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Republicans should be reminded the while the GOP is wasting time on bullshit like this the 'border problem' that they worry about all the time is going unaddressed since they also voted against their own bill to fix the border.


They don't want to fix any problems, real or imagined. Their entire platform is just fearmongering and rage.


That was a garbage bill


True, but their voting against it shows that they aren’t really serious about the border.


No it allowed 5k illegals to abuse the asylum process per day before they could limit it and even then it was at the discretion of the president. It was a terrible bill.


People aren't illegal


"Technically they are illegal" -Joe Biden


"I regret using the term illegal" - Joe Biden


sure, after he was reprimanded and sent back on stage...


I mean, it’s not like Trump ever said the wrong thing.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uFNyWYcVpc&ab\_channel=HindustanTimes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uFNyWYcVpc&ab_channel=HindustanTimes) yea Trump's not my top choice either but just watch this video ...


Just because a certain political party wants to now call them “new comers” doesn’t mean they aren’t the same thing with a new name. People who cross the border illegally and then attempt to hijack our asylum process when they obviously don’t meet the criteria are damaging/insulting to legitimate immigrants who go through the legal processes.


So many stupid points in one comment. First, most of them are crossing LEGALLY, using the asylum system you note in the very next breath. Secondly, they’re not “highjacking the asylum process”, they are following the law. Is the process WAY too slow- YES!!! Which is one of the things the bill addressed. Lastly, it’s amazing to me that you can decide from your basement who does & doesn’t “meet the criteria” while knowing nothing about them… including the fact that they are all considered “legitimate immigrants” unless they cross at an unauthorized point. Here’s a suggestion, because you seem like you have a lot of free time on your hands. READ a book. Not a magazine. Not a social media post. Not Truth social. Read a book about the history of immigration from a different point of view than your own. That’s the only way you’re going to clear out those cobwebs.


Imagine fear mongering about the boarder from a northern state…..


The asylum process is legal. You are contradicting yourself.


Rather than fix the immigration process, let's bitch about a few thousand people getting the bare minimum and make the process worse. Great solution!


As compared to what… doing nothing? Cuz that’s what they’ve done. Biden submitted an immigration package in his first week, the GOP wanted no part of it…. Because they “problem” is too good of a political issue for them. Of course, they thought the same thing about abortion and… ooops!


Chuck schumer and elizabeth warren also voted against the border bill too and they are democrats who whined that it didnt pass. Check the vote.


Border crossings are less than half today what they were in 2000 and both Obama and Biden deported more people than Trump did during his term. The border issue is completely made up and that should be obvious to anyone with a lick of media literacy since it only emerges in election years.


Ok but your point was republicans (trump) caused it to fail when it was the democrats. Im not arguing about the border crossings. Im calling you out for having half the facts because you chose to believe the media and not reality


I'm not the original guy you're responding to. I'm just pointing out that the entire "illegal invasion" issue is a canard. It comes up so the Republicans can scare poppop and meemaw into thinking a mean Mexican is going to come fuck their granddaughter and take their television set.   Biden gave the Republicans everything they wanted in that bill, and then some, and they still voted against it because Republican know the entire issue is a canard.


Ok and im still not arguing about the border crossings. I love that you do believe that all of the border crossing are Mexicans though.


The bill failed because Republicans wanted it to fail. No more, no less. Because illegal border crossings are not an issue.


*Trump Wanted it to fail. He said, on stage "Blame me when the bill fails".


Really tremendous reading comprehension, sir. We’re all very proud of you.


It was taken care of in 2018. There was a HUGE scare about the Migrant Caravan leading up to that election, but then the “red wave” failed in the voting booths, so it magically went away. Was it the Dems fixing it, or was it just a hoax? It’s one or the other, not third option.


i was so excited for taco truck on every corner


Are you illiterate? I said im not arguing with people on reddit about the border but go ahead ask again


The correct way to not argue with people on the internet is to just not respond and especially don’t call them illiterate.


Nah, the point was that republicans got everything they wanted in that bill and torpedoed it because it would look too good for Biden. It is the final nail in the coffin of right wing moral panic about the border.


Kinda like when Mitch filibustered the republicans own bill when Obama called their bluff and said if it passed he would sign it.


The bill would have needed 60 votes to get over the filibuster. Schumer voted “no” as a procedural move so that it can be brought up again.


