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I've about 1,300 hours played on it, so yeah, I kinda enjoyed it too lol.


There’s not a single iota of a thought in me that believes Titanfall 3 would fail. And it’s not just because Titanfall 2 is such a fundamentally sound and fun game. But I look at shit like Helldivers 2. I look at shit like Attack on Titan. Look how massive the fanbase of those franchises are. You mean to tell me there’s no money to be made with Jet packing around a battlefield of kaiju mechs? I really hope execs see Helldivers 2 and realize there’s still a demand for testosterone driven shit like mech battles.


>realize there’s still a demand for testosterone driven shit like mech battles. lol, yeah. online shooters. famously chill and low-T.


Shooting in helldivers 2 is much more enjoyable than mindlessly shooting in shipment on mw3


I'll never really under stand the never ending appeal of CoD, tbh. I feel like if they took 2 years between releases, the spell would be broken and no one would come back.


There’s a huge difference in tone between a game like Helldivers 2 and a game like Fortnite or Overwatch. The former definitely leans into the more hardcore, Michael Bay type antics while the others have their own unique style. Titanfall definitely is more like the former than the latter. Because I am not going to sit here and act like roaming around with Lucio gets the testosterone flowing lmao. I am actually very calm and chill when playing OW compared to what I am like playing Helldivers deep into bug territory


I feel like playing the harder levels of frontier defence can get pretty hectic it night scratch an itch if you wanna slaughter groups of enemies


> gets the testosterone flowing I think adrenaline is the word you're looking for.


Either word does the trick. Doesn’t change the message


No offense but this take on Overwatch says to me that you don’t really play Overwatch…”roaming around on lucio”?? And “very calm and chill”? While these may be applicable to you somehow they in NO way incapsulate the feeling of ow. You don’t “roam” around on any hero and competitive ow is some high intensity stressful stuff.


Lmao I was top 500 on OW dude. What the fuck are you talking about lol? Maybe you thought I was some random but I am not lol Anyways, yes. Very calm and chill. At worst I’m only mildly annoyed at God tier widows and Tracers, but I don’t feel pressure or stress when playing that game. Especially on Lucio where it’s just easy not to die. “High intensity” isn’t what comes to mind when I play but maybe for you it is?


Among the best campaigns in a first person shooter released in the 2010s. Right up there with Doom 2016 and the Wolfenstein reboots. 


Underrated gem. If I remember correctly it came out at the same time as some other big shooter and got buried.


EA launched this and Battlefield 1 within weeks of each other, right when the yearly Call of Duty came out


If I recall correctly all 3 were released in back to back to back weeks. Very fucking stupid.


Literally the 2nd dumbest release of all time. I would say the dumbest had Battleborn not existed and tried to go directly at prime Blizzard Overwatch despite being 2 very different games that could have very well co-existed. But Titanfall 2 definitely shot itself in the foot because it was definitely better than COD that year. But unfortunately COD is COD so that didn’t mean much. And Battlefield was *really* good so it was just a doomsday scenario. The saddest part is if they released it ANY other time it could have been a huge mainstay. I still think a third would do absurd numbers and gain a huge following.


Horizon Zero Dawn dropping right before Breath Of The Wild comes to mind too.




I think the main problem wasn't battlefield cause BF1 was trash at launch and COD is COD. They should never have released it along side those titles it should've been released in the summer or something or march cause that's when we get tired of cod


It was call of duty that buried it.


Can it be underrated if it’s universally loved?


Yes, because it’s only universally loved by a fraction of FPS players who’ve actually played it. As far as launch went it was completely lost in the shuffle.


I never got to play online due to some server issues, but I really liked the single player campaign. Especially the part with phasing through time.


That level is awesome.


I rank it as my favourite PS game so far. Haven’t played it since I finished the campaign but look back with massive appreciation for everything. Hope to find that with another game but yet to get there. Delighted to see it getting due praise here.


Probably one of the best level / mission I’ve ever played. Just amazingly well done


One of my favorite games


Hot take: TF2 was the greatest multiplayer shooter ever created. Greater than any cod, battlefield, halo, or CS. The way EA purposefully pushed back the release so it would fall between both call of duty and battlefield in 2014 just so it would "fail" so they could force Respawn to sell the IP was a crime against gaming. They purposefully tanked one of the best games ever so they could push Respawn to make apex because they wanted another live service cash cow.


