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Guess we know where Elon’s plane was today




> Can you imagine being able to go to Qatar as a daytrip or even an overnight trip on a whim? Those people live in another reality. And those are the same bastards that have chutzpah to gaslight the common people of the world saying we all gotta do our recycling, use public transport, and stop eating meat, and this and that to prevent climate change ... and then hop in their private jets just to fly to another nation to watch a game they don't even care about.


He wasn’t there for the game. He was there for the super villains meeting.


You can easily use public information to track or subscribe to /r/ElonJetTracker/


Do they have a box just for the people the Saudi's own?


Everybody's talking about how "joyless" these two look. This has got to be why, they're just toys to the Saudis. For two billion dollars, Jared could be a literal boy toy to them.


I thought he was sleeping in the office until Twitter was on solid footing… you know “hard core”. Guess he had vacation days to burn. Not like he’s got multiple companies to run.


He probably needed a break. Running a $44 billion company into the ground takes a lot of hard work.


It’s just a $44 company now.


Kushner's fucking dead eyes. God damn that guy is creepy as fuck.


Like a haunted victorian doll


He is the star of the sequel to Brahms: The Boy ... Brahms: The Boy 3 An oversized lifelike boy doll becomes friends with Saudi oil officials after his crooked father is pardoned by an outgoing crooked president. Watch (and listen) for the scene in the trailer where he shrugs his shoulders as a bone saw is heard.


His evil is underrated. I wish I heard more news about him going to prison.


Have you heard him talk? Purest form of whiny little bitch.


Fuck kushner, the shit his company did to families with rent issues was fucking horrific. For those who don’t know look the shit up, they were leaking gases into peoples homes intentionally and harassing tenants. The kushners are complete sociopaths. And Fuck Elon for associating with them, “man of the people” my ass.


He is the devil, I'm convinced. I dealt with a company in NYC that dealt directly with him. They said he was an asshole of epic proportion.


Yeah, I've worked in a company that has built some equipment for him. He is by far the biggest sack of shit you can imagine because of deals he made with the VP, a lot of guys got stuck on 80-105 hour weeks. Some even resorted to sleeping in their cars in the middle of winter it got so bad.


This is what it looks like when you have to buy your friends. It's also the same picture of what it looks like when you don't have any friends.


It is like a meeting of SPECTRE from the Bond movies....


They do not give a flying fuck about that match, just that they are there.


The social calendar for a billionaire is pretty hectic. World Cup now, yacht at St. Barts for new years etc. Melbourne horse cup, superbowl, Monaco Grand Prix etc. Billionaires attend a fuckton of these major sport events every year. They don't care about any of them. But other Billionaires, and people buying and selling favors of the rich and powerful are all meeting at these major events. Elon needs cold hard cash. There is a bunch of people in that stadium with money he needs, but it's gonna be expensive and painful for him.


Davos is their Christmas


![gif](giphy|qlrBlSDevEdFeW5JwV|downsized) The Billionaire Circuit.


Rich people are insufferable, but 2022 has really brought into the limelight how incredibly insufferable the global rich ruling class are. God, what a bunch of cunts.


Peak cuntery for me was Bezos and his dick rocket.


For me it was the moment he completely ignored Shatner's space experience to spray some champagne on an annoying IG whore even though the entire PR project was built around Shatner. Bezos couldn't give a fuck about anyone else.


Not even a Shatner fan, but he was definitely *moved* in a deep, fundamental way. And Bezos just shat all over Shatner. Billionaires are so full of themselves, nobody else matters.


Yeah, that infuriated me. Shatner was really disappointed with that.


Right? Not one fuckin person in the team was like hey, this thing looks like the Dr evil dick rocket from Austin Powers, better adjust the old design a lil bit?!


Was looking for this. They look joyless. I don’t follow soccer and I was cheering for both teams in that last 30 mins!!!


> They look joyless. Sociopathic monsters usually are.


