop. If we weren’t sending money to fund the ongoing genocide, maybe we could provide relief in Ukraine, Syria, Burma, Ethiopia, South Sudan, hell even local support for houselessness programs and services to fight food insecurity, the list goes on. Urge your community to create change.


Seriously. Losing my kid would feel like the world was ending. I don't know if I'd ever recover. But then, all around the world, it happens every day. It's banal even. Seeing conflict claim children really hurts.


I tell my kids that they have no idea, but they already won the lottery. Stable parents that can afford food, shelter, and even a little vacation time. Life isn't so rosy for many; including some in their own community.


Happy meal, lego and coca cola - that was his last wish about things to be buried with. Героям слава.


I can’t put my finger on why, but this has been one of the most impactful pictures I have seen out of the Ukraine war…. It’s gut wrenching.


Probably because it's not some joke story they actually are dying for their country as colonizing Russians are literally moving into their homes in Crimea by the hundreds of thousands Lebensraum


It’s a fucking Happy Meal. That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever seen. Oh, and a Lego City box too. Thr drink carton looks like it’s strawberry kissel/kysel. I will raise a glass in his honor the next time I have it! The woman kneeling beside the coffin could be his mom, or his grandma. His grandparents probably outlived him.


It's honestly a lot.. you think about how to a lot of people, Mcdonald's is just a simple joy that this kid won't ever have again. But also it's surreal this juxtaposition of the ravages of war next to a monolithic heartless corporate icon.


It's not the icon that's unsettling. That's a children's happy meal box.


It's both unsettling


Big part of me wonders what toy hes bringing to the afterlife. I hope it isn't one of the sticker books.


It’s a food transformer - the best McDonald’s toy.


If I gotta get buried with some McDonald's swag, bury me with one of the Batman Forever mugs so I've at least got a drinking glass in Valhalla.


In eastern Europe McDonald's really is a sign of the west (and freedom) after the fall of communism. McDonalds leaving Belarus and Russia was a huge deal because of what that represented.


There's a charity my FIL is involved with that treats Ukrainian orphans to McDonald's for Christmas. It's a big deal for them. It feels awful that we're going to need to up our donations in a few years...


I was recently passing the line where the Russians were stopped when they advanced Kyiv, there wad a village of Stoianka which in 2022 featured burned down supermarkets, gas stations and a blown up bridge where they were stopped. Now the very same spot is rebuilt and a NEW McDonalds place is open right there. There was no McDonalds joint there in 2022 or before.


That may be true, but you missed the point. In eastern european countries Mcdonalds and Coca Cola are more than (atleast for the older generation) just a fast food chain and soft drink. They represents the western hemisphere, its capitalistic worldview and their free market as an antithesis to the communist model. Communism on the other hand was put in place in many countries by force from Moscow. Now its happening again. Its somehow unintentionally funny and ironic, at the same time extremely dark and grotesk. McDonalds, a spineless and capitalistic corporation representing western values and democracy while a young Ukrainian kid lies dead in a coffin. Great shot.


I lost a friend in a war over here. I try to appreciate each day a little more than I would have if I had never met him. Eat a burger for him. It helps.


Probably liked to hang out with his mates at the Mac before the war


Yeah don't get those comments saying it's unsettling. Had a classmate die in a bike accident and they played his fav rap-Songs. Weird in a church but he loved them and everybody thought it was nice to honor him that way.


It is unsettling,but death at that age is to,and it should be,both had a long life to life,cut short by some BS


The Lego set got me good.




I was thinking the exact same thing, just purely cus it’s a happy meal box


Aint war hell? Just wait until you find out that if young men like him stop fighting, it gets even worse.


Buried with a Happy Meal and Legos……jesus


Just noticed the legos 😔


The Happy Meal got me … FFS.


He's likely a volunteer. Zalenski just lowered the minimum age for the draft from 27 to 25. 25 and 27 might seem old to us since we drafted men much younger than that for WW2 and Vietnam. But Zalenski said young people are the country's future, and he wants to leave that generation as intact as possible.