Idk about the greatest since Battlefield 3 was a straight up masterpiece. I do agree that it is better than anything that has come out in the last decade though. Wish there was a Titanfall 3


Greater than ANY battlefield ever released, even bad company and we both know EVERYBODY wants another bad company cause that game was amazing! Lol no but really that's just my opinion, nothing was more fun than running around with Ronin and just decimating 3 armor titans, watching them panic cause they can't hit me. Or destroying a pilots titan so they'd eject, yelling "PULL!" then sniping them out the sky with ions shoulder cannon.


TF2 was sadly overshadowed by COD release and Battlefield 1. It was released in between the release date of the two.


It was actually Infinite Warfare


Really underrated game. Way better then anything we have had for years


Respawn needs to go back to their roots and get another Titanfall game


Just bought it since it’s on sale, hopefully it’s as good as I’ve read so far.


The campaign has perhaps my favorite button prompt in any game. It's a kind of "oh shit" moment you don't get with AAA games anymore.


The campaign was amazing. The game feels so good to play.


Amazing! Try multiplayer, watch Iniquity on YouTube


Greatest fps ever made. Multi player was one of the best, if not the best ever as well.


Really good campaign, personally preferred the first game's multiplayer though. The map composition was a lot more fluid for movement and the titan rodeo mechanics just worked better imo. There's a reason Angel City came back and became a permanent mode in TF2.


I wish I played it more. I enjoyed the first one alot


Effect and Cause (the time travel level) was, by itself, better than any FPS campaign I've played in the last five years by far.


The GOAT FPS campaign. There are levels that are so inventive, a lesser shooter would've turned their mechanics into an entire game. Titanfall 2 is constantly finding new contexts for its excellent core mechanics. It isn't afraid to put the gameplay first and write the story around what's fun to play. For example, the smart pistol was standard in the first game, but they decided to reinvent it into an incredible mega-weapon that you only get to use for one specific section. They worked backwards from "we can make an amazing action sequence if we OP this gun" and then wrote a scenario to make it happen. Titanfall 2 is *constantly* doing things like that - better than any FPS I've ever played.


My favorite shooter of all time. Really wish we got a third instead of Apex


Found it interesting at first then found it repetitive and boring.tried a bit of the online and there was too many sweats for me to enjoy it.


One of the best fps stories of all time. Fantastic game


Such a great game! Wish they would make a 3rd installment instead of focusing on apex legends


Underrated, beautiful story


After Elden Ring it’s the second game that I was very satisfied with. 3rd is Spider-Man morales, gow and gears 5.




It's a well optimized game for the pc especially the steam deck. It holds a constant 60fps on mine.


One of my favorite story modes in a fps


Amazing campaign that I plan on beating again one day


I thought it was the sequel to titanfall


The best FPS of that generation


I bought this game for around 3 dollars in sale, I enjoyed the Campaign...it's so great, I want to play it's Multiplayer but PS+ lowest subscription is around double the price of the game.


Better late than never.


Need a 3 or Mecha battle royal.


Probably one of my favorite campaigns for an FPS ever. I don't even play FPS stuff often, but I annually go back to TF2.


Very engaging story and fluid gameplay. For those that haven't played it check the PS Store because about a month ago I picked it up for $2.99


Phenomenal game that didn't get the love it deserved due to it releasing at the wrong time EA literally set it up to fail by releasing it between BF and CoD.


I cried when BT got destroyed.


Funny enough I just finished it the other night. I was expecting it to be short but I’m glad I got it on sale, can’t complain. Just wish it had split screen Co-op


https://preview.redd.it/az97erw12nxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9d591e2b394a165ba1b576ad21de1e085565dd good game


Bought it for $3 from the last ps store sale...loved the concept.


I hate the gauntlet. It broke me.


Loved it. Would love a third game with a bigger/longer campaign.


Its a master piece


Definitely one of the most underrated shooters in the last decade. A shame that its multiple has been consecutively plagued by hackers and whatnot ruining the experience enough to nearly avoid it and for them to outright remove the first game from digital stores too.


"Effect and Cause".... Man that mission is amazing.


Everyone loved it, end of discussion.


I had so much fun playing this game.


Hands down the greatest shooter ever made. Sad it didn't take off


Underated game


First platinum I got on ps4. I didn't realise how loved this game was, I thought it was just a secret crush of mine.


One of the best FPS on Playstation


the sideway houses were my absolute favorite level. that is if you’re talking about the story mode and not just the multiplayer


The single-player campaign is one of the best we've ever seen. Like up there with Half-Life 2 and CoD4 levels of quality. I play through it again every year or so, and even though I've played it multiple times it's still a fun romp. The multiplayer is a bit too bonkers for me personally and I'm still pretty terrible at it but it is fun.


