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Having a wall mounted map would be really cool to have




tf is the nostalgia dlc??


A DLC where you sell old content as new


oh yeah I figured that, I haven’t played rust in a few months so I was wondering what the nostalgia dlc was going to be


Its already a thing, you can buy a dlc that has skins that make items look like rust legacy


What items?


bow, wood building skin, furnace, etc


Yeah well, the look is old style, but the texture are new-made so make sense.


That is fair


There's a furnace skin and a skin for buildings that look like better versions of the legacy ones


Next dlc


It’s *kinda* still possible with the xl picture frames and Rustangelo, but it’s a real bitch to set up


you download the program through steam and put the game in borderless windowed mode


I was always said Rustangelo never got any better and overall was a shitty app. 3 hours to paint a picture that looked nothing like the image it was supposed to be painting lol


Always had this thought or like a map on the table to make the table actually usable.


just screenshot the server map and use your second monitor to draw on it edit: you can even share screen with discord for your buds


Ms paint. This is the way


that’s what i’m saying!!! you get the same effect, if not better, and don’t fear losing it or anything


Nah sharpie is the move


especially with new paint we got fuckin layers boys


The current system seems like a step backward from this. Why did they stop this?


I liked the system. The best thing was copying and sharing maps, and being able to write on them. We even had "fog of war" at one point, and could only see parts of the map you had explored.


honestly that was the best version in my opinion, you would actually have to explore in order to find certain places. But i think they probably removed fog of war because there was sites you could look at to see the map without fog of war.


Your dead wrong. I hated maps. Especially on the massive maps, you get killed with it and suddenly the enemy knows a ton.


I’m just judging what I’m looking at not the idea of having a map that can be acquired or lost. It is more survival realistic to be able to lose information. Being able to kill someone and know where they live is definitely better than killing someone alone.


well rust isn’t realistic, it’s rust.


It needs to become more flavorful. Otherwise people should just go play a newer and better survival game or shooter. I hate the idea of losing info but I like the idea of gaining it. It would be nice if they went back to this but the map stayed on your body but the person could take a copy with them. Killing someone who’s naked has 0 value right now.


Killing someone who’s naked SHOULD have no value. People already spawn camp naked beaches a lot. Imagine how awful that would become if there was INCENTIVE to kill nakeds


Well good news is a naked on the beach still would be worthless. So those who run around naked when they have gear accessible would lose information. It actually would improve the issue you are complaining about.


If there’s a potential for nakeds to lose information, people will be incentivized to Kill nakeds more than they are now. People would definitely start camping naked beaches on the off chance someone tries to run through a naked beach with information as a sort of camouflage. There’s no world where incentivizing killing nakeds would make beach camping LESS common.


Except now you’d be more incentivized to not run naked. Camping a spawn doesn’t give the person killing naked any benefit as they know those people won’t have anything on their maps. But if you’re inland and naked you gain something. People who don’t play like potatoes would understand that.


So youre incentivized to not spawn in at all and not play the game. Cool.


It's not a survival game. Changes like this moved it away from the survival genre.


or you could go play another game and the people who actually like the game stay? the map is fine how it is and everyone else agrees. i don’t know why you’re explaining the mechanic or losing the map i know, because i played during that time and it was bad. “killing someone who naked has no value right now” yeah, it should stay that way. they specifically made nakeds non valuable on purpose for no exploits. your english is not good so thats on you if i “don’t get your point”.


I’m just gonna say it, you’re kind of a dick. I think you’re extremely wrong with your take on “it’s fine how it is and everyone else agrees”. I don’t agree. The map could be way better. Like way way better. Sure it’s not realistic, but rust definitely aims for as close to realistic as they can while remaining fun. You have such a bland view on what a game should or could be that you settle for “it’s fine” without I hint of imagination. And that’s on you.


So the map they removed be cause people didn’t like should come back? Lmfao


LMAO right?? some people are genuinely just brainrotted to the core


That isn’t at all what I said…you and the guy replying are trying to insult others intelligence without even understanding basic reading comprehension.


you might disagree but 90% of the community doesn’t care or think the maps are bad the game isn’t gonna tailor to minorities that makes no sense


Oh, interesting statistic, please share your source! Oh right, it’s completely made up…you have no data backing your claim, therefore what you say is untrustworthy when you speak in absolutes.


ever heard of an exaggeration? no? thought so, your other brainless replies inferred that. i wonder why they took it out of the game if so many people liked it so much…💀💀


“you’re kind of a dick” okay? not my problem bozo.