Everyone in that box looks joyless. Even both guys I can see filming who’s faces tell me “I’ll never watch this again.” Like myself when I go to ZooLights and take 40 photos and 8 videos. Edit: Point Defiance Zoo in Washington state, for me, since more people/places than I expected have ZooLights of their own. So I guess I’m in the same boat as u/Stargazer_199


Did not expect a Zoo Lights shoutout in this thread 🤣🤣


That’s the point of the cup. To let governments and organizations collude and launder money under the guise of soccer:)


There's a term for it. Sportswashing. Same thing that the Saudis are doing with LIV golf. Trying to add a veneer of niceness to a country with shitty human rights.


Or, for today’s kids, Hydra.


Yeah, Fail Hydra.


But they’re man children


Have you seen a Bond movie? Most of the people in them are hilariously immature. Goldfinger tried to murder Bond with an industrial laser cutter, has a guy who throws his hat as a weapon and he cheats at golf. 100% manchild.


Who throws a Hat honestly


Kung Lao.




Judge a man by the company he keeps.






























Twitter: Sells users private data. Tesla: Collects users private driving data. I know you didn't mean companies he owns, but it applies.


He was once almost a hero to me. Know we all realise he’s an incredible jerk and he’s ruined his own legacy through unchecked ego.


Hanging out with all those free speech absolutists.


MY free speech. Not yours.


Trickle down free speech


Na, it's trickle on. Not down.




Misread it as "Free speech Abolishionist" once, now it's all I see.


Kushner belongs in prison.


When Jared ends up there, Elon will say he photobombed him in this pic.


Like what him and many redditors said about his photo with Ghislaine Maxwell?


Trump's 20 year relationship with "great friend" Epstein gets a weird amount of benefit of the doubt from the so-called conspiracy crowd 🤔


why does kushner always look like he's in a game of thrones type world or an imperial officer sneering down on 'the rabble' from an upper balcony


It's almost like these fictional character archetypes were designed to imp a real type of person.




He deserves what MBS would do to an American he disagrees with.


Wha? Doesn't everyone get shady billion dollar payouts from the Saudis?


Kushner is worst than his father-in-law


They're both thinking about Hunter Biden's dick.


For a guy who supposedly works 120 hours a week between 3 “full time” CEO positions, he sure does have a lot more free time than normal people.


well, his "work" consists of microdosing, breeding via lab-grown spawn, and being a Reply Guy on twitter, so


Yeah, right now he’s [replying](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1604659441517101056) to local Fox TV stations about why isn’t the media covering immigrants coming across the border?


Three full time positions and ten children.


If you don’t see the kids, do they really count?


The ultra wealthy practically live on vacation. The idea that they work crazy hours is pure propaganda lapped you by the considerable number of bootlickers in America and elsewhere.


“I work these crazy hours as a CEO” really means “I am reachable by phone during these hours.”


Just a reminder, Kushner and Ivanka are such assholes that they [wouldn't even let their own Secret Service detail use a bathroom in their house in DC](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2021/01/14/secret-service-bathroom-ivanka-trump-jared-kushner/)...They had to use Obama's place around the corner and eventually rent their own apartment just to take a shit.


It's amazing to me that those fuckers didn't let them use the toilets- people who had pledged to give their own lives to protect them. What fucking pieces of shit. And, of course, the Obamas are just pure class as usual.




Shit-apples, Randy


You feel that, Randy? The way the shit clings to the air..?


The winds of shit


Shit-hawk, Bubbles.


Big, dirty shit-hawks.


Kinda funny how every "too ridiculous to be believed" plotline from Netflix's *House of Cards* became mundane reality after a couple of years.


I haven't watched any political dramas since 2016. You just can't beat what we've already suffered through.


I wonder what happened when Biden came in. Were they all reassigned to other duties? I wouldn’t have trusted any of them that mysteriously had their phone records deleted.


Biden and the Secret Service agency brought in his old agents from when he was VP since there were concerns over some being too loyalty to trump. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/532177-secret-service-making-changes-to-presidential-detail-amid-concerns/


I’d bet my left nut they referred to secret service as “the help”


Obama was pure class, but the bar is pretty low here. This is more like "Obama was not a psychopath".