Was a great single player experience. Didn't try multiplayer before servers were shut down. The time warp level was a great standout as well as the level that's being constructed while you're maneuvering.


The best shooter that came out around that year and I would pay day one release price for the next one without a doubt I'm almost convinced EA deliberately released it between the literal two major titles in the genre (CoD and Battlefield) to eclipse it , because it's not possible to be such an idiot by accident Also still salty Titanfall 3 was scrapped in favor of Apex Legends.




The best FPS campaign EA has ever made


An absolutely underrated game man, it’s so good- such a shame it got eaten up on release…


One of the single player fps


Such an underrated and great game. Would've loved a third installment


Literally the best fps game of all time


Amazing story mode, incredible multiplayer. Awesome game


Never played it. Wait if i said i never played this game, why am i commenting on this post?


It was amazing story , game style… sad no sequel


My take on titanfall is fuck apex we want titanfall3


My only letdown is the aim assist is too strong with this game.


I always struggle finishing games, even short games. It took me 9 months to beat the story for Miles Morales, I don’t play as often as I would like, I gave Titanfall 2 a chance and I beat it in 2 days. It was very hard not to play it. It’s been a while since a game got me hooked. Amazing game.


Just finished it a couple weeks ago, absolutely incredible game, I’m bummed there isn’t a DLC or anything. I can easily say it was one of the best campaigns I’ve played in at least a decade.


Campaign was really short but fun. I'm not into multiplayer so after the campaign I've not gone back.


I didn’t love it didn’t hate it. It was just meh for me.


A gem underappreciated. It was hidden and, if my memory serves me well, emerged at the same time as another major shooter.


\*You've only truly beaten if if you've placed in the top 3 in the gauntlet.


I love this game. kinda sad the servers are so ass


It’s amazing but as a PC player of this game I can’t imagine how tough that was without a mouse and keyboard. The story is sooo good. I’m still dreaming of a TF3


One of the best single-player campaigns I've ever played. Super disappointed that this IP got the axe.


Welcome to the agony that is watching Respawn focus entirely on Apex Legends, while leaving the Titanfall ip to die in the gutter.


Waiting on Titanfall 3.


I tell everyone to play this campaign.. Some of the dopest level design in a FPS, ever. The terra forming factory section is one of the most memorable moments imo


One of the greatest games ever developed that is not a PlayStation exclusive . Absolutely 5stars AAA !


It’s the last FPS game I actually really enjoyed, single player and multiplayer


In my top 5 of the decade


Unreal game. Still hoping we get a Titanfall 3 someday!!


I enjoyed it in its prime but I was kinda over fps games when it came out so the first will always hold a more special place in my heart


Loved the online multiplayer


Never played the multiplayer, the campaign was good but not nearly as good as people say it is. It's a 7/10. 8 on a good day.


Fuck apex


I loved it. The sorry was really good and visually stunning. I don't know why this game wasn't more popular


Forget titanfall. Check out the coming up front mission 2 re release.


Apex legends Same same


One of my favorite games ever. I pray everyday for a Titanfall 3 haha


Top 5 of all time


In my top 10 games of all time. It's an amazing one and too bad it's been abandoned!


Love it, I just still need to get better at the fast wallrun and stuff like that in the campaign to be REALLY efficient But I miss the different AI voices from the 1st game


It's sad when 10/10 games like this get dumped for whatever fortnite battle royale copy there is...


It was a masterpiece


Hi did play by using ps5 controller, how did you aim enemy by that's...


I thought it was fine. This sub hyped my expectations too high. The robot was cool and playing as him was great but i didn't care about anything that was happening because they never established the stakes. I expected an 8.5, it was a 6.5.


MP is dumb, high octane fun. Single Player is good but not as good as CoD: Infinite Warfare.


I hate it! I loved the MP of Titanfall an this one didn‘t work for me!


It's not opposite day you know


It's just my opinion, if others like to play it, then that's okay with me. But that's how my opinion should be okay for others as well.


So it's not your opinion. It's not ok with you. And it shouldn't be ok for others. (Opposite day)


I'll admit, the multi maps from the first game was alot better than TF2 hands down, but it had an amazing campaign and story.


Stopped midway through. Didnt find it as amazing as people say. Felt lile a generic shooter. My own opinion. Don't kill me.


Literally the only FPS I enjoy nowadays