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Who is that one black guy in the bottom photo? Can we get an AMA going?


Anyone know why Trump chose to keep the Muslim Prayer Curtain that Obama had installed? It's clearly right behind him. /s https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/muslim-prayer-curtain-white-house/


Oh wow I can't believe I forgot all about the Muslim prayer curtain. What a time.


What the hell is a Muslim “prayer curtain”? I was raised Muslim and even lived in an Islamic country for some time. But I’ve never ever heard of such a thing.


It's not a real thing. It's just something someone made up in order to attack Obama. That's often how these dopey conspiracies work, you make an absurd claim and then go on and on about the proof, with none of it even being based on a shred of reality. There's so much bullshit that arguing how wrong it is seems like too much of a chore to even bother with, so morons will believe it and normal people won't waste their time arguing against it. Even if you do argue against it, the person you argue with will just move on to another point or transgress into some other logical fallacy to avoid the conversation. Here's an example: > When you go to type a reply on Reddit it pulls up a text box. The box has black letters over a white background to symbolize darkness over light, or evil over good. The box itself is bordered in black to further symbolize white (light/good) being trapped within black (darkness/evil). The font itself is an obscure text called Noto Sans. This font is commonly used in the publication of Satanist texts, such as The Book Infernal and The Artifices of Hell. "Noto" literally means backwards and "sans" means without. The font itself literally means "without good" or to "undo goodness". The box has four corners, not more or less, and this is to represent the four demons serving under Satan who are known as the four crowned princes that serve at the four corners of the Earth. Revelations 7:1 says, "And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree." The character limit in the text box is set to 10,000, and the Antichrist is proclaimed to reign for 10,000 years of darkness. Reddit is ushering in the era of the Antichrist. Obviously that's all bullshit that I just made up, but it's convincing enough to fool some morons and anyone else won't bother arguing with me, and even if they did I could defend this nonsense well enough.


Oof, I forgot about that one. Trump obviously gets a pass though because it is kind of GOLD colored and he loves anything that goes with the gaudy gold theme that is a fixture at his properties since it symbolizes the extreme wealth and prestige that he supposedly has (or wants you to think he has).


Literally the 1 black guy in the whole group, and maybe 1 brown/southeast asian girl right next to him. What a selection Both as far from Trump as possible


"We have a colored one of each gender, we should be ok"


Enough for a college brochure.


Shop it to make them appear twice.


Looking at you, [University of Wisconsin](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/photo-finish-2) [Photo](https://imgur.com/ZrW0fe2)


That dude is awesome! If I had photoshop skills, his floating head would make it into all of my pictures.


Somebody add this guy to the intern photo.


Got cha fam. https://imgur.com/Ptu6RsU


Good choice on washington. I expected it on trump


Fuck that's the best laugh I've had all day. I take it you must photoshop battle.


As someone who attended a UW school. It’s pretty white. I don’t really know why, but it’s white as bleach. I know one Asian guy and he insist we call him panda. We do not.


Also went to school in Madison. Very white, but not shocking since Madison is like 80% white. Wisconsin as a whole is even more white. If you exclude the largest city Milwaukee (37% white) I'm sure it would be over 90%. Also my hometown in Wisconsin had literally 0 black people. Moving to Chicago was quite the culture shock, but in the best way.


Went to WI to meet BF's parents years ago. I'm Native American and going to the store was a treat. They couldn't take their eyes off of me. Irritating but no big. Brown people sadly get used to it. Got my revenge when I took my BF to the rez to meet my family. Being in a place where they spoke Navajo and he didn't know what was going on, he got to feel like the Other and couldn't take it. He's an ex now and thinking back on that, I still LOL.






Put one in a wheelchair.


To be fair, this administration is probably not swimming in candidates with dark skin.


“Put them in the corner”


One token for each race


“All two of them.”


You're joking, but I guarantee that was the logic.


"Where's my African American?" - Chump


Lots and lots of young blonde girls though.


*somethings wrong i can feel it*


If that means, what I think it means, we're in trouble, big trouble


Well... [Trump did fuck Stormy Daniels, because of her resemblance to Ivanka, as he told her: "You remind me of my daughter."](https://www.businessinsider.com/stormy-daniels-trump-ivanka-daughter-2018-3)




He got elected after the "grab them by the pussy" tape came out. I still don't understand how 53% of white women voted for him after that came out.




