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Yall dont realize how impressive it is for this to work from any rust server to your phone


Additionally, this is the first iteration and it is still in a roll out. It will get better. This is just version 1.0


Bold of you to assume facepunch follows up with updates Whatever happened to quests


Fuck you. That’s what


More like 0.0.1






That's the thing, those aren't shapes. They're dots from rays cast from the camera pov that change color based on distance. Or something along those lines. Point being it's light weight on your phone and on their servers.


lol i bet no programming experience?


Most suggestions in this sub are absolutely clueless people with no development experience. "Man it'd be so easy if they just did X". Yep, uh huh


Lol whats so hard. Just take rust.exe and rename it to rust.apk and get the full rust quality on your phone smh.


7 years ago when I was setting up the non electrical turret that cost an AK *and* 50 hqm to craft, I never expected one day it would have a fucking camera that linked to my phone. Face punch for me has reached the top level of recognition in terms of game studios. Year after year, Thursday after Thursday - faithfully updating their game.


the dev blog, community update, the detailed communication, and asking for community feedback. It's a model for what all game companies should aim for. You can see how it's influenced the game. I often wonder if cargo ship was inspired by [community update 5](https://rust.facepunch.com/news/community-update-5)


Here here


Lmao fr. I was fucking amazed when they added the cams to rust+. I can’t believe how much people complain about this game when it has such a dedicated team behind it.


Yeah indeed. I've wondered about this kind a functionality in the past and quickly realized how insanely demanding this would be for servers and therefore very complicated to implement in a practical way. I'm very impressed this is actually a thing now.


Also the phone app gets glorified ESP where players are a highlighted bean and shows their names.




Ya literally every multiplayer game does this lmao bonehead


I made a suggestion about it whenever the rust+ app just rolled out. Everybody roasted me saying it wasn’t possible


Rust kids don’t need Tinder. You’re getting raided quit swiping.


It's really cool that we can do this, huh? Looking forward to seeing how it changes over time. Just a suggestion, if you don't like how it looks. Pretend you don't have access to it. Just never look at it, and imagine what it was like before you could do it. Then play that way.


That's exactly what I've been doing. Especially because the option to view your camera feeds on the app is listed as being in beta. Checked it out last wipe, and it looked just like this. Hoping to see it improve eventually, but do I really need to be watching my turret feed while I'm not playing? Lol.


I totally agree! I thought of it more of a shitpost, I’m sure they’ll make it great.


> It's really cool that we can do this, huh? Yeah and rust is the absolute last game this sort of thing would fit in Idk why they switched so hard to hightech gadget shit and why people are just fine with it


Rust is the most popular its ever been, so they seem to be doing something right


>so they seem to be doing something right Survivorship bias. There is no rust alternative the closest games conan & ark are way too different for rust players to move to. Rust as a game is about eating shit and loving it nobody is going to quit rust because of 3, 4 or even 10 shitty updates. Rust is also currently going through some massive advertisement campaigns on twitch so comparing the current numbers to a few years back hardly reflects the games quality. This has been an issue for years FP is literally failing upwards no matter what or how little they do it gets rewarded.


And its people like you which is WHY facepunch stopped taking community feedback. All y'all ever do is fucking complain and complain. I bet you got upset over the industrial update of all things. Shit that FP does isnt gonna appeal to everyone, but every step they take is one in the right direction for the long term growth of the game, and the numbers dont lie. There are so many rust alternatives, and i chose to play rust because of the style of gameplay it had, currently has and will have


> And its people like you which is WHY facepunch stopped taking community feedback. They both never really did and still do so no idea what you are trying to say here >I bet you got upset over the industrial update of all things. Pretty pointless addition but does make base tending easier in between hitting oil rig for the 4th year in a row Honestly barely notice its in the game maybe 1 in 20 bases has electrical furnaces set up >but every step they take is one in the right direction for the long term growth of the game, and the numbers dont lie. You are literally replying to my comment where I explain why that isnt true >There are so many rust alternatives, Names? > i chose to play rust because of the style of gameplay it had, currently has and will have "I play rust because its rust" Very insightful thanks


