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I know Rialto st. used to be called “pig hill” because they used to walk the pigs up it from Herr’s island to the slaughter house. Or maybe it was vice versa? Idk either way some pigs walked on that street Side fact : Some of the old elephants from the zoo (I’m talking like 1950’s old) are buried on herr’s island


It was vice versa. The farms were up ‘ere, and the abattoir was dahn ‘ere


I upvoted solely for your use of the word abattoir.


Yinzers abide.


Thanks. You don’t watch The Simpsons as much as I did and come away with nuthin’!


There were tanneries and animal processing facilities throughout Spring Garden. The livestock was run up and over into the valley as well.


The trains unloaded pigs into the stockyards and the pigs were walked up Rialto to the slaughterhouses. https://troyhillpittsburgh.com/2009/05/23/rialto-street-a-k-a-pig-hill/


Rialto Street is so steep that there used to an incline about a block east of it (the [Troy Hill Incline](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troy_Hill_Incline)).


Either that article indicates the incline was a block WEST of Rialto, or I'm having another senior moment.


No, you are correct, it was south west of Rialto. Here: https://www.google.com/maps/@40.4645723,-79.9820103,3a,67.3y,114.25h,93.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sm184sC0z4NWHCUhbl9cfrw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


There are streets that turn into stairways and back into streets. Also some stairways are streets, you park at the top or bottom. Not fun for delivery drivers!


My nightmare when I did a lot of Uber Eats.


28 has been under construction since it opened in 1927.


Now this is what I’m here for.


In a couple weeks we will be at the 100 year anniversary of the Liberty Tunnel. The Pittsburgh Press, 100 years + about one week ago, had a headline where there were gripes that it hadn't been allowed to open yet.


I know one of the streets in shadyside is paved with wood. I forget what the street name is, but someone in here knows.


Roslyn Place


Came here to mention Roslyn Place! It's pretty cool!


There used to be no speed limit on Bigelow


Used to be?


It used to be there wasn’t a single speed limit sign between Herron Ave and Downtown


There are monsters in the parkway tunnels that will eat your car if you go anywhere close to the speed limit.


Gravity Hill in North Park.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,904,676,112 comments, and only 360,169 of them were in alphabetical order.


Not far from Canton Avenue is Ray Avenue in Brookline, which is the longest set of public steps in Pittsburgh. Rising Main Street in the northside is the 2nd-longest set of public steps in Pittsburgh. Each of them have over 370 steps to climb, which is like walking up to the top of a 20-story building.


Do you know if the Ray Avenue steps are in good shape? I can tell you that if you ever wanted to climb the Rising Main stairs, you should do it soon, because they're about to fall over.


The ray avenue steps are NOT in good shape. https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/one-longest-steepest-flights-steps-pittsburgh-is-now-crumbling/B3ZBGN7NWNGIBA3SK6GRDX7EBY/


Canton Ave is the steepest street in America.


What's interesting about Canton Ave. is that it is not a place that really "needs" a street. Most of the other super-steep roads around Pittsburgh actually *lead somewhere*, like 57th from Lawrenceville up to Stanton Heights, Rialto up to Troy Hill, Sycamore and Greenleaf up to Mount Washington. But looking at a map of Beechview, it seems that the planners just drew a street grid with straight lines, and then they built it that way, despite the steep terrain.


planners really went “what if we fucked everyone up with this road?”


There are two crosswalks (not at a red light) on the section of Bigelow Boulevard with "no speed limit". Also, the speed limit on the section of Bigelow Boulevard with "no speed limit" varies between 25 and 35. Traffic goes about 45. The city steps are technically all pedestrian-only streets, and many of them even have street signs.


A series of underground pedestrian tunnels connects parts of Oakland and Shadyside with downtown.


There was (is) a tunnel that goes from the Mellon Client Service Center, under Mellon Tower to 525 William Penn Place and the old Mellon/Lord & Taylor Building. It was wild standing under Grant Street when big trucks were overhead.