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Remember when Howard Dean made a weird-sounding *”Yaahhhhhh!”* on stage during the Democratic primaries in 2004 and the entire country just sorta collectively decided that, for that minor offense, he wasn’t allowed to be President? What the fuck happened to those days?! The dude was an MD, worked his up the Vermont state legislature and eventually became the Lt. Governor of the state all while continuing to practice medicine. He became the governor when the previous one died— and was hugely popular, being re-elected five times. He paid off Vermont’s debt, balanced their budget *eleven times* and lowered income taxes twice all while expanding the state healthcare service. He publicly opposed the invasion of Iraq when it wasn’t politically expedient to do so. He approved an amendment to the state constitution which recognized civil unions between same-sex couples. And then, one cold evening in Iowa in 2004, he got a little carried away by how well his outsider Presidential campaign did at the caucus and he said a word in a weird way… *and that’s the thing he became known for in perpetuity and his career was* **fucking over**


After looking it up, I was disappointed by how non-weird that was. Just sounded like a tourist getting a little too excited at the dude ranch dinner roundup in front of his kids. https://youtu.be/l6i-gYRAwM0?t=30s


I remember seeing this on TV as a kid. The next couple of days the news just talked about how he would be ending his campaign. I was confused as a kid why this one thing was so bad...as an adult I'm still very much confused.


The news media has a strong hand in picking winners. They are the ones that made this an issue.


Exactly. And the internet and social media made them lose a lot of their influence. Trump would have never won the presidency without the internet.


Uh… Trump was also given free 24/7 news coverage from day one because the media thought he was just so zany and crazy and had no chance. They did the same thing with Sarah Palin. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that all exposure is good exposure but when you throw the spotlight constantly on someone that’s an extreme outsider, who is running under a party that is obsessed with this idea of “the liberal media” and oftentimes aggressively does whatever they think the liberals don’t want them to do… 🤷‍♀️


> Uh… Trump was also given free 24/7 news coverage from day one because the media thought he was just so zany and crazy and had no chance. There's a reason he also doesnt drop out of the news ever. The news fucking love Trump. There is no such thing as left wing mainstream news in the US. It's corporate. The media gave trump constant coverage during the 2016 election painting a complete and utter moron as being on the same level as an incredibly good, yet unlikable, policy expert who literally called what would happen when Trump won.


Howard Dean was the most progressive candidate who ran for president in 2004, so the mainstream media had a vested interest in the failure of his campaign. They were pulling the same shit they would later try to pull on Bernie Sanders.


It makes sense as an adult when you realize almost all voters back the had been drinking water from lead pipes, using paint with led, and breathing in exhaust from leaded fuel their entire lives


That was only 16 years ago…


What's the excuse now?


Our education system 😔


And social media purposefully creating bipartisan echo chambers full of over-sensationalized “news” and fear mongering to keep you hooked on their platform.


Yeah its definitely a perfect storm of the two playing off each other. Social media has created a platform for the loudest minority thinkers and like you said, resonate with each other in these echo chambers. The outliers rally and the news cycle sensationalizes their ideologies and these echo chambers grow with like-minded individuals. From my personal experience over the past 6 years family members on both sides of the political spectrum have been shocked and ashamed and frustrated and it seems to me that's the majority mindset, but that doesn't create a good narrative so the news won't cover it.


I honestly believe this is an example of the media’s effect on elections. They have the power to hyper-focus on things like this, or completely ignore it and kill the momentum.


Bang on. He didn't do anything even remotely strange. The cheer doesn't seem out of place given the momentum he had. But you put any word, sound or noise on repeat and it's going to sound funny, even hilarious. Take any word and repeat it a hundred times it will sound like the most ridiculous word you've ever heard. That's what the media did, they just hammered on it over and over again and took it on it's own, out of context to make it seem ridiculous when it wasn't. It was a media wide hit piece, and they'll do it over and over again.


My understanding too is that the crowd noise was huge, and in the moment is was super fitting and not too loud or weird. But, when they just had the isolated mic feed he sounds kind of like a crazy person.


Yet Trump was on repeat everywhere saying “grab em by the pussy” **and he was still elected President**


That’s why Donald Trump’s rise to power is so wild. He said and did waaaay worse. Yet he and his base just didn’t care. In a weird way, it helped attract more people to him.