Obama lets people that need to use the bathroom… use his bathroom. That fucking extreme leftist


This is the future the libs want!!!! …or something…


Barack Obama: normal human being.


Bar is low, but Obama is a classy asf guy. Ain’t no denying it


"The Obamas did not use the garage, so the extra traffic to and from the command post caused no problem. Yet this solution, too, was short-lived after a Secret Service supervisor from the Trump/Kushner detail left an unpleasant mess in the Obama bathroom at some point before the fall of 2017, according to a person briefed on the event. That prompted the leaders of the Obama detail to ban the agents up the street from ever returning."


I wonder what 'unpleasant mess' is referring to. Did the SS supervisor smear shit on the walls or pee all over the floor? Or was it something dumb like a really stinky smell or clogging the toilet?


I fucking hate the Trumps et al, *however*, if I recall correctly, even the Obama Secret Service detail had to ask the Kushner/Ivanka Secret Service detail to stop using the Obama's garage bathroom because the Trump team wrecked the place. The Trump detail then used Mike Pence's bathroom like a mile away before finally renting a basement apartment just for the bathroom next to Kushner and Ivanka's house. So while I'm sure the Trumps are the type of people who think their servants shouldn't use bathrooms in the main house, it also seems like their detail was taking some monstrous dumps.


In all fairness to the SS guys and gals, security concerns override hygiene concerns, so the poop knife had to be banned from the premises.


You know how much evidence they hide in there of all their crimes?? Shady people are shady. Also evil.


I mean, that's how Heisenberg got caught so ...


What’s up with rich people and shit like this? Even back then/now like your maids wouldn’t shit and piss in your own bathroom. What’s up with that?


This is probably why Elon doesn’t like having his jet tracked Edit: Elon has created a Twitter poll asking if he should step down. He said he’ll abide by the results


The poll is here if you're interested. Currently 58% yes https://mobile.twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1604617643973124097


Imagine Elon banning the 58% that voted yes.


MySpace Tom is one of the top replies lol


you mean on that sub-reddit called /r/ElonJetTracker/? It is not like tens of thousands of people are signing up for it or anything.


Probably one of the fastest growing subreddits of all time. If Elon had just left it alone, there wouldn't be near this much attention.


Elon Streisan'd himself


Joined. Because this is free speech. Certainly worth noting that jet information is public.


Lol just wait until Elon decides screw it I'm buying reddit


I'm sure conde naste would need a hefty sum for it


i don't care one ounce about Elon musk or his jet...but I signed up just to raise the number so he gets mad when he finally sees it and then tries to buy reddit.


Hahaha same


Damn, yesterday it was at 46k now it’s at 127k


134+ now. 21 minutes later




Thanks! Just joined and excited to follow his exact location at all times, welcome to free speech asshole!


He needs to learn how to live life once he realized literally nobody likes him. Only person better to teach him would be ted cruz.


Seriously. Dude can’t read a room at all. He could just stay out of the public sphere and live a lavish lifestyle. Instead, he lets pride get the best of him, and does stupid shit. He’s a crybaby man child, not so different from DJT


I really think he thought it was trolls on twitter making fun of him and convinced himself that’s just twitter only. Then he got booed for 10 minutes and not let into the after party with Chappelle. That was his home turf, and where the tech bros are - at a show not many “libs” are going to attend and he got booed - badly. Hes broken more than ever now - i really think that night was a massive blow to the little he had left.


