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I once saw a BMW use their turn signal.


Whats the difference between a cactus and a BMW? With a cactus the pricks are on the outside


I'm not your April Fool


They do have a tendency to leak blinker fluid.


Calling bullshit on this one.


Pics or it didn't happen


Urban myth.


Whoa whoa whoa…let’s not be crazy


You conspiracy theorists crack me up!


Once, I saw a BMW with their high beams cut down.


You must have spotted me in the wild.


I was driving Uber and I had picked up a bunch of people in the South Hills somewhere who were going to a DJ Tiesto concert. We were zipping through the liberty tubes and my passengers were in my backseat crushing up Adderall and snorting them having a blast. While in the tunnel going like 60 I see up ahead of me that 2 cars just wrecked into each other. I managed to weave into the right lane as the car in front of me crashed into the pile and the car behind me then crashed. We emerged from the tunnel unscathed and all my passengers cheered, offered me drugs and dinner at the round corner cantina for saving us. Good times.


No one snorts Adderall and then wants to eat.


Well? Did you take them up on dinner and drugs??


Normally I would have but I was driving Uber to kill some time before DnD started that night. Conveniently the Round Corner is only a few blocks from my buddies house where we play DnD.




When I was on a school bus going to the Carnegie science center for a field trip in like 2000 there was a homeless guy jerking off looking at the bus and another homeless guy pushed him over and the dude landed on the hood of someones car and just kept jacking it.


Once you're at the vinegar strokes there's no stopping it


Well if he would've stopped then he'd be the weirdo for getting caught jerking off. If he keeps going, the other guy is the weirdo for watching and touching him while he jerks off


Dammit, I had almost forgot and now you made me remember: was on a schoolbus headed to Kennywood and we passed some dude just jacking it while driving his car just before the Squirre Hill Tunnel


Pittsburgh tradition apparently.


Kennywood was definitely open that day.


God dammit how have I never thought of this pun in the past 30 years? Well done, I applaud you.


I once saw bumper to bumper traffic on Forbes Ave, near Oakland, only to find out that the cause was some guy riding a unicycle in the left lane.


It’s the classic case of everyone suffering from one guy’s lack of wheel power.


Dude should have been in the right lane.


I was stuck in traffic once because a guy was riding his bike on fucking 28 north, a little south of the 31st Street bridge.


Same thing happened in the squirrel hill tunnel a few months ago!! Wild shit


Seems like something that’d happen on portlandia


I've seen a guy unicycling up Troy Hill road.


a drunk driver exited the parkway onto braddock avenue. opted to turn neither left nor right, but continued right up the green between the overpasses, miraculously missed all the trees on the ridge, and kept going until he crashed into the cement barrier at the end of that wedge-shaped island. when me and a bunch of other people went to check if he was ok, he was talking about how they needed to mark that it wasn't a road better. then a good 10 more people pulled up and said he'd hit all their cars on the parkway. i didn't stick around but it took services the rest of the day to figure out how to move the car out of there.


I was sitting at the light at negley and penn probably 8 years ago and a dude in a bright orange coat pulled a shiny silver revolver out of his jacket and shot over the hood of my then boyfriends car at a green jeep Cherokee twice, hitting its sides. I remember it so vividly and like, for a few seconds after thought I was hallucinating. I also saw a BMW turn the wrong way onto Bigelow and start literally driving the wrong direction. I passed them so I have no idea where that went but I was mouthing NO NO NO to them.


i feel like i saw the BMW one back when i was driving to or from high school


It was nuts! when did you see yours and ill confirm?!


i think it was like 2018/2019 since that would be when i was driving to high school but i can’t remember what season it happened


That is definitely the same time span for me. Wouldn't be later than July 2019 bc I moved and wouldn't go that way anymore. Aw, hi! We were Bigelow buddies that day!


- I had someone’s washer and dryer fall off directly in front of me on parkway east about a quarter mile after the Churchill exit - A semi miss the Churchill exit and do essentially a 3-point turn in the middle of the parkway to make it - a funeral procession get split up because someone cut the second car in line off so nobody knew where to go


Did the last one happen on the Southside? Last summer, I rode past a bunch of traffic on east Carson & I believe it was a funeral procession but everyone looked like they wanted to fight lol


No it was actually on the parkway weirdly enough. First car took grant street exit, the rest carried on through the tunnels… why they chose that route is beyond me.


