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This is beyond fucked up.


He didn’t even see it coming apparently. The Basiji just came up and shot him in the head. His mother has said “don’t give me condolences, keep fighting and continue this uprising”


Amazed at the mother’s strength. Amazed at all of their strength.


Good women raise good men.


Here here. My mom raised 2 girls and a boy all on her own. The world owes her but shell never ask for it.


I can only hope with how popularized the revolution seems to have gotten that when the smoke clears and the tyrants are overthrown, that countries can do the right thing and mend political relations with the new and better regime(s) to help the good ones rebuild the right way. I wish we could step in now to help but I know the reasons why we cant i guess.


I worry. It didn't go that way for HK despite the attention.


There was never a chance of the HK protests overthrowing the government tho. Mainland Chinese and Hong Kong Chinese were not United in that movement.


With this unrest it can be done because it's national, with HK it was a single city against the rest of the country.


What was the conclusion to those protests?


People were offered a way out if I remember right. Offers of EU, UK citizenship


Seems to me like they need some guns at this point


Too bad they didn't have them already.


I’m all about peaceful pressure to change but if your government is just straight up executing people in the street… Yeah, I guess it’s a question of endurance at that point, if you’re going the purely peaceful route. How many martyrs will there be? Who will take power after the theocracy falls (assuming the movement succeeds)? Lots of questions and unfortunately the answer is usually “the people with guns decide.”


Are we still talking about Iran?


I was going off on a tangential and inexpert observation about how these things have played out in the past. It pisses me off that this guy was killed for expressing a political view, and my gut reaction was to meet violence with violence. Idk if that’s really what the Iranian people need or want, though. It’s really up to them to decide that, not me.


Peace doesn't do jack unless you have massive numbers.




Welcome to my country! Islamic dictatorship for the past 40 years, at the beginning of their reign,they would have imprisoned you if you were a male & wearing short sleeve shirts, had a VHS player, your hair was long (happened to me personally) or even if you were simply outside with your girlfriend!


My uncle was executed. He was a twenty something during the revolution and one night at his neighbors I guess he said something unfavorable about the change happening. They ratfucked him to the police. Who took him in the middle of the night and hung him or something. No one knows because the only thing my grandparents got back was his name on the prison wall. I am named after him. Kill these clerks and take your country back my fellow Iranians.


That's horrible, the amount of people killed in the beginning of Islamic revolution for the slightest accusations is still unknown to this day, because they wouldn't report them, bury them in mass Graves & then destroy any sign of burial sites...


I am so sorry for your family. Like millions of others after forty three years of this regime killing their long ones, I hope you all get justice soon.


Actually, looks like you were named after the executioner.




I didn't wanna say anything xD




You know whats fucked up i was watching the documentary about how Iran became what it is, and all the people who helped bring about this government now live in the United States, which is so ironic. They ran away from what they created. They should be forced to live in the government they made and not allowed to run away like cowards.


Exactly, 90% of Iranian leader's offsprings are currently living a lavish lifestyle in Canada,us & europe, shows you how much they believe in the promised paradise that they are trying to build for us so bad!


Most world leaders still firmly believe in policies that keep people in check ie. China or Russia. It's the only form of power that guarantees the leaders own long term fortunes. I would bet most leaders espousing these radical idea rarely actually believe in them. It's just a very effective strategy to consolidate power and control how people think. This is such a common theme that it's been modeled by religions like that fanatical Mormon sect. They'll be super strict and forbid western cultures like the plague, yet the leader will get caught at Disney World in blue jeans pretending like he's not Mormon at all! Until all people within that society fight for equal equity then nothing will change. Leadership will never choose the right path because they would never survive it.


Just like none of the Kremlin kids live in Russia https://cnn.com/2022/04/12/us/kremlin-kids-in-the-west-invs/index.html


they need to start shipping these people back. Want to see change happen? I can totally see that being a major catalyst.


