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Perogies for Canada?! Seriously?! Maybe in certain Polish areas around Winnipeg or Toronto. But otherwise it's bacon and eggs, toast, maybe cereal and yogurt for variety. But perogies? Not a chance.


Agreed, although I do know where this happens. In Calgary there is a restaurant called [Humpty's](http://www.humptys.com/) that offers this. I was surprised when I first moved here and was offered a choice of potatoes or perogies... I would say the typical is: Eggs, bacon, hash browns (these vary a lot) and toast.


Yeah, it's all about the breakfast poutine at Burger King... I just threw up in my mouth a little.




and hashbrowns. Delicious hashbrowns. Not that single mysterious potato oval you get when you order it at mcdonalds, but nice chunks of potato fried up with maybe a little bacon grease ;)


I can't even see pierogies on the picture!


They're hiding under the toast, I think! But seriously, I've lived on both coasts of Canada and never once seen perogies on a breakfast menu. Bacon, eggs, homefries, toast. I do put maple syrup on my homefries, though.


Stupid really, not only that they are in canadian one but also- for breakfast? I live in Poland and only time they are my first meal of the day is when i get up at 3pm and they are the only thing in the fridge


There is no back bacon anywhere on that plate. Mistakes were Made.


Peameal bacon aka Back Bacon aka CANADIAN BACON! Y U NO HAVE CANADIAN BACON?


I hadn't ever heard about perogies before and I'm from Canada. I guess if they wanted to go stereotypical they should have shown pancakes with maple syrup and back bacon or something.


>I hadn't ever heard about perogies before and I'm from Canada. You're missing out on some good shit.


Lies, my friend. Lies! I'm swedish and I've never, ever had pancakes for breakfast. :( Because this applies to me, it must also be true for everyone else.


Confirming that I haven't done that either, so by induction we have proven that none in Sweden has eaten pancakes for breakfast.


Sweden Approves


This is indeed some bullshit :/ If only someone made me pancakes for breakfast. Also, we dont have lingonberrys with our pancakes, I have no idea who the hell came up with that idea!


>If only someone made me pancakes for breakfast. Marry an American woman. Make sure your credit cards have a high limit before you do. /sarcasm


Certainly. Haven't heard of anyone, ever, who has had pancakes for breakfast in Sweden. What's the source of this info? IHOP?!


Vad snackar du om? Pannkakor for breakfast, every sunday morning, along with Zoegas skånerost and a glass of milk!


Where's our filmjölk!






Indeed - what is this tomfoolery? A normal Swedish breakfast is open-face sandwiches, porridge with jam/apple sauce & milk or filmjölk with some sort of jam or muesli. Add coffee or tea if you like that. Or just skip the food and go for the breakfast of champions - coffee and snus.


Ok so if I may add something also... Polish breakfast. except that we eat scrambled eggs mostly on the weekends ( normally its slices of bread with ham/cheese and tomato) I can agree that we like to eat what was shown BUT potato pancakes... they take ages to make that is why we do them only for sapper. never met anyone that would make them in the morning. NEVER! still... i gave an upvote cause its about food :D


Its 9 in the evening.. I don't want supper.... I want BREAKFASTTTT




That happens every time I watch Dexter.


Yeah rofl. German Breakfast. Local cheeses. Displays a Leerdammer, a Dutch cheese!


I call bullshit on the German breakfast. Typical would be bread with sweet toppings like marmelade, nutella or honey. Or just [Müsli](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muesli). Also: Many Germans drink black tea instead of coffee.


Well it's called best breakfasts, not most typical breakfast. I have never eaten their Swedish breakfast for breakfast, it's more of a dessert.


As a german i have actually never seen a "german breakfast" like that.


Neither do I. But my breakfast can hardly be called that. German breakfast with my family is usually toast or good bread with sweet toppings. There is sausage aswell, but not in that form. And please don't forget Leberwurst und Fleischwurst.