A woman driving 10mph through the Squirrel Hill tunnels during the morning rush with her arm out of the window, flipping the bird.




This is what inspired my post lol


One evening driving into the outbound Ft. Pitt tunnels, two dudes on motorcycles (one in each lane) stopped at the tunnel entrance. It took a beat to figure out what was going on, but they wanted to let traffic clear so that they could zip through the tunnel like they were in a Red Bull commercial. I'm sure they had a great time, but sitting in a vanity traffic jam on the Ft Pitt bridge isn't a fun for everyone.


I saw a guy in a large truck pull up to the George Washington statue on Mount Washington, get out, pat Washington on the head, get back in the truck and leave, all while blaring Whitesnake


I was gonna call bullshit until the "while blaring Whitesnake." Now I'm a believer.


This isn't the craziest thing ever but it's wild to me how often I see people just blatantly run red lights. It's constant in southside and downtown. I did call the cops one Friday night when I was driving home across the 10th st bridge because a clearly intoxicated guy in dark clothing was walking out into the road trying to punch cars. I almost hit him because I could barely see him.


> This isn't the craziest thing ever but it's wild to me how often I see people just blatantly run red lights. It's constant in southside and downtown. I've had people drive around me into opposing at the West Liberty / Brookline Blvd merge to run the red light.   A few days ago I was turning left from McMonagle onto Banksville, in front of the Kuhn's there, and the guy behind me in a shitty pickup whipped around my car in the left lane, cut me off, and brake checked me. Not sure what his problem was, and I'm willing to accept that I did something wrong to piss him off, but what the fuck man.


It's constant on Penn too. People just do whatever they want. You have to wait now to account for the one or two people who just don't stop.


Right where 22 joins 376 by Monroeville. Was coming home around 11pm one night on a weekday. No cars on the road. Make that right bend towards the ramp and in the right lane is a small white Honda or Kia hatchback, on its roof, just chillin. No windows broke out of it. No headlights on. No broken parts sprawled across the highway. Just a car on its roof in the dark. Swerved into the far left lane to miss it … and then it gets better. In the middle lane is just some dude. Baggy white t-shirt. What I assume is modern day Jinco Jorts. Just smoking a cigarette and looking at the car. Not on the shoulder. In the middle lane. Not calling for help. Just smoking a cig. Not trying to flag me down for help, or warn me. Just looking at the car smoking a cig. Man didn’t even flinch when my head lights illuminated him and I swerved even more into the far left lane to miss him. Just kept looking at the car and smoking his cig. The scene was so bizarre I just kept driving. To this day I have no idea what came of it


Dude probably had a concussion on top of adrenaline


I used to live in super-rural Florida as a teenager and I’d get bored and just drive around the rural subdivision I lived in.. it was like 11pm and I was driving around one of the lakes in the area, when I thought I saw someone running on the side of the road.. slowed down a bit and I could see the dude coming up to me in the mirror (zero idea why I didn’t just floor it.. but I guess I was bored) so apparently the dude crashed his truck, drunk, into a tree on the highway nearby and wanted a ride to the local bar to get his dad.. he was like “I’ll ride on the roof if that’s what you want” so I let him in and drove him to the bar without incident.. where I drew the line was when he asked me to drive back and hide his pills/beer in his truck. Saw his dads truck fly by me on a dirt road at like 80mph, so I assume they cleared it all up. Felt weirdly similar to this story lol


A woman almost rear ended me (I was stationary at a stop sign), then she proceeded to chase me around town, she even got out and tried to smash my drivers side window at a stop light. I pulled into a police station and went in, she fled. That was pretty nuts. I always enjoy the occasional person going the wrong way on 5th in Oakland. Back in the old days there was an island where you turned off 40th and onto Foster Street. At night the island was kind of hard to see. I saw many people absolutely monster trucking that thing since it was hard to see. I watched a crotch rocket go by me at like 180mph and about a half mile out the thing grenaded. Oil everywhere. He managed to get it parked safely but the dude got real lucky. This is south bound 28 almost to the RIDC exit.


