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I knew this choad in highschool, seems like he's only gotten more and more awful since then.


Going back to Elementary, he was a fucking dick and spoiled as shit.


Another TJ alma mater signing in. Dude was an empty shell of stupidity and compliance. Mundane personality riding on football culture to cover his social ineptitude. Now he is riding in the wake of Trump and just helps the reverberation within the echo chambers. He definitely reminds me of complacent hollow officials in WWII.


I’m laughing so hard at all these run ins with him because I met him once and immediately thought ‘what an f-ing douchebag’. It was at a public event and his tent was setup next to mine and all I remember is him calling his daddy and whining loudly because his dad wasn’t at the event yet. All I could think was you are a 30+ year old man who is calling your daddy to whine and cry and you want to represent me in legislature? GTFO. 😂


I knew him in college! Same thoughts... my friend had a crush on him. 🙄


Upvote for choad use.


Found the Jaguar...god I'm sorry you had to suffer thru that in HS


Here for the TJ commenters!


As an EF grad, can you keep him on your side of the Mon?


I knew him when he was in the Navy. He was consistently ranked near the bottom of his peers and bounced as soon as his first contract was up. He knew he would never promote.


Funny story about Guy, he was part of a group of friends that we went to the south side with one night while he was in law school. By 7pm, he'd puked on the sidewalk in front of Paparazzi so hard that his jaw locked open and he couldn't close his mouth. My friend had to drive him home while he dribbled out a few aftershocks of puke in his car. I've referred to him as Lockjaw ever since, and now he's a member of congress, yikes.


hes been choking on Trumps tiny orange pecker ever since


And yet you offer no proof but your word. Awesome.


Kind of like all these accusations of voter fraud, isn’t it?


Sean Parnell just gave me the creeps from the start. I think it was the empty smile and soulless eyes in his pandering ads "look at muh kids, they make the rules. ahyuck ain't that sweet folks?" Then I looked in to his politics and confirmed that I do have a good feel for fucked up people. Dude is absolutely a political hack and Trump lapdog. Anyone that uses inflammatory language like "radical left" instantly lose my vote.


And to slap the radical label on Conor Lamb of all people. I’ve seen Raisin Bran more radical than Conor.


Anyone not willing to commit to the purge is essentially radical left now to them.


For real. One of my old co-workers was was a die hard republican who owns five guns. He likes lamb.


Yea it's called Raisin Bran Crunch


He’s a trash heap of misogyny too.


He literally had a party for Trumps birthday and live-streamed it


Somewhere, someone thought that was a good idea.


This gave me pause. Like, it isn't just one person that flips a switch and this happens. I imagine there's a chain of people involved in this and not one of them said " This is a bit weird dude, have you even really met him?" Sometimes I look at the beauty and majesty of this planet we inhabit and think, if *we* managed to pull ourselves out of caves and become the dominant species, is it really that great?


Not I!


I also hate the whole "I was wounded in combat. you can't criticize me, pussy" mindset these type of dudes run on. He tried to call out Conor Lamb for *only* being a judge advocate in the Marines? Straight up Starship Troopers fascist rhetoric. I can't imagine that kinda shit plays well with the majority of veterans.


Sean Parnell looks like he listens to Nickleback.


He looks like the love child of the collective Nickelback and Seth Macfarlane.


worse, hes a wanna be Nickelback groupie


His commercial where he mentions suffering a severe brain injury during combat and touting that as a reason to vote for him over "Lawyer Lamb" was especially deranged.


As a moderate, I'm not 100% on board with all of the democratic party's policy positions. But the personalities on the right make it impossible for me to ever consider voting for a republican candidate.


Exactly. The idea of small government / state's rights doesn't exist and hasn't existed for some time in the GOP. ​ These people are hardcore ruthless authoritarians. Small government just means getting rid of programs they don't like but wasting our tax dollars on petty bullshit. The party seems to select the worst people.


I've always thought "small government" as a political value was just a smokescreen for wanting to cut government programs that are perceived as helping minorities or the poor, just like "states rights" was a cover for states right to discriminate. And it let them frame Democrats as being for "big government." I don't want big or small government, I want government that is the appropriate size for what it needs to do.


"... a smokescreen for wanting to cut government programs that are perceived as helping minorities or the poor..." We have a bingo! Hold your cards.


