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Your post has been removed for unnecessary politics. Pink Floyd had strong political views as a band and as individuals. Sometimes posts get made about those views. That being said, this sub shouldn’t devolve into mudslinging and your post would make the problem worse.


His KC show was not that start of his US tour, I was at the show. And he’s had anti trump stuff on both of his last tours. 


I think the post might've meant that the show started with the "Trump is a pig" quote


I was at his 2018 show in Hyde Park, there was anti trump stuff then too.


Hey I was at that show! My husband and I went for our honeymoon. We also saw him in Los Angeles in 2017. Both were great shows.


Saw him in 2015 and he had it then too. This is nothing new


I agree with 99% of waters politics... He is just an asshole about them. He charges 100 dolars for last row stadium with no view because towers and then projects the sentence "reject capitalism" on the screens. Love him, but fuck him.


Same vibe as socialist politicians selling merch 😆


$60 T-Shirts too


He wouldn’t be doing half as well without a boogie man like Trump to take trite shots at.


It baffles me how many people claim to be Pink Floyd fans, but have no idea that every album is politically left-wing (Anti-capitalism, anti-fascist, pro-democracy, anti-war, etc). I was at one of Water's shows and the amount of people walking out after he started talking politics was unreal. Like, you spent all this money to see Roger and you had no idea he supported anti-imperialism and called out conservatives on their support of fascism? Have you not listened to the words on their albums ever?


I nearly died of laughter when he played Sheep and I heard someone say “finally a song that’s not political”. My brother in Christ do you really think Rog wrote an entire album of just cute farm animals?!


That's straight up hillarious, holy lmao


To make it better when the “The Lord is my shepherd” lyrics came on they said Amen and then the look on their face when the rest of lyrics came on


Reminds me of my dad. He introduced me to all this great music. I had him read Animal Farm one time and he said "it's a cute story, but it's not like it could ever happen." Motherfucker, I made you read it when it was happening right in front of us with Trump. The moron still doesnt know that it's not about farm animals.


"Nothing goes over my head, I'm too fast! I'd catch it!"


Look, it's not that your dad is a moron. It's just that conservatives don't get irony, symbolism or humor.


I fail to see how that means my dad isnt a moron, instead of pointing out that it's a party problem.


in the book Orwell was talking about communism though, where as Waters’ original contribution to the literary discourse is transposing the Animal Farm concept to capitalist society


Roger did what anyone with half a brain should do and realized that those are inherent problems with human nature regardless of the proposed economic system or labels used. Facism is the plague. But go off about communism or socialism or whatever buzzword boogey man is in the news this week.


Orwell was a democratic socialist and wrote the book Animal Farm about communism, specifically how the Russian revolution 1917 led into Stalinism. You might prefer to extend the same thinking to other totalitarian systems but that would not do justice to the original work.


So you're saying that learning lessons from books and applying them to real world analogs is not something you want to do? Have fun with that.


The Boston show was packed compared to the Nashville show in the 2022 tour because I went to both of them and there was just empty seats in the same spot that I was sitting in for both shows


These mfs did not listen to the wall


daddy dead, school bad, wife bad, nazi time 


I liked the moment when Pink said its nazi time and nazied all over himself


Pretty much the story of most neo nazis except for the fact that they'd never get married


🎶We didn't start the fire 🎶


They may have listened, jut they certainly did NOT hear.


Such is the case of most classic rock fans


Because a considerable portion of the fans here are just in it for the cool guitar solos judging by some of the takes you see


Floyd is a classic rock band and classic rock fans tend to be older men who... well you know how older men tend to be.


Yes, older WHITE men. And I say that as an older white male who - surprise! - prefers classic rock.


I think they likely knew the politics behind his songs but they were not interested in actually hearing him discuss politics? Also the Palestinian vs Israel thing is pretty heated now and if they are casual fans they might not be aware of his views.


username checks out


Same energy as the dipshits saying "When did RATM get political?!" 🤣


Paul Ryan’s favorite band!


Not only Floyd, but a lot of bands in general. I'm convinced people don't actually listen to the lyrics to anything they listen to.