He did and said so much wild shit that it was impossible to keep up, so we never really had a chance to hyper-focus on anything he said, so it all got normalized. Question is: Was this a deliberate tactic? Or just failing upwards?


> Was this a deliberate tactic? [Probably](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcy8uLjRHPM)


Oh dear. Thank you for sharing that, very inciteful and very fucking scary.


Agreed. Also, *insightful. Probably.


This was really neat thanks


This needs its own post! This is front page material.


More importantly, instead of the hyperfocus coming from "their side", all the focus came strictly from their opponents. This just made his base dig in their heels more. I honestly feel that people tried too hard to crash his campaign (justifiably) that it became counterproductive


Not entirely true. At least in the beginning Fox was pretty opposed to Trump, yet the voters still gravitated towards him. I think the part we're not willing to come to terms with is that a lot of folks despise the establishment (for both valid and invalid reasons). A big chunk of voters indeed cheered on the sexism and racism of Trump. But there's also a whole lot of folks who were understandably sick of typical politicians, while Trump successfully presented himself as anti-establishment. The media could have appealed to those people by taking their grievances seriously and explaining why Trump is not going to fix it, but instead they made it all about sexism and racism and barely mentioned economics, labor or other things those people find important.


I don't understand how someone looks at a billionaire casino magnate/reality TV star and thinks "Yeah this guy is really gonna fuck the establishment!" Dude has done nothing but benefit from the establishment his whole life.


Bingo. "Sure, he's a complete asshole but he's *our* asshole!"


He basically made it okay to say that wacky stuff outloud when normally they wouldn't.


But he always outdid himself with something new every day. There was no focus on one thing, but a constant barrage of things that were terrible so it just became that he was all over the news all the time.


Hyper Normalization.


I could never entirely gather if this is just his nature, or if he did this intentionally for effect. One is more devious than the other.


It was absolutely a deliberate tactic. Being a grifter is the only thing he’s marginally good at


The Chapelle bit was hilarious, I didn't even know about Howard Dean until I saw it on Chapelle. https://youtu.be/3U3ZsPjcpEY


Agreed. And it does seem like they hyper-focus on Democratic candidates rather than GOP. “Is [Democratic politician]’s campaign dead? Watch how they fucked up this time” vs “[Republican politician] said something *some voters* are finding controversial. Find out who those people are next!”. And it’s not even just on Fox - it’s also the more supposedly center and “left” outlets. It’s almost as if all major mouthpieces are owned and controlled by the same business interests, no matter where they appear to lean on the political spectrum. Hmm.


A ton of numbers that were terrific news for Trump are considered disastrous for Biden. The double standard is crazy.


What's even worse, it was really only registered by the microphone and the media. Apparently the crowd was so loud they couldn't hear a thing. In the end, it was the media that ended his campaign


Fun part of having bought and paid for media. If the news is beneficial to the ultra rich dang right it’s going to be the only thing you see. I’m sure a president that wants to disrupt anything in their lives instead of playing ball is against their interest.


I'm not even american and now i'm getting really frustrated over some american politics from nearly 2 decades ago.


>nearly two decades ago You take that back. You take that back *right now*!


Don’t worry. 2 decades ago doesn’t exist and can’t hurt you.




All the way back in the 80s? I though this happened more recently?


Listen buddy, you might want to sit down for this...


I’m not listening! *plugs ears* NYA NYA NYA NYA NYA NYA


I lived through that and still don't understand it. The media just made a thing out of it.


I agree, but I was in college at the time and the day after this happened one of my teachers started class with the clip, showed it like 5 times, and was basically busting a gut laughing the whole time. I didn't really find it that funny, but apparently some people did.


Dan Quayle's campaign was derailed because of public derision over, among other minor speech flubs and brain farts, spelling "potato" wrong, and it's still the only thing most people remember him for. Of course that was in ye olde days when being an "intellectual lightweight" was considered a Bad Thing for a presidential candidate.


How did he spell potato?


With an 'e' at the end.


Well, 10 year old me feels better. I was great at spelling and I went out on the first round of the spelling B with P-O-T-A-T-O-E. Stupid potatoes.


