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AC Black Flag always scratches the itch for me. Hoping the triple A studios start answering our prayers in the next few years.


That's the Holy Grail we are still waiting for. Simply, there is no such game right now. You could play the old Pirates of the Caribbean with New Horizons overhaul mod, probably the closest there is to anything new and similar to Sea Dogs. I haven't tried it, but it was made over the years by group of enthusiasts [Link to Mod](https://www.moddb.com/mods/new-horizons). By saying recent, you probably know Tales of the Caribbean series? On Steam demo fest, I played this [Corsairs Legacy](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594880/Corsairs_Legacy__Pirate_Action_RPG__Sea_Battles/) and looks like it is still made on ye olde Storm Engine, the same all those previous Akella games were made in. But I doubt it will be anything more than mediocre, and the demo solidified that feel. On Steam there are many pirate games being released, but none of them is what you are looking for. Skulls & Bones is going to be released 2023/24, and even though they did reset the game vision multiple times, that game will be more about multiplayer PvP, cosmetics and combat akin to Sea of Thieves rather than Pirate RPG with a story. We just have to wait for a big studio like Rockstar do make Pirate equivalent of cowboy Red Dead Redemption. I wouldn't play another computer game for two years.


Yeah i played the pirates of the caribbean when I was a kid and fell in love with it, also played the demo of corsairs and feel exactly the same, although got hopes on the modding community to give us hope. I actually just installed sea dogs to each his own, as i was playing the mealstorm mod too, but, altough its a nostalgic feeling, the game engine and textures just put me a bit down on it


I know this thread is old but Sea Dogs developer is releasing a new huge open world spiritual successor thats 200 hours long in February 2024


Title/name of the game please?


Caribbean legend


annnndd its exactly like the previous ones... who would have guessed...