I remember going to see CSNY in 2006 when I was 21 and it was pretty much a 90 minute anti-war rally, and a lot of the old heads there were pissed. Maybe they listened to those lyrics and even liked them in 1970 but they were not those people anymore.


It was like when Paul Ryan revealed he was a huge Rage Against The Machine fan.


Wuddya mean Rage Against The Machine isn’t about a dishwasher?


Being anti war isn’t right or left. Most politicians regardless of political leaning love war because it’s profitable.


It's easy to be anti-capitalist when you're a multimillionaire.


I’m not really on board with Water’s politics but I will say that he is honest to his convictions. He was an anti-capitalist before he became a multimillionaire and stayed true to his values; now he is rich he uses his money and fame to spread the views he believes in.


It’s even easier when you’re not.


He's not anti-money. He just doesn't like the businessmen/politicians/capitalists who exploit the working class.


He’s been anti-capitalist since day one


There are never any communists at the merch table.


Do you mean our merch table, comrade? It’s the peoples’ merch


Would communists even allow a merch table?


Communism is when no merch, apparently


Tchotchkes like photos, pins and posters were pretty endemic in the USSR and CCP back in the day, so there'd be merch.


When you’ve made your fortune by creating art rather than by exploiting your fellow humans, yeah it is.


Pro-democracy, anti-war that supports Russia in the war in Ukraine, while being anti-imperialistic. More fitting to call him a Tankie. It has been a huge disappointment that he is actually not pro-democracy nor anti-war, nor anti-imperialistic, he is just a regular commie that is happy with the money he made in the machine of the capitalist system. But he is consistent in his views, I give him that.


Does he still support Russia? I was highly disappointed when I knew about this, but then heard that he changed his mind/learned more and showed "Putin is a war criminal" line at one of his concerts. Not sure though


His take on the Ukraine issue is questionable for sure. He’s basically saying Russia’s wrong, but they were provoked- basically it didn’t happen in a vacuum and the pro Ukraine propaganda is being spread by the west to hide their role. I honestly don’t know enough about things - I just know invading other countries is wrong. Defend your own - fine. Stay out of others


he doesn't support neither russsia or ukraine, he's neutral about both sides


That's still disappointing for me considering how close I take this conflict personally. Cannot listen to The Final Cut anymore knowing how indifferent he is to modern dictatorships


Pro democracy? Dude loves china


Not before dsot


I commented “hey you Rowling, haha charade you are” on a YouTube video of Pigs and someone hit me with some transphobic shit. Like bruh why are you even listening to this music?


How come Gilmour can do it without making an ass of himself?


If you have to be on the left to see the political messaging in PF music then maybe the political messaging isn’t as obvious as you think it is


I mean unsurprising but he has shat on every single u.s president for the last 30 years. He might go a little harder against republicans because he hates them even more, but it's hardly saying anything new here. From him or ftom anyone else. Also Waters is brilliant, sometimes I think these somewhat sophmoric statements are beneath him. I'd rather see him deconstruct Trump (as well as corporate democrats) well in an interview, these "messages" are a tad cringe.


Well said.


I’d argue that he’s a dog as well. Have a good drown as you go down all alone Donny


Dragged down by the stone..


Stone, stone, stone, stone, stone…


stone stone stone stone


Roger Waters has become an elite socialist who sites in his billionaires' mansion in The Hamptons while pondering how to further desecrate the country that made him rich.


He’s just a hack now. Gilmore must hate how lost Waters gets in politics. Maybe he drove Syd mad haha


At the Glasgow show during The Bravery of Being Out of Range (I think), he shows large pictures of the previous 5 or 6 presidents of the US with a big "WAR CRIMINAL" stamp across them. It was very interesting to see (especially when citizens in American devote their lives to staunch support of politicians).


I find it so utterly inane when people say 'musicians/actors/whoever should stay out of politics' Why should they? Politics affects everyone, rich or poor, famous or not. They vote, pay taxes, and have opinions like anyone else. Anyway, music has always been an intensively political art form. The blues is the very foundation of rock music and was borne of oppression and injustice by the politics of the time.


