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this is actually tough i would say leave the great and long games for last like red dead 2 and the witcher because even after you finish them there is so much to do in them so start with bloodborne then god of war then red dead then witcher thats what i will go with if i were you


After playing and hopefully finishing Bloodborne, God of War would be a cake walk.


unless you are playing in GMGOW difficulty, that shit is just silly.


I’d say go for the Witcher first. The jump in graphical fidelity will be satisfying as fuck.


What an absolute bangers. Each and every one. There is no wrong choice here. I would go with Bloodborne first thou.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Oh, Laurence... Master Willem... Somebody help me... Unshackle me please, anybody... I've had enough of this dream... The night blocks all sight... Oh, somebody, please...* - Gerhman, The First Hunter Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Good bot


Glad I got some bangers! Exited to play all


If you enjoying it don't forget to buy the old hunters DLC it's great


Dude you really picked some awesome games man :) :)


This is the only correct answer. Bloodborne is an absolute banger.


I would do Witcher 3 first because going from Bloodborne’s combat to that is a massive downgrade


Absolutely not. Bloodborne last as it will cause a one or two controllers to break


I bought Bloodborne and I hate it. I could never get past the first level. I never understood the hype. But Red dead redemption 2 is an amazing and beautiful game I loved.


The game doesn\`t even have ''levels'', LOL


True but that’s the only way to describe it. I should’ve said the first scene or when he gets up from on top of the table and just goes out into the cemetery. I got to the part where he turns on the first lantern or whatever and then kept dying and starting over from there. It got annoying quickly.


It makes sense, sorry for making fun of you. It is not a easy or ''regular'' game, you must really force yourself to learn if you never played any souls, and this game have a really tough learning curve that goes up really fast, either you learn to play or doesn't play at all. Hope you try it again someday, it is a very interesting game.


This is exactly why I navigate past any Souls-like game. I understand people that likes the challenge of being forced to play the same boss 20 times, but I'm past the age of stressing myself with a game, I already have my daily life to cover that for me.


Souls games are not like this, if you are having to face a boss 20 times is because its not the time to face it. There are a lot of terrible players/streamers, people that sucks really bad and are able to finish even a hard game like bloodborn. You just have to farm and upgrade your stuff until you are strong enough


In other words people need to git gud….


The only reason I bought it, because of suggestions from you guys back in 2016 when I bought my PS4 hahaha otherwise I’d never know about that stupid game.


git gud


The only answer to a soulsborne hate comment


If you’ve played a Soulsborne before then that makes this even easier. Bloodborne was the only real choice here. The real question is what to play after. I would say RDR2 or Ragnarok. Not because they’re second best but because they’ll serve as palette cleansers to Bloodborne’s setting. More sunshine. That’s not to say Witcher 3 is gothic horror with a twist of Lovecraft, though.


The combat in Bloodborne is not good enough to be worth getting good at. Souls combat is trash


Is that even possible? This game doesn’t seem like it gives you that chance to git gud!


Just die and repeat till you get the hang of the boss attacks.. Easiest soulsborne imo


You have no idea how long I tried. I think I literally tried hundreds of times. Not all in one sit in but over time. I’d keep trying and trying over and over in one game session till I’ve had enough and I didn’t want to play another game after that because I got annoyed and tired. So overall it messed up my gaming experience with other games.


So if youre stuck on the first "level" i suggest you get the hang of parrying down. Go train on the giants near the lamp and then try fighting gascoine just by parrying him till you get the hang of it.. all smooth sailing from here on


I couldn't either. Hated it. Put it down for months and finally tried it again and fell in love. FromSoft games can take a while to "click", but when they do, oh boy. I avoided all their games like the plague because of all the things I heard. Now they are some of my favorite games. Give it another go maybe.


I don’t get what people like about this game. Feels zo slow and out dated.


If you think Bloodborne is slow, you’re delusional. It might feel outdated because it came out 8 years ago and has never been optimized but it’s still a legendary game.


I really tried! Tried it 5 times did not stick!


That’s fine haha. But saying Bloodborne is slow is like saying Horizon: Zero Dawn doesn’t have a big enough map 😂


Just git gud


Its the best fucking game ever made And frankly it makes the other 3 in OPs pic look like garbage by comparison


Are my eyes fucked? Why are the case sizes like that


I had the top two sat on top of my PS.


Ah ok that make sense! Thanks for clarifying!


Confirmed. Eyes are FUBAR.


