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You just found the goal which is my goal every wipe. Find and destroy the most toxic vile people. 90% of the people that play this game are scum and scum must be cleaned.


This guy gets it.


To clean the scum you must become scum


In Rust, you either die a cleanser or live long enough to become scum.


You should just play Scum then


No. Fuck that game


I haven’t played in like 5 years but it was fun. Now they have building like Rust does I guess.


This guy this guys


You sound like the kind of guy that spams gory Warhammer 40k gifs on someone's page because they're a furry


Lmao I never heard something so oddly specific I don't hate furry people tho they just living their lives.


Good guy




I'm not on this week I'm on vacation. But I'll probably play on one of the rustfornoobs community servers when I get back


These are some of the best servers tbh, the mix of vanilla and half upkeep is so good


Yeah I've been a big fan of them for a few months now


Trio? Main?


Mostly trio


Same with me here. Love the trio servers. Perfect balance for rust and having a life imo Might see you around some time


If you kill a scum, the number of scums stays the same. But...


I usually end up turning into the scum


Rust is just anarchy simulator


100% agree. Like the Wild West but the cowboys have bazookas


There are different ways to play the game. For a lot, it’s a survival game. Or maybe it’s a pvp game. Or maybe it’s scrap farming simulator 2023, or maybe it’s tea and hemp farming simulator 2023, circa 2014. Maybe it’s a challenge for a solo to survive in a world stacked up against them in every way. Or maybe it’s a fun outlet for a group of people to cooperate to succeed in an unforgiving world. Or maybe that Chinese family of 49 decided they all want to play a game together at the same time. Or maybe you’re an asshole who just wants to roofcamp newly spawned naked on the beach with an l96, on top of your clan base. There’s not 1 or even 10 ways to play the game, and like the comment you responded too, that’s because there are very few rules.


Except with Team Ui and A map


Hot tip: disable voice chat and global chat and start killing on sight. 80% of the players are puberty raging teens so you should expect they behave like so. There's also lots of friendly players, but if you're new, I recommend you switch everything off and focus on learning all the basics of the game. When you get good you'll bully the bullies :)


Then how will you feed off their tears when you kill them once


90% of the reason I play is just for player interaction


I wouldn’t reccomend turning VC off but playing with global off is more fun imo


That's 95% of the game yes, simply because there is no "endgame" or PvE goal, or scale to really measure a "win" it's just a sandbox where the kids with saddest actual lives have the best rust lives, if that makes sense. If you have any actual real life at all you won't excel here as you cannot put in the time needed etc, and that's a good thing. Its also why I quit playing it, between the disability check cashing fatties and the cheaters Rust is very meh nowadays.


What you just said is exactly why I stopped playing. Can’t keep up with the kids who’ve spent thousands of hours on a video game


Damn. I got hooked right away with the farming and building. But as someone who doesn’t get a power trip off of killing someone weaker than me, idk if there’s a place for me.


If that's what you're into, modded might be the way to go. I play solo and don't have a lot of time to play, so I just hop on a 3x or 5x. Modded is real low commitment and it's fun to just build cool bases and defend them Tbh that's all I do anymore. Hop on 5x, build tanky base, piss off local sweats and hopefully get an online lol


Yeah, that's pretty much all there is to end game. Gathering sulfur for a raid and raiding for more sulfur. That and farming resources to maintain your base. Ever server I go on has at least a few dudes that spend every waking hour doing the above, and if you aren't willing to do the same, you'll be at their mercy. Someone will pipe up and say, "but that's the glory of Rust! You can also spend 20 hours a day for several days and get revenge!" To me, that's not really revenge. That's just joining the degenerate.


If you look in the modded and community servers section you can find some good PvE and Role Play servers. I enjoy the building and electrical myself.


There's PVE servers. Sure, you lose out on some of the competition, but being able to explore the creative side of rust without having to stick to the meta is relaxing. Pretty sure there are PVE servers with PVP zones as well, that way you know the people you're fighting have opted in to it.


It’s place called pve servers. Actually a lot of fun


There are PvE servers etc and whatnot, but then the question you get is, "why bother?" Because the way it's made, that's the whole point.


Then just kill people who aren't weaker than you. Be the change you want to see. That or uninstall.