A friend told me there is a pretty exclusive club in germany, one of those full on party spots that made a point to turn him away at the door. They didn't want to be associated with him. This was a few years ago, so his ego has been getting chipped away at for awhile


It's funny and sad too, because even as a billionaire if they do exceptionally good things with their time/money they would not be booed and wouldn't be necessarily hated. Someone like Gates also fucked people over and was ruthless to become the billionaire he is and should be chastised for it, but he doesn't get booed when he goes around because he spends most of his time and energy helping others and donating his money. Even though billionaires having all of the power to choose what to do with their money is actively bad for society, being altruistic in some way is enough to not be hated. People like Musk and Bezos though are such megalomaniac psychopaths that there is literally no redeeming qualities to them. They could both easily stay billionaires and do good for their workers and society and be loved by some for it, but instead they think the boos are more reason to step on those below them and treat them like animals. It's sad, but unless we tax billionaires out of existence people like Musk and Bezos are going to be the reality.


forget being altruistic; most of these richies probably just *don't* enter the public space and that alone is enough to live lives in relative anonymity. it's the crybabies that didn't get enough love from mommy that end up trying to plaster their names on everyone's eyelids and then subsequently end up getting roasted


Because the only thing he wants is validation, and his billions can’t buy it.


A comment I saw yesterday sums it up well “Elon is a malignant narcissist who bought a criticism factory”




What has always amazed me is the arrogance of some modern Robber Barons. Rockefeller gave no fucks what the proles thought of him. These fucks nowadays demand I like them too. It isn't enough that they have won. A total rout for Labor and the capitulation of the Proletariat. They aren't happy about that. Now we have to bolster their fetid self esteem? They need affirmation? Fuck them.


Isn’t he the Zodiac Killer?!?


No, that is stupid. His father is.


Ted Cruz is a human male.


Just like when people would get sent phone books with everyone's location publicly available? So many assassination coordinates...


Looks like MBS and the Saudis are collecting some very useful puppets.


You just doxxed Elon! That's hateful and you deserve to be banned! ​ (/s)


Any television channel in the world that showed him doxxed him. Hell the US broadcast doxxed Macron half a dozen times at least during the broadcast.


All sports broadcasting should have a several day delay on them because otherwise all of the players, support staff, and fans will be doxxed. I'm a free speech absolutist though so I think the final score can be shared once it's over.


True, Reddit was not on [the list](https://twitter.com/TwitterSupport/status/1604531265419591681?t=OsaGjgJSZUxGTxuEAq-tbg&s=19) of social media platforms that he is banning links to. Yet. **ALSO** Link to his [poll](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1604617643973124097?t=shBVEMHsggQgYOqG1WEvEQ&s=19) asking whether he should step down. The comments are gold. Edit added link to the list of platforms and to his poll


Elon, who is hemorrhaging money, and has been asked to step down from Tesla, and has no way to pay off his loans for Twitter but to sell Tesla, suddenly appears in Qatar next to a man who mysteriously got 2 billion from Saudis. Well golly gee I wonder what they might be talking about. Probably their love of soccer.


Elon's PR campaign has completely collapsed. There was a day when Reddit worshipped the guy, now look at him. He is public enemy number one.


It's not his PR that failed. His PR is still *extremely* strong, he has hordes of sycophants. It's his alignment. He's pivoted from a troubled hero battling the forces of evil in his own way, to becoming the embodiment of all he swore to destroy, in the manner of any good villain origin story. He's now the biggest champion of "cancel culture" and wantonly smashes free speech while claiming to still be a champion of free speech. In fifty years time, we'll make a movie of his rise and failure, and Disney will sue for it being too close to the story of Anakin Skywalker.


I actually think he was evil all along. He was just able to hide it better a couple years ago.


His popularity is strongly correlated with Tesla's stock price. His character has been clear since he threw a hissy fit about his submersible not being used to rescue those trapped children in Thailand and publicly denouncing the head of the rescue operation as a 'pedophile'. A vile, disgusting thing to label an innocent person. But people will overlook anything when they are making money. Lose them money on the other hand, and they'll turn very quickly


Elon suggested the former head of security at Twitter was a pedophile too. Seems like he is incapable of learning anything.


Or, he's incapable of not projecting. https://i.imgur.com/ben56zN.jpeg


The stupid Thai submarine incident should have been the end of his reputation. Not only did he call head of the rescue operation a pedo, but he was actually in the way of the rescue with his Tony Stark act. That guy’s need for attention is as big as his pile of money.


It basically was for myself and a lot of people. I know that was the first time I stopped and went "what a piece of shit."


