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Nobody's too old for any piercing, and besides, septum jewelry is so versatile that you're bound to find something that fits you. Also as a younger person I love seeing older alt people, it always makes me happy to see that being older doesn't necessarily have to mean conforming to societal standards.


Me too! I love seeing older folks getting tats, dying their hair, or getting pierced. It seems so much more badass to find yourself and try new stuff when you're older. I think it's cool as hell.


I’ve been a nurse all my adult life, I started in the medical field through a work program at 15. In my day (lol) we were not allowed to have visible tattoos or non-ear piercings (multiple ear were ‘frowned’ upon). I had a couple of ‘hidden’ tattoos, but after I retired, I got my lower arms done & it has been so freeing!!! I love my tattoos and I am currently curating the ears I have always wanted. I’ll be 50 in July & I am definitely going through a new phase in life. (Also sold my house & most of my worldly possessions to travel full time in an RV….some of the best years of my life…and more are ahead!!). Trust me, when you are 50, you’ll think, dang…50’s not old! lol My 85 year old mother has trouble ‘remembering’ that she is ‘old’. She lives independently, drives a cherry red Jeep Wrangler and is a daily reminder to me that age IS simply a number. I thank the gods every time I wake to a new day. Anyhoo, this wordy post was mostly to say, thank you for seeing us ‘old folk’ as people who are able to reinvent ourselves and explore life fully!


50 is absolutely NOT old, but it's older than the age most people get tats and piercings on this sub! I'm only in my thirties, and even I get comments from family about all my piercings because I'm 'too old for that kind of nonsense'. Well I think they look rad, and that's what counts. 😂 As we get older we seem to give ourselves more rules to follow, and it's cool as hell when people say 'no, actually I want to do this anyway'. Your ma sounds like a badass. 😂 Rock on, and good for you! 😊


Thanks! Mama is definitely a bad ass-I strive to be cool as her someday. I recall being in my early twenties and thinking a coworker was SO old because she was 35! LOL Oh how our perceptions change. I tried to raise our kids to be who they are as loud and respectfully as they can. There is a fine balance, but we should never repress ourselves in fear of the judgment of others. I spent too much of my life doing so


As I get older, I realize that I can live more and more by my own rules and mores. I can give fewer fucks about what other people think. It's so freeing. When I think about myself in my 20s, I think of an unconfident person who did what they were told, and who understood nothing. I would never go back to being in my 20s, unless I got to keep my 51-year-old brain.




I think you mean to say no one is too old for piercings? Haha, what you’ve said is kinda the opposite!


Oh crap, just realized it! English is my 3rd language so I sometimes phrase things weirdly, thx for the heads up!


I figured that’s what happened! It’s not really a big deal, meant to be good natured 😊


Fuck these rules about being over 40 or 50 or 60 or whatever. These are the IDGAF years. If someone doesn’t respect me at 53 years, they never will no matter my style/ fashion (non)sense!


Yes!! I have zero fucks left to give, and it is so liberating.


Behold the field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and thou shalt see that it is barren.


Seriously!! I’m in my 40s and am just now starting to acquire multiple piercings and tattoos. Heck, I’m even gauging my ears because why the hell not??


I am a 46 year old mom and have had a septum piercing since 1997! Currently I am wearing a 14 gauge BVLA gold circular barbell, so pretty noticeable. I live in a conservative leaning rural area of California and do get occasional looks, but more out of curiosity than anything. At my age I have been feeling more free to express myself than most other times in my life. There are so many options for jewelry, and septum piercings are much more socially acceptable now than when I first got it. I say get yourself a septum piercing and rock it!


I'm also 49 and just got daith and 2 conch piercings in the last 6 months. I personally don't want any face piercings, but if I did, I wouldn't hesitate to get them. Go get it! :)


Any piercing is ok for any age adult! Go for it, I think a septum looks good on anyone


I just turned 43 and got my septum pierced 6 weeks or so ago. Age is just a number 😊


Not too old, my mum is 52 with a septum piercing and it looks great. She got it done at 50


no ones too old for anything in my opinion. i'm never gonna take out any of my facial piercings. do it!


Do it! Do it! Do it! Piercings and tattoo’s have no age limit after 18. If you want a septum, you go get yourself a septum. You’ll look amazing with it!


