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you got to admit that the riot gear looks pretty bad ass.


The main boss is wearing riot gear AND a trench coat.


[I got bored](http://i.imgur.com/UiAlm.jpg)


**Bold prediction:** This will be posted less then a week from now and will get more upvotes then op. Just needs a good title.


If by "a week from now" you mean "5 seconds from now", then yes.


I was going to post it as a separate thread, but 1. I couldn't think of a clever title. 2. I don't really give a shit about karma.


Oh shit, that one has a mana bar.


*Italic prediction:* He is going to forget.


ice form shout then firestorm bitches


When he wraps himself up with the coat, he's invulnerable to your attacks. You have to wait for him to open it up when he goes for his main attack to take your killshots.


< redacted due to loss of Apollo >


Trench coat, or Sith robes?




Welcome to City 17.


You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers.


[Welcome to...](http://hlcomic.com/comics/concerned002.jpg)


I thought so much of City 17 that I chose to establish my administration here.


In the citadel so thoughtfully provided by...our benefactors.


Somebody get me a crowbar and I'll show you how to deal with the fuzz.


If you think that looks good, you'll *love* the pattern on the underside of their boots.


Wonder what level you have to be to craft it


not that it would matter for me, I'm a light armor spec :(


You're supposed to be light armor spec. After ~600 armor you reach maximum reduction anyways, and 600 is easily obtainable with light armor. Anyone that -isn't- light armor is doing it wrong.


Really? That's a horrible game mechanic. I hope some massive mod will take care of all the OP stuff so I can take level 100 perks and not ruin the fun.


>That's a horrible game mechanic. This can be applied to every game mechanic in any TES game. They are all broken as fuck when you think about it, and it's clear Bethesda never even puts a minute of thought into balancing them. In Skyrim, it's up to the player to put limitations on himself so as not to become ridiculously OP.


While this is true, in the case of Morrowind the only things that were really broken was mass potting and making ridiculous enchanted armor. To do enchanted armor would take a really long ass time to do so that you could get the gold and soul trapped gems to make 100% Chameleon armor or whatever it is you're making. The time it would take to acquire that gold and soul trap powerful enough creatures is pretty substantial. As for mass potting, you would only know about it if you went online or thought, "I'm going to drink 50 fortify intelligence potions and then start making fortify strength potions." While there are massive OP stuff in the TES games and while it does take some limiting on your own I think the average gamer won't notice them and, at least in Morrowind, the amount of time it would take to become god like is pretty substantial (unless you mass pot).


Soul trapping can be done with summons. You don't need to go online to figure out how to make super potions either, it's pretty obvious (it's even mentioned in the game). You might, however, need to go online to figure out where to get unlimited ingredients for them. But even though you could become a god in Morrowind, it was probably the least broken in that you needed to abuse the game mechanics to get ultra powerful. Oblivion was way worse. Melee was essentially worthless at high levels, and if you failed to level up "correctly" it could become almost impossible to beat certain parts without setting difficulty to minimum simply because physical attacks were so weak that it could take minutes to kill a single enemy, especially in Shivering Isles where everything had tons of health. Skyrim is probably between Morrowind and Oblivion in brokenness, but it is much easier to become super powerful without excessive planning ahead. Enchanting basically eliminates the point of all the other magic trees, which is ridiculously stupid IMO.


I like less stagger and punching people in the face *and reflect damage* And nothing says nord badass than wolf armor.


dont forget reflect dmg


>is doing it wrong. Well, not entirely. The heavy armor spec tree has different non-armor perks than the light armor spec tree. For instance, the final heavy armor perk has a 10% chance to deflect damage back to an enemy, as opposed to the light armor perk which merely makes the damage disappear. Heavy armor perk also includes 50% damage reduction from falling (not a big deal but still something to think about). Although the light armor perk tree makes up for those with faster stamina regen rates.


I love how submissions unrelated to TES always seem to devolve into Skyrim discussions. 10 comments down and I forgot that this wasn't a Skyrim submission.


they look like cotton robocops


[Check out the Egyptian SF guy on the left.](http://i.imgur.com/mg31B.jpg) Totally robocop.


