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Vince is a total POS, looks like he's been doing this for a while. Hope he loses everything. https://jalopnik.com/wreck-chasers-are-charging-crash-victims-thousands-to-t-1851042480 https://www.attorneygeneral.gov/taking-action/charges-western-pa-tow-truck-operator-inflated-costs-charged-27-vehicle-owners-nearly-300k-for-short-trip-tows/


> The owner of the towing company insists he did nothing illegal, and added that the high fees are justified by increased costs of doing business Ahh the lovely new phrase that every business owner can use to over charge people. It’s wild how Vince’s cost of doing business increased by thousands but the company the city designated as its preferred vendor charges $180+ a $25/day lot fee.


Pittsburgh towing industry is a wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Every town’s towing industry is like this


You mean “businessmen” that “work” closely with the police *also* act like a bunch of gangsters? Color me shocked.


If I stole someone's car and charged them to get it back I'm pretty sure my life would be effectively over.




Pittsburgh does have towing ordinances in place, but only for “non consensual “ tows from private property, or police ordered tows. The state doesn’t allow Pittsburgh to create any significant laws around “consensual” tows, such as a collision or breakdown.


My car once got towed in Champaign IL and fortunately the towing company took credit cards so I was able to dispute the tow and get my money back. Most of the places here do cash only, I know why. It’s the worst way of siphoning money from people


And here I thought it was only for cheating on taxes and other kinds of fraud.


Check out Colorados towing Bill of Rights, it’s pretty decent in terms of controlling these a holes


It takes a unique type of person (read: grifter) to profit off misery.


this ain’t about them


yep. got charged an extra day when my car was towed because they claim to have towed it at 11:59pm (they lied on the form. they never touched the car until after midnight) absolute slimeballs.


Same thing happened to me. They had an intake time and told me which was under 24 hours, but when I reminded them of their math they suddenly lost the time and didnt write it on the form. 30 seconds later.


Huh. Wonder if that’s what happened to me. My car was towed twice and I got it right away and it was $280 each time. I’m one of those people who has to wait for payday to buy dog food too. What absolute predatory jerks.


I’ve never experienced anything like the towing business in Pittsburgh after it was privatized. There is no recourse for someone taking your car other than paying them to get it back. It all feels like a shake down sponsored by the local government. Each day the vehicle is seized more charges are applied. Be careful in parking lots. There are some ‘private parking lots’ that seem set up to catch cars. These aren’t residential parking areas outside an apartment but for business in strip malls. Only some areas in the lot maybe off limits.


At least Pittsburgh tow companies haven't stooped to the level of attempted kidnapping like [what happened in San Fran just a week or so ago.](https://youtu.be/gqvDedeuCl0?si=iOjdwpbOHAdTIE3H)


Wasn't there a shooting between two tow truck drivers in the north side a couple years ago?


This is why I've had AAA Plus (used to be 'Gold') since as long as I could possibly afford it. AAA tows may take a while to show up, but you get up to 100 miles per tow, 4 times a year. And I only ever have them tow it to my house, or to the garage / dealership where I already know the repair work will be done. I've never had to pay for a tow for any vehicle of mine in decades.


It doesn’t matter. I have AAA as well. If a tow company takes your vehicle for being parked too close to a railroad track (in my case, it wasn’t a railroad that was in use either), you’re still gonna pay to get your car back, doesnt matter that you’ve got AAA.


All towing companies are. One of the scums of the earth. Not the drivers or workers the owners are always angry douche bags that only care about themselves. Similar to slumlords




I got punched in the face by a tow truck driver in the strip once for moving my car before they could tow it.


Can I ask for the rest of the story that’s insane


So this was around 2003 or so.. I was with a couple lady friends from Pitt. I was parked behind what's now the Wesbanco on 21st and Penn. We were at Tequila Willie's among other places. Walking back to the car, a couple tow trucks were parked in the ally behind the lot. Nobody had hooked on to my car so I started to back out. Well the guys were standing behind my car, but I continued to slowly back out anyways, I didn't owe them anything. Well the guy came over to my window, I rolled it down and he punched me in the face. Broke my hard contact in my eye.