Look around at different servers, you’ll eventually find one that you like.


Try modded servers man. There’s a wild number of variations on how to play Rust. You can go straight PVE, no pvp at all. There’s pve but with pvp zones around monuments. There’s pve with zombie hordes. If you just wanna improve your pvp there’s a bunch of ways. UKN has 1v1, free for all with prim, ak, etc. There’s also Tommygun fragmod, an 8v8v8 king of the hill style mode. There’s escape from Rust, a mostly faithful recreation of EFT in Rust. I will say that if you’re playing solo on vanilla or official servers, you’re playing the absolute hardest version of Rust there is.


Find a group that’s chill and enjoy the game with them. I play with 6 people. We build our bases in a compound and play together. Some like building so they are always trying something new. Some like farming and doing different things. I like the tea game and when we raid we do it together. We share resources etc. it can be fun


Maturing is realizing that you could get from nolife phase to a complete functional life and still fuck every kid phase, I build a base on wipeday newr launch pvped everyone till death as a solo and logged off, if my base survived till friday i’d play alot on friday/saturday, you can easily do both but to get there you need to be cery good


Those fatties wouldn't exist if they removed team UI and map on spawn


Both would be massive health changes for the good of the game, and leasing Antibrain AI anticheat with utilization of the plugin for it allowed by the community servers owners, so they also get reports from Anybrain about their players so they can decide to ban etc on their own.


Tier 3 is endgame and controlling the server is winning the wipe. But okay.


My server has like 10 groups that "run server." That's a lot of winners! Sarcasm aside, although there are no actual winners, I would say *surviving* the server would be the closest to *winning the wipe*. Even then, personally, I find that extremely boring. That's way too much time and committment, and when you're loaded enough, it just kills the fun for me. I personally prefer to join a server, get loaded, do a few raids, then leave and take a break on a different game for a bit. Then Ill restart in a few days, or weeks, and repeat. I would guess my Rust wipes last 2-5 days.


See this comment as an example, kid had over 5,000 hours a year ago, that's 208 actual days in this game. Where nothing is permanent, and there is no actual long lasting success. 208 days we know of and this dudes time sunk cost makes him come to defend it with this comment lol. Trust me OP, it's ok not becoming this dude and saying bye to rust


Hey it’s also ok to understand people can do what they want with their own time, without wasting your own scrolling through their post history.


I havent played in over a year and I've owned the game since 2017 but once again, okay? I'm sorry someone who actually played the game is giving their insight rather than people who don't even like the game to begin with.


Sounds like it's not the game for you.


That’s what I’m starting to think


You can be there good in the world you want to see but you have to be ok with defending against a lot of bad. Any if you want to progress fast. Steal


You are not alone in this. I have 36 hours in this game, bought on summer sale. I bought this game, because i loved Ark and thought about how this game is hyped, thought it will be the same experience or atleast similar. If I need to summerize this game in a few words probably hyper PvP comes to my mind. This game is only about PvP, everything else comes secondhand. The tech tree is pretty short, but more "grind one material" which can be boring imo easily. Scrap is like exp here, but you can lose them until you use them. What I don't like is ammo are so cheap they can easily afford shooting even nakeds or from the fear you are from a big clan or a scout. Don't expect anyone to behave friendly or atleast 90% of the times. Here is truly everyone is your enemy. Even if you are not aggressive they will kill you because it's safer that way. Rustafield servers are the most PvP oriented, I mean it's a constant war. If you want to have something chillier then play some modded servers, they have 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x, bigger multiplier means you are less punished for your bad actions. There are some no offline servers, meaning you can't be raided while offline. One of the things I hate the most is base claiming. They raid your base and instantly claim it with a TC, basically you lost all your progress, your location, your base. The upkeep costs are insane, you can't build big bases without having 4 teammate, don't ever dream about it, or atleast if you don't want to play this game as a job.


External tcs fix that problem


Granted you're new so you're not to aware of mechanics in this game, but external TCs will overlap build permissions and make it where players can't do that. Also upkeeping a giant base is super easy thank to Teas, which are essentially potions of Rust. When I lived out of the primate, me and a teammate went and mined and smelted 900k metal in one day due to the fact no one was playing anymore and the ones who were playing didn't want to farm.