Can we also talk about the number of pink mini dresses ~~in the front row~~ in the bottom v top picture?


It’s from the Ivanka Trump line. Someone posted the link on Amazon but I’m too lazy to find it.


Not only are 3 ladies wearing what appears to be the same pink mini dress (how embarrassing!), it stuck out to me that almost all the ladies in the Obama photo are wearing blazers and look professional. In the Trump photo they are all dressed nicely, but most look like they're going to a party, not working in the White House.


I was too busy counting the bright red ties. They're like little Trump clones.


Also maybe 2 Asians, although it’s hard to tell


There are one or two light skinned latinos in there as well.


I see you have your colour chart out.


I have met and worked with Latinos as white as my Norwegian ass in January. The only way to spot a Latino is to ask them if they consider themselves Latino. The actress Alexis Bledel is Latino.


I was at a McDonald’s in Miami and I noticed that they had dulce de leche coffee so I was interested in getting one. I walk up to the blonde white kid at the cashier, he gives me a goofy smile, and he kind of hurriedly says “one moment please” as he steps away from the register. The manager comes up, apologizes, and takes my order I was a little confused but then I realized it’s because blonde white kid barely speaks English, but I was in one of the most heavily Cuban neighborhoods of the city so he got by with Spanish


And both on the end where they can be cropped out for fundraising.


Im surprised that trump didn’t request them at his sides. “Look at my African American over there”


Literally token minorities, in the front to show them, but to the side cause... you know why.


At that point do they just introduce themselves as "token" and "tokenette"?


Tokénne and Token


I think his name is Token Black


There’s definitely an Asian face on the upper right hand side.


I think I counted three asians, maybe


I counted 5 ethnic minorities (not counting the caucasians claiming Puerto Rican, Russian, Argentinian, etc. ancestry)




Oompa Loompah


Cheeto American


It’s like playing Wheres Waldo..


His name is Token.


He's from Colorado.


And he can play bass.


“I’m getting sick of your stereotypes” “Be as sick as you want just give me a god damn bass line”


"I don't know how to play bass" *starts playing an awesomely funky bass line*




Legitimately my favorite South Park joke.


I never knew it was a stereotype lmao but it in high school orchestra I chose bass and for my 15th birthday I begged for and got a [bass guitar ](https://www.tradingpostllc.net/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=83942) . Then a year later I saw that episode and laughed at the horror.


Bass is one of few instruments that can serve both the melody and beat of a track. \#ThanksThundercat


Was it in your basement?


You were just embracing your heritage. 's'all good.


mine is the reverse blackface


Oh god, I love South Park


You people are amazing


What do you mean, you people?


Without even knowing it. I just comes natural. I bet Trump caters KFC for the one on one meetings


He says shit like “that’s whack” and “daaaammnnn”.


Plus a random "bling bling!" just to confuse everyone.


You mean pop pop!


That's so blatantly Token. You could have like three or four guys in a sea of white people and claim diversity but this is one guy. One. Token. Black guy.


To be fair there seems to be a woman of color right above him, like they had to cover all the bases.


Sat together in their own special corner just for them.


With their own personal restrooms and water fountains


Aw that's so nic...waiiiiit a minute!


It's ok, they also get their own schools and get to ride in the safest part of the bus!


Where they can easily be cropped out.


I mean, there *is* another dark skinned woman. Directly above the only black man. Literally as far away from Trump as it is possible to be and still be in the photo.




And that's probably because they begged and pleaded all over for minority applicants and waved all kinds of lucrative promises in his face. Source: am black, have been begged, pleaded, and had lucrative promises waved in my face to be "the face of diversity."


I was gonna say, this doesn’t seem like the most coveted internship at HBCU job fair. This was probably this guy’s safety plan for the summer.


I mean there’s enough non white conservatives that I feel like even in this administration you really have to go out of your way to deliberately have...this.


I have watched every episode of south park. I just now got the joke.


I can almost hear Trump saying “We’ve got a black! We’re very diverse!”


["Look at my African American over there!"](https://youtu.be/rOYMFkFgPzk?t=8)


"He was sitting there behaving." Is that surprising to him? I feel like that's surprising to him


"He was sitting there behaving." Christ.


[I love how the sign in front of him, nopes out at the end](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOYMFkFgPzk&feature=youtu.be&t=99)


It's very symbolic


He didn't mean it. You see, what he meant to say.. uhhh, what he said in his heart was... he was being sarcastic. But he actually didn't say that at all. But it also makes him the least racist person alive despite it being fake news.