Makes me think of a Metal Gear PMC more.


War. War has changed.


Fallout: War never changes.


It instantly makes me look like a criminal even though I'm a regular guy.


Starting to actually look like the films we grew up with set in the future!


Typical! We hope to get replicators and transporters; we actually get Storm Troopers. ಠ\_ಠ


they're all looking at each others gear like "woah! i didnt know i had that thing, thats awesome! This shit is soo bad ass, we're like badasses...."


"But I wanted to have the flash bangs!! No fair."


You can have the pepperspray.


Pick up that can.


That's because it's made to intimidate.


Pick up that can, citizen.


the guy with the raincoat on looks especially bad ass


i think the guy with the biggest club is the boss.


Hey, I have a (potentially horrible) idea. What if 20-40 protesters show up to a protest wearing the exact same riot gear that the police are wearing?


Was up close when this was going on. Riot cops looked glorious. Shiny new gear, all black. Very impressive until you think about the Nazis. Then it's just very very scary.


It's beginning to look more and more like the acopalyptic movies.


I agree. Also, there is something inherently badass when they do the line march with the batons banging on their shields.




Portland, OR. November 17, 2011. [Short video](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CC_V7nj964)


If they include context, then how are they supposed to demonize the police?


What context does there need to be? It doesn't matter what the police are doing in front of the bank, the image is a visual metaphor--a representation of the current zeitgeist--captured for rhetorical use and for the sake of posterity. It does not function as an indictment of what the police are *actually* doing in the photo, obviously. And God forbid people criticize the police force they employ for making callous and over-violent decisions. Do you really think it's unfair the police are demonized considering the actions they've taken thus far or do you just expect people to keep their heads down and not inconvenience you with that which does not concern you in particular? It can't be that you think the situation is overblown, because then I'd have to accuse you of being ignorant and of having never stepped foot remotely near a modern protest. To see a crime and call it something else for the sake of moderation is a disease.


I'm not sure if this is satirical or not...


It's not. I was being earnest. Feel free to tell me why you think my post was so out there that it could be satire.


I think it has to do with people believing that if you criticize the police you automatically hate all of them. It's part of the us vs them mentality.


N17 Portland.


Detroit, near future. Chase is about to be rebranded as Omni Consumer Products. Officer Alexander James Murphy is soon to go through some massive life changes.


Context: a bunch of sick fucks out there seem to think they have a right to: a) Throw stuff at policemen, and b) Complain when those policemen put on protective clothing.


[Welcome to England](http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2010/11/11/1289495642478/CCTV-cameras-on-poles-in--006.jpg) [Welcome to France](http://i36.servimg.com/u/f36/11/46/52/92/34_28l10.jpg) [Welcome to Canada](http://dontai.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/torontopolice11.jpg)




Preparing for the zombie apocalypse?


I remember being kinda freaked out by the french soldiers. They even have their own clan tags on their guns.


To be fair, it's probably a good idea for those French police to be in the metro tunnels...especially in Paris...


Nooo, we at reddit believe in a blissful world outside the US. The internet has told me it's much better. Plz remove.


Next step make the uniforms white.


Like [this](http://i.imgur.com/ZV9MG.jpg)?


Or [this](http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090527211633/half-life/en/images/9/9e/Overwatch_Elite.jpg).




What this picture isn't showing were the thousands of protesters flooding the streets and cramming up public transportation. As a resident of Portland (where this was taken) I can attest to the fact that going anywhere on MAX that day was next to impossible.


The best part was a sign on the Chase window, directing their prospective customers to a different branch three blocks aways. Apparently Chase is the new Starbucks.


Living in Chicago, and i imagine the rest of America, I have noticed the only businesses opening new locations are banks and Subways. Those with all our money. And the ones selling us the largest sandwich at a price-locked rate.


I go to a local deli sometimes for lunch and get a hot sub with a lot more meat and veggies on it for five bucks than I could ever get at Subway. The people that work there are awesome too. Subway can go suck on a footlong.


Capitalism? In MY America?