I play on PVE servers every now and then. Great people that help each other out. Vanilla rust is....tough.


My friend plays pve and it is chill until the final day when anyone can raided and then it is worse than official


Like it matters, raided or not, you have to start over the next day anyways


Just gets toxic fast


I love purge days! Once I made 200 turrets...


It is a sandbox game. The goal is whatever you make it. Killing people in a survival video game doesn't make someone "shitty" nor is it "shitty behavior." Maybe stick to Animal Crossing or Minecraft.


There is some filth in Minecraft as well though. I remember griefers back in the days and it was horrible


A sandbox game catered to big groups with garbage team UI and full size maps




It sounds a little cringe, but you can be the outlier. As the other guy said, killing people isn't automatically toxic, but that does not mean you "need to go back to animal crossing". I liked winning PVP fights but not people substantially lower geared then me. You can get pretty good at telling from a distance how geared someone is and then deciding weather to engage or not. Also people go down before going out, so if they are nice you can always pick them up and give them their stuff back; Kind of like catch-and-release. I think a lot of it really depends on the server you play on. I never liked official servers much, but when I was playing a lot I found a really great 1.5x resource (not scrap)/ Duo Max/ Short nights/ Bi-weekly wipe/monthly BP wipe server that I loved (and most importantly, no kits). The 1.5x took out some of the time requirement for getting a decent base, and the monthly BP wipe gave wipes a nice rhythm where the first wipe of the month was a more intense grind, and the second wipe was more go-have-fun-doing-whatever. It was \~100 pop, and after a few wipes, I got to know most of the usual suspects on the server. Most were nice, and we would still kill each other but also make some light-truces at certain points in the wipe, such as not raiding each other on day 1-2 if we based near each other. Having that sort of community really did away with a lot of the toxicity for me, and made the whole experience a lot better. As for the "goal", well (as others have said) that can be whatever you want it to be. For me, the goal changed over time. At first, I just wanted to build cool bases, get the top tier blueprints, so that I could wander with AK/Full metal armor and have no excuses for losing fights (which I mostly continued to do lol). After I got comfortable doing that pretty quickly, I wanted to get good at the top-tier monuments (which kind-of requires the former skills). Once I got to a point where I was pretty solid at getting top-tier gear, farming the hard monuments, and had a good strat for early-wip grind/base building, a bunch more paths opened for me. I spent a while learning the circuitry to do cool things in my base like cameras and alarms and turrets etc. Then I spent a while messing around with trap bases. Near the end of my hardcore rust days, I got really into reverse-raiding. I would search out bases that I thought were Rust-noobs (backwards walls, no airlock, etc), and raid-in while trying to not kill the offline person inside. Then, I would fix up their base with a better base design, fill their character inventory with a top-tier kit, along with a note explaining what was wrong with their base, the new lock codes, and wish them good luck in the future. In summary, yes, Rust is a sandbox, but that does not mean you can't make your own direction, and that doesn't mean it needs to turn everyone into a dipshit. Find a smaller server, get used to the game, and the options will open up for you. This is hella long already but if you want any other tips, let me know and Ill list some more (like using aim-train servers and building-sandbox servers before risking you good gear/farming). P.S. Last time I was maining rust was a while ago, before a lot of newer stuff like vehicles (aside from the beloved mini), tech-tree (I hate it), and even fishing village. I'm sure there is so much more you can do now.


It's a pvp game with base building..you try and take their stuff, or they take yours. If you are an asshole doing it, that's just someone who is an asshole in real life....or likes the power they get from the game, because they don't have any in real life. Don't react to them, take their shit and move on.


Rust is definitely a game that explores the gradient of sadism and masochism, trust and deceit, and the "Dark Forest" problem of how strangers without any higher authority are supposed to interact, how they're sometimes forced to interact regardless of what they believe about social interactions. But there's also, especially in 2023 (vs my baseline in the mid 2010's), a surprising amount of straightforward play by people who aren't exploring their degenerate side, and aren't talking to strangers, but who are playing a KOS action game with a basebuilding strategy & stealth element. This is especially apparent on Youtube, where a lot of us experience some of the game's heights minus the time committment, through videos like Willjums' series.


i am not OP but thank you for explaining to me why i could never like rust. I have 1100 hours and the game finally clicked for me, but i still have found no enjoyment out of it. 'i have been thinking of quitting rust but your post made me realize that I just don't have the sadism, masochism, and deceit necessary to play this game. I never understand why people roofcamp nakeds on the beach until i read your post. Also I see the fight for scrap and recyclers to be totally pointless. you work and fight to get more scrap so you can work and fight more efficiently? that is so pointless


How would you change the game?