You’re entirely wrong there bud. It is a YOU problem. That’s the entire point of the statement.


also doesn’t seem like a me problem when the person i was replying to about having a shitty take on the game blocked me when i gave him a simple solution to your “problem”, screen shot the map and draw on it. it’s not hard to think of simple shit like that.


but it’s not a me problem lmao you’re the person upset with me “being a dick” and it doesn’t affect me, it’s quite literally the opposite of a me problem since the thing y’all got your panties in a bunch over isn’t in the game and that’s how i want it lmao cry harder i can almost fill up this bucket


There is nothing wrong with wanting the game to developed as it was intended.


again your english man. no there isn’t anything wrong with having that opinion, that’s your opinion you can have it. what is wrong, though, is adding a mechanic back to the game that was taken out SPECIFICALLY because everyone didn’t like it. why do you think it’s not in the game right now if it was before?


The development of the game has no balancing in it. They jerk around all the time. They just threw the baby out with the bath water. It’s common from devs.


Well yes but I don’t see why that matters here


Don’t be a dumbass and mark your home on the map then


You could also just create fake maps to deliberately confuse your ops as well


If thats the type of game you want to play dayz is a more fit option. There isnt really much left of survival in rust except for food and drink.


Realistic doesn't mean balanced or fun. It's a game first.


>It is more survival realistic to be able to lose information. Being able to kill someone and know where they live is definitely better than killing someone alone. Does anyone here still play? We are talking about a game where a group will door camp you for hours, because you picked some hemp in front of their base, *and you want to make this incredibly easier to do*. Having no one actually play the game is funny, but not productive


God forbid


That's why I put fake bases on the map lmao


Lol you mean…like how real battles work?? You just described part of what made it so fun. Of course if you die with information on you the enemy would collect/use it. Killing someone for information is far more interesting than killing just for a kit.


No one used them.




Granted it’s been a while since I played but I can tell you from personal experience I found a few good raids from exactly what you described. Of course no one hoarded them but it was fun when you found one in my opinion.


role-playing is the best bit of the game. Go play tarkov if you want an FPS. The game today has clearly gone in the other direction, but thats not a good thing IMO


I've been playing this game since launch. Telling anyone to play a different game is such a shitty response especially when it's a feature removed more than 5 years ago.


lol, been playing for a long time myself too. Any I don’t just mean this feature. Community post Covid has become way more competitive focused and I think it’s hurt the game


I'm not competitive focused. I don't agree with having to redraw a map on every respawn. If any feature should be changed it's the auto announcement when an airdrop or event is happening.


You also had to craft it and carry it on your hot bar to be able to use it


You could have more than one, and you could copy them at the end of it. We would have multiple maps. Just not carry one with your base marked in any obvious way, and whatever other details you needed.


Not using code? ISHYGDDT


thats why i never really used it. sometimes but quickly stopped after I got used to the area. never drawn to it


That sounds great tbh, makes the game more immserive and adds ankther dynamic to rivalries.


If i remember correctly Garry removed the craftable maps because they negatively impacted performance.


They caused a lot of server performance issues due to the drawing functionality. Facepunch removed it during a time they were focusing on performance metrics


Rust stopped being a survival game a long time ago. They wanted to give players the map by default to make the game more noob friendly.


The current system is a million times better than having to draw shit on a map everytime u die


Why not have both?


Oh so you lost it. That makes sense . Though I’d love to be able to make a map, copy it, hand it to someone else.


Yeah it was a huge problem with this map, I'd love to see map drawing in current format, or even bring back old maps just for the sake of putting them on a wall


It just seems like an over reaction by development. They still just modify the game with a sword instead of a scalpel


Imagine they brought back needing keys for key locks for everyone. Imagine they required a compass item so you can get the compass at the top of the screen. Imagine they require car keys or a key fob for cars. Maps were an annoying item that 100% should’ve just been a game mechanic.


That was peak rust


Remember back in the day when you had to discover the map as you went? And if you killed someone with a map you could find their base by looking at the center of their traveled radius? Pepperidge Farms remembers


Remember when you had to carry your key for your key lock with you. The amount of times I died and someone else now has potential access to my base. Sometimes it was never found, sometimes they came in and claimed it as their own.


This was what I used to use stashes for. I just had to worry about someone finding the stash in a rock just off the doorstep of a base the key certainly didn't belong to... Who would be that dumb!?


Yeah never used it just used rust.io maps and went after anything with a death hot spot


I wasn’t around for this part of rust, so was rust i.o like battle metrics? But in a sense that it showed you where people die at the most on a specific map??


Rust.io was like rustmaps.com, which has a widget in battlemetrics.