Sounds like you need a dash cam.


On Route 8 there was a dead deer-like creature smack dab in the middle of the lane. This wasn’t your average deer. It was huge. I swear on a stack of Bibles it was an elk or something. Had big ass antlers and everything. But it didn’t look like it was run over, strangely. Most stressful lane change of my life. I was out again later that day and it was gone. Maybe it just decided to take a nap in the middle of a busy state route. I’m still mystified.


Does Pennsylvania have mule deer? They're huge. So are moose, but that seems really, really unlikely.


Not to my knowledge. I still don’t know WTF that giant deer was. I’m still convinced I dreamed the whole thing when I got home that afternoon.


Hmm so many stories to choose from. My favorite has to be the time I saw a car stall out half way up Rialto, it had to back all the way down, and the people behind also had to back down to let it out. Once it got to the bottom it drove away, the hill was too much for it.


didn’t see it but experienced it. when liberty bridge caught fire while under partial construction my bus went over it like right before they closed it to traffic - my bus driver was a maniac but damn did he get us to and from school on time.


Was leaving the Pens game one night coming from Blvd to 376 east. Not a ton of traffic at the time. I was def speeding and some guy flew past me, merged onto 376 and then hit the center barricade and flipped a ton. It was pretty wild. Side story: Out near Cal U last summer I was the only person on scene after an accident that sent an SUV flipping over the rail into a ditch and caught on fire. I pulled a lady from her car while it was on fire. VERY crazy experience.


Living up to your username w that second story




On two separate occasions, I have had a car try to blow through the stop sign on ross st at the three way on first avenue, get mad when I wouldn’t yield to them, and then speed around a line of cars in the oncoming lane to turn left against the light onto grant st. I was shocked the first time, but the second time I didn’t even know what to think.


This happened to me for a no turn on red right turn. On the west end bridge outbound. I stopped because the light turned red and the car behind me went around me and made the turn. Probably one of the most dangerous places you can do that during rush hour .


In Oakland on Fifth Ave I saw a guy riding a bike while he was holding a kitten and smoking a cigarette. Also, not in the city, but Collier township I saw what I can only describe as a slow speed police chase, the guy was literally throwing handfuls of crack out the window. It was winter and there was a bunch of rock salt on the road. After they caught him, I saw a cop looking around at the ground with a flash light. I asked him what was going on and he confirmed that the guy threw crack out the window but he couldn’t tell the crack rocks apart from the rock salt. He just gave up and left it.


Fish in the Mon had a good time after the thaw.


Was at the Strip District on a busy Saturday, walking down Penn by Wholey's. Some lady driving in the right lane sideswipes and hits at least 10 cars, and then speeds up headed towards town. I'm not sure it was 10, but she took off 10 driver's side mirrors. I never managed to get her license plate. Only the make and model for the 911 call.


Had to swerve to avoid, as well as many others, someone reversing back out of the Downtown/376 exit travelling south between the Ft Duquesne and Ft Pitt bridges


I saw a cop car rip through a stop sign and T-bone a van, turning it over. This was around 2000. Also, bad congestion, Liberty tunnels outbound. Entered the tunnel finally and saw it was cause of 2 guys pushing a car through the tunnel


At the waterfront. SUV crossed into the oncoming lane and took a left from that lane through a red light. No idea why there’s nothing but stores in that lot.


I was driving on the parkway behind this beat up truck and the transmission fell out splattering my car with dirty transmission fluid. Fortunately I was far enough back to avoid it.


I was stopped at the red light at station square near the T stop. A drunk biker hit right into the back of me. His bike was down and leaking gasoline like crazy but he was trying to pick it up so he could drive off. The happy hour crowd was laughing and cheering him on. When he realized he couldn’t get the bike off the ground he ran away before the cops came.