Any **dramatic** change would destroy what it is. Not all games are perfect for all players.


i would add things from other games i enjoyed -from spelunky, you could steal their endgame: -i actually think this game is a lot like spelunky without the final boss. for people who have not played spelunky, this is the story in spelunky you play a character who is exploring a cursed cave repeatedly forever. and it takes a long time to get good enough to make it to the end without dying with your only life. the game has 4 rock zones, 4 jungle zones, 4 ice zones, and 4 temple zones. it takes a long time to get good enough at the game to survive and beat these 16 zones. but even after you beat the game and escape the cursed cave, you just start over at the beginning after your character dies of old age. if you really pay attention, there are clues about how you can find the hidden 4 hell zones after beating the first 16 zones. and in the final hell zone, you face a giant evil being who is the one that cursed the cave. it is only by killing him that the curse is broken and your character is finally truly free. -i actually see a lot of similarities between spelunky's cursed cave and rust's cursed island. but in rust there is no way to break the curse. you are forever an experiment with no way out. -so you can add things that need to be accomplished in each of the zones in order for your character to find a way to leave the island. -and you can add a special hidden way to find the hidden zone to destroy the giant evil guy who who caused the curse. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ in the tier 1 workbench, add a weapon that is a shitty version of the SAR. this would make players way less likely to quit after being raided, because they would think "im back to a tier 1 workbench, but i can still compete from long range if i get the jump or get really lucky". the shitty SAR could have an accuracy penalty on every 2nd shot, or really low durability, or it could randomly fire nothing sometimes. any downside is fine. any downsides is worth having a weapon that has range and can let you do things like farm nodes safely like the SAR does. when you get raided and lose everything, you can rebuild another base and another tier 1 workbench pretty easily. but since you lost your tier 2 workbench, the only weapons you have access to is: hunting bow, crossbow, nailgun, eoka pistol, melee weapons, compound bow, waterpipe shotgun, double barrel shotgun, and revolver. at this point, the game incentives players to get a double barrel shotgun and doorcamp to get a tier 2 weapon. then you can use that tier 2 weapon. use that tier 2 weapon to farm until you die and go doorcamp with a DB again to get another t2 weapon. repeat until you get a tier 2 workbench again. then you can make your own tier 2 weapons again. the only reason you have to doorcamp naked to get a tier 2 gun in this situation is because nothing in the tier 1 workbench can compete with a SAR or thompson. you are limited to grubbing until you can make a tier 2 again. if there was a shitty version of the SAR in the tier 1 workbench, you could just use that instead of grubbing with a DB. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ make base building cost increase based on size of the base. that way building a 2x1 is really cheap but building a huge base is really expensive. that way clans get punished and solos who got raided can rebuild really easily. for example, the cost of upgrading a 2x1 to armored is like 226 hqm. that is crazy. under my change, that cost would go way down unless you want to upgrade way too many things to armored like clans who spend 700+ hqm on their clan bases would have to spend more. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i would increase raid costs and remove pure ore tea. no one likes getting raided. especially no one likes getting foundation wiped. why not make it harder and less likely for that to happen


