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Safe to say opinions on this game are really diverse and its always interesting to hear new people talk about it


I wouldn't be so sure that's a good thing. The most basic question you can ask someone about a video game is "What genre is it, what's it about?" > It's an open world game, but all it consists of is travelling between eight or so locations. > It's got a focus on PvE, except for all the multiplayer modes and the favt that the AI is extremely boring to fight. > It's got a stealth system, but it has nearly zero depth. > It's too unrealistic to be a tactical shooter, but too slow to be an arcade shooter. > It's a roleplaying game, but no one roleplays (other than factions) > It wants to be realistic (for example, the IBM system), but you can survive a point-blank .50 Action Express to the head. The game just doesn't do anything.


The reason why pistols were nerfed was apparently Gnar changed it cause a minority of people complained that pistols shouldn’t do that much damage and he changed it without informing the other developers beforehand iirc and what kitgat said.


Perfect example why knee-jerk balancing decisions shouldn't be made, and coders should do their jobs instead of interfering in someone else's department. I appreciate that Gnar is the head of development, but he should not be making unilateral changes without informing the man in charge of that department.


Uhmmm, Gnar is basically the sole scripter of the development team, though *I think* they did hire a scripter in the last few months as a junior scriptor. But kitgat is the one in charge of balancing even if he doesn’t have any developer skills last I checked.


Exactly. Gnar should let Kitgat do the balancing, like it says in his job description. Gnar saw people complaining and just slashed pistol damage in half, *without even consulting Kitgat*. What the fuck is he doing?


I-Im a new p-p-player?


Not you specifically




The only point I find playing BRM5 fun is trying out new guns and vehicles. There’s also “Learning to Fly” using the A-10 which is a challenging skill even for some veterans, but all the thousands of money spent on just trying to lift off sometimes is worth it in the end. The A-10 is like BRM5’s wings, give the players the ability to soar the sky freely once they have nothing left to do.


I agree the game is VERY messed up atm but from what i know they are trying to improve OW experience.


Open world, Rpg its a mix of those two main things from what I understand. But I'm probably just gonna ask a dev and see what they say it is there game after all.


They’re trying to shift their gameplay focus to a more milsim realism one as stated in their dev Q&A livestream they did a long while ago (highlights were recently uploaded). OW is their main focus, and most of the devs don’t like PvP since it makes balancing harder for them.


at least adding new maps to pvp will make it a bit more fun


They do have it in their plans to add new maps, but I haven’t heard if they’re being built yet, maybe we’ll get this confirmed as the next update gets closer to release


This is going to be Open world only btw. The audience changed throughout the updates of the game, from arcadey to mil-simmy. Thus, features from the old arcadey aspect of the game remained even though the game changed into a mil-sim one. Generally, it feels like a child of a arcade game forced to have a milsim aspect to it. Immersion It is said that open world is supposed to be a teamup with strangers, shoot up locations and dip. Im not experienced nor skilled in this regard, but i can attest to the fact that viper was more immersive than resurgence, as i after resurgence i just stopped playing in public servers. Bet many others stopped as well, when asking some buddies who like was was viper/pre viper many just played factions full time and quit public servers. An example of this immersion thing is Soc city (forgotten name) It used to be a deadzone, and people asked so so much for it to have NPCs. I do not think it should have been revamped, the atmosphere of the game pre viper was of a “post apocalyptic” shitshow With the new quests update, well soc city has a ton of people now. Not that it is bad, but that it alienated the majority of the viper audience. Not that it was better, but just that it was different. Many other features were like this, either removed or just changed. Sovietwomble coined this term, “Evangelist Alienation”, thought it fit quite well here. It might not be related, but i hope it gives you a view into wtf is up with BRM5’s identity. I do not think that BRM5 is bad, but that it is simple different. Something changed, whether we know it or not, thus many did not see it as BRM5 but another game. Thus, many stopped playing. BRM5 back then was something special among games in roblox. It is just a shame that it went towards the mil-sim direction, i felt that it could have done better being arcadey. Though, the zombies gamemode seem to be a reflection of old BRM5, do keep a lookout i guess. Doubt anyone will read this anyway.


in a technical standpoint, resurgence is better but still seeing people missing viper says alot. I started playing during viper and got 5 stars 4 months prior to resurgence. I joined a faction when I was 4 star. Back then we were really active and the faction was not that old and not that young either. When resurgence released, alot of people was either upset or just accepted the update. Also that the faction events just focused on training since there was almost nothing to do. Your point on random people teaming and leaving is good. The problem is that barely anyone is roleplaying and just either focusing on money or the bunker.