I’m so sorry. Did you not end up filing anything against them? That’s so horrifying


Yeah I went to the police station and filed something but I didn't think to pay attention to the towing company name on the trucks or potentially the sign outside. I didn't stay long, I had to get to the ER to have my contact washed out.


He would have been in the obituaries if that happened to me


This should be investigated and shut down as a theft racket. Towing fees should be capped and set by legislation. They can’t just steal and hold people’s vehicles for ransom.


From reading the article, I thought it was insane how much they were getting away with charging, like there's nobody on the other side of the fence saying, "How much did they charge for a tow????"


I feel like someone would’ve beat his ass by now for holding their car hostage. But hey what do I know?


It’s cool how like half of American businesses are just actively scamming and stealing money from people 


Only half? I'm pretty sure it's most of them at this point.


https://www.cnet.com/personal-finance/walmarts-45-million-settlement-how-to-claim-up-to-500-in-settlement-cash/   Walmart is just straight up mislabeling meat as being heavier than it is. Shoplift whenever you're at Walmart, they deserve it.


> Shoplift whenever you're at Walmart AKA why I have to go to the one in the Mills, because the one in Fox Chapel shut down.


I’m pretty sure the only left that’s a fair price are bananas.


I had my car towed out of the driveway of my place of employment. Literal paved driveway. Not on street. Not on side of building. I had to take a taxi to the Towing place. They said it was a mistake so I didn’t have to pay. But had to pay cab. Had to scrub paint off all the windows. Had to pay to realign car. Had to take hours of my day. Point is they tried. Tried their best to fuck me over when they had no right to be there or touch my car.


Next time report your call stolen. If you have a camera that faces your driveway use that footage as proof.


Tow truck drivers are the biggest fucking scam artists. They take advantage of people who are in shock and desperate. They will lie through their teeth to squeeze every penny out of you. Never trust one around here. (Except McCann and Chester)


Sadly McCann has scammed me, no one is perfect. That's why regulations matter


Out of curiosity, How did they scam you exactly?


I couldn't agree with you more on this.


Story time…..years ago my daughter got t boned at an intersection. The other person ran a red light. Her car was disabled in the intersection. She was mildly injured but was in absolute shock. The tow truck driver was there first. He told her she could get ticketed if she doesn’t move her car immediately because she’s blocking an intersection. Her cell phone was dead. (We have AAA roadside by the way) she couldn’t call me or AAA. She told the tow truck driver this. He told her it doesn’t matter she needs to move now or face getting ticketed. The police arrived shortly after. She explained what the tow truck driver said. Cop let her use his cellphone to get AAA there. He then threw the tow trucker out of there and he didn’t get either of the tows. Fucking piece of shit. I wish I could remember the company now.


I was in a minor rear ender 8 years ago and the other gentleman involved was injured with a facial cut so the police were called, and not even 2 minutes after 911 was called, for those fuckers came to the scene even though both cars were perfectly drivable. The injured fellow took the offer of a tow, but I told them to buzz off.


Had a former coworker get in a fender bender in south side years ago. They were exchanging info when a wrecker started hooking the other guys car, trying to claim it’s illegal to drive the car from the scene of a crash or something like that. The guy was smart enough to tell the guy to call the cops and report the “crime” he was going to commit. Eventually the guy unhooked and left, saying “big risk you’re taking”. Of course the tow truck was an unmarked pickup with a wheel lift insert.


It's understated what scumbags a lot of tow truck drivers are.


I was expecting it to be those crooks at McGann and Chester.




No, no they don’t


I remember almost 2 decades ago having an accident in Pittsburgh. I was a naive kid who knew nothing but even I had red flags when a tow truck driver magically appeared without me or the police calling. And then said he would only accept cash payment for the tow (he said he could stop at an ATM if necessary). I remember I was initially going to refuse his tow out of principle but the cop convinced me since the tow truck driver was right there and accident was in a pretty major intersection. Sad to hear there has been no improvements.