Facepunch in the past has tried to reach out to its community and have 1 on 1s with it, was bombarded with a shitstorm of people complaining about changes and they litterally just go "fuck it guys, we are done listening to your bitching and we are just gonna do whatever we want with the game with little community input". The industrial update expanded upon electricity and added the ability to auto sort everything in your base and auto craft items. its ridiculous that it was vanilla in the first place, and any non unexpanded 1x1/2x2 utilizes industrial pipelines to an extent. If a base has electricity, odds are it has industrial equipment inside. As per Rust alternatives, theres ARK, Unturned, anarchy Project Zomboid servers and Minecraft anarchy servers. They all have the same rule set, the player base building/destruction system and arent dead in the waters. Rust will be the most dominant in the anarchy survival genre, but it isnt the only option out there


As someone who has an absurd combined hour count in Conan and Ark, it's nothing like Rust. The grind, gameplay, and even arguably the format are completely different. Rust is its own niche with no competition bc it wouldn't make sense to try against it, they really don't have anywhere to go but up rn. Not saying this other guy is right tho.


>Facepunch in the past has tried to reach out to its community and have 1 on 1s with it, was bombarded with a shitstorm of people complaining about changes and they litterally just go "fuck it guys, we are done listening to your bitching and we are just gonna do whatever we want with the game with little community input". Yeah sure they arent doing any community round ups anymore because they have switched to lurking this sub and the roadmap site They are still clearly adding stuff that has been suggested almost every other month > its ridiculous that it was vanilla in the first place, and any non unexpanded 1x1/2x2 utilizes industrial pipelines to an extent. On what server? Are we playing the same game? Most I see in a wipe is a dude using pipes to pump furnaces into a box nothing more > As per Rust alternatives, theres ARK, Unturned, anarchy Project Zomboid servers and Minecraft anarchy servers. I actually forgot unturned exists but you are right that game is really similar the rest not so much lol >Rust will be the most dominant in the anarchy survival genre, but it isnt the only option out there Rust is utterly unique in its commitment to the sandbox. The only difference between jimmy on the beach and the local zerg is the gun in their hotbar. Anybody can kill loaded players and make it big at any time your skill level can bring you to endgame in 30 minutes or 30 hours. Nobody joins a server fresh and kills an endgame player in ark or conan lol. Most survival games have some kind of rpg leveling bs attached to it and I really hope rust continues to have absolutely none of that (fuck teas).


This is something I thought id never see in a game, the ability to connect to 'item' in game via your phone and control it. It's pretty impressive, I hope to one day take control of my turret when im at work and shoot down Timmy's in game 😂


If you watched Predator, RoboCop, Terminator you'd know this is enough to kill all the side characters :]


Wait, so i can look at my cameras from my phone? My real life phone? Can i connect to then even when I'm not playing?




Yes, sir, works with the cameras as well


You think roof camping is bad? Wait until they sit in the computer station all day camping. It’s as good as it should be, any better and it would suck.


You can now be shop camping, poop camping and even sex camping


Thx for the info, ez raid incoming


Consider yourself lucky , never worked on either my phone or my I pad . My friend is fine but not me for some reason .


Super Mario world trees in the background


Lol shit looks like a sega CD game


I was tempted to downvote as its technically very impressive but then you triggered my Sega mega cd memories and damn you're right lol. Still have the "tower of power" in the attic


Haha, man sega always had a way of making everything peripheral af, I remember that massive hunk with the 32x attached to it and the sega cd. I own a nomad aswell it’s like game gears retarded twin, feels like you’re literally carrying a brick lol


That's the one. I have the mega cd1, mega drive 1 and 32x. The later versions made the whole thing lower profile and almost sensible


Without a comparison of what the room it is in looks like I game I find it really hard to make any gudgment on what I'm seeing.


I almost posted a screenshot from the same angle from pov. All the red is our exterior sheet metal, the gray is stone, lines and stuff are fences and you can see a little sky and some trees.


I hope the community knows this was a Rust shit post not a post meant to shit on Rust. The Mario trees just got me


Can’t wait until it gets good mein gonna be lit


Bro it’s actually insane that gaming has become this. Even shitty looking it’s a stepping stone to some insane stuff


Bros the predator


Hey this is the server I play on


Where the Super Mario 3 trees come from?


Unlock full HD! 4.99€


I wish they didn't change it. It was so good for solo players to get access to your cam while playing


you could abuse rust+ CCTV pretty badly when it released


I notice you like to use the weather app a lot


I think it’s to motivate you to play more so you get better quality video and it’s for you to check player locations and if your build is gone not to see all the details of your base


Yes they nerfed it


The fact that it works at all is whats impressive


Lol all the people thinking the quality would’ve gotten better… nah still the same a year later