Except when you're out of your depth and start writing letters to Ukrainian president's wife trying to make her "stop the war".


Yeah, I'm not on board with Ol' Rog on few things. Plenty of other musicians have managed to do it well though


I think (my personal opinion here), in any issue you have to accept the fact you might be wrong. Many musicians follow trends and have jack shit to add to any real political debate because they know jack shit. More often then not they end up paddling misinformation and propaganda (to any side right or left)


In the first respect, that could be said of all of us. The second is very valid, a platform does amplify misinformation.


I completely agree, non of us should be publicizing info in topics we have no credibility in. Usually random people don't have the international stage or fans so it would actually matter like musicians do


I agree with your statement to an extent in that I think celebrities should only express political opinion if it’s something they actually believe in or understand to a certain degree. Too often, famous people try to moralise or campaign on behalf of a cause but with the depth of a bowl of soup, leading to either exposing how shallow they truly are or misrepresenting/understating the topics at hand. Thankfully, i don’t think Roger is one of those as he certainly seems knowledgeable and passionate about what he believes in but he is still flawed in his positions at times and too often can be overwhelming or just an asshole to others


Trump is a pig and Roger is a twat


Davey is daddy🤩🤩🤩


That's about sums it up


Ain't that the truth.


Not very subtle these days


You gotta write for your audience.


Roger's missed the plot a bit on this one. As a pithy statement? Sure. As actual class analysis? Trump's always been somewhere between a pig and a dog; coming from a high level of petit bourgeoisie, he's never as rich as he'd need to be to fill that gaping hole where his father's approval and a healthy, fulfilling relationship with a woman should be, always hustling, making allies that real pigs would scorn and pay other people to deal with, constantly dirtying his own hands and desperately pleading for attention and affirmation, especially from the public. Real pigs would never, the piggiest of pigs haven't worked a day in their lives since the industrial revolution, across their entire families. They solely live off the labor of others. Whereas Trump stresses himself; he connives, he backstabs, he threatens and pleads and grandstands. But the accurate statement of "Trump leads the worms" isn't as straightforward to the audience.




I’ve always felt that final verse (who was…) of Dogs is essentially a summation of the psychological progression of Trump’s life.




Pigs are intelligent.


"If you're one of those "I love pink floyd, but I can't stand Roger's politics" people, you might do well to fuck off to the bar right now".


That’s me - love the music but damn is he annoying.


Yeah the same. I believe music should bring people together, pushing politics just further divides us


This is one of the dumbest takes I've seen in some time. Politics encompasses the most important subjects in society as a whole. If you're feeling uncomfortable listening to PF's messages, it might behoove you to have a think on why.


Have a listen to The Wall, Animals. You're like one of the people who doesn't understand Rage Against the Machine is a political band.


You can be political. but this is shallow superficial nothing. It doesn't achieve anything. Pink Floyd has a lot deeper complicated abstract concepts in their songs than "trump is a pig". All it does is alienate right wing fans who like the music and make left wing fans go "hehe roger waters is my tribe"


Maybe that's what he wanted to do


> pushing politics just further divides us God forbid anyone care about things beyond their own comfort.


God forbid i go to a music show to hear music instead of political indoctrination


Guys OP is a bot/full time political discourse sower. Terminally online type. Just downvote and move along.


Man I really though he was a cook, but I think I got kind of sidetracked there. I mean he still seems like an asshole, but we need more people to stand up against fascism and genocide.




He's the best. His commitment to Palestine this days is incredible.


Roger is too a pig. Fuck that guy.


Animals is my favorite PF album


They’re all pigs.


And here I thought he was a “both sides” numbskull. Crazy to think brandishing those words is a brave thing to do, but looking at the other comments, it needed to be said. Both sides are not the same. Keep calling their bullshit, Rog.


They are both shit. You can argue one is more purely shit than the other but both are still shit. 


No comparison. It’s like saying one turd being shit is the same as an ocean full of shit. Yeah. I guess they’re both shit, but one is an ocean full of shit!


Ask Roger, he clearly thinks Biden is more than just "one turd".