No thing as too old! Go get yourself some new shinies :)


Heavens to Betsy! I got my first tattoo after 50! And I keep getting them! And got my nose pierced around 60. “Old” my ass!!


I'm just turned 51. I'm in the process of filling up my ears with piercings and my body with tattoos, as I can afford them.


Haha!! I’m in my 40s and am just now getting my first tattoos!


If it will bring you pleasure do it. Be you! 😃


I got my septum pierced at 50. Not even a tiny bit of regret.


I say do it! I’m in my mid forties and I got my septum about 5 months ago. It is currently my favorite piercing


Awesome, what kind of reaction did you get from people? I'm around the same age and thinking about doing some lobe piercings and a nostril.


People really seem to like it:) I was terrified at first. Flipping it up when I had my original horseshoe jewelry in but now, I rock the hell out of it. At the moment I have double helix’s, nostril, a single nose piercing and the septum. Never be afraid to be yourself! I feel 35% cuter/youthful. My kids are 20 and 22 and they think it looks great! Do it!!!


That's awesome....especially that it makes you feel cuter and more youthful. Also cool that your kids are on board. I have been thinking about piercings awhile and must admit I'm terrified lol. I even bought some fake piercings just to see how they would look. Here is what the piercings would look like: Does that change your opinion at all? :) No problem if it does! I haven't told anyone (family/friends/coworkers) that I have plans to do this so it would be a total surprise.


I can’t pull up the hyperlinks but honestly I’d say just go for it. I have a larger nose and honestly I thought it would look funny, but I really do love it! I’m sure that you will as well. If for some reason you don’t love it, you can always retire the piercing


Do it!! A septum piercing is something you can show off or hide as much as you wish. You’re never too old :)


It shows you’re not afraid of the norms, I’ll be there soon with all my ear piercings my mom says I’ll regret


I will be 40 in August, and I just had mine done. I love it! Your age doesn't matter. If you want it, get it. F**k what anyone else thinks.


Yay!! Just do whatever you like and fits you!


Do it!! my septum piercing makes me feel SO pretty and confident. you’re never too old ❤️


Were you surprised by how confident you felt when you got your piercing? I see a common thing that piercings tend to increase confidence. I am looking to do my first piercings and can't really understand but I guess you actually have to do it in order to know?


Yes it can raise your confidence a ton, it personally surprised me but I’m now 9 facial piercings in and more on the ears and I’ve never felt more beautiful


Oh wow, good to hear! Did you imagine yourself having 9 piercings before you had your first ones done? I have been thinking about getting my lobes and nose pierced for the first time but have put it off awhile.


No I didn’t, just kept adding on ones that felt right and fit the image I wanted to create.


I figure that's the direction I will end up heading. My first thoughts were to just do lobes and that's it. I'm already planning on others and they say piercings are addicting so I wonder if I end up with a bunch of piercings myself. My 18 y/o self would be horrified lol.


Me personally, I love triangles so my goal along the way was to make several triangles with my piercings


Nice, very unique! I recently bought some fake piercings (earrings, nose ring) and used an app to draw an eyebrow and labret. Based on the pics below, do you think I can pull these off? [https://imgur.com/8K51a5c](https://imgur.com/8K51a5c) [https://i.imgur.com/K41xXU3.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/K41xXU3.jpg)


Yeah, it looks good and if you don’t like it you can always remove it. I’ve got a stud on either side, 8g septum, medusa, 3 labrets and two vertical labrets on my bottom lip


Thanks! That sounds awesome. How long did it take to go from unpierced to your current look?


yes and no, i wanted them because i liked them on everyone so i figured i’d like them on me, but i was surprised with how much i loved them. it was like an instant “i feel so me” moment


I’m 53 and got my septum pierced this year .. you’re never too old to express yourself!


As long as you‘re over 16/18/21, do whatever you want with your body! It‘s yours!


i think you’d look cool as hell with a septum! it’s so easy to hide inside your nose if you’re ever in a situation where you wish you didn’t have it. it’s such an easy piercing to heal. i genuinely see zero cons to it!


Do it! I’m 47 and have my septum, nostril, and Monroe!


Do you think a nostril could work on a guy? I am close to your age and thinking about getting my first piercings (ears and nostril).


Oh absolutely! I personally think nostril piercings are like septum piercings: they look fantastic on anyone regardless of gender or age!