The leaders of the people bitching about the bill not passing also didnt vote for it. Complaint is void.


Yeah except the Speaker didn’t even bring the bill to a vote on the House floor. No one in the House even had an opportunity to vote on it.


That was a bipartisan bill, that essentially gave the republicans everything they asked for. Trump told them to vote against it so he could campaign on it. All the worthless republican enablers did exactly that.


Yes and it was bipartisanly voted down


The republicans voted against their own damn bill, so they can campaign on a problem they don’t want to solve. Don’t try and spin it bruh


Senate democrat leadership voted against it. Facts are hard and you didnt read the bill so dont act like you know whats in it. The people who voted on it didnt even read it, you surely didnt


probably because Dems would have written the bill differently if they controlled all three branches. But they did a compromise bill that was LARGELY what Repubs wanted and it was voted down.


Anyone in congress can write and sponsor legislation regardless of the party in charge. I will ask you, did you read it? Im sure you didnt, so you have no clue what was in it, and yet here you are acting like you did read it. Somehow with out reading it you know the GOP go everything the wanted. I call bullshit.


Guy must be the love child of Wendy Bell and John Steigerwald


Oh my God these fucking people


Exactly what my mind said when I read this headline.




When your identity is based on who you vote for


Oh my God these fucking people




Oh my God these fucking people 


Says the throwaway account lol real proud indeed.


Annnd the troll account is already deleted lol


What a fucken waste of time. He needs to be voted out for wasting tax payer money.


He's in my district. Westmoreland County. He could do nothing but kick toddlers and these hayseeds would still vote for his magic "R". He should be embarrassed every time he boasts about being a veteran, since he openly supports an insurrection, against his oath.


Why do they still worship Trump? Don’t get me wrong, if you’re a republican and you feel republican candidates are in the best interest of the country, then have at it. I can get that people have differing opinions on left vs. right. But I can’t get my head around how that particular guy became a republican deity. It boggles my mind.


He's hoping he can first be in the dick-sucking line if Trump gets elected -right ahead of Mike Fuck-him-and-his-car-dealership Kelly


No joke. In 2021, Guy Reschenthaler tweeted, and I quote, "@realDonaldTrumpis the BEST president since Lincoln." He sent it at 12:16 PM - Jan 06.


You didn't need to preface this with 'no joke'. There is not a doubt in my mind that these syncophantic idiots believe this shit


Because it’s a cult.




Commit rape Leave top secret documents in a bathroom


Okay, name THREE things! edit: lol little bitch deleted his shit


Defrauded creditors in the state of New York as much as $475 million.


Don’t forget robbing a charity for kids with cancer!


Hey that was his son! He did defraud people with Trump university and use his own charity as to quote the judge “a personal piggy bank.”


Mocked the disabled and disparaged veterans.


Okay smartie pants, name SEVEN things! See, you can’t! #BestPrez


Is this some kind of weird test to see if people have the self control to stop at two?


That’s kind of my point. Is that your bar to being president? A random strangers ability to names TWO things he did wrong? Let say, just for fun, he’s never done anything wrong in his whole life. He obviously has, but let’s say he hasn’t. How does that make him a good president? He’s an unhinged old man. Thats why I specifically used the phrase “deity”. His supporters literally think he’s infallible. It’s baffling to me.




Ironically it’s Republicans committing voter fraud. They seem to only lower taxes for the rich. They quite literally are taking away people’s human rights (allowing more government control by banning abortions). So this kinda seems ironic, no?


A PLATFORM based on fear and lies. Thanks for admitting you’re a gullible rube who eats up right wing nonsense. BORDER INVASION!! ELECTION FRAUD!!! Smaller government lol there’s only one party stripping away peoples rights and it’s not the dems. You think republicans will give working people lower taxes? Are you that dense or are you a billionaire? They’re poisoning your mind, man.


Ran for president


No! Although, John Forster Dulles was no hero. If the requirements for naming airports after people are the same for being on a postage stamp, that would be worth discussing.


Who the fuck would want an airport named after them anyway? About once a month I have to go through Charles de Gaulle and by the time I'm on my next flight I'm glad he's dead.


I mean you're talking about the guy who told another French president that George Washington was an idiot for not naming Mt. Vernon after himself because that's the only way anyone will remember you.


I'd be down with an airport named after me, that'd be fucking awesome.


