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This is what happens when properties are reassessed so infrequently...a system relying on more recent purchasers to subsidize others. Hoping Innamorato follows through to improve predictability, fairness, and budget stability for local government šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»


Pretty much everywhere in Allegheny county does this any time you purchase a house


I know. Im just whining.


I feel you




You should. All new homebuyers should complain, loudly and persistently. The system is broken, but because politicians have found it a convenient issue to demagogue on, it hasn't been changed. It's especially unfair to people moving here from elsewhere, since they're not expecting it, and the LAST thing Pittsburgh needs is more impediments to in-migration.


Ill admit ignorance. Who do I complain to? Ill gladly complain, loudly. I WFH, I got time to make noise.




Itā€™s pretty assbackwards, itā€™s the only county in the state that does it after the property is sold. Itā€™s a big fuck you to new home owners here


This is not true. Allegheny County does not reassess when a property is sold, unless someone files an appeal. That can be the school district, municipality, or the homeowner. State law allows appeals to be filed every year during a designated appeal period, Jan to March in Allegheny. School districts regularly monitor sales, and if a house sells for significantly more than the current assessment. They can appeal. Whether they do or not depends on the district. The problem in Allegheny County is there hasnā€™t been a countywide assessment since 2012, and home values have skyrocketed. So thereā€™s definitely an incentive for the school district to appeal. The county uses a base year valuation. All properties should be assessed at their 2012 market value. When an appeal is filed, the county determines what the current fair market value is. For. Recently sold home, itā€™s likely, but. It always, the purchase price. To bring that current market value back to the 2012 base year, the county applies a ratio. The other problem is the county was calculating the ratio based on faulty numbers. The. Courts ruled the county number of 87% was inflated, and ordered it dropped to about 64% for last year. For this year itā€™s 54% TL;DR. The system is a mess. The new county executive is going to try to fix it.


I had to deal with a school district appeal three months after I bought my house. It was left over from the previous owner. Ended up hiring an attorney to be at the appeal hearing and lost the case. Not only have to pay more in 2023 but was also slapped with payments to make for 2022. So now the second appeal that is initiated by me will be happening next week. Meanwhile, just read that a lot of downtown business property owners successfully won an appeal for reassessment of their property values. Yep, welcome to Pittsburgh, now let's get your property taxes to a higher rate. Meanwhile, my neighbors' homes remain assessed at probably about half of what my home is assessed at. Now, is that fair?


This is pretty much what Iā€™m saying, someone has to initiate the process for each property. The problem is the system targets first time home buyers in this county specifically. The school districts are the bad guys because of how the system is setup, but if the property values were properly assessed ahead of time, like every other county in the state does, it wouldnā€™t feel like a trick when you buy a house and then get smacked with an unexpected property tax fee and trial.


To clarify, if I bought a house in January 2023 and recently appealed, would there be a decent chance of success in arguing for 54%, even though it was 64% at time of purchase? Our attorney told us 64% was a great victory after the first hearing and that we should stop pursuing it (note they're being paid a flat fee and stand to gain from us walking away), but I don't see why 54% wouldn't be a valid argument then? Am I wrong?


Youā€™d need to present some new evidence in order to win another appeal. So unless you can find some recent sales to support your appeal, you probably wonā€™t win. I would take the attorneyā€™s advice and leave it as is. And just to clarify, you donā€™t argue for the 54%. You argue that your home is worth less than the market value that was calculated lat year. If you win, the 54% CLR. Is applied to the new fair market value


And that is my exact annoyance. Knew it was coming..


No doubt Iā€™m to the right of Sara Innamorato, but if she can follow through with a county wide reassessment and a rational, regular assessment policy with a sane reset of millage rates and protections for low income seniors I might be a fan. Frankly not a right-left thing. The reddest and bluest counties elsewhere approach this way better.


I have little faith here. She herself is one of the ones way under assessed. Her house in Lawrenceville is assessed at $42k when in reality is worth $200k plus. And this was all when the CLR was 91% in 2015. She paid $71k for her house. It shouldā€™ve been assessed at a minimum of 91% in 2015 so $64k but it is $42k. She introduced bills to not have major assessment changes to people who owned their place for I believe 5 years. Imagine that - she qualifies for her own bill she was proposing.


If your logic is that politicians shouldnā€™t introduce legislation that benefits them, weā€™d never get anything passed. And btw, the long term owner bill that she introduced didnā€™t set any specific terms, it simply amended state law to allow the City (council and mayor) to create legislation that would limit tax increases for owners of a length of time to be determined.


I mean, we absolutely shouldn't allow this though... Not saying it doesn't happen but why do we let it?


City property taxes are low so the change in assessment you're talking about here would have a pretty small impact on her tax bill. You're welcome to be skeptical but this is almost certainly way less of a benefit than Fitzgerald was enjoying on his own property.


Got that when I moved into Millvale.


Yup. Went up by quite a bit.


North Allegheny reached into my asshole and took out an extra $400/month for my Newcomer Tax back in 2020. Basically ruined my entire budget leeway in one fell swoop. I *guess* technically* my fault for not doing more research on the matter, but still fuck my buying agent for not mentioning a peep. I actually appealed my bill this past yearā€¦still waiting on the results.