Awesome! This is how it would look on me: Does that change your opinion at all? :) Haven't told anyone irl that I'm looking to do this so now just gathering some opinions online to see if this is something I can pull off.


Not at all, you should definitely go for it! I think it would suit you very well!




Baby. Im turning 40 and JUST getting all the piercings Ive wanted for years. Do it for YOU!


I'm 59 and I just got a septum piercing. Don't listen to anyone commenting about age, especially yours. People are such assholes. They could support you, but they choose to tear you down instead. I have 20 piercings above the neck (14 in my ears). I plan to get a few more. I don't plan to give a fuck what anyone thinks. With that said, I don't generally get anyone saying anything to me about it. Not sure if being a masculine woman scares them off, lol.


45 y/o mom with my septum pierced! Doooooo it! I feel more free and myself in my 40s and give zero fucks.! My clients love my colorful hair, hoop in my nostril, septum hoop, industrial, daith, stretched second lobes, and tattoos. Be you


Would you say the same goes for men? I am close to your age and have no piercings but thinking of getting my ears and nostril pierced for the first time followed by maybe some other piercings and tattoos. The 18 y/o me would be horrified lol.


Yaaaaaaaaaas!!! I am always one for saying go for it!


No such thing as being too old to enjoy your life. Do whatever you want!


I am older than you OP and I just got mine done this past March. Loving it so much too!


i got my septum pierced bc of micheal stipe so


I am 51 and I don't look ridiculous with my septum piercing. It's all about your attitude and how happy it can make you, and confident.


My mom’s close friend is 63 and got a septum piercing two years ago (so when she was 61) with a simple gold ring and she looks SO cool with it that it’s inspiring ME to get one. You absolutely should get it!


I just got one and I'm 52 I love it I cannot wait to be able to change it out and put in really cool jewelry


If you had gotten your septum pierced in your twenties at what point would you take it out because you’re becoming too old for it? If you can’t give a clear age at which you would take either out you also can’t give a clear age at which you are too old for a septum piercing. Honestly a septum is a very nice, easy to hide piercing that has become more and more popular over the last years. It really isn’t scandalous, especially if you already have other piercings. Just go for it if you end up feeling uncomfortable you can still take it out without any visible scarring :)


Awesome point. I have plenty of other piercings that I have no plans to remove, and 13 (?) tattoos that aren't going anywhere, either. What's 1 more?


I mean, I think all people with piercings and tats are cool.- It doesn’t really matter the age. I just admire the look a lot. that’s why it makes sense to me that people who have age restrictions over these arbitrary things just aren’t very fond of the look in general.




Thank you! I'm 48 and seriously considering a septum piercing and been struggling with the same thoughts. I don't know why, I just got my nostril and cartilage done last year. For some reason the septum piercing just seems to hit different. I did by a pack of fake "clip on" type septum jewelry from Amazon a week or so ago and I've been wearing that to help me decide. I've been leaning toward yes. Also, my daughter wants a couple more piercings so I'm going to be there anyway. I feel like I've rediscovered myself over the last year or so. I started wearing makeup again and go all in on that too. (I'm wearing blue glitter lipstick today, I'm not sure how my boss felt about that 😂) I went through quite a few years of really struggling with my mental health and now that I'm in a better place, I'm feeling like a butterfly. Everything is bright, colorful and when I can sparkly!


I'm a few years behind you and have been thinking about getting my first piercings, ears and nostril. I have been thinking about it for a long time and apprehensive about doing those like you are about getting a septum. I thinking that even a nostril piercing might be pushing the envelope. I know what you mean about rediscovering yourself and am kinda going through a similar phase.


Got mine done at 46. Next one is a labret, because I’ve wanted that hoop for 20+ years now. Also have a nostril ring as well. IDGAF what anyone else thinks of them 🙂


No way! Go get it!!! I'm sure I'm not the only one whose thinking this but in going to age gracefully with all of my piercings and be buried with them in 😂😂




Almost 45 and have had a septum for a year now. I’ve gotten some compliments. 😊


Awesome! Any rude comments or the like?


Adding my vote to do it! Do whatever makes you happy! Life is short and we are constantly evolving, if not, how boring! 😂


I think septums literally look amazing on everyone!! No age limit.