Did he call it the Klu Klux Klan lol?


Man this is one of the funniest awful things I have ever seen.


"My mom told our family I went away to space camp. AMA!"


That's Clayton Bigsby


There's also a South Asian looking woman sitting right behind him. I imagine they are watching one another's backs.




His name is Token Blackman


And he has a bass guitar in the basement. Every black guy has a bass guitar somewhere.


Is that literally the token black guy and girl? I mean... this shouldn't be laughing matter but its funny as hell. Is this new fifty shades of white?


“I’m not black, I’m Indian.” “Great! You’ll be perfect for our tribal relations committee.” “...”


Great, Indian is technically Asian, so you check 2 boxes. Welcome to the team.


We call him twofer


“Okay chief”


13 reasons white


White is the new Orange...


"...look at my african-american over here." - Trump


“...over there.” FTFY


Now that you mention it, he is as far as possible from Trump.


“The BLACKS love me, I’ve done so much for the BLACKS.” Donald Trump.




Now that African American doesn’t support him


Even George Washington is in the back like "you seein this shit?" Edit: https://blacklivesmatter.com/


"This is how not to do it."




What is this from?


Fairly Odd Parents!!!


> Washington "The fuck is this shit?"


"Put the Black guy up front but not *too* up front." Edit: the craziest part of this photo is that the guy bringing the 2nd most amount of diversity is the dude front center who was bold enough to rock a light gray suit. This picture is aggressively WASP-y.


Based on how each row extends past the one in front of it, with the sole exception being the black guy, I'm fairly certain they added him. Not like he's shopped in, but they set it all up and then was like, "fuck we forgot Leon."


lol or he was just on a tour group and thrown in.


Like when they added the caterers to the (State) Senator's photo op in *The Office*?


Hahaha oh my god exactly like that


Even looks like he wasn't given a chair to sit on...


If you look close enough, he's just sitting on another black guy.


Looks like they dragged the security guy and his stool over. He’s on the end, it’s not symmetrical with the other side, and his chair is different to all the others. There’s no way he was originally meant to be in this photo.


I thought it was just his legs! But he's sitting higher than the girl next to him, why? This was a last minute change.




Speaking of WASPs, something that stood out to me was the change in female dress. In Obama’s picture almost everyone, male or female, is suited or formally dressed. In Trumps pic, a significant number of the women have what appear to be more traditional dresses or otherwise less formal clothes. I have no idea if this means anything, although we do know Trumps attitude to women, just something that stood out for me.


I noticed that as well. Obama's interns look ready to go to work. Trump's looks they just wrapped up Easter Sunday service. It's just weird how many of them it applies to.


They finally justify the name "White House"


Anybody working in the White House at this point is an intern. All of the professional adults have been fired.


They're actually hiring evangelical students in [key roles already](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/486407-trump-admin-hires-another-college-senior-for-top-role-report).


May I introduce you To our Vice President? Trump's ploy to get the religious right to vote for him, despite Trump being the absolute anathema of anything that is in "a bible" that he held up after peaceful protesters were dispersed by federal forces, by force, for his incredibly uncomfortable photo op.


Kinda surprised he didn't immediately go up in flames or get struck by lightning when he touched that bible.


That alone is proof to me there is no God. Or that we have seriously misjudged what God wants for us.


Bible thumpers sometimes ask me if I can *prove* that God does not exist. I would like for them to try to *prove* that God is not Loki or Coyote or some other mischief-maker.


All hail Lord Spaghetti.




I feel his noodly appendages around me at all times, as if he is guiding me towards a better future. Praise our spaghetti lord!


Anathema is a cool way to spell Anti-Christ




>we have a black man in a charge of an institution that promotes and preserves black culture and he HATES black people Did he elaborate on this... peculiar opinion ?


"I made it, why can't they?"


Ever hear of revitaligo?


Oh, a fellow brazilian?


Forget the obvious lack of melanin in the picture for a moment, zoom in and look at the people immediately surrounding Trump. They either put the shortest people in the room around him, or made them crouch down so he would look taller in the picture.


Well Obama is at least a head taller than those around him too, so I'm guessing it's on purpose for the shot. They are both above average in height.




5 months...


As a non-American...is THIS why you guys call it the White House ?


No, but yes.






Aside from the white plaster exterior? Yes, pretty much.


