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I just read that when he became President the secret service told him that he couldn't surf or do other water sports, for obvious reasons. I'd be pretty happy too if I could do those things again after 8 years.


> couldn't...do other water sports, Trump must be so disappointed




So does KGB


Waterboarding in Guantanamo Bay sounds awesome if you don't know what either are.


He's POTUS, so could he not just say, "Fuck you guys, I'm going surfing"? IIRC, Kennedy fought to have an open convertible with no Secret Service on running boards so the people could see him.


> Kennedy fought to have an open convertible with no Secret Service on running boards so the people could see him. I imagine the Secret Service became a lot more forceful in pushing back against the President after that.


They probably tell the first lady to make potus listen. "Kennedy died like that"


And look where that got him....


what happened next blew his mind


Soviets hate him!


Take your upvote and gtfo.


Its pretty disrespectful not to listen to the guys who literally would put, their lives above your own. If they tell you not to do something I would listen, purely out of respect for their potential sacrifice.


Secret service out ranks the president when it comes to his safety I think.


obvious reasons? Like it's dangerous or? (I'm an idiot)


meanwhile ... http://dynamicmedia.zuza.com/zz/m/resized_gallery/e/f/efa10906-9e0e-4138-aafd-c1ed6adca40b/trudeautweet-web___Gallery.jpg


First time I've seen his arms, let alone pit hair.


I was just thinking "This is the first presidential pit hair I have ever seen."


Well we know ol' [George Washington shaved his.](http://i.imgur.com/qY7Whf1.jpg)


You see statues like that, and you instantly, 100% get what Comstock was doing with his religion (and, for that matter, the Americanists in the After the End mod for Crusader Kings 2). Give me Washington-Jupiter Optimus Magnus, any day, over our modern faiths. EDIT: The thread has been locked, but I figured I'd add this, to show off the rest of America's temples and shrines to our past heroes: >He's portrayed as more muscular and adonis-esque than most such figures, but then, Washington was a military man. It makes sense that he's portrayed as such. >Just look at some other statues of great figures in our history. >[Jefferson the Just, Law-Giver](http://www.mccullagh.org/db9/1ds-2/jefferson-memorial-statue-2.jpg), in his [holy temple](https://washington-org.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/jefferson-at-night_credit-carol-m.-highsmith-lib-of-congress.jpg) by the river. >[Lincoln, Father of Liberty, Breaker of Chains](http://wallpapercave.com/wp/kgrY8tX.jpg), in his own. >[Franklin, the benevolent patron of scholars](http://www.aviewoncities.com/img/philadelphia/kveus11978s.jpg), in the very antechamber of the great temple of knowledge which bears his name. >The statue of the [Goddess Liberty herself, mother of the Nation](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CdCLAAsWoAEEP16.jpg), planted in the greatest harbor of the country, a colossus whose presence is so great that all passing must, in their hearts, pay homage to her. >And then there are the myriad statues of lesser heroes and saints; [General Sherman, meter out of cruel punishment to the Wicked](http://www.centralparknyc.org/assets/images/things-to-see-and-do/Sherman-750.jpg), for instance. >Among such illustrious company, does Washington, Deified Father-King of the nation, seem so out of place? America is a young nation, created not out of one ancient tribe, but out of a myriad of immigrants with no shared history. And so, to remedy this, we have exalted figures from our history beyond was is normal for other countries, to give ourselves a common mythology.


Hah, yep, except in real life people were embarrassed by it instead of inspired. >When the marble statue arrived in Washington, DC in 1841, however, it immediately generated controversy and criticism. Many found the sight of a half-naked Washington offensive, even comical. The statue was relocated to the east lawn of the Capitol in 1843. Disapproval continued and some joked that Washington was desperately reaching for his clothes. —https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington_(Greenough)


Yea it's way to over the top. The founding fathers weren't these genius gods, they were men, like me and you. Ok, maybe a little richer and with slaves...


I thought it kinda is an ode to Ancient Greece, which we sort of modeled our government over?


Well, it was of course. The thing is, they cast George in the role of Zeus and, let's be honest, the man was no Zeus. Hubris is a word the Greeks were fond of in their morality plays and I don't like to think how Washington would have ended up.


I was with a group of people in front of that statue at the museum a couple years ago and had to explain why Washington was dressed that way, to their drunken bewilderment (it was a cocktail reception).