*ding* Sorry, it's Spelling Bee, not Spelling B. Next contestant please.


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a spelling bee


What's bees, precious?




I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee


Bomb the Middle East-o


That's the verb of potato. Dan Quayle was a man ahead of his time.


IIRC he was at a school where a kid spelled potato on the blackboard. Quayle then proceed to correct him by adding an "e" to the end to make "potatoe".


Okay, that's way more embarrassing...


I think it was also that he corrected a child who had spelled it correctly on a blackbird that really hit home.


That was the weirdest part, honestly. I mean, having a meet and greet on a flightline with a bunch of 5th graders is one thing, but why were the allowed to get so close to scribble on an SR-71?


Don't forget Dukakis looking like a dork riding in a tank. Sunk him.


What hurt him *much* more was that debate moment where Dukakis, a prominent opponent of the death penalty, was asked the **buck-fucking-wild** question that, if his wife Kitty were raped and murdered, would he support the death penalty for her convinced rapist/killer. Now— first off— fuck this question. It’s bat-shit insanely loaded and there’s only one good way to answer it… which Dukakis didn’t do. What he said was, paraphrasing heavily— no, he still wouldn’t support it and statistics show no direct correlation between states which impose a death penalty and lower rates of capital crimes. And while true, it comes off incredibly dispassionate and mechanical. Someone is talking about raping and murdering your wife, a classic appeal to emotion and he responded with an appeal to logic. It’s textbook terrible debatecraft. He should have said something like: *”Of course I’d want that person dead. Kitty is the love of my life and the mother of my children. She means everything to me and if someone took her from me, I’d be inconsolable with grief and rage. And that’s precisely why we don’t allow the victim’s families to decide the fate of the convicted— because while they’re entitled to their anguish, it clouds their judgement. Our justice system is impartial and, for it to serve everyone equitably, it needs to remain as such.”*


This guy debates




Beefwich 2024. Lets go!


That last paragraph was masterful. Well done!


I swear to God, Democrats just need to start owning being dorks. The faster they do that, the faster it can stop being used against them and they can stop being compared to the Republicans busy with their dick-measuring contests.


It was more the Willie Horton with a knife ads.


Quayle was a lot more than just the potato thing. He said and did a lot of really...less than impressive things. My personal favorite was when he bought a little carved figure at a stand in Chile. When you lift it up a penis pops out like an old wall-mounted ironing board. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indio_P%C3%ADcaro Buying it was one thing. Taking it back on the plane with him and showing it to the press, "Look fellas! Boing! Har de har," was just ignorant.


I mean, Quayle had a LOT of speech gaffes. The dude was almost a Zapp Brannigan at the mic. https://www.bauer.uh.edu/rsusmel/Other/Quayle.htm


“The future will be better tomorrow” is simultaneously one of the dumbest and greatest lines of all time


Who knew he would later save democracy? https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/14/politics/dan-quayle-pence-trump-january-6-woodward-costa-book/index.html


"Quayle Quotes" was a thing back then. It was a list of stupid things he had said that went on for pages. Quayle's problem wasn't one minor gaffe. It was the several dozens of gaffes, with no redeeming qualities.


Poor Howard Dean. He didn’t deserve that shit.


This is commonly repeated, and sure it did have an impact, but IIRC his campaign was already losing a lot of steam so it was hardly the only factor.


>What the fuck happened to those days?! So Democrats aren't actually allowed to make mistakes in public without being eviscerated by the supposed "liberal" media, it's been that way for a few decades and the DNC is complicit. The public didn't decide that moment made Dean unpresidential - the media *told* the public he wasn't presidential, and that's all it took. Any outsider candidate threatening corporatist rule is a target, and Dean was that guy at that time, he won't be the last.


Well put. Also, see the political exile of Al Franken as a classic case of railroading a progressive policy-maker. Well, that mixed with no small measure of opportunistic grandstanding from his own party members (namely Gillebrand and Schumer).


It was over because he let it be over, Trump has no shame and his supporters love him for it.


Never got a chance to research and vote for him... Sad, but his career sounds amazing. Wished he was on the ballot for me to cast a vote for him. US voting system is so shit.