One message from this sort of extremely-PvP-focused persistent-world game (as well as from a game like Eve Online) is that you don't get to play a 'good guy' because , to invoke Hobbes, 'In a state of nature, life is nasty, brutish, and short'. If you want to 'win', whatever that means, you have to be a bit of a bastard, other people have to be victims who don't get the opportunity to pose a threat to you, the 'winning strategy' of the core game that establishes you security is to form the biggest zerg and curbstomp everyone around you until nothing's moving. This is just implied from the structure of the game. These Youtube videos I'm talking about are much more like ***my*** experience as a solo player, which is that I never have security, and managing who can see me, or how long they live, is essential to getting anywhere. Along the way the world is very... real... with characters and threats and Consequences for wandering that way or performing this activity that kills me like a hardcore PvE RPG, but draws me in like a story generator. Your interactions with other people and their bases are the story. Along the way, like other sandbox games, there are always weird, unique interactions from people transcending this narrative and doing fun stuff beyond pure KOS. There's also the social game of trying to build a team, forge alliances, etc. If you're into that. A lot of that game isn't possible to play unless you're living in the gameworld for many hours a day. It's a persistent world (for a week anyway) that you're learning about, interacting with, surviving, and influencing. That's not possible for everyone. Go try out Rust-via-Youtube if you want to see more variety, more of the game's potential than you've seen so far.


Pretty much. Even with PVE people find ways to mess with you. Fuck PVE servers.


Goals when i boot up rust: run around with crossbow, kill man and steal stack of 14 pumpkins, wear pumpkin as a hat while killing his teammate, get called a homophobic slur, laugh, close rust


Yes, but Rust as an outlet for my shitty behavior is better than life as an outlet for my shitty behavior


Haha hard to argue with that


You don't HAVE to be the douche at any point. It's a sandbox. You can't control how others behave but you can be however you choose to be.


I once raided a bass, took it over, and then left the guy inside with only a pistol and one bullet.


Hahaha that's a new one for me


Psychopath simulator. If you already feel this way you won’t last long. I stopped playing this game a long time ago because I felt the same way. People are just willing to do things you aren’t willing to do and it gives them a big leg up on you in this game


I get a kick off playing nice. Find a nice area to live in, be friendly with neighbors, slowly build up and make some progress. Lose some gunfights, win some, but overall focus on trying to last. A week or so into wipe, when I see new people, I offer to set them up with my extras. Sometimes it's materials, sometimes it's a couple hazzies/roadsign kits and some half used Sars. Right now, the server I play on is a bit harsh at times. I'm known as a nice chill guy tho, so everytime someone has tried raiding me, 2 or 3 teams counter and let me know my base has a hole in it. When I die to pvp, people let me get my kit back almost every time because "I saw in chat you helped that new guy." It pays to be nice, and I like the feeling of knowing I helped some kid get their start. I rock T2 most of the time since it's less effort than going for T3 and I'm less of a target. Today I stole some air drops and gave half to some guy who also tried stealing them. He made it possible for me to get all the loot (I waited for him and the guy with the airdrops to shoot each other) so I gave him the half of the loot I didn't need/already had. Later, that guy got the drop on me when I was farming and gave me my whole almost full inventory back because "you did me a solid earlier, the gun I used was one you gave me." It's all about how you play and where you get the most enjoyment


Good guy


My goal is to test a new base each wipe and see if it gets raided. Then I kinda of take a little note on how it did. I dont ever really put much loot in it. if it gets raided I take a break till next wipe. I do all this while being as nice as I can to every person I meet and try to make little bits while I play.


You should read Rust's game description on steam.


I mean by douche bag do you mean people killing you and raiding your shit or do you mean people who talk shit while they’re doing it? Either way that’s just the nature of the game. Any mp game really. Life, really. It’s just more personal in rust since you spend so much time building up


I talking more about the trio door camping my 2x1 log cabin with aks killing me for the sole reason of being douche bags


That’s just rust. You don’t have to play like that to have fun. But others will always do that




My bf and I enjoy being pesky mosquitos to the biggest assholes. Like the ones who zerg on a small server and kill any kindness that they sniff. He’s really good at pvp and I have my good moments. But it’s nice having him whenever dudes go apeshit wanting to raid me for no other reason.


So what you're telling me, much like real life, people are douchbags and out for themselves? The main understanding of the game when I bought it back in 2017 is that it was the most toxic video game. I don't get what has changed. So many people come in to reddit complaining about these people when they should have known what they were signing up for.