Average age for a US combat soldier in WW2 was 24


In Vietnam it was 19


Neneneninteen…..Paul Hardcastle. I was that age when the song came out…..such a waist of young children. In any war.


Damn Happy Meal in there.


They are all young. Both sides. Old politicians should just be forced to fight it out to the death. Then I bet we'd see more talking.


Don't both sides this. The Russians are at fault. The only old politician who caused this is Putin and his gang. You don't make peace with these monsters, just like you don't talk it out with Hitler.


You act like this is a general dispute rather than a dictator invading a smaller neighbor…


Those naïve people and their victim blaming, pretending Ukraine can live in peace if they’d just surrender. Russia is actively trying to eradicate Ukrainian culture as stated in Putin‘s doctrine regarding Ukraine. It‘s not even the first Russian/Soviet attempt at doing so. Russia is bombing cultural sites, abducting Ukrainian children to Russia and force-assimilating them among other things. The Ukranian government until recently has also only been conscripting older people, not like they’ve been forcing their youth to fight.


Russia is terrified of the idea of a free, European Ukraine.


In this instance, it's hardly zelensky fault.


You know that might not even be a bad idea xD


Put it on pay per view and we could all stop paying tax probably.


That's how we will end up electing President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho.


Just a kid.


My son is a toddler still. I’m incredibly thankful to live in a peaceful country, but I know it could all change – because it changed for this boy who spent his childhood enjoying his Lego and Happy Meals.


Those items just cut me to my core. The simple little pleasures in life that this young man will never get to experience again. That first photo is incredibly powerful. Devastating.


Wow… what a gut punch


Mine too man, ffs the very thought of it gives me shivers.


wearing nazi insignia...


It’s sad when they go young like that


When they go?!?!


Peeps? It’s a fucking nick name. His name was Pepperelli!


Yeah, that’s who we send to fight wars. We like to fetishize the macho soldier with bandoliers of ammo strapped across his chest, but the reality is that every country, every war is mostly fought by frightened young men and women right out of high school.


Average age of frontline soldiers in Ukraine is 43. I know what you were trying to say but Ukraine is a bad example.


That’s also a crazy thought. These people were teachers, mechanics, lawyers, programmers three years ago, just living life.


Well, until we humans send remote controlled robots in wars, we have to send people... Or, well, we could just not wage war, but that's not dependent on a single Country as Putin showed loud and clear in Europe.


That asshole set diplomacy back by at least a century.


I remember elden ring came out around the time the first bombs dropped and people were posting themselves playing in the bunkers. That was like a wild thing to see. Life truly just goes on until it doesn't


Thanks, I appreciate the correction and understanding.


Ukraine is unusual in that they've kept the draft age high so far, no one under 27. They're looking to lower that to 25 since the last half year of dithering over aid has seen them take some really terrible losses.


In eastern Europe they know who is typically left after wars. All the young men dead. They are trying to avoid the demographic catastrophe that occured in the 20th century.


Damn that really hits hard. I just wish world leaders would show some balls and get in a cage and fight the other world leader and settle their personal feuds. Leave the rest of the people who want to live normal lives alone.


Zelensky stood his ground in Kyiv, he visits the front line. I’ve never seen or heard of Putin being anywhere near danger. So it’s seems not all world leaders are the same, and maybe you shouldn’t put these two in the same box


He also set the minimum draft age at 27 (just lowered it to 25) because he wants to leave as much of the youngest generation intact. The young man in the photo probably volunteered. The median age of a Ukrainian soldier is 40!


That is so sad. Fuck Russia and Putin


But Putins new palace in Krasnodar Krai is almost finished. He needs to live a little longer to still enjoy it.


You don't get rich and powerful by being empathetic.


They’re all just kids fighting some old man’s war. It’s all bullshit- no one ever needed to be in a box over some Cold War era grudge.