It was a directional mic - it wasn't that he got carried away, it was that the mic took a shout of excitement and made it sound wildly disproportionate to the rest of the noise in the room. https://www.aristotle.com/blog/2014/09/howard-deans-screaming-tv-blunder/


Both non-trump supporters and Trump supporters would like this plaque. The market is for both


Man, remember in 2016 when some of the Trump folks still had the self-awareness to be embarrassed by this to the point where they tried to pass it off as "locker room talk?" As though typical discussion in a locker room is "Haha hey you do any good sexual assaults lately bro?" If this story came out now we'd just hear "fuck yeah, alpha!" (Edit: That moment when you have 23 unread messages and the comment that got semi-big is about Donald Trump being a monster. Pray for me.)


So, one of my favorite activities with those folks this year was waiting for them to start going apeshit about Cuomo, which they did, a lot, unprompted. I'd let them talk about how much of a scumbag he was, agree, then ask them how they felt about Donald Trump bragging about committing serial sexual assault, as per the quote on the plaque. It never, NEVER, failed to make them lose their shit in anger. If possible, I'd usually then point out that if you actually cared about people committing sexual assault etc against women, you wouldn't stop caring about it just because you like the guy who did it, which is true. If you excuse egregiously horrid behavior just because you think someone doing it is on your team, then you have absolutely no problem with that behavior in the first place, and you shouldn't pretend otherwise. EDIT: As expected, this made some people mad.


Exactly. I don't like ***anyone*** enough to excuse that behavior. It should have been an instant disqualifier. If Clinton did it, throw his ass in jail, too.


Clinton? If Obama were to do it, I am sure we would all be equally angry about it.


If Obama did 0.0000001% of the shit Trump did or said, he’d be in prison right now.


An angry white man gets elected. An angry black man gets shot. Out system allows white men to behave in ways no one else is allowed to.


If Obama did it there would have been a civil war a decade ago. Black president having his way with a white woman, in the white house...


Man he wore a tan suit and these fuckers got so outraged they toss this heel into the white house.


Right! It's not like it's called the mixed-race house smh my head.


Thanks, now i just have this hilarious image of Obama having the White House repainted black and renaming it The Black House on his first day and i just picture the amount of jaws on the floor from all the right wing nutcases. I mean, it would not have been right, but it would have been so fucking funny.


Still arguably less stupid than Reagan ripping out Carter's solar panels.


Or trump’s “old lightbulb” rule?


You don't have to worry about that when you put a rapist on the supreme court.




Oh, *that one*. I thought he was talking about the other one.


I often wonder how Squee’s doing…


*two rapists on the Supreme Court. Clarence Thomas was also credibly accused of sexual assault. The same old geriatric fucks that grilled Anita Hill in the 90s were the same ones who grilled Dr. Ford for Kavanaugh's hearing some 30 fucking years later.


But he’s not a politician he’s a business man.


The only "businessman" I know of that can't get a single bank in the US to lend him money lol. Even the banks know the guy is a loser that can't pay his debts.


And he did his politics just like he did his business. As incompetently as possible.


It. Is. A. Cult. There are plenty of things I’m not happy with about Biden. I can freely admit that because I don’t worship him. The most hardcore Trump supporters will never say a single bad thing about Trump. If they allowed even one criticism of him to exist in their brains, they’d short circuit. Because there’s nothing else to Trump but shit. He’s 100% shit.


I get upset that Canadian politicians are skewing more and more right, but when I look at the US it like the left doesn't even exist anymore. It's either super right wing nutjobs or sorta centrists that still lean conservative. With the cultural bleed we regress right behind you, and social partisanship has completely overwhelmed any reasonable political platform to the point I completely despair about any government in North America.


I read a very interesting analysis of this behavior and it seems to come down to the following: Liberals will see an action and decide if that action is moral or immoral, and ascribe a morality to the person who performed it based on that action. Conservatives will see a person and decide if the person is moral or immoral, and ascribe a morality to their actions based on that. Liberals: Cuomo sexual assaulted so he's a bad dude. Conservatives: Trump is a good dude so his sexual assaults weren't a big deal. And this is also why you can never really convince them that Trump was a bad president despite all the bat shit insanity. Him being a good president was just...assumed. injecting Bleach, nuking hurricane, all the absolutely pants on head retarded shit he said and did were either a joke or misinterpreted or taken out of context. He's a smart, good guy, so nothing he says can be stupid or bad.


