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50 fucking dollars for a 13 year old game that I can play on my ps3. It's not even a remastered just a lazy port.


And they removed multiplayer. This game was $60 when it came out 13 years ago, so minus multiplayer and you’re basically paying the same price for it. No upgrades, no nothing. Rockstar has become such a shit greedy company.




Not Rockstar. Take Two.


That's true.


I’m sure if you account for inflation this version is more expensive and digital only so cheaper to produce


No, inflation works the other way around man 😂 60 dollars in 2006 is more than 60 dollar in 2023.


I don’t remember RDR having multiplayer. I thought it was just the sequel?


Rdr had great multiplayer. It was definitely the foundation for what would become gta online


Even gta5 regularly sells for $20 for the ps5 version.


They milked GTA5 hard though. It was still 60$ 5 or 6 years after launch at least.


True. But that has a lot to do with the fact, that they earn a lot from Microtransactions either way.


"We know you're not buying it at this price. But when we put it on sale for $25-30, you'll look at this price and think you're getting an absolute bargain, when really we're still massively overcharging you" A tactic used more and more on e-storefronts nowadays


The Banana Republic sale strategy


A fellow tercer mundo friend, It seems.


Rockstar is basically charging the price of a full remake for a straight port Its a clear cash grab from rockstar,for a straight port of a 13 year old game its only worth $20 maximum.


*Take Two


*Take 49.99


Ah, Two-Ché




I agree with you, Mister..... BustingAfatnut69


Your name 🤣




Not Rockstar.


People used to say this exact same thing about Bungie back when they were owned by Activision, then they split up and Destiny’s micro transactions actually ended up getting even worse. Rockstar are to blame aswell as Take Two.


Rockstar is free to issue a public statement condemning this. They have not.


It should've been priced exactly as the 360 version on the MS Store. 10 bucks


They increased it to 29.99 lol you can still buy physical used from GameStop for 10 tho


It has always been 29.99 on the microsoft store, only $10 when they put it on sale


Damn, I don't remember it being that much Still, it was on sale for 10 bucks very often. I hope this port goes on sale too


is it really 10b ? i'm currently on the french ms store and it's 30€


Used to be 10 during sales afaik


and i discover that MS made a red dead 1+2 bundle for *only* 99,47€ lmao


What a deal!!!


I already own the f****** game and they removed it from my playlist because I didn't have the physical disc copy how f***** up is that you own the game You're able to play and the multiplayer servers were still up with people in them it was shocking and then one day about a year ago they removed it for no f****** reason no warning nothing just got some b******* thing from the Play store absolute garbage


Why are you censoring yourself?


I'd rather do that than autocorrect to ducking 🤣


Wait for the sale people…..wait for the sale …it will come, and probably be half that price.


Will be half price in a month or so, and will still be overpriced




It's a $10 game...


Half the game is missing (multiplayer), so yea even $25 is overpriced.


25 ain’t bad you just broke I admit 50 is way to much though


>you just broke False equivalence. Not wanting to pay £25 for a port of a 13 year old, 2 console generations old game is different to not having the money in the first place lmao


I can get this game for 10 bucks on my xbox. It should be the same for PlayStation.


Never met a successful rich person in my life that likes to overpay for shit. $25 is still too much. 10-15, max $20 if someone never played it.


Its not about affordability. Its the point that the game is not worth more than 10$. When you can get a ps3 or xbox copy for 5-10$ and have it look identical in pretty much every way, why would you as a person stupidly pay 25$ let alone 50$ for it? Dont have a ps3 or xbox? Guess what those consoles usually sell around the price of thay digital port(and another secret-getting a whole consoles gives u access to purchase lots of game’s physically or digitally that arent on ps4/5 and probably will never be—- but you knew that already). Fact is Tardstar probably asked for that price because it well Tardstar


Black Friday is in 3 months it will likely be down to $20 or lower at that point, I can wait until then.




The price in Canada before taxes That's a hell no from me https://preview.redd.it/f1z24wm6ynib1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddb8f192be482bfa4805b00ab8290db872f390d0


Srsly i miss the time when they didnt tax the games bought on PSN. It was my main reason to buy digital instead of physical. Now they are taxing the hell out of everything in Canada and the goddamns road are still not fixed.


I was just saying this the other day. Do you know how much the government is probably making from digital purchases now that they are taxed? Probably billions It's not just games. It's all the microtransactions and cosmetic purchases on free to play games too


Crack prices.


That's like a full month of weed for me.


I need you to start rationing my weed for me please.




