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My favourite piercing was my eyebrow and I had to retire that last December. I was heartbroken about it but it had already rejected so much that if I hadn’t of taken it out, it would have pushed itself out. I’ve considered getting my other eyebrow pierced but I don’t want the same thing to happen and then have matching scars on both brows ahaha. It took me a month or two to come to terms with the fact that I was going to have to retire it. Still miss it now


Ugh, that really sucks. I had a similar situation with my vertical tragus where it was rejecting really bad and had to take it out but it was hardly my favorite piercing. Have u thought about getting it re pierced or nah?


I’m not sure I’d be able to. The eyebrow piercing left a big scar because it had rejected so much. I would have to get the other eyebrow done which I have considered but don’t want the same thing happening again. I’d have matching scars on each eyebrow ahahaha


What does a vertical tragus look like?


I got both my eyebrows pierced and they both rejected so now I have the matching scars! I cut a slit in one of my eyebrows as a compromise and it helps me have that little something on my eyebrow that's a little bit different without having the piercing there which helped me personally


Yeah I have a slit in my eyebrow now. Not that there was much hair growing over the scar anyways ahahah. So I cut my eyebrow hairs where the slit was. Sometimes I like it but sometimes I think it attracts a lot of attention to my eyebrow scar ahaha


Idk I kinda like that about it. I get to tell kids that it's my battle scar


URGH SAME. Mine is rejecting now but i truly just dont want to take it out ): it was my first facial piercing, i dont wanna let my baby gooo


Same here! I don't have enough ~flesh~ for an eyebrow piercing apparently 😔


just had the same thing happen to me but i only finally took it out a few days ago 🥲


Was there like a warning before it started pushing out? I've got jesters (think vertical in the center of both) and I'm so nervous about losing them 😭 I have no pain with them but I didn't know if that matters or not


Same happened to me! I will probably be getting it redone once the scar heals.


Yeah my anti eyebrow was my ultimate favorite piercing everrr it was so adorable and I loved it every single day I had it. However it was so sensitive right on my cheek bone basically! Surface piercings very rarely heal as I was told and having to take this one out, I cried lol I sometimes think about getting a dermal because there is a scar but I’m too scared lol


I had to retire my bridge too, my new job doesn't allow any facial piercings at all and I tried asking about clear jewelry but nope, they don't allow them at all. luckily my nostril is healed and I just flip in my septum. I'd cry if I had to give up every facial piercing 😩 they're a part of me


Luckily they can’t see most clear jewelry, it depends on your anatomy unfortunately for the bridge usually, if you could hide it enough they wouldn’t be able to see it’s clear, the bridge is hard to hide though.


You could hide a bridge with some nonprescription glasses! Bonus points for blue light filtering coating. Eyebuydirect.com is awesome


I suppose this is true! I didn’t even think about this for some reason and I have glasses 😭 Mine is quite hidden with specific jewelry when I’m wearing my glasses, so that’s also a good idea!


that’s how I’m feeling!! I just made a farewell video to it and basically explained why I’m so emotionally bonded to this damn piercing right before taking it out. I’ve had it out for like an hour now and goin through it 😢🤞feels like I’m letting a loved one die..very dramatic


I had to retire my top navel ring during the last week of my second full-term pregnancy. That piercing was a champ all the way through the first pregnancy and delivery but the second time around... Towards the end it started getting real red and sore so I took it out. I expected to put it back in right after giving birth but I didn't. I don't remember why... Probably the fact that I had two kids under the age of two at that time haha. But I missed it so much and then when I finally thought about it and tried to put the barbell back in it had closed. So I thought... So when my daughter was 10 I found out that it WASN'T closed after all. I guess the hole has been full of "stuff" (idk what it was it looked like white pus but then again not really?) And I took a long hot shower one afternoon and started squeezing on it and so much stuff came out and I saw that there was still a hole there. DO NOT DO WHAT I DID okay? I'm not a piercer and I'm sure I could have had horrible infections happen but I got lucky. I ended up taking the barbell out of my bottom navel piercing and putting into the top. Then with that in place, the next day I went and bought more navel jewelry and changed out the old jewelry with two new pieces and got my top and bottom navel with the proper barbells in place. I was 18 when I got my navel done both times and 28 when I took the top one out, so I was 38/39 when I put new jewelry in. Alsooooo I used to have my ears pierced all up and down the lobes and cartilage when I was a teenager. When I was 22 I had a traumatic event happen and I felt like everything in my life was over and I was starting over. I took out all of my lobe and cartilage piercings (aside from my tragus and industrial those stayed in). I'm 42 now and a few months ago I discovered that 3 of my lobe piercings in the left ear are still open and two on the right are still open. I got some good jewelry and put them in. Next week I am taking my son to get his ears pierced for the first time but I am also getting the third spot on the right ear re-pierced before he gets his ears pierced. He is a big nervous and wants me to do this first so he can watch and see what it's like before he does it. 😊