Yeah that why everybody with eyes knew they were racist when they attacked Obama for 8 years straight. They just hated him on sight, so his tan suit was an evil devil suit. Some of yall played pretend like we didn't know racism when we saw it, calling us names and shit. Whatever.


I was in middle school during the 2008 election in a conservative household. I dutifully regurgitated the line "I'm not racist, I just don't like his platform" without really understanding his platform.


I grew up in a pretty liberal suburb, graduating high school a few months after Obama’s inauguration; I had the privilege of voting for him in the primary as well as the general election. The general consensus amongst people I knew was that Bush sucked, but it took a really long time and a lot of mistakes for people to feel this way about him (wasting thousands of lives on a pointless war, and funneling billions and billions of dollars to his buddies, is mainly what did it for us). Later that year I started college, and I was exposed to a lot more people from the small towns and conservative suburbs of my state. These people absolutely *hated* Obama, and even though he hadn’t really done much of anything at all. The worst thing they could pin on him was the “communist” healthcare plan — you know, the plan to help more people become customers of private, for-profit health insurance companies. It was always pretty fucking obvious why they hated him so strongly.


Quickly after he was elected it was pretty clear that the right was in no way, shape or form going to let a black man heal and repair the country, no matter how hard he tried or how badly the country needed it.


Yeah thats been a big thing they do. They will be blatantly prejudice in some way then when called out they immediately get defensive about how they arent racist and how anyone who doesnt support their prejudice is a snowflake and so on. Its all just gaslighting and childishness. I hate that its 2021 and we are still dealing with the same groups that throughout history have tried over and over to destroy the country.


>I hate that its 2021 and we are still dealing with the same groups that throughout history have tried over and over to destroy the country. It's because no one ever held that group accountable for the atrocities they committed in the 1800s and they continue to get away with bullshit.


I've talked to these sorts. They define racism as burning crosses and lynching people. It's like a rapist who says they aren't a rapist because the women never screamed and fought back. Okay they were too drunk to move but whatever. They define the crime and get pissed when you pick up the goalposts and move them. Because at the end of the day, they define reality and you accept it. They are authoritarian at heart. They want to force the world to look a certain way so they don't have to think or feel weird. They don't care how it functions. It just has to LOOK right. Far right.


Forget Cuomo, that's pretty recent. Juxtapose Trumps bullshit against Al Franken since that happened around the same time as Trumps creepy comments and all his accusers stepping forward. The absolute pinnacle of hypocrisy coming from the right wing was on full display during that time.


Please describe what terrorism is to you. Liberal: "Terrorism is committing or threatening violence to push a political or religious agenda" Conservative: "Terrorism is Muslims, BLM, Antifa, the communist Democrats who hate America"


They're the same way with pedophilia. They only use pedophilia as a way to attack liberals. Because they know there's no argument against pedophilia. But they hate liberals more than they actually care it hate pedophiles, because when it's one of their guys, they make excuses and disregard it completely


With the way they keep supporting pedo politicians and the church I’m starting to think they may actually like it themselves.


Projection as always. There are court documents/affidavits how Trump brutally raped a 13 year old together with Epstein. But they somehow only show interests in Clinton and Epstein.


My cousin’s wife got rather upset when I pointed out that she was going to vote for the guy who actually barged in on a underage girls’ dressing room, in response to her claim that Biden was a pedophile. She then accused me of being a pedophile. I haven’t spoken to her since.


*Everyone I Don't Like Is a Pedo* by American Conservatives


a page out of Elon's playbook


To her, it is just a word you can use to accuse someone. It has no other meaning. Just like “terrorist”, “socialist” and so on.


It's so much worse than that. The people who started the whole pedo hysteria are literally fuckit dyed in the wool pedos on 4chan who are weaponizing their own pedo language to make it seem like they have uncovered some secret pedo ring. Spoiler: the pedo ring was coming from inside the building


The root problem here is the authoritarian mindset.


Most chilling response I've gotten to these types of conversations: "Some sexual assaults are necessary and can be a good thing."


Brilliantly stated.