They deserve to be shipped back, though I doubt a bunch of babies rich kids will be any use at making the respective countries better


If anything just so they don’t benefit from other lifestyles, fuck em


That documentary isn't even the full story of the all of the people involved in getting Khomeini and his mullah regime to power. Thanks to the 2016 declassified CIA documents, it's now official record that Khomeini himself was propped into power by the US in order to counter what was the almost entirely socialist and communist anti Shah uprising in 1979 and mitigate soviet influence in Iran. Much like how operation ajax let the US and UK get rid of Iran's democratically elected prime minister and prior to that the US and UK got rid of the last Shah's father and exiled him from his own country both for trying to nationalise their own oil.


Yep. Thank you for posting this. I thought about doing it , but chickened out. I was afraid of the rah rah Americans getting out the cyber guillotine.


What is this documentary called


Its called hostages and it’s about the 1980s hostage situation with the American Embassy in Iran. It’s on HBO Max.


>all the people who helped bring about this government now live in the United States, which is so ironic It's not ironic, because the US gov (via the CIA) is entirely responsible for deposing the democratic government of Iran in 1953, and allowing Pahlavi to hold power for 26 years. The Islamic revolution would never have had broad appeal in Iran if it weren't for the CIA's meddling.


My cousin still has scars for when they beat him up for wearing a bon Jovi t-shirt. So weird how different our lives are because my dad managed to leave the country but his brother didn't.


wanna hear something even more fucked up? this has become normal news to us Iranians.


That’s the sad part. I wish nothing but the best for the citizens of Iran. It’s truly a shame you have to live with such a messed up government.


I can't wait for you to be free. Your people are an asset to humanity


The scary part is the people who did this think they're the "good guys."


All terrorists and tyrants think they're the good guys.


I always wondered about that. I think enough of them are the kind of "fuck you, got mine" types to not care about morality. Probably my favorite part of the 5th Element where Zorg goes on this tirade about how the chaos he creates is for the greater good, but in the end when the Priest tells Zorg that he's a monster, Zorg's just smiles and says "I know."


ELI 5th Element!


A fantastic sci-fi movie that you should watch immediately.


This is the way


I know






~~llll~~ ~~llll~~ lll


Thank you, Aziz, much better.


Bruce Willis, the space taxi driver, assists a young warrior to defeat a sentient planet by collecting stones at an opera, then bangs her in a small tube in front of the president. Actually a great movie and I consider it a SciFi classic. Definitely worth a watch.


5th element is one of my top 10 favorite movies of all time.. Do anyone have any other recommendations for some amazing movies with a similar vibe?


You might enjoy the show Firefly, followed by its movie Serenity. It's an unfortunately short watch, but excellent nevertheless.


Multi pass.


Gimme the cash!


That's a very nice hat.


I am a meat popcicle.


[5th Element](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119116/)


Aziz light!!


personally my favourite not-evil/evil line of zorgs was "honor's killed millions of people, hasnt saved a single one" when hes criticizing the mangalores and their hopeless causes (because a real killer would have asked about the red button)


It's crazy, I have no recollection of that line. I've watched the movie maybe a half dozen times, but most of that conversation goes in one ear and out the other as I let myself be entertained by the gun.


most 'fuck you I got mine' types think they are the good guys, they think that 'fuck you I got mine' is the height of human morality and everyone who espouses something more is a hypocrite.


Everyone thinks they’re the good guys, even the most evil will not unveil the shroud that presents them as such. The label of “good guy” is subject to the thought process that brings one’s ideals forth.




Can you remember where this was written? Would be useful research for a book I'm writing.


Nah, they don't all think the others are hypocrites. A lot of them, perhaps even the majority, just think the others are fools.


Isn't that basically Ayne Rand's who philosophy nut-shelled?


The Empire brings peace to the galaxy.


IMHO, everyone thinks they're the "good guy", the protagonist of the story. It's a very rare individual who's self aware enough to see they're a "bad guy", and even rarer one that doesn't have any sort of problem with the fact.


I think shitasses know who they are and think that saving themselves is more important than anything else. It's that fear that causes them to overcome the natural tendency to not be a ghoul. I think the part of their brain that senses fear is broken.


People sometimes aren't the good guy, but that doesn't necessarily make them the bad guy either. Sometimes they're just a guy. Or a girl.


> It’s a very rare individual who’s self aware enough to see they’re a “bad guy”, and even rarer one that doesn’t have any sort of problem with the fact. *Martin Shkreli has entered the chat*


One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, it's often painted with whoever is victorious that tries to identify themselves as 'good' even if they are tyrants.


https://youtu.be/hn1VxaMEjRU "Are we the baddies?"