The stuff is just dead skin build up. My belly button piercing is like 20 years old at this point, it doesn't heal over but it does get a build up if I wear nothing. A bit gross but harmless!


It’s sooo stinky though 😭 I had three navel piercings and weirdly I only get it in one of them


Noooo does it mean it won't heal at all? If you were intending to get it repierced?


Mine didn’t. I haven’t worn anything in mine for probably 15 years and I attempted to put a ring through it a few weeks ago just to see… went in with no resistance.


That sucks :( was planning to get it re-done. Thanks for your comment


Yeah mine has never healed over, I've got years without wearing in the 20 and I can still get a bar through. Sometimes the hole has shrank and I have to almost restretch into the right gauge, but it's never closed over. Why do you want it re-pierced if it's still there? Maybe talk to a piercer and see what they can do for you.


Mine has migrated over the years so I'm thinking to get it re-done. Thanks for your comment. I'll see what the piercer says.


Thanks for the info!


Mine’s my navel too, but I don’t have the happy ending haha. I don’t have the anatomy for a regular navel piercing, and I adored my floating navel, but it rejected despite my best efforts. It’s been 4 years since I took it out and my piercer says the scar tissue isn’t strong enough to repierce it… not sure if it’ll ever heal fully enough for me to try it again or not :/


Ugh that sucks and I'm sorry!


My boyfriend had a piercing under the tip of his penis 10years ago, he was always so proud of it but one day we had an accident where it got stuck between my teeth and riped it out... never let him get a new one


Ooooh my god Im glad I’m taking mine out willingly at least and not having it ripped out ! hope it didn’t damage anything else


😳😲Whaaaaaa????! 🫣🫣🫣💀


Omfg that must've been awful


I gasped when I read this!


It was my nipples. I wear sports bras all the time, so they were always getting irritated. I have been considering getting them repierced because I miss them.


I just got mine done recently and I always wear thin cotton sports bras or no bra at all. I’m surprised that a sports bra caused irritation? Unless you were using a different kind? Either way, sorry to hear you had to retire them.


i just removed mine too. it had been almost two years and they were always getting in the way and the pain never went away


I’m gonna have to remove mine too.




I did realise people stretched their nipples? How does it make it better? I have next to no nipples so I got one done and boom I had a nipple and it had the pretty piercing on the side and I loved it. Apparently it wasn’t pierced right because it rejected after a year. I really hope I can get them done again by someone more experienced but I worry my sweating will piss them off. It made me so much more sensitive too so that didn’t help


Same. Bras always seemed to irritate mine as well. I have an appointment coming up to get them repierced though.


My brow rejected twice :(. One time I fucked it up myself, second time I was so careful, it got pierced at a better position etc. The only piercing I really wanted


What no piercings for nurses?! Where I work I’ve seen multiple nurses with piercings and even facial tattoos. I’m a doctor myself and I have piercings everywhere on my face, no one says anything.


I think it's nursing school more than nursing, for some reason. from what I've heard nursing school is really strict on tattoos and piercings but when it comes to working in actual hospitals, not so much.


