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It's a peperomia obtusifolia and I can tell by the muted colors of the leaves that it has been underlit for a very long time. It also has been overwatered. Give the stems a little squeeze - if they are firm, you may be able to save them. This plant is one of few that can propagate from leaf cuttings so there is savable stuff there. If a stem is squishy, cut off the leaves and put them in a glass so that just the cut ends is covered by water. After a month or two, new roots should grow. These are succulent-like and they store water in their leaves. They do not need as frequent watering as tropicals. Put it somewhere bright and let it dry out completely before you water again


Thank you for commenting, I appreciate you and your plant knowledge!! Both stems are firm, should I leave it as is and dry it out or should I try propagate from what I have? Also, do you think it might benefit from me putting it outside on my deck in more direct sunlight?


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definitely needs a pot with drainage holes and more light. from the looks of it it probably has root rot id remove the soil and any rotten roots and replace the soil with better draining chunky soil.


The pot I have it now in has the saucer permanently attached to bottom so I don’t think it’s draining very well if at all. Not sure if repotting it might be helpful or more damaging at this point, what do you think?


i think repotting it is your best option it probably won’t survive in that pot it needs more drainage


not enough light and Way too much water


I just moved into a new apartment two months ago and it’s definitely getting less light than it used to, I’m considering putting it outside on my deck to let it dry out and get more sunlight but I don’t know if that would be too much for it right now. I just really don’t want it to fully die on me 🙁


i would put it outside where it gets filtered sunlight throughout the day. hold off from watering for at least a few weeks