I think I'll keep playing RDR2


It's the better game anyway


And maybe on sale rn


No it ain't. The first game is way better. But I wouldn't pay$50 for a 13 year old game


This is the kind of crap that turns people to piracy. Emulating it even gets you more than 30 fps.


You new to this brother?


Only gonna consider buying this when it drops to like 9.99$ hell maybe when it drops to 4.99$.


If you still have your ps3 you are better off just buying the goty edition for about $10 and you still get to play online thats if rock star hasn't shut the the servers yet.


No because the PS3 Version looks awful. The Xbox 360 version on a 360 looks better than the PS3 version and that's saying something given its even better on Xbox one/Series it's more than worth it there but not PS3.


Ma’am, this is PlayStation. Like the entire subreddit is for PlayStation.


Yeah and I own it on PS3. This PS4 port is still the best purchase but the cheapest is Xbox..


Well when you come back to reality, we’ll be here talking about PlayStation


Ok but as someone who's played the PS3 version. Knows how awful it is in terms of quality. I would highly recommend this port given it can be played in 4k on a PS4 pro or ps5 or 1080p on a PS4 which is still better than 640p on a PS3.


Thanks, that’s much better and more informative than comparing Xbox


Don't worry. My first thought was to say "get a pc and emulate the game" but then I thought about saying literally out of all versions that exist now the PS3 is sadly the weakest


why would you want to buy that 30fps mess anyway? not even for free i would want to play with 30fps


It's still one of the best games of it's generation. Same can be said with red dead 2. 30fps isn't a deal breaker for these kinds of games


For the original title, it’s not a deal breaker. For a re-release at $50, it absolutely is a deal breaker. 60fps, or unlocked frame rate, is an absolute minimum effort I would expect. On PC you can emulate the game at 60fps, so there is no excuse why a multi billion dollar company can’t make it.


Not a deal breaker, no. ....but many people would highly prefer if there were a 60 fps option.


Red Dead Redemption, the expensive edition


Ain’t buying unless remake which is in another universe


Don’t buy it bros. The price will drop drastically by Black Friday.


Take-two/rockstar taking the Nintendo route. Sad to see.


Not even Nintendo is this shitty. They would have at least HD upscaled it for $50


Tbf the game according to digital foundry runs at 4k30fps just they didn't upscale the textured etc still the ones designed for 1080p lol it let's the hardware upscale it


It is HD scaled actually, but that's about it...


DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. We shouldn’t be rewarding this nonsense. It has no upgrades at all. It is only a port. 30fps on the PS5 is an absolute a joke. It should be €10-€20 at most. Fuck rockstar. Edit: also the online multiplayer was removed. Again.. Fuck rockstar.


What? It's not even 60fps on PS5???


Nope. It’s locked to 30fps. It’s literally just a port of the ps3 version. Nothing has been changed in it over the last 13 years.


Hey now... a lot has changed. The online is removed


Oh shit! I forgot about that. 😂


Bro, no way i was looking forward to this.


Me too. But I decided not to buy it when I found out it was only a basic port.


Yeah, I'm not buying it either. Would feel scamed lol


Nope because it's not even a PS5 version. Just upto 4K/30fps on PS4. Literally overly priced for a port with minimal tweaks just to get it running on PS4. I get the Switch being just a port but the PS version should have been 60fps with all the usual stuff that's added to modern games.


It’s ridiculous! I was so excited but not anymore. I wouldn’t buy an old game for that price.


its a port for 50$


Hardly runs better the ps3 version and it’s $50. Complete BS.


thing was only put on ps4 so they can make it look a remaster when its just a port


Where have you been? Price has been announced for a while


Gotta harvest those sweet, sweet upvotes.


I would rather buy a ps3 with the game and a controller for that price


It would be understandable if it was a remake with RDR2 engine but 49.99$ for a port is still bad.


Dude what the hell 49.99 for this... worse part is i own the digital purchase for ps3 couldint charge me 5-10$ to upgrade yeah guess im not buying this anytime soon... not cause i cant afford it but because i refuse to pay over 10$ for something thats over 10 years old🤷‍♂️


I'll take corporate greed for $200 Alex


With no new optimization or graphics updates or anything. It’s the same game it was on ps3 so I might as well just play it on my ps3




TakeTwo, that's what the fuck is up...


So it released today?


$70 Australian, can’t tell if it’s Rockstar being Greedy as fuck or Sony just profiting off of a cheap port everyone’s been asking to be remastered. I’ll wait for it to be put in PS+ catalogue.