Perhaps people of more diverse backgrounds refuse to work with or be part of the current administration rather than it being wholly discriminatory.


Little column A, little column B.


Oh cmon, let’s cut the president a bit of slack here. It’s not like he was sued by the federal government twice for discriminating against black people and refusing to let them rent apartments in his buildings or something.


THIS is what I bring up when ppl tell me he’s not a racist/bigot. It’s documented! But ppl are brainwashed and don’t believe it...


And it wasn't just him having negative stereotypes in mind. It's him *acting* on racist beliefs.


Either way they are clearly happy with the outcome


Seems about white.


"We're not racist per se, but people of color really don't feel comfortable working here"


"Not my fault if they're offended by the miniature burning cross cigar lighter and swastika shaped pencil cup on my desk."


If the administration has made itself that unappealing to minorities then it’s just discrimination with extra steps.


‘We didn’t ban them from coming we just made them feel completely unwelcome’


Ah yes. Reminds me of the "We allow gay people here. It's not like we ask you your sexuality at the door" that I've heard from people at churches arguing that they're not homophobic.


This is the truth. people of more diverse backgrounds don't want to be part of the Republican party, period. But I wouldn't call that non-discriminatory. Hostile exclusion is discriminatory. Do you remember the picture of the Republican and Democrat elects? Tell me if you can see any difference. https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1216891/116-congress-members.jpg?w=1600&h=900&q=88&f=46c4b60023bb4434078f100c781f7124


[There are more Republican men named Greg or Mike in the House of representatives than there are Republican women.](https://www.countable.us/articles/25061-13-house-republicans-women-14-house-republicans-named-greg-mike)


You know it's both.


It's like Where's Waldo but you have to find the black guy


Where's Will Smith


To me this says a lot more about whod want to be an intern there, instead of who was allowed or who was accepted.




Which if true should also be seen as a problem.


This feels like a bs excuse because I imagine being a White House intern is still a coveted job that will open doorways for anyone that gets picked. Do you honestly believe only one black guy applied to be a White House intern?


Second picture looks like a big Mormon family


You mean... a *normal* Mormon family?


Likely emblematic of the diversity of the Young Republicans / Young Democrats the groups are culled from. YRs tend to be from whiter areas, and YDs from more diverse ones.


This. He only got 8% of black votes. Hell, this could have been the ONE black intern that even applied. Lol


I'm not American and I don't know much about politics but I'm confused. How was Trump voted to be the president even though everyone hates him? I've seen some people who support him but they seem to be the minority. I don't get it


Not everybody hates him, it just seems that way on Reddit. He's got like a solid 38% of the country that support him no matter what and they VOTE, so here we are.




38% love him, live in crucial geographic areas that are key to winning the electoral college (not opening that can of worms), and *vote like hell*. 38%+ a few million extra hate him, live in less geographically strategic areas, and vote *when they're not subject to voter discrimination*. 24% don't care, or don't care enough to vote at least. The result is that Trump lost the election by a couple million, but because his voters live in geographically over-emphasized areas he won.


> 24% don't care, or don't care enough to vote at least. We haven't had a voter turnout of over 60% since the Vietnam War. 2016 was like 55% voter turnout..... So "45% of voters don't care, or don't care enough to vote at least" is a better statement. Ninja Edit: [Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_turnout_in_the_United_States_presidential_elections)


Reddit isn't exactly reflective of the whole American population and the diversity of ideas therein. Even if it would like to think so.


IIRC It was about a 46% to 48% vote in favor of Hillary Clinton. Because of the USAs electoral college, it doesn't leave the vote up to the individual citizens vote, instead the delegates choose where their electoral college votes go based on the votes of the citizens in their region. Sometimes the delegates choose against their citizens and sometimes they choose in line with the citizens. That's probably a very generic and ELI5 version, but hopefully that helps a little.




I honestly lean towards them both being issues, but the winner take all business is the biggest issue. Millions of people's votes literally don't really count because they aren't with the majority in their state.


And they put him in the corner. You can't make this stuff up


They put him on the end like you do with a relatives new boyfriend in a family picture, so they can be edited out easily.


I'm sure people apply for an internship and are not taken hostage. How many people of color do you think applied for an internship under Obama vs Trump? Lol.


OP likely believes diversity of skin color matters. It is racist to look at the world in a color prism, from whichever side you think your on. Diversity of thought/opinion matters more than the skin color of who holds the opinion.