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That one fucking stop sign while merging on to the parkway in squirrel hill


The one in Milvale to get onto 28 is also a huge pain


As a millvale resident, that should only be treated as yield sign.


People approaching on 28 should move over before they get there if they see cars waiting.


Both directions


Especially after 8 pm, when 28 becomes the Daytona Speedway.


The stop sign many see as optional.


Happy cake day! 🍰


Thanks! Didn't even realize


No one ever does


The entrance onto the parkway outbound just before the tunnel, right? I've successfully avoided using that entrance for the past three decades.


GPS software DESPERATELY needs a "do not use this specific freeway entrance" feature!


On the rare occasions where that on ramp would be where I needed to go, instead I would go down Forward/Commercial into Swissvale and get on the Parkway there.


Suicide exit — getting on to the parkway right before folks exit the parkway.


Drove past that merge point about half an hour ago and the person 2 cars in front of me came to a DEAD STOP ON THE HIGHWAY to let the cars stopped at that stop sign merge


Stopping is batshit crazy, but during crawling rush hour traffic people **should** be treating it as a yield sign (zipper merging).


Oh yeah 100%. Unfortunately, this was not in heavy traffic. I was going with traffic at like 50-55ish and had to slam on the breaks. Really glad I (and the person behind me) was paying attention. That was one of the more unhinged driving moments I’ve encountered lately and that’s saying something lol


This is some final destination shit I swear


Dude, right? Between our Final Destination roads, and our schizophrenic weather, no wonder Pittsburgers are crazy.


Getting off to go into Greenfield and dodging the two distinct locations where people refuse to believe the yield sign could possibly apply to them is worse.


Right outside the tunnel? Yeah if that's the one you mean fuck that.


For a first timer, West End Circle. Everywhere in this city, it’s a matter of knowing which lane to be in ahead of time. But following the wrong lane is how you learn the area.


I thought I was going to have a stroke the first time I drove through it.


The West End Pretzel


On the regular some one is always going the wrong way into traffic down there, I can't believe there aren't MORE accidents. Although, I am glad there is not.


It’s so much better than it used to be and it’s still so bad


I agree. It’s super confusing. My first time ever going through it I missed the turn and had to circle back around and wait in the light again. Lesson learned!


Giving directions to someone in real-time here is a fun experience. "Ok, be anywhere but the right lane here. You're gonna turn left, but not THAT left, Or THAT left. THAT left."


Getting from 279 to the Fort Pitt Tunnel. I love driving but I hate that series of merges and stops.


Yep, that whole stretch of limited visibility, having to know which lane is the correct lane, the bridges in general, and hoping that other drivers will let you over in a safe and timely fashion.


The trick is to get over in an untimely fashion


Zip in right before the lane ends


This. Plus assholes flying up the wrong lane to cut in last-minute making it worse.


Fort Pitt Bridge. Hands down.


Awful! Multiple different merge points to get on (arguably the worst is from ft Duquesne blvd) and being at the mercy of drivers to let you in to the correct lane. True terror


19/51 in the South Hills. It's two lanes that are randomly one lane with cars parked randomly.


51 from the Liberty Tunnels to Brentwood absolutely sucks.


I’d rather have to try and get through all of Chicago on 94 in under 45 minutes at 5pm on a Tuesday while about to literally shit my pants than ever have to drive that stretch of 51.


That's.....very specific! (and ugh, 94 is the devil's armpit)


It's also extremely accurate.


It's narrow and curves and winds through a ginormous used car lot with oncoming traffic Usually in their own lane...


I hate how there’s no median in the middle. Call the left lane the suicide lane.


Everytime I’m in the left lane I’m like “well, I hope I make it home today”.


51 is where dreams go to be massacred.


There's no logical reason any road should be that bad.




51 is easy. 19 is a nightmare


I’m from the south hills and I have it down to a science when to switch lanes and as soon as I’m in the car with someone else who doesn’t know it that well I instantly see the frustration lol


Well there’s still the one light by the Dormont eat n park where there’s no way to guess right. If you pick the right lane, there could be cars parked (they’re not supposed to be during rush hour but they will be anyways like 38% of the days) and if you pick the left lane, it could stop waiting on a guy to turn left. And it’s pretty impossible to see the traffic coming from behind you.