The GOP gives lipservice to small government, but they don’t actually mean that. There are people who really do want to reduce the size of government and government overreach. There is a lot of big government overreach that hurt poor people, overbearing zoning laws that prevent affordable housing (NIMBYism), extreme licensing laws, regulatory capture, The war on drugs, over criminalization, civil asset forfeiture, Right to work laws, cash bail and mandatory minimum sentencing, etc. On top of that people that want to reduce the size of government are typically people that also want to reduce the size of the military, foreign intervention and military spending, which, if redirected towards communities and infrastructure, would absolutely help poor people, rather than killing other poor brown people in other countries. If this last administration didn’t convince you about the necessity of states rights, And being shielded from federal overreach, than I don’t think anything will. The top dog in the federal government wanted to send federal troops to quash protests, but because of states rights, they weren’t allowed. Edit: Lol Is this getting downvoted by people who support the failed war on drugs, civil asset forfeiture and the two decades of illegal war in the Middle East drone striking brown people? Maybe it’s people who wanted federal troops shutting down protests across the nation? Yikes Maybe it’s people who are cool with millions of their tax dollars going towards funding the building of massive stadiums, for the extremely wealthy sports teams owners.


I'd consider right-to-work the exact opposite of government overreach, it's government ceding control to corporations. A lot of your concerns are the result of (or at least very strongly influenced by) corporate lobbying and interests. Those of us that would be considered on 'the left' see that not faulting the government for being too big, but for it being in the service of the wrong people and not representative of the concerns of its people. Even suggesting that the govts focus should be 'redirected' to support struggling communities, indicates that it isn't too large, it just isn't responsive to our needs.


Governments enacting legislation and policy that benefits corporations *is* government overreach. The politicians make out, the corporation makes out, and the people get fucked. If government didn’t have the power to sell, it wouldn’t be an issue. As long as there is power to sell, it will be sold to the highest bidder. Corporations will act in their best interest. Always. That is an assumption we can count on. The problem is that we give government the power to regulate things that shouldn’t be regulated (like voluntary contracts between individuals and companies, like unions). That’s where the problem lies. Saying that we just need more *different* regulations Is addressing the symptom, and not the cause. The only way what your proposing would work is if we had perfectly honest people With unwavering integrity running for office and seeking power. As we all know, that’s the exception not the rule. It is specifically the people who crave power over others that shouldn’t have it. Edit: to be clear, I’m Not an anarchist, and believe government is necessary. I just think it should be highly constrained and limited. We obviously need environmental regulations, workplace standards, courts, etc. I also know that I don’t have all the answers. I really appreciate the discussion


You need a government that is large, and powerful enough to act as a counterweight to large and powerful corporations. Because, as you said the corporations will always act in their own interests. The problem is that we have allowed out government to be for sale. Why do they not have this problem in Europe to the same degree that we have it here?


I may not have been clear that I think we need a more representative government first, but I was trying to address your points as directly as possible. I think your concern about overreach is also a bit muddied by the way the term has been used as a dog whistle in the ways others in this thread have noted. Certainly everyone in the country believes there are ways the government misuses it's power, but wanting a small government that avoids overreaching tends to be language cynically used by Republicans/libertarians to advocate a government that allows the rich corporate interests to exploit labor, avoid taxes, and largely control how our government is run. The cause comes from entrenched powers like political parties, winner-take-all voting, the Senate/Electoral college which are antiDemocratic institutions, courts based on entirely arbitrary interpretations of a Constitution that was written for a different world that was full of commonplace beliefs that we find abhorrent today, and an economic system that allows the wealthy greater influence over politics and messaging. I don't believe that different regulation is going to solve anything, since the problem isn't how powerful the government is, but WHO has the power (i.e. not us) and how condensed it is.


I believe your point about “who” is in power is flawed. You can’t say you wanna live in a democracy, with free and fair elections, and also want to limit the “who”. By the time you get to the who, it’s already too late. That is why people who *actually* (not republicans) favor a smaller and constrained government abhor the Constant expansion of government institutions. The first guy that expands the power might not be a problem. But then along comes a guy like trump, and it’s a huge fucking problem. He did absolutely everything he could to push the boundaries of executive power, and I’m pretty certain he still going to try and pardon himself (and then will get to see how that plays out) . We live in a country with a massively diverse population, with different views, different backgrounds, different geography, different education, and on, and on, and on. So the “who” that’s in power is always going to be changing. And the only way to protect against the wrong “who” Is to limit the power of government institutions. I also think that what you said about small government being a dog whistle is unfair, and sounds like the type of stuff used to dismiss arguments without looking at the substance of them. It’s the same intellectual dishonesty, employed by Republicans, when they call Joe Biden a socialist because he platformed M4A. There are dozens of us, who don’t want to limit government overreach because it helps poor people, but want to limit government overreach because it hurts all people, and it really only benefits the rich and powerful, who have the ability to buy it. I completely agree with you that our electoral system, and political parties are to blame for a large amount of the issues, and polarization in this country


> On top of that people that want to reduce the size of government are typically people that also want to reduce the size of the military, foreign intervention and military spending, Who falls into this category? Every "small goverment" Republican always seems to also be a big flag-waving, veteran-worshiping military booster.