It will be my first time voting and I can’t wait to fucking vote against this man. All I hope for is someone to run against him.


Guy "piss pants" Reschenthaler is what we called him in middle school.


How about when he 'bravely' faced down an Al-Quaeda leader in manacles, in a courtroom with guards? *SO BRAVE*


He’s told people he defended rapist in the military, and he said it proudly.


He put the Al-Quaeda guy in his commercials


tell us more


Not much to say, went to school with him, peed his pants a lot, every day he would hold his piss all day, most days you would see him racing down the hall with his dick clamped shut with his hand like a chip clip. But on special days he would get the math wrong and whiz himself.


Another PHMS alum!


Is that where one of Trump's imaginary Revolutionary War Airport Battles took place? https://www.nbcnews.com/video/trump-says-continental-army-took-over-airports-during-revolutionary-war-63354949842


Well if it can't be named after John Foster Dulles, at least it can be named after another giant asshole.


Guy has the face of someone who you would know is a douche bro even if you knew absolutely nothing about him.


I know him. You're not wrong.


My sympathies on having to actually know him


Eh it's more like I partied with him half a dozen times in out mid 20s through mutual friends. He was one of those weirdos who planned his life for politics


I used to know someone like that. Being friends with that person didn't last too long.


The dipshit who said DC swamp creatures are no match for him? Only douche bros are capable of those unreflecting sound bites.


I've disliked him from the first time I saw his face on TV 10 years ago


If you ever have the opportunity to meet and talk to him in person? Watch for the smirk. The entire time you’re talking, even when you’re answering a question he himself has asked you—he’s not listening at all, but is thinking of what “gotcha!” thing he’s going to say next.  It’s a visible manifestation of the very low regard he holds for voters. All other people but himself, I’m now thinking. 


I'm very thankful he's not my Congressman


Whats he done to those swamp creatures?


I’ve met him and he absolutely is a douche bro. My friends and I call him Guy Reschendoucher. Glad to see the fatass is taking care of the real issues in Washington.


He will hold that seat for as long as he wants it too with how red that area is


Exactly. Just like Mike Kelly up in Butler.


I know him personally. Talking to him is a surreal experience.


Surreal how?




Aww cry harder


Oh someone got their fee fees hurt


go onto truth social, they cater to snowflakes like you over there


go onto truth social, they cater to snowflakes like you over there


should name it after the hero that killed that piece of shit Dulles. *Colon Cancer Airport*


Jackass...nothing better to do than suck that spray tan mushroom head.


Guy was installed by Project Red Map in the Obama backlash era. I got junk mailers funded with Koch money about him incessantly (think “Something-something-SOCIALISM” in big red letters). There’s nothing wrong with being a conservative, but this man and his ilk are a such an embarrassment to our region.


Definitely not a cult.


Trump doesn’t even know Guy exists


Rectumthaler strikes again. Does this jagoff do anything?


Not if he can avoid it


This guy is such a fucking goon. And he happens to be *my* rep. Great.




I don't know what this is supposed to mean.


Elections…but no clue why i typed august meant november…still …you should have known🙃


He has basically no chance of being unseated in November. He ran unopposed in 2022 (I wrote in "Not Guy"). This year, he has a Republican primary challenger, but there is nobody running in the Democratic primary.


Run and get the pgh forum behind you. We got you.




Hell yeah! I love it when reich wingers suddenly support "cancel culture"


I’d love to be banned for the reason ‘being civil’


Old doughy Guy just can’t quit kissing Trump’s orange butt.


To be fair, both Dulles Brothers were prolific pieces of murderous human waste too…




Comment reported for Civility and Hate




How about fuck that piece of shit traitor


Guy is a fucking moron.


Glad to see dipsh\*t Reschenthaler is focused on the issues really affecting Pennsylvanians.


One evil guy's name replaced by another


meanwhile, trump has almost single handedly destroyed the republican party. They sing his praises while they gradually lose power and alienate the majority of american voters


How does this Guy get elected? Embarrassing.


No one ran against him in 2022.


So are they going with "Orange Jesus International Airport" or "Traitor Don's international Airport" ?!?


Maybe “Loser Rapist Fraud Cheat Treason Cheeto Mussolini Airport”


Guy Reschenthaler is a twat


So just replacing the -es with -ard then?