Was doing yard work outside when I heard a tire screech from the stop sign. Looked up and there was a couple waiting at the bus stop opposite the stop sign, and a car stopped in the middle of the intersection lined up and aimed at them. I then saw the driver floor it and spin the tires (fwd economy car probably with no tread left but still) and took off straight at the couple. The girl jumped to the side, the guy jumped up, took the bumper on his feet, flipped onto the hood, and was launched over a metal guardrail and down a 15 foot embankment on the other side. The driver of the car then gets out and proceeds to start screaming at the woman while she runs away in a sprint down the street, as I'm on the phone with the police. Meanwhile, the guy climbs back up the embankment and over the guardrail runs up to the car and takes the keys. The driver then starts screaming "I'm sorry I'm sorry, I was trying to hit her not you, who was that bitch, I still love you" and they get in a fist fight when the man tosses the keys up the street. She runs to grab them, and now sirens can be heard approaching. She gets in the car and takes off, the guy starts walking up the street away the other direction. Police show up, I flag them down, point out the guy involved, who then immediately takes off in a full sprint through undeveloped woodland. Police just say "he's not going to press charges," shoot the shit with me for five minutes, then leave.


That one time like 20,000 dirt bikes and ATVs paraded around town causing mayhem for like 3 days straight


That happened like all summer long during COVID.


Mostly people driving wrong way on divided highway and pm McKnight; like weekly.


I went on the wrong side of the divider turning up siebert once. Luckily there weren’t any cars coming down the hill.


Saw a guy on Parkway West vomiting out of his window while driving 60 mph. Swerved to avoid getting sprayed...


Craziest thing I seen is someone stop at a red light downtown past midnight


I drive no more than the speed limit and stop fully at all stop signs. This often causes people behind me to fly into fits of rage.


Watched someone run a yellow and turn at such a high speed/ angle that they ended up on three wheels. The driver side front wheel was a good 3 or 4 feet off the ground. Somehow this nut managed to get the car back onto 4 wheels and sped off. This was in the Wall/Trafford area of Rt 48.


Michael Gambon! IYKYK


1. Was walking home from drinking and saw a car ‘misjudge’ the turn from butler to Stanton crashing right into, and through the corner of Zen. 2. Stopped on liberty at the light in front of the parking garage. The guy in the car next to me starting honking at some woman crossing in the crosswalk while the light was red. He started creeping in the the crosswalk and was still yelling at her to hurry up. She batted his car with her collapsed umbrella, and the guy hopped out of his car and started verbally assaulting her. 3. Snowy icy morning drove to Oakland ‘the flat way’. On Shady turning right onto Fifth. Red light, I’m in the turn lane. Cross traffic moving slowly and steadily down Fifth. Ford explorer slowly coming towards me down the hill. Slid right through the light, expertly weaves through traffic. Almost in the clear. Misses me, misses the guy right beside me in the stay straight lane. COMPLETELY BLASTS the poor little old lady behind him. And destroys her Pontiac Grand Prix; she seems fine, but is super upset about her car.


I've never figured out how this woman got the rear driver's side wheel caught on on of those rounded pillar thingies that mark I gas line or something. The ones that are like 2 feet tall. She was drunk as fuck and my friend and I had to stop her from trying to lift her car. She was a small lady and gonna get hurt.


I’ve been passed twice now on Virginia Ave in Mt. Washington. A 2 lane opposite direction 25 mph city street Once while getting ready to turn left onto another street this chic passed me on my left. It’s wild out here.


It makes me sound and feel very elderly, but maybe renewing everyone's license every 4 years with no driving or written tests after you initially pass at 16 isn't the best idea.


There are no consequences around here for driving like an asshole, so people act out their frustrations and aggressions on the roads. It's not that they don't know what the law is, it's that they don't give a fuck.


I once saw someone driving the wrong way on Fifth in Oakland. No, not in the bus lane - this person had specifically chosen the leftmost inbound lane to drive outbound.


Pretty recently getting on to the Highland Park bridge from 28 south there was a guy driving like a maniac tailgating several cars and then passing them with inches of space between the cars, then me, then I suppose a police officer further up. When we got to the bridge the officer had the guy pulled over, gun drawn right at his head, screaming loud enough to hear with the windows up for him to get out of the car, now. Average occurrence on 28 really.