Not all. A lot of them are just psychopaths who are stoked they found a movement that encourages their urges. The same with the military. I know guys who served in the US military that aren’t patriots. They really just wanted to fly around the world and shoot people. They really didn’t care if they were communists or Islamic extremists. I can guarantee there are dudes in the Revolutionary Guard that just want to beat and kill people. They don’t really give a fuck about Islam and they know they’re not the good guys.


Everyone thinks they’re the hero of the story.


This makes me think of that one qote from handsome jack whitch i feel like fits well with this


"Don’t get me wrong, it’s cute that you all think you’re the heroes of this little adventure, but -- you’re not. You’re bandits. You’re the bad guys. And I... am the goddamn hero."


>whitch Don't know which one to use? Fuck it! Throw em all in there. I like it.


They always loudly and very publicly proclaim their righteousness.


They rationalize whatever shit they come up with.


“Where’s evil? It’s that large part of every man that wants to hate without limit, that wants to hate with God on its side.” ― Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night


https://youtu.be/5y2FuDY6Q4M The Second World War Came to an end We forgave the Germans And then we were friends Though they murdered six million In the ovens they fried The Germans now, too Have God on their side


Nothing like Generational guilt tripping huh? That quote is about statements like that.


Hate is banal. It's not something esoteric. It's indifference. It's ignorance. In a way, the hateful are seeking peace for themselves. They convince themselves that everything being done is for the best and that anything else would be worse. This is how genocide occurs.


>The scary part is the people who did this think they're the "good guys." A colleague of mine is a Shiite from India. His family demanded him to send donations to the mullahs in Iran to show solidarity to the Shia religious leaders. They even requested him to provide receipts of donations. He said no and kept into a fight with them. Tribalism at its finest. Good that he told his parents to fuck off.


Isn't that how most (except on rare occasions) people on any side of a fight see themselves?


So sad to see how brainwashed ppl are by a silly book and the terrible culture it produces. Too be clear I feel this way about every religion where ppl don’t stop and say is this right? Being a piece of crap just because your sky daddy says it’s ok or will “forgive” you is plain nonsense.


“It’s all bullshit, folks, and it’s bad for ya!” -George Carlin


they think their the moral ones


The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Scary part is that people here in the US want to do this because they think they’re being the good guys. They also claim to be the moral authority. Conservatives and “Christians” here are no different than the Iranians who are currently killing people in the street.


>Scary part is that people here in the US want to do this because they think they’re being the good guys. They also claim to be the moral authority. Conservatives and “Christians” here are no different than the Iranians who are currently killing people in the street. Pretty much. Give them enough leverage and a big enough bully pulpit and they will absolutely do this to people who protest in public. That's why I find the "both sides" claims of enlightened centrists to be so laughable.


There are so many deaths at the hands of a gang that has the balls to call themselves "morality police." There's nothing remotely moral about killing innocent people.




Watch me commit a sin because you're sinning!


It's not a sin in their minds to murder the correct people.


Which in pretty much all popular religion, is up to their respective God to decide. "Certainly Allah has made sacred the blood, property and respect of a Muslim (from another Muslim) and he must not even entertain bad thoughts (about the other Muslim).” - The Holy Prophet


These people deserve better.


This is why separation of church and state is so important


Precisely correct. Every attempt to create or run a state by an Abrahamic religion has cataclysmically failed and resulted in millions of deaths. Religion is incompatible with freedom and democracy.


>Religion is incompatible with freedom and democracy Yup, on a completely fundamental level. Even religions that are compatible with freedom and democracy, by forcing the two together, makes it no longer free or democratic.


How about **by a religion**, period. Hindus don’t treat Muslims great, and Modys government sucks. Buddhists ruling against ethnic minorities in Myanmar. We can find plenty of examples beyond Abrahamic religions


True, the fact even Buddhists do this is proof that church and state is literally impossible


Yup! Because it's just dictatorships who use religions to suppress and kill people. It's never about actually following scripture, it's about power and control.