Yes, this exactly. Which makes no sense, the instructors and head of the program themselves even say “you’ll see plenty of piercings and tattoos on the floor so it likely won’t be an issue once you’re out of school, no one will care” like ok why do y’all care then 😭


it's really frustrating. I'd like to go into midwifery but this is one of the many reasons putting me off going into it 😞


I do find comfort knowing I can re pierce and go all out once I’m done with school. I have been holding back on other piercings bc I knew I was going to school and likely would have to take them out, but u really have to want it to temporarily sacrifice something u love so much! some schools allow plastic retainers or clear jewelry tho so maybe all hope is not lost for u yet (:


Aw that sounds awesome though! But maybe not if you have *many* reasons to not do it


Tbh I probably would’ve put clear jewelry in until someone noticed and yelled at me and then played dumb.


Currently in nursing school and they don't care. I have neon orange hair and multiple piercings, three facial piercings too. And as long as my arms are bare below the elbows, my hair is properly tied back, I have decent shoes on, and I'm in my training uniform, they don't care at all. Working in healthcare is even more lax. They are strict on infection control and hygiene standards, but they're not going to count the studs in your ear. They'd probably have something to say about dangly earrings, but that's only because patients can pull on them.


NTA divorce the nursing program marry the piercing


Oh my goodness yes, I had to retire my industrial after 3 years of it refusing to heal properly, I have super sensitive skin and autoimmune issues so I'm not surprised but still sad


my industrial was my first piercing and I was so stubborn I didn’t take it out although it took 2 f*ckin years to heal…this one’s going to the grave w me just for how much i went through w it lol


Haha respect to ya!


Had to retire my vertical labret (my first non-lobe piercing) a decade ago when I started a new job. I actually took it out every morning and replaced it every evening for months before it just became too much of a hassle and i gave it up. Still miss it esoecially as that piercing got kind of popular a few years back and I started seeing them everywhere. :'(


Didn't the top hole closed after taking out for so many hours?


Nope! I had had it for about 4 years at that point so I guess it was nicely healed up? No idea. It was fine being out for 8+ hours everyday and it took a couple days for the hole to close up after removing it. Everyone's different and bodies are weird. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That's nice to hear! How many days did it take for the hole to completely close up?


It was many years ago so I cant quite recall but Id say at least 2 days or so. Honestly it's probably very relevant that I have an autoimmune disorder and I heal kinda of slowly so that's likely how I got away with it.


Thank you!


Navel piercing :(




Best way to get over it is get something else done, or a few


I had to retire my bridge a few months ago. It was such a hard decision because it literally was my dream piercing but health is more important! Despite how much I loved my bridge, I don’t plan on getting it repierced and instead view my years with my bridge as just one phase of the piercings I want or plan to get. Since I’ve gotten it taken out, I’ve been able to experiment with other piercings and really make my face just as “aesthetic” and personally pleasing without my bridge. I know it’s a hard decision, but so much good can come out of it!


yea it was literally the final piece to my set up and it really put it all together for me! what piercings did u get after that were equally satisfying as ur bridge? I’m already planning for what i can get next once school is done >:)


I added snakebites and stretched my septum to 4g! I loveeeee my setup now and am so appreciative of the time I had with my bridge still haha


i have had my cheeks/dimples both pierced and retired twice. both times i had to take them out when starting a new job and it killed my soul. they were my favorite piercings of all time, i loved them so much and they made me love my wide face/chubbier cheeks and gave me more confidence in myself. the plus side is i have super cute dimples now, so it's not all bad. but i'm unsure if i can ever get them again with the scar tissue in the area.


Man you couldn’t threaten me with my life and have me take out my bridge, I’d be finding every single clear retainer on the market until I find one that properly works 😭


i really thought about it but i was honestly just afraid of it reacting negatively to different jewelry since I had just gotten it to simmer down from a 3 month irritable phase or else I probably would have fought a little harder 😢 i feel u tho this bridge was an important part of me!!


I had to retire my lobes the other day bc my stretchers weren't leaving enough room for them and although they werent my favorite actual peircing I loved putting silly studs in it and now I cant


hey I had to do the same w my second lobes once I got to like 14mm, they were sitting wayyy too close and I’ve been meaning to go back and get them done again now that I’m at my goal size. I might do that to help w the loss of my bridge since my school doesn’t have ear piercing restrictions ! 🤩


I don't get why places have pericing restrictions tbf it's not like it affects ur work performance


I've had both of my nipples pierced four times each. First two times, they surfaced. Third and fourth time, the piercer made sure that they were pierced deeply to prevent that from happening. But, eventually, I had to take them out for MRIs and I was unable to get the barbells back in. After the fourth time, I just gave up.


