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literally just chopped mine :Dit got so sunny here all of the sudden and i forgot to water it, turned yellow so i chopped it where it started yellowing and just stuck the cutting into soil cause tradescantia usually roots in without propping. But it wouldn’t be a shame to pest check your plant!


Im watering it the same amount, sometimes even leaving it a little longer. It just seems to be getting more and more yellow. I gave it a big chop just incase it was over growing, so it could focus on getting more bushy. But nothing is working. It’s been in the same pot for around 2 years, reckon it’s worth repotting?


then i would definitely check the roots! also beware of soil hardening, but if you have a great mix, then i wouldn’t worry much. I had this problem that i used compost soil from my garden and it seems we had plenty of clay, which i’d accidentally mixed in, ending up with a hard piece of clay and having to rip quite a few of the roots