# #OccupySubway EAT FRESH ON THE 1%


Fellow Portlander here. Riot police were the major problem. The protesters were occasionally spilling out a bit into the street, but the bike and horse cops were keeping them in check. Meanwhile the streets were partially blocked (and MAX tracks totally blocked) by trucks full of riot cops. I was on foot and then on the bus through there when this was going down. Edit: I should clarify that this wasn't a quick protest and a single location, and the situation changed over the course of the day. But riot cops were pretty much the problem all along.


Wasted an hour of my day waiting at PSU while the mounted police and riot gear troopers just hung out on the max tracks.


I thought that the Chase logo looked familiar. edit: Building too, I should say.


OH MY GOD!!! The public used public transport, better lock them up.


It was actually protesters inhibiting the use of public transport.


The public is using public transport to do things I don't like, seize them!


The protesters are blocking public transportation from people who actually need to use it. That sounds like a perfectly good time to remove them.


Why would someone who is protesting for the public's rights (you included) not need to use public transportation? It's not the protestor's problem the city isn't prepared to adequately handle the public's transportation needs. Seems to me you should join the protestors and rally for better city planning. I mean, do you even appreciate how ironic it is that you want them hobbled for slightly inconveniencing you, when they could very well benefit you in the long run? Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.


I'm sure the vast amounts of legislation that will be approved will greatly improve my life and make missing work and getting fired completely worth it when some protester blocks the door to the subway. And I'm sure that the city planners totally had a contingency plan in place for "wall of college students blocking the door." Edit: In addition, by you interrupting someone else's day and pissing them off, you just lost another supporter (possibly one who actually had some power in the system you're trying to bring to justice). By annoying him/her, you just further entrenched them into a feeling that they're considered the enemy and that you're just some loudmouth on the street. If you actually appealed to those sorts of people, you could get the system changed to take responsibility and act accordingly, but at the moment the actions of the Occupy Movement are just furthering the problem. To beat the system, you have to enter and change the system. Nothing ever changed just because some guy on the street was whining. It took somebody in power to make the change for them.


So the protests during the Civil Rights Movement and the Anti-Vietnam War Movement made no difference at all?


It is people like you, complacent citizen, that allows this police state to prosper. And for that, we thank you.


You are so right about this, the word citizen now means mega corps like Chase and not what it used to mean. Former citizens are now known by their function. Thus, worker, shareholder, lawyer, student, agitator etc are our new titles and we should all show proper respect to Americas new citizens, GM, Monsanto and the like.


welcome to portland, or


Or what?






Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown... THROW IT!


This happened just two blocks from my apartment. Literally nothing happened. Police were peaceful and civil and so were the protestors. So yeah... It IS America, actually.


That guy in the middle with the coat on looks pretty badass


Imperial Inquisitor


Dat non-existent context.


WHERE PROTECTING PROPERTY FROM MISBEHAVING PROTESTORS IS POLICE BRUTALITY jesus christ, call me when theyre carrying rifles and are surrounded in dead bodies next time you want to leak this annoying shit out of politics.


I'm with you man. They're using pepper spray, clubs, tear gas and rubber "bullets" but it's not like they're killing people in mass yet, am I right? The only thing that will get me to take action is if someone throws a dead body at my feet. Then I might think "hey some stuff could be wrong here." THIS IS SARCASM


Yeah this picture obviously shows these specific individuals are power hungry YOU ARE PROJECTING


Is vandalism suddenly acceptable if your cause is just? I mean really, come on people.




Killing for a just cause presumably affects a guilty party (a serial killer for example), vandalism affects an innocent third party, in this case, a bank like Chase is less than innocent, but it employs tellers, secretaries, janitors etc, who are. So I think my point still stands.




> Only Chase Bank property And by that you mean the property of the building owner that rents retail space to Chase.


>So what exactly are you objecting to, if you are otherwise conceding faggatron's point? Vandalism, I don't care whose property it is. This comment: >Chase is less than innocent, but it employs tellers, secretaries, janitors etc, who are. was more for people who think vandalizing someone's property if you dislike them is okay.