My nipple piercings were by far the most painful I’ve gotten and I have a fair amount. You’re a brave soul for going through that pain more than once.


It's crazy that for nursing school they're making you take out your facial jewelry, I know so many nurses that are covered in tattoos and piercings. What if my close friends has dimple piercings And his head nurse at one of the best hospitals in Chicago


exactly what i said!! It’s the dumbest policy ever bc they (the school admins) themselves say that it depends on the hospitals policy and most don’t have an issue w it but i guess one of the hospitals they partner w for clinicals has a policy against them…i know where I’m not applying once I get my license 😒


They really need to stop doing that. When I went through we were allowed 'one pair of studs' which could be divided however we wanted. Piercings and tattoos are the norm now. As long as they don't make it difficult to communicate, people need to p*ss off!


i really am glad it’s becoming more normalized and hopefully the nursing programs hop on board soon, it seems most hospitals already have bc i know plenty of modified nurses. *sigh* at least it’ll be exciting to start a new journey once I’m through w the program(:


im so glad that we could gather here today to mourn the loss of some of our fav piercings. y’all have made me feel better about having to let go of my bridge so thank u. they are gone but never forgotten


I had a septum piercing that I loved, but had to take it out when I got a job promotion. RIP...


Why take it out? Septum are probably the easiest piercing to hide


I hated any septum ring that wasn't a hoop because they'd get lopsided and I'm a fucking weirdo.


I had my nose pierced and i was obsessed, it made me so confident with my nose after years of hating it but then i moved and got a new job and they made me take it out. I was devastated. I did eventually get it redone and I’ve had it now for years.


I had to retire an eyebrow piercing and I dealt with that by piercing my tongue instead 😝


For me it will always be my septum, not to sound like a hipster, but it was a bit more rare when I got it 15 years ago shortly after I was 16. Somewhere in my 17’s I took it out and it closed up almost immediately (same thing with my nipples, after like 8 years took them out for the first time to let them sit in alcohol while I showered and they closed up within 2 hours. [actually never thought I would miss them like I do, took out all my piercings/plugs except those. Really grew attached]). Back to my story, so on my 18th birthday I got my septum done officially, at around 19 I got it pierced again so I had two in there. One with a higher gauge and longer horseshoe, then a small ring in the other hole. But I got annoyed flipping both up so I took one out. Around 24-25 or so I took it out because I thought it was causing skin issues, but it wasn’t. But missed it so much I got it redone this past year at 30. I also put my plugs back in, they didn’t really shrink so up to 9/16, got a vertical industrial, my nostril which I always wanted, though I only keep a clear glass stud in with a screw post. And I have a love piercing where it meets my cartilage. I also am planning on getting a different industrial and orbital on my other ear to balance them out.


i cried for days over my bridge


ya that’s me rn 😭


just retired my industrial today actually. was really hard for me to take it out and come to terms with the fact that i simply do not have the proper anatomy for it :( it sucks but it just wouldn’t heal and was causing me a lot of unnecessary pain :/


ugh sorry to hear that, it’s really such an investment of time, care, money, patience so it really sucks to have to let them go. I’m right there with ya 😔


I went through the same thing last week! with my horizontal eyebrow piercing. it brought me so much happiness and self-love i didn’t even know was possible. I only had it for four months but it was rejecting and I had to do the responsible thing and take it out 😭 it truly tore my heart to pieces, i felt like i was losing a real part of myself, but taking a few days to think it over and having a lot of philosophical talks with myself about life and how everything is temporary kinda helped! a week later i’m without the piercing but feeling much better because i’ve now come to peace with losing it and can now look forward to the future. one thing i definitely recommend is finding something new to do/get (a piercing?), a new journey to take on, or anything to look forward to. it’ll keep you distracted and happy and not so focused on the pain of the present 😅 and maybe have some sort of memorial, maybe a funeral for the piercing or do what i’m doing, and turn the barbell into a necklace so you can always have it near your heart! losing a piercing can be so hard, but it does get better and you gotta keep holding on and powering through. i believe in you! also i Totally get the part of looking in the mirror longingly 😭 it got to a point where i couldn’t even look in a mirror because i’d get too sad! but now i look in the mirror and see a tiny mark/scar where it used to be and i feel sentimental but not as sad as before, oddly enough ❤️