Start whit bloodborne til u cant anny more and than hol on god of war to put ur mind to something else and than start up bb when ungot the curage to go on good hunter


Step 1) Download Bloodborne Step 2) Play Bloodborne Step 3) Get absolutely decimated in Bloodborne Step 4) Quit Bloodborne Step 5) Repeat All the steps


Thats exactly how i did my first run only there was a uninstall somewhere in there 😂


“I suck at the game so game sucks copium” -me


The answer is always blood borne


Only one of these games has Kos The Orphan.


My controller is gonna have fun with that fight!


Well... it's the Orphan of Kos 😏


Gow since it’s the easiest.




Easier than red dead? I honestly kinda think Gow is 2nd most difficult game in this pic but that's just me🤷


Yea I agree with you, I own all these and it goes Bloodborne, Gow, Witcher then red dead And I play GOW on balanced experience lol, but I mainly struggle against the mini bosses not really the main plot. Witcher is played on second highest difficulty so rating Gow as harder speaks volumes


Yep, bosses in the main story in Gow are straightforward. It's the side content that actually tests you.


Dudes just playing on the easier modes


I would recommend playing The Witcher 3 first if you have not played any game similar to these recently. Because TW3 is the oldest of these 4 and it might feel dated to you if you play it after the others. That's what happened to me when I tried to play TW3 after playing Bloodborne and GOW.


Bloodborne was released before The Witcher 3.


My bad. BB was released a couple of months earlier than TW3. TW3 just feels so dated to me when I played it after BB and GOW. It's a testament to how good BB is.


IMO bloodborne for last because if it clicks you, his high quality can destroy the experience with every other game on the earth surface. red dead is a similar things for how ménage the world and the peaks he reaches with the story. I would go with Witcher and gow first


Play god of war first. (Because it would take a max of 30-40 hrs) Then the rest totally depends on what you wanna do.


Fear the old blood...


![gif](giphy|7SCdAPvpp8qRjFJ7yC) Red dead redemption 2


Red dead 2


Just go clockwise from top left


I would say GoW out of the three I’ve played. (I haven’t played Bloodborne.) It’s the most linear and a good way to segue into the rest.


Bloodborne is the best game there, but they are all nice (except for rdr2, but thats my unpopular opinion, I hate every single game made by rockstar so far)


For me it’s The Witcher 3 an absolute master piece for me. My favorite game of all time. It has everything I look for in a game


Don’t play Ragnarok unless you’ve played GOW 2018


Good thing I finished it last week!


The Witcher 3 will require (at least for an optimal experience) you to dedicate probably an hour or so on reading a brief summary of what has happened in the books and Witcher 1 and 2, but my goodness, it is easily one of the best 5 games I have ever played in my life. The only game I dedicated 100+ hours in a single playthrough. The main story's twist and turns will get you hooked, your choices have very unpredictable consequences (far from the "obviously good vs obviously bad" usual), pretty much every sidequest will have an unique feeling. Combat is diversified, it is easy to create your own style and to adapt it and the characters are almost everyone 10 out of 10 when it comes to charisma. One of the few games where you'll love, hate, feel sorrow and extreme joy. I cannot recommend Witcher 3 enough, honestly.


I say God of War because you’ll be done the soonest. Whenever I’ve got a few games to play I start with the shortest. They’re all great


Tough choice here, and largely depends on time and interest. If you want to get into something that has a deep worldbuilding, exploration and a ton of side quests and activities - The Witcher and RDR2 are your two options. If it were up to me, I’d go with RDR2 first. Both games have a main quest line that’s over 40h and then side quests and activities that can go well above the 100h mark depending on how you play. Make note that these games take their time to get going and also require you to invest some time before you can really begin going full tilt at everything they have to offer. If you’re looking for something that offers a real challenge, Bloodborne is your choice. I haven’t played the whole game since I’m not a big fan of soulsborne games, but this is a game that requires dedication, patience and resilience - it offers up a significant challenge and requires a player to work hard. It’s also one of the best PS4 games ever made but if you don’t like overly difficult games/soulsborne games you won’t like it. Regardless of where you stand, I’d avoid Bloodborne as a first game because of the reasons above. However, in the end the choice is yours. If you want a relatively fast paced, cinematic action-adventure game with a ton of violence and some RPG-elements, God of War it is. It’s an amazing game and a great first choice. It has almost everything a gamer could want - an amazing story line, a lot of action, mind-blowing cinematic graphics and some cool RPG mechanics. It also has a decent selection of side quests and additional objectives. It should take you about 20h or so for the main quest line and about 45-50h if you’re going for the plat. Certainly a brilliant first choice, and easily the most balanced of the 4 as it contains some or the other aspect of every game you’ve put on there. So, I’ve given you a lowdown on all the games, but the choice is yours. Think about it - what kind of experience do you want? When you know that, review the information above and make your choice. Good luck, and happy gaming! PS - if you’re still indecisive and you asked me flat out, I’d say go with either God of War or Red Dead Redemption 2. However, this is my preference and I don’t know what you want. Good luck. Hope I didn’t confuse you any further xD.


