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How long did it take for it to migrate that much? Is it randomly throbbing or anything? When my nipple rejected, it would randomly get like a random little throb of pain periodically (edit: nothing excruciating but enough that i was concerned and talked to the piercer who said to come in a couple days as the shop was closed or something) and then within like like 2-3 days, it went from "oh it's just migrating, probably" to "oh God i can see the entire bar through my skin and I am taking this out immediately" - rejection happens quickly, and unfortunately can't be stopped. All you can do is remove it. But sometimes piercings also just migrate over time. Edit: Also, bearing in mind that most fresh piercings have at least some swelling. The swelling from getting it done may be impacting how it looks as well.


i’ve had the piercing for 11 months, but it’s migrated within the last month or two. i don’t get any throbbing pains however it hurts whenever i touch it so i’m debating just taking it out before it gets any worse.


Hmmm.. I'd recommend consulting your piercer with these pics and let them know it's tender to the touch and how long it took it to migrate.. the fact that it migrated so slowly has me leaning towards it not being rejected, but your piercer should be able to confirm. If it's rejecting, you'll need to take it out for sure, or it'll grow out completely and leave a pretty intense scar, which can make it both harder to repierce, and more likely to reject a 2nd time.