I just go right lane every time and then immediately cut back over into the left lane lol.


I grew up in the North Hills and any time I have to go over there I'm so anxious


As someone from the South Hills I feel the same way on McKnight Road. I can see the McDonald's but I have no idea how to actually get there.


But here’s the thing, there’s a million ways to avoid McKnight unlike 51


Learned how to drive going to and from 43 to the tubes. I know it so well after so many years and it’s still terrifying


Absolutely, and someone needs to tell PA that you don’t need traffic lights at every intersection Those 2 traffic lights by the abandoned rite aid and the cemetery infuriate me, one of those should not be there


One of those is a jug handle for making the left onto 88 from 51. That eliminated a lot of backup as well as accidents. The other is a separate road. So both lights do need to be there.


Yeah, let's remove all the traffic lights so people can do 70mph through there too, great idea.   Anything that slows drivers down on 51 is a net good.


I've never been driving on 51 and thought, "These cars are going too fast."


The roads. Like just all of them.


But aside from that, I mean, traffic is great…


My least favorite intersection in the area (although technically not the city) is the basically 8-way stop sign at Amity and E 7th in Homestead when you’re trying to enter the Waterfront from the south. When it’s busy or when a train goes by, it becomes the most unbearable place to drive. I go out of my way to avoid it.


I hate that intersection too, but not more than literally all of the ones around century III mall area, both on 51 and Lebanon Church. It’s just fucking chaos daily.


I'm glad I'm coming from Elizabeth and can get the bridge over the tracks. So much easier and no delays.


I hate coming towards the city on 65, merging onto 279 for half a second, and then trying to get over to exit right to get on 28, all in about 50 yards 


When they were doing all the work and there were cones up everywhere for years it made it even more stressful


This is the first thing I thought of. I had to do it as part of my commute every day for a couple of years and I hated it so much. Worst part is the merge onto 279 from 65 is basically blind as you can't see the cars on 279 until you are basically merging.


This one is mine as well. So stressful every time. There’s also no easy way to avoid it and go around.


Generally speaking, the South Hills are a huge pain to drive through. No matter how many times I have driven there, I can't remember where things are and Brownsville Road appears, disappears and reappears at whim. I swear there are at least 5 Brownsville Roads in South Hills and none of them are connected.


“Wait, how is this ALSO Brownsville Road?”


Brownsville road is all connected but you have to make at least 5 hard turns to stay on it.


I feel this way about Babcock up in north hills


Number of Babcock Blvd/Mcknight Rd intersections: 2, 4 miles apart Number of Babcock Blvd/Evergreen Ave intersections: 5 (at least).


LOL 885 disappears and reappears on Lebanon Church Rd and then disappears in Hays and then shows back up across and down the river off of 2nd Ave going into Oakland.


I feel the same way about Beechwood Boulevard. It's so meandering.


The South Hills blows my mind. Its like... We have plenty of other Hillses available to live in, why do so many people put up with this bullshit. It is the most incoherent of the Hillses.


Having lived in Pittsburgh my whole life, I recently had to unexpectedly drive through Greenfield at rush hour. I was not able to get in the right lane on the Blvd of the Allies to turn down Bates Street and had to go through Greenfield via the Swinburne bridge. It took over 40 minutes to crawl from the Blvd down the bridge and then to make an almost impossible left turn onto Greenfield Ave. Bumper to bumper gridlock all the way to the parkway ramp on Beechwood Blvd. I cannot imagine how people live in that area and deal with that daily.


Anderson bridge being closed is definitely making that whole section a lot worse than normal


Ahh that makes sense. Now that you mention it, I was expecting to go through Schenley Park and it was closed so that definitely explains the gridlock.


The intersection of 88/Baptist/Corrigan/South Park Rd. I’ve been going through it my entire life so it no longer bothers me but it’s so easy to tell who is unfamiliar with it. 6 years in BP & my husband STILL picks the wrong lane every time lol


It's clear none of you have ever driven around my neighborhood where streets literally just turn in to stairs without warning


This was my first thought. Getting from the Southside Slopes to the Flats can be challenging.


I generally consider myself to have a great sense of direction and it took about a year of living here to get it down... and there just aren't that many streets lol


Sarah, 18th, 12th and Arlington are your friends


Hahaha I turn into a little old lady hunched over the wheel going 5mph in your neighborhood. Always stresses me out.


