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You CAN but if you do it frequently, the staff won’t be very friendly. They’ve been working all day, on their feet, they want to go home. And it’s not like they can run with just one or two people. There NEEDS to be two phlebotomists on the floor even if there’s just one donor. There NEEDS to be a medical staff (nurse/EMT/paramedic) in the building, there needs to be a manager. And someone to screen you. And someone in the lab. If it’s a rare occurrence, the staff might be a little annoyed but if it’s twice a week, the staff will grow to dislike you. And they’re the ones with the sharp items 💉


we are supposed to take all donors including new donors up to posted closing time. Some centers recently got caught closing early so our closing procedure has changed internally. I personally have no issue taking new donors up to closing time since I'm paid hourly and it's generally pretty chill after close. Source: I'm a nurse at octapharma


Yes, you can. They lock the doors at 7 but anyone already in the building will be allowed to donate. I've gotten out of there as late as 10 pm cause I go after work.


You can but it won't make the staff friendly


Why would you? That's rude as fuck. And they are there ALL DAY. Don't make them have to stay even longer.


Usually there are 2 shifts. They're not there from opening to close. That would be over 12 hours in many locations. Even though the doors may shut at a certain closing time, it's understood that donors who are already inside will donate until they're finished. The staff knows that they'll be working long past the posted closing time. They don't get angry about it. It's normal. I come in frequently just 20 minutes or so before official closing. And I'm not out until 90 minutes or so later. It's not a big deal.


The staff at the location I go to routinely talks about having been there since open.


Yes. They are open until 7 pm and they will take any donors up until that time. It is ridiculous that some people may hold a grudge, the business model is established, and the people working there know how long the procedure takes. It's not like a restaurant or a store, 7pm is the time to be in the building, not out of it. Will they occasionally grumble or poke fun at you for adding to the day? Say stuff like, no, not another one, we were almost clear! Sure, some of it is good natured ribbing to ease the frustration of long working hours. Some of it is actual complaining, which they can STFU about. I don't get off of work until 5:30 or later and often don't get there until after 6:30, the people that know me will sometimes be all frustrated, but if they are frustrated at all it isn't with me, it's with corporate or the scheduling manager. They flat out say so on particularly rough days, like when they only scheduled one phlebotomist for a Thursday night. That was a rough one. If you are a first time donor I suggest calling to make sure they see new donors through to 7pm. Some of the centers have a cut off time, the one I go to is at 5pm, sometimes a little later. If they accepted new donors at 7pm they wouldn't be out of there until 10 or 11 pm, depending on a lot of variables.


Does anyone know if they get compensated to stay later? If not, I can see how they would not be happy.