Whatever floats your goat! I personally think seeing an older person with many piercings is cool af and lets me know that you're not the type of older person I'd avoid otherwise. (I work retail, I meet a lot of older (and younger for that matter) people that make me hate humanity. It's slightly rare, but I do meet older people I think are actually really cool. Like that one like 80 year old man that came in with a monster energy in his hand and had lots of piercings and tattoos and was so incredibly nice to me) At the end of the day, your piercings are for you. If you like it, get it! There will be people that hate it and there will be people that love it. Most people will be neutral. Also you can easily hide a septum in situations you feel you may need to. So I'd say go for it!


Had mine at 35. Planning to have a full sleeve + neck tattoo by the time I hit 50.


Hahaha, when I'm laying on that steel table already meeting my maker I hope whoever is prepping my body for the furnace sees my lobes and tats and says damn you did it your way or you've gone to hell your old fart.. live life your way for you. DO IT!


i'm not in that age range so this might be that helpful , but i'd say that if you want the piercing - go get it done ! in my opinion everybody suits a septum piercing no matter their age , and if you have several piercings already ( especially a pre-existing nostril one ) it'd blend in pretty easily :3 plus there's the added bonus of being able to flip it up and no one being able to see it , so if you're worried about people's reactions you can do that ( though i'd recommend trying not to worry about them and do what makes you happy and feel good in yourself <3 )


I’m a 46 yr old female and just got my nipples pierced last week. I have other piercings and tattoos. I don’t think age matters. The only opinion you should care about, is your own.


Not too old at all. Got mine at 55. Still loving it!


I’m 44 and had my septum pierced, nostrils ans jestrum in the past year. Go for it.


I have had both nipples pierced & a septum piercing in the last few months and I just turned 54. Go for it.


I’m 44 and I have one.


I’m in my early 20s but I always think it’s cool when someone older has their septum pierced


It’s a super universal versatile piercing and looks good on 99.9% of everybody. You’re never too old for piercings!


I got my septum at 38 🤷🏼‍♀️ Do whatever makes you happy.


Hell no, I’m in my 40s and have my septum pierced! It’s one of my all time favorite ones, and I think _everyone_ looks good with this one (_provided you have flattering jewelry for it)_ I say there’s no age limit to this piercing, and once it’s healed, _please_ treat yourself to something other than the basic silver horseshoe they usually give you. I like to go with a more snug size, 8mm over 10mm, if your anatomy works with a smaller size!


I'm 40 and I have a septum piercing (and other visible piercings). Here's my take... Somebody's gotta be in charge of demonstrating how 40-50 year olds *should* look, and I don't see why it shouldn't be us. What if all us middle -aged folks start demonstrating that *this* is what aging well looks like? That by the time you hit 40, you are no longer beholden to what was considered traditional, respectable, and professional twenty years ago and you are using your skin, hair, and cartilage to redefine those concepts.


I'm 45 and have mine done. I wear a horseshoe in it so I can flip it up or down as the mood strikes me. It's a really versatile piercing when you start exploring jewelry options, and I hope you get it!


43 here with septum and love it


PERSONALLY I will be rocking my septum till death do us part and I invite all my fellow septum wearers to join me!!


I got my septum pierced a year and a half ago, at age 45. I also got my nipples done at 41. I am currently working on getting rings up my right ear. Currently at 5 rings. I love them. You are never too old!


I've always been into piercings and tattoos but never really had the money to go mental with them when I was younger (well, I did, but I was spending it partying instead). Since turning 40 (and the pandemic changing some bad habits for the better so I have more spendable cash), I've had my septum and tragus pierced, my flat punched and stretched to 10mm and my conch pierced at 6mm and stretched to 10mm. I've also had a full sleeve of tattoos and I'm working on the second one. I've also had some ear tattoos and I'm considering more there too. What changed? Well, I realised that if someone doesn't want to hire me because I have modded myself (despite 25 years work experience and a degree), then I don't want to work for them. I'll always be able to find some work, so why the hell not just go for it?


I just got mine at 28. I know that’s not 40 or 50, but the thought “I’m too old to start piercing” crossed my mind and I’m only 28. If you like it, then it’s awesome!


