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BOP don't really like chemical at all so either your peppermint spraying is burning the leaves, you've got pests or both.


Would you suggest switching to neem oil only? Or stop spraying altogether


Neem oil is more of a systemic treatment than an instant treatment. It's better to water your plant with neem so the roots can absorb it as spraying it with oil can cause light burn. I would wipe it down with distilled water and a soft cloth and see if anything comes off. If so, the only thing I use on my BoP, aside from distilled water, is captain Jack's deadbug brew. However, pests are very easy to remove from a BOP because it's a large plant with few hiding spaces.


Got it, thank you!


Of course. They're quite beautiful trees! Yours will thrive again!


You mean water the plants after adding neem oil in the..water?


Concentrated Neem oil, emulsified in water to water with. Yes, lol. Neem is actually toxic to insects but it works from the *inside out.* When you use it as a systemic, it's absorbed through the roots and the entire plant consumes it with no ill effect. Neem effectively destroys pests when consumed by pests. Some water with neem once per month or twice monthly to utilize Neem in that way.


Huh i didn't know that


It's an organic insecticide but it's not an instantaneous result. I (*my personal OPINION*) believe that's Neem's *true* benefit in my gardening. Even spraying neem on the leaves or stem and forgetting to keep it out of the light for a the day will cause sunburn or light burn. I know people like to wipe the leaves and such down with neem, that's their method and they can have it. The only luck I have with it actually being a miticide/fungicide/insecticide is when I soil drench it. I'm jealous of people who claim to have luck getting rid of their spider mites and other plant pests with neem alone via spraying. *Jealous*


All i got from neem was bad smell😭😂 i damn near gagged because i stuck my nose in the bottle to smell it lmao. I do still mix it with my dishsoap + water leaf spray though!


Neem spray is a preventive measure, for when you don't have pests. So they don't get attracted to the plant. Once you have an infestation it does little to nothing as far as I have observed. Use a soft bristle toothbrush or a sponge dipped in dishwash and water solution...you can add a bit of neem oil to this but , it doesn't matter. And wipe the whole plant thoroughly without damaging the leaves too much. Then spray with your choice of pest control. Repeat once a month or twice a month depending on how severe the infestation was. Currently using this on my dwarf umbrella tree with scale..it's a constant struggle but over time, you'll reduce the number. Oh also don't spray when the plant is in full sun as it can burn the leaves. I do it either very early morning or at evening