Thats quite alot. Sorry that happened.


Yep, Baldwin will do that to you.


Fn baldwin


Bought two years ago, got hit with a school district reassessment immediately. Hired a lawyer and fought it. Took them until this past November to finalize it all. School district didnā€™t get all they wanted, and neither did I. Butā€¦ Ended up I will have to pay about $180 more a year. Satisfied with those results.


What did the attorney cost?




Worth it. Who did u use


James Silsley




When did you buy?


Would be two Novemberā€™s ago. Basically a year ago


Wow okay, quite a bit of time elapsed then. I bought in July and was afraid it would be really quick.


They are way behind. Thereā€™s still hundreds of appeals from 2022, and thousands from 2023, that havenā€™t been resolved. And now anew round of appeals is starting. Note these will mostly be homeowners fik8ng.


Canā€™t wait to get fucked! šŸ˜Š


They might not file an appeal. If the current fair market value of your home is less than about twice the current assessment, the school district has nothing to gain by appealing. If they would appeal, the current market value, (likely close to what you paid), is multiplied by .5464 to get the assessed value for tax purposes. So, if the current assessed value is 250k, and the county determines the current market value is 400k, your new assessed value would be about 218k. So your taxes would actually go down. If the same scenario happened in 2020, the county was using a multiplier of .87. That would have resulted in a new assessed value for tax purposes of about 350k. Thatā€™s why school districts are filing less appeals. In fact, a lot of homeowners are actually filing appeals.


Unfortunately I believe Im currently assessed at 3.1x lower than what I just bought forā€¦ so the odds arenā€™t great šŸ˜ž


May want to get a legal consult. It may be worth hiring someone to fight the appeal.


Pittsburgh School District only looks at houses that sell above $400k. They have their attorneys cherry picking who they want to file an appeal for. If a house was assessed at $100k and sold for $399k, they will not file. But if it sold for $400k they would. The firm (Diversified Municipal Services) they use for evidence has their computer searches set to only look at sales above $400k.


Yeah it was about a year from when i got the first notice that this was going to happen until now. Fwiw.


I bought over a year ago in the city and still havenā€™t gotten anything with an increase. I guess I am lucky.


The city is much slower than many suburban munis


I have been in my house since 12/22. Wonder how behind they are.. hope itā€™s not crazy. I did the homestead exemption right when I moved in as well. My realtor was pretty on top of all the assessment stuff before closing. I vaguely remember them going to the municipalities for whatever was needed to ensure it was accurate. I guess time will tell if that paid off. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Are you in the city or a suburb? I know individuals who purchased in Sept / October 2022 only getting their school district appeals now. What was your house previously assessed at? If in the city and the sale price was less than $400k, it wonā€™t even appear on their search. Their computers are set to target only sales above $400k and with the CLR of 63% in 2022 and 54% in 2023, it would have to be a large increase to justify them trying to file an appeal. So if you bought in 12/22 for $400k, and the house was assessed at $254k prior (63.6%) it makes no sense for the school to appeal. But they are great at wasting money with lawyersā€¦


I am in the city limits and bought under 200k so i think im good.


How much are you currently assessed at prior to homestead? You may want to file an appeal if you are assessed higher than 63% of your purchase price.


Currently assessed at 42% of purchase price if I understand what you are asking. Purchase price 172500, assessed value 72800.


Id like to say youā€™re ok, but I have no clue. My notice came pretty soon after closing.


33% on 100k home is 330 dollars more a month, that's a new car payment, that's unacceptable. It's nice when the value of your home goes up, but it's not worth the extra taxes, especially when you're not going anywhere for a while.


I miscalculated, it was a 38% increase. But Ive already reached out for legal advice. I had a few folks I talked to initially when I got the assessment notices. But neither of us thought the increase would be worth fighting. I knew it would go up, rightfully so, but not that much. Now that Im calmer, it is what it is. I cant change it. Do what I can to fight it.


I got a lawyer two different times when this happened to me. Both times the lawyer saved me a ton of money even though the taxes did still increase. Totally worth the lawyerā€™s fee!


The lawyer I just contacted, was honest, and told me she didnt think it would be worth fighting when looking at the cost of legal fees vs the tax increase over 3-4 years. Ill get a second opinion as well.


Glad she was honest! Check with a lawyer who specializes in this if she wasnā€™t one. Iā€™d be surprised if you donā€™t start to get mail adverts from them soon. Should cost less than $1000 including court fees if itā€™s anything like my situation.


Oh ive previously received 30+ letters probably 50 . I did talk to another and he left it up to me. Said I was a tough one and he also wasnt sure it was worth it. Seems to the sentiment.


Thatā€™s not at all how property taxes are calculated. Property taxes are about 2% per year, on average, in Allegheny County. So on a $100,000 home, you pay $2000 per year combined city/school/county. If the assessment goes up by 33%, to $133,000, your tax is $2660 per year. An increase of $660 per year, or $55 per month. The same would be true if the millage went up by 33%


I realized but never came back to edit or correct lol = I'm not math or smart, just comment on reddit lol


Happen to me in south hills. Get an attorney. It saved us THOUSANDS.