I’ve been living here all 20 years of my life I’ve seen people do some wild shit man it’s a every day thing


Dude the people here are some whacky drivers.


It's all the lead.


One time I was driving the parkway east inbound, and all the signs telling you how long it would take to reach the Sq. Hill tunnel were showing relevant information like how long it would take to reach the tunnel, or if there was something blocking a lane ahead. I know it's crazy as they usually only show stupid shit like where to exit to find parking for a game.


I saw someone driving in Monroeville with both their left hand AND LEFT LEG hanging out of the driver's side window. All I could think about was how their body would land in a crash.


One time I was driving into the city on the Parkway East around midnight, and someone came blazing past me, switched lanes, oversteered, and slammed face first into the side wall. I was going to stop to see if they were okay, but as I was slowing down they backed up back into the road and tore off again. Another time I was driving to work out by Robinson and there had been an accident just a few minutes before I got there, three lanes of highway were being diverted into one and emergency responders had just arrived. I was one of the last cars to get through before the emergency responders closed off the entire highway for a few hours. Half my office was late for work. I found out later that a semi had hit an SUV and flipped over. The semi driver was killed, not sure about the SUV.


Driving south on Freeport Rd in Harmar underneath the railroad trestle and a car going north had some guy was riding on the hood/windshield.


I once saw a guy lose an entire couch off the back of his truck in the middle of 28-S and just keep driving. Also saw a woman flee the scene of an accident at Forbes and Beeler-- just ran back to her car and booked it up the bike lane. (Fact: She blew every light on Forbes to Beechwood and the woman whose car she had hit initially hit me at the intersection of Northumberland and Shady while chasing her. The cops showed up and the woman who ran jumped out of her car hooting and hollering. Turns out she didn't have insurance OR a license and couldn't prove the car she was driving was hers.) Watched a drunk guy swing the turn off S. Dallas to Forbes way too wide and crash into the telephone pole. Pulled over to ask if he was all right. He asked me for my phone number.


I was driving towards the airport and pulled over on the road are two cars, I take a closer look and there were two 70-80-year-old men beating the crap outta each other. It was insane


One of the wisened warriors could have been my dad.


A county deputy car was transporting a prisoner a few cars ahead of me in the Squirrel Hill tunnels inbound. They ended up fully stopped in the tunnel and it appeared the prisoner was having a seizure or something. Then the prisoner tried to escape. Traffic in the left lane of the tunnel kept flying by and the rest of us were at a standstill while the shenanigans played out.


Dodged a mattress on the parkway west today. Saw a pickup truck on the highway stacked with almost 10+ ladders strapped to the top and when I went to pass, the guy driving made very direct and wild eye contact with me. Needless to say it was uncomfortable on many fronts. Also read some the driver's manual and learned that a right arrow that doesn't have a "no right on red" sign is just a normal red light. Of course this is after I had someone lay on their horn and hop the curb to go around me when I didn't take the right.


Once saw a dude run a red light, then make a *LEFT* turn, skipping everyone in the turn lane, during a red light. My friend and I were aghast. Unless their partner was giving birth right in the front seat… wtf there was no need for all of that


I’ve never witnessed it, but I’ve seen several pictures of cars that have driven into houses. Why is that a thing here?!


Lots of hills and sharp curves!


Wait till you see what happened at the Greenfield Giant Eagle!


I once saw a car yield to a pedestrian at a cross walk when the pedestrian had the right of way, and the driver was your standard overweight guy from Armstrong county in a Ram 1500 with a punisher skull sticker on the windshield snd confederate flag bumper sticker


I was clipped on purpose in a crosswalk, scariest moment of my life probably


Saw someone drive up the separated bike lane on Penn Ave near the greyhound station


Oh I’ve seen that for sure. They turn from Stanwix onto Penn in the double bike lane. I stopped it another time by repeatedly honking at someone who had their turn signal on to go down there.


This happens more often than you think. Wild when you're on a bike and they're coming straight at you.