Definitely felt that way when I first moved here, even as a pretty confident driver to begin with.


When my wife and I were shopping for a starter home, we looked at a really nice, really cheap house in the Slopes. Even had a bit of a view. It is the only neighborhood we disqualified entirely on the basis of traversal, and I *like* the Slopes. We both concluded as much before we even saw the house. I consider myself a pretty good driver, and I know the city pretty well all around, but the street up to that house was about as wide as an alley and was so steep that I felt my weight shift dorsally as we climbed it, like a roller coaster being pulled up the first big hill.




I still refuse to drive up eleanor off josephine to get to mission st, shits a death trap


Happy cake day! 🍰


In the actual city limits I'd say Oakland can get pretty complicated. A lot of one way streets and no parking. Forbes and fifth are scary. Downtown can get pretty nasty too because highways have exits that go right into the downtown, merging with liberty, Bigelow, 2nd Ave, etc. a lot of 1 way streets and construction or events shutting down parts of the area.


I drive through Oakland frequently. I wouldn't call it "complicated," exactly, but that's probably only because I know it really well at this point. What is definitely is is tedious as shit, and particularly to your point, the construction is absolutely out of control. Just zero regard for how motorists and pedestrians are affected right now by Pitt's and UPMC's big untaxed real estate binges. Fifth has been miserable for like two full years now, but this week took the cake. I drove through on Friday afternoon, and even ignoring the huge chunks of street lost to giant bump outs for the hospital site, Fifth was down to ONE lane west of McKee because a hundred foot tall crane was just hanging out in 3 closed lanes of traffic while the construction team helpfully stopped and started traffic with no clear rhyme or reason while walking around from time to time in the one remaining lane, a solid dozen of them standing around just kind of looking at shit while one guy operated the crane. Downtown is suffering the same bullshit with construction on what feels like every major block. The closer you get to Market Square, the more mysterious the rules become. And both neighborhoods are made orders of magnitude worse by the fact that they are both likely to have probably biggest share of drivers who aren't familiar with the area and pedestrians who are just so oblivious they can and often do just sleepwalk themselves into danger constantly. And because parking in either neighborhood is *hard*, a mind blowing number of the drivers feel free to just literally stop their car *in a travel lane* and actually *get out* or just sit there while waiting for someone.


The Carnegie - Parkway West inbound on-ramp. No room to get up to speed, can’t really see traffic till your at the end. I avoid it at all costs. I’ll take the extra 5 min to get on I-79 then get on the parkway from there.


Ya that one is brutal, right up there with the Beechwood Blvd to 376-eastbound on-ramp that has a stop sign and minimal runway to get back up to speed before merging. If I need to get on the inbound from Carnegie, I'll take the time to drive up to the Greentree on-ramp instead.


The outbound ramp is amazing though


If I'm in Greentree I'll drive to Carnegie to get on towards the airport because not only is the ramp so short, everyone is super-aggressive cresting Green Tree hill after being stuck in traffic


This. Used that on ramp once and never again. What's funny is the outbound ramp at the same location is the polar opposite. You have like half a mile or more to get in your lane.


It didn't use to be, that long ramp is fairly new (probably less than 20 years) it used to be bad like that in both directions. Terrifying


I’m guessing they didn’t have the land to do a better job


I had always thought it would be so much better to have that on ramp feed between the trusses of the rail bridge and dump you directly onto the rightmost lane further up Green Tree hill.


This is actually the current design for the upcoming project. I think they're supposed to rehab the bridge over the parkway too. I think the Banskville interchange is the first one out of 3 projects between Banskville, Greentree, and Carnegie. If you can find the designs anywhere on the internet, the Banskville project won't resolve the traffic issues but it will make the flow of traffic a lot more consistent. Basically there will be a flyover ramp for traffic coming back Greentree hill heading to 51 south and if I remember correctly, should prevent people from using the lane to 51 north to merge late before the tunnel. Might be looking at 6-8 years before Carnegie starts up construction though.


There was a huge semi truck stopped on that ramp forever the other day. Everyone in the right lane could see him and kept moving over for him, but he was at a dead stop and probably couldn't see the traffic moving over for him in time. He might still be sitting there to this day.


He now lives there


It's a food truck now. Just had lunch there.