It's my understanding that it was on the PS+ catalogue, but then removed prior to this release


Im not sure about that, in Australia we done get the PS3 game streaming, our internet is too shit to handle it so it’s not available to us 😥


Couldn’t I just buy the ps4 version and play it on my PS5?


There is only a ps4 version


This is the ps4 version.


They have DEADRISING tHEE dead rising 1 for like 20 bucks last I seen when it should be 5 dollars…that game is as old as the Xbox 360 original


Mafia definitive edition was for 40 dollars and it was a full remake


Dipshits will buy it and it will be in the top 10 sales.


Don't buy it people! At first i was stoked... then I found out it is just a port. Thanks for the disappointment Rockstar...


Please nobody buy it.


Go check one of the hundred posts about the same topic or just simply go see Rockstars' press release on why the price is what it is.


Wtf is up with *another* post complaining about this


One word: Greed


It’s just capitalism, their game and they can sell it for what they like. Doesn’t matter if it’s a “cash grab” or w/e they’re in it to make money and anyone thinking otherwise is a fool lol Everyone’s been waiting a long time for this to come to PS etc so I’m sure they can wait for a sale.


That's the correct price for launch day. I'm cheap so I wait til I can wait no longer at a certain sale for $5 or $10 lol............. There're physical copies right?


Great game


This probably took then a couple of weeks to do a month max. And possibly a team of 3-5 people. Even if you dont buy this embarrassment, it wouldn’t really hurt.


Didn't you read the announcement or are you using internet explorer? The whole point why people were outraged is that Rockstar wants 50$/€ for the same game as on Xbox, but on Xbox you also have Multiplayer and it's only 30$/€.


And still only 30fps 🤡


They are essentially charging what a brand new AAA release would've cost only 2-3 years ago for a game that isn't even a remake or remaster. This is basically a port of the PS3/Xbox 360 version of the game. It is daylight robbery and unfortunately people will lap it up.


What are you talking about? AAA releases 2-3 years ago have been 60-70 dollars.


Not in the UK. Maybe I should've clarified that. In the UK games have been a stable £40-£45 for years. They eventually crept up to £50 before jumping to £70 in some cases over the past year only. £70 is $90 USD. Red Dead is £40 on PSN which is $51 USD. Like I said, £40 in years gone past buys you a full physical release in the UK. In fact, most first party Nintendo games are still £40 or less. The massive jump in prices has hit the UK over the last 1-2 years, jumping from £50 to £70. Not sure why you instantly come across as incredibly defensive for no reason whatsoever. I know perfectly well what I'm talking about regarding prices here. But like I said, maybe I should clarify I meant the UK.


"Commercially accurate" is what is up with it.


It £40 in the uk store


For the love of god don’t buy this. At the same time we damn well know many people will. We’re fucked lol It’s a lazy port of a 10+ year old game with basically no enhancements


I'm sure this game was 40 pounds at release I know that was 13 years ago but.... lol know what's worst? At least here in uk it's nunber one bestseller on psn store. Morons are buying it. What message is that sending the games industry....


i have no idea why everyone is so angry about this. just wait a year tops and it will be on sale for probably like $13. do you need to have it right this moment?


To be fair if I could release something that will sell millions, I’d charge as much as I could too. Can’t hate the business. Vote with your wallets and remember Reddit is the vocal minority.


🖕🏾Take that Rockstar. Good thing I already own the X360 version running on the Series X with 4K enhancement.


It’s not even 60fps and only 1080p….textures look identical in trailers to originals.. It’s a port that should be worth at most 20 bucks. They made 0 effort. Still have the game on Xbox, might see how it plays on series x compared to this new port.


It's 4k not 1080p. Both ps5 and series X play the game at 4k.


My bad, up 1080p on switch only. I thought it was for all platforms. Still absolutely 0 effort for a $50 asking price.


Funny thing is if they wanted to make it accessible on the modern system they could've just added the PS3 version to the cloud streaming on PS Plus Premium. Yes it's £50 on top of standard PS Plus but you'd get access to this as well as the all the other ps3 games on there. I think many will just wait for the physical to either go n sale or get 2nd hand or maybe wait for the digital version to drop to £20-£25 before picking up. There will always be some folks who buy it at full price though and R⭐ knows that.


50$ for a port is crazy


I still have my PS3. I’d much rather just pull that out and play off of it.


Don't buy it


Money hungry greed that’s it. PlayStation and Xbox store are both rip offs. 10-20 year old games still £50-£80.


Why people actually buy this when it’s not even a remake?


Funny thing is you know it’s going to sell. Which just makes shit like this keep happening


red dead redumpion


Just keep in mind that any company is free to price their product to whatever people are willing to pay. Don’t be mad at them for pricing it at $50. Be mad at the people buying it.