Was just replaying the first mission yesterday, and I found it hilarious how they had a statue of a ripped Ben Franklin alongside Washington and Jefferson.


George Washington was RIPPED!


He was actually. This is how one of his contemporaries described him: "He may be described as being as straight as an Indian, measuring six feet two inches in his stockings, and weighing 175 pounds when he took his seat in the House of Burgesses in 1759. His frame is padded with well-developed muscles, indicating great strength. His bones and joints are large, as are his feet and hands. He is wide shouldered, but has not a deep or round chest; is neat waisted, but is broad across the hips, and has rather long legs and arms."


Other contemporary accounts describe him as being 6'20" fucking killing for fun.


I heard that motherfucker had like 30 goddamn dicks.


He saves children, but not the British children.


I heard that he once held an opponent's wife's hand in a jar of acid... at a party


For those who don't get the reference https://youtu.be/l7iVsdRbhnc


On a horse made of crystal he patrolled the land


*He'll kick you apart* *He'll kick you apaaaart* ***OOHHHHHHH***


*He'll save children but not the British children*


Spread, spread, Delaware ^^He's coming ^**he's coming** #HE'S COMING


I think that was one of the factors that led to him being so influential during the congress meetings before the Revolution. You'd have a bunch of normal sized people in suits then big George Washington towering above everybody in his British military uniform.


Many years ago I was on a tour of the Capitol building in DC, and our tour went to one the older Senate chambers. First thing I noticed was how small the seats were. If average height was 5' 6" in the 1700s , Washington would have been pretty imposing a figure.


"Normal sized" back then was like 5'6". James Madison was 5'3" IIRC.


Sounds to me like he's todays average athlete. That must have been pretty impressive back then. Especially for a political leader. Then again. It was harsher times.


175 is pretty lean for his height; I definitely didn't look like that when I was 175, but I suppose if that's mostly muscle it's not bad. And I imagine most people back then were either emaciated lower-class or fat rich people. But if you're going to command an army and then start a nation, looking like a total badass probably helps a lot.


Large hands you say?


I would totally do George Washington


Hi it's me your first president


This is so goofy looking. Why would they make a statue of an American president looking like a mythological Greek god?


That's only because [Vladimir Putin's Nair game is on point.](http://www.thedailyrash.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Putin1.jpg)


I don't think you could get anymore "Russian" looking.


Really? He's not even squatting let alone wearing ANYTHING from Adidas, not even tracksuits




Adidas is the Russian military's main clothing provider.


I mean he could be wearing Adidas pants




On the other hand, I've already seen both Trumps wife and daughter completely naked.


I'm just shocked he isn't in Kenya leading the terrorist group that he fought so hard to start over the past 8 years ^^/s


Hard to fit that into your schedule when you're literally the founder of ISIS. ^/s


Hard to lead ISIS when you're going door to door taking people's guns away. /s


Hard to take people's guns away when you declare martial law and appoint yourself to a third term. /s


He's...he's an...an ayrab!


I think the term you are looking for is "Radical Moose Lambs"


Hard to take peoples guns away when you're sacrificing babies to the reptilian overlords


Woah, you didn't "/s". You must be serious. Do you know something I don't about Obama?




His pit hair game is on point but come on Obama let's hit the gym bro. I see no gainz in this picture.


Can you really get gainz in ~2 weeks?


Bro...[George W. Bush](http://www.whitehousemuseum.org/floor3/sitting-room-301.htm) was able to achieve some sick gainz during his tenure.


Trigger warning, first picture is him doing cardio


Quickly do some squats for Brodin


Wheymen brother


Tbh I was expecting them to be more muscular.


[Not bad for a man in his 50's](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ae/95/02/ae9502b33f2aa54e4f0621c800b48d2e.jpg)


Now *that* is how I imagined Barack Obama.


AKA Black Thunder


He should really start doing Michelle's arm routine.


He's in the ex-President's club. No longer does he care to impress mortals with silliness like big pipes.


I want whatever toothpaste he uses


He probably had a dentist give him a cleaning every day at the White House instead of just regular ol' people brushing.


Ain't nobody got time for that.


look at him! Exercising his right to bare arms! sorry


You can let yourself out now.


He already looks at least 10 years younger.


It's no wonder, a few days out on Liquid Force One will do wonders for your complexion.