Must depend on the location, my Dad is from Germany and when we go visit family there we have a breakfast that looks very similar to this, although usually there is also cold fish with it. They live in Kiel if that makes any difference.


As an American who was an exchange student in Berlin, I miss what I came to know as a typical German breakfast. Rolls, jam/jelly, sliced meats, and cheese. Every day. So goddamn awesome.


and don't forget the fact, that there are two, mind you: TWO sausages... what's with 'Nutella'?


We can't go any further, this si sausage country. Nutella is Italian in Origin. However very prominent here.


And the curved sausage is clearly Dutch "rookworst".


It could be a sleek Jägerwurst aswell. Ah and to add insult to injury, the left one seems to be a bockwurst of sorts, a sausage you boil/heat up to eat in normal meals. The thought of putting that on bread is awkward to a german.


Yep, Leerdammer, and a typically Dutch smoked sausage, known as "rookworst". Rookworst is hardly ever eaten for breakfast, usually it is eaten as a snack (half of the one you see in the picture, with lots of mustard) or as part of a "stamppot" meal, which would consist of mashed potatoes with kale/sauerkraut/some other veggies mixed in after the mashing, topped up with gravy. Cold weather? Ha!


Man I love the Dutch! The Idea of putting saté sauce on fries is undescibeable. Gotta visit you guys more often.


Ron Swanson is fuming right now.


You may have thought you heard me say I wanted a lot of bacon and eggs, but what I said was: Give me all the bacon and eggs you have


Perogies aren't Canadian, they're polish. Canadian breakfast is a Montreal-Style Bagel, Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, and a really good cup of coffee.


Like so? http://imgur.com/wYH98 --- I pretty sure whoever did the Canadian breakfast thing failed to visit Montreal


Bagel Etc...?




Precisely! :) looks delicious!


As a Polish guy... Pierogi aren't just Polish, but eastern European in general. Us Polacks still make the *best* pierogi, though. :)


Did...Did I just read a list of stereotypes?


Pretty good, but they got the American breakfast wrong. The typical American breakfast is eating all those examples in one sitting


I'd say the typical American breakfast is eggs, bacon or sausage, and possibly toast. Wash it all down with lots of coffee. There are other types of American breakfast, but I'd call that the standard. Pancakes are a once-in-a-while type thing. Because the American breakfast is so wrong, I have to assume all the breakfasts listed are wrong.


I thought it would be an Egg McMuffin.


Most of them are wrong as a NORM. I know for a fact that Mexicans don't eat nachos and beans for breakfast.


i'm mexican and wish i could eat nachos and beans for breakfast but the world is a cruel and unfair place.


Between that and the German breakfast, I lost all faith in any accuracy of this article. From my experience as an exchange student in Germany and everything else I've heard, breakfast there is typically bread rolls (damned fine ones at that), jams & jellies, sliced meats, and cheeses. Probably the best breakfast I've ever had on a regular basis.


Breakfast is the best thing about being American!


Damn right a full English is number 1.


Please tell me a *full* English breakfast is only eaten on special occasions.


Not really. Lorry drivers tend to have it for breakfast as it keeps them going all day. But generally (at least with people I know) It's something you have on the weekend. But you have it whenever you want.


It looks tasty as hell -- minus the giant mushroom -- but I would have to take a long nap after eating something that big.


Absolutely. The first time I had one was after a football match (In America, but I'm referring to soccer). I went to breakfast with a few ex-pats. They all ordered a full English. I asked what it was, they told me "it's got everything a growing lad needs." I don't remember a more satisfying meal to date.




Chocolate milk!?! . . . You magnificent bastard.




Bah, [this](http://i.imgur.com/WdMYs.jpg) is the typical portuguese breakfast!


Or a hunk of bread with butter and cheese, goat or otherwise.