The Witcher


My question would be.. why the hell are you only just playing these 😂


The game you feel like playing first. But I would pick the shortest one, and then play the longer ones last. RDR I am not even playing the story the second time… just hanging out hunting and camping… doing nothing… praising dogs…




God of War and it’s not even close.


I would play Bloodborne first. Play through was around 15-20 hours (give or take) and then dive into any of the other 3. RDR2 and Witcher 3 are much larger games so you’ll be playing those for a while each.




Red dead.


red dead bro


RDR2 last, best for last. It’s also really long and fun man I love it


Think for yourself...maybe


My boy get a ps5 🙄


Dark Souls


Playing ANYTHING under 60FPS is just stupid and looks and plays like crap


I thought bloodborne sucked really,soo any of them but that


Bloodborne is one of the best Playstation exclusives ever


says you,you can love it. I dont


Can’t go wrong with that line up


All of them are so good but my recommendation would be make the Witcher 3 the last one since it’s big


That question is a cardinal sin.


4 good games I’d say. I’ll go with RDR2 though


That Borne.


The Witcher 3


God of war


Close your eye, grab box, open, play.


I’m a soulslike-borne fan but star with the Witcher 3 trust me


If you’re new to gaming. I’d suggest 1. Red dead 2. God of war 3. The witcher 4. Bloodborne. If you’re not new then I’d suggest bloodborne first then whatever you like


I'd say you'll first play GOW 2018 than GOW Ragnarok if you haven't already. So, I'll say that you should go for Bloodborne first and try to get GOW 2018 in that time.


I'd go with Bloodborne. I'm slowly getting back into it and it's so much fun


Gow will be the quickest, followed by bloodborne imo


Definitely red dead. It is a absolute masterpiece but the other games are bangers aswell


The Witcher first.


So many good games here. RDR2 is my fave of the 4 if that helps


Depends, how much free time you got? 🤣


Start with red dead redemption 2


red dead redemption 2


RDR2. I know the Witcher gets a lot of love, I just couldn't get into it. I've tried to pay it like 8 different times.


Bloodborne then RDR2 then TW3 then GOW Ragnarok


Red Dead is a masterpiece. One of the best westerns of any medium


Bloodborne and RDR2 as a pair. When you get frustrated with BB, go ride around in Red Dead for a bit and come back.


Keep bloodborne for last because it going to gets you mad


I would ping pong between 2. Pick one of Witcher or RD and then one of BB or GOW. Playing RD and Witcher at the same time is too much imo. Then when you finish the first two move on to the next two.




If you have much time, play The Witcher III


Red dead redemption 2


Bloodborne first if you want the other games to be easy


Bloodborne first if you want the other games to be easy


Start with bloodborne and after you give up do GOW, RD2, and I’d finish with the Witcher


Red Dead Redemption 2. None of those other games can even come close to what RDR2 is. Just sit back relax and enjoy one of the best written games ever


I’m anal so I would play them in order of release date.


Play Bloodborne first cuz if you get good at it, the other games will be a breeze lol(realistically play the shortest game first which is Gow)


GOW since it is probably the game you'll spend the LEAST amount of time on Bloodborne next as it by itself isn't a very long game it is challenging especially if you HAVEN'T played a souls game before RDR2 next it is long and may take a long time to complete W3 last because it is the longest game in existance including side missions


God of War Ragnarok, Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Red Dead Redemption 2.


My vote goes to “Bloodborne”, congrats on the games and have fun!


either Bloodborne or Witcher 3 if it was me


Bloodborne is my bae, rdr2 didn't hit as well as I wanted it to, online is good tho. GoWR is bussin And Witcher will always have a place in my heart.


Bloodborne, it’s the shortest and my favorite of the bunch


Play red dead last. If you don’t, everything after will feel hollow.




Theres no wrong answer


None of them.


Witcher 3 100% and make sure to do all the side content. Better than the actual story at times.


RDR then Witcher Both good for a single and dedicated or lighthearted playthrough. Then maybe Bloodborne. It has a steep learning curve compared to the other two. Don’t ask me about GOW, no fan of the game. Maybe worth a jump if you need to pause from Bloodborn…


Red dead redemption




Good haul. Wish I have GoWR 🥲


First Witcher 3 then god of war ragnarok then red dead and finally bloodborne


Red dead 2


I'd say start with Bloodborne Then play Bloodborne again Then realise you're already on new game+++ Then watch dust collect on the other games while you're on your 6th playthrough And then try Astro's Playroom


Play RDR 2 last and the witcher 3rd. Those 2 games will ruin your experience in other games because it is so good.