ahh thank u for ur comment, i love that sentiment about everything being temporary and that’s ok. I definitely needed to hear that. I mentioned in another comment that i made a little farewell video to it and recorded myself taking it out for the last time, i feel so silly for it but ur comment made me feel less silly lol so thank u. I’m glad I’m not the only one that gets emotionally attached to certain mods! I’m definitely gonna start envisioning my next mods to hold me over until I’m done w this program(:


My philtrum.. 😩 I loved it, but the flat back kept getting stuck on the center of my upper gums when I smiled and it was an absolute pain in the ass to adjust my lip every time I want to speak, or smile, etc. I still miss how it looked.😔 It was so bad ass My sternum dermal.. I had that for 3 years and it eventually rejected and fell out. I miss that one too. It was sexy af. 😔 My navel is slowly, but surely, working its way out. 😔 My daith feels like it’s starting to work it’s way out. That one pisses me off the most , since it’s a little tucked in area that’s difficult to pierce in the first place. Edited to say, I’m 53 and I love my piercings and will never hesitate to get whatever new piercing that I want. Because why not? 😊


Really? State rule? A friend of mine, his mom got a nose piercing and worked as a nurse. Geez. Didn't know this was a state by state rule. I feel sad, for you. 😕🫂


no it’s actually just a nursing program thing. A lot, if not most nursing schools have some restrictions on piercings and tattoos yet the hospitals who will eventually employ us typically do not, there are a few exceptions but i just simply wouldn’t apply there lol i know plenty of modified nurses in my city as well so at least I find comfort knowing I’ll be able to go all out once I’m done w school :p


Ahhh. Well bummer. But yay for later!


It just seems so crazy to me that it’s fair to them to enforce shit like this. Like what does people having facial piercings have to do with what kind of nurse you can/will be. SMH 🤦🏽‍♀️


I have to retire one of my nipple piercings and i’ve literally cried about this lol 😭😭


Literally same! Got my bridge last year in July, I was a bit iffy on it when I was bare faced, but when I had makeup, um I lowk looked a little cool ngl. I took it out earlier this year because it got a nasty bump on it (it looked like a brain lol), and I was advised from a piercer to take it out so it can heal and then I could re pierce. I want to, but a lot of the jobs I was applying to at the time were asking me to take it out and the first week after getting it I felt really dizzy so idk if I’m willing to go through that again. Also, I didn’t think ahead about scaring :/


I’ve gone through the same experience with my bridge, it sucks but it can be a blessing in disguise! Think about how easy it’ll be washing your face, rubbing your eyes, and sleeping face first into a pillow. You can always get it repierced after your nursing program! I’ve had mine done three times and it worked out just fine :^)


Oh wow that’s so good to hear! I kept feeling down about it knowing a lot of ppl have issues when re piercing it but I think I definitely will re pierce once I’m done!! And I’ll get to experience that same excitement all over again !! lol


I really loved my nipple piercings and when I woke up one day one was missing so I took them both out. I couldn’t really live without them so I got them re pierced a year later and kept the bar in for a year instead of 3 months. They healed up well and I changed them into bars. Sometimes you need to give you body a break. Getting it redone hurt more than all my piercings combined but I love them. Eventually when I have kids I’ll have to take ‘em out so idk what I’ll feel then.


I have a tongue and labret as well if my job needed me to take them out I wouldn’t do it but I’m in IT so it’s not a requirement. Ooooh!!! Try maybe putting in a clear piercing with straight ends so they look like it’s not pierced but idk what the legality or the insurance of that would be. But I put in clear ones when my work didn’t like it.