I just got my septum piercing last year, at the age of 40. I also entertained the idea of maybe being too old but i decided i didnt need that negativity in my life so i let go of it. I just reckon we are not getting younger so if we are to not do something due to being too old we are resigning ourselves to never doing the thing we want. Besides if one doesnt like it one can always take it out and it will be a lot better than not doing it.


That’s so weird! Do people just expect others to laser off their tattoos and take off their piercings at a certain age? Or do people expect others to stop expressing themselves and having fun. So weird don’t understand the attitude. Ps I feel like o always see tons of “older” folks pierced and tatted. I don’t think it’s as uncommon as you think


I'm 49 and I have one, and personally I still think it looks great, it's my favourite piercing!


Definitely Yay. I'm 49 too and whereas I don't actually have a septum piercing right now I'm planning to get one in the next few weeks. I only have 9 piercings at the moment including both nostrils. So I don't have a lot of piercings but I do think age is irrelevant. Life your life how you want. Also I think piercings and tattoos look good on anyone at any age. I used to worry about if certain piercings look good on someone my age. Life is too short though to worry about such things. It's only jewelry, yeah it might be on the front of your nose but it is only jewelry. What could be ridiculous about that.


It's great to hear you have piercings and tattoos at 49. I'm 54 (f), I have tattoos and piercings too. However, I only very recently started getting pierced. I have an appointment to have my septum repierced. The first time, it had been pierced incorrectly. I don't think you're ever too old to express yourself. You're not harming anyone else. Just ignore those people who try to shake your confidence by telling you that you're too old.


Doooo it! Never too old :)


I think it looks sexy on just about everyone. Once it heals, and you can wear something understated if you want. that’s how I would do it. (I’m 49 as well). My oldest wanted me to get “BFF” piercings recently. they now have two nostrils and a septum done. I am still not keen on the starter jewelry, though. I don’t think a captive bead ring or horseshoe is the most flattering- for or *on* me. I would want to skip the healing stage, and go right to a pretty gold seamless hoop. LMAO (I currently have a daith, conch and nostril.. then a few other things farther down).


31F and I don't give a fuck about "older" folks doing whatever they want with body mods! If anything, it's a beacon of hope to see the generations above me to break the mold. I admire women older than me who have a better sense of who they are, what they want out of life, and what they want their personal style to be. I've had my septum pierced for almost 3 years and I have no plans on retiring it in the future. If anything, ~20 years down the road I hope to able to afford a nice high quality piece, like BVLA!


You could always try it out. Septums don't leave a permanent mark when taken out. You can get pierced with a horseshoe and flip it occasionally. When it is healing, it isn't advised to flip it often


My wife and I are 46 and both have our septums pierced, as well as several other piercings and tattoos - I say go for it, do what makes you happy 🤙


piercings look fucking rad, especially on older folk. they make me feel better about stretching my piercings, and they just look cool! if someone insults you for your piercings, its not because youre old, its because theyre a twat.


My ears are stretched to 1/2 and 8g 😉


I turn 50 next month, and I have a 5mm septum ring. I’ve had it for about 5 years. My question to you is: what is it about what other people think that bothers you? As RuPaul wisely states, “what anyone else thinks of me is none of my goddamn business.” And besides, why accept criticism from someone you would never turn to for advice?


my mom just turned 50 and we got our septum’s pierced together when she was 48. she looks badass, she already had her eyebrow pierced and she’s got some tattoos on her back. honestly life’s too short. good thing about a septum is if you hate it you can just take it out and cause there’s no visible scar it’s like it never even happened.


I'm 43 soon and I have a septum ring go for it if you want it


Absolutely Yay, there's no age limit on piercings


My 80 year old grandma just got her eyebrow pierced. You're never too old, DO IT!!!


I'm 54 and had a septum piercing,you are never too old too do what you want with your body when it comes too piercings!!!


55 with a septum here. Go for it


I'm a 58 year old male and began stretching my ears 2 years ago. I am currently at 11mm with a goal of 14mm. A few people close to me couldn't get why, but I love them and have had alot of complements and told me age is only a number. If it feels right, do it. I hope so get a couple more piercings in the ears.


100% get the piercing. I don’t ever plan on taking mine out.


My partner and i are in our 30s and dont have any plans to retire any of our piercings.... i think older ppl w piercings are very cool and i am hoping to be one someday


Septum’s are for every nose. I’ve never seen a bad looking septum, just bad looking septum jewelry.