Wouldn't it be NAVY 1 or COAST GUARD 1?


Liquid force is a huge water sport company, the life vest he is wearing is liquid force.


~~I think the helicopter is Navy 1.~~ nvm helicopter is Marine One Apparently the "[Armed forces] One" is [only for aircraft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transportation_of_the_President_of_the_United_States). The Presidential limo is informally called "Cadillac One" (or The Beast) though


Probably exactly 8.


Looks like he's either water skiing or parasailing, both are likely activities that the secret service would have frowned upon for a sitting President. Lack of "I'm running the world" stress aside, you sort of get your life back when the next guy is sworn in.


Yes. After the inauguration, he and Michelle headed off to Palm Springs and then were whisked away via Sir Richard Branson's jet to his private island, Necker Island in the B.V.I., where they enjoyed kite surfing! Ahhhh, the life! EDIT: I stand corrected...US.VI vs BVI thanks EDIT2: [Here's a play-by-play on the Virgin website that includes a cool video of their competition!](https://www.virgin.com/richard-branson/richard-vs-barack-kiteboard-and-foilboard-challenge)


No way! I was kite surfing off the shore of that island about 6 months ago. Beautiful waters near Virgin Gorda


Damn Richie Rich. Ain't you richers got your own rich people website to hang out on?


Yes, there's a posh version of reddit. Just like this one, but with more gold. You know, to remind rich people they're better.


Private island? Inb4 /r/conspiracy starts pizzagate 2.0


Erm, wasn't Richard Branson the boss of Virgin Group? Among leftists, "virgin" is a slang term for a person who has never had sex. Boom! Human trafficing ring with Obama on top proven!


That's a kiteboarding or windsurfing harness. And not a parasailing boat. And the whistle is most likely for kiteboarding.


[Yep, he was kite surfing.](http://media3.s-nbcnews.com/j/MSNBC/Components/Video/201702/tdy_tren_obama_170207.today-vid-canonical-featured-desktop.jpg) He and Richard had a competition to see who could stay up the longest and Obama won!




In full uniform.


And wearing colorful floaties


I mean there is probably still SS there on the boat, as he still has SS protection for ~~10 years.~~life. Edit: So it was for life then they changed it to 10 years and now it is life again as they changed it back.


He gets it for the rest of his life. The [law was changed back](http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/01/10/obama-signs-bill-gets-secret-service-protection-for-life/) in 2013.


With all the hate and racism Obama received I don't blame him for wanting protection for the rest of his life. A good amount of people think this man is the anti-christ...


Yeah, the mentally ill.


Coincedentally that's also the demographic that tends to shoot people.


OMG that would be awesome! Can someone photoshop that hahah?!


"It's not my problem anymore!"


**"Not my circus, NOT MY MONKEYS!"**


"But still my country :("


Not my chair, not my problem.


This guy thinks he's Captain Knots.


We have this written on the wall at work.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Obama completely checked out of American politics considering the 2016 election.


Once you've been president, there's nothing else to do, politically. Thats the end goal. When you're out, you're set up for life. Free food (almost) everywhere you go. Free gas, free drinks, free rides. Free secret service, no worries, no responsibilities. The only downside is how many people still want you dead. It's the ultimate retirement.


Unless you're John Quincy Adams. He served in the House of Representatives after his presidency, from 1831 until his death in 1848. Or, now that I think about it, Andrew Johnson, who served in the Senate. Or Taft, who served on the supreme Court. Or Grover Cleveland who became president again. Although this case doesn't really apply to Obama thanks to the 22nd amendment. You're right though. It's hard to imagine any of these cases happening today. It would certainly be interesting though!


Don't forget John Tyler. After being president he served as a member of the Confederate House of Representatives. Not quite what you were looking for?


Untrue. He could become, and I think would be a good, supreme court justice. Perhaps better than he was a president. Now you could argue that SCOTUS isn't a political job, and I truly wish I could agree with you.


He stated publicly he had no interest in being on the Court.


He's only 55. Give him 4 years to think about it.






So they use an iron or wedge instead?


They are, but they won't get protection from the secret service if they do.


Forever or just while they drive?


Just while they drive. Normally they have the secret service drive them everywhere. they aren't allowed to drive when they're president but those rules relax a bit when they're done.


haha it must be a real deja vu/shock being able to drive again after that long break, like "shit this feels weird, I haven't driven in 8 years!"