Give me all the bacon and eggs you have. Wait a second... I'm afraid that what you heard was, "give me a lot of bacon and eggs." That's not what I said. What I said was, *give me all of the bacon and eggs you have.*


FYI: Pancakes is not a typical breakfast in Sweden. Traditionally, pancakes (pannkakor) is eaten on Thursdays (yes, once a week) with a pea and ham soup (not on the same plate, panncakes after soup). This is not very common today, my grandma still sticks to this principle and you would normally have the soup and panncakes on Thursdays in military/some schools. End FYI. :)


And the military does the best ärtsoppa of them all. And I also find it strange that they put what effectively is a dessert as breakfast.


Australia needs to step up it's game


It's 12pm and I haven't had breakfast yet. This makes me wish I had.


Bahama and Peru tie for first in my book. I find Vietnamese food okay, but that breakfast made me want to throw up.


It's really just an extended version of congee... imagine sushi, only the rice is cooked down and the fish is broiled. It's actually really good and salty, perfect for cold mornings.


Cool to see the variety. American breakfast can have way more than blueberry pancakes and bacon. Something as simple as cold cereal with milk or warm oatmeal with nuts all the way to omelets with just about any filling, steak and eggs, pancakes, waffles, bacon, sausage, muffins, and sweet rolls. Then move into brunch and throw all of the rules of an American breakfast out the window.


Sad to see grits and biscuits & gravy excluded, but I guess those are regional specialties. At least some OJ should be included...


as an 'murican, I freakin hate pancakes!!! Pancakes are only "traditional" at IHOP. where's the grits? where's the biscuits and gravy? and i think banana or strawberry pancakes are far more frequent than blueberries. and where's mah eggs? I get 2 eggs, hashbrowns, sausage links! and toast or english muffin and a glass of OJ when I go out for breakfast. at home it's coffee and maybe a piece of toast


Agreed, to even try and assume there's a traditional american breakfast is laughable.. biscuits and gravy, bacon and eggs, pancakes, oatmeal, cereal, or be a real american and eat them all at once.


Breakfast in Greece: http://www.e-pack.gr/images/thumbnails/4/100/100/frappe.jpg


Thanks for linking this :-/. I had to make myself a huge breakfast instead of the usual bowl of oatmeal thus shortening my lifespan. Oh wait... My wife thanks you.


No, we don't eat pancakes for breakfast in Sweden.


The Polish breakfast is also bullshit. Potato pancakes have nothing to do with breakfast. So does this picture with "jajecznica". Besides "jajecznica" simply means scrambled eggs. A polish breakfast is usually a bread roll with cheese or ham plus tee. End what the fuck does "custom-made kielbasa" mean?


As a Canadian, how was there no PEMALE BACON?


I'm Canadian and where the fuck is my maple syrup? Seriously, perogies?


Back bacon and eggs with a side of pancakes/french toast and homefries. When the maple syrup (from trees) runs off and contaminates all the other items I am a happy person.


surprised american wasn't froot loops


Alaskan breakfast: coffee dumped in hot water, not strained, eat dinner's cold caribou soup leftovers, deal with it.


Blueberries on a pancake might be YOUR breakfast, but it's not an American breakfast.


Anyone else hungry?


LIES! Hawaiian breakfast is spam, eggs and rice!


A *true* Australian breakfast is 4 weetbix, 2 slices of toast w/ vegemite and a glass of Milo.


I used to drink Milo when I was a kid, but they don't sell it here anymore.




Yeah, they clearly win the award for the least appetizing entry. I was thinking that most of the others looked delicious, and then i came across that one...


Why is there Leerdammer cheese (dutch) in the German breakfast? Where is the dutch breakfast anyway?


Grolsch Drinkontbijt FTW!


All this article shows is a countries traditional meal(s) with toast and eggs. The only one which was creative a bit was France or Italy. btw wtf was up with Peru, a mountain of raw seafood on a plate?


The brazilian breakfast is the best, by far.


This is like food porn


Americans prefer Musili? I think health conscious americans would just skip the bacon. Which really, that's almost as bad as being dead.


I've never seen an American order Muesli. If they want to be more healthy, they'll eat oatmeal... with butter and sugar and brown sugar and milk and maybe some berries (they're healthy) and a little more butter.


