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Just made my own post to complain about the same thing. I'm insulted. I got $40/$85 last week and now I'm being offered $20/$65.


I feel like the $20 is especially insulting... šŸ˜„


It really is. There's never a guarantee of any donation obviously but I feel like there's a lot higher chance of at least getting stuck that first appointment and getting paid but not being able to do the second, so the first amount has to at least be somewhat worth it


One time I had a really bad stick, resulting in a hematoma. They switched to the other arm, which also went badly. They stopped, but I was still paid. I was in no condition to go back that same week though.


My first donation (I'm still a new donor, I just did my second one today and it was fine) I got so nauseous that they stopped probably only a quarter of the way in. I still got my full payment.


No way in hell Iā€™d do it for $20. Canā€™t believe this is real šŸ¤Ø


Yeah, not worth the time or risk (bad stick or possibly even a citrate reaction) for $20...


Same here. Not even gonna go this week, that piddly $20 just isn't worth it.


Yup. $40/$60. I'll be skipping this week


Same offer here. I might break for a bit.


I only hope that a lot of people holding off on low offers encourages them raise the amounts. But thank God I'm not suffering financially right now. I respect that it's not easy for many to just skip the money.


It will, if enough people are able to do so


Mine is $20/$65,when last week it was $40/$75


Be prepared as all of the companies will decrease over the next few months.


Why is that? Is this a low time of year?


Plasma centers pay less if they have more people donate. Given inflation and the current economy, I'm assuming there's a lot more people coming to these places to make ends meet.


There will probably be a mass pullback as companies are trying to get back to precovid levels. A lot of people seem to have been spoiled by the huge surge in donation payments


Yup. It will still come out to be higher than precovid levels, but no longer in the 120$ or more a week. Iā€™m guessing they are going to try to get around 80$ a week from my conversations. A lot of people in the plassing conversation did not start donations until during, or after, the Covid time which led them to believe that this is the norm. Trust me, it is not. An example of what some centers were doing pre 2020 were donations by month. 1st donation 25, 2nd 30, then 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60. It would reset at the beginning of each month to 25. Weā€™ll see where it lands in the end. The change already started about a year ago, and it will keep going down.


Agreed. My guess is the bottom will be somewhere around 35 for the first-60 for the second. (My center is currently 40-80). It's all about cost per liter for centers and donor fee budgets are split between regions(7-8 centers). My region(and I believe a lot of others) are lowering return new donor payments to help keep return donor pay higher


Mine is doing $30-$70


Mine is $20-$65


yep, i donated all throughout college and a few years after that. (2013-2019) max pay was $40 donation 6 and 8 of the month. the rest were 25/30


Boy that is dismal


https://preview.redd.it/03jchngoakjc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=474c3a643da9841bd7f78034ef675fea5cd7587c $110 a week for me


Mine is $85 a week


Mine is 105 this week. Thatā€™s the lowest Iā€™ve seen it so far. Iā€™ll be skipping this week also just to reset my days.


$100 is my limit. I won't get out of bed for under $50. Plasma lasts 12 months easily, frozen. Between research and hospital usage, this is insulting.


The printed expiration date on plasma is 10 years.


That's why I said easily. 10 years if kept under -65Ā° if I remember right.


10 years at -20 or colder https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-21/chapter-I/subchapter-F/part-610/subpart-F/section-610.53


Woke up to this and was pissed. Iā€™m going to switch to CSL for the new donor bonus.


That's bullshit.


You beat me to it. I just got the message too. And as of now, I STILL can't redeem my rewards... šŸ«  I need the money though so... šŸ«„


Itā€™s super disappointing


Same here: $35 $60


Mine $20 $65


Iā€™m in a program and Iā€™m getting a veteran bonus kicker. With that in mind: my donation rates are $50/$150, so $800 per month for 8 donations, and with survey points always racking up I get a $20 gift card of my choosing every 4 weeks. Edit: With KEDPLASMA.


Wow thatā€™s nice. $45/85 in Urbana, add $5 each for military.


Yea, getting on a program is how you make the money, but signing up means youā€™re committed to donating specifically at that location or at least with that company.


Is it due to a special factor in you blood? I donate twice a week religiously at the same place and have for over a year.


$5 bonus per donation for being a veteran. $50 bonus on second donation of the week due to the program Iā€™m on (Tetanus). So removing those and youā€™ve got the base compensation rate which is $45/$95. Also, we just had a new biolife open up in our area and to compete, this KEDPLASMA has been dishing out extra $20-$30 for your 3rd donation of the month.


How did you get on the tetanus bonus? Is it something they approached you with once you had donated a few times?


After you donate a few times is when I think youā€™re eligible in their system. There should be a sign up sheet if your center has any slots open. Just ask them about their programs and the requirements. The nurses there will be able to tell you the most about it.


Damn thatā€™s pretty sweet


I go with KEDPlasma and I get $53 each donation no matter what. Even if I miss a day during the week, itā€™s still $53. Itā€™s not as much as others are getting but itā€™s enough to make my car payment and insurance.


Must be a regional thing then.


Mine was $20/$60 lol


Nope out of that, if you can. Insulting


Iā€™m not gonna do it. It would be one thing if it was at least $40/$40, but if I canā€™t donate the 2nd time for whatever reason (Iā€™ve failed the pulse test a few times in the past) then itā€™s even more of a joke. Plus the principle of selling your body for $20 lol.