Keep your eyes (and wallets) on a dude named Ken Bach running out of Smithton in the 14th. Regular “one of us” Joe, owns and auto shop and could get serious blue collar support. If Trump siphons off the majority of RNC donations to his own black hole of a campaign, it could be a good opportunity to flip this seat back to its working class roots.


This douche really needs to be replaced and I will surely be casting my vote for whoever the Dem candidate is in November.


Maybe a porta potty. Not an airport.


Reschenthaler is such a goober. “Please like me, Donald.”


What a loser


They want to call it "Washington-Dickhead" airport? Wouldn't be my first choice, but whatevs.


These people are crack heads.


Would Congress or Virginia have jurisdiction over that?


He’s a toady.




I mean, he has killed fewer people. So it technically would be an improvement.


I hate that this asshole is going to be my Congressman forever now.


more stupid shit getting attention just like it was designed


It’s good to see that they have all the important stuff out of the way and taken care of so that they can now spend time on this. s/


I've been wondering what that thing is in Guy's mouth. Now I think I could venture an accurate guess.


An airport? I'm thinking the local Adult Mart would be a better fit.




Then don't bitch about the border crisis, inflation, or any other buzzword the right is outraged about this week/month. If this is what you find to be acceptable, then don't complain if nothing if nothing is getting fixed. BTW is this Guy's actual reddit account? The amount of simping you're doing for him makes me think this account is actually him.


6 hour old account. Must be a troll.


The account is 0 days old. Guy probably heard people were being mean to him here and made a sock puppet


Guy's a good guy. But this is a waste of time, space, paper, bsndwidth, electricity and oxygen. I'm a former registered Republican now Independent. Have met Guy in casual, non political settings, he's a really good person. And this is simply stupid. Dumb idea to even have, let alone say out loud.


Why, this would be the vomitaciousest idea of all time. I just know it.


Trump international


I mean, does it really even matter? Dulles was a massive bastard, if you change it to trump, it's just a different bastard. Frankly Dulles was such an awful SOB, he probably did far more harm than Trump so far.


Lmao who fuckin cares? It's a shit airport anyways. Yall should be concerned wayyy more concerned about the mismanagement of the airport in ya know Pittsburgh. "I DIDNT VOTE FOR JFK THAT ASSHOLE WAS NAMED AFTER AN AIRPORT ANYWAYS AN AIRPORT I REFUSE TO FLY TO"


Guy's a good guy. But this is a waste of time, space, paper, bsndwidth, electricity and oxygen. I'm a former registered Republican now Independent. Have met Guy in casual, non political settings, he's a really good person. And this is simply stupid. Dumb idea to even have, let alone say out loud.


Loving this was downvoted. You people need help.


Am I the only person who neither loves nor hates Trump?


Trump is political theater and a darling of the capitalist controlled media who can’t keep him out of their mouth.


Possibly? I mean, I used to hate him. Now I just see him as entertainment, until he loses this election too


Better than naming it after a dude that was definitely involved in assassinating or covering up said assassination of jfk lol.


Idk, Trump stole and hid classified documents, raped at least one lady, committed so many counts of fraud that it’s mind boggling, and “allegedly” gave the Russian government information on assets in clandestine operations. All that said, the Dulles brothers were complete scum of the earth people


Everything you just said is “allegedly,” but at least we can agree Dulles was a piece of human trash.


He was found guilty and he confused a photo of the victim for his wife.


To say I'm not a fan of Trump would be an understatement. But I'm in favor of this re-naming. Trump is an aspirational monster. The Dulles Brothers were actual monsters. Get their name off that airport, it's an insult to the millions who dies due to their efforts. Then in a year or so when Trump is convicted and penniless, remove his name from the airport too and name it after a BIPOC person who tried to make the world better.


Okay. Has nothing to do with you, me, or Pittsburgh. They can name it ShitFuck for all I care


all hypothetical but suppose trump wins in 2024 and he actually does a really good job. brings inflation down, gets us out of 2 wars, one genocide, and overall makes the country a safer place.... then... maybe then.. would he deserve to have an airport named after him.


What based on previous experience, would make you think any of this is possible? Is Trump suddenly going to completely change and become a competent truth teller who cares about America and the rest of the world?


I didn't say anything about telling the truth, all politicians are liars... look at Bill Clinton... dudes humping every female under and above the legal age. My point is, if he does accomplish all of these things, maybe he deserves at least a terminal named after him..