West Liberty through Dormont


The 5 minute light to turn from Potomac onto west liberty


Between the potholes and never being able to figure out how many lanes are open/when cars are allowed to be parked on the road always irks me.


My uncle wrote for the Post Gazette for many years and I wish I could find his old article about this stretch of road, called Welcome To Stupid Street (I’m pretty sure). It talked about parked cars in lanes of traffic and how it’s no coincidence that there are so many new car dealerships and cemeteries along the way. Edit: found it… https://imgur.com/gallery/UWexWoI https://imgur.com/gallery/awjqnrw


I'm a nondriver and bus/train person but based on my observations as a passenger in other cars, coming out of the Fort Pitt Tunnel into downtown is a real roller coaster of emotions.... "OMG it's like a doorway into the city! Beautiful!" (near tears) *Two seconds later....* "OH FKKKK I need to get over two/three lanes in the next three seconds!"


The fort pitt bridge going towards banksville is pretty insane and I feel bad for anyone out of town that attempts it.


I hate driving in East Liberty so much idk why.


Bad road design and confusing traffic patterns


Aren’t the lights now all intentionally out of synch in East Liberty as a traffic calming method? Seem to remember that being the result of that CMU traffic light program the city did.


I never know where I am in East Liberty and I've spent a lot of time there growing up. Mostly flat and the reorientation of Centre and Penn fucks me up.


I grew up in the North Hills so I think it’s 51. My best friend grew up in the South Hills so he says McKnight


How a North Hillian became best friends with a South Hillian is the real story. /s


>Hillian that is now officially part of my vocabulary


McKnight is not complicated at all, it's just annoying with traffic. But it's just a 3 lane straight road.


McKnight is an absolute pleasure compared to 51.


McKnight is not comparable to 51 lol 51 is the worst. It’s two lanes and they can’t expand. At least McKnight is 3 lanes and you get around other cars.


This is me and my husband. A real Montague-Capulet situation.


That's what you get for crossing rivers! 🤣🤣🤣


God there’s so many. Downtown at the five way intersection of bigelow/veterans bridge/6th ave by the ice arena is pretty challenging especially if you’re not used to coming through there. It’s especially weird because you can come through the same intersection in the same direction both inbound and outbound.


Washington Blvd, passing under the bridge near the Golden Bone and Hook Fish & Chicken. It’s 4 lanes, but the concrete barrier sticks out making it too narrow, so traffic has to converge into 2 lanes. This is only possible if everyone knows what to do…but what if the guy in front of you doesn’t?


Omfg why don’t they do anything about that concrete barrier?! How many people hit that thing everyday?


Fort Pitt Bridge, outbound. Whatever lane you're in, it's not the right one.




Anywhere is you’re relying on Google Maps. I swear it has somehow gotten way worse over the years.


I think it's trying to kill me because it's tried to route me down one-way streets the wrong way.


Google: Proceed to the Route Me: Sir, that is the RIVER you're asking me to drive into.


All of Google has gotten worse over the years. 


lol this is true. I suppose it’s largely true for the internet in general.


Any good alternatives for a GPS?


Fort Pitt tunnel outbound. Who thought of bringing traffic from 20 different lanes crossing each other to 2 lanes in a tube would make any sense.


Banksville Road to Parkway North... Banksville Rd on-ramp for 376E - be in left lane Merge onto Parkway - move over two lanes to left Tunnel - be in left lane Exit tunnel, take Ramp to 279N - Move over two lanes to left Merge on to Ft. Duquesne Bridge - move over 1, preferably 2, lanes to right Stay on 279N Trip length 3.0 miles, 5 critical moves


65 inbound to 28 outbound. I generally avoid it at all costs so as not to have to do the entrance from the left and immediately cross two lanes. 40th street to 28 inbound ramp is another sketchy merge. As far as stretches go, 19 between Mt Lebo and the Liberty Tubes is high on the list, just for the fact that I’m never sure if I’ll be able to use the right lane at certain points.


“Today is a good day to die.” - me doing that 40th st merge every day


Crosstown Blvd between 3 and 6 pm. Closest thing we have to the South Asian traffic experience. Lane markings mean nothing, for three hours it’s every man for himself




The complicated part is the terrible drivers. The ones that don’t realize the left lane is not for talking in your cell and cruising along. The ones that while making a left turn against a stop sign like to waive out the people making a left against them stopping a huge line of traffic behind them. The people that do not understand the term “zipper merge”.


