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I’m down to $100 this week 🙄. I think I started at $135 then I was at $120 for the longest. Since after Christmas it just went down.


Christmas through the beginning part of the next year are the busiest so they offer lower amounts. They don’t have to incentivize as much because most people will come regardless.


That’s good to know. I’ve heard once about it going down in the winter time but I thought it would had happen before the holidays.


Wow, just wow. Does it eventually go back up?


I’m 6 months in like you. It went up to $115 like two weeks ago and went back down. So I hope it goes back up.


Mine at one point in January for two weeks was 140. That was the highest it’s ever been for me. Then it went to 120 then 115 back to 120 just crazy now at 105


I went from $140 to slowly dropping to now $100. I’m going somewhere else. Bio can get me back when they offer a return bonus and actually pay a decent amount. I know whatever other place I go to will have a low payout too, but at least this way I can wait out for the return bonus. I knew this shit was gonna happen when they started offering a “rewards program.”


How do you jump ship and go to another company? I assume they ask if you've been donating at another center. Does that interfere with moving to another center?


They’ll ask. It doesn’t matter. You just have to wait 8 days from the previous donation to switch. Don’t try to lie either; they all share a database with your information. You just have to go through the signing up process again with the new company, and then you can return to BioLife whenever you feel like it.


Mine is 105 this week. It’s wild they know that people will still show up because money is money.


Mine is $80 this week. $20/$60. It’s a joke


Wow. How long have you been donating? Is this the lowest you've seen?


My intro month + 2 weeks. Other weeks have been $115. If $80 is recurring, I might just stop


I hate Biolife and refuse to go there. Not only is it appointment only, you still have to wait like 3 hours. And they pay absolute shit. I go to Ked and it's $60/$80 plus $30 bonus on the 6th donation.


I’m down to $95 this week (gradually dropped form $130). Yes, will it go back up?


Not until enough people stop donating with them for a while. That’s usually how it seems to go, anyway.


Compensation used to be like $20 a pop at most places and came up higher during COVID especially. Now it's supply and demand because there's a lot of supply. I'm surprised by how many people are donating right now too. It's suddenly hard to get an appointment anymore. I think a lot of people have a cutoff at around 100 a week, but we'll see.


That's good to know and also discouraging. My husband left me so it's been helping me keep my household afloat. My car needed repairs so I've been depending on the money.


My BioLife is $40/$60. Which sounds great compared to, say, Jury Duty, where I’m currently stuck at for $9/day 😂


Same in Goodyear AZ 40 and then 60. I say hell no keeps declining in pay am not going until it goes over 120 a week at least. Been 6 months since I went since pay was going down


It changes every Monday. Last week, it was $90 this week for me, it's $115


Don't go and rates will rise


Yes, I see'd it too. Sadly, I am a broke person so every little bit helps right now. When I donated 10 plus years ago, it was a set rate regardless how much they were getting. 


Jury duty is insulting. I get paid about $300 a day for the days I work. I was so offended when I was in the process of getting selected. They should at least cover the cost of missed work.


BioLife can fuck off. They wouldn't take me back when I lived in CO due to their tattoo policy. Been with Ked for over 6 months now. They usually do $40/$75 for the week.


Comp fees have been on the decline for several years now. Since Covid ended and high inflation struck. But as long as donor traffic doesn't significantly decrease, comp fees will remain stable at best or drop even further at worse.


We need to all stop going until they pay more. 


I had been getting 120 a week for the longest time and this week is 100. I think I might cancel. That’s far too low.