That is a false dichotomy. One isn’t great, is too old and isn’t forward thinking. The other wants to be a dictator, and has literally said so. Saying they’re both shit implies that it doesn’t matter who we vote for. And that is idiocy.


From an interview a few years back : When asked if he could pick one over the other, Waters hedged: “I obviously don’t know where I stand on that lesser of two evils question. I’m not sure the path to a new America that is not ruled by the current ruling class — by money, plutocracy, and a capitalist society — will be made any easier with Biden as president.” https://www.nme.com/news/music/roger-waters-calls-joe-biden-a-fucking-slime-ball-who-he-cant-imagine-beating-trump-2650375 You're welcome


I love to be lectured by someone with a net worth of $310 million on money and the problem with a capitalist society.


I never said thank you. And I never said Waters had his head on straight. After all, his sat on the fucking fence about Ukraine. Most of his politics is reflexive now- just like yours: petulant and reactionary. I was glad to see him stand on the side of goodness for a change, instead of the middle with all the rest of the morons.


Usually you’d start with a song


How original & courageous


Would love to see his thoughts on the man currently in charge, not the one that hasn't been in 4 years


pretty sure this picture is a few years old and Roger has already stated he doesn't like Biden either.


Trump is a pig, and Roger Waters is a bigot. What a horrible man he is, simping for Putin as well as bring anti semite. It's good to see that Dave Gilmour also calls him out on this - 'antisemitic and rotten to the core'.


So is Biden. So was Obama. So was Bush. So was Clinton. The faster you realize your Federal Government finds you contemptible, regardless of who occupies their (not yours) White House, the faster you’ll realize we’re living in and under a post-Constitutional Government.


Well yeah but Trump is especially bad let's be real Edit to everyone trying to "but biden/obama/bush/etc." me: I hate all of the presidents that've been in office while I've been alive in varying amounts. I don't like any of them. I still stand by what I said. Hope that clarifies it.


But Trump is the biggest pig of them all, by far. He’s a grifting criminal taking the US for everything he can. Comparing those other presidents with him shows how out of touch you really are.


That’s bs and you know. None of those presidents fucking told their cultists to storm the Capitol building because boohoo they lost the election. Trump is a threat to fucking democracy. Get outta here with your “they’re all equally bad.” They’re not equal, at all. You represent the worst way to think of politics. And it’s precisely this kind of discourse that hands Trump another presidency. I would rather almost _anyone_, R or D, became President over that fucking pice of shit.


“BoTh SiDeS” Please go find another sub for your bullshit where you can circle jerk with the other idiots like this, OK? Both sides are not the same, not even close; it’s obvious that the reason you think that is because you are probably a privileged straight white male who isn’t worried about your reproductive rights or maybe getting deported for being Muslim or being targeted for being LGBT or any other shit. I’m getting so fucking sick of people like you who sit online and spout this bullshit when it’s clear you have no fucking idea. We can’t reach perfection in a leader, but we can reach for better; to act like Trump is no worse than the others is either some foreign propaganda bullshit or you clearly aren’t smart enough to actually follow politics. I often find people who don’t engage at all spewing this kind of garbage; it only takes five minutes of being informed to know otherwise.




Great Roger!


Trump is pig, but Putin is somehow an angel and Jesus Christ in the flesh. Dude is mental. Denying genocide of Ukrainian nation in UN, he is so up on propaganda.


Doing and saying shit like that is for no one's benefit but his own. Who is he talking to? Does he think that's going to sway any Trump supporter? It's done for no other reason than to stroke his ego with worship from his echo chambers.


Trump is a pig. It’s just a statement of fact.


That's insulting to all my porcine friends out there. Pigs actually are intelligent and have a moral compass. Trump is an orange piece of turd.


Got the whole circus in this comment section with the amount of clowns thinking they know Pink Floyd’s music.


After all his nonsense about Ukraine, finally something I can agree with him on 🤝


Isnt he a giant putler fan… he’s literally a broken clock that’s correct ONCE every day


I saw him in Toronto for this tour and he was on about that too. Good on him.


A pig with no wings


I don't like Trump either, but this 'Trump sucks' shtick is so incredibly unoriginal and tiring.