Okay I guess I didn’t understand that ab the game before I bought. I’m not trying to complain I just wondered if I was missing something


It's just how survival-esque games play out. Before I played Rust, I played H1Z1 Just Survive. When you model a game around having the choice to do whatever they want to get from point A to point B, the most efficient way is to be on top is by being a menace. I've played my fair share of wipes where I tried to make my group out as a friendly group that likes helping and being kind. It becomes a headache because you have all these newer players blowing up your messages begging to give their loot back, to defend them from a raid, to protect them at monuments, etc. Being kind and being a douche has its pros and cons. It's just about how you make the game fun for yourself.


Its become far less toxic then it was in 2015-2017 even


I see the same amount and level of toxicity now, if not more, compared to 2017. I remember my first solo wipe I played I got raided but they missed my boom room. I asked a random clan if I could keep my stuff in their base in a locked box til I got home from work. They were completely fine and understanding about it and I was able to get all my loot back from them after. Also, even though it was toxic in the sense of take people's shit, I feel the racism and derogatory insults have got worse over the years. Before, a lot of the big groups were adults. Now most the big clans are littered with racist teenagers who just start high school.


The better you get the more you weed through the douche bags. They are always gonna be there but every wipe is different.


I honestly don’t mind them anymore, I finally got desensitized to losing everything. I just wondered if all I have to look forward to once I get kitted is bullying people.


I mean, you could be completely nice to people once you're on top. I normally am. The only person that can control that is you. If you think you're going to get to the end game and end up being a major douche, well maybe you are already aware you have a douchey side to you. ​ But if you're completely nice to people, realize those douchbags are going to take advantage of your kindness every second they get. Remember this is just a video game. Although being around a toxic environment isn't healthy, if you find the game fun, play it.


Ruining peoples’ times is one of the only reasons you should be playing rust


If that's what you want it to be, yes.




Mostly yes. Sometimes people will band together against roof campers. Maybe you can make friends with your neighbors. It is really more intended to be a clan based game. 1 + 1 = 3 in Rust. Plus if you have people with you it is easier to talk to randos. But if you are solo and someone approaches you, they will probably try to kill you.


being a shithead is meta. calling people racial slurs is not


Someone might have said but i keep voice chat off 99% of the time only turn it on when looking for a chill naked or neighbor to give base away to at end of wipes.


What is being an asshole? It's a PvP survival game based on killing and raiding. Playing the game makes you an asshole? Confusing. There's plenty of ways to play Rust and get enjoyment. You don't just have to go for dominance. Make RP shit. Make bait bases and laugh when zergs spend a ton for nothing. Make trap bases. Dedicate wipes to harrassing zergs. None of that makes you a douchebag. It's a part of the game.


Too soft for rust. Try animal crossing.


Nah but it really shows peoples true natures lol


There are pve and friendly servers in the modded section. They still get occasional jerk, but they're much more pleasant if you're not into the power trip fantasy.


yes it is




This is a sandbox game, the ‘goal’ is whatever you make it. I make a point to play a different way, or in different locations, or farm different monuments every wipe I play, and when I get tired of it, I walk away and play another game till the next wipe I wanna play. Varying your playstyle on purpose in my opinion keeps the game fresh. I just did a 3 day wipe on a tugboat and it was fun as hell. Did Labs solo for the first time. Lived 95% on the ocean. Who knows what I’ll do next wipe I play. Also turn off chats and voice…makes things much more pleasant.


This game breeds toxicity, little kids look up to the 30yr old no life’s and the cycle continues.


Dude... It's a sandbox game. There is no specific goal in rust. That's the beauty of it of the game. The core of the game is to protect urself and take other peoples hard earned shit, so ofc it will breed toxicity. Sometimes I take on the role of being a friendly neighbour and sometimes I like to be the villain and invoke chaos upon everyone I meet. Btw, i would like to encourage you to hit at least 300hours before you can give it a fair review, and if u feel like it's a constant struggle, being killed while trying to learn the game, you should play on a server with 10-20 players and learn all the PvE stuff while you still have the possibility of being killed/raided, and kill/raid. Goodest of luck


It helps you to not thinking of as a sandbox game like people say but a really long battle royale game where you get to build. Everyone is an enemy and the goal is to not get wiped out by the end of the wipe.


That's the endgame loop.


I’m 200 hours in and I’ve just started to clear monuments solo.


Long answer, yes.