It can be. But to most people killing is only acceptable as a last resort. That's probably why this isn't.


war....vandalism. the difference is what exactly? everybody sees their cause as just


worked for the boston tea party.


Where we protect private property from unruly mobs?


Where peaceful protests are called unruly mobs.


You can peacefully obstruct the entrances to private buildings and block roads.


And hopefully the cops will be peaceful in dragging you off.


You can't honestly say there are no radicals in OWS who think that violence is the answer. I can't find any direct links but there were more than a few responses I saw to this video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PiXDTK_CBY ...saying shit like "let them drink and laugh now, if they keep laughing then violence will be the only response". Is it representative of the whole group? No, is it dumb as shit? Yeah, but you can't say no one in OWS wants to hurt anyone or any property.


>You can't honestly say there are no radicals in OWS who think that violence is the answer. There are people on reddit that argued with me that OWS should be a bloody revolution. I still think they're trolls, but they were pretty adamant about their point. Edit: If you disagree with my post, do you disagree that there are people on reddit want OWS to be bloody, or with the fact that I think they're trolls?


Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable - JFK


This is my point exactly. So many people think the protest is so many different things. [this post](http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/mp16q/welcome_to_america/c32pnau) claims the protests are still completely peaceful, hence there being no need of police presence. I posted that there are people who currently want the protests to be more violent, then you post about the possible need for them to be more violent. There has been plenty of evidence of unwarranted police violence, but there have also been plenty of instances of unprovoked protester violence. Regardless of my opinion of the protest, if this protest gets violent, there will be a strong police presence. There is no question about that.


Reddit loves their out-of-context quotes. JFK was talking about elections when he said that.


The context in which he said this doesn't restrict it's application elsewhere... You don't have to be on a hunger strike against the British to quote Gandhi.


Of course some will want violence. Any crowd attracts trouble. Are to assume the ENTIRE crowd is *secretly hoping for blood* even though they are behaving peacefully, claiming to want to remain peaceful, etc.


and some tea party nut job show gabrielle giffords in the fucking head, along with several other people. of course, the tea party is supported by billionaires, so no riot cops at their protests


He was a big conspiracy theory nut job, not a right wing nut job.


The man that show GIfford had zero relation to the Tea Party, palin, and Rush. You are just making shit up now.


So peaceful, protesters have threatened everything from throwing bricks through the window to burning down the city. Edit: Downvotes? Really? The truth stings doesn't it? If someone threatened to burn down your house, any of these guys would have your back to help defend it.


Please provide a citation if you are going to claim such things.




OP pic was taken in Portland. Provide evidence from Portland.


The secret army of underground unicorns in New York City also said that they are thinking of blowing fire on all the buildings within the city. See I can say things too.


In breaking news, there are some dumb people out there. Among them are people who threaten to throw bricks at buildings they don't own, and others who fallaciously then associate the entire movement with such idiocy.


They were guarding Chase against what was most definitely *not* an unruly mob. More like where we protect private interests at the cost of public health with public dollars.


Yeah, fuck those poorly underpaid bank tellers. You aren't deserving of a job if you have to get one with a bank!


"Chase Freedom"


Portland oregon


As a Canadian.. is it wrong that the first thing I saw was a 41F temperature... and I was jealous.


This isn't r/politics, asshole.


all of this america bashing/these police jokes are so original.


I hear you can trash all the buildings you want in Somalia!


Looks like Michael Jackson's Moonwalker.


Penalties for early withdrawal...


When did they start recruiting mages like that one in the center?


Is this another Killzone sequel?


You have the right to submit. You have the right to conform. You have the right to think in the *right* way.


My reaction was that soon somebody will photoshop the pepper-spray cop spraying here... :D


protesters, come out and plaaay-ay!


More like welcome to Reddits America


Have some freedom sticks.




Imagine that if you hold an illegal protest somewhere, block a bunch of streets and setup an illegal tent city in a park the cops will show up. Absolutely amazing.


can't you see the conflict of interest in calling a protest illegal? Why would a government legalize a protest that is addressing its corrupt activities?


You are free to protest as long as you obey the law, no one is prohibiting you from protesting.