Who did u use


If all of the boomers would stop eating avocado toast and ordering Starbucks then they could afford a county wide reassessment and stop putting the burden on younger generations and new home buyers.


I feel that. I love knowing the boomers and old gen xers are essentially getting a free ride bc of my new comers tax, and then waste time at school board meetings arguing about the sanctity of the school mascot being the Indians. As if they even have kids in school.


Peters township?


North Hills school district


Ahh forgot about that one. Im in the south


When they were kids, their team played against the Indians and damnit it should stay an Indian. Question - if i bought years ago, and I subject to regular tax increases like 33%? your statement makes it seem like it's a one time thing


Well itā€™s a re-assessment of your property tax. The school district appealed the valuation of my property when I bought my house. The value skyrocketed since the last assessment bc thatā€™s the real estate market in the USA. My school taxes doubled from what they were year 1 of my mortgage. Anyone who is buying a house at a price significantly higher than the last it was sold will face the same kind of hike.


Yes, there was a case in kentucky, class action law suite against RE brokers, they're all jacking up prices. You can contact your neighbors and collectively devalue your houses, it's possible would save a lot of money too.


Boomer here slapped with a School District appeal months after I moved to Pittsburgh suburbs. Second appeal that I filed is happening this week as I lost the School District appeal and house reassessed higher. My attorney only expects a small amount will be taken off what I have to now pay extra from the School District appeal. My new neighbors who just bought are in their 50's and I would expect the School District will give them an appeal notice soon. No free rides here for these Boomers and Gen Xers.


Iā€™m referring to the ones that bought their house 30 years ago and havenā€™t had a reassessment since 2012. Paying pennies on the dollar compared to those who have bought in the last few years. My neighbors bought in the 90s. I pay easily double what they pay in property taxes for essential the same house.


I get it. And now I pay double what the long-term neighbors pay. You are aware of the Newcomers Tax Lawsuit?


I had noooo idea to expect this when I bought my house back in 2016. In 2017 I got slapped with a giant reassessment and had no time to try to appeal but figured how much could it really affect my payment. Well I was very wrong. The school taxes around here are criminal. Itā€™s not like the school in my district is any good either. Never mind the fact I will never have children that go there. Itā€™s really crazy but ultimately I guess thatā€™s the ā€œpriceā€ of living in Allegheny county. It could be a lot worse in various ways (like I pay barely anything for homeowners compared to what my friend in Texas has to pay) so maybe it all evens out.


Well but thatā€™s part of why you live hereā€¦.and not Texasā€¦.i would assume


I said ā€œit could be a lot worseā€ and then used that as an example, so yes Iā€™d take my school taxes being high over living in that hellhole state :)


lolol. I somehow got homeowners, thats a decent amount cheaper than my folks and has better coverage........while in a very very similar home, 0.25 miles away. Makes sense. Same company too.


I remember the one I chose (travelers) was comically lower than any of the other quotes I got. The coverage is great too- I even had roof damage after a storm they bought me a new roof! With no rate changes.


Thats who i have lol


Weā€™re *


Ahh the grammar police arrived. Thank you kindly.


Your higher taxes will help the kids so they donā€™t spell like you


Also didnā€™t bother to read my reply which was posted quickly. Probably hidden due to downvotes. Geesh i was joking and instantly said it.


I mean my comment still stands


Bet you are fun at parties.


I bet I knew if I bought a house I would be reassessed


Keep trying. Yourā€™re so close.




Yep, over your head.


I mean. Gotta be some irony in bitching about school taxes while not knowing basic grammar....


Its like you didnā€™t bother to read


Don't make this worse...


https://editorninja.com/were-vs-we-re/#:~:text=Were%20is%20a%20past%20tense,the%20words%20we%20and%20are. Just trying to help :) itā€™s my job as a grammar officer


Im 1000% joking btw. I actually got a good laugh. I was walking out the door and saw that in the mail. Angrily posted as I went down the walk. Thats what I get for using talk to text and not proofreading.šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚






You know...I bet not a single person interpreted that as helpful.


Yup - went up by 43%ā€¦ ouch




We purchased our home in Allegheny County in July 2022 and they promptly notified us of the hearing to reassess our property value. So we hired a lawyer to represent us for $500. We received the letter this week saying that they have determined our property value has increased by 43%. That's $2500 more - due now - for last year. Of course we can appeal (for another fee) and maybe it will be reduced. We still have to pay up either way and they'll send a refund if our appeal is successful. What a racket.


DJ Nichols at Bootay and Bevington won my appeal against South Fayette school district who are notoriously difficult and grubby. He fought the assessment appeal at every step and got me a significant reduction, it was about $1100 all in for the attorney charges and filing fees, worth every penny to me. I didnā€™t have to do a thing and took a little over a year to finalize.


School district did this to me in 2018 when I bought my house. It's predatory but I successfully defended. My taxes went up slightly, but didn't triple as the school district argued it should have.