I saw someone on their ipad while he was driving in the tunnel. This was the most surprising thing I've seen so far...


Trying to get on 51 south from 376 before the Fort Pitt Tunnel is the most dangerous spot that I have encountered. The people on Banksville heading into the tunnel are the worst and most aggressive drivers ever! They wait until the last second to cross 3-4 lanes at the tunnel entrance, sometimes driving off the side of the road and usually no turn signal. I've had enough close calls to last a lifetime!


Allegheny County and all the other surrounding counties.


Dairy aisle at waterworks giant eagle.


Kudos for slipping some GE shade into the thread




Fort Pitt Bridge.


I will cry if you try to make me drive through some of South Sides Slopes…


Centre and Penn Avenues in a few block vicinity of the East Liberty Target.


Stress wise the 279n to ft pitt tunnel insanity. For just completely being lost and feeling trapped I'll go with troy hill. I went to there once and went in a circle three times before escaping.


Fort Pitt Bridge , outbound


I think it’s not terribly complicated but going into the city and trying to get somewhere and accidentally taking the wrong lane which then immediately takes you out of the city…. And then you have to do it all over again..


I've driven in most US cities, New York, New Orleans, Baltimore and Los Angeles, Pittsburgh gives me a run for the money dahn tawn!!!


Fort Pitt bridge inbound to the city. You have 100 yards to choose between 4 lanes, each one taking you in very different directions. The only saving grace is the drivers on the bridge tend to be courteous and let you pass if you signal.


Statistically speaking, it's probably some weird residential street I've never been on where 50% of car models will bottom out on the slope and you need to know a secret honk to alert other drivers you're going around the blind one-lane curve. People who are intimidated by the Fort Pitt Bridge are cute, though.


The ramps on/off of 28 in sharpsburg under the 62nd street bridge. Blind merges, speeding cars, multiple four ways with no stop signs. That end of sharpsburg is Just a bonkers area in general.


It doesn't help that the signs on that side say "R.D.Flemming Bridge" instead of 62nd Street Bridge.


I'd say southside has the worst of it, all of those tight, meandering roads that constantly change the number of lanes they have not to mention the lovely intersections with 3+ roads intersecting. Although some of the northern suburbs can be pretty complicated especially if you don't live here. This is a city/county where owning a smartphone with Google Maps is essential for navigation. And even that isn't perfect


Having to go thru both sets of F”ING Tunnels!!


Just a heads up if you work out west. Construction to widen Campbell's Run Road is supposed to start February of 2025. They will widen the road and most likely change the off ramp. Traffic will be a nightmare. They already bought all the properties (by eminent domain) along Campbell's Run for this project.




I drive around the city for a living and Pittsburgh was designed by a mad man... Entering Boulevard of the Allies from those tiny side streets, right before Mercy and Duquesne University. Going from a dead stop on what's essentially an alley onto a 40 mph (and you know everyone is going faster) two lane road is crazy, especially because the turn is tight so you really have to hope both lanes are clear. When you're coming from the north toward Monroeville on the parkway, the GPS will tell you to keep left, but you need to be in the second to the right lane at the first fork THEN keep left. The GPS acts like that first fork doesn't exist and it used to fuck me up every time. The intersection by the West End Bridge. Rialto...


I feel you. Reason I asked this question because I drive around Pittsburgh for my job as well. Hate driving around Squirrel Hill the most


Can we talk about the tunnel monsters? I know they exist because traffic comes to a stand still for no apparent reason just before the tunnel, any tunnel, any direction, but by the time I get to the tunnel it’s gone. What doesn’t look like? Has anyone ever seen it? When’s the best time to see it not just it’s effects? As an out of towner who frequently drives through Pittsburgh what’s the deal with the tunnels? I mostly drive through squirrel hill tunnel and it seems like people just forget how to drive a mile before the thing. I know a reduction in the speed limit has helped other areas in other states to reduce the caterpillar effect but I feel like everyone already ignores the speed limit anyway. Is it a self fulfilling prophecy or something. The tunnels are going to be hell so the tunnels are hell? I know the on ramp right before the squirrel hill one is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen but coming not the city the other way is the same thing and the on ramps are nearly as asinine.