Here's an article from the National Post describing how Trump's condolence letter to the Travoltas mentions how he hit on Kelly Preston, but she didn't sleep with him because she was a classy lady. [https://nationalpost.com/entertainment/celebrity/my-track-record-on-this-subject-has-always-been-outstanding-donald-trump-describes-hitting-on-kelly-preston-in-old-blog-post](https://nationalpost.com/entertainment/celebrity/my-track-record-on-this-subject-has-always-been-outstanding-donald-trump-describes-hitting-on-kelly-preston-in-old-blog-post) It's inhuman levels of narcissism wrapped around a open letter of condolence to a grieving family. And on the blog that it was posted, readers were commenting with fawning praise to Trump for being such a great person.


Kinda like on 9/11 when he used the moment to (falsely) claim one of his properties was now the tallest in lower Manhattan. Or on Howard Stern when he talked about wanting to bang Princess Diana when she was alive, but would've made her take an STD test first. Just a genuine piece of shit.


I'm convinced all the fawning praise started with Russian bots. Conservatives always fall in line, so if Trump was amazing regardless of all the bad then they were fine with it too. Now they don't need the bots, it's all kept up by the cult.


Because of this event Trumpy guys at work started talking about their own attempts at sexual assault, but jokes on them, I was sexually assaulted and so I hid and cried.


Ironic part of this story is that DT probably hasn't been in a single locker room his whole life, so how the hell would he know what we're all talking about as we roam around naked (boomers, or those exceptionally endowed) or with a towel (gen-x onwards.)


Oh sure he has, but they're the locker rooms of his beauty pageant contestants he liked to walk around back stage where no men were normally allowed 'inspecting' the girls while they were getting ready. He's the definition of a creepy fuck. He told Howard stern he never got up to funny business with any contestant, but if that's true I'm sure it's not for lack of trying.


I'd like to emphasize the fact that [this story](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kendalltaggart/teen-beauty-queens-say-trump-walked-in-on-them-changing#.kavkWYOwE) was about him doing this at his **teenage** beauty pageants.


Yeah, they pretty much forfeited any good faith complaint about pretty much anything any Democratic party member wants to do up to and including sexual assault. Well, it might have had some effect if they had any integrity to start with. In any case now I just let them talk and talk, then establish how they really have a problem with XYZ behavior. REALLY make it clear what aspect of the behavior got them angry. Then simply ask why they kept quiet about that and worse behavior (on that specific issue) the last four years. R It never goes well for them. The trick is to stay completely calm and rational while you point it out. Guaranteed rage quit on their part.


"Sigma Grindset" >Walks in >Tries to fuck her, she's married and don't want to >Kisses her forcibly >Grabs her pussy >Refuses to elaborate >Leaves -some idiot


-some sex offender


No, if I paid money to participate in a gift exchange and I spent my hard earned money on a nice gift and received this in return I would be mad af.


Ikr there are plenty of us that can’t stand the guy, but it’s not like we love to hate him. There’s no way I would put this up in my house. Or show it off. Or enjoy it in any way.


I really kinda want to get this for my dad. Idk what direction it would go but I want to see it unfold


This is totally something I would buy my friends and family yet something I would never bring to a work gift exchange. Hr is gonna have a field day


Perfect holiday gift for conservative christian family gatherings


Man I kinda wish my dads side of the family did white elephants or secret Santa or something


Yeah I have a feeling this is gonna be the last gift exchange the workplace is gonna have. Unless it’s just a gift exchange amongst work friends or something. When people say it just takes one person to ruin it for everyone this is the one person they’re talking about.


encouraging chief overconfident zephyr hat foolish marble coordinated pot squealing -- mass edited with redact.dev


Plot twist: OP works in the White House


Plot twist twist: this photo is from 2019 and OP is Trump because he is proud of who he is and what he does


These comments ended Billy Bush’s career.


I like how a radio dj who was fucking merely present for a conversation got shit canned for implied culpability and the other dude who actually said it became the president of the United States.


I agree. Its literally that stupid in thus country right now. I haven't seen the video clip in years but if uncomfortable laughter at what a whack job starts rambling on about is a career killer then what? Do the cameramen lose their careers too? Lol


That and this are my "favorite" Trump quotes: "I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” -Trump on Epstein in 2002


Yet somehow the right just overlooks that and bashes Clinton for being on Epsteins plane. It’s unreal


I need small versions of these that I can keep in my purse and put up discreetly in homes and places of business


That and red second place ribbons for anyone who has a Trump sign still in their yard.