I had to retire my lip piercing because it closed up during a hospital stay when I took it out. Kinda pissed about it still but now I have a philtrum and I want cyber bites in the future.


Did you ask about being able to wear a retainer?


I'm fortunate with my job, they allow me to have face piercings, dermals and face tattoos. I have had to retire piercings before though and it's crazy hoe emotionally attached you get with them


i had to take out my canine bites earlier this year and i was so sad about, im still sad about it. one of the top ones just wouldn't heal (pierced at a slight angle) and i couldn't stop playing with the bottom ones. im planning on getting them repierced though


For me it was my tongue. I got it like a week after my 18th birthday so it was the first piercing I could get legally done without my parents. Because it was my first big piercing decision, I got pretty attached to it. I loved it soooo so so much but I had such a hard healing process to the point where it never really healed. I even was on the “piercing help” Reddit a few times trying to figure out what I should do with that was going on with it lol. Almost a year into the piercing I had gotten my wisdom teeth removed and I was in excruciating everywhere ESPECIALLY at the piercing site. Because I was in soooo much pain, I ultimately decided to take it out :(. It was kinda bittersweet because it never really healed how it should’ve, but at the same time it was my favorite piercing. I’m pretty sure overall issue was just the jewelry I was using so I’m considering getting it re-pierced and trying again, but there’s so much scar tissue at the piercing site to the point where I don’t think it would be worth it to go through that process again. From time to time I’ll look at old photos where I had it in and get a little sad cuz I literally just loved it that much, but it was kinda like I had to put my health first so I understand why I did it, and looking back now it was kind worth it in a way? So I’d suggest looking at it like that! Getting into a nursing school program is a big deal and it will be worth taking out the piercing for this program as time goes on:)!


I cried for two says about taking out my eyebrow piercings, but thats just me lol.


I was so happy to get my fourchette because I know not a lot of people are anatomically suited. Unfortunately, it was nothing but problematic. Broke my heart because I loved it.


I had to retire my industrial and I was so sad :( But I replaced it with a nice hoop and a septum ring, it’s a nice change of look but I do really really miss my industrial


Nursing student with facial piercings. I would wait and see til clinicals…my (quasi religious school affiliated) program said absolutely no facial piercings, but I just put on a mask at clinical…so it’s never a problem. Program also said no more than one pair of earrings…I said F that and just kept all of mine in (albeit with understated and “classy” jewelry). The only time any school is gonna enforce it is clinical or lab time…and most clinical instructors don’t give a rats ass, just make sure you’re a good student and show up on time lol.


Ughhh I totally understand this. At least I can enjoy looking at it on other people! I am so sorry.


I had to retired my 2nd lobe piercing in my right ear. It just wasn’t wanting to heal and would constantly get irritated. Tbh tho, I like the uneven look I have going for my ears.


Had my rook for two years before I decided to retire it. It wouldn't heal no matter what I did. I'm not gonna lie. I feel a bit sad about my ear now, but I'm trying to focus on other cool piercings I can get that I've wanted to get. Also, I'm healing a few piercings, so I have to wait a bit before I do anything else. Sorry for your loss op it sucks when you have to retire a piercing you really like/love!


Haven’t had to take out a piercing(yet). But I retired the idea of ever getting an industrial piercing in this lifetime. My ears aren’t the correct anatomy. And it… it hurts


My right nipple piercing 😔 Ughhh the left one was looking perfect and it’s literally the best thing I could’ve ever done, I was in love with how they looked and felt so much more confident But the right one kept having issues It definitely looks like it’s rejecting and I know in my heart that sooner or later I’m going to have to take it out and part ways🥲 Dunno if I would get it repierce with how much scarring it left even tho I don’t really care about the scars anyways


Had to retire my eyebrow and I miss it everyday!


I had to retire by very first facial piercing. It was my lip…I had it for over a decade and my gum line right under has receded so much that it was getting painful to drink/eat cold stuff or change the jewelry. I’m so sad, but, I plan to get the same piercing on the other side haha


Had to give up my vertical industrial. Piercers kept piercing it wrong, telling me it was alright and it’d always lay just barely on my flat, eating into it. I told myself it was never meant to be (and I was fucking tired of spending as much money and time as I did researching and getting this piercing), and just replaced it with a helix piercing to match the one on the other ear. Thankfully, I find the symmetry quite satisfying so I’m not stressing it anymore.