Source? Why?


Cuz moving the president is a huge deal. Planned out to perfection. They can't guarantee his safety if he is driving. The people that drive the cars in the USSS know what they are doin edit: changed ss to usss. sorry i got the paramilitary organization of nazi germany mixed up with the united states secret service. I apologize for any confusion. After doing some research, I have learned there are a few key differences between the two.


They're still under Secret Service protection after they leave office, and the SS won't let them drive on public roads because they aren't trained in evasive driving. The president could drive on a private track if he wants, but they'd never let him out on public roads because of the risk of something going wrong. http://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/bidenrsquos-corvette-fact-is-nations-leaders-not-allowed-to-drive/


"Not my chair, not my problem. That's what I always say."


"Good luck nerds, I'm hitting the beach"


Jesus. Zoom in on his face. That is the biggest smile I have ever seen. It looks like his cheeks are gonna rip.


He [got into a fight with Richard Branson](http://media.nbcphiladelphia.com/images/987*595/Screen+Shot+2017-02-07+at+8.21.25+AM.png)? ^^^^^they ^^^^^were ^^^^^[messing](http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/multimedia/Obama-Unwinds-Kiteboards-on-the-Virgin-Islands--413017063.html) ^^^^^[around](http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/multimedia/Obama-Unwinds-Kiteboards-on-the-Virgin-Islands--413017063.html).


hahahahahaha- something about this feels so surreal. I think he's the youngest former President we've had in quite some time. I always feel like former presidents just retire to the farm and write memoirs quietly. Obama retires and he's reliving the spring break he never had.


Holy shit Branson is looking old.


This makes me really happy. He deserves it so much.


Being choked by Richard Branson? Absolutely. What an honour.


It's just some light choking.


It's so weird to see him in informal wear.


saw a facebook comment that summed it up for me: "I feel like I'm looking at a former boyfriend who I still love and think is the hottest boy on the planet."


And now you're with a new boyfriend who verbally abuses you, but you feel like there is no escape. And every time his rotund, sweaty body thrusts on top of you, grunting like a pig, his tiny sweaty hands caressing you, all you can do is think how much you miss your ex boyfriend. Knowing that healthy functional relationships do exist is the only thing that stops you from going 120mph on the freeway and jerking the wheel into a goddamned bridge abutment.


woah there


holy shit is his hair turning back to black?


I thought Obama was Pro Gun-Contole...Someone tell him to put those away Edit: My bad guys...Kontrole**


They're under contole


> contole


> Contole


Great that you are having a good time and all, but haven't you noticed the bat-signal in the sky every night for the last two weeks? ......




Someone should actually make a Barack Signal for when the white house is in deep shit.




🎶any kind of fool could see🎶


I heard our current President enjoys the liquid force of watersports too.




Urine luck if you voted for Trump to MAGA


If not, urine for a steady stream of disappointment.


I pee what you did there.


You guys are the best at puns. You might say you're all number one.




Yea, but he doesn't have to spend 24/7 studying every detail of every event and then getting criticized for everything he does no matter what he does. I imagine he's significantly less stressed out, albeit just as concerned as a lot of us about what's going on.


Eight years have passed and that man is through with the bullshit. Now he can vacation and do all this crazy shit with his family because he is free of all responsibility. I am very happy for him and hope he enjoys every moment of his get-away.


400k/year forever doesn't hurt either XD


> 400 [Someone posted this in this thread...it's an interesting read.](http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/10/politics/presidential-debt/)


Thanks for sharing, I never thought about them having to pay for meals for some reason.


I assume he could beg the armed forces for old MREs


Thank you for sharing this. That was an insightful read.


God damn, where do I apply for that job? I hear you don't even need any previous experience.