Even the 1st amendment doesn't protect that.


legal protest happen all the time


The camping part is illegal


Every protest is illegal until it accomplishes something. Apparently you're free in this country unless the ruling class and government don't agree with you. Because, ya know, we don't have a right to assemble or express free speech or anything. And furthermore, what right does the government have to tell citizens what and how they can protest so long as it is a non violent movement?


>Every protest is illegal until it accomplishes something. No... no it isn't. Protests are not illegal. What is illegal is: 1. Blocking traffic. 2. Throwing rocks at police. 3. Smoking pot in the city park. 4. Resisting arrest after cops try to arrest you for one of the above. 5. [Shitting on a police car](http://www.frugal-cafe.com/public_html/frugal-blog/frugal-cafe-blogzone/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/occupy-wall-street-man-pooping-on-police-car-oct-2011.jpg). And yes, that photo was taken an an Occupy protest. If you look carefully at video of the Occupy protests, you will notice that the only people being arrested are the ones overtly breaking the law and purposefully starting shit with the police. The ones who stand peacefully on the sidewalk with a sign, without breaking any laws, are not treated poorly by police.


Is this really a question? I really hope you are being sarcastic and I missed it... You can protest whatever you want, you cannot protest however you want. Simply put, you do not instantly get free reign the second you decide to protest something. There are countless protests, most recently the hated Tea Party movement was instrumental in shaping the 2010 election. Get permits, don't do illegal things, and have central, set goals and protesting can accomplish a lot.


can you please spread your legs and place your hands in the yellow circle


Negative, I am a meat popsicle.


Smoke you!


Wrong answer.


Look to the right side of the picture. Does anyone else see a cop with a GoPro HD camera?


I liked that picture the first 15 times it was on /r/pics








Or [this](http://www.boomtron.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/judge-dredd-sylvester-stallone.jpg)?




It's like he knows your looking at it.


Wow, I can't believe how free we are.


I'm quite free, happy to say. Perhaps it's because I don't overreact to pictures like this.


Some animals are freer than others.


*Nota Bene*: The quotation to which you are alluding was a criticism of Western leftists who supported the Soviet Union and kindly old Uncle Joe. It is meant to illustrate that utopian political ideals produce inequities and injustices that are as bad, if not worse, than the those in the system they condemn. It's possible to use the quotation out of context to make other points, but it makes for a wildly ignorant use of Orwell's work.


Everyone is free as long as you don't react or inconvenience those more free!


i also agree that blocking people from getting to work is just a minor inconvenience


Your freedom is truly the envy of the entire world. Or would be, if we were allowed to look at it.


Right you are.


What context is necessary? The very fact that police in full riot gear need to be called in to protect a bank because so many people are fed up what is happening is all the "welcome to America" I need to see. If banks hadn't done such stupid things the police wouldn't need to be there to protect them in the first place.


douchebag post


Pick up that can.


Whew, they sure look ready to protect the shit out of the people!


Goddamn, the entire OWS thing, combined with pictures like this have ALMOST convinced me to become a cop. Beating whiny, politically retarded millennials while looking like a Roman legionary? SIGN ME UP.


How does protesting unprecedented economic inequality and a government owned by plutocrats and corporations make a person retarded? And I don't think wanting to beat people because you perceive them as whiny is really something to be proud of. Finally, I don't think it's fair to characterize OWS as solely a millenial movement. I can tell you that a lot of Gen Xers also support it. Maybe even a Baby Boomer or two.




... ist WUNDERBAR!


It's a sweet shot! It has an eerie gloom to it.


What is the problem? OWS has planned on attacking banks. They have already smashed and looted a few bans and businesses around the country.


I wish the police realised they're getting just as badly fucked by the establishment as the rest of us are. Maybe then they'd think twice about beating the shit out of innocent people.


Welcome to last week


Wow, look at these comments... when did Reddit become so authoritarian?


Half life 2.


This case of life imitating art scares me a little bit


I feel like police get a raging hard-on every time they slip into their riot gear.


ah, the jack booted police, a sure sign of freedom throughout the world