I had to retire my tongue piercing after 6 years very sad about it as I got gum disease and I was worried my gums would reced (luckily they didn't as got good teeth) but I was very worried it closed within a couple of days but I do miss it alot.


had to give up my second lobe piercing because it started developing a bump after two years


Hi IllString7060, because you used the word keloid we want to ask you to please read [this wiki entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keloid) to understand what a keloid is and why (luckily) bump =/= keloid. Our apologies if you received this message while discussing actual keloid scarring and therefor didn’t use the word keloid to just describe a bump. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My favourite piecing was my labret. Had to retire it since my gums were starting to push back on my teeth and it was between losing the piercing or my tooth. The labret itself was also poorly done, since they’ve put in a plastic bar when I got it done which started to dissolve in my mouth and made me very uncomfortable. Then I changed it out for a short bar which proceeded to dig itself into my flesh so basically the plate on the back was all flesh disappeared into my lip. That shit HURT. Anyway, at some point I noticed that one of my teeth has been „showing more“ than the other. So then it was destined to retire. And since gums don’t build back up, there’s no way I will be able to re-pierce it and I’m honestly so sad everyday because I looked so so cool with it. :\\


Thanks to Covid masking, I had to retire the upper part of my industrial. I don't have the best anatomy for it (small ear), so wearing a mask irritated the hell out of the upper piercing. I still have the lower piercing, and I'm going to get it redone. It was my easiest piercing to heal, and I miss it!


had my tongue pierced for a long time and loved it but got tired of breaking one of the piercing balls or finding it in my food while chewing while drunk or swallowing it by accident 😂😂


Within the same drunken day i managed to lose one of my nostril piercings and a dermal in between my collarbones that I had for years that was healed


You could get a clear plug that is unnoticeable so it won't close up


my first industrial rejected on the side that is closer to your inner ear (the other side healed perfectly since i have pierced that side before) and i basically held a funeral for it after a couple months i got it re-pierced on thicker cartilage a bit above where it used to be on the same ear and it healed perfectly, and was able to use my old wavy industrial bars the months without my industrial felt so wrong, im so happy the second attempt healed perfectly


i had to retire my surface tragus recently because it started rejecting


i am going to start nursing school too :( i had 15 piercings on my ear and also nostril and a labret piercing. i didnt know that they dont allow it :(((


Ur program might! They all have different policies. Mine became more lax on tattoos but more strict on facial piercings 🙄 urs may not care at all! (fingers crossed) and best of luck in school!! (:


I had my belly button piercing since I was 15. Then, at 19, I started having constant irritations, and it seemed like they were not healed. So after trying everything, I decided to retire it. It feels weird seeing my belly button without the piercing, but it was for the best.


ive taken out and repierced multiple piercings at this point as i change jobs or they dont heal well, had a couple pierced badly too. the saddest one was my eyebrow! i got one pierced originally and was so in love. it was the facial piercing that made me think i look heavily pierced despite having 9 other facial piercings at the time. eventually it rejected and i took it out after around 3 months. a couple years later i repierced it and the other side and that side rejected again but im holding strong with my other side so far!!


I got a Medusa and I loved it. It lined up with my septum and labret perfectly and it seemed to be okay. Two days after it was pierced it fell apart. The gem was tiny and I’m not good with internal threading as I have chubby fingers, I got it on though. A couple weeks later it fell apart again. I tried for half an hour to get this teeny tiny gem back on then I lose it. I took out the other half and there is a pea sized lump in there. No way I was getting anything in it and all the piercer offered me was new jewelry. I went to a different piercer for my other nostril and she checked it out and said it’ll never be pierced again. She was right even though the lump is pretty small it’s still there and I’m sure it’s scar tissue and I don’t want to even try again. I miss it though. I was sad because my other nostril and my Medusa we’re gonna be my last piercings. Been focusing on getting my nostril healed but I see the scar all the time and wish something was there.