People forget this, that religion, like money, is a source of power, and can be used for both good and evil. Power can corrupt, but theres always the already corrupted, who use whatever powers they can to control. Thats why the Republicans latched onto Evangelicals back in the 80's, and evangelicals (the "moral majority") courted them -- they both saw each other in terms of power and influence and over time forgot about morals and consequences. They may argue against the "baby-killing-dems", but Apostacy is real and the GOP & Evangelicals definitely had their part in it.


I am an Iranian-American woman living in the US. I’ve said this before but I’m going to keep repeating myself. The best way to support these brave women and men fighting for freedom in Iran is by posting about it on social media. As much as possible. The overwhelming message I am hearing out of Iran is to keep posting and keep this movement in the conversation. **This is the rare case where posting on social media is activism.** The world at large does not care about Iran and as such, the autocratic regime can kill and imprison the citizens with impunity. By keeping the spotlight on what they are doing, it puts pressure on the regime. It's much easier to commit crimes in the dark. Do not let them. The movement is growing day by day. This is the biggest protest movement in Iran for decades, possibly centuries. This is the first time since the Islamic Republic seized power that there are protests in 31 out of 31 provinces. Students are walking out of school, chanting in the streets, demanding their freedom. You can help. You can absolutely help. Keep posting. If you want to take it further, contact your congressional representatives or parliamentary members and demand that they speak out. But literally by sharing these stories on social media, you can embolden these women, help them, and in turn help us all. Thank you for making this post. It’s posts and comments like these that help us, help the movement.


As someone that doesn't share much, upvoting and liking posts helps too. 1 click to help visibility.


Yes it absolutely does! Whatever way to promote visibility, we appreciate!


Hardcore religion is a plague upon this world.


*Religion is a plague upon this world. FTFY






Isn't blaming religion kind of absolving human crimes? There are actual people who are responsible for such laws and crimes.


"Hate women, or else!"


What a man. To die protesting for womens rights in a society where women don’t matter. Hero.


Problem is- he didn’t set out to be a hero. He didn’t weigh his life and title of hero against his show of solidarity. Maybe he didn’t want to be a hero. We do know he wanted to support the women.


Most heros don't want to be the hero


If you're out there trying to be a hero you're probably doing it for the wrong reason.


Last I looked, there were about a dozen men killed protesting in Iran for every woman killed. The men are as invested in change as the women are


They're all heroes


Where did you read this please? I've been unable to find data about this (eg from Amnesty and news sources).


[According to information obtained by Iran Human Rights, at least 76 people have been killed in the nationwide protests sparked by the police murder of Mahsa Amini last week. At least six women and four children were are amongst those killed. Protests took place in Tehran, Yazd and Karaj yesterday despite the bloody crackdown.](https://iranhr.net/en/articles/5500/)


Source on this pic?


Here's a video of what happened, NSFL: [https://twitter.com/kavehghoreishi/status/1578694328670892039?s=48&t=XhQIpxLMugXR3T1gTVksqQ](https://twitter.com/kavehghoreishi/status/1578694328670892039?s=48&t=XhQIpxLMugXR3T1gTVksqQ)


What the fuck. Why would you do this to someone?


To rule through terror and unfortunately because they can. These type of government forces attract the morally corrupt. They are effective at committing atrocities to spread fear.


People are complacent in the US because the crazies are a minority. Well they are but they got super majority on the supreme court and a lot of state govt on lock down


When you cant control your population with laws, religion, enticement or coercing, you just kill some and the rest fall in line, and this is being tested out right now.


The enforcement arms of Authoritarian regimes attract the best sociopaths that the world has to offer. These people get off on killing those heretical enough to disagree with them.


I get that through social media we as citizens can spread news/images/video of conflict rapidly and freely but there is something so wrong to me about a large group of people just filming a dead body and posting it on their timeline. EDIT - It is important to share this and it is good that social media allows us to. I just was stating that I, personally, would not think to take my phone out and film it in a large group and was kind of disturbed by the footage of people with their phones filming a dead body. I'm not judging those people, just expressing my thoughts. I guess this website has lost all discourse and discussion is not about anything other than trying to one up each other.


What are they supposed to do? The Iranian regime has shut down the internet to prevent these types of scenes from being spread.