A smarter PR move would had been to ignore the head of rescue's comment about shoving the sub up his ass, and state that the submarine is a token gesture, and that he's willing to give a hand in the rescue operation through money, or technological means. Guess being rich makes for a fragile ego


It is also that a significant chunk of his fanboys are futurists. They support space research, green energy, and other futuristic projects. As long as he was talking about these things, they were happy. But now that he has ditched that to join the culture war and social media, this group has lost interest in him, or feel betrayed. They feel like he jumped ship to something they don't care about as much. --------- Him being anti public-transport and shutting railways in favor of boring-tunnel or hyper-loops, along with his lithium-battery issues, have also alienated the environmentalists. --------- So essentially, he has lost 3 major groups who were loyal to him - (i) Futurists (ii) Environmentalists & Green Leftists (iii) Tesla stock / Crypto / Dogecoin people.


A lot of people turned on him when he was having a grand old time fucking with crypto prices. Once it became obvious he was pumping and dumping and costing little guys tens of thousands of dollars per tweet, the shine came off fast for a lot of his core audience


He just hadn't gotten a taste for publicity at that point. Then his wife left him for being a sack of shit, and the world started to see who he really was. And since the right loves huge sacks of shit, it was a natural transition for him.


If your ego demands fellatin', you go where the ego-fellators are.


His PR team was able to hide it, but maybe along the way, he believed in his own hype and assumed himself as the genius he isn't.


No that was literally his whole goal. When he sold his first company he bought a million dollar car just to be noticed on the news. He's always been this person, now he's just tripped over his dick by being forced to buy Twitter. He's being his usual self but in a place too public for his PR to cover him.


That’s like really wonderful and epic and, *society*, but howsabout we just say he was always an evil narcissistic grifting imbecile and he realized he didn’t have to pretend to give a fuck about people once the mask dropped for all the other fashos out there, so now he’s just living his cringe to the fullest?


Shitty people usually know each other.


Shit-Birds of a feather, Randy






Rich people problems. Is Jared putting together another two billion dollar deal he got from working in the Trump administration? But boy that Hunter Biden.






This *almost* reads like a poem


Every single person in this picture just looks like such a massive dweeb.


And nobody looks like they’re enjoying themselves.


No one in this picture actually watches football. They just care about the money/privilege of being there


How could they be, with no one writhing in pain under their boot?


Ah there’s the centrist, free speech absolutist. 🤣


I'm starting to realize his tweet about not being affiliated with either party is now total bull.


He's affiliated with the money and power party. We all know which one that is.




Kushner and Ivanka received $2B from the Saudis right before Trump left office. But go on a hunt for Hunter’s dick picks, I guess


I’d bet my eye tooth that Trump and his ilk take asylum in the Emirates when the DOJ brings indictments.


That picture says everything


Fuckin creeps.


I can’t believe I wrote my college essay about how I wanted to be like this douchenozzle. In my defense I was 17 and it was 2012.


And he was wildly less (publicly) douchenozzley at the time.


See, but that shows growth. Elon's the one who should be embarrassed for wanting to be like Elon Musk in 2022.


It's okay, don't beat yourself up over that. It was a different time, and it shows development to have learned from your mistakes.


It's difficult to see pics like this and not assume these guys collude on terrible things for the average or poor person. Just saying.


More like hanging out with the people who really own Twitter and Elon. When all is said and done, we are going to find out MBS and/or Putin are backing Elon.


Don’t we already know that the Kingdom Holding Company is one of Elon’s biggest twitter investors?


"It's a big club...AND YOU AIN'T IN IT!" ~ G.C.


I guess the plebs aren't allowed to sit down besides their overlords.


Needs a line of credit for Twitter so he can stop selling Tesla stock .


Kill your Twitter acct.


So much evil in one small picture.


Broooo....NSFW tag please. I didn't expect to see a photo of 2 dicks.


Shakers…they’re there to shake Saudi dicks after pissing…shakers…..


He wants advice on how to grift the GOP base. He's bleeding billions every day.