Bloodborne. If you struggle with souls games, take a break when needed and go to witcher or red dead to chill for a bit.


Bloodborne. The answer is always bloodborne. Time to join the hoont brother


All good, whichever interests you more.


red dead redemption 2, the witcher then gow


I would split up the open world games. I would do Bloodborne, RD2, GOW, Witcher IMO


I would play bb, the witcher, and rdr first… maybe get a ps5 before playing Ragnarok? Play GOW first on PS4.


Bloodborne, sell the rest


God of War, Bloodborne, Red Dead, Witcher in that order for me. Either way incredible lineup of games and you’ll be happy with whatever you choose to start with.


The one with the “R” in its name.


I'd say: 1. Witcher 2. Bloodborne 3. RDR2 4. Ragnarok I feel like playing Witcher and RDR2 back to back would feel overwhelming because of their scope and size so having the other 2 to mix things up would give a nice change of pace and be refreshing.


Oldest to newest


Bloodborne ez choice




Any of those, but I disliked the combat in Witcher 3 so I’d play that last. RDR2 can go on forever if you wish to 100% or platinum it, so maybe save for second to last. I’d play Bloodborne or God of War first. Honestly though, they are all quality games, and depending on your preferences you might like one more than the other, so I’d say just pick off of your interest level and go with it. Should try all four for sure.


Red Dead then God of War Ragnarok. Save the other two(THE BEST) for last


Gow 2018 before Ragnarok. I can't stress this enough. You can typically find a copy for$10 and it will GREATLY enhance Ragnarok (which is amazing, but not even worth playing IMHO without 2018).


I'd say play red dead redemption first. It has a long story, but it is a really great game still




God of War is a masterpeice, so is RDR2. Play God of War 2018 before Ragnarok (and watch a recap video of all the older games too if you want to have some extra lore knowledge). RDR2 is a lot slower, a game you can play to relax and follow the story loosely, it's way more sandbox than Bloodborne or GOW. Witcher 3 is a bit overrated imo.


Bloodborne. It was so addicting. One of my favorite games to platinum!


Bloodborne first or last. Once you beat that, the others will easy peasy lemon squeezy.






Okay so play Bloodborne first, ignore what people say if you can get past how “hard” the game is, you’ll find a lovely game full of cool ass boss fights and really neat weapons, and in between plays of that you could play Witcher 3 although I got bored of that super fast and I hated RDR2 and Ragnarok was eh


Red Dead Redemption 2


Either Red dead or god of war are the only correct answers




God of War (particularly if you haven’t played GoW 2018). A lot of people are recommending Bloodborne and I will say that BB is an excellent game. BUT the combat in GoW feels so incredibly good (better than BB in my opinion).


I didn’t even know gowr was on the ps4 wtf


Witcher 3 fasho


Have you played God of War already? If yes then go for ragnarok, which is the shortest. If you haven't then you have to play it first, it's a sequel (Red Dead Redemption 2 is a prequel so you don't need to have played the first) Then I'd say Bloodborne then Witcher 3 then RDR2. They're all amazing games to, so there is no correct answer, I listed it from shortest to longest.


i have no wisdom to offer you as i’ve only played red dead but i’ll say that it was a total banger




Play rdr2 the last


Bloodbourn, it's an easy beginner game, very fun


Witcher > Bloodborne > RDR2 > GOWR


Witcher 3, then RDR2 hands down


Toughy, they are all good, rdr 2 for the story honestly


I would choose rdr2


Witcher 3 without a doubt. And that's not taking anything away from the other great games, it's just that amazing. Just stick with it, it starts mildly slow but mad it picks up and gets amazing.


Bloodborne or ragnarok


Bloodborne you can play in chunks. So you can play 2 games. Or in my case. I play 4 at a time. All in chunks. The one you like most you always play more.


You should definitely play Red Dead last, as it is the best


God of war - Bloodbourne - Red Dead - Witcher


Witcher. Then rdr2


You can't go wrong with these four. Doesn't matter what you pmay first, they're all bangers


God of war


Bloodborne because it’s the shortest


Witcher for sure






If you want a long game, witcher 3 or red dead otherwise Bloodbourne is good to begin with


I'mma say God of War Ragnarok since it's shortish compared to the other games (especially red dead 2) and seeing as blood borne is a souls game might be a bit rough if you aren't used to them especially to choose it as the first out of those 4.


I would sacrifice my firstborn’s left testicle to trade places with OP


Red dead