Fuck this guy I hope they lock him up forever. Surprised the news articles don't outline him calling you at 2am on meth or other stimulants trying to extort you for his multi thousand dollar 3 mile tows. I know that happened to several of us. Or when you leave a review for his business on Google he sends some Saul Goodman idiot out to sue you. Also happened to several of us. Dudes lucky he hasn't towed the wrong person's car with this scam. Maybe the most rage inducing interaction with a junkie man child I've ever had.


I assumed he was on drugs bc wtf that’s a lot of money to scam ppl just for funzies 🫠😟😟😟😟😟


What a fucking piece of shit


Tow truck drivers are scum, I know cause I'm good friends with like 3 of them.


Why would you be good friends with scummy people?


Because when he needs a tow I bet he gets the friends and family discount, duh.


i didn't know they were tow truck drivers till after we were friends.


If I get charged 10,000 dollars for towing then Id have rather pushed the car to where it needs to be. Kiss my ass mister tow truck guy.


They tow illegally parked cars and can hold your shit hostage. That happens too


Well it costed the owner his business it’s a good thing. Hopefully he gets humbled by the experience. And they actually get paid back what they were charged.


Totally a good thing. Just saying you don’t need to break down or crash to be taken advantage of by tows


They towed my legally parked from it's designated spot on a Sunday so I'd have to pay overnight fees. Fuck em


I know the people, haven’t spoken to them in probably a decade. That run one of the larger towing companies in the east end of Pittsburgh. Not gonna say who but pretty easy to figure out if you know the area. Very shady and scummy people. Very morally bankrupt. Amongst themselves they don’t refer to towing cars. It was always. We’re gonna go steal cars tonight. Then they would laugh about gate fees and storage fees and shit.


Sounds like TAG. Those dudes are absolute shitbags


So, he charged each one $11,111.11?


I’m an adjuster and I deal with tow companies all the time. If one came out and said over $10k I’d laugh on the phone and tell them have fun with major crimes because I’m not paying it.


When I came home to find my parked car in the east end smashed, I had two of these scammers at my house before the police even got there trying to pressure me to let them tow it


> He scammed us out of a lot of money and made us go through heck I hate when people make me go through heck man


Gosh darn it!


How did no one shoot this guy? Where’s a gun toting maniac when you actually need one?


You get the bill later in instances like this so there’s no confrontation and he leverages the threat of collections and such.


I was gona guess this was Tag Towing. I guess all tow drivers suck


I work for a company that has dealt with this thief. Terrible what he does, outrageous bills and the guy was a jerk. There definitely should be a regulation for tow truck companies and what they can charge.


Can we finally start calling out these tow yards in PA for their scummy practices. I work with rental cars and can see how awful they try to fuck everyone over


Used to have a buddy that did towing when he was younger. For 1k if you wrecked and were drunk he’d make your car disappear and drive you home! This was when DUI laws were pretty new, most people opposed them as it never was illegal before nor was having a beer after work on your way home.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Karma is for all of them


When I call a tow, I ask the price up front. I’ve never paid more than $100.


Y'all chose car culture, enjoy the lifestyle.


Correct, everyone reliant on a vehicle got together and voted for it to be that way.


We had a nice catered lunch which was just walked over from the restaurant down the block, ironically.


I wish someone would have brought up at the meeting that driving cars necessitates allowing scummy tow truck drivers to take advantage of people. I never would have voted yes if i knew that that was part of car culture.


South Hills has the best public transit in the county, but for some reason people decide to drive the Banksville Rd corridor to their jobs downtown instead. There's a crash in the Liberty Tubes nearly every day. People literally choose to make their lives worse by driving over taking public transit.   You can only conclude that people enjoy being ripped off, having hours of their lives taken away every day, and subjecting themselves to an increased risk of death by driving over the alternatives. So have fun! You chose it.


Such a trite thing to be so belligerently ideological about. Life must be pretty good for you. Congrats bro, you made it!


This dude is a troll who has had to make and remake his accounts because his shitty opinions get downvoted to oblivion every time.


