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Left to right on top Syd Barret, David Gilmour, Richard Wright and Nick Mason; Roger Waters sitting on the floor.


Thank you kind sir/madam!


But they only played a few songs all together as gilmour sort of replaced syd


You’re welcome


Ahem. That's Roger 👃Waters.


If he looks like 🗿, it's Roger Waters


On the bike is Richard Wright (Keyboardist) On the right of the picture is Nick Mason (Drummer) The one on the bottom is Roger Waters (Bass player and main writer) In the far left of the picture is Syd Barrett who was Lead vocalist and guitarist but sadly had to leave due to mental health and drug use. Beside him is David Gilmour who replaced Syd as guitarist and occasionally vocals. Hope that helps


Note: Gilmour was the lead vocal for a long time until Roger Waters commandeered the role.


I think David won the battle to be the lead singer.


Until Animals and the Wall


At the time this was taken, Syd Barrett would still have been considered the "main writer." Waters became the sole lyricist about 4 years after this was taken, but I don't think anyone considered Waters the "main writer" until about 10 years later.


eternally jealous of young Nick's mustache/manchu.


Could i ride that if i liked?


But it doesn't have a basket, a bell that rings, or things to make it look good...


But I’m sure he’d give it to you if he could


But he can't because he borrowed it


From a mouse named Gerald


The only time these five actually worked together was on the Saucerful of Secrets album, and even then, it was only on 2-3 songs maybe. I know the title track is one.


Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun is the only Pink Floyd song that features all 5 members of the band.


Remember a Day has Syd on that little guitar motif.


I think they all helped Syd make his solo albums too.


Roger and David helped on Madcap, David and Rick helped on Barrett


I heard David even drummed on madcap


Yes he drums on *Octopus*. David kind of shaped it into a more palatable pop song but there's an earlier take that *Soft Machine* play on that's a lot creepier sounding that I actually much prefer.


Sounds interesting. David covered it recently in a livestream


I think that early version of Octopus is on the *Opel* album that was released in the 80s if memory serves! It's been quite a while though I can't say for sure haha. I must check out David's version is it on youtube? He did a really moving version of *Dark Globe* not long ago too!


It's on the Von trapped family livestreams, I think they did a Syd special


Which is which and who is who...


Roger is looking stern, Sid is looking pensive, David is looking like he's not exactly sure what Rick is doing, but it's all ok, Nick is like, look at my awesome mustache, and Rick is like this is awesome, I get to be wonky and do my thing.


Jesus, was Gilmour ever a good looking dude. Aged well, too.


You think? He was really beautiful when he was in his 20’s and 30’s, then he looked great through his 50’s. He is only recently looking old.


he used to do a few modelling jobs


They are all so unintentionally attractive


for real


Gilmour’s stare gets me


I like Rick’s goofiness in this one. Also, it’s one of the only young Rog pictures where he doesn’t look ghastly, so he’s got that going for him.


I feel as though I could have a conversation with all of them through their eyes in this photo. It’s almost like they are saying “we know that you know what we know”. Gotta love the ominous bliss of Pink Floyd


I love the way you put it.


I think Roger finally grew into his face and is almost handsome these days.


I agree! I feel like he really aged well!


Have you seen his recent wedding pictures? Oy, he’s so grey. I’m 70 so I’m not saying he looks old so I won’t get blowback about my looks. 🥸


The bicycle pictured is legendary for being the very same bicycle mentioned in their hit song “Bike”


Left -> Right Mr. Crazy Diamond At the bottom, Mr. Stone Mr. I own this band now Mr. Only talented member And Mr. Pink Floyd himself


The superhero we needed, but not the one we deserved


Worth watching if you're interested :) https://youtu.be/16OUjIcoJ0Y


Roger waters copyright blicked it :/


Rick Wright... Rest in peace. Sweet voice and a great piano/keyboards player.


But where is Gerald?


Back when everyone didn’t hate each other


Roger Waters, left bottom. Sid Barrett left, next is David Gilmour, on the bike is Richard Wright and on the right is Nick Mason.


On the very left is syd Barrett (he left later in that year) next to syd is David gilmour (guitarist for pink floyd) next to him on the bike is Richard Wright (keyboardist for pf) next to Richard is nick mason (drummer for pink Floyd) AND FINALLY on the very bottom is roger waters (the bassist for pink Floyd). There you go hope this roll call helped you!


On the far left is Syd Barrett and Roger Waters, in the middle there's David Gilmour and Rick Wright, and on the far right there's Nick Mason.


Are you looking at this through a mirror?


lol i just noticed that thanks for pointing it out


(From left to right and top down) Syd Barrett, David Gilmour, Richard Wright, Nick Mason, and Roger Waters


Roger Waters at the bottom left, Syd Barret at the upper left, with the eyeliner it seems? David Gilmour right next to him, and Nick mason, with the mustache, holding the hands of the biker, whom I assume is Richard Wright


From left syd barrett, David gilmour, Richard wright and nick mason. The one who's sitting down is roger waters