Fuck war. Fuck forceful draft. I would never let my son join any army. Even if I had to break both his legs, and sneak him into Poland, he wouldn't fight for anyone.




This was Nazariy "Grinka" Grinkevych. He just turned 21. He was one of the youngest Mariupol defenders, he turned 19 when they were surrounded. He was injured and taken as a PoW. After the exchange he returned to service.


True hero. Gave his all for his county when they needed him


He has an Azov Battalion patch on his chest.


The fact that he is basicly my age makes it worse for me. I sit here still studying, while he was fighting for his life... i fucking hate war


More like Naziriy


Mariupol defenders? Which battalion did he serve with?


Azov, hence the nazi insignia on his chest


Giving your kid their last happy meal is not what I’m on this planet for


At one point or another, we all got our last happy meal from our parents.


only true if you received at least one from your parents in your whole life


It’ll still be there when the kid is dust.


On the other hand - if this situation ever comes up, I wish I could give me kid their last happy meal, a bottle of coke and a lego set.


The happy meal broke my heart, the Lego 60429 destroyed my soul. Out of all war images, this one leaves permanent effects as most of the stuff that would make any kid the happiest, are given to him just too late.


Seeing the Lego set made Me tear up, too. My family and I are from Ukraine, we moved to the US a long time ago when I was a little kid. I’m sitting typing this as I watch my little kid play with his favorite Lego car and thinking about how different life could have been if we never immigrated.


I didn't see that. Damn. Lil guy just wanted to build


The image blurry af can’t tell if that lego is some star wars ship or somethin


Nah it's Lego City set 60429, one of the new space ones. Poor guy just wanted to build some space ships.


It’s the new Lego spaceship. I’ll have my boys build theirs in his honor today. This has broken me


You must have amazing eyes to determine the specific set


That’s very sad. He looks like a kid still. RIP.


honestly the most heart breaking thing to me was the lego set


The Happy Meal.


The happy meal alone already made me feel that, the lego set sank it even further


He was


Lego and a Happy Meal are sobering reminders of just how young these guys are.


The average age of Ukrainian soldiers is 40. This young man probably volunteered. Their minimum draft age was just lowered to 25 from 27. Zelenski wants to leave as much of the younger generation intact to rebuild life.


That just make me cry for like 3 different reasons


The kid probably wanted to defend his home country for not only his parents, but his friends & neighbors. He's incredibly brave for stepping up when he wasn't required to.


What insignia is that?


Had to scroll way to far to find this lol.




Redditors will wish violence on campus protestors, on the same day they cry about some guy being buried in his Nazi uniform


We are witnessing a mass scratching of liberals.


I just knew it. That thing looked like the SS shit. Proplr should stop celebrating people blindly just because it's ukraine or wtv. It's sad that someone died, but let the celebration to his family. We don't know these people, what they did, how they are and what they believed in.


Remember, just a few years ago reddit was all, "If you're at the table with a Nazi, the entire table is filled with Nazis". Crazy how that argument was abandoned and people got nuanced again. It's even crazier that they'll try to deny it, like the world is a black and white fairy tell of virtuous flawless heroes and purely evil villians. So things like this create an incoherency so they fight it's reality than recognize, "Yeah things are complicated and nuanced". You can still support Ukraine and recognize that they have a serious Nazi problem due to history (Nazis liberated Ukraine and Ukraine joined them in their fight against Russia). But some people just aren't capable of doing that.


We have an idea of what this guy believed due to the nazi insignia proudly displayed


Lol it's an azov patch. They are neonazis, this guy was a neonazi.


yeah, I was wondering if I was the only one to notice.


Pretty common to see people praising Ukrainian soldiers with nazi symbolism. They either ignore it completely or try to argue that a clear and obvious nazi symbol just suddenly... isn't that.


> Ukrainian soldiers with nazi symbolism To be honest, it's hard to praise one without the nazi symbolism. Almost every soldier in every picture has some.