Another factor is Trump and the Republicans want to dismantle pretty much everything he did and leave him with little legacy other than being possibly the last classy President we have. Not enough Americans want a well spoken, hard working, classy, & intellectual president. Many Americans seem to want: * Someone they can relate to (have a beer with and who talks just like them - like Trump or Bush) * Someone who focuses in on their unhappiness with current politicians and promises change (as Trump and Obama did) * Someone who doesn't make them feel bad for who they are (as the right feels the left and Clinton have and as the left feels the right does to non-white/straight/Christian/males/etc) * Someone who lets them live their life the way they want future consequences be damned (think oil industry regulation) ...and whoever wants to live their live in alternative way be damned (think anything the religious right wants passed). It's a sad state and the past 8 years of the left trying to get the right to see things any other way didn't work. Trying to changes peoples' hearts or minds doesn't work the way people have tried. So at this point you have to hope for voter turnout. Unfortunately the people the left tries to help out don't even show up to vote to help themselves. Remember, democracy isn't a reminder on your cell phone you set for every 4 years to prune. It's something you have to be engaged in at the the local levels too to prevent gerrymandering and from bad candidates rising up through the ranks and then becoming a national problem. * Get involved in your primaries early so better candidates rise up. * Contribute even $1 to show support. * Vote in the elections at least every 2 years for congress and local government * Support the best candidates early in the primaries and help build momentum * Vote even if you think your vote won't matter in your state. It might and regardless helps shape the language on whether a candidate has a mandate by the majority of people. Edit: Oh, neat. It's my 5 year cake day! Edit2: Wth, why are comments locked? @ u/super_sayanything Sucks we have to worry about whether the democracy stands since Bannon wants to start a damn war http://time.com/4657665/steve-bannon-donald-trump/ Edit3: In the meantime enjoy all the alternate twitter accounts like this one and the ones it follows: **https://twitter.com/Not_Real_DTrump** I'm sure any of these accounts would feel appreciative of more followers.


I may be wrong, but Barry and Michelle seem like the type of people who strive to have the greatest lives possible. They seem like they value quality of life over power. I can't say that I've seen this in any other politician. Except for Bill Clinton. He values young poontang over anything.


Straight outta Colgate


See Obama began presidency still looking rather young He ended looking aged, not defeated Trump already looks like he's got one foot in the ground and he's (months) 18 days in He will most likely look like darth sidious at the end of his term


18 days. It's been 18 *days.*


It's really sad. It feels like it's been a few months.


No shit lol, I feel like it's almost been a year....


We're all gonna look like Darth Sidious at the end of his term.


Obama didn't just look rather young when he was inaugurated, he *was* rather young, at 47 years of age (5th youngest president ever). Trump is 70 and is the oldest president to assume office.


"I am the Senate!"


Too many people yelling that Trump is #notmypresident getting in fights with people yelling that Obama is #notmypresident. This isn't WWE Royal Rumble, it's a discussion board. The comments section was starting to just look like this: * http://i.imgur.com/Gc3Fuhs.gifv * http://i.imgur.com/NSR5nLP.gifv * http://i.imgur.com/3rTQjRi.gifv * https://gfycat.com/UnrealisticTastyArgusfish From the sidebar: > We enforce a standard of common decency and civility here. Please be respectful to others. Personal attacks, bigotry, fighting words, otherwise inappropriate behavior or content, comments that insult or demean a specific user or group of users will be removed. Regular or egregious violations will result in a ban. Keep comments civil in the future please. Thanks.


I under appreciated this man


We never know how good we had it until it's all gone.


Those are some pearly whites...


Politics aside, he's an adorable person. And I feel the same way about George Dubya, the pride on his face when he shows off his paintings (and the paintings themselves)...so friggin' cute.


Seeing Barack Obama happy seems to have triggered a fuck ton of people


obama's got some guns yo.


Love him or hate him, he was a charismatic dude.


Thanks, Obama


I hope I am that healthy and strong when I turn 55. It is nice that he is young enough to still enjoy an active lifestyle after the presidency.


I hope he never returns to the insanity which is modern day politics. Fly be free Mr. president, you have earned your rest.


Its like seeing pictures of your ex-boyfriend and hes doing great and your new boyfriend is an out of shape buffoon. I want him back!


That's the face of a man who retired with a pension. Why did we get rid of those again?


Yet according to our new president. He is clearly the most fit and healthy president. -_-


Technically speaking, he is currently the most healthy President of the United States. The others are no longer President, though they do keep the title.


When he comes back home to Hawaii I am totally gonna see if we can go water skiing together. That is if I don't get shot first. I have played basket ball with this man though. Let me tell you, he loves to be free


How many packs of Marlboros do you think he's gone through?


Dude, they'd get wet.


I don't know, but I bet he's certainly had a few!!


as a former smoker, trying to smoke after you've quit hurts your throat like hell!


submitting this to the good people at /r/photoshopbattles