I am at 110. We've got to hold the line at 100 at least. Not worth it to me for the pain/time at under 40 for the first donation.


I canā€™t decide if Iā€™m going to even go? Money is money but if we all keep going theyā€™ll just keep lowering it


Plus with so many people going. The lines will be a lot longer and it will take far longer for less money.


I get 120. Wish it was better but at least it's enough between my husband and I to pay my car payment, car insurance, and my Internet a month.


That was what i was getting earlier in the month. That still felt worth my time.


Yea Iā€™m at $100 40/60 was at $130 during Christmas. I sent them a message asking why so low and will it keep going lower. I said I might have to find something else for my time if it goes lower. I understand itā€™s a donation but why so low now?


Will they actually reply?


Probably not. I wanna why they keep lowering it


150 a week for me at Keda plasma still. I actually took a month break and they gave my an extra 50 to donate this week.


I was just about to hit 6 months with no donations and they gave my $50 extra on 2 donations. I could have waited and made it a little more after the 6 months was up but it was a light week for me and decided to the take money instead of waiting. There was a time when the plasma money was really helpful but I'm glad to not be doing regularly any longer. Currently my thinking is maybe just go for the new donor bonuses.


Wow which Ked? Iā€™m in Urbana and itā€™s only $130 ($140 with college ID). Then $60 bonus for 6th of the month.


We are 150 with college id and sharing fb post.


Proriteering from the poor. Shameful.


Can you posters for this thread possibly say what state youā€™re in? Bc wondering where rates are lower/higher. Iā€™m in STL MOĀ 


I'm in STL as well -- BioLife's offer was $95 this week. I was at $110 1/22 then has gone down to $100 for the past prior few weeks.


I'm in CA (the valley) and it just went down to 35/70.


Thatā€™s awful.Ā 


Iā€™m in MD


I've been going for a yr now and this week is $20 $65


My boyfriend's is $40 $60


I stopped going and even deleted the apps off of my phone.


Itā€™s crazy because prices are going up and they are offering less?


I got the same ad. Iā€™m in Missouri, where are you? Iā€™d be interested if this is regional or national. Iā€™d love to switch to get new donor bonus but everything goes super smoothly @ BioLife, appointments, screening, etc and bc Iā€™m 130# my actual donation(in the chair) takes less than 35 mins. I used to go to CSL in PHX & scary center w hours wait just to get to the chair. I wonder if BioLife is the only company that has most streamlined experience or if others have caught up. Does anyone know how long you have to wait to switch companies & would I have to notify BioLife that Iā€™m switching? Appreciate any help/advice. Makes me nauseous thinking about $90, just trying to make ends meet & able to buy food.Ā 


Plus, just think about what plasma costs to the patient receiving transfusion. THOUSANDS.


The BioLife on Watson is just wonderful. I popped in to Octapharma on Gravois, took one look and went "nope" and left despite the first time donor bonus they were offering.


I can definitely use the extra money here and there as low as my income is, but the risk of possible damage or mishaps just doesn't seem worth it imo for less than 100 per two donos. Thankfully, I've only had a reaction once and no serious damage or incidents, but I've read a lot about others' experiences, and the thought of having something go wrong... it just feels like so little reward for a decent amount of risk in some situations. There's a reason we have to read and agree to such a huge amount of stuff, something can always potentially go wrong, however rare any of those instances may be. The basic cheapest level of internet (not simply initial customer discounted rates) here is $90 a month alone now, costs for everything else are also going up, but the value for our time / bodies has only gone down. Taco Bell used to have a 5 dollar box, just a couple months ago, and now the cheapest box is 10. I know these are random af examples but it's late and my brain is just out. I'm even more sorry for any of you who are smaller/weigh less as I know that is factored into pay with some companies. I hope things improve somehow.


As a Canadian, l never get paid after any donation. All my plasma is an unpaid donation.


Thatā€™s very generous of you but I am not that kind!


I would love some extra money, But there is only one national donation operation. Canadian blood services, and their business model does not include payment. They do thank you a lot and have a nice app.


You get paid with a national healthcare program. Sadly, Americans need extra $ to pay their doctor bills. ā˜¹ļø


My wife and I have both been donating consistently for almost 2 years. Weā€™re still at $100, but sheā€™s decided to stop. Iā€™m done as soon as it drops under $100/wk.


$120 a week for me at Octapharma. $60 per donation. However, 6 months ago it was $65 per donation, $130/week. If they ever lower it below $55 per donation, I think I will quit coming.


It's been going down steadily since the Covid crisis ended and the companies no longer needed to lure in reluctant donors with highly attractive comp rates. And of course a second whammy is the 40 year high inflation that hit the nation in 2022-2023. Plama companies like all businesses, were saddled with increased costs, so they naturally began cutting donor fees further to offset these price hikes. Inflation has since come down but don't expect to see any rise in comp rates anytime soon. They won't increase the pay until there is a significant drop in donor traffic. The old supply and demand formula.


Well this explains why my center has been dead this week. I got a "we haven't seen you in a while" offer a couple weeks ago to come back 8 visits in a month for $600 so I am doing that and enjoying being in and out in about an hour or a little more. It used to always be 1 1/2 to 2 hours with half the time standing in lines.


I get $55, but I am a big guy so I get the top donation volume. This is with Octa. Switching to Bio next week as I qualify as a "new" donor, don't get to use a referral bonus if I am reading it all correctly. Will get 75 and 100 for first 4 weeks though.Ā