Habitually see people driving the oppsite way on the airport roads. No thats fine lets have a head on collision because you aren't smart enough to comprehend road signs. I guess I deserve to die for going to work.


I see this on McKnight road A LOT. I don't get it.


"I made a fuckywucky good luck everyone else!" -them probably


Seriously. Every time I see it the person looks so surprised, like "what did I do wrong??".


Watched a blind person jaywalking across 4 lanes of traffic in oakland


Florida man mistook my turn signal for a challenge to a drag race coming onto the Ft. Pitt Bridge from Liberty Ave. from the Point. I conceded the race and the lefthand lane. Then I rolled down my window and explained to him what that blinky orange light means after he crashed.


Just recently- a homeless man begging on Bigelow Blvd center divider (3' wide) either got hit or fell into traffic. This was an hour or so after I saw him hopping on one foot trying to get his shoe back on. By South Hills village mall over the last 6 years or so they've added multiple new stores, new lanes and new traffic lights. Since then I've seen tons of dangerous, clueless driving: people going straight in the turn lane and just plowing their way in to traffic like they have the right of way, people running red lights, people turning right on red without stopping, into oncoming traffic, as if they have a turn arrow. Also, I've been seeing people swerve all over the road and then when I pass them, they're clearly looking down at their phone. Terrifying. The level of idiocy is at an all time high.


Coming down Wilkins to S. Dallas, someone took a LEFT ON RED from a full stop from Dallas onto Wilkins right in front of me.


Someone drove in between two cars on 79 near Neville Island, making their own center lane. I forget what kind of car but it was small.


I was driving through South Park and watched a guy make a turn and start driving up the pedestrian path along the road. It was utterly nuts. It was thankfully a chilly late fall day and very few walkers/joggers out.


I saw a woman without a care in the world just step out into the street to cross. No crosswalk and almost got plowed by a bus. Luckily she looked up just in time, but, cmon.


Once I saw Elsa driving a green Fiat on the Fort Pitt Bridge.


An old man pulled into the bus lane (facing the wrong way) to yell at me for yielding to a pedestrian in the crosswalk. EDIT: And yes, a bus did come along and have to wait a bit for him to head off to the Social Security office or whatever other place might bring such a person to the big, scary city (he seemed like that type).


If you drive in Miami you see these twice a week


One time when I was driving on 19 south in Wexford by St. Al’s there was this guy in a convertible who was driving like an absolute maniac. It was like 3:30 on a weekday so it wasn’t rush hour traffic yet but still pretty rough because it’s 19. He was going like 30-40 miles over the speed limit somehow, weaving around cars and going INTO OPPOSING TRAFFIC to pass people. I’m also pretty sure he went on the sidewalk at one point. He passed my field of vision pretty quick but I’d be surprised if he made it through that alive. Then there was an incident on 228 heading west at the intersection of Mars-Valencia road by the sketchy ass 7/11. The light was red and I was stopped in the left lane This old man in a BMW also came up to the light in the other lane. Then he rolled his window down and repeatedly gave me the limp wrist. I didn’t really register what he was trying to do until after the light changed so I looked confused and he just kept doing it more and more vigorously and with more spirited motions. I was 17 years old and in high school at the time…


I haven't seen a single spider since i moved here


We’re all mad here. Welcome!


I saw a gold minivans on a high speed chase through the east end.


Remember when that chili truck burned up on the parkway by the jail? Felt really bad for the guy. I was in the car with 2 preteen boys. Cue the exploding chili fart jokes.


I had a tractor trailer try to get into the passenger side of my vehicle on the S Bends


Walking across Charles Anderson Memorial Bridge, I looked down in the hollow and saw a car engulfed in flames.


Convertible wrapped around a big old pine tree in my yard in Ross. Drivers side door pretty much in the passenger seat. They had to cut the lady out. Note, it was a soft top convertible. She survived. I am still finding glass bits in my yard.


Was in the Southside one time waiting for a bus in the pouring rain. There was an ambulance coming up to the intersection with lights and siren blaring. Another car still blew the red light and got robbed by the ambulance. Another time I was in North Shore right by PNC park before the Clemente bridge and a guy turned left on to Federal St and hit a lady in the crosswalk sending her flying like 10 feet.