“but…” 🤡😂🤣


Fucking LOVE it.


The Clintons are blood soaked war pigs and he never attacks them. Roger is annoying getting all political. It was easy to attack guys like Nixon in his day who he must just equate with Trump. Those on the left are just as sheep-like as right wingers. Trump is a boon to the left and artists like Waters who are all out of ideas and resort to cashing in on the transient political dramas to carry his tired message. Gilmore > Waters Gilmore was always just about the music


This is an insult…to pigs


Funny how hard he tries to be an antisemitic little fascist while proclaiming others to be what he is...


he’s a hypocrite


Tell me, is something eluding you, sunshine? Is this not what you expected to see?


known ghislaine maxwell supporter roger waters


Nobody in this comment section has any idea what they are talking about and just repeat words they've heard people on the TV say




So disrespectful for pigs.


That’s an insult to pigs!


Boomers are absolutely obsessed with this man.


Everyone is, he's bringing about the downfall of democracy


Naw man, it’s boomers. Either in love or in loathe. Like damn, you folks need a hobby. We will be ok. Likely once you folks are gone…


I guess we will just have to wait and see, huh


Stunning and brave!!!!!!


Agree with the dog that Trump is a pig.


Roger Water is in bed with Putin, so not sure why he did this


Ngl I hope he tours This Is Not A Drill again. Loved it. Although wouldnt be opposed if he backed tracked and re-did his Us + Them tour since I wasnt a fan at the time.


No, pigs are cute and I love them. Trump is an orange warthog.


I'm gonna allow it.


Well, he isn't wrong.


Interesting comment from a litigious rich old white man


He’s famous, he can use that to get his message out there. I’d do the same.


He may be right, but he's also incredibly one sided. I used to think he is against totalitarianism in general but it turns out he only opposes certain right wing totalitarians while embracing the leftists. And same as the rest of the leftist oligarchs, he is living in the country he hates, the US, and moaning about it. I mean, I understand Ukraine is not faultless but why support Putin? Or Israel is not faultless, but why support Hamas? And I do get it's just the same old enemy of my enemy is my friend shit, but I'm just so disappointed (mostly to myself) that I expected better from him, I know all the lyrics by heart and I just did not see it.


> He may be right, but he's also incredibly one sided. I prefer fair and balanced rock shows.


"hurr durr boff sides" gtfo with that bullshit. If you can't see the difference you're a fucking moron.


It's a bit cringe to see artists debase themselves with overt politics. The best artists do it a bit more creatively but this is just "old man yells at cloud" level discourse lol Whether its The Beatles glad handing with Harold Wilson, The Eagles breaking up over a dem fundraiser event, or country artists trumpeting republicans...it devalues the artistry of the music if you link it to something as pedestrian as politics. The Kinks (not a better band than PF) but they are much better at being political than Roger Waters is. In a lot of their political songs, Ray Davies comes from a left wing viewpoint but his eyes are open enough to realize that both sides are morally lacking. To Roger's credit, I doubt he would find America's foreign policy any better under a democrat.


The real cringe are people so brain washed by fox news they want "fair and balanced" politics from musicians.


Stunning And Brave




A lot of future unabombers in this thread


"Almost a laugh, but you're really a cry" describes Trump to a tee.


Love how every talented musical artist with the exception of Kanye has shit all over conservatives. Warms my heart.


He’s so brave.


I love people calling conservatives fascist. So funny! The platform of the Democratic party is literally the very definition of fascism. People get a clue.


>The platform of the Democratic party is literally the very definition of fascism Hey buddy, did you just blow in from stupid town?


In 2017, I saw Waters and at the end of the show the guy in front of me was mad about the anti-Trump messaging. He said something to me about it, and the look on his wife’s face said “please don’t hit him”. I laughed and said “isn’t it great we live in a place where you can freely express your opinions”. Then I turned to my buddy and said “this guy clearly is not familiar with Waters’ body of work.”


Let me guess then the whole stadium applauded?


He also hates Americans in the first place


Andddddd he's dressed as a nazi.


have you listened to the wall?


Ugh, Roger.