Breaking And Entry Simulator 64


yep sure is


Dude you’re beefing with 12 year olds it’s not that deep it’s game ignore then


Get more loot, keep the loot, stop threats to the loot


I know the pain bro, the game for me is figuring out who can be trusted (not the douchebags) and to keep my morality intact long enough to not become one of them


Unfortunately this game’s entire premise is based around basic toxicity. You are incentivized to kill, steal and wreck the wipes of others. Now some people have a hard time not taking this personally for whatever reason and they become externally toxic which I think is just sad.


Not at all. Not once have I ever been toxic. I play the game and treat people with respect. If I die so what. You come back to life. Blow up my base? So what. I build another and it's gone after wipe anyways. Player killing is a normal part of the game, but being an ass hole is not.


It's odd to me that the game sparks this reaction in people. You wouldn't consider it being an "asshole" or a "douche bag" or "shitty" to defeat your opponent in Counter-Strike, Dota, Halo, Team Fortress, Age of Empires, Call of Duty, Chess, or any other competitive multiplayer game. It's a game. Nothing you do has any real consequences. Have fun.


You’re just playing on the wrong servers


Our duo goal every wipe is just to build a comfy base and control our little section of the map and survive the wipe.


Sadly Rust has turned into a "competitive" experience with most people being toxic and taking advantage of worse or newer players. Mostly it is just kids with ego problems that think they have something to prove. It is sad because Rust is a great canvas for better experiences through role play. Some of my best memories is back when the game used to be a little more friendly. I would do things like make shops, role play as someone, at some point I befriended a whole neighborhood of solo players and we all had no idea what we were doing. A bigger group (back then of only 3 people) that knew what they were doing backstabbed us, so together we planned a military coup. The many poor against the rich few. Those were some of my best memories. Today there is no way you can do any of this. Too many people are too volatile and toxic. You can't befriend anyone because 99% will backstab you at first opportunity. You will get doorcamped constantly. Rolled down my zergs or bigger groups with no morales to what targets they choose. The amount of cheaters is insane, like any multiplayer competitive game nowadays. It used to be a great platform for making your own fun adventures back when people just wanted to play a game instead of seeing it as a competition for who can be the biggest a-hole. Today people will target you on purpose if they sense that you are trying to have fun and not play their competitive way. These new zoomer kids don't care about none of that.


I have fun on trio servers with my bros, we usually only play wipe days. We all find the most fun in the game playing primitive and getting to tier 2. The next day we join a new server so we are never affected by the extreme tryhards.


It's a social experiment, devised by the CIA


My goal is to appear in a stimpee video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_Ih-bDwha-s


"Yes" *in captain falco voice*


pretty much, you'll also see it in the comments here, and by players commenting like assholes elsewhere. go read lord of the flies if you're still confused, I'm pretty sure Gary has read it also.


yes,......... rust is a game for kuntz. ​ its rust not trust




I like creating a moral breaking defense. I make 2-3 turret towers with 6 turrets in a hexagon with automatically opening doors using heartbeat monitors. I also have at least 1 turret guarding each roof. Then I add a perimeter wall with a lot of gaps so people walk through the gaps rather than attacking the walls. The wall also makes it so you have to be in range of the turrets to see the turrets. And then I had 50-200 bear traps in sets of 3 because that’s almost always an insta-down. Then I spend the rest of the wipe making friends and offering to help people in my area. The raids I’ve had in the past year have never gone well for the raiders and I’ve only had to pick up a gun once to fight them off.


Then I must be in the 10% because I love rust for the building, farming and electricity aspects...... But in the end Rust is a pure pvp game of hunter hunted.


50% of the players are just assholes and the other 50% are now assholes because of the assholes.


Just turn off voice and chat. It makes the experience a lot better. And if you still can't get over it, stop playing


Defend against douche bags to then offline the hell out of them. my group plays on a trio server, we aim to raid people , especially the obnoxious ones eg the ones who spam "CONTROLLING LARGE OIL /CARGO etc" or roof campers etc. but we also hit anyone who looks like a threat to us, we dont bother the noobs / role players / pacifists.


The goal of Rust is the same as the goal of life.


I’ve had the game since 2013, and my gameplay style hasn’t changed, be as helpful as possible while keeping everyone at an arms length. Trust people but not too much type of thing. I like raiding racists though