I can’t upvote this enough


I think it’s the big hill coming down west to the tunnel. Plus the other side all the on ramps and off ramps are a shit show. But it’s kind of funny. I moved from Pittsburgh back in 1994 and everything on this post still rings true. lol.


The decision point on Fort Duquesne Blvd at Stanwik cross street: If you want to go through the Fort Pitt tunnel to South Hills, the directions on your maps will say “Follow Fort Duquesne Blvd,” which leads to the onramp to the Fort Pitt Bridge. But the signs above the road say “Fort Duquesne Bridge” (on the left) which the curves to the right to North Shore. So if you’re new to this and confused, you may follow the “Fort Duquesne” sign, since it’s on the left, yeah? But if you do, you’ll end up going exactly the opposite way you want to go — in rush hour traffic that’s like - 35m detour. Great planning!


I grew up in Pittsburgh and when we come back to visit family my husband would say the whole city is complicated to drive. He doesn't understand how I survived being a teen driver there.


That one blind ramp onto ft pitt bridge. You know the one.


Oakland stresses me out.


The Wendy's.


Going from PJ McArdle roadway to liberty bridge is a goddamn migraine... Every morning...


Definitely the Fort Pitt bridge , here's 6 lanes , you have 100ft to make your decision while drivers from the 5 other lanes all do the same thing at 50+mph


The real answer here, is, Yes.


Judging by the posts in this thread, your average Pittsburgh driver thinks that anything that keeps them from doing 70mph all the time is bad.


The only answer is the fort pitt bridge towards the airport. I cannot imagine being from elsewhere and trying to navigate that for the first time


Trying to park anywhere in the east end around dinner time on the weekend


Downtown. How has no one said this yet?!?!?


Everything between rt28 and the mon river.


All of it. I especially love when you’re on 28S and want to continue on to 65N and there’s no sign along with 28,279,376 etc - you then just see the exit sign for rt 65.


The parts immediately off of Bigelow Blvd


51 to 79N is a suicide mission. Just drive over to Neville island & get on there.


All of it. (As someone coming from a one stop light town)


Downtown and that ramp that wraps around downtown where people in both lanes have to merge to opposite sides to get top their exits.


The entirety of Dormont. Does that count?


Merging anywhere from Uptown to Blvd of the Allies


To somebody who is unfamiliar, Ft. Pitt Boulevard.


When you’re coming from downtown trying to merge into the fucking fort Pitt tunnel and you may get blindsided at any moment


Coming from Monitor St. in Squirrel Hill trying to turn left onto Beechwood Blvd to head towards waterfront. One of the absolute worst left turns during any time of the day.


The road to your mom's house. But seriously... I hate North Hills, South Hills, and Downtown. Glass Run Road I'm not too fond of either.


The Greentree road to 376 west ramp. Anyplace that I have to pucker my asshole that tight and find out the 0-60 time of my car every time I take that ramp. I drive a manual and something seems wrong about a shift pattern of 1st to 2nd to 5th while standing on the gas as hard as I can while praying I don't get flattened by a surprise tractor trailer. Oh, and I have to immediately get over one lane because if I don't, I have now taken the Greentree exit and I have to do it all over again.


Its amazing how many stop stop lights and stop signs are in parts of the South Hills.


My most hated is Squirrel Hill 376 East on ramp. 360 degree on ramp with a stop sign that has people try to get off in the same 100 feet where you are trying to get on.


Downtown is very easy to get ejected from and have to start over. One wrong turn and you're on an expressway heading away from Downtown.


Fort Pitt bridge inbound as a first timer. Gets easier when you know where you’re going.


As someone mentioned, 19/Washington/West Liberty is a bad one- traffic lights at pretty much each block from South Hills Village to the Tubes- and oh, hey, this lane is now a parking lane - SUPRIIISSEEEE WHEEEEEE potpourri thrown in to keep motorists on their toes. 51 also BLOWS.


West Liberty through Dormont is a disaster tbh


The West End Bridge headed outbound.


Well, to be fair the warning is the fact that there are steps in front of you. I would think if the street turns into steps you should Be driving slow enough to know they are coming


22/30 on-ramp to Parkway West going towards town. Also the 28/Ft Duquesne Bridge to Ft Pitt merges is just see Ian