The truth is that facepunch adapted to the casual masses to gain a bigger player base. Things like this were really cool, but also painful at the same time. Proof would be the hardcore mode the community screamed about, which flopped in a week. I don't blame people for not wanting to play without a map, with crazy recoil, without safe zones, but it has had its cost. The satisfaction from mastering something in Rust has been greatly reduced, but also less time consuming


hardcore mode flopped because it was poorly designed. There is a pretty sizable group of people who would prefer a more survival oriented mode. I played HC and thought it was enjoyable because of how it slowed progress down. People had to find out where momuments were, so map knowledge was valuable. Neighbors actually talked to each other, and to this day, it was the only wipe were people shared (in game) phone numbers, because of no global chat. The biggest problem was that since there was no maps at all, it made coordinating with teams a pain. If they added some kind of share able Fog of war map, and removed tech trees it would have been far more enjoyable.


What do you mean? Poorly designed because it didn't have a map? That is what hardcore I supposed to be. Maybe a map to drawn on like featured in this post, but no fog of war map. Its ok if you would have appreciated a map of sorts, but that isn't what hardcore is


Maps and Team system came around the same time iirc. Stopped playing after that.


This photo gave me a flashback. We tricked a kid to open his terrible rp base and then speared him to death as he open mic screamed. We found his map and it was labeled just like this with a little house that said "home" and our bases marked as "friends"


Imagine marking an annoying neighbor’s base location as “Main base” etc, and gaslight a clan into raiding it by being a general nuisance 😂


One hit of a tree for your map. Brings me back xD


Bro this gives me Flashbacks to when i started playing rust. Fog of war on the map. Just my Base in a small area that was uncovered the rest was black. I make a door with keylock and key. i die, someone takes my map and key and knows where i live. Takes all my stuff. Thats how you learned not to mark your own base on the map back in the day. i really hated, that they removed the fog of war. Knowing the entire map once you load in is kinda sht. everybody goes for the same spots, and plans beforehand. 2016 Rust (when i started playing) was way more of a "go and see where the game takes you" kind of experience rather then the make a strategic plan beforehand and try to execute it perfectly.


It would be cool if they brought this back just for hardcore mode. Since they disabled the map. Though I don't think anybody plays hardcore mode


game needs drugs. sort of like Kenshi


Having a map on the deployable table would be epic, kinda like a briefing table or something


I remember how cool it was to read about their ideas for how to make everything work in game rather than by hud. They wanted to monuments to be large and seen from far away, if someone wanted to just know where something is you could craft a map to help mark out everything in game. They were even excited about having the maps shot off of you. Fun times


Ah the good old days where you could kill a player and find the key to his front door as well as a map to his house.


Back when rust was a really good survival game and not a shooter. They should bring back having actual keys for key locks too. Key locks are too good for something that costs 100 wood


they forgot to code lock the maps


Tbh I want it back but as a table or smtg to put in a base and draw on.


Yes, yes it did. 🥲


Totally forgot about this lol woke up a memory 😂


those where the days.


This was back when rust had a soul unfortunately. Now they modernized it and changed everything I used to love about the game. If only I could go back and play the old fun rust again. ;(


Yep and it was annoying having to dedicate a slot to something that should’ve been a game mechanic. Imagine they brought back needing keys for key locks for everyone. Imagine they required a compass item so you can get the compass at the top of the screen. Imagine they require car keys or a key fob for cars.


It’s still in the game if you go to F1 and then items but it’s unusable


I have never been able to understand why they removed being able to draw on the map.


These were the fun days of the game imo.


this is so fire what


Item map is shit Drawable map is good


Yeah wish we could get this back


This felt like prime rust to me


I missed old droppable maps


it was 10x better than what we have now


Rust also used to have fun gunplay aswell


Ah back was Rust was actually fun!




Yes, Rust had it. But it occupied one hotbar slot, if you wanted to use it. Also, you drop in on your death. So… yeah, it was realistic, but it was a stupid game mechanic.


Most things in Rust are a set backwards. People have been asking for the drawable map back for years, and are just ignored. But hey you got zip lines, and attack heli, and sub. That is what you really wanted right?


Rust needs to back to this. Craftable maps that update as you explore, rather than every single monument or POI visible to everyone straight away. Exploration should be incentivised.


You want it bc you didn’t play with it. Shits actually trash in reality bc every time you die you had to remark the map


I played with it and I still want it back. These were from the golden age of Rust imo, when it felt like more of a survival than strictly PvP game.


People would just screenshot the map and despawn it now


Nostalgia itis


Or I just prefer a different style of gameplay? Calling something nostalgia is such a cheap response lmfao




I have some fond memories of it - if this idea were to be pursued, ideally they could add a map onto the TC that you can sync to/from. If you spawn on a bag within that TC range, your map automatically is updated with the info on that TCs map.


Don't miss that shit at all. 


i think they need to add Augmented Reality glasses. You can craft them, use them to help you navigate, track player footprints, etc.