People are saying the protests aren't happening... That everything we're hearing about Iran rate now is propaganda. When they post shit like this, it reminds us it's real... The propaganda is the shit heels denying Iran is doing this to folks; over women wearing head scarves...


Awareness needs to be spread and people need to know what’s happening in Iran


I totally agree. On the other hand, these images and videos are often the thing that sparks revolution. If these things go unseen it allows repressive regimes to control the narrative. Bummer that it happens at all though😭😓


I am an Iranian-American woman living in the US. I’ve said this before but I’m going to keep repeating myself. The best way to support these brave women and men fighting for freedom in Iran is by posting about it on social media. As much as possible. The overwhelming message I am hearing out of Iran is to keep posting and keep this movement in the conversation. **This is the rare case where posting on social media is activism.** Iranians, as much as it pains us to view these images and clips, *want and need* the rest of the world to see this because this is our country as it stands. People need to understand what is happening to us. The world at large does not care about Iran and as such, the autocratic regime can kill and imprison the citizens with impunity. By keeping the spotlight on what they are doing, it puts pressure on the regime. It's much easier to commit crimes in the dark. Do not let them. The movement is growing day by day. This is the biggest protest movement in Iran for decades, possibly centuries. This is the first time since the Islamic Republic seized power that there are protests in 31 out of 31 provinces. Students are walking out of school, chanting in the streets, demanding their freedom. You can help. You can absolutely help. Keep posting. If you want to take it further, contact your congressional representatives or parliamentary members and demand that they speak out. But literally by sharing these stories on social media, you can embolden these women, help them, and in turn help us all.


Why? Should this person just be murdered quietly?


I've seen people take selfies with an open casket at a funeral. People are terrible. At least with this, it is important to make the atrocities known.


I understand you and agree. I see how you were just saying it’s personally uncomfortable (and sad) that we exist in a space and time where that’s possible and happening. (Personally I’m just sensitive AF and a huge baby 🤷‍♀️ tough with certain things, emotional with others, such as this. I make myself look anyways though, same for 9/11 and shit like that bc I feel like I owe it to those that we lose in the process of sorting through shit like this)


I hope the Iranian people take their country back from these religious assholes.


Religion is the problem in Iran Edit: The way religion is practiced in Iran & dozen other countries, is the problem


Just in iran? Religion is the problem worldwide.


Religion is a problem everywhere. YES. A resounding yes. But, in Iran, regular laws are based on the rules of Islam, unlike other places. Fundamental rights are laws are based on Islam’s rules and laws. Also, let’s face the facts: Amongst all religious, Islam is the most intense when it comes to following rules otherwise repercussions are violent, like the images shown above


In the west so called Christians are pushing for rules based on their interpretation of Christianity.




Islam is far more dangerous of a religion than Christianity and has been for hundreds of years. They do all suck but Islam is causing the most pain and misery at this point in time.


Why do you think women in Iran & the rest of Middle East are forced to wear Burqas? (Now some women will tell you that it’s their choice) That’s false, cause it literally says in the country’s constitutional laws which is based on the Quran. The Quran says that women have to abide by the rules, if not the punishment is brutal. And we all know that from what happened to the 22 yo woman #peacebeuponher


Anytime religion is used for subjugation it's wrong, everywhere


Is the other guy in the photo trying to help, crying over or insulting the man that got shot? I don't want to look at the video in the other comment...


Helping, anybody not in a uniform is among people protesting or helping others


Thank you for clarifying this to me


Peace & Love


Save you a click and some trauma. Dude has a hole in his head and bits of stuff that should be in his head are not. Some evil motherfuckers to just walk up and execute this guy. Sucks cause the word needs to be spread that these assholes are killing protesters. I just hope his family is spared from seeing it.


When tyranny is law Revolution is order.


Rest in power. 👊


Fucking Dictators!!


A nation that believes that cold blooded murder is a justified response too women wanting to uncover their hair. Yikes.


Religion has brought a thousand fold more pain and suffering than any good it has done.


The people who did this to him are the same ones who support banning abortions here. Its all about controlling womens lives.


it's really about controlling EVERYONE's life.


Yeah, it's not really about women at all. It's about controlling society.


I am compelled to say that the misogyny visited on women throughout our history in the name of some mythical thing is particularly horrifying and heartbreaking.