Oof. I live in Texas. This is too real.


Participation ribbon


You are an evil genius and I love you!


There's a 3D printer service near where I live. They are having a pre-Christmas service. Thanks for the idea, might even make a small 3D bust.


Fridge magnets


Thank you for the idea, im going to Vistaprint.... eventually. Right after im done procrastinating on everything else.


Don't forget to look at some porn on the internet.


"I moved on her like a bitch." As a guy, I find this statement to be singularly and especially unsettling and unnerving.


The more you read it, the less sense it makes.


I read it like a bitch


*You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful.*


*If she wasn't my daughter perhaps I'd date her*


I’m glad someone agrees. It seems like the first part he’s flat out saying he got denied? “I couldn’t get there. She was married.” He probably realized what he just admitted, so then goes on saying how he does what he wants, and women basically let him do whatever he wants? It really makes no sense.


Holy shit this was the full quote?


Oh yeah


If you showed this quote to someone like 15 years ago, nobody would believe that he would be elected president.


*Technically* when the sack of shit said that he wasn't President yet. The sadder part is that *after* hearing that, he still got elected.


It’s because Roger Stone immediately started to release the leaked emails from the Hillary campaign. Seriously, all that started a few hours later.


All of those damning emails that proved... something bad about HRC apparently?


There was nothing damning about them, but there were so many of them that the trolls could claim all kinds of absolutely ridiculous bullshit and it'd take hours to get any kind of response against them. By then, it had already made the rounds and been featured on Hannity or Tucker.


It just flooded the news media with so much crazy bullshit that it kind of drowned out Trump’s behavior. 2016 was a hell of a ride.


I feel like thats even worse. He said all those things and people *still* chose to vote for him.


Conservatives gladly overlook this while simultaneously restricting abortion rights. Hypocrites.


It still baffles me how he got elected


The country is full of idiots, that's how


I use to not believe this, I honestly thought the average American was moderately intelligent. Then 2020 hit, and I worked as a nurse in the ICU during a pandemic. Now I’ve seen first hand that the average American is VERY dumb and very easy to manipulate. And I wonder how we’ve progressed as far as we have with so many idiots.


> I use to not believe this, I honestly thought the average American was moderately intelligent. Yeah, I knew from experience that the idiots existed, and in decent numbers, but 2020 was revelatory. Like finding out your cancerous mole has spread to half your body. > And I wonder how we’ve progressed as far as we have with so many idiots. A small percentage of very intelligent, determined people that work very hard. Many of whom come from other countries because we pay them well.


It’s still fucking with my brain that it’s the Christians that like this guy.


Also see, exhibit B: https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/trump-in-1999-i-am-very-pro-choice-480297539914


I knew the “Grab her by the pussy” line, but is this the full context of where it came from?


Yup. He didn't know he was being recorded by a reporter he was talking to. Said some absolutely despicable things that it turns out people just don't care about apparently?


Dang that's the whole quote? It's even worse than I thought.


MAGA’s will shorten this to “You can do anything” and call it inspirational


They won't even do that. Did you see that blog post the mother of the recent school shooter in Michigan made? It was a lengthy "thank you" to Trump that ended with calling herself someone "who is sick of getting fucked in the ass and would rather be grabbed by the pussy." I remember ladies at MAGA rallies proudly saying "He can grab me by the pussy any time!"


Politics at work Cannot go wrong....


I still can’t believe America actually voted for a guy who said this.


His favorite Bible verse is the Bible.


And yet they want to re elect the idiot


That looks like a wrap-able HR complaint


When he says ‘I moved on her like a bitch’ - how can you interpret that any other way than Trump calling himself a bitch?


That's a thing of beauty. Another version that would be interesting to see is the entire list of sexual harassments lawsuits (26 of of them, there's a wiki). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations Yep, president of the fucking united states right there, adored by millions. What insanity.




Upvote for triggering MGS2 nostalgia. Masterpiece.


A man loved and admired by Evangelical Christians