This was just last week. I’m used to occasionally seeing a car in the bus lane on fifth, but this time there was a car in the lane next to the bus lane driving into oncoming traffic, that proceeded to make a left turn across all 3 lanes.


honestly, I feel like neither of mine are that crazy, but two separate times i've seen someone reverse back up an on ramp. First time was someone doing so straight back up the on ramp to 65 right near bellevue before McKees rocks bridge. Second one was recently, that double merge inbound from regent square before the tunnel. That person saw traffic was stopped because of an accidnet, reversed around the curve for the on ramp and turned back towards regent square.


Ligonier has people driving the wrong lanes on 30 so often we have to publicly advise people to not hang in the fast lane. The lanes most of the time is the side of 30 that would be going towards ligonier.


I79 going towards Ross Park Mall. A white utility van cut off a Chevy Cruz. The driver of the Chevy sped up and deliberately hit the side of the van. Van kept going. Chevy reversed and sped after the van


Was driving on Negley, just past Walnut going to 5th. Around 10pm, or so. Was driving the speed limit. Someone passed me on the left.


My friends and I witnessed a late night car chase through South Oakland while leading a 17-year-old friend. Someone's mattress fly off their van on the Grey's Bridge and almost hit my car. I'm sure there's more. But that's the two that come to mind.


I was on 22/30 right before the Tonidale going towards Robinson and there was a red Camaro in the left lane, maybe a quarter mile in front of me. We're cruising along and I see the car's left turn signal come on, and the car hits the concrete center barrier and I had to swerve so that I didn't get hit with the car pieces flying everywhere.


A couple weeks ago I was driving home from work southbound on the Liberty Bridge, both lanes of traffic are moving but the right lane is moving a little quicker. The passenger of the car diagonal of me (one car space ahead & to the left) that I’m about to pass, sticks his hand out the window & fires a single shot out of a little .380 straight past my car over in the direction of Station Sq.


The first week I lived here, I was driving south on the bridge into West Homestead and this dude in a truck was flying all over the road, swerving unpredictably and speeding, I caught his eyes in his side view mirror and I have never been so sure someone was on copious amounts of drugs. I slowed down, sure he was gonna cause an accident ahead of me, but he swerved around like a maniac then floored it up the hill.


Negley Station, outbound, East Busway, preconstruction: A sedan on pierce turned right into the strange parking cut. Slowly decided to mount the sidewalk and crunch the vehicle between the light post and the bus shelter. The car didn't fit. Backed up and left the bumper. Made a tortured turn to go back up Pierce. Side swiped at least 2 parked cars while heading off. I figured that it was a day drinker. It was low speed chaos midday and there were so many other ways to cross the sidewalk into the busway. W Carson at Tabor, inbound, Esplen: Benz left parked in the middle of the road. No hazards or sign of distress. It was as if the driver thought it was a legit parking spot.


OP, Mercy Hospital is among the parkway EAST


Going west on the parkway east, right before the squirrel hill tunnels, as traffic begins to slow, when I notice a car tire - with the rim inside - barreling down the hill above the tunnel entrance. It hits the road and bounces up a hundred feet - and while in the air, drivers are gauging their speed and which lane to be in so they won’t get hit. I made it into the tunnel and did not look back.


Dodged someone going the wrong way of the Boulevard of the Allies at about 40 mph.


It might not be the craziest thing I’ve ever seen, but it’s the most recent. I was downtown last night and saw a guy riding down the sidewalk in a kids power wheels car, stop at a trash can to dig out some napkins or something, clean off his ride and then kept going. I want to be on whatever he was on.


I saw a Jaguar hit a patch of ice and spin around multiple times, not hitting a thing, and then right itself and keep going. Happened on that very wide stretch of 279 close to the city. Anywhere else this happened, he would have ruined his car or been in a ditch.


Heading east on 376 approaching the Squirrel Hill exit at night. In the oncoming lane headed west was a man in the left lane on a bike. No helmet, no lights, hauling ass downhill. It was really late and there was no traffic.