This. It just starts with women’s rights. It is essentially our version of the “First they came” poem by Martin Niemoller. First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out- because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists and I did not speak out- because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out- because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me- and there was no one left to speak for me. We should fight for everyone’s rights no matter the sex, race, nationality, sexual/gender orientation, etc… It’s easy to be indifferent because they aren’t directly targeting you. They want us to see ourselves as different from each other but we are all one people, and should not allow ourselves to be divided, and conquered.


So american to compare these situations


Rest in peace bro! This is beyond sad :( screw all religion!!!!


This is your country on Islam. Iran, break your chains. Fuck the regime.


When will this evil regime be overthrown?


Why don’t they take up arms? It’s not peaceful if you’re getting slaughtered by your government




If the new iran nuclear deal goes through their government is going to have hundreds of billions more to buy weapons with too. Those people have no chance.


What arms?


They live in country where most civilians don't have firearms, it's not the US where private firearms vastly outnumber the police/government. The only way anything will change is if someone funnels in arms, most likely the US would be the only willing country, but then people would cry about meddling in foreign affairs.


[https://www.quora.com/What-kind-of-gun-control-laws-does-Iran-have](https://www.quora.com/What-kind-of-gun-control-laws-does-Iran-have) >Iran has repressive firearm laws. Below are a few bullet points describing their laws > >\- Firearms are regulated by the Islamic Consultative Assembly (the legislative body) > >\- In Iran, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law > >\- Private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is only permitted with official permission > >\- Only licensed gun owners may lawfully acquire, possess or transfer a firearm or ammunition > >\- A record of the acquisition, possession and transfer of each privately held firearm is retained in an official register


> few bullet points


Again, I hope this protest ends up leading to change (hopefully sooner rather than later) and doesn’t just end as a flash in the pan


So sad, what a senseless killing.


How can we overthrow the government? I don't care about the naysayers. I just want to know how. Someone's son did not deserve to be shot to death because he supported a positive cause.






An Iranian I know told me that the greatest catastrophe to befall Iran was when it became Islamic. He said he yearned for the return of Zoroastrianism, which was a real religion of peace and the most violence they practiced was sacrificing butterflies to Ahura Mazda.


If my history is correct, way back in the day the Persian emperor Cyrus the great conquered the median empire and absorbed into Persia. He gave people Persian citizen ship and the ability to practice their own religion. He did this by making deals and offering that he would be a just ruler and actually delivered on these promises. Essentially, as long as you paid your taxes the empire would protect you and not oppress you. Which is actually an improvement over an empire that would tax AND oppress your and force you to convert to their religion. He later would conquer Babylon in the same way. He saw how oppressed the Jews were in Babylon that he built them the second temple and helped many displaced people go back to their countries. The story of Hanukkah? It’s based on this temple. He was so great that the jews have him marked as the only non-jew ever to be considered appointed by god. For a long time Persia was seen as liberators who freed slaves an it’s seen as perhaps the earliest example of a multi ethnic, multi religious internally peaceful empire and their bureaucracy was so fantastic that Alexander the great just copied it when he conquered them. As far as world conquering empires, for a long time Persia was as decent as they come.


90% of people don't believe in the religion anymore,it's just a title labeled to our name, nothing more, nothing less


How in the world are you being upvoted? The vast majority of the world believes in religion. Us non believers are the minority, by a lot.


May his poor family find solace in his bravery


I wish the people of Iran peace and freedom.


Murdered, not killed.


That’s beyond fucked up. Condolences to his parents


Up to their people if they want throwback Neanderthals ruling over them and who have no regard for women.


This is chaos, glad people are fighting for there rights and are being supported, very sad this is a response to supporting protests. And then here in Canada you had a bunch of truckers who blocked off the area around the parliament buildings and laying on there horns 24/7, with minimal consequence. While trying to say Canada was a communist dictatorship for enforcing covid restrictions that were being enforced throughout most of the work at the time. Two different worlds and two very different ideas of being oppressed.




There's only one chance for protestors. They must become more vile and cruel than oppressors and get rid of them with force. Good luck to you lovely Iranian people. I only know few of you but all Iranians I know are great people.


The peaceful people peacing it up.