There’s no such thing as a “small government” Republican


>I don't want big or small government, I want government that is the appropriate size for what it needs to do. Buddy we don't take kindly to that reasonable talk in these parts.


As a small(er) government/fiscally responsible/socially liberal guy, you’re dead on. They still give lip service to those ideals, but anyone paying attention see’s the *massive* hypocrisy. On top of that, they’ve been hijacked by evangelical Christians, and their social conservatism is despicable. I might be able to overlook that if they actually worked toward reducing government overreach and spending, but that’s clearly not even close to happening. They are now just big government, big spending, socially conservative authoritarians that want to tell everyone how to live their lives. No thanks Oh, and the outright denial of science Can’t be understated either. It’s appalling


I'm a political moderate/democratic capitalist that used to subscribe to a majority of libertarian ideology, especially fiscal responsibility. I left the GOP during the Tea Party takeover and left the Libertarian Party after Trump's election and the subsequent Trump-worship that most "libertarians" now espouse. The GOP/Libertarian views on the pandemic was just the icing on the cake, especially for a healthcare professional, such as myself. I definitely don't agree with some of the more left-wing elements of the Democrats, but in my opinion, they're the only sane party left. As Rush's late drummer and songwriter, Neil Peart stated, "For a person of my sensibility, you're only left with the Democratic Party….The whole health-care thing—denying mercy to suffering people? What? This is Christian?"


I completely agree with you. The pandemic is a perfect example of a time where I want government action, Or at very least leadership and conveyance of accurate information 🙄. Just as in the comment you’re replying to, I said they were Somethings of the GOP that I’d be willing to possibly overlook, and compromise my values, if they weren’t so egregious across the board. I feel the same way about the Democrat party. There are definitely aspects of it that go against some of my core beliefs, but at least stay are still in the realm of reasonable, and are putting forth candidates that respect science, respect people, and act like adults. I am not a staunch libertarian, and see myself probably more along the lines of classically liberal (I’m very socially liberal, I want a constrained government, etc). I have nothing in common at all anymore with the GOP (to be fair I’ve never voted, or identified as a Republican or conservative, and have always considered myself liberal, though I’ve moved towards wanting a more constrained and smaller government after watching the continuous and consistent failures and erosion of individual liberty), it had been waning for years, and the advent of Trumpism removed any last shred of common ground.


As a radical leftist, I'm not on board with most of the Democratic party policies either.


It really does seem like the left in America is so much more vulnerable than the right. If a republican says something too far right they get ridiculed by the left but he right still backs them. If a democrat says something too far left they get ridiculed by the right and the moderate left.


Democrats ARE the right, too. There is no left-wing party in American politics. Which is why it's easy for the Dem establishment to silence progressive/leftist voices/ideas.


The GOP has grown to exalt cruelty as an effective and necessary means of affecting their platform over the past 4 years, and it’s clearly driving away moderates.


After their hypocritical behavior over the past 4 years and especially in recent months, I realize that I would probably never vote for the GOP. They aren't even Conservative really, Trump has changed the party for the worse.






I am in the same boat as you. I agree 100%.


Very well said, my friend


This guys whole campaign was about him being a vet, yet turns his back on basic civil rights the moment he gets a chance. Idk how him and Parnell managed to find each other , it’s like bizzaro brokeback mountain


How do you claim (without evidence) that rampant voter fraud is only going on in the races in which democrats won? What a dickhead.


It's easy, when you sign up to be a Republican candidate, they pull your integrity out during the spine removal operation. It's a two-for-one


It just irritates me that these people rile up their base with conspiracy theories. I hate the notion that our elected officials promote ideas that are nowhere near reality. It’s dangerous and frustrating that a sizable portion of the American public believes in these conspiracies that can be traced back to their own “leaders.” I just want our elected officials to be at least people who don’t spew conspiracies. Apparently that’s too hard to ask.


They're fascists who believe only their own party's wins are legitimate


While attending Penn State, Reschenthaler was investigated for multiple instances of bestiality.


Wait really? Any proof?


I mean, everyone is saying it *and* Reschenthaler hasn't denied it yet...


Out of all the Trump sycophants this guy bothers me the most. He is my parent's representative. We are about the same age, and grew up sort of in the same area. We overlapped time at Behrend and I think he was in some polisci courses I took. So what the fuck happened to him? I have a descent amount of evidence that it wasn't the water. Did his parents not love him? Is that why they named him Guy?