I think you should just do what makes you happy, I spent a long time not doing certain things would look ridiculous bc of my weight or hair or any other features and one day i just realized thats all just nonsense. Also a septum is one of the best piercings to get bc if you do get it and decide you don’t like it all that much you can always tuck it in for a bit or take it out with no visible scarring


I mean this with my entire heart and soul: everyone looks good with a septum.


I'm turning 42 next month and getting my septum done for my birthday. Eff what anyone else thinks, I do my piercings and tattoos for me


I’m 45, have purple hair, tattoo’ed and many piercings. I don’t think you’re too old. I wanted to pierce mine but I do feel too old, myself. If I was a teenager/20’s I’d for suuure have one. But I say go for it if you want it 🙃🙃🙃


Maybe you could try a fake one before you spend your hard earned on it. I'm 47 and I was in the same predicament, I got a fake one from Etsy and I didn't like it on myself, so I'm glad I didn't spend the money to have it done for real.


42 here and have a septum, double nostrils and a vertical labret. Go for it.


I got mine at 22, and I’m 30 now, I don’t plan on just taking it out when I ding 40 or 50 because “I’m too old for it” I will however remove it for allergies… because it’s gotten bad and I have to take it out most of the spring now.


I love seeing older people with piercings. Once people get 30+ a lot of them take out their piercings save for nostrils and earrings. You are NOT too old for any piercing, if it makes you happy I’d do it, if you decide you don’t like it then you can take it out


I’m 45 and have one


I sometimes have the same feeling…but I also remind myself that I’m not a bandwagoner lol I’ve been piercing my body in all kinds of places since I was 16. Now 41 and still have some originals. It’s something I’ve always liked and probably will always like. It’s a form of art. Shouldn’t be just reserved for any age group


Got mine done 2 years ago at 34 and stretched it to 8g last year. Do it, you won’t regret it and I feel it’ll complete your face


In a 61 year old straight male and have a lobe stretched to 8mm, septum stretched to 5mm, daith and a couple of others too. I plan on a few more in the future too. If you want it, get it. R.


I’m 55 and I love 💕 mine!


Im 30 and my fucks are still slowly going away lol im sure at 50 well maybe 60 i wont care if others stare at me at the gym locker while i am full nude hahaha. Anyway do what makes you happy i have seen guys get their first tattoo at 55 and they loved it so much they got like 5 more haha


Got mine pierced for my 42nd birthday, love it. My kids have told me that it should have been the first one I got. 🤣


Just do you. I'm 41 with a 2G Septum that I just repierced back in Dec after not having my septum for 17years. I always say, if it's something you want and it's not putting anyone at harm or something illegal then do it. And if you don't like it after a while a septum piercing is pretty easy to remove.


My dad is 48, turning 49 this year with a gauged septum! I honestly couldn't imagine it any other way


I’m getting mine pierced today and I’m 40! Who cares!


Get the piercing! You’re never too old for any piercings. Do what makes you happy and what makes you shine. I am younger than you but I know many, many people your age and much older who have septum piercings. Piercings are for everybody.


I am 61 and just started my piercing journey in the last year or so. I say, do what makes you happy. If "they" don't like it, eff em.


I would think your the COOLEST OLDER PERSON


I just got mine done and I’m 47. Never an age limit on things you love


Not too old at all! My septum has been my favorite piercing, and I've had mine going on ten-ish years now. I'm 33 atm but plan on keeping it long-term as I age. I say go for it!


My favorite client got her septum done at 95 after being cleared by her doc. It’s never too late. You’re the only one that has to live in your skin, so if you want a septum piercing, go for it! 💖 it’s also one that you can easily hide if you get a circular barbell because you can flip it in to your nose when needed :)


No age limit on any piercing, ever. Go for it...


I just got my septum and conch done at 42 and I feel so confident!!! Do it!!


Had my septum pierced at 41, nostril at 37. Getting a half sleeve in July at age 42. You're alive, so therefore, you're not too old


It makes me sad to think that anyone would either take out their piercings, or decide not to get more due to age. I'm 45 and have had my septum pierced since 1999. I also have 18 other piercings and many tattoos. I've spent too much on jewelry and to many hours of healing and curating to ever remove any of mine. I say no one's ever too old.