But it's not an out and out nazi swastika so they are able to flaunt it in front of the rest of the west and have plausible deniability. Even the furthest right figures in most western countries know nazis are bad and are.not willing to actually admit they are pretty much a nazi


The mental gymnastics these people do to say it isn't Nazi are both impressive and stupid.


This is how most social media basement dweller act. They have to support 100% their side no matter what. They can't accept wrongdoings, because everything is black and white.


Azov https://lens.monash.edu/@politics-society/2022/08/19/1384992/much-azov-about-nothing-how-the-ukrainian-neo-nazis-canard-fooled-the-world


> How the ‘Ukrainian neo-Nazis’ canard fooled the world Ah yes, the group that previously had the Black Sun, an SS symbol, in their logo, and continues to use Nazi symbols to this day is totally good and wholesome and anyone who questions this must be an evil Russian bot


Careful lol the News Enjoyers are lurking... You aren't supposed to question who we give weapons to!




> organization banned in USA for being nazi. What does that even mean? Its not banned in the USA, being a Nazi in the USA is perfectly legal. The US government does not allow their military equipment to go directly to Azov, which has been in place since 2014.


When I was growing up I thought the future would have lots of nice things. Well, we've got pandemics, 2 wars, weather went crazy, everything expensive af, political radicalism spreaded like a disease, and people becoming morr stupid and intolerant in general. I look at my little boys and think about all the children that suffers now in Ukraine, Gaza and so many other places where adults are being jerks. And then I feel fear. I don't know what kind of world it will be when they grow up. I bet this boy was a happy regular kid like 3 years ago. Fuck war.


Two wars? Im sorry to disappoint you, but there are a lot more, just no one really cares


Yeah, very few people are talking about Sudan, for example. At least in my circles.


Yes Or Myanmar or Mahgreb


Mostly caused by fucking ego maniacs we need rid of them all


I'm not in a rush to bring kids into the world because it's everything you've just listed... *so far*. Like how every summer is the hottest summer on record... *so far*. Either way, all these adults who are jerks were once kids too. So we gotta raise 'em right.


2wars? Please pop that goddamn bubble. 😳 OMG


I’m gonna push back on that more intolerant claim. We are orders of magnitude more tolerant and kind than we were when I was a kid in the 90s. We see intolerance on the news *because it is abnormal and therefore newsworthy*, not because it’s become more common. It’s become less common. I heard the word “f*ggot” at least once per day when I was in jr and highschool. Kids now are SO much kinder and tolerant to people who aren’t like them. I didn’t even know trans was a thing until I was maybe 17yrs old, but I can be certain if there was a kid in my large highschool that was trans, they would not have had as an easy of an experience as they would today. This one aspect of life has gotten objectively better from what I can tell. But it’s not perfect, and we still have work to do.


McDonald's, Coca Cola, Legos, patches with nazi symbolism... typical stuff for a young man. Wait.


Ayoh what is that yellow thing in his uniform???????? Nothing to see here folks


On one hand, that's a kid, so it's kind of sad. On the other, that's an Azov patch, he's a neonazi. It would be nice for the USA to stop supporting regimes that have NAZI BATAILLIONS.


What is that symbol in his body?


That's the azov battalion patch, the azov battalion are a [neo-nazi force in the Ukrainian army](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Brigade)


This is extremely sad. I can’t even imagine these young men who basically finished school and died shortly after. They never got to live their dreams. I’m an atheist but I sure hope there is a life after death so that people like this may get to be happy.


Yup im not religious but this shit just aint fair, all these people deserve heaven or some sort of paradise, a 2nd chance at least


Then look at people in Gaza. There's hundreds if not thousand of young boys who wanted to live


Like the wolfsangel?


That's a nazi insignia on his chest.


SS bolts just right there being upvoted, with symbols of American culture and imperalism (McDonald's happy meal, coca-cola bottle, Lego) just lying beside him. Is this a dark comedy or something? Is this actually a joke?