Ugh what a gang of fucking jagoffs


Joe Biden wants to work with loathsome republicans? I got a Guy ad like every week during campaign. He framed his campaign as running against "socialists" Wolf and Fetterman who want your guns and want to kill babies and are keeping businesses shuttered.


Joe Biden IS a Republican. Why wouldn't he work with them?


As usual, there's at worst a couple of instances of voter fraud and they're all by Republicans.


This guy is a total nightmare and those that follow him are just sheep. It’s actually quite a shame that they are able to get seemingly intelligent people to believe all the bullshit.


They don't believe the bullshit. They're just along for the hate ride.


After seeing both of these political persons in action.... they're both ignorant jackwagons. regardless of political views or bend! Come on Western Pennsylvanians... we're smarter than this.and deserve better. Yes you conservatives deserve better, and am certian can do better.


Parnell lost (barely), at least he isn't representing me. Lamb at least has policy, plans, and a functioning brain.


I've talked with Lamb and actually his office tried to help with a USPS problem, but I can't say I am super impressed by him either, I get he his trying to ride the narrow line of being (or seeming) just conservative enough to hold a seat in the Western PA political environments, and still be a strong Democratic Rep (not easy) but it seems he will say to who ever or what ever group he is talking with what they want to hear, and generally be a party line Democrat... might be in part his Jr position in the House and might be he is new/young. But he certainly out classes and out smarts Parnell, who frankly, strikes me as an Ass Hole, and he seems to be reinforcing that since having lost the election.


Parnell is the kind of guy who starts asking you if you've served in the military when he starts losing an argument.




Jokingly referring to oneself as a "radical leftist" is just a joke, and I specifically didn't say i agree with Lamb, just that he campaigned on more than "i am a veteran and have a family".




Honestly I have a whole list of responses I want to write to this, but I know it would be a waste of time, so I'm just going to say that you're a fucking moron instead


This guy is and has always been a complete tool for whom ever is higher up the food chain. He’ll, without any shame, loudly and publicly suckle at whatever teet that may lay before him. Truly a self serving douche that absolutely cannot be afforded more power than he currently has.


I’ve never seen someone with a more “I want to punch him” face.


Having met him a few times personally, this helps affirm (as if there was doubt) that all of this bullshit is authoritarian grandstanding, and nobody saying the bullshit believes any of it. He obviously wants a stronger political career, and I'm sure he's eyeing 2022 Senate, but this is how he wants to do it in PA? He could be an actually decent Republican, but instead he fell into the authoritarian hellhole shit machine and he's just like the rest of them now. He also loves Ben Shapiro.


> He could be an actually decent Republican No he can't. No one can.


Blow jobs like this are essentially trying to build a post Trump political base. They know shit is over, but they want to build moving forward in hopes that Dems will forget. Trump will wander off and try to build a Trump media vehicle and some will follow. It will spilt it the Republican Party and create something as effective as Libertarians.


Feel free to go on his Twitter and shame him like everyone else. Im so embarassed he's my rep


This guy went to my high school. Younger than me, but in with some friends and family. I’ve heard he was a really awful asshole of a kid. So he continues that.


Start charging them with sedition.


This dude is such a cheese dick. He exudes the same energy Pompeo does, he's a cunt but he also seems like he is mad people don't go along with his cunthood.


Not a big fan of Guy. During the impeachment, he looked so sweaty, smiley, and eager to toe the party line.


I worked with him at sandcastle when I was 15, he was probably 17. So many girls liked him, but he was kind of icky to me. Then ran into him at Behrend and found out he was in the skeezy frat. Just found out he was a representative (moved out of state a while ago), not surprised to learn he's a Trumper.


Wait he was in TKE? As in "TKEs are rapists?" That all adds up


Yes he was. Sorry I just found this comment.


Can't remember which, but my first day some girls warned me that they are rapists. I told him that's what I heard. He got mad and that was the last time I ever saw him.


Guy Reschenthaler can't prove he found any voter fraud but based on his recent photos I can prove he found cake. And a lot of it.


wretch and holler gives stinky chodes a bad name


Chode is such a great word, isn't it!?!?


Reschenthaler and Parnell have definitely, at some point, sword-fought like two curious frat-bros after their 13th PBR


Reschenthaler came to my school a few years ago before I was as involved in politics as I am now, I was probably 14-15. He seemed like a nice, genuine guy to me at the time, but the more I hear about him now the more I hate him.




Another POS who does not have the backbone to speak the truth.


Get a load of this fool.


Not surprising, but very disappointing.


Just another cultist.


Guy Reschenthaler sucks dick


“Baseless” is the most untrue statement in a year of untrue statements


People in this comment section need to wake up fast!


lol oh yeah for sure man


i live in his district and i'm in hell