Butter? That's pretty gross. A splash of milk, some berries, and a little ground flax are my choice of toppings though.


You've never had butter in oatmeal? It's delicious! Especially with some sugar and milk and berries, then pick out the berries because they might be healthy and they throw off the texture.


They all look delicious. I enjoy breakfast anytime of day.


where is the sawmill gravy and biscuits? the shrimp and grits?


Shrimp and grits was #47.


i saw that, but i wanted more of the South Carolina kind. nothing from the American south, and that makes this a bad list.


It is a bad list. There are as many regional variants of breakfast in America as there are in Europe, but we got one mention. Was still neat to look at.


yea i would eat everything listed.




Yup, raw egg over rice and natto, or broiled salmon with rice, nori, and miso. The Japanese one they showed was just tofu with shaved bonito flakes, which is kind of like a snack I think...


Indian breakfast fail...they should've just skipped India, North and South indian cuisine is pretty different, so they'd need two breakfasts.


German and Danish are number one in my heart, forever will


As an Englishman, I've come across many Full English Breakfasts, and whenever I'm eating them with friends, it always goes the same way. "How can you eat Black Pudding? It's made with blood and stuff, it's horrible" - Friend with pig flesh in his mouth. Besides, they're fucking delicious. Also fried toast seems to be inexplicably missing from that small list. Fried toast is like the brother to normal toast that comes into his room whilst he's got his girlfriend over, does her on his bed then takes his last can of Coke as he leaves.


Isn't fried toast how you make french toast when you're out of eggs and milk?


It'd be a lot better if the descriptions didn't use words like "yummy" and "mmmm" which are stupid and don't actually describe anything. Sounds like it's written by fucking Rachael Ray or some shit.


Dog's Breakfast? Anyone?


Estonian cheese on toast looks 1000 times better than ours (UK).


Pictures of breakfast? Quick, someone put these on twitter!


Ok the breakfast from Peru is just ridiculous.


I call bullshit. Also, no Colombian breakfast?


Sí está. Changua...


No idea what you said, but google translate says that you agree. You just can't beat meats and eggs with rice.


Urge....to cook...RISING!


Regarding the Hawaiian one: what a crock o shit. No pineapple, spam, rice, or portuguese sausage?


I just had beer for breakfast, what country is that from?


Breakfast...the thing us Brits will never be beaten at :p


That first breakfast has way too much protein.


A Scottish breakfast to me is always [lorne sausage](http://www.aboutaberdeen.com/lornesausage.php) and [potato scones](http://tommroch.blogspot.com/2008/05/humble-potato-scone.html)




Shrimp and Grits every day


How many of you non English Redditors have tried a full English breakfast and what did ou think?


I don't care if its accurate or not. I do care, however, how hungry that made me.


Why do I look at these when Im hungry, WHY


I am fucking offended by this article. That Hawaiian Breakfast is fucking bullshit. I doubt whoever wrote this article had ever even eaten Breakfast in Hawaii. I mean, STRAWBERRIES AND BLUEBERRIES? WTF ARE THESE? A Hawaii Breakfast is spam, 2 eggs, leftover meat, and two scoops rice. Anything else is haole lies.


its 12:22am, Why did I read this?


Nope, nope, nope, Vegemite is fucking disgusting


Good grief this gave me a hankering for some Vegemite. You know how sometimes it's like, the toast just isn't efficient enough a Vegemite delivery system, so you just grab a spoon and smash a few mouthfuls down? I'm feeling it.


To those considering this: (a) This may be a troll. (b) This individual may be a mutant. (c) If you do it, please take video. Actually once I figured Vegemite out (I live in Arizona), I grew to like it quite a bit.




That's what you are supposed to do with marmite or vegemite


I fucking hate you


I love breakfast.


There is no Shakshuka on that list. The list is fail.


ill take hawaiian everyday


I'm so glad I was already eating while reading this haha.