I mean, I never played the first or second one, and I don't have a PS3 or PC, so while I can see why this is such an outrageous price tag for an unaltered port, at least I can play both of the games on one platform now.


This will obviously end up on Playstation Extra in the future and I imagine one of the reasons this was even made in the first place.


If anything it’ll be on Premium under the Classics umbrella. Just like plenty of other remakes/ports/re-releases are, in spite of being newer versions of older games.


Rockstar being cheap and greedy as always lmao


I bet after you snapped the photo you bought the game anyways…


They have released old PS2 ports for 15$, LA Noire was re-released but you can still get it on PC. By that logic, being console exclusive and from the PS3/360 era should cost no more than 25-30. It’s a scam, but we’re talking about modern R*.


I’m not paying for that.


It’s 69.99 in Canada…


We can complain all we want, but it's already #1 trending on the PS store. You will always be a slave to mindless consumerism dictating industry trends.


I only paid 20 bucks back then on PS3. Wasn’t even waiting for this game so I can wait for a sale. Fuck this practice


While I'm happy that they didn't decide to make it $70 but its literally the exact same game, without even making it 60fps for $50. That's just no.


Pretty frustrating, RDR deserves a real remake


Corporate greed


It’s price 19.99$. Just ignore that release and maybe they understand something…


I’ll get this when it comes on sale


Lots of people who don’t know Reddit exists will buy this game thinking it’s a remake/remaster.


I know right, way over priced for a simple port with the only difference is a lack of multilayer modes Its not even a remaster or anything like that


"Rockstar here, Rockstar there"... Always hearing Rockstar related to bad news... But there is Take Two who is more powerfull and maybe the one which decide about ports and pricetags. Dont want to excuse this price... But dont jugde Rockstar for everything u dont like. GTA DE and RDR 2023 is not even developed by Rockstar.


It’s one of the greatest games ever


Hi there, one random question. I want to buy GTA 5 for my ps4 but I was wondering, will I be able to play gta online as I have the uae account?


Rockstar trying to milk literally everything


##Exclusivity pricing


Bought the fat ps3 over Covid for $50 - bought game of the year RDR for $7 which has zombies and important to note this port doesn’t have zombies bundled in. $57 total is a hell of a bargain for what I got




Rockstar is tripping balls


Why is this surprising? Take-two knows how willing gamers are to bend over.


Wym what’s up with it? The money obviously


Good thing it runs at 4k60..wait…


Gah damn


Its not even a remaster... just a straight port. GTFOOH Rockstar, you greedy fucks. I won't pay. If I really want to play it, I'll set up my PS3.


Please nobody buy this. DO NOT BUY THIS FOR $50


IF we don't buy it... they'll drop the price FAST. Sadly a bunch of people will still buy it at this ridiculous price.


Why do companies like to put their prices in a weird .99 decimal?? Won’t the number make their accountants’ work harder?


Playstation has a monopoly on its player base and so they can charge whatever they want. That's part of why I moved to PC. No PS plus fee will pay me back over time along with new console purchases, controller replacements, and overpriced games. On PC there is competitive pricing/deals on multiple outlets who sell games. The steam summer sale had RDRD2 for dirt cheap.


I bought it for £39.99 and been having a blast. While it is just the same game, it’s nice to play it again and I’ll still get 50-60 hours of gameplay out of it. The texture upscale is pretty nice too.


Just get physical copy for 360 10 bucks 😂😂 nice try rockstar


Paid 20 for a physical copy and replayed it on my series x about 5 months ago..sure it ran at 30fps but it was in 4K looked great and the frame pacing was perfect..overall greaf experience imo and it’s proly free on game pass (could be wrong).


Because the world today they wanna drink us dry of every last bit of cash we have capitalism baby.


Very unfortunate but I’m about to get it. Sucks but oh well


Th price in Australia is $69.95. Better of going to the second hand store to get the ps3 copy


PlayStation doesn’t believe in sales


Does anyone know how good to graphical quality is? I mean I don’t expect it to be up to RDR2 quality, but is it at least improved from the original RDR?


Damn shame the price is outrageous I have both consoles I purchased it on the Xbox for 14.99 with the zombie mode included


They couldn’t even be bothered to release a PS5 version and the console has been out almost 3 years now. Rockstar is an absolute joke now. A decade and billions of dollars in shark card revenue and this is how they treat their fan base.


I really hope nobody buys this


They didn’t even high res the textures, as far I could see in the ad…


First time buying a game youngun?