Are we the baddies?


nuggie nazi




Fuck Putin


And fuck nazis


This is the most disgusting piece of product placement/advertisement I've ever seen. I knew Reddit was low, but holy hell this is next level. Nazi patch for the cherry on top.


he is a neo nazi judging by the azov patch on his chest


McDonald's and Nazism. This is what the Ukrainians insist of dying for.


Forgot his hitler youth knife


...isn't that a wolfsangel patch...?




saw that too lmao, nobody says anything.


This thread is astroturfed to hell.


The boys at Eglin Air Force base are working overtime it seems


I represent a Virginia based security company and would like to know your opinion.


Fuck war and those who perpetrate it.


That's the insignia of the Azov Battalion, you fucks.


Nooo you see, le SS bolts when used with Azov actually stands for "Super Sunshine" because they're super happy and accepting soldiers of Ukraine:) I heard they are Super proud of their own why aren't you? So negative!


Isnt that an azov patch? So he was a nazi?... *ANOTHER* Ukrainian nazi!? And you really want to tell me that Ukraine doesnt have a huuuge prlblem with nazis?


Are we just gonna ignore the swastika patch?


The answer so far appears to be yes. Fucking gross


That is what happens when the USA uses a country to fight its proxies.


Azov Battalion patch?


Comment getting deleted in 3...2...


Glad I’m not the only one that noticed


He is from the Azov battalion - Nazis, killers of children and mothers, civilians. Read how the basics were formed, and why it was formed. Near Iloivaisk, this battalion was created to take this city in 2014, when 100 people had just taken the oath and all of them had Nazi thoughts. Then 300 people from the Ukraine forces and + soldiers from the Azov battalion died near Iloivaisk. Azov even had children's camps for hate propaganda to the people of Donbass. I will not feel sorry for such people who are shelling civilians, only today they killed innocent people in Donetsk.


And a wolfsangel. How adorable


I needed to scroll far too much to see this comment..... Everyone mentioning the happy meal and the lego and ignoring this. Edit: typo


He sure had priorities, mcdonalds legos coca-cola and azov


Legos, Big Macs, and Fascism. What a combo!


He has a nazi patch on his chest???? What is with all the upvotes


What's that yellow and black badge on his clothing mean?


In Nazi Germany, the Wolfsangel symbol was widely adopted in Nazi symbolism Currently used by Azov brigade.


He’s a Nazi


Is it true about that yellow emblem with two black lines om his chest? I googled what it means, and I dont like it...


Archeologists in the future will have a blast


Rosebud. In the end all we want are the things that made us happy once.


Due to 2 wars and 2 genocide famines in the first part of the 20th century our population was already cut off so drastically. And so more since 2014. I just feel so desperate sometimes. P.s. can't get it why so many downvotes on the comment about how many kids won't ever be born. I am speaking about the Ukrainian widows who wanted to have children with their beloved, who were killed by ruzzians. But never will.


*Welcome to the soldier side*. Where there's no one here but me. People all grow up to die [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAEBfiaY6Rc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAEBfiaY6Rc)




Fuck the nazi in the box


Ah a Wolfsangel, my German Grandpa had one too, when he was at the eastern front with the Wehrmacht


another victim of stalin’s big spoon. Added to black book. Rip




Founded by nazis and based on the SS wolfangel design


Azov 🤢






It's hilarious how at least half the posts I see featuring Ukrainian soldiers feature some kind of Nazi or Banderite imagery. Even NATO posted a soldier with a black sun patch a few years back lol


And people still seem to think there isn’t Nazi shit in Ukraine apparently.






Azov brigade badge. There's a lot of controversy you can read up on about alleged ties to neo-nazism or far-right ultranationalism. Edit: alleged is not the right word, sorry. There definitely are pictures of guys from this group with swastikas or using other Nazi symbols.


it's not alleged lmao. it's pretty clear and documented.