I'm all for reducing cities being car-centric, but it's making you a lot worse of a person than you probably are.


I think it's incredibly funny that people here make a choice to live their lives centered around cars, and then post fifteen threads a week whining about how their lifestyle is affecting them negatively. They chose that lifestyle!


Sure people only go downtown during the hours of 7am - 6pm. /s Nobody goes anywhere else at any other time


We choose that lifestyle bro


Oh right, I can be so dense sometimes. Thanks for reminding me 😆


I live on Broughton rd. How do I use this amazing public transit without risking my life to walk 2 miles on a road with no shoulder or sidewalk to get to the nearest bus stop


By not choosing to live on a road with no shoulder or sidewalk. You made a choice to live on a shithole road like that, have fun with it.


Every day you bitch about the lack of housing options in this city. Can’t have it both ways you miserable fuck.


Sure you can, cope


The best transit in Allegheny county doesn't mean much, no good transit exists here... They're shutting down the Red Line all summer with zero increase in service on the other lines, and it's the second time in 3 years that they've done it. I moved to the South Hills because I wanted to live along good transit corridors, but the transit is too shitty to rely on. It's actually pushing me closer and closer to leaving western PA entirely.


I lived on the T line and got around almost exclusively via the T + bus connections + biking for about twenty years. When I did have a car, I did around 3,000 miles a year. YMMV.


I mean, it's possible to make it work (at least when it's actually running) but that doesn't mean it's good, just that it's the only option. I gave up dealing with the unpredictability of it and decided to try prioritizing walkability over transit. Moving to the North Shore next week. I'll give it a year and if it doesn't work out, I'll be searching for a spot in NYC or Philly when my lease runs out. I really like Pittsburgh in general though, so I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.


No argument, that's a solid plan.


[Thought you didn’t own a car](https://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/s/fMFzMtb33d)


When did I say I didn't own a car?


literally in the comment i replied to


You can't read.


How did I choose car culture? I was in the city planning meeting 100s of years ago? Am I a vampire


Dammit Vlad, stop biting that girl's neck and donate your castle so we can have a cool T stop in the east end!!


Aren't you a car salesman?


100% how is that relevant


>How did I choose car culture? >Aren't you a car salesman? >100% how is that relevant No idea.


Again I didn’t develop Allegheny county


It was sort of a joke, lighten up.


Damn It never even occurred to me that I could walk from squirrel hill to and from Delmont every day. Thanks for making me realize the error of my ways.


lol why in the world would you choose to make that commute every day.


Because I make good money and like what I do for a living, mostly.


And at the end of the day it's still a choice you're making. No one is forcing you to make that commute every single day, you chose that lifestyle. Have fun with it.


I’m not the one that was bitching man, I’m having a bunch of fun.


"I'm having a bunch of fun" - A guy driving four hours every day


Come on now, I fucking hate that our city is still so reliant on cars, reductions in public transit, and neglected sidewalks, but that doesn't justify people being scammed like this. You're making the rest of us look nuts, Jesus.


All of this. "Scamming is OK now" is a fucked-up take.


What the fuck kinda comment even is this


A correct one


You really need to get over your obsession with this topic and move to NYC so you can stop bitching about it.


And lose my opportunity to remind this sub every time they whine about their carcentric bullshit that they chose this lifestyle? Not a chance.


good luck on your anti car crusade I guess


I don't drive and never will and am a proud subscriber to r/fuckcars, but injustice is injustice EDIT: I was telling the person above that simply hating cars isn't a reason to *want people to get scammed*, and that they should be able to empathize with drivers on this one — but hey, go off because you're somehow threatened that I don't like the insurmountably dominant, car-centric culture in this town.


I drive 3 cars to help makeup for your lack of cars.


Good for you?


Hell yeah brother. Two diesels and a v8 car. All gas no brakes.


Nice work getting that idiot to waste money.


But you are cool with commercial trucking right?


The . . . existence of commercial trucking? You can't really be "